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Norris, Mary Jo. "A Study of Radon in Air and Water in Maine Schools." Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2002.

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Bartlett, Karen Hastings. "Evaluation of bioaerosols in elementary school classrooms in a coastal temperate zone." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Deepthi, Divya. "Essays on school nutrition and health programs." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2017.

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This thesis investigates the impact of School Nutrition and Health programs implemented by the Government in Public primary schools in India. Section A focuses on evaluating the National Program of Nutritional support to Primary Education launched in 1995. Under this scheme, children enrolled in government primary schools received 3 kilograms of food grains per month, free of cost, conditional on enrolment and a minimum attendance requirement. In chapter 1, we provide a detailed survey of the related literature, highlighting the multi-dimensional impacts of these programs on educational and health outcomes. In Chapter 2, we evaluate the impact of the School feeding program (SFP) in India on primary school starting age and enrolment using the National sample survey. We adopt two methodological frameworks to estimate the program impact, namely, a difference-in-differences (DID) technique and duration analysis. The findings indicate that the program was effective in increasing enrolment and encouraging children to start school at the stipulated entry age. In chapter 3, we study the impact of the SFP in India on primary school completion using the District Level Household survey. Using the DID methodology, we find that the program had a positive effect on primary school completion, with differential effects by gender and years of program exposure. Additionally, we identify whether the program generated positive educational externalities between siblings in the family. Section B of this thesis evaluates a complementary policy, The School Health Program implemented in Government primary schools in Karnataka, India. The program provided free health services to students in public schools, consisting of- micronutrient supplements, deworming treatment and regular health screenings by Doctors at the school premises. We investigate whether this program was effective in improving pupils’ educational and health status. Using administrative data on student’s academic and health records collected from public schools, we find that the program led to an increase in school participation measures and academic performance, with heterogeneous effects across subjects and performance distribution. The program impacts on anthropometric indicators are positive, but statistically insignificant for both boys and girls. We conclude that School Nutrition and Health programs are extremely beneficial in a developing country context to improve children’s educational and health status, by lowering schooling costs and by providing parents with incentives to send their children to school. These programs have the potential to improve future welfare and quality of life, through increased educational attainment and improved health and nutrition.
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Bertills, Karin. "School, learning and mental health : a systematic review of aspects of school climate affecting mental health and positive academic outcomes." Thesis, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap, 2010.

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Aim This study of a systematic review of systematic reviews on school, learning and mental health investigates the relation between school climate, mental health and positive school outcomes. The aim is to analyze the quality and content of previous reviews and to identify aspects in the school climate that positively affect learning and mental health. Research questions are: What is the quality and content of previous systematic reviews on school, learning and mental health? What is the current state of knowledge concerning causal relationships between school climate, learning and mental health according to systematic reviews? What factors in the school climate can be identified as vital for positive outcomes and good mental health? Method Systematic review of longitudinal or cross-sectional studies. 792 references were identified through literature searches in various databases, with search words considering mental health in combination with search words considering school and learning. Data extraction was performed in three steps; abstract, full text and in-depth data extraction. Criteria for inclusion were: systematic review, published 1999-2009, ages 2-19 years, published in English in peer reviewed journals. The number of reviews that met the criteria set for quality was 37, which were quality rated as of high 27% (10/37), medium 46% (17/37) or low quality 27% (10/37). Results Three categories of content emerge, where much research has been executed: the relation between positive aspects of mental health and learning, between mental health problems and learning and indirect relations between school factors and mental health and learning. The quality is relatively low, only 8% (3/37) meet all the quality criteria. At school level, where the teacher plays an important role, there is a positive relation between school climate and outcome and mental health, as well as on an individual level, where self-efficacy, i.e. will and skill to perform, can be identified as a factor of major importance to school outcome. Conclusions Due to the low quality of research on the relation between school, learning and mental health causal relation cannot be established. There are apparent connections between school outcome, self-efficacy and a positive school climate. Teachers are important in and for school climate and are of vital importance for outcome and mental health. Students’ possibility to influence and control their learning promote school outcome and mental health. Policy aimed at improving achievement and school outcome need to consider perceived self-efficacy.
Syfte och frågeställningar Denna studie av en systematisk översikt över systematiska översikter om skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa undersöker relationen mellan skolmiljö, psykisk hälsa och positiva skolresultat. Syftet är att analysera kvalitet och innehåll i tidigare översikter samt att identifiera faktorer i skolmiljön som påverkar lärande och psykisk hälsa positivt. Frågeställningar är: Vad är kvaliteten hos och innehållet i tidigare systematiska översikter om skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa? Hur ser aktuellt forskningsläge ut gällande orsakssamband mellan skolmiljö, lärande och psykisk hälsa enligt systematiska översikter? Vilka faktorer i skolmiljön kan identifieras som avgörande för positiva skolresultat och god psykisk hälsa? Metod Systematisk översikt av longitudinella eller tvärsnittsstudier. 792 referenser identifierades genom litteratursökningar i olika databaser, med sökord avseende psykisk hälsa i kombination med sökord gällande skola och lärande. Dataextraktion genomfördes i tre steg; abstrakt, fulltext och djupare data extraktion. Kriterier för inklusion var: systematisk översikt, publicerad 1999-2009, ålder 2 – 19 år, publicerad på engelska i tidsskrift granskad av sakkunnig. Antalet översikter som uppfyllde uppställda kriterier för kvalitet var 37 som kvalitetsbedömdes som av hög 27% (10/37), medel 46% (17/37) eller låg kvalitet 27% (10/37). Resultat Innehållsmässigt framträder tre kategorier där mycket forskning genomförts: relationen mellan positiva aspekter av psykisk hälsa och lärande, mellan psykisk ohälsa och lärande, samt indirekta samband mellan skolfaktorer och psykisk hälsa och lärande. Kvaliteten är relativt låg, endast 8% (3/37) uppfyller samtliga kvalitetskriterier. På skolnivå, där läraren spelar en viktig roll, finns det en positiv relation mellan skolmiljö och skolprestation och psykisk hälsa, såväl som på individnivå, där self-efficacy, dvs. vilja och kompetens att prestera, kan identifieras som en avgörande faktor för skolprestationer. Sammanfattning På grund av den låga kvaliteten på forskning om relationen mellan skola, lärande och psykisk hälsa, går orsakssamband inte att fastställa. Tydliga kopplingar finns mellan skolresultat, self-efficacy och en positiv skolmiljö. Lärare är viktiga i och för elevernas skolmiljö och spelar en avgörande roll för skolprestation och psykisk hälsa. Elevens möjlighet att påverka och kontrollera sitt lärande bidrar positivt till skolprestation och psykisk hälsa. Policy för att förbättra skolprestation och skolresultat behöver beakta individens upplevda self-efficacy.
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施偉賢 and Wai-yin Jeffrey Sy. "Territoriality as environment: St. Paul's Co-ed. College." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2000.

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Boyer, Nicole Renée Soldner. "Economic evaluation of population health interventions aimed at children and delivered at school." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2018.

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Background: Population health interventions by their nature affect an entire population and are typically delivered outwith of health services and within the community, such as in schools. An example of such interventions are those that aim to improve children’s social and emotional wellbeing, which have demonstrated effectiveness in the short-term and potentially the long-term. However, challenges arise when conducting economic evaluations of population health interventions, most notably the difficulties of identifying, measuring, and valuing broader intersectoral costs, health, and non-health outcomes. Economic evaluation in an education context is relatively novel, but could provide decision-makers with information to help them make transparent and consistent decisions about how to allocate limited funds. This thesis examined the role for economic evaluation in school-based interventions and sought to determine appropriate methods for its implementation in addition to examining appropriate child-focused outcome measures. Thus, the overarching research question asked, ‘How should the cost-effectiveness of school-based, population health interventions aimed at children be determined?’ Methods: A mixed methods approach to this thesis was used: (i) a systematic literature review and narrative synthesis to determine which evaluation methods (economic and non-economic) are currently being used in school-based population health interventions; (ii) a case study to illustrate an economic evaluation (including cost-utility and cost-effectiveness analysis) of a school-based intervention to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages for decision making in this context; and (iii) an exploration of outcome measures (through mapping validation) for valuing child health and social and emotional wellbeing in school-based programmes to support future evaluation work in this context. Data for the economic evaluation and mapping validation study were available from a cluster randomised controlled trial of the Roots of Empathy programme in Northern Ireland (Ref: 10/3006/02). Results: The systematic review found that the methods currently being utilised to evaluate school programmes are varied (including economic evaluation, cost only, and effectiveness only studies), with poor quality reporting for the economic evaluations. Of the few cost-utility analyses in school-based settings identified, none had directly measured health-related quality of life using child measures or values. The case study cost-utility analysis using Child Health Utility 9D of a school-based intervention was found to be cost-effective from the National Health Service perspective with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of £11,000 per quality-adjusted life year (confidence interval: -£95,500 to £147,000), however the wide confidence interval demonstrates considerable uncertainty. This uncertainty is likely due to a lack of statistically significant effect that remained at the 36-month follow-up. Cost-effectiveness analysis using child behavioural descriptive measure, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of £197 per unit decrease in total difficulties score (confidence interval: £77 to £471). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire is suitable for measuring social and emotional wellbeing, but is less advantageous for cost-effectiveness decision-making as no consensus has been reached as to what a clinically meaningful change in score represents, nor has a cost-effectiveness threshold been defined. It remains uncertain how these cost-effectiveness results will be interpreted in an education decision-making context where cost-effectiveness thresholds have not been set up. The mapping validation study validated a mapping algorithm to convert the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire into child health utility. Using this algorithm provides an option for valuing incremental changes in health-related quality of life against a generally accepted cost-effectiveness threshold from a health service perspective. Conclusions: Given the findings from the various aspects of work undertaken for this thesis to address population health issues, this thesis identified cost-benefit analysis as currently the most comprehensive method for determining the value for money of school-based public health interventions. Cost-benefit analysis incorporates monetary valuation of multisector outcomes in a final net benefit/loss result allowing clear, consistent, decision-making criteria to be set. Other methods such as cost-consequence analysis, cost-utility analysis, and multi-criteria decision analysis may also be suitable depending on the decision-making context and problem. This thesis demonstrates a lack of clear decision-making criteria in place for funding allocation decisions in education (e.g. education specific cost-effectiveness thresholds). Furthermore, there is no equitable method currently in place for apportioning the cost of funding public health interventions that generate benefits for multiple sectors. From a health service perspective, directly measuring child health utility using the Child Health Utility 9D is preferred as it is the only preference-based measure developed specifically for children and valued by young people. Mean child health utility can be predicted by mapping from the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. This affords the opportunity to estimate longer-term utility by utilising long-term cohort data that routinely collects the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, as long-term cost-effectiveness of school-based preventive programmes is an area in need of further research. The school setting plays an important role in shaping our young people’s futures. Economic evaluation of school-based population health interventions is justified, as schools need to maximise their existing resources in order to give children the best start in life.
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Hart-Schubert, Patrice. "An evaluation of sensory comfort components of survey questionnaires used for indoor environment problems in buildings." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1994.

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The efficacy of indoor environment evaluation is, in part, a function of the reliability and validity of the different measures used. This thesis presents results of a study, conducted in a building without known problems, which compares the reliability and validity of sensory comfort components from three well-known survey questionnaires. A review of literature reveals that sensory comfort theory draws upon many disciplines including, hedonics, psychometrics, and olfaction theory. The fundamental domains thermal, air quality, lighting, and acoustics and their dimensions are identified. The conceptual model integrates these theories underlying human response to sensory comfort.

The research questions involved in the selection of survey questionnaires are explored by examining sixteen indoor environment survey questionnaires. A meta-evaluation reveals that these questionnaires have three major functions, proactive, reactive, and re-evaluative studies.

Finally, the methods used to analyze survey questionnaires for reliability and validity are examined. An analysis of variance shows that the order in which questions were presented did not affect responses. The reliability of the measures tested ranged from poor to good. Examination of content and face validity by expert and untrained judges demonstrates inconsistencies in common or accepted meanings of the measures considered in evaluating the indoor environment. Analysis of construct validity indicates that not all survey questionnaire variables were categorized under their expected dimensions.

Contrary to advice found in the literature, this thesis suggests that the practice of combining items from different questionnaires is problematic. Finally, in buildings with known problems we can expect a relatively high degree of reliability and validity. However, the utility of such questionnaires in inventorying and assessing buildings without known problems will prove to be questionable.
Master of Urban and Regional Planning

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Frantz, José Merle. "Physical inactivity among high school learners in Belhar - a public health concern." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2004.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
For many decades, the World Health Organisation had highlighted the growing importance of chronic non-communicable diseases in developed and developing countries, with an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Physical inactivity has been identified as one of the risk factors, in addition to other leading risk factors like diet, and the use of tobacco and alcohol, contributing to the occurrence of non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancers, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Based on the researcher's observations while living in Belhar community for more then ten years, it was hypothesized that the level of physical inactivity among adolescents could become a public health problem in the future if not addressed immediately.
South Africa
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Williams, Sarah Louise. "Promoting children's mental health at a whole-school level using action research." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2013.

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This study aimed to explore school staff’s, parents’ and children’s understanding of mental health and identify what risk and protective factors affect children’s mental health. The key aims were to gain information about how mainstream primary schools promote children’s mental health, and to explore children’s, parents’ and school staffs’ understanding of children’s mental health and factors which promote or demote development. All of the schools who responded to the questionnaire considered that mental health promotion should be carried out by specialist. The findings from this initial survey suggested that to achieve the active involvement of school staff, further support was required to enable school staff to feel competent, confident and knowledgeable in this field. The participants in the action research phase of this study identified a number of factors within the individual, the micro, exo- and the macro-systems which they believed affected children’s mental health. The integrated MacDonald and O’Hara Ten Element Map (1998) and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model (2005) which consider the individual to be at the centre of and embedded in a number of environmental systems, afforded effective frameworks for exploring the school community’s understanding of children’s mental health, for conceptualising the findings from a bioecological perspective, and for planning action steps through which to enhance the impact of schooling on children’s mental health.
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Tsang, Hing-kwan, and 曾慶群. "A review of indices for building hygiene and community cleanliness in Hong Kong." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2005.

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Dingaan, Stellin Auburn. "The relationship between psychological capital and employee well-being among primary school teachers." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2017.

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This treatise examined the relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and employee well-being (EWB) and its sub-dimensions among primary school teachers. Self-efficacy, hope, resilience and optimism were examined as sub-dimensions of PsyCap. Positive and negative affect were used as dimensions of EWB. A sample (n = 104) was drawn from primary school teachers employed by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) - West Coast District (WCD). Convenience sampling was used in a cross-sectional design. A composite questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 23 was used to analyse data. Cronbach’s coefficient alphas for all variables were above 0.60 except for the optimism variable (0.47). Results indicated a significant moderate relationship between PsyCap and EWB (r = 0.56, p<0.01). Limitations of the study included: common method variance may affect results due to the use of self-report measures and results cannot be generalised to other settings. Future studies could focus on the factors influencing the significant difference between age and self-efficacy among primary school teachers in South Africa.
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Karnas, Diana Maria Girardi. "The psychology of the environment in children's health care setting : James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children - Cancer Unit." Virtual Press, 1992.

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Hospitals are constantly evolving to keep pace with the latest medical technologies. Whether it is a refurbishment of an existing facility or the addition of a new unit, the design process usually focuses on the technological requirements rather than the human elements of such an undertaking. The Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis presents an architectural opportunity to incorporate psychology of the environment into the design and construction of a new Cancer Unit. By balancing the technological requirements with the physical and psychological needs of the pediatric bone marrow transplant and hematology/oncology patients, one can create a healing environment more conducive to a rapid recovery.
Department of Architecture
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Fagge, Megan. "Variable learning environments." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011.

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Research shows the environment affects the user both psychologically and physiologically. Teachers often alter their classrooms in order to effect these changes, for instance, by adding elements for warmth, offsetting harsh lighting, or using found objects to mark and divide space. Research and observed use communicate a need for a planned variety of spaces in function and in character. The project is a redesign of Therrell High School in southwest Atlanta seeking to complement the new movement to small learning communities, which embeds programmatic variety in the public school system. Therrell is divided into three small thematically described academies, which effectively function as three separate high schools: the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; the School of Health Sciences and Research; the School of Law, Government, and Public Policy. The design focuses on the necessary variability of spaces inherent in small learning communities. These spaces seek to address the varied instructional strategies that accompany the thematic endeavors of each school and introduce variety in architectural character, thus accommodating variable needs and desires of students. The focus of the project is on the student and the nature of space that fosters positive experiences as well as positive learning outcomes.
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Crombie, Sarah. "The physical management of children with cerebral palsy attending mainstream primary school." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2010.

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When children with cerebral palsy attend a mainstream school, their physical functioning may impact on day-to-day school activities and on their active participation. The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (DfES 2001b) advocates a multi-agency approach to enable children with SEN to be included within the mainstream school system. Physiotherapists often work with school staff to manage the child’s physical needs within this environment and to deliver therapeutic interventions. Despite numerous government policies endorsing the inclusion of children with SEN within mainstream school, there has been little research into the detail of how this might be achieved for children with physical impairments. This qualitative study explores the physical management of children with cerebral palsy within mainstream school. In the first phase I conducted focus groups and semi-structured interviews exploring the views and experiences of parents of children with cerebral palsy, physiotherapists and school staff regarding the management of the child’s physiotherapy needs. The second phase utilised a case study approach to generate in-depth contextual knowledge of the issues faced when managing the child’s physical needs by exploring individual cases within three mainstream schools using observation, interviews and documents. Thematic analysis was used to analyse these data. Three main themes emerged from the findings of the study: how therapy and education services work together; the delicate balance to achieving participation; and how views of difference impact on the child’s management. I found that the way physical impairments were viewed within the current SEN framework, inhibited a holistic view of the child with physical impairments. It impacted on collaborative practice between agencies affecting how the child’s needs were met. I conclude that a more interactional model of viewing disability is required to ensure that the child’s needs are considered within the context of not only school but the child’s life as a whole.
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Figaji, Tamara Ann. "Impact of a lifestyle physical activity intervention on school going children's physical activity participation." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2009.

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Associated with physical inactivity and obesity are numerous other health risks which have become a major health concern. A steady decrease in the levels of physical activity during childhood and adolescents have been noted in various parts of the world. The picture of low physical activity levels in developed countries is no different in developing countries. Children spend the majority of their day at school therefore a school setting is ideal to conduct physical activity intervention studies The primary aim of this study was to measure the effect of an intervention programme on the physical activity participation levels among school going children and adolescents. The study was carried out at an urban independent Catholic school. The sample, which was conveniently selected, which included 100 learners from grade 5 to 7 with parental consent. A quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Baseline data included levels of physical activity participation, Body Mass Index (BMI), hip-waist ratio, and socio-demographic variables. Physical activity was assessed with the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. The Promoting Lifestyle activity for Youth (PLAY) programme was implemented at the school. This process-oriented programme shifts the focus from fitness toward regular participation in daily physical activity, and it is not intended to replace a comprehensive physical education programme.

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Wildschutt, Phillip Jacobus. "The effect of accumulative physical activity on the fitness and health status of rural school children." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005.

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Numerous studies focusing on cardiovascular disease risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, elevated serum lipids, inactivity and lack of physical fitness prevalent in children highlight the importance of the early diagnosis and prevention of conditions that are associated in adulthood with cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of accumulative physical activity on the fitness profile, blood pressure and body composition in 14-16 year old school children in the Western Cape of South Africa.
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Zhou, Xuan, and 周璇. "A study on second and third hand smoke exposure and self-protection behaviors among sick school-aged children in Guangzhou, China." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.

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Introduction: Due to the high prevalence of smoking in China, exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) is a serious public health issue. However, school-aged children’s behavioral responses to SHS exposure and the associated factors are unclear. Aims: This study aims to (a) identify the sources and settings of SHS exposure among school-aged sick children and their mothers in Guangzhou, China; (b) describe the behavioral responses of those children and mothers when exposed to SHS; and (c) examine the personal and environmental factors associated with children’s responses to SHS exposure. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative methods were combined in this study. Forty-five in-depth individual interviews were conducted to investigate sick school-aged children and their mothers’ understanding of and responses to SHS. A pilot survey was used to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire and the feasibility of the study. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with the children and their mothers at three hospitals in Guangzhou in 2012. All sick children who were aged 6 to 12 years, able to communicate in Mandarin Chinese, and not acutely or severely ill, along with their nonsmoking mothers, were invited to join this study. Results: A total of 339 pairs of sick children and their mothers were included in the data analysis. Of these pairs, 169 (49.9%) lived with smokers. All sick children and their mothers experienced high-level SHS and third hand smoke (THS) exposure inside or outside the home. Those living with nonsmokers were also at risk of household SHS and THS exposure from guests. Most of the sick school-aged children were unaware of the dangers of SHS and THS, while the mothers had a better understanding of SHS and THS. The majority of children would adopt self-protective behaviors when exposed to SHS. The regression model for children’s behavioral responses to SHS exposure by family smokers found two significant factors: amount of social support and family smoke-free policy. Five factors were associated with children’s behavioral responses to SHS exposure by guest smokers, including boys, living with smokers, amount of social support, family members informed of the dangers of smoking, and fathers protecting children from SHS. The amount of social support, and fathers protecting children from SHS were also associated with children’s behavioral responses to SHS exposure by stranger smokers. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to describe self-protective behavioral responses to SHS exposure among sick school-aged children in mainland China and the personal and environmental factors associated with these responses. Boys, living with smokers, and a partial smoke-free policy at home were negatively related to children’s responses to SHS exposure; however, more information about smoking, fathers’ protection from SHS, and information about the harms of smoking by family members were associated with greater self-protection among sick school-aged children. Therefore, multiple-direction interventions should be considered for children’s health promotion about smoking and SHS.
Nursing Studies
Master of Philosophy
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Kemp, Carmen Vieyra, and Melody Ann Mendiola. "Educational curriculum for obesity in school aged youth." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.

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The purpose of this project was to develop an educational program to assist educators in keeping school children healthy. This program is designed to support professionals who are working to reduce the problem of oobesity in children and adolescents in elementary and middle school setting.
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Scoggin, Peggy Ann. "The ENERGY club: A diabetes prevention project for Monterey Elementary School." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2007.

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The Monterey School Diabetes Prevention Project's (MSDPP) ENERGY Club is a pilot project for school-based health prevention curriculum targeting students with risk factors for diabetes. ENERGY is an acronym for Exercise 'n Eating Right is Good for You.
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Nicopolis, Michelle Lynn. "Exercise attitudes and behaviors of academically accelerated and non-accelerated high school students." Virtual Press, 1998.

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The investigation of youths' exercise attitudes and behaviors has been heavily researched. This study's focus was unique in that exercise attitudes and behaviors of academically accelerated and non-accelerated high school students were examined. Academic ability and sex were considered as possible influences toward physical activity attitudes and as potential predictor variables of exercise behaviors. The Revised CATPA inventory and the Attitudes Toward Exercise scale assessed subjects' exercise attitudes. A modified 7-Day Recall of Physical Activity measured the amount of time subjects spent exercising in the previous week. Results showed higher mean Revised CATPA scores for the academically accelerated and male subjects, while the ATE scores were higher among academically non-accelerated and female students. Results on the activity recall suggested that males were more physically active. A multiple regression analysis showed predictor variables of exercise. Future research ideas are discussed on differing academic groups.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Mpofu, Nkosinothando. "Hiv/Aids communication and youth behaviour in South Africa: a study of female high school students in the Eastern Cape Province." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2012.

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Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome communication remains one of the most significant tools in the fight against HIV/AIDS given the absence of the cure to fight the growth and spread of the global pandemic. Through the use of information, HIV/AIDS communication seeks to empower recipients or societies with skills that will help reduce their risk of infection. South Africa has seen a high visibility of HIV/AIDS communication programmes or campaigns aimed at empowering different audiences, whilst paying particular emphasis on the most vulnerable. Young people, in particular young women, have a higher prevalence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. This has prompted the development of many youth focused communication campaigns which have sought to address factors that increase young people`s vulnerability to HIV infection. However, despite the high visibility of HIV/AIDS communication campaigns targeting young people, high risk behaviours are still being seen among young women. Important to note are the high teenage pregnancy rates, growing abuse of substances and even the premature engagement of sexual activities among female youths. This, therefore, raises questions on the effect of HIV/AIDS communication programmes in encouraging protective behaviour against risky behavioural practices amongst young women. Using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to this study, an investigation was conducted into whether current HIV/AIDS communication campaigns have been limited (in terms of effectiveness) when it comes to communicating with young women on issues relating to HIV/AIDS. Awareness of HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS communication programmes, relevance of HIV/AIDS communication programmes, the factors that influence the use and understanding of HIV/AIDS messages and the impact of HIV/AIDS communication on attitude and behaviour change amongst female youths is measured. A total of 350 questionnaire copies were self-administered to 350 participants, with a 100 percent response rate. From the 350 participants, seventy five took part in focus group discussions. Data obtained was analysed using SPSS (for descriptive statistics), and the grounded theory. The results of the study indicate that all participants were aware of HIV/AIDS with at least 60% of the participants aware of at least three HIV/AIDS communication campaigns. When measuring the relevance of HIV/AIDS communication campaigns, participants (58%) indicate that issues discussed in most HIV/AIDS communication campaigns increased the relevance of HIV/AIDS messages to young women although such relevance was, for some respondents, affected by limited access to communication campaigns. Results also show that levels of knowledge and understanding of factors that expose young women to HIV infections differed amongst participants in as much as the factors that hinder the use of advice contained in HIV/AIDS messages also differed. Sixty-nine percent of the participants have knowledge and a better understanding of factors that expose young females to HIV infections. Twenty-five percent of the participants identified peer pressure, whilst 23% identified limited access to HIV/AIDS communication campaigns and another 18% identified a disregard of HIV/AIDS messages as significant factors that limit the ability of individuals to implement advice contained in HIV/AIDS messages. The results also indicate that although HIV/AIDS communication campaigns seem to have played a role in empowering some participants, there is still a significant minority whom communication has not effectively communicated with. Based on these findings, the study suggests, amongst other things, the need to intensify current HIV/AIDS communication campaigns through the provision of consistent messages on appropriate condom use, the identification of easily accessible communication channels and the development of thought provoking and attention grabbing campaigns as well as the need to continue to directly involve young women in the processes of their own development.
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Mahoney, Lucy. "Investigating the interactions of travel behaviour and wellbeing : mixed-methods case study of Penarth and Cardiff, Wales." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.

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Transport systems are essential to trade, globalisation, communication and other forms of interaction between people and societies (Banister, 2013). Yet they can also have negative impacts including decreased quality of life or health impacts arising from pollutants, environmental damage including climate change and a range of wider socio-economic effects (Glanz et al., 1990). Given that most car journeys are short however (57% of UK trips are under five miles), there is particular potential for active travel (i.e. walking and cycling) to both reduce the environmental externalities of modern transport systems and stimulate improved quality of life and societal wellbeing (Banister, 2013; Martin et al., 2014). Unfortunately, there is a paucity of robust evidence that examines how infrastructural interventions (i.e. those aimed at making the physical environment more conducive to active travel) actually impact on active travel levels in specific communities. In addition, there is very limited evidence of the wider effects that such interventions have on wellbeing and levels of happiness overtime. This thesis details mixed-method research undertaken in Cardiff, UK, during 2011/2012, which examined the impacts of a new piece of infrastructure - the Pont-y-Werin walking and cycling bridge - on the local community's levels of active travel and subjective wellbeing. It provides insights into the nature of constraints preventing travel behaviour change from taking place, and - through the use of the novel, 'Day Reconstruction Method' - into the consequences that different modes of travel can have for travel and wellbeing, including on moment-to-moment moods and emotions. Overall by contextualising and measuring and evaluating wellbeing, the research suggests that people experience less pleasant emotions during travel than when undertaking everyday activities, and also that for certain modes there is a decrease in happiness before and after travel compared to everyday activities. Additionally greater monitoring, evaluation and promotion of combined hard and soft measures - focusing on travel behaviour change - is needed alongside providing travellers with accessible information on the wellbeing impacts of different modes (Elvik, 2009).
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Nhlapo, Nthabiseng. "Hygiene and nutritional content of the National School Nutrition Programme in Bloemfontein, South Africa." Thesis, [Bloemfontein?] : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2013.

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Thesis (M. Tech. (Environmental Health)) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2013
Malnutrition and concomitant infections are major contributing factors to child morbidity and mortality in developing countries such as South Africa. Globally, children benefiting from school feeding programmes are generally from communities with low socio-economic statuses. The meals provided through feeding schemes, such as the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) in South Africa, are aimed at significantly supplementing the beneficiaries’ daily energy and nutrient requirements. The possible nutrient deficiency of meals provided through such programmes compromises the nutritional well-being of children, promotes malnutrition and renders children more susceptible to infectious diseases. Furthermore, illness, particularly caused by diarrhoeal and infectious diseases, is a major factor contributing to child malnutrition as the human body is unable to efficiently digest foods and absorb nutrients during illness. Therefore, the microbiological safety of the foods served to children via feeding schemes is essential. In an effort to contribute towards the safety and wholesomeness of foodstuffs served through the NSNP, the present study was conducted with a view to assess the nutritional quality and safety of the foodstuffs. The knowledge, attitudes and practises (KAP) of food handlers and NSNP representatives/committee members at the schools were also investigated in order to assess origins of potential food contamination. Data collected via nutritional analyses of meals served to school children were compared to the nutrient-based standards set by the United Kingdom as guidelines for an average school lunch. The carbohydrate, energy, calcium and zinc contents of the school meals were below the standards, the majority of the meals met the protein and iron standards and all meals complied with the standards for lipid and vitamin C contents. During the microbiological analysis study, preparation surfaces yielded higher counts of all detected organisms (total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and yeasts and moulds) compared to the hands of food handlers. Therefore possible sources of contamination may be foodstuffs, animal pests and environmental elements such as dust. However, significant differences of surface microbial counts could not be established (P > 0.05) and thus cross-contamination may have resulted among surfaces, possibly augmented by shortfalls in cleaning regimes. The majority of the participants of the questionnaire survey reportedly washed their hands and cleaned all surfaces several times during the day with water and detergent. In addition, a disinfectant was used by some of the food preparers during cleaning. Furthermore, participants stated that their aprons were washed daily. These claims were in agreement with the findings of the surface microbial study with regards to the hands, however, they did not match the findings of the preparation surfaces which contained the highest counts of total coliforms, E. coli and S. aureus of the three surfaces analysed, and aprons responsible for the highest yeast and mould counts. Improper storage and food preparation methods, such as the application of high temperatures, excessive exposure to UV light and oxygen, and high moisture conditions, may result in the deterioration of nutrients. Storage conditions which may permit pest infestation may also increase the risk of food-related illnesses and risk could be further elevated by application of improper cleaning and sanitation practices. In order for the NSNP to operate effectively, it is essential that the national and provincial Departments of Basic Education, which are responsible for the overall administration of the NSNP, and schools’ personnel function in an integrated manner through support structures and effective communication. Infrastructural limitations (lack of proper kitchen facilities and ventilation) and shortage of resources while administering the NSNP were the main challenges observed during the present study. Due to these hurdles, adhering to food safety practices and maintaining nutritional quality of foods may be a challenge. Continuous training in personal and general hygiene is also a necessity in preserving food safety. Furthermore, nutritional quality of foodstuffs may be preserved through proper storage practices and application of preparation methods which minimize loss of nutrients.
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Pelter, Gabrielle Beatrice. "In hospital but not forgotten : an exploration into children and young people's narratives about their experiences of hospitalisation and hospital school." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2016.

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Today, increasing numbers of children and young people (CYPs) live with chronic health conditions. A fact reflected in recent UK legislation which highlights the necessity of supporting these CYPs to fully access education. This study explores the experiences and perspectives of children and young people with chronic conditions (CYPCCs) regarding hospitalisation and hospital school. A narrative methodology was selected to explore the experiences of five hospitalised CYPCCs (aged 12 to 16 years) in addition to the meanings they ascribed to these experiences. Findings contribute important insights into CYPCCs' experiences of hospitalisation in relation to the following family, personal growth, health-related identity, relationships, coping, unpredictability and uncertainty and medical intervention and physical pain. This research makes a unique contribution to the field, in relation to the substantive topic (how CYPCCs perceive educational experiences in hospital settings) and the original application of a narrative research methodology. I argue the necessity for professionals to recognise CYPCCs as a potentially vulnerable group. Ethical issues concerning access to hospitalised CYPCCs for research purposes are highlighted and the value of narrative research with CYPs is endorsed. Implications for professional practice and research are discussed which seek to improve the educational opportunities, experiences and outcomes for CYPCCs.
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Pillay, Tanushree. "Determining the effects of a short-term physical activity intervention programme on body mass index, blood pressure, pulse rate and percentage body fat among high school learners." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2005.

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Physical inactivity is recognised as a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Current recommendations for participation in physical activity are 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, but preferably all days of the week. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a physical activity programme on weight, blood pressure, body mass index and body fat classification among high school learners through a short-term physical activity intervention programme.
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Kendall, Helen Jane. "The link between mental health, social and emotional vulnerability and life chances : school based early identification of socially and emotionally vulnerable adolescents in a deprived urban community." Thesis, University of Hull, 2004.

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The objectives of this work are to: - Explore the concept of adolescent vulnerability; - Establish easily administered, reliable means of early identification of the most vulnerable; and - Suggest some school level interventions. This research focuses on adolescents in a socially deprived area. The thesis contains two parts: Part I explores the theoretical contexts, examining the social, educational and moral climate, and concludes that potential vulnerability is not being identified early enough in young people's lives for effective interventions to be implemented. The phenomenon and experience of adolescence is explored from a variety of perspectives, and various definitions of adolescence examined. The broad range of experience representing both typical and atypical adolescence is considered. A range of socio-economic factors and psychometric measures are reviewed for potential use as early indicators of vulnerability. The four screening measures chosen from the range reviewed are social deprivation, selfesteem, locus of control (LoC) and coping strategies. Social deprivation indicators establish background levels of life chances and prospects. Selfesteem is used to identify the most vulnerable; locus of control adds information about the nature of their vulnerability, and coping strategies informs potential practical interventions. Part 2 focuses on practical research. The prospects of the subject population are explored using a range of indicators, including the social and educational alienation and dysfunction of its young adolescents. Six hypotheses are defined and the selected psychometric tools piloted and administered on all of Year 7 of the subject school. Pupils are identified as either vulnerable or not identifiably vulnerable. Case studies using semi-structured interviews are conducted, adding a qualitative, experiential dimension to the statistical, psychometric findings. Based on this research conclusions are drawn which have academic application and directly inform practical interventions which, if implemented in early adolescence, would potentially alleviate the identified vulnerability.
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Govindasamy, N. "Construction of the Sai Education Centre at Plot 68 Uniaville, South of Johannesburg." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007.

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Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
This project proposal looks at the construction of a high school for the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation in South Africa using ecological design principles and Vastu Architecture as guiding strategies. The document discusses the need for sustainable development in relation to the built environment. The mechanisms, objectives and reasons for existence of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation are also discussed. The proposal also introduces the science of Vastushastra as a science that can benefit human beings on both material and spiritual levels. The proposal lists the various alternative technologies that are available to make the built environment more sustainable and then goes further to present the relevant technologies that will be used in the project.
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Hung, Chor-nam, and 洪楚南. "The relationship between physical fitness and physical activity in Hong Kong secondary school students." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1997.

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Manaka, Ngoanamoshala Maria. "How an eco-school sanitation community of practice fosters action competence for sanitation management in a rural school : the case of Ramashobohle High School Eco-Schools Community of Practice in Mankweng circuit Polokwane Municipality Capricorn district in Limpopo Province, South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011.

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Providing adequate sanitation facilities for the poor remains one of the major challenges in all developing countries. In South Africa, an estimated 11,7% of the schools are without sanitation. The South African government has a constitutional responsibility to ensure that all South Africans have access to adequate sanitation. When sanitation systems fail, or are inadequate, the impact of the health of the community, on the health of others and the negative impact on the environment can be extremely serious. In rural South African schools, many Enviro-Ioo toilets are available today. They are designed to suit a variety of water scarce areas and where there is a high risk of contamination of ground water resources. It is important to realize that any Enviro-Ioo system programme requires an education programme to ensure that the principles of use and maintenance are clearly understood by the user group. Their maintenance requires more responsibility and commitment by users. This study is an interpretive case study that indicates how sanitation in a rural Ramashobohle High School in Polokwane municipality was managed through an EcoSchools Sanitation Community of Practice, and how this developed action competence for sanitation management in the school. The study established that the earlier practice and knowledge of the Ramashobohle Eco-Schools community of practice exercised in maintaining Enviro-Ioo systems was inadequate; unhealthy and unsafe according to the data generated through focus group interviews, observations, interviews, action plan, workshops and reflection interviews. The data generated also indicates that the Eco-Schools community of practice was not committed to maintaining sanitation in their school because they were not sharing sanitation knowledge; they were not communicating and not updating one another concerning Enviro-Ioo systems maintenance as they had no adequate knowledge as to how to maintain the facilities; and the school management was also not supportive and was not taking responsibility. The study shows how this situation was turned around as an Eco-Schools Sanitation Community of Practice focussed on developing action competence in the school community. It provides a case based example of how knowledge and action competence, supported by an Eco-Schools Community of Practice, can find and implement solutions to inadequate sanitation management practices in rural schools, and shows how members of the school community can be engaged in learning how to manage and maintain school sanitation systems through a participatory process that develops action competence. The study points to important dimensions of developing action competence, such as providing knowledge and demonstrations, inviting experts to the school, involving learners in observations and monitoring and in ensuring that adequate facilities are available. In particular, a workshop conducted by Enviro-Ioo consultants, organised and supported by the Eco-Schools Sanitation COP, together with a follow up action plan, provided the main impetus for changes in practice in the school and served to support action competence development. Finally the study provides research findings and recommendations for further research.
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Ventura, Mixel, and Emelinda Figueroa. "Elementary school teachers' recognition of depression in children." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1998.

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Joubert, George Frederick. "The influence of a holistic fitness programme on the development of positive attitude’s in learners at a multi-grade school." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010.

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Thesis (MTech (Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010.
This research investigates the influence of a 12 week holistic fitness programme on learner attitudes in three multi-grade schools in the Wellington area of the Western Cape. A sample of 38 (N= 21 males and N=17 females), grade 4 multi-grade learners participated in the study. The study also tests whether an evaluation model as applied in this research: a) Can give insight into how to develop a fitness programme and assist to refine and improve such a program; b) Assists, through evaluation and attitudinal evaluation questionnaires to identify the various components of a fitness programme that can be modified to optimise the outcomes of the programme. It was found that the structure provided by the holistic fitness programme encouraged in significant positive attitudes toward all seven sub-domains of the CATPA inventory. It is concluded that the participation in a structured fitness programme is confidently associated with the development of more positive attitudes.
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Chu, Tsz Lun. "The Roles of Coaches, Peers, and Parents in High School Athletes' Motivational Processes: A Mixed-Method Study." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2008.

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Grounded in self-determination theory and achievement goal theory, the purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine the underlying motivational processes from social environments created by coaches, peers, and parents to motivational outcomes in high school athletes, with an emphasis on the relative influence of social agents in basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness). The quantitative part of this study tested a hierarchical model of high school sport motivation in a final sample of 311 student athletes (204 boys, 107 girls) using structural equation modeling: social factors (coach-, peer-, and parent-created motivational climates) -> psychological mediators (need satisfaction and frustration) -> types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation) -> consequences (subjective vitality, athlete burnout, and intention to drop out). Invariance across gender and across team type (varsity vs. non-varsity) was also tested. Adequate model fits were achieved in separate "brighter side" and "darker side" models across the overall sample, gender, and team type. The follow-up qualitative part of this study explored "how" beyond "what" coaches, peers, and parents contribute to the social environments, need frustration, and negative motivational outcomes in sport in a subsample of 37 student athletes (24 boys, 13 girls) who reported high amotivation/burnout and higher than average dropout intentions in the quantitative survey. Content analysis and observation were conducted to interpret the focus group interview data among athletes across gender and team type. The results of both quantitative and qualitative parts were integrated and compared to summarize the roles of coaches, peers, and parents in the "brighter and darker sides" of athletic experience in high school athletes.
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Chu, Tsz Lun. "The Roles of Coaches, Peers, and Parents in High School Athletes' Motivational Processes: A Mixed-Methods Study." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2018.

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Grounded in self-determination theory and achievement goal theory, the purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine the underlying motivational processes from social environments created by coaches, peers, and parents to motivational outcomes in high school athletes, with an emphasis on the relative influence of social agents in basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness). The quantitative part of this study tested a hierarchical model of high school sport motivation in a final sample of 311 student athletes (204 boys, 107 girls) using structural equation modeling: social factors (coach-, peer-, and parent-created motivational climates) -> psychological mediators (need satisfaction and frustration) -> types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation) -> consequences (subjective vitality, athlete burnout, and intention to drop out). Invariance across gender and across team type (varsity vs. non-varsity) was also tested. Adequate model fits were achieved in separate "brighter side" and "darker side" models across the overall sample, gender, and team type. The follow-up qualitative part of this study explored "how" beyond "what" coaches, peers, and parents contribute to the social environments, need frustration, and negative motivational outcomes in sport in a subsample of 37 student athletes (24 boys, 13 girls) who reported high amotivation/burnout and higher than average dropout intentions in the quantitative survey. Content analysis and observation were conducted to interpret the focus group interview data among athletes across gender and team type. The results of both quantitative and qualitative parts were integrated and compared to summarize the roles of coaches, peers, and parents in the "brighter and darker sides" of athletic experience in high school athletes.
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Comer, Bruce W. "Athletic administrative functions concerning the physical plant of the academic institution." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1992.

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Mukanya, Ronald. "Perceiving sustainability and practicing community based rehabilitation : a critical examination of the Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC) as a case study." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012.

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Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Problem Statement: From a sustainability point of view, hospitals offer their services without taking into consideration their impact on the environment, the interplay between various sectors, key elements of sustainable development and interconnectedness. This study represents an attempt to design a “virtual” green hospital facility that does more with fewer resources. Aims and Objectives: Contribute towards achieving sustainable and better quality healthcare services. To generate evidence and increase our understanding of the sustainability of hospital resource flows. Design a “virtual” green hospital. Research Method: The research approach consists of a comprehensive literature review, mixed with substantiated field research and interviews. The literature review provided an understanding, recommendations and interventions for the virtual project. These can be used to promote greater sustainability through WCRC’s healthcare system, energy efficiency and green hospital buildings. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect the qualitative data. The interpretive technique was used to analyse the collected data. Consumption statistics of electricity, water and waste were used to collect the quantitative data. It was analysed using the green building rating tool. The rating tool awards points according to incorporated measures, and arrives at a total score after appropriate weighting. The green building rating tool was used to establish the rating of WCRC as it stands and what it could ideally be as a retrofit? The data was presented as demographic information in tables, charts and graphs, drawn from the collected data. Findings: The findings that emerged suggest that: a) green hospital buildings promote greater sustainability than the current modern healthcare hospital buildings at WCRC and retrofitting would promote greater sustainability; b) the majority of WCRC’s current healthcare provision is done in the conventional ‘business as usual approach’; c) the greatest weaknesses of the hospital is its heavy dependence (95% average) on nonrenewable energy sources of fuel, electricity and water; d) procurement isn’t focused in the bio-region; e) sustainability isn’t viewed as the cornerstone to influence policy; and f) the flow of resources gets conducted through socio-economic systems. Conclusion: The current design of the hospital needs to be retrofitted into a green building, which will promote greater sustainability. A higher rated green star building for WCRC would promote greater sustainability. Healthcare provision is done in the conventional ‘business as usual approach’. Therefore the healthcare system faces threats in the immediate future, which include the impact of climate change, over dependency on fossil fuels and increasing urban sprawl. A virtual green hospital is designed to reduce the overall impact of its built environment on human health and the natural environment by: • Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources; • Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity; • Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation. Recommendations: In this sustainability criterion, a paradigm shift is required for WCRC hospital to go green and become sustainable. At a local scale WCRC needs to green the current hospital building by retrofitting. WCRC needs to energy switch from nonrenewables to sustainable renewable resources. Bioregional consumption and procurement needs to be practiced whilst establishing a local health movement to engage suppliers and focus on sustainability.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Probleem stelling: Gesien van volhoubaarheids oogpunt, bied hospitale dienste aan sonder om te besin oor die impak op die omgeweing, die tussenspel tussen verskeie sektore, sleautel elemente van volhoubare ontwikkeling en die onderlinge aanknopings. Hierdie studie verteenwoordig ‘n poging om ‘n skyn groen hospitaal te ontwerp wat meer kan doen met minder hulpbronne. Oogmerk en Doelstellings: Om ‘n bydrae te lewer om ‘n volhoubare en beter kwaliteit gesondheidsdiens te bereik. Om bewyse te genereer en begrip aangaande die volhoubaarheid van hospitaal bronne vloei to verhoog/ Ontwerp van ‘n “skyn” groen hospitaal. Ondersoek Metode: Die benadering in die ondersoek bestaan uit ‘n omvattende literatuurstudie met ondersteunbare veld ondersoeke en onderhoude. Die literatuurstudie voorsien in die begrip, aanbevelings en tussentredes vir die skyn projek. Dit kan gebruik word om groter volhoubaarheid van die WKRS se gesondheidsisteem, energie effektiwiteit en groen hospitale te bevorder. Kwalitatiewe data was ingewin met behulp van onderhoude en vraelyste. Interpretasie was die tegniek wat gebruik was om data te analiseer. Verbruikstatistiek van elektrisiteit, water en afval was gebruik on kwantitatiewe data te kollekteer. Die analise daarvan was gedoen deur die gebruik van die groen gebou graderingsinstrument. Die graderingsinstrument ken punte toe volgens opgeneemde maatreëls en bepaal die finale gradering na gepaste afwegings. Die instrument was gebruik om die gradering van WKRS te bepaal soos dit is en wat die ideale terugbou sou wees. Die data word in tabelle en grafieke voorgelê soos wat dit verkry was van die gekollekteerde data. Bevindinge: Die bevindinge wat na vore gekom het dui aan dat: Groen hospitaal geboue bevorder groter volhoubaarheid dan die huidige moderne hospitaal geboue van WKRS en terugbouing sal groter volhoubaarheid bevorder. Die meerderheid van gesondheidsdiensvoorsiening deur WKRS geskied volgense die konvensionele benadering van “besigheid soos normal” Die grootste swakheid van die hospitaal is die swaar afhanklikheid van die hospitaal op nie-hernubare energie (95%) soos brandstof, elektrisiteit en water, Verkryging is nie gefokus op die bio-streek nie, Volhoubaarheid word nie beskou as die hoeksteen om belied te beinvloed nie en Die vloei van hulpbronne word herlei deur sosio-ekonomies sisteme. Sluiting: Die huidige ontwerp van die hospitaal moet terugverbou word na ‘n groen gebou wat groter volhoubaarheid sal bevorder. ‘n Hoër groenster bougradering vir WKRS sal groter volhoubaarheid bevorder. Voorsiening van gesondheidsdienste volgens die “besigheid soos normaal” benadering veroorsaak dat die gesondheids-sisteem bedreigiongs in die gesig staar soos die impak van klimaatsverandering, oorafhanklikheid van fosiel energie en verhoodge stadspreiding. Aanbevelings: Volgens die kriteria is ‘n paradigma verskuiwing nodig by WKRS om groen en volhoubaar te raak. Op ‘n plaaslike skaal is dit nodig vir WKRS om die huidige hospitaal terug te bou om groen te raak. Dit is nodig om energie veranderings te ondergaan van nie hernubare tot volhoubare, hernubare energie bronne. Die Biostreek verbruiking en verkryging moet gepraktiseer word terwyl plaaslike gesondheidsbewegings gevestig word om te onderhandel met verskaffers en te fokus op volhoubaarheid.
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Estrada, Rayna Allison. "Appropriate exercise videos for adolescents." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003.

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The purpose of this project was to review literature for appropriate elements that should make up an adolescent exercise video. Methods consisted of gathering research from twenty-three publications in books and professional journal articles. A review of the literature was examined to create chapters of information and a checklist pertaining to what makes up an appropriate adolescent exercise video.
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Papole, Magdeline Kgomotso. "Exploring the factors influencing non-participation of women living with HIV/AIDS in empowerment projects attached to primary health care clinics, Tembisa, South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

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Thesis (MPhil (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research was conducted to explore the experiences of people living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (PLWAs), especially women, as well as the factors influencing their non-participation in development projects aimed at improving their socio-economic status. The study was conducted amongst PLWAs who are members of the Tembisa Main Clinic and Winnie Mandela Clinic support groups in Tembisa, South Africa. The researcher was motivated to conduct the research because in her work as a social worker she is confronted daily with PWLAs who are from disadvantaged backgrounds and are struggling to make ends meet. Initiatives have been undertaken to try and encourage self–reliance and improve the health status of these women by developing food gardens to provide them with fresh vegetables and possible income sources from these gardens. The reluctance of members of two support groups of PLWAs to stay involved in these projects encouraged the researcher to explore these issues. The researcher consulted various sources to obtain literature on the factors influencing non-participation in development projects. In addition she undertook a qualitative study, wherein twenty participants participated. The data from this study was then interpreted and compared to the literature. The findings of this study highlighted several factors such as discrimination, local beliefs, stigma and lack of support, which influence the non- participation of PWLAs in sustainable development projects. The findings of this research also indicate that developments projects often fail to thrive because of topdown decisions about the projects, the fact that there is no start-up funding available for the projects and participants who become demotivated to participate. The research therefore concludes with recommendations in order to address these problems.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is onderneem om die ondervinding van mense, veral vroue, wat met Verworwe Immuniteitsgebrek Sindroom (VIGS) lewe, te ondersoek, asook die faktore wat hulle daarvan weerhou om deel te neem aan ontwikkelingsprojekte wat daarop gemik is om hul sosio-ekonomiese status te verbeter. Die studie is onderneem onder pasiënte wat lede was van ondersteuningsgroepe by Tembisa Hoofkliniek en Winnie Mandela Kliniek in Tembisa, Suid-Afrika. Die navorser is gemotiveerd om die studie te onderneem omdat sy daagliks in haar werk as sosiale werker gekonfronteer is deur mense wat met VIGS lewe, wat uit minder bevoorregte agtergronde kom en wat sukkel om te oorleef. Inisiatiewe is onderneem om hierdie vroue se selfstandigheid te bevorder en om hul gesondheidstatus te verbeter deur groente tuine te ontwikkel om hulle van vars groente te verskaf, asook moontlike inkomstebronne uit hierdie tuine. Die onwilligheid van die lede van twee ondersteuningsgroepe om in hierdie projekte betrokke te bly, het die navorser aangemoedig om hierdie aangeleentheid verder te ondersoek. Die navorser het verskeie bronne geraadpleeg om literatuur te verkry oor die faktore wat die nie-deelname in ontwikkelingsprojekte beïnvloed. Sy het ook kwalitatiewe studie onderneem waaraan twintig respondente deelgeneem het. Die data van hierdie navorsing is daarna geïnterpreteer en met die literatuur vergelyk. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing het verskeie faktore uitgelig wat die niedeelname beïnvloed van mense wat met VIGS lewe, soos diskriminasie, plaaslike gelowe, stigma en gebrek aan ondersteuning. Die navorsing het ook bevind dat ontwikkelingsprojekte dikwels nie floreer nie as gevolg van die ‘topdown’ besluitneming oor die projekte en omdat daar nie genoegsame vooraf befondsing beskikbaar is vir die projekte nie en die deelnemers dus demotiveer om verder deel te neem. Die navorsing sluit dus af met voorstelle om hierdie probleme aan te spreek.
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Pattison, Stuart. "The development and implementation of a mental toughness training programme for young cricketers." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011.

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Modern research being conducted on Mental Toughness is now shifting away from efforts aimed at developing definitions for the construct and instead moving toward efforts at understanding its development. This particular research study focuses on the development and implementation of a Mental Toughness programme designed specifically for, and tailored exclusively to, the needs of schoolboy cricket at Kingswood College in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. The programme development was an intricate process and the research procedure was guided by the Organisational Development Process model. Data from a focus group as well as various individual interviews were integrated with currently existing Mental Toughness literature and theory to devise this particular Mental Toughness programme. The programme entails educating the athletes on six specific mental skills and incorporates elements of practical application as well as awareness of the importance and influence of Mental Toughness and mental training in a sporting sphere. The programme took the form of mental skills workshops held over a three week period. An analysis was conducted post-programme to document the experience of the athletes as a result of exposure to the programme. Results drawn from the array of analysis procedures were used to help identify the level of success of the Mental Toughness intervention as well as help validify current Mental Toughness models. In addition to highlighting the benefits as a result of the programme experience, various recommendations were drawn in order to shed light on the programme limitations and assist future researchers with understanding the intricacies behind better and more efficient programme implementation.
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Kibirige, Simon Namukonge. "The knowledge and perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS and the sexual behavior of high school learners in Port St Johns Municipality, South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.

