Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sciences du travail'
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Bouldi, Nadia. "Le droit de la prévention à l'aune des sciences du travail : droit et régulation du travail réel." Thesis, Université de Lille (2022-....), 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022ULILD002.
Full textOur thesis is interdisciplinary: it is based on both fields of Law and ergonomics. This research outlines the prevention Law for labor health. This legal field has been developed in parallel and consubstantially while taking into account the scientific facts, in particular those designed by occupational ergonomics, a discipline which is based on the principle of adapting work to the worker (fitting work to the human), by developing individuals, collectives, and organizations. Also, prevention Law defines a set of spaces concerning expression on work, articulated with spaces for decision-making time. The use of these resources carries the potential of a real democratic process for decision-making, regulating the organization, at the most appropriate scale in company or branch. In this, this right allows to go beyond the relationship of subordination characterizing the working relationship, and this, by giving the development of workers and organizations as an objective. For an efficient use of these resources, supporting the actors of prevention – without dispossessing them of their roles – is often a challenge. The expertise based on the enabling intervention is of interest for this implementation. In addition, prevention law is being renovated thanks to at least three paths: the doctrinal debate conveying the different scientific approaches, case law which adapts the prescribed law according to reminders of reality, and the process of pre-legislation which is inspired by real uses
Tchobanian, Robert. "L'amélioration des conditions de travail et l'évolution des règles de gestion du travail." Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 1988. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00470648.
Full textBoisard, Pierre. "Malaise dans le travail." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Est, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00546995.
Full textRENARD, MARY-F. "Division internationale du travail et emploi regional." Aix Marseille 2, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX24006.
Full textThe new international division of labour had great effects on employment in industrialized countries such france. So, there is not only an economic constraint of efficiency, but also a social constraint. It is wrong to consider that the results and the solutions of such a problem are the same all over the national space. More relevant is a regional approach. Regions are more historical space than geographical ones what allowed to give them some power of choice and some capacity to define their own strategy of specialization. The analysis of regional integration in the world economy has been done in two ways : - first, by studying their international trade and their skills, a relation can be shown between a great competitivity for exports and a high number of skilled workers ; - secondly, a shift-share analysis has been done on the increase of exports and skills. It is obvious that the regional effect is much more important than sectorial one. This regional effect has been explained by the level of education, the enterprise organization and the history of regional firms. So appear for each region a particular fitness for building up their own strategy of insertion in the international division of labour
Dhermy-Mairal, Marine. "Les sciences sociales et l'action au Bureau international du travail (1920-1939)." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0118.
Full textThis doctoral dissertation is about the history of scientific practices at the International Labor Organization between 1920 and 1939. They are considered as a moment of convergence between both scientific and political concerns, aimed at establishing an international moral that would be based on social sciences. We set the general organization of research at ILO, tracked civil servants and scientists trajectories, analyzed their discourses on science and scientificity. We then turned more particularly on an epistemological and political study of the "Enquiry on production", with a special focus on scientific collaborations which helped leading the enquiry. These activities are deepened through a history of statistical thinking and social sciences. On the one hand, we paid a sustained attention to the intellectual and scientific contribution to ILO's work of four disciples of the French sociologist Emile Durkheim. On the other hand, and conversely, we also looked at the moral role that was attributed to ILO by these scientists within their intellectual durkheimian's framework. This peculiar moment of interaction between science and action allows us to write a unique story which intertwines a history of administrative savoir-faire with a history of social sciences in the interwar
Bense, Ferreira Alves Celia. "Travail théâtral : travail, implication et culture au Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord." Phd thesis, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00845963.
Full textKach, Kach Mohamed. "Valeur, travail, profit et l'actualité de la théorie ricardienne." Dijon, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987DIJOE005.
