Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Scalar processor'
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Kislauskas, Nerijus. "Šiuolaikinių procesorių architektūrų tyrimas, našumo lyginamoji analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2005. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2005~D_20050521_182043-68331.
Full textBaesler, Malte [Verfasser]. "FPGA Implementation of a Decimal Floating-Point Co-Processor with Accurate Scalar Product Unit / Malte Baesler." Aachen : Shaker, 2012. http://d-nb.info/1069045349/34.
Full textSlavík, Daniel. "Návrh pokročilé architektury procesoru v jazyce VHDL." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-237134.
Full textMartel, Sofiane. "Theoretical and numerical analysis of invariant measures of viscous stochastic scalar conservation laws." Thesis, Paris Est, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PESC1040.
Full textThis devoted to the theoretical and numerical analysis of a certain class of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs), namely scalar conservation laws with viscosity and with a stochastic forcing which is an additive white noise in time. A particular case of interest is the stochastic Burgers equation, which is motivated by turbulence theory. We focus on the long time behaviour of the solutions of these equations through a study of the invariant measures. The theoretical part of the thesis constitutes the second chapter. In this chapter, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution in a strong sense. To this end, estimates on Sobolev norms up to the second order are established. In the second part of Chapter~2, we show that the solution of the SPDE admits a unique invariant measure. In the third chapter, we aim to approximate numerically this invariant measure. For this purpose, we introduce a numerical scheme whose spatial discretisation is of the finite volume type and whose temporal discretisation is a split-step backward Euler method. It is shown that this kind of scheme preserves some fundamental properties of the SPDE such as energy dissipation and L^1-contraction. Those properties ensure the existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure for the numerical scheme. Thanks to a few regularity estimates, we show that this discrete invariant measure converges, as the space and time steps tend to zero, towards the unique invariant measure for the SPDE in the sense of the second order Wasserstein distance. Finally, numerical experiments are performed on the Burgers equation in order to illustrate this convergence as well as some small-scale properties related to turbulence
Llena, Hernando Manel. "Geomorphic responses to natural and human disturbances in a mountain catchment at multiple temporal and spatial scales." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Lleida, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/668358.
Full textEsta tesis se centra en el estudio de la transferencia de agua y sedimentos desde las áreas fuente de sedimentos hasta las áreas de sedimentación a múltiples escales temporales (desde datos con una frecuencia de cinco minutos hasta información de un siglo) y espaciales (desde laderas hasta cuencas), y sus implicaciones en la morfología del cauce en la Cuenca del Alto Cinca (vertiente sur de los Pirineos). A escala de micro-cuenca, los datos de alta resolución obtenidos durante 5 años en dos badlands contrastados (0.3 ha cada uno) revelan como la lluvia controla los procesos erosivos asociados a la escorrentía superficial, mientras que las bajas temperaturas tienen una relación significativa con los procesos de movimientos en masa. La morfometría de estas superficies, conjuntamente con la cobertura vegetal, son factores clave que determinan los principales procesos geomorfológicos y los cambios topográficos asociados. Los principales procesos observados han sido secuencias de Erosión y Sedimentación (Cutting and Filling) y Movimientos Gravitacionales (Mass Wasting). Pese a que los badlands tienen un papel importante en la producción de sedimentos, el balance de sedimentos de la cuenca del rio Soto (10 km2) indica que estas superficies no siempre controlan la exportación de sedimentos a la salida de pequeñas cuencas de montaña con carácter intermitente. Esto principalmente se debe a la fluctuación de la conectividad funcional de la red de drenaje causada por la frecuencia y magnitud de los pulsos de agua y sedimentos durante las crecidas súbitas o flashy. La red de drenaje actúa como fuente y zona de almacenamiento de sedimentos, y es clave para entender las marcadas diferencias que hay en la proporción de sedimento que se exporta en relación a la producción o Sediment Delivery Ratio. Los cambios en los usos del suelo en muchas cuencas de montaña constatados desde los años 50 del siglo XX tienen un efecto directo en la generación de escorrentía (cantidad y magnitud) y en la producción de sedimentos. La mayoría de la superficie de la cuenca del Alto Cinca (1565 km2) ha sufrido forestación, que ha resultado en una reducción de la conectividad sedimentaria estructural. La construcción de terrazas afecta la conectividad mucho más que los cambios en la cobertura del suelo. A una escala más local, las terrazas pueden incrementar la conectividad debido a la convergencia de flujo producida por las propias estructuras, o por la caída de estas debido a su abandono. La construcción de carreteras modifica la pendiente y la red de drenaje, hecho que comporta cambios en la conectividad estructural, que a su vez pueden afectar a los procesos erosivos en las zonas vecinas. Así, los flujos de agua y sedimento en la cuenca del Alto Cinca han estado ampliamente modificados durante el último siglo, con implicaciones directas en la morfología del canal. Además, impactos locales derivados de las extracciones de áridos, construcción de escolleras y embalses también han condicionado la dinámica sedimentaria de este río, con un impacto directo sobre la morfología. Esta situación ha generado una metamorfosis de la morfología del río en la parte baja del Alto Cinca (12 km), cambiando de un patrón trenzado, muy dinámico, a un patrón más estable con una tendencia hacia el canal único. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el tramo de estudio está alcanzando un nuevo equilibrio morfo-sedimentario impuesto por los cambios en los flujos de agua y sedimentos ocurridos durante el último siglo, incluyendo las perturbaciones antrópicas que han modificado la geometría del canal y las características morfológicas del cauce. Se han observado un total de tres fases en su evolución: antes de 1927, el tramo de estudio se encontraba en una situación de casi-equilibrio, mayoritariamente controlada por las crecidas. Entre el año 1927 y 2012 el río se ha ajustado a las diferentes perturbaciones que ha tenido a múltiples escalas temporales y espaciales. Este ajuste se ha llevado a cabo mediante dos cambios contrastados en las características morfológicas. Finalmente, después del año 2012, los resultados indican que el río puede haber alcanzado un nuevo equilibrio, ajustándose a los flujos de agua y sedimento impuestos y la nueva configuración del canal. Esta tesis presenta innovadores métodos cuantitativos para el estudio de la producción de sedimentos y la transferencia entre los diferentes compartimentos de las cuencas fluviales. La principal novedad en la mayoría de los capítulos de la tesis recae en la elevada resolución de los datos obtenidos, tanto temporal como espacial. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis permiten entender mejor el funcionamiento de los sistemas fluviales y su evolución, aspectos clave para dar soporte y apoyo en la mejoría y gestión de cuencas hidrográficas de montaña.
This thesis focusses on the study of water and sediment transfer from sources to sinks at multiple temporal (from 5-min data to a century data sets) and spatial (from slope to catchment scales) scales and their implications for channel morphology in the Upper Cinca catchment, a mountain catchment located in the Southern Pyrenees. At the micro-catchment scale, our 5-year High Resolution Data Set of two contrasted badlands (around 0.3 ha each) reveal as rainfall control overland-surface flow processes while low temperatures have a significant relation with mass movement-based processes. Morphometry together with vegetation cover are key factors determining main geomorphic processes and associated topographic changes. Main observed geomorphic processes were Cutting and Filling and Mass Wasting. Although badlands may have an important role on sediment production, the 2-year sediment budget of the Soto catchment (10 km2) indicates that badlands do not always control the export of sediments at the outlet of small intermittent mountain catchments. This is mainly due to the fluctuation of the functional connectivity of the channel network caused by the frequency and magnitude of water and sediment pulses during flashy floods. The channel drainage network acts as sediment source and sink and it is key to understand marked differences in the Sediment Delivery Ration. Land use and cover in many mountain catchments have been modified since the fifties of the 20th century, having a direct effect on runoff and sediment production. Most of the area of the Upper Cinca catchment (1565 km2) has undergone afforestation, which resulted in a decrease of structural sediment connectivity. Terracing affects connectivity much more than changes in land cover. Terraces generally reduce connectivity due to the establishment of flat areas between slopes and, contrarily, locally, may increase connectivity due the convergence produced by the structures or the collapse of terraces due to abandonment. Road construction, however, modify slope and the drainage network, which leads to changes in connectivity that could affect erosional processes in the neighbouring areas. Thus, water and sediment fluxes through the Upper Cinca are spatially and temporal dynamic and have been dramatically modified in the last century, with direct implications on channel morphology. Additionally, localised disturbances such as gravel mining, channel embankments and dams have also impacted on sedimentary dynamics, thus channel morphology. This situation led to a river metamorphosis, changing from a braided pattern to a more static channel towards a wandering pattern. We hypothesise that the lowermost 12-km reach of the Upper Cinca has reaching a new equilibrium imposed by catchment-scale changes of water and sediment fluxes caused by global changes, but also influenced by localised human-disturbances that modify channel geometry and morpho-sedimentary characteristics. Three phases were identified: before 1927, the reach remained in a quasi-equilibrium state imposed, mainly, by water and sediment supply during flood events. During the period 1927-2012 the river adjusted to the disequilibrium imposed by disturbances acting at different temporal and spatial scales, yielding two contrasted channel states. Finally, after 2012, we hypothesise that the river may be reaching again a new equilibrium, adjusting to the imposed water and sediment fluxes and the new channel configuration. This thesis presents some novel quantitative methods for the study of sediment production and transfer between the different compartments of fluvial catchments. The main transversal novelty in all the methods used in each chapter lies in the high resolution of the data obtained. This comprehensive analysis aids at understanding the functioning of the river system and their evolution based on multiple-scale disturbances, which can help to support integrated watershed management practices or plans.