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Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to identify HIV/AIDS knowledge gaps and the factors which influence the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS, in relation to the sexual behavior of high school learners in Port St Johns Municipality. In order to do this, a close ended questionnaire was administered to 116 learners from three senior secondary schools in Port St Johns Municipality. Frequency table counts and percentages were used to describe HIV/AIDS knowledge, the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS and the risky sexual behaviors by learners. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used in the inferential analysis. From the data, it was clear that a significant proportion of learners had gaps in their knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Female senior secondary school learners were slightly more knowledgeable than their male counterparts, in that 60% of the female learners were correct in their knowledge of HIV/AIDS, compared to 57 % of males. According to the data, 58 % of male high school learners correctly interpreted the perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS, compared to 56% of their female counterparts. These low percentages suggest that the high school learners have inadequate skills in interpreting the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS. Another finding was that 74 % of female learners do not engage in risky sexual behaviors which might lead to a contraction of HIV/AIDS, compared to 67 % of male learners. Male learners, as well as the female learners, had a Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient: r=0.522 for males and r= -0.268 for females, in terms of perceptions of risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS and engaging in risky sexual behavior. In other words, the results indicate that if males perceive the risks more acutely, they will not take such risks, whereas females are not easily influenced by the perceptions of risks and the way in which they behave. The study recommends that stakeholders of the schools craft HIV/AIDS programmes and policies that bridge the knowledge gaps and reduce or eliminate inaccurate perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS, so as to enable learners to adopt safer sexual behaviors.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om gapings in MIV/Vigs kennis te identifiseer en die faktore wat die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV, met betrekking tot die seksuele gedrag van hoërskoolleerders in Port St Johns Munisipaliteit beïnvloed. Ten einde dit te doen, is 'n vraelys geadministreer onder 116 leerders van drie senior sekondêre skole in Port St Johns Munisipaliteit. Frekwensietabel-tellings en persentasies is gebruik om MIV/Vigs kennis te beskryf, die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV en die riskante seksuele gedrag deur leerders. Die Pearson Produk Oomblik korrelasie is gebruik in die inferensiële analise. Die data toon dat ‘n aansienlike persentasie van die leerders ‘n tekort aan kennis het rakende MIV/Vigs. Vroulike senior sekondêre leerders toon effens meer kennis as hul manlike eweknieë, 60% van die vroulike leerders korrek was in hul kennis van MIV/Vigs, in vergelyking met 57% van die mans. 58% van die manlike hoërskoolleerders het die persepsies van die risiko's van MIV/Vigs korrek geïnterpreteer, in vergelyking met 56% van hul vroulike eweknieë. Hierdie lae persentasies dui daarop dat die hoërskoolleerders onvoldoende vaardighede het in die interpretasie van die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV. Nog 'n bevinding was dat 74% van vroulike leerders nie betrokke is in riskante seksuele gedrag wat kan lei tot MIV-infeksie nie, in vergelyking met 67% van die manlike leerders. Manlike leerders, sowel as die vroulike leerders, het 'n Pearson Produk korrelasiekoëffisiënt: r = 0,522 vir mans en r = -0,268 vir vroue, in terme van die persepsies van risiko's van kontraktering van MIV/Vigs en betrokke te raak in riskante seksuele gedrag. Die studie beveel aan dat belanghebbendes van skole MIV/Vigs-programme en beleide ontwikkel wat die kennisgapings oorbrug en onakkurate persepsies verminder rakende die risiko van MIV-infeksie, met die doel dat leerder veiliger seksuele gerag sal toon.
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Van, Niekerk L. "Prevention of environmental health hazards through effective building control." 2012.

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M. Tech. Environmental Health
The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge and perception of the Environmental Health Practitioner regarding enforcing environmental health legislation and the procedures which must be followed in terms of building control. The objectives of the study were: to determine the knowledge of the Environmental Health Practitioner regarding enforcing environmental health legislation on building plans; to determine the perceptions of the Environmental Health Practitioner towards their roles and responsibility to enforce environmental health legislation through building control; to determine the perceptions of the Environmental Health Practitioner regarding the working relationship between environmental health and building control; and to compare the practical application when building plans are scrutinised by Environmental Health Practitioner with the legal requirements needed to prevent environmental health hazards.
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Truter, R. M. "A technological systems approach to the sick building syndrome." Thesis, 2014.

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M.Tech. (Building Science)
A cross sectional survey was conducted in an air-conditioned building and a naturally ventilated building to establish the prevalence of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) in these Johannesburg buildings. Numerous studies conducted in other countries have found that the prevalence of SBS symptoms are usually higher in sealed airconditioned buildings than naturally ventilated buildings. The study was conducted in two stages namely a questionnaire and indoor environmental survey which was conducted in both buildings. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that: ' All symptom prevalences in both building populations were very closely related, however the SBS symptoms in building B were more common than air-conditioned building. The indoor environmental survey measured the following parameters: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, total nitrogen oxides, total non methane hydrocarbons, respirable dust, asbestos, sound levels. No measurements were above any threshold limit values or relevant scientifically acceptable standards, however in the air-conditioned building levels of some pollutants were higher than the naturally ventilated building. The study found that the prevailences of SBS type symptoms in the naturally ventilated building were higher than those in the air-conditioned building. The type of building population could also affect the outcome as has been found by researchers in the United Kingdom. The predominant population in the naturally ventilated building consisted of government employees which could have affected symptom prevalence.
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"A study of the impacts of external environment on school organizational health." 2001.

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Leung Tsan-wing.
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references.
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Nibakuze, Noella. "The post-occupancy evaluation of a green star SA certified building in order to determine the internal environmental quality effectiveness." Thesis, 2013.

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Thesis (MTech. degree in Architectural Technology)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2013.
The aim of this study was to conduct a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of a Green Star SA certified office building in order to determine to what extent this building performs in terms of the Internal Environmental Quality (IEQ) from the perspective of the occupants as well as the effect of POE on the occupants' health and productivity. The objectives were to measure employees' satisfaction with the IEQ in a green building; to determine whether the health of the occupants is satisfactory in a green building; and to determine whether the health of the employees and their perceived productivity are influenced by IEQ in a green building.
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Abrahams, Sumaya. "Acute stress and strain due to backpack loading among primary school pupils." Thesis, 2011.

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Schoolbag carriage represents a considerable daily occupational load for children (Negrini et al., 1999). Whittfield et al., (2001) and Puckree et al., (2004) have reported that the carriage of heavy schoolbags is a suspected aetiological factor of the daily physical stress of school pupils. Methods: One hundred and eighty-seven pupils voluntarily participated in a controlled, descriptive, epidemiological retrospective study. Subjects’ biographical, epidemiological, exercise history and lifestyle information was gathered by a self-report questionnaire (adapted from Puckree et al., 2004). Subjects’ body mass, stature and mass of their schoolbags were measured using a Detecto stadiometer scale. Digital images, electromyographical muscular activity and a posture profile assessments were captured in the frontal and sagittal planes whilst the pupils were in the loaded (carrying a schoolbag) and the unloaded phases (not carrying schoolbags). These images were analyzed using biomechanical software, Dartfish. The study being retrospective in nature recorded the prevalence of schoolbag carriage musculoskeletal pain over the last 12 months. Descriptive statistical tests such as mean, mode, frequency, percentages and inferential chi-square statistical test (set at a probability of 0.05) were employed to analyze the data. Results: The result indicated that 78.99% of the cohort experience musculoskeletal pain due to schoolbag carriage (p<0.0001). The most prevalent anatomical sites of pain were the shoulders (37.04%), neck (20.37%), lumbar (11.73%) and thorax (10.49%) (p<0.0001). The mean mass of the schoolbag carried by the cohort was 5.45kg which was approximately 11.5% of their body mass. The predisposing factors of the musculoskeletal pain were the methods employed to carry the schoolbag (single strap (20.21%) versus double straps (76.6%), altered posture due to excessive schoolbag mass together with a reduced craniovertebral angle (p<0.05). Discussion & Conclusion: The excessive schoolbag mass carried by the pupils placed strain on the immature vertebral column of these pupils thus causing postural deviations which induced musculoskeletal pain and discomfort.
Thesis (M.Sport Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2011.
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Bliss, Ruth-Angela. "Menopausal Transition: Psychosocial Aspects and the Role of Melatonin in Psychogenic Symptoms." 2005.

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Psychogenic symptoms (trouble sleeping, lack of energy, difficulty in concentration, nervous tension, feelings of sadness/ downheartedness) are among the most frequently reported symptoms of menopausal transition, as are nocturnal hot flushes/sweats. Few studies have combined psychosocial and biomedical models to seek an explanation as to why menopausal symptoms such as these are problematic for some but not all women during menopausal transitional. In Study 1, 71 transitional women (mean age: 50.02 years, SD: 3.52 years) completed questionnaires examining the predictive value of a number of psychosocial factors in terms of the impact of menopausal symptoms on the ability to maintain a normal lifestyle during transition. Participants included women undergoing natural transition and those using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). A sub-set of participants (N=22) with the highest and lowest psychogenic symptom frequency scores took part in Study 2. Their evening on-set salivary melatonin secretion levels were compared, as was their exposure to natural light at 500, 3,000 and 10,000 lux levels, their subjective and objective (wrist actigraph) sleep quality and their nocturnal peripheral body temperatures (PBT). Results from Study 1 indicated that, while the quality and availability of health care was of most concern to all participants, domestic environment, including quality of relationships and communications, was the main predictor of successful transition when assessed as the ability to maintain a normal lifestyle during transition. No significant differences were found between natural or HRTassisted transition in terms of the impact of symptom severity, or the predictive value of psychosocial factors. Participants with low psychogenic frequency scores (less frequent symptoms) showed a trend towards higher evening on-set melatonin secretion levels, and had significantly greater exposure to natural light than their high psychogenic frequency counterparts. These results were consistent regardless of transitional status (natural or HRT-assisted). No significant differences between the high and low psychogenic symptom groups were found in either subjective or objective sleep quality. However, women with high psychogenic frequencies spent significantly more hours with higher peripheral body temperatures (35º - 36ºC) and reported significantly more nocturnal hot flush/sweat episodes than their low psychogenic frequency counterparts. These results show that, in terms of overall menopausal transition, domestic environment plays a major role in the way in which transitional women are able to deal with the impact of menopausal symptoms during transition. They also suggest a permissive link between melatonin evening on-set of rhythms and psychogenic symptoms that may be mediated by exposure to natural light. However, these results should not be viewed in isolation from each other, but in combination with each other. It could be argued that a healthy domestic environment may affect the perception of symptom severity. This could result in greater involvement in domestic and social activities outside the home, increasing exposure to natural light, and thus better entrained melatonin secretion on-set rhythms. However, any inference of causation (rather than association) requires experimental verification, preferably in research designs where key factors, such as exposure to natural light, can be experimentally manipulated.
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Buthelezi, Sikhumbuzo Archibald. "Indoor and outdoor environmental assessment of Durban block hostels : an internal evaluations on exposure measures and outcomes of self supported health and well-being in hostels." Thesis, 2007.

