Academic literature on the topic 'Sahara Atlantique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sahara Atlantique"
Boulay, Sébastien. "Claire Cécile Mitatre, Au nord du Sud. Espace, valeurs et passion au Sahara atlantique." L'Homme, no. 242 (August 25, 2022): 189–92.
Full textAmimi, Taha, Radouane Ouhnine, Jamal Chao, Hicham Elbelrhiti, and Avy Stéphane Koffi. "Potentialités de l’écotourisme et géotourisme aux provinces de Tantan, Tarfaya et Layoune (Sahara Atlantique marocain)." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 13, no. 15 (May 31, 2017): 133.
Full textRioux, Jean-Antoine, Othman Akalay, J. Perrieres, Jacques Dereure, Jaouad Mahjour, Henri Noël Le Houérou, Nicole Léger, et al. "L’évaluation écoépidémiologique du «risque leishmanien» au Sahara atlantique marocain. Intérêt heuristique de la relation «Phlébotomes-bioclimats»." Ecologia mediterranea 23, no. 3 (1997): 73–92.
Full textSabinot, Catherine. "Boulay Sébastien, 2013, Pêcheurs imraguen du Sahara atlantique. Mutations techniques et changements sociaux des années 1970 à nos jours." Journal des Africanistes, no. 86-2 (November 1, 2016): 220–21.
Full textOuld Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud. "MITATRE Claire Cécile, Au nord du Sud. Espace, valeurs et passion au Sahara atlantique, Paris, EHESS, 2021, 261 p., cartes, photographies." L’Ouest Saharien Vol. 16, no. 1 (June 24, 2022): 203–5.
Full textAuclair, Laurent, Benoît Hoarau, and Abdelhadi Ewague. "Les chasseurs du Sahara atlantique ont-ils inventé la métallurgie ? Les haches « à tranchant en éventail » dans l’art rupestre du sud marocain." L'Anthropologie 119, no. 1 (January 2015): 72–88.
Full textGonzález Pérez, Rafael D. "Recursos y usos del agua en Tenerife y Gran Canaria." Estudios Geográficos 54, no. 213 (December 30, 1993): 601–31.
Full textOnrubia Pintado, Jorge. "Des marins de fortune aux Fortunées il y a trois mille ans ? [Quelques considérations sur le bassin de Tarfaya (Sahara nord-atlantique) à l'aube du premier millénaire av. J.-C. et le problème de la colonisation de l'archipel canarien ]." Antiquités africaines 33, no. 1 (1997): 25–34.
Full textFlicoteaux, René, Marie-Véronique Latil-Brun, and Lionel Michaud. "Histoire de la subsidence post-rift du bassin côtier mauritano-sénégalo-guinéen. Relation avec l'amincissement crustal pendant la période jurassique à Crétacé inférieur. Comparaison avec l'évolution des marges péri-atlantiques au niveau de l'Atlantique Central et Equatorial (côte est des U.S.A., Sud-Sahara, Côte d'Ivoire et Plateau du Demerara)." Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East) 7, no. 2 (January 1988): 345–59.
Full textGrussu, Marcello. "Oiseaux du Sahara Atlantique Marocain." Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia 89, no. 2 (May 12, 2020).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sahara Atlantique"
Amri, Elhassane. "La lagune de Khnifiss (littoral Atlantique du Sahara marocain) : analyse d'un écosystème original." Paris 7, 1998.
Full textCaquineau, Sandrine. "Les sources des aérosols sahariens transportés au dessus de l'Océan Atlantique tropical nord : localisation et caractéristiques minéralogiques." Paris 12, 1997.
Full textMitatre, Claire-Cécile. "Au nord du Sud : L'orientation du territoire, de la culture et de la parenté dans les oasis de l'Oued Noun (Sahara atlantique)." Paris 10, 2009.
Full textFruit of field conducted among the Tekna from Oued Noun, this thesis aims to show how different social domains that are territory, culture,ethnicity and marital relations, organize them with reference a space conceived as deploying cross towards the four cardinal points. Of all these domains, it is the marital relationship that the analysis gives the most important place, by highlighting a system of spatially oriented marriages. Through a comparison of marriage with other forms of establishment of kinship, this thesis will also proposing a reading of relationship between consanguinity and affinity among the Tekna
Selouane, Karim. "Etude géomorphologique et de la dynamique morpho-sédimentaire actuelle du Sahara Atlantique face à la vulnérabilité des aménagements entre l'Oued Draâ et Lagwira." Paris, ENMP, 2008.