Full textStarting from a reflection on the ricardian theory, the subject of this study is to question ourselves on the fundamental macroeconomic relation between the theory of value and that of distribution. From this viewpoint we are trying to show that the ricardian problem of the autonomous determination of value (based on labour) is real and can logically be solved irrespective of the variables of distribution. The solution is in the redefinition of the concept of the payment of salaries. In this respect, the keynesian contribution is of the greatest importance : labour, which to the classics is an ill-defined dimension, finds its only logical expression in the notion of nominal salary. But in its turn, this definition of labour demands a deep revision of the concept of money. Eventually the analysis shows that money, being itself a pure nominal form, its allotment to the payment of salaries provides the explanation so much sought-after by ricardo. Indeed, value relying entirely on nominal salary, product is thus measured independently of its distribution (in real salaries and profits). The reduction of product in a purely salary-related entity does not clash with the existence of profit which, in its profound nature, appears as a simple deduction from salaries
Itondo, Adéodatus. "De l'université à la vie professionnelle : l'insertion socio-professionnelle au Cameroun des étudiants sortis de lettres et sciences humaines." Tours, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991TOUR2007.
Full textFor understanding profesional insertion in cameroon about students graduated from letters and social sciences. First we have try to replace firms capable of receiving them in the social, economic, political and also geographical context in hich they are. Consequently, in spite of collective conventions and other measuremnts in favour of employment, we were able to notice that firms pratices are not senseless when they sign on. Sometimes they belong to the realm of affective. In any case, these pratices change according to the origin of the firm's capital. Thereby, we can affirm that profesional insertion is also under the influence of sociocultural relational and psychological factors. In the second place, through conversation with students graduated from letters and social sciences, we were able to judge the incidence of several type of factors and distinguish some itineraries of insertion. The analysis of biographies they obtained, reveals that profesional insertion can be made as well on criterion of adherence to a group as to campetence while integrating the given informations on environment. This new problematic implies the existence of an individual strategy and fittings facing the social, cultural and economic environment
Sippel, Alexandra. "Le travail dans l’utopie britannique du long dix-huitième siècle." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA040261.
Full textThe point of this thesis is to show how work is depicted in eighteenth-century utopias, from John Bellers (1695) to Robert Owen (in the 1830s). Labour is the necessary condition of the vast majority of the British population at the beginning of the period. Over the century, though, work takes on a more positive connotation as it becomes a means of ascending the social ladder (especially for the merchants and members of the professions). In utopian texts, European “toil” becomes pleasant and healthful “exercise”, because the inhabitants of ideal societies have few needs that are easily satisfied. A little agriculture and craft industry only is required to provide them with anything they want. The intellectual professions, that were more prestigious in Britain, are disregarded as each citizen is able to act as his own priest, lawyer or physician. All utopians are artists, contributing to the beauty of their environment, so that none is really identified as such. The last part aims at demonstrating that work and labour are at the heart of the utopists’ view of society. Their plans are vindications of more egalitarian and cooperative societies
Estrada, Farfan Juan. "Creation d'une base technique et force de travail au mozambique." Paris 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA010024.
Full textCreusier, Jordane. "Le rôle du bien-être au travail dans la relation Satisfaction au travail-Implication Affective." Caen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CAEN0710.
Full textWe study in our dissertation the mediator effect of the well-being at work on the relationship between satisfaction at work and commitment. Because there no satisfying explanation on this link we used Saari and Judge (2004) et Riggio (2008) to introduce well-being at work in this relation. First, we made a review of literature about Satisfaction and commitment to show the lack about this relation and to highlight the concept of well-being. Then we have defined and delimit the concept of well-being at work. No scale was found in France, so we had to build one (EPBET: échelle positive du bien-être au travail) in the first time. To do it correctly, we used the Churchill paradigm and two sample n=313 and n=865 were collected. This scale was used in the second time test our principal hypothesis: the mediator effect of the well-being at work on the relation between satisfaction at work and commitment. We used Baron and Kenny test and Preacher and Hayes to show it. Then we change our analysis level with a person-centered approach whereas a variable-centered approach. We found five profiles of well-being using the factor mixture models and especially latent profiles analysis and factor mixture analyses. Those profiles are qualitatively and quantitatively distinct from each other. There is a profile of complete well-being, a profile of collective well-being, a profile of non-time well-being, a profile of relational well-being and a profile of low well-being. All this results are discussed in the last part of our dissertation. We also describe our principal findings in this final part
Beaucher, Richard. "Le travail contemporain dialogue entre la doctrine sociale de l'église et les sciences managériales." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2007. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/5209.