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Hostel dwellers form a larger part of the urban population in South Africa (Ramphele, 1999). These hostels were initially created as temporal arrangement for African men moving from rural to urban areas seeking for employment. Due to housing shortage in urban areas they eventually became permanent residential accommodation. However, observations into the environmental conditions in these hostels have raised concerns about the health and well being of residents and neighbouring communities. The area of study was selected on the basis of the current depleted living conditions due to mismanagement of facilities provided by both the occupants and the hostel administrators. The study was a cross sectional descriptive study involving all three Durban Metropolitan block hostels. Assessing (i) the quality of block hostel environment (indoor and outdoor) through visual inspection (walkthrough), (ii) the exposure measures and outcomes (biophysical environment assessment) by means of questionnaire survey, air testing and microbial identification. Sixty three (63) hostel inventory were completed, followed by the administration of 450 questionnaires, and 646 surface and air samples were collected in the indoors of the selected hostel blocks including the control outdoor samples. The demographic profile of the hostel dwellers in the selected hostel blocks revealed that in the five bed type dormitories the habitable space per individual was 3 m 2 to 3.8 m2. Whilst in the ten bed type dormitories the habitable space per individual was 3.3 m 2 to 3.6 m2 . This was not even close to the World Health Organization suggested habitable space of 12 m2 (WHO, 2000) and was therefore regarded as overcrowding. Lack of access control in the hostels exacerbated by the socio-economic demands of the living environments, e.g. unemployment, was to blame for overcrowding. This overcrowding of the hostels was overloading the services, causing enormous number of blockages and bursts of wastewater pipes resulting in the system not functioning. This situation resulted in the accumulation of dampness in the indoor environment, and hence creating conditions favouring the growth of indoor mouldiness in the buildings. This was further supported by evidence that 47% of the occupants in the selected hostel blocks were experiencing respiratory symptoms and 53% experiencing non-respiratory symptoms. The most recorded respiratory symptoms were pulmonary tuberculosis (14.3%), chest tightness (12.2%), sore and dry throat (7%), sinus congestion (7%) symptoms. Whilst the most recorded non-respiratory symptoms were headache (11.5%), dry and itchy skin (11.5%), stomach upset (6.3%) and fatigue (3.6%). Forty five percent (45%) of the respondents were current smokers and 80% of them had a tendency of smoking indoors. The results of the surface and air samples indicated that the level of indoor mould growth in the selected hostel blocks was at 37, 24%. Surface moulds were at 58% and airborne spores were at 42%. Statistical analysis of data revealed a significant relationship between exposure factors and outcomes in the 5, 10 and 15-bed type dormitories. Incidence Risk Rate (IRR) and the p-value (p . 0.01) were used to determine relationships between exposure factors and outcomes. Certain factors were very much supportive in the development of selfreported symptoms in the selected hostel blocks of the three hostels under certain circumstances and these were the hygiene state of the building, leaking pipes, smoking habits and total mea and dg surface moulds. At all levels of the analysis the hygiene state of the building was very much supportive in the development of self-reported symptoms. Other exposure factors were not supportive at all, for example, structural defects, bed-types, different floor levels and participants' perception of overcrowding. A review process of the role of legislation in controlling the adverse health effects revealed that certain aspects of the legislation relating to building standards requirements, sanitation requirements, ventilation requirements, space and density requirements, and air quality standards requirements were violated. Therefore, the findings of the study recommended that a proper management plan must be developed to enhance living standards. This plan shall include a routine maintenance of the building structures, the development of a culture of self-care, as well as access control in the hostels. In addition to that where there are signs of visible moulds on walls and ceilings adequate control measures are highly recommended using commercially available measures in order to provide a healthy living environment. In conclusion is the adoption of a compliance policy towards legal requirements pertaining to building standards as defined in the National Building Regulations Standards Act (Act 103 of 1977). This study has showed that necessary iii steps need to be taken in South Africa in order to combat this problem. Further research need to be taken in order the inhabitable buildings to be better living environment improving the existing building structures.
Thesis (MMed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2007.
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Frantz, José Merle. "Physical inactivity among high school learners in Belhar -- a public health concern." Thesis, 2004.

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For many decades, the World Health Organisation had highlighted the growing importance of chronic non-communicable diseases in developed and developing countries, with an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Physical inactivity has been identified as one of the risk factors, in addition to other leading risk factors like diet, and the use of tobacco and alcohol, contributing to the occurrence of non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancers, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Based on the researcher's observations while living in Belhar community for more then ten years, it was hypothesized that the level of physical inactivity among adolescents could become a public health problem in the future if not addressed immediately.
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Rechis, Ruth Pendleton. "Capturing the emotional geographies of school personnel working with children with cancer." Thesis, 2006.

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Scott, Lee-Anne. "Incubation Hub: a 'new' school for artisans where architectural innovation meets education in South Africa." Thesis, 2014.

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This document is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree: Master of Architecture [Professional] at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, in the year 2013.
In South Africa there are approximately three million people between the ages of 18 and 24 who are unemployed or not part of an education or training institute. There are residing issues concerning education in post-apartheid South Africa, such as poor quality education in areas where the socio-economic climates still prove challenging and an increasing absence of educational institutions and training facilities. As a result, South Africa is suffering from a lack of skilled labour across all sectors of trade. In the Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training, published in 2012, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) addresses the current issues around education in South Africa and indicates that part of the resolution is to form a “nexus between the formal education system and the workplace.” Both private and public sectors need to adopt new infrastructure to ensure a higher success rate for empowering South Africans through the provision of skills-based education. This thesis is about creating a ‘new’ school idea - The Incubation Hub - for artisans, where architectural technological innovation meets education in South Africa, opens up vocational opportunities and subsequently allows for economic growth. The ‘new’ school will not only create a stronger and a more advanced workforce for South Africa but aims to bridge the gap between the corporate sector and the education and political sectors. The Incubation Hub tackles the proposed matter by recognising the opportunity for an architectural intervention, whereby a literal and physical symbiotic relationship is formed between two buildings – each with a separate function and role in society and the economy - that unites their individual responsibilities to create a new identity. In doing so, the Incubation Hub aims to improve the social and economic status of South Africa on a local and global level.
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Lan, Ching-Ling, and 藍慶齡. "Exploring health status and its influence factors from physical, mental and social aspects among junior high school students." Thesis, 2009.

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Due to adolescents’ heatlh status will effect their health during adulthood. For example, for adults, many physical and mental health problems emerge in early adolescence. Therefore, the health of adolescents has an intergenerational effect and they should be gotten much more attention. The purposes this study was firstly to develop an appropriate scale to measure adolescents’ comprehensive health status (including physical, mental, and social dimensions). Then we used it to investigate junior high school students’ comprehensive heatlh and to examine its influencing factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a randomly-selected sample of 385 (male 197 and female 188). A self-administered questionnaire (named “the Scale of omprehensive Health Status for Junior High School Students”) was used to collect data. This scale was a self-developed scale with satisfactory validity and reliability. The main findings were concluded as follows: oerall, a moderate-to-high level of comprehensive health was revealed by this study (the mean score was 3.74 ± 11.37). Among three dimensions of health, the highest score was noted for “social health”; and the lowest score was in “mental health”. Single item analyses indicating poor sleep and no regular exercise were be main problems in physical health. Besides, abnormal body mass index (BMI) was another problem because near a half of subjects (47.3%) revealed abnormal range of BMI.Obesity was the main problem for male students (25.4%), whereas underweight was the main problem for female students (20.2%). In mental health, subjects seemed to revealed negative self-concepts in “physiological I” and “study I”. Regarding to social health, the relationships with parents and teachers seemed to be improved. Analyses on the factors influencing comprehensive health status indicating grade, and socioeconomic had significant relationships with subjects’ health (p < 0.05). Based on our findings we suggest health professionals should improve poor intems which revealed in this study to effectively improve hunior high school students’ helath status. Abnormal body weight also should be valuable to study in future particular for different genders. As to the Scale developed in this study, due to a satisfactory validity and reliability, it could be offered in future studies.
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