Full textThe Atlantic Sahara is located between the ex-Spanish Sahara and the far North/West part of Mauritania. Our study area is 300 000 km2 big, and lies between the 20th and 30th parallel. Its boundaries are natural (the low Oued Draâ and the Atlantic Ocean on the West side) but also administrative (Algeria on the N-E side and Mauritania on the East and South). With very few points over 400 m over the sea level, the Atlantic Sahara is a plateau and plains area. This huge territory is crossed by several structural accidents whose most important one is the Agadir-Timiris-Dakar accident. This accident is parallel to the medio-atlantic fracture, located just at the boundaries of two sedimentary basins reaching the Ocean (the senegalo-mauritanian basin and the Tarfaya-Laâyoune-Dakhla basin). The surprising (and seeming) monotony of this area can be explained by the important moghrebine limestone-sandy (Villafranchian from 2,5 to 4 Ma) composed by lumachel and pectens shell extension on the West side and the granitic archean layer on the East side. This monotony partly hidden by the barkhane fields disappears din some parts with relieves which induce (whatever its volume) very strong contrasts. However, as the rest of the Saharan Africa, the Atlantic Sahara suffered from glaciations and interglacial effects as well as neotectonic events more or less important (as the present observed structures and rejects let us suppose). After the elaboration of the terminal encrusting during the middle/ upper Pliocene, it occurred some morphogenetic crisis (from tectonic, climatic and oceanic origin) which destroyed definitely the neogenic relives balance. The most important crisis took place between the Miocene and the old Quaternary. It has been a major turning point in the morphologic evolution of the Atlantic Sahara. Indeed some significant modifications of morphogenetic factors put in relief the beginning of the Quaternary era, while the landscape was modified by a wet/arid alternation that we know, more or less at this time. Because of erosion conditions in arid climate since - at least - Ogolian (15 000 - 10 000 BP) and post-Holocene (5 000 - 3 000 BP), old fields from Precambrian and Cenozoic are hidden by the debris of that destruction. Most of time there are only quaternary clastic deposits broken stone left, which are generated by the combined action of fluviatile, wind and marine erosion and the weathering processes. Glacis and terraces’ models such as depressions have larger dimensions in the West. Since the end of the Holocene era (3 000 BP) -Sahara’s aridification beginning - the wind took a more and more important role in the current landscape erection, gradually erasing or fossilizing the paleo-topography and some superficial deposits. On the margino-littoral area, the desert – cliff - sea triptych morphology is closely linked to the evolution of the recent hydro-climatic dynamics and to the lithologic competence of the outcrops that face very powerful winds, and of lesser importance, of run-off. As a result, the trade winds (from North) are probably the fundamental agent of morphogenesis of the littoral shells (named “Aguerguer”) and this since Ogalian era, as proved by the aerodynamic models that form the Barkhanes (fossils), the sand river and the “Yardangs”. Nonetheless, the Atlantic Sahara littoral geosystem is currently in a landscape mutation, following its development. Moreover the Atlantic Sahara geopolitical strakes that process and embrittle the regional development politics in this hostile area and the relief of its ecosystem facing the filling with sand, erosion and land implosion risks to the margino-littoral dynamics
Journet, Emilie. "Etude du facteur minéralogique sur la solubilité et la spéciation redox du fer dissous dans le contexte biogéochimique du dépôt atmosphériques des aérosols sahélo-sahariens." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2008.
Full textSkonieczny, Charlotte. "Caractérisation multi-proxy de « poussières Sahariennes » déposées à l'actuel sur la marge Ouest africaine : relations avec les régions sources et les systèmes de transport et implications pour l’interprétation des archives sédimentaires en Atlantique Tropical Nord-Est." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011.
Full textThe study of the aeolian material in the sedimentary archives of the NEATO contributes to document the paleoclimatic changes in this region. However, the interpretation of these records is complicated by the fact that proxies used in the deep sea sediments to reconstruct the provenance regions and the associated atmospheric transport patterns remain poorly constrained. A study of the aeolian deposits in the present-day climatic context was carried out on the West African margin in order to improve our understanding of the proxies. In this frame, a mineral dust deposits trap was installed in 2006 on the Senegalese coast, providing a unique aeolian deposits time series with a temporal resolution better than a week. The first part of this study consists in a multi-proxy analysis of the aeolian deposits collected from 2006 to 2009 (including grain-size distribution, clay mineralogy and strontium and neodymium isotopic ratios) and the subsequent development of a calibration of these tracers in terms of provenance regions and transport patterns in the present-day climatic context. In a second part, this calibration was (1) tested against sea surface sediments of the NEATO and then (2) used to decipher the aeolian terrigenous signal recorded during the last 26 000 years in the MD03-2705 core (18°05N; 21°09W). This PhD work contributes to document in which ways this initial present-day calibration of the aeolian proxies can contribute to improve our understanding of the terrigenous signal in NEATO
Xu, Yangjunjie. "Étude de la variabilité temporelle du dépôt atmosphérique en Guadeloupe." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2020.
Full textAtmospheric deposition provides many nutrients to tropical rain-forests and thus contributes to soil preservation. Its importance is particular in the Caribbean area with high rainfall rate. This work carrried out a continuous temporal study of three and a half years on the deposit flux in Guadeloupe of 45 elements (Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sc, Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, U, V, Zn and REEs) and one year on their concentration in air. Detailed isotopic analysis of strontium (87Sr/86Sr), neodymium (143Nd/144Nd) and lead (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) was performed on all samples where possible. The compositional analysis using the methods developed by Aitchison and his collaborators was of great help in the interpretation of the results. We have been able to show that the two main sources of at- mospheric deposition in Guadeloupe are trans-Atlantic Saharan dust for elements considered to be crustal such as iron, aluminium, manganese, REEs, and sea salts for the other elements such as magnesium, sodium, sulfur, and part of molybdenum, potassium and zinc. We note a very strong seasonal variability for the Saharan inflows with a peak of deposition between April and September. Analyses of REEs and iso- topes indicate a regional variability of the sources of Saharan dust without being able today to identify them precisely because of the lack of quantitative data in the emission zones. There is a compositional split between the deposit and the aerosol measured at ground level with some anthropogenic enrichment for aerosol
Books on the topic "Sahara Atlantique"
Vaes, Bénédicte. Guide du Sