Journal articles on the topic 'Science / Crystallography'
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Kurisu, Genji, Yoko Sugawara, Atsushi Nakagawa, and Masaki Takata. "Japanese Science & Technology with Crystallography." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1309.
Full textNazarenko, Alexander. "Crystallography Education for Non-Science College Students." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1268.
Full textOhsato, Hitoshi. "Crystallography and R&D for Material Science from Our Research: Electroceramics." Advanced Materials Research 11-12 (February 2006): 95–100.
Full textOtálora, Fermín, Juan Manuel García-Ruiz, Alfonso García-Caballero, and Martha Santana-Ibañez. "The Krystalla Project for the dissemination of crystallography." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1034.
Full textChen, Yu-Sheng, Harold Brewer, Mati Meron, and Jim Viccaro. "Advanced Crystallographic Program at ChemMatCARS at Advanced Photon Source." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1727.
Full textTERAUCHI, Masami, Yoshito GOTOH, Shigeo MORI, Hiroyuki KIMURA, and Koh SAITOH. "Crystallography in Materials Science;." Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi 56, no. 2 (2014): 77.
Full textFantini, Marcia Carvalho De Abreu, and Iris Linares de Torriani. "Crystallography science in Brazil." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 73, a2 (December 1, 2017): C1168.
Full textFennick, Jacob R., J. Brandon Keith, Robert H. Leonard, Thanh N. Truong, and James P. Lewis. "A cyberenvironment for crystallography and materials science and an integrated user interface to the Crystallography Open Database and Predicted Crystallography Open Database." Journal of Applied Crystallography 41, no. 2 (March 8, 2008): 471–75.
Full textBassett, W. "Crystallography Explained." Science 260, no. 5116 (June 25, 1993): 1985–86.
Full textGrocholski, Brent. "Speedy crystallography." Science 367, no. 6477 (January 30, 2020): 522.9–523.
Full textSerquis, Adriana, Laura Baqué, Federico Napolitano, Analía Soldati, and Diego Lamas. "Crystallography for teachers." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1042.
Full textDesiraju, G. R. "Crystallography and Geopolitics." Science 343, no. 6175 (March 6, 2014): 1057.
Full textBacchi, Alessia, Nicola Corriero, Annalisa Guerri, Andrea Lenco, Chiara Massera, and Francesco Punzo. "Crystallography at your door." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1033.
Full textWarren, Anna, Lynne Thomas, and Claire Murray. "Crystallography for the People." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1045.
Full textGuerri, Annalisa, Giovanna Scapin, and Paola Spadon. "The International School of Crystallography: an example of continuing education." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1274.
Full textLiu, Hongwei, and Jiangwen Liu. "SP2: a computer program for plotting stereographic projection and exploring crystallographic orientation relationships." Journal of Applied Crystallography 45, no. 1 (December 13, 2011): 130–34.
Full textVittal, Jagadese. "IYCr outcome in SE Asia." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1292.
Full textBarinaga, M. "The missing crystallography data." Science 245, no. 4923 (September 15, 1989): 1179–81.
Full textTeeter, Martha. "The International Year of Crystallography in the Americas." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1317.
Full textNgome Abiaga, Jean-Paul. "UNESCO activities in Africa for the 2014 International Year of Crystallography (IYCr)." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1289.
Full textGražulis, Saulius, Amy Alexis Sarjeant, Peter Moeck, Jennifer Stone-Sundberg, Trevor J. Snyder, Werner Kaminsky, Allen G. Oliver, et al. "Crystallographic education in the 21st century." Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 6 (October 13, 2015): 1964–75.
Full textNam, Ki-Hyun. "Approach of Serial Crystallography II." Crystals 11, no. 6 (June 9, 2021): 655.
Full textMasciocchi, Norberto, Simona Galli, and Antonietta Guagliardi. "Report on the MISSCA 2013 International Crystallographic Conference." Powder Diffraction 29, no. 1 (February 19, 2014): 85–88.
Full textDerewenda, Zygmunt S. "On wine, chirality and crystallography." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 64, no. 1 (December 21, 2007): 246–58.
Full textFanwick, Phillip. "Small-molecule crystallography and science – II." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 75, a1 (July 20, 2019): a64.