Aeckerle-Willems, Cathrine [Verfasser], and Claudia [Akademischer Betreuer] Strauch. "Nonparametric statistics for scalar ergodic diffusion processes / Cathrine Aeckerle-Willems ; Betreuer: Claudia Strauch." Mannheim : Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1202012035/34.
Full textBoito, Diogo Rodrigues. "Ressonâncias escalares: relações dinâmicas entre processos de espalhamento e decaimento." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/43/43134/tde-03032008-124314/.
Full textThe existence of a light scalar-isoscalar meson, known as ?, was suggested in the 60\'s. This particle played an important role in the theoretical construction of ?? interactions but, in spite of all experimental effort, it failed to be detected. This scenario changed radically in 2001, when a scalar-isoscalar resonance was discovered in the ?+?- channel of the D+ -> ?+?-?+ decay and was called ?(500). Nowadays, its existence is rather well established. However, in the analysis of experimental data, expressions loosely based on theory are employed and therefore its mass and width are still not well known. In this kind of decay, the production of the resonance may occur at the weak vertex. When it propagates, final state interactions take place. Usually these interactions are not properly taken into account in data analysis. In this work, we introduce a function _(s), which describes the propagation and decay of the resonance in the presence of the final state interactions. In the elastic regime, the phase of _(s) is determined by the Watson\'s theorem, which states that it must be the same as the scattering phase. We were able to establish, unambiguously, how the information from scattering should be used to determine not only the phase of _(s) but also its modulus. Our main result is an expression for _(s) in terms of the elastic phase and another one related to a well controlled loop integral. Three special cases are explored numerically, namely: the linear and non linear sigma models and a phenomenological model that takes into account the coupling between pion-pion and kaon-kaon channels. In agreement with quantum field theory, our result encompasses unitarity, treats the resonance as an explicit degree of freedom and, moreover, corresponds to a generalisation of the usual K-matrix unitarization procedure. Since it represents a clear way to relate scattering and production, our function _(s) can be useful in data analysis and may be instrumental in the determination of the pole position of the ? as well as other scalar resonances.
Albert, Mínguez Helena. "Processes, time scales and unrest of monogenetic volcanism." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/334689.
Full textLas erupciones volcánicas están generalmente precedidas por la actividad sísmica, la deformación y la desgasificación (unrest). El éxito en la predicción del evento volcánico depende de la calidad de la red de vigilancia para detectar cualquier cambio en el comportamiento del volcán. Para interpretar los precursores geoquímicos y geofísicos correctamente es importante entender los procesos volcánicos que ocurren antes y durante las erupciones volcánicas. El conocimiento en detalle de la estructura interna del volcán, la reología de los magmas, las escalas de tiempo de los procesos que ocurren en profundidad y las características de los episodios pasados de unrest, debe combinarse con una red de vigilancia adecuada para mejorar el pronóstico de los eventos volcánicos. Sin embargo, estos aspectos han recibido poca atención en los volcanes monogenéticos. El objetivo de mi tesis doctoral es mejorar nuestra comprensión sobre el vulcanismo monogenético, sus causas y su dinámica, con el objetivo de mejorar la posibilidad de anticiparse a la actividad volcánica. Me he centrado en tres aspectos principales de este problema. El primero es el cálculo de las propiedades reológicas de los magmas durante los eventos de mezcla. El segundo aspecto es el estudio de los procesos, junto con sus escalas temporales, que llevan a erupciones monogenéticas con el fin de interpretar mejor la actividad volcánica y mejorar los pronósticos de una erupción. Por último, he investigado los períodos de unrest sísmico de erupciones monogenéticas históricas en todo el mundo mediante una compilación de documentos históricos. Los resultados proporcionan un marco conceptual que permite mejorar la predicción de erupciones monogenéticas y deberían conducir a mejores estrategias para mitigar sus peligros y riesgos asociados.