Full textKeyers, Bertrand. "Tarification des accidents de travail. Méthode de crédibilité hiérarchique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212608.
Full textGuedira, Mohammed. "De l'université à l'emploi : le chômage des diplômés en sciences économiques au Maroc." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29337.
Full textDesmet, Isabel. "Pour une approche terminologique des sciences sociales et humaines : les sciences sociales et humaines du travail en portugais et en français." Paris 13, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA131001.
Full textThis study comprises terminological and terminographic research into the field of human and social sciences. The starting point is that of work sociology, moving on to look at the other social and human disciplines, with work being the object of the study. This research has been carried out in a perspective of compared terminology that focuses on two latin languages: portuguese and franc. It is organised in two sections: a presentation of a terminological analysis model, and a reflection upon the theories and practices of linguistic studies on spacial languages. This work is subdivided into eight chapters. The first chapter is a reflection upon the genesis and status of terminology within language sciences, upon the existing terminological paradigm and upon the need for terminological studies based on a linguistic approach to texts and or specialised discourse in different languages. The second chapter is devoted to the approach to the field which is the object of this research-human and social work sciences-based on two simultaneous types of structuring : diachronic and multi-domain. The third chapter sets out the therorico-methodological orientations underlying this study and stresses the consideration of linguistic and discursive matters in terminologies, of the historicity of terms and notions, of the interdisciplinarianism and mobility of knowledge and social contexts within scientific production. The proposed mode of terminological analysis is the subject of reflection of the four following chapters. It is based on the "classic" levels of linguistic analysis, which are the morphological, semantic, syntactical and pragmatic levels
Vicaine, Céline. "Flexibilisation du travail et relations sociales." Paris 8, 2007. http://octaviana.fr/document/143344390#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textThis work (study) questions the participation of individuals in collective bargaining following the Aubry laws, during the reduction of work time and its articulation with the organisation of a work democracy for the management of work relations. The participation, taken in the context of the social division of work, leads to understand that which these devices create in the shape of wage regulation of the RATP. The study carried out in the company shows that individuals integrate as much these devices (mechanisms) as they oppose them. They allow new relations to activate by opening spaces of expression that individuals invest in and question the creation of social categories, their form of action and their capacity to invest in spaces of democracy. The reconfiguration of conflict relies on the processes, allowing the emergence of the possibility to form social relations to constitute new objectives, mobilisations and to intervene in the practical evolution processes
Magnac, Thierry. "Analyse de l'offre de travail sur un marché concurrentiel ou segmenté : applications à la participation sur le marché du travail des femmes mariées en Colombie : 1980-1985." Paris, EHESS, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987EHES0038.
Full textThe study of married women' participation in the major towns of colombia, using labour supply microeconomic models, leads to confirm and reveal some of its determinants, such as human capital or family composition variables. Econometric methods, for limited dependent variables, are used to estimate these models on microeconomic data, drawn out from household surveys in the major towns of colombia. Moreover, while female labour supply has been strongly increasing since 1975, several cross section (1980-1985) estimations of the standard labour supply model allow to test the predictive power of these methods. On the other hand, a critical analysis of these models, with the help of dualist theory of development and segmentation theory leads to build up a theoretic model, and test labour market rationing hypothesis on microeconomic data. This method is applied on the same household surveys data using an econometric model of bivariate probit. In particular, this allows to reject the standard competitive hypothesis of labour supply models
Alkhachroum, Mohamed. "Le social et l'organisation du travail : à la recherche d'une nouvelle forme d'organisation du travail." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988STR10029.