Full textAbad-Zapatero, Celerino, Jill Campbell, and Gregory Gerhardt. "Crystallography on Stage: Presenting the Concepts and History Dramatically." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1036.
Full textHodeau, Jean-Louis. "Using the crystallography history as a tool for crystallography and science education." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 69, a1 (August 25, 2013): s249—s250.
Full textLavine, Marc S. "Crystallography of sensitive materials." Science 359, no. 6376 (February 8, 2018): 648.7–649.
Full textMaynard-Casely, Helen, and Neeraj Sharma. "Crystallography365 and Crystals in the City: IYCr 2014 activities in Australia." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1308.
Full textVišnjevac, Aleksandar, and Stanko Popović. "2014 - The international year of crystallography in Croatia." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1319.
Full textService, R. F. "IMAGING:X-ray Crystallography Without Crystals." Science 285, no. 5427 (July 23, 1999): 509a—511.
Full textMeyer, T. E. "Crystallography of a Photocycle Intermediate." Science 281, no. 5385 (September 25, 1998): 1961f—1961.
Full textGarcia-Granda, Santiago, and Laura Roces. "IYCr2014: Ongoing Activities around the ECA area." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1300.
Full textDawe, Louise. "Holistic Integration of Crystallography in Undergraduate Chemistry." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1384.
Full textDesenfant, Anthony, Alexandre Bily Pierre Girardeau, Pierre Schefler Mathieu Bertrand, David Riassetto Nicolas Ruty, Thibaud David, Dominique Cornuejols, Francoise Vauquois, et al. "Crystallography history, a tool for science education." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1041.
Full textOberti, Roberta, Serena Tarantino, Michele Zema, Marco Milanesio, Rita Berisio, Anna Moliterni, and Carlo Mealli. "ECS1@IYCr2014: Conveying a vision of modern crystallography." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C1311.
Full textROBINSON, A. L. "Doing Crystallography in Six Dimensions." Science 228, no. 4697 (April 19, 1985): 314.
Full textFunk, Michael A. "Bright future ahead for crystallography." Science 373, no. 6558 (August 26, 2021): 977.10–979.
Full textArnold, Lois. "The Bascom-Goldschmidt-Porter Correspondence 1907 to 1922." Earth Sciences History 12, no. 2 (January 1, 1993): 196–223.
Full textBausch, A. R. "Grain Boundary Scars and Spherical Crystallography." Science 299, no. 5613 (March 14, 2003): 1716–18.
Full textAMATO, I. "Proposing a Flip Side For Crystallography." Science 255, no. 5050 (March 13, 1992): 1355.
Full textRuan, C. Y. "Ultrafast Electron Crystallography of Interfacial Water." Science 304, no. 5667 (April 2, 2004): 80–84.
Full textPérez-Huerta, Alberto, Maggie Cusack, and Paul Dalbeck. "Crystallographic contribution to the vital effect in biogenic carbonates Mg/Ca thermometry." Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 102, no. 1 (March 2011): 35–41.
Full textHodeau, Jean-Louis, and René Guinebretiere. "The experience of theVoyage dans le cristaltravelling museum exhibition." Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 4 (July 8, 2015): 1276–89.
Full textTSUKIHARA, Tomitake. "Protein Crystallography for Progress in Life Science." Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi 61, no. 3 (August 31, 2019): 168–80.
Full textTASHIRO, Kohji. "Contribution of Computer Science in Polymer Crystallography." Kobunshi 54, no. 12 (2005): 890–94.
Full textHelliwell, John R. "Science of crystal structures: highlights in crystallography." Crystallography Reviews 23, no. 3 (March 2, 2017): 231–36.
Full textHodeau, Jean-Louis. ""The Experience of ""Voyage dans le cristal"" Travelling Museum Exhibition"." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (August 5, 2014): C27.
Full textMatthews, Brian W. "Crystallography in the Life Sciences." Crystallography Reviews 2, no. 3 (June 1990): 133–58.
Full textGlykos, Nicholas M., and Michael Kokkinidis. "GraphEnt: a maximum-entropy program with graphics capabilities." Journal of Applied Crystallography 33, no. 3 (June 1, 2000): 982–85.
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