Prakash, Samvit. "Pricing volatility derivatives using space scaled levy processes." College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/8742.
Full textThesis research directed by: Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation Program. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Hum, Herbert Hing-Jing. "A linear unification processor /." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63790.
Full textZama, Letizia. "Studio del processo di produzione di un motore a solido in piccola scala." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8575/.
Full textCheng, Jun. "Multiple Scales of Beach Morphodynamic Processes: Measurements and Modelling." Scholar Commons, 2015. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/5924.
Full textLoureiro, Ana Isabel Ferreira Gonçalves. "A arquitectura do mosteiro cartusiano de Santa Maria Scala Coeli: do processo de entrada." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/18757.
Full textEscobal, Anderson Almeida. "Matéria escura como campo escalar : aspectos teóricos e observacionais /." Guaratinguetá, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/192424.
Full textResumo: Estudamos o campo escalar real como um possível candidato para explicar a matéria escura no universo. No contexto de um campo escalar livre com potencial quadrático, após encontrar as equações dinâmicas do modelo usamos os dados observacionais para limitar os parâmetros livres e assim encontrar um limite inferior para o valor da massa que foi da ordem de $10^{-34}$eV, esse valor está próximo ao encontrado por alguns autores. Não foi possível encontrar um limite superior para a massa da matéria escura do campo escalar combinando os dados de $H(z)$, SN Ia. Como verificado neste trabalho e observado em outros estudos, a matéria escura pode ser descrita por um campo escalar real. Em outra linha de pesquisa, usando um método estatístico não-paramétrico envolvendo os chamados Processos Gaussianos, obtivemos um valor do redshift de transição, $z_t$, de $z_t = 0.59^{+0.12}_{-0.11}$ para dados de $H(z)$ e $z_t= 0.683^{+0.11}_{-0.082}$ para dados de SNs Ia.
Abstract: We studied the real scalar field as a possible candidate to explain the dark matter in the universe. In the context of a free scalar field with quadratic potential, after finding the dynamic equations of the model we used the observational data to limit the free parameters and thus find a lower limit for the mass value that was in the order of 10−34 eV , this value is close to that found by some authors. It was not possible to find an upper limit for the mass of dark matter in the scalar field by combining the H(z) + SNe Ia data. As verified in this work and observed in other studies, dark matter can be described by a real scalar field. In another line of research, using a non-parametric statistical method involving the so-called Gaussian Processes, we obtained a value of the transition redshift, zt , of zt = 0.59+0.12 −0.11 for H(z) data and zt = 0.683+0.11 −0.082 for SNs Ia data.
Bentz, Stephan [Verfasser]. "Earthquake Nucleation Processes Across Different Scales and Settings / Stephan Bentz." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1218530448/34.
Full textGunton, Richard Michael. "Density-dependence in plant populations : multiple processes and multiple scales." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.485169.
Full textKrumscheid, Sebastian. "Statistical and numerical methods for diffusion processes with multiple scales." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/25114.
Full textMorgan, David C. "A Gaussian approximation to the effective potential." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/26500.
Full textScience, Faculty of
Physics and Astronomy, Department of
Arnold, Suzanne N. "Spatial and Temporal Scales of Coral Recruitment and Key Ecological Processes." Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2011. http://www.library.umaine.edu/theses/pdf/ArnoldSN2011.pdf.
Full textHebert, Andrew Brian. "Diagenesis in seagrass vegetated sediments: biogeochemical processes on diurnal time scales." Texas A&M University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/2712.
Full textHankin, Erik Ravnholt. "Scales of bank roughness and their relationship to bank erosion processes." College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/9661.
Full textThesis research directed by: Dept. of Geology. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Ouzts, Sandye Michelle. "Response Processes Validity of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition." NCSU, 2007. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-11042007-185438/.
Full textLadd, Cai. "Patterns and processes of saltmarsh area change at three spatial scales." Thesis, Bangor University, 2018. https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/patterns-and-processes-of-saltmarsh-area-change-at-three-spatial-scales(2e373f39-11e8-4b41-b3df-fa488dd156d1).html.