Full textThis thesis deals with organization of work from an interrelational viewpoint; since taylorism, the technical organization of means of production has restricted man's action at work. An interrelational procedure corresponds to what happens in man's reality, and to his action at work; this man is concerned with order and disorderliness, rationality and irrationality; the traditional forms did not take this reality into consideration. The first part is devoted to the conflicting and dynamic nature of social, to its interrelational characteristics, and to the organization of work as an organization of relation ships between men at work. The aim of the second part is to demonstrate the traditional form limits of organization of work, and the necessity for another way for organizing work. Team-work facilitates the creation of new interrelationships, and the setting up of new forms. The third part is devoted to the interrelational process of action and interaction, its functioning, its limits, and the factors favouring this process. It is, in fact, a question of role-playing between actors; this role-playing cannot function in hierarchical structures where the firm imposes its logic and its rules on the actors. With new technology, a systematic media-communication, and new forms of negotiation and parti
Verdière, Juliette. "Les pratiques d'évaluation du travail d'enseignement." Lille 1, 2001. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2001/50377-2001-17.pdf.
Full textCardon, Claude-Alain. "Les formateurs d'adultes dans la division sociale du travail." Lille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LIL12013.
Full textHow is the social group of training personnel for adults organised and how does it work? In a critical sociological analysis, counter to any temptation to professionalise, the author puts forward a thesis which is objectively polemical. As the thesis lies within an eminently materialistic framework, bringing to light the objective existence of a technical and social division of labour for adult training comes down to raising the question of the technical and social determinants which differentiate the agents, in their background and in their current position within the social structure. In other words, training personnel for adults does not indiscriminately show the same social characteristics according to the type of the (presupposed) technical activity they perform, their position and role in the division of educational work. Three major concepts underlie and structure the analysis as a rigorous prerequisite: social classes and their foundation, intellectual work and its purpose, and finally social moves through which some individuals would go from production to supervisory activities in the global social praxis. Hence an operational proposal in the field of adult training presented in two parts: on the one hand collective agreements for professional posts and status, with their structural expected results and consequences; on the other hand mainly quantitative field research conducted with a population of 520 professionals in adult training and 72 organisations in the nord-pas de calais region
Icard, Julien. "Analyse économique et droit du travail." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA010317.
Full textMendiague, Francis. "Les instituteurs et le travail dans la région de Bechar en Algérie." Paris 5, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA05A059.
Full textRobinne, Emmanuelle. "Le regime juridique gouvernant la vie et le travail des astronautes dans l'espace /." Thesis, McGill University, 1988. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61725.
Full textRacine, Suzanne. "L'impact de la déréglementation sur les relations de travail du personnel navigant canadien." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=66120.
Full textDoyer, Marie-Ève. "Se construire en s'investissant sur le marché du travail : Regard de jeunes décrocheurs." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29002/29002.pdf.
Full textGuyon, Marc. "Conformité, Originalité et Santé au Travail des Chercheurs Scientifiques." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CNAM1044/document.
Full textThe clinical investigation of work concerning the activities of researchers reveals suffering linked to the rivalries, to the relationships of domination, to the subjective commitment necessary for the use of the practical intelligence; and the negation of this subjective one. The relation between conformity and originality is addressed by the work of objectification and the thesis of a subjectivity conformed by this work. The scientific practice is approached by the models of the sociology of sciences, themselves discussed from a study case based on an investigation by the method of psychodynamic of work in a scientific institution. From a double discussion, with the sociology of science and the psychodynamic of work, the strategic activity seems to be a large part of the researchers’ one. They are exposed to a suffering that leads them to adopt some objectivistic defenses. The incidences of the evaluation methods on the evolution of researcher’s activity, on the modalities of recognition and on the creativity are analyzed by considering the issue of the health. So we consider the researcher as a collective entity, in a collective unit and with his organization of work
Moussa, Kouamé Richard. "Causalité en sciences sociales : quelques applications en microéconométrie appliquées à l'économie de la santé et du travail." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CERG0816/document.