Full textChilton, Kristin Danielle. "Investigating the Effects of Lithology on Landscape Evolution Processes across Scales." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104740.
Full textDoctor of Philosophy
It has long been observed that underlying geology has a strong impact on the shape of the surrounding landscape and influences the erosional processes that act within that landscape. However, though the importance of rock type in shaping landscapes is recognized, the specific mechanisms by which this is accomplished are not well understood. The work presented here investigates the role of rock type and rock properties in landscape evolution processes in both hillslope and river environments within the Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Mountains. This setting is ideally suited for investigating the role of rock type on landscape evolution processes because of the wide variation in rock types present in this setting, which exert a strong influence on local topography (e.g., strong rocks form ridges while weak rocks underlie valleys). First, I mapped the distribution of large boulders on local Valley and Ridge slopes and mountain streams to assess the potential for these boulders to play a role in preserving local topography. Results show that boulders are sourced from resistant rock types found along ridgelines, and are abundant on hillslopes and highly concentrated in channels. Boulders also trap sediment upslope and appear to remain in place for long periods of time. These observations suggest boulders play an important role in slowing erosion of weaker rock types underlying hillslopes and channels, and therefore aid in preserving topography in this setting. Second, I conducted detailed surveys of local small-scale waterfalls and surrounding flat river reaches and compared properties of the bedrock between these locations to better understand how bedrock properties influence erodibility. In this setting, waterfalls often signify strong underlying bedrock relative to the rock beneath flat river reaches, so comparing bedrock properties between these areas should give insight into how properties like rock strength and bed thickness impact how erodible the bedrock is. Results show that bed thickness is the most important variable impacting bedrock erodibility in this setting, and that waterfall appearance is a product of the unique combination of bedrock properties within a given area. These results are important for improving our ability to model natural landscapes and erosional processes, and for developing a more complete understanding for the relationships between rock type and river morphology.
Liu, Zhenyu. "Generic low power reconfigurable distributed arithmetic processor." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/3930.
Full textBöttcher, Marvin A. [Verfasser]. "Models for processes of somatic evolution on multiple scales / Marvin A. Böttcher." Lübeck : Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1174781009/34.
Full textPedjeu, Jean-Claude. "Multi-time Scales Stochastic Dynamic Processes: Modeling, Methods, Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications." Scholar Commons, 2012. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/4383.
Full textVerschut, Thomas Alexander. "Searching for food in complex environments : Integrating processes at multiple spatial scales." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-141762.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Submitted.
Tan, Wei-Siong. "A VLSI parallel processor structure for scientific computing." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/13455.
Full textHillmer, Kiekebusch Ingrid Andrea. "Scales of interactions between physical processes, primary producers and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems." University of Western Australia. Centre for Water Research, 2007. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2007.0177.
Full textWalther, Marc. "Variable-Density Flow Processes in Porous Media On Small, Medium and Regional Scales." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-153365.
Full textHörner, Clara [Verfasser]. "Analyses of production and decay processes of the Higgs boson and of a new scalar in a warped extra dimension / Clara Hörner." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek Mainz, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1160964300/34.
Full textSamant, Asawari. "Multiscale Monte Carlo methods to cope with separation of scales in stochastic simulation of biological networks." Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file, 146 p, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1407500711&sid=13&Fmt=2&clientId=8331&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textSnyder, Darin C. "Processes and Time Scales of Differentiation in Silicic Magma Chambers: Chemical and Isotopic Investigations." Connect to this document online, 2005. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=miami1113844626.
Full textTitle from second page of PDF document. Document formatted into pages; contains [3], viii, 216 p. : ill. Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-159).
LeCraw, Robin Marie. "The influence of spatial processes at multiple scales on local community structure and function." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/45901.
Full textPuccio, Christian. "Monitoraggio tramite segnali indiretti per il controllo del processo di denitrificazione in un impianto a f.a. in scala di laboratorio." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/124/.
Full textTuffaha, Mutaz. "An evaluation of a new Pricing technique to integrate Wind energy using two Time scales scheduling." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, fysik och matematik, DFM, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-17370.
Full textDémoulin, Baptiste. "QM/MM modeling of the retinal chromophore in complex environments." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSEN049/document.
Full textWe have used our QM/MM interface to model the photochemical and photophysical properties of the retinal chromophore in several environments.First, we proved that methylation of the retinal backbone, which converts a slow photochemistry to an ultra-fast protein-like behaviour in methanol solution, modifies the interplay between the retinal excited states, favouring the formation of a photo-active transient intermediate. Then, we have studied the direct effect of the environment in the case of rhodopsin mimics, where point mutations of a few amino-acids lead to systems that can absorb in the wide visible range. Combined with ultra-fast pump-probe spectroscopy, our method has shown that the electrostatic potential around the retinal can affect the shape of the excited potential energy surface, and is able to tune the excited state lifetime as well as the location of the photoisomerization. Next, we showed that the currently accepted protonation state of amino-acids in the vicinity of the retinal in bacteriorhodopsin leads to a strongly blue shifted absorption, while the protonation of Asp212 leads to accurate results; we now aim toward a validation of this protonation by computation of fluorescence and excited state lifetime. Finally, we have modeled the photophysics of the unprotonated Schiff base in a UV-pigment, where an original an previously unreported photochemistry takes place, especially with the direct involvement of a doubly excited state. These studies have shown the reliability of our QM/MM potential for modeling a wide range of different environments
Shykula, Mykola. "Quantization of Random Processes and Related Statistical Problems." Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-883.
Full textQuarantini, Filippo. "Integrazione di dati geospaziali nel rilievo dei Beni Culturali a scala urbana e di dettaglio." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Find full textVendrell, Miguel Lluís. "Modeling the dust life cycle and its associated meteorological processes from global to regional scales." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/461746.
Full textEsta tesis pretende probar la capacidad de un modelo de polvo mineral multi-escala no-hidrostático para reproducir los procesos físicos asociados al ciclo del polvo desde la escala sinóptica hasta mesoescala (~100-1 km de resolución espacial) en el norte de África, Oriente Próximo y Europa (NAOPE). El modelo NMMB/BSC-Dust, el módulo de polvo del modelo NMMB-MONARCHv1.0, es la principal herramienta utilizada. Para alcanzar este objetivo, tres estudios de modelización investigan la capacidad del modelo para reproducir los procesos de polvo en un amplio rango de escalas espaciales. El primer estudio aborda la consistencia del modelo en la reproducción del ciclo del polvo y sus principales procesos, desde la escala sinóptica hasta mesoescala (~100-10 km de resolución espacial), durante un año (2011) en NAOPE. Para ello, utilizaremos tres simulaciones: una a escala global y dos a escala regional, y observaciones en superficie (estaciones meteorológicas, de PM10, y fotómetros solares) y satelitales (MISR y MODIS). El modelo reproduce la estacionalidad del transporte del polvo en comparación con MISR y MODIS, un comportamiento que permanece consistente entre las escalas estudiadas. En comparación con las observaciones en superficie, el modelo resuelve bien el transporte de polvo. El modelo subestima las concentraciones de polvo en el Sahara-Sahel occidental y central en verano, debido a subestimaciones de vientos, bajas emisiones en Malí-Mauritania y la no reproducción de haboobs. Por otro lado, el modelo sobreestima el polvo en el centro del Sahara-Sahel de octubre a marzo por la sobreestimación del Harmattan. En Oriente Próximo, el modelo subestima las concentraciones de polvo debido a su topografía y procesos meteorológicos de pequeña escala que no están bien resueltos en estas configuraciones. Las configuraciones regionales reprodujeron mejor la variabilidad espaciotemporal de los campos de polvo y procesos de escalas más finas como los "low level jets" o efectos topográficos. Este análisis demuestra la consistencia del modelo entre escalas globales y regionales. El segundo estudio se centra en cómo el modelo reproduce efectos topográficos sobre el transporte de polvo en zonas de topografía compleja. Con este propósito, dos simulaciones regionales (30 y 3 km de resolución espacial) cubrieron dos tormentas de polvo de origen sinóptico que se produjeron el 17-20/03/2012 en Oriente Próximo. En comparación con estaciones meteorológicas, fotómetros de solares, y satélites (MODIS y MSG), el modelo reproduce satisfactoriamente estas tormentas de polvo a pesar de las diferencias en la magnitud de los campos de polvo simulados. Las principales diferencias entre ambas simulaciones surgieron en el suroeste de Arabia Saudita, Yemen y Omán, donde la topografía altera la meteorología y el transporte de polvo, y el polvo transportado es forzado a canalizarse a través de los valles o es bloqueando a barlovento de las montañas. En este sentido, la simulación a más alta resolución reprodujo mejor el transporte del polvo alrededor de terrenos complejos. El tercer estudio investiga la capacidad del modelo para resolver haboobs mediante cinco simulaciones con diferentes resoluciones espaciales y usando tanto convección parametrizada como explícita, en una situación convectiva el 14/07/2011 en África Occidental. Las simulaciones parametrizadas resultaron limitadas para resolver haboobs porque tienden a eliminar la inestabilidad atmosférica, especialmente en eventos con convección orográfica. Esto da como resultado una precipitación más temprana y abundante que en comparación con simulaciones explícitas. Los haboobs y sus procesos asociados, como la convección húmeda, los "cold pools" y las corrientes de densidad, están bien desarrollados en simulaciones explícitas a 3 km, pero a resolución más gruesas (p. ej., 10 km), estos procesos resultan menos intensos y en el caso del desarrollo vertical del frente del haboob es pobremente reproducido.