Full textThe main objective of this thesis is to investigate on the econometric treatment of causality in social sciences and to provide some applications on the establishment of causality between health condition and job status, and on the early retirement decision based on health, estate and preferences for future.To analyze the causality between health and job statuses, two approaches are used in the ex-post framework. The parametric approach involves estimating a bivariate probit panel model that includes lagged values of the dependent variables as explanatory to measure Granger causality. Thus, the problem of endogeneity is accounted for. The initial conditions are accounted for by introducing specific equations. Individual effects allow dealing with individual heterogeneity. The second approach is a nonparametric one and is based on the Kullback causality measures. This approach allows measuring the dynamic of the causal links and its determinants.For analyzing the early retirement decision, we use a dynamic structural model. This model deals with health stock production and consumption functions, and with an inter temporal utility function. The first order conditions of the model allow predicting the probabilities of early retirement
Guénin, Henri. "Le travail réel des auditeurs légaux." Phd thesis, Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00004686.
Full textOllier-Malaterre, Ariane. "Gérer le hors-travail ? : Pertinence et efficacité des pratiques d'harmonisation travail-hors-travail, aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en France." Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00196916.
Full textLes employeurs français adoptent peu de pratiques d'harmonisation, comparés à leurs homologues américains et britanniques : sur la base d'entretiens approfondis avec 44 DRH, représentants des salariés et prestataires de service en France, je mets en lumière les effets sociétaux qui aboutissent à la moindre demande des salariés et à la moindre appétence des employeurs français pour ces pratiques.
Aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Uni, j'étudie les effets des pratiques d'harmonisation sur la relation Individu/Organisation (RIO), par une étude de cas chez GlaxoSmithKline (enquête sur 5160 salariés, 73 entretiens approfondis, observation participante). Il en ressort que l'équilibre travail - hors-travail n'est ni un pré-requis universel, ni une garantie de l'implication. Les pratiques d'harmonisation ont des effets majoritairement bénéfiques sur la RIO, au-delà de leurs seuls utilisateurs : elles créent de la loyauté, de la fierté, sont perçues comme un avantage, ou utilisées comme outil de management. Mais elles peuvent être délétères, créant de la déception ou une obligation de rester. Certains salariés y sont indifférents. Un modèle, ainsi qu'un arbre de décision, détaillent les facteurs importants pour recueillir les bénéfices de ces pratiques et en éviter les effets pervers.
Olry, Paul. "Apprendre au travail. Inscription sociale de la didactique professionnelle." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00725325.
Full textGenest, Christian. "La souffrance éthique dans le travail des médecins." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29121/29121.pdf.
Full textThe studies to be presented in this thesis can raise awareness on possible mental health problems, in regard to work, that are related to the medical profession. Moreover, this situation appears to be widespread, as in Europe, the United States, in Canada as in Quebec. In this regard, the report of The Quebec Physician’s Health Program (QPHP) confirmed difficulties of this order encountered in Quebec physicians, stating that the number of requests for assistance is constantly increasing. Beyond the individual aspects, and to understand the suffering at work, recent researches indicate the importance of taking into account the context of work in which medicine is practiced today: institutional and organizational elements, and elements related to medical practice and medical culture. It does seem that certain aspects proper to the medical work deserve to be investigated differently. In our view, the ethical dilemmas faced by physicians every day often place them in a difficult and delicate position, coming in conflict with what they are like in "subject", "self"; also in contradiction with their medical training and ultimately in contradiction with the oath to which they have committed. According to our assumption, these dilemmas would be too often involved in a type of suffering qualified as ethical. By the use of doctors “narratives of practice” willing to reveal the sources of that suffering, and by the conceptual analysis of the psychodynamics of work (Dejours & Deranty, 2010), it appears that a different understanding could shed light on this painful reality. The thesis identifies three typical-situations, which enable to visualize the nature of ethical suffering: we have named "the noose is tightening", a "constant battle" and an "imposed collaboration". Overall, the gaps that develop between the demands from the various organisms that govern the medical profession, the patient needs and the values (professional and personal) of physicians often lead them to opt for challenging decisions where different logics become hardly reconcilable. Ethic suffering arising from such decisions will have a significant incidence on how they are as “subject” and as health professionals, in brief about their identity.
Skalski, Pawel. "Analyse des propriétés viscoplastiques du fluide magnétorhéologique dans des conditions de travail d'un amortisseur." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00623116.
Full textClaude, Nadège. "La variabilité du droit du travail." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00579595.
Full textSaraceno, Marco. "De la mesure du corps à la politique des corps : une histoire des sciences du travail (1880-1920)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100081/document.
Full textAt the end of the nineteenth century, in the context of the implementation of the “wage society” in Europe, appears a positivist project for studying human labor, which does not hesitate to define "ergology." This project, that cross different human sciences, sought to define and guide the normatively human work on the basis of the study of the psycho-physiological potentiality and limits of body’s activity (fatigue, attitudes, monotony, attention ...). In this sense, the study of psycho-physiological motions is part of a project about the "optimization" of human activities (hygienism, social peace, eugenics ...). From this perspective, some historians have interpreted the “ergology” as a form of "mechanization" of the body that would transform it into an instrument at the service of the capitalist profit and/or into a support of the disciplinary control of the State (Rabinbach, 1992) . However, observing the epistemological and political development of the "ergological project ", we can see that to measure and to management the man as an instrument of the production it need to take into account the voluntary action by which man defines the goal that his bodily activity. If human labor can be defined as an activity instrumental to achieve a goal "desired", so the man appears as the “master” of his body for the accomplishment of a “project”. So, measure and govern men through the work of the body does not just mean reducing the latter to object malleable, but also think the work as the action through the organic activity can be the support for a “human” realization
Runte, Eduardo F. A. "Productivité et sécurité : ajustements au travail dans les systèmes socio-techniques." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2010. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00537770.
Full textPanier, Elise. "L'État et les relations de travail au Togo." Phd thesis, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00785581.
Full textMonfort, Valérie. "Les étudiants de première année à l'université et le travail scolaire : l'exemple de deux filières : Sciences et AES." Paris, EHESS, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EHES0076.
Full textIt is well known fact that since the sixties the failure rate at the end of the first year in french university has been high. Failures concern both science students who have heretofore had good academic results and those who enrol in the economics faculty (AES) who have, on the contrary, had limited success. This failure within the two first years can partly be explained by working conditions. We intend to explain this phenomenon by analysing how students adapt to the working situation to which they are confronted in their first year at university. The method is based upon long time fieldwork observing students in four universities enrolled in the science and economics department (AES)
Amboule, Abath Anastasie. "L'expérience au travail de femmes dirigeantes de structures sportives au Québec : le paradoxe passion / obstacles." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24774/24774.pdf.
Full textBiniakounou, Antoine. "L'experience de liaison du travail productif avec le fondamental 1er degre au congo : une evaluation." Paris 8, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA080172.
Full textThe thesis is designed to examine and discuss the policy and pratice in regard to the introduction of "creative work" in the primary school in congo. The research presents the findings of the investigations on : a)parents and teachers conception of creative work b)parents and teachers attitudes in motivating pupils towards creative work. The investigations were based on three urban schools and three rural schools. The opinions of twenty teachers, thirsty-six pupils and twenty. Three parents were gathered by means of semi-directive interviews. The organisation, the fonctioning and the methods of realization were observed at the some time with the behaviours of teachers and pupils. The phase describing the finalities stresses on the problematical analysis of creative work and on the study of certain basic options of educational polici programme evaluated. The adaptability of fixed objectives and the coherence of general objectives were also analysed. The analysis of the findings showed that the organisation, the fonctioning, the methods of realising the experience, the behavoir of teachers were the great imperdiments to pupils motivation. The study thried to identify the causes
Provost, Guillaume Adjutor. "Parcours convergeant vers une systémique du travail plastique." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/23055.