Budiman, Arief Suriadi. "Probing plasticity at small scales : from electromigration in interconnects to dislocation hardening processes in crystals /." May be available electronically:, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/login?COPT=REJTPTU1MTUmSU5UPTAmVkVSPTI=&clientId=12498.
Full textMostert, Bruce Petrus. "Responses of intertidal macroalgae and associated fauna to interactive processes acting over multiple spatial scales." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013370.
Full textClappe, Sylvie. "Bringing methodological light to ecological processes : are ecological scales and constrained null models relevant solutions?" Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE1272/document.
Full textSpecies distributions observed in an heterogeneous environment result from multiple deterministic and stochastic processes acting as filters to constrain species co-existence. As a direct consequence, the successive actions of these processes spatially structure communities composition and the variation of these compositions (i.e., beta-diversity). One of the major objective in community and metacommunity ecology is to identify and quantify the respective effects of these different processes on communities beta-diversity to better understand and predict the distribution of biodiversity. Experiments being hardly possible, processes responsible for the spatial variation of communities composition are generally inferred from spatial patterns of species distributions observed in nature. In this context, the thesis aims at improving multivariate statistical tools conducted to identify and quantify the effects of ecological processes shaping communities and metacommunities. In particular, this thesis proposes to integrate ecological scales and constrained null models to study the effect of environment.Decomposing trait-environment relationships through spatial and phylogenetic scales allows to further study environmental filtering. The association of spatial scales involved in environmental filtering with the phylogenetic signals of traits allowed to capture the evolutive history related to environmental filtering. The interpretation in terms of evolutive processes is however limited and phylogenetically-constrained null models should be considered to improve the analysis. Following on from this work, spatially-constrained null models were developed and integrated into two multivariate analyses widely used in community ecology (i.e., variation partitioning and Mantel tests) to estimate and test the effect of environmental filtering on species assemblages. Both approaches presented overestimation of their computed statistic as well as high rates of false positive when species distributions (via limited dispersal) and environmental conditions were independently spatially structured. Integrating spatially-constrained null models allowed to adjust both their tests and the values of their statistic, as such demonstrating the need of using ecologically-constrained null models to correctly identify and quantify ecological processes.For future works, the thesis suggests that adopting a scaling approach to study ecological processes in addition to mechanistic null models could offer the possibility to distinguish processes from one another
Jackaman, Melissa H. "An investigation into the decision-making processes of adults in ambiguous situations." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.297043.
Full textPulcini, Andrea. "Verifiche dimensionali e previsione della qualità di componenti meccanici realizzati mediante processo additivo." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/16471/.
Full textTaiola, Matteo. "Cybersecurity in impianti dell'industria di processo." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textDreibelbis, Harold N., Dennis Kelsch, and Larry James. "REAL-TIME TELEMETRY DATA PROCESSING and LARGE SCALE PROCESSORS." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/612912.
Full textReal-time data processing of telemetry data has evolved from a highly centralized single large scale computer system to multiple mini-computers or super mini-computers tied together in a loosely coupled distributed network. Each mini-computer or super mini-computer essentially performing a single function in the real-time processing sequence of events. The reasons in the past for this evolution are many and varied. This paper will review some of the more significant factors in that evolution and will present some alternatives to a fully distributed mini-computer network that appear to offer significant real-time data processing advantages.
Noba, Kei. "Generalized scale functions and refracted processes." Kyoto University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/242572.
Full textRyu, Kyeong Keol. "Automated Bus Generation for Multi-processor SoC Design." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/5076.
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