Full textBazillier, Rémi. "Normes fondamentales du travail et développement économique." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00258230.
Full textLi, Calzi Valérie. "Effets des composants de la mémoire de travail sur la production écrite de textes." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX10067.
Full textAeberhardt, Romain. "Mesurer la discrimination sur le marché du travail." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01022111.
Full textBonnard, Claire. "Le marché du travail des scientifiques : capital humain, incitations, proximité." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655967.
Full textMorh, Jamal Dine. "La croissance urbaine au Maroc : migrations rurales - urbaines et marché urbain du travail." Aix-Marseille 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986AIX32001.
Full textThe urban growth in morrocco is occuring at a rapid rate which is unknown in developed countries. This "urban explosion" is characterised firsty by the increase in the number of agglomerations and their progressive spreading over the whole of the morroccan territory; and secondly by the excessive swelling of the principal towns especially the coastal towns. One of the chief causes of this urban growth is the "rural exodus" that is, the rural-urban migrations. Different models have been put farward, to try to explain these migration phenomenon, but they are not applicable in the case of morrocco. The effect of internal migration on the urban labour market is to aggravate the general situation of employment vis unemployment and underemployment. The urban labour market in morrocco is characterised by a dualism sectory : a modern sector and an informal sector
Tessier, Myrielle. "Étude de la conciliation travail-vie personnelle de femmes en situation récurrente d'emplois atypiques." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26335/26335.pdf.
Full textEssiembre, Lucie G. "Étude du fonctionnement familial et de l'utilisation des services de santé auprès de mères au travail." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/mq20972.pdf.
Full textMarché, Anne Daniele Cecile. "Émotions et travail d'assistance aux soins personnels en gérontologie : Se garder du dégoût, mais pas trop." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28243/28243.pdf.
Full textEmotions and work of personal care of elderly, keeping disgust down, but not too much The work of caregivers assigned to the personal care of elderly residents in institutional facilities is often thought of as “dirty work,” part of the unrewarding aspects of nursing care, but also, more generally, part of the unrewarding aspects of domestic work which the whole society seems to loathe. This work is delegated to women – and a few men – who must deal with unbearable feelings of disgust and the ethical threat that this represents for “care work” (Molinier, 2005). Using a theoretical framework integrating both moral theory of emotions (Ben Ze'ev, 1997; Miller, 1997; Nussbaum, 2001) and psychodynamics of work (Dejours, 1980c), this thesis examines how caregivers use their creative intelligence (Dejours, 1993b) to deal with the emotional and moral conflict between the disgust they feel and the core values of care work and to preserve themselves from the disgust. If the intelligence of emotions involves elements of emotional conflict and the plasticity of emotions falls within the competence of action, thus work plays a central role in reducing the contradiction inherent in this conflict. Based on structural oppositions of disgust and from human conducts in work situations models, an ad hoc analytical grid was developed to understand how caregivers keep their feelings of disgust away, protecting themselves by adopting an ingenious approach involving subjective distance. This work protects the workers, their coworkers but in the first instance, the elderly residents, from the loathing of disgust and from its contaminating power (Rozin, 1986). Above all, while protecting themselves from disgust, caregivers keep disgust still active, isolating pollution in an object of residual disgust, in order to test the vitality of the work collective. By working in full view of others and exposing how they break with the distance prescribed by the norm of respectfulness, the caregivers appeal to the collective sharing of the risk that breaking this norm implies. Highlighting the ingenuity of care work socially contributes to opening up a space such that the voice of these women, who are striving to build a world that is fit to live in, compensating for the human vulnerability, can be heard. Keywords: emotions at work, disgust, “dirty work”, “care work”, moral risk, emotional conflict, cooperation, gerontology.
Tableau d'honneur de la FÉS
Bentahar, Hachmi. "Commerce international et comptabilité en temps de travail." Paris 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA010015.
Full textLacroux, Alain. "Implication au travail et relation d'emploi flexible : le cas des salariés intérimaires." Phd thesis, Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00527251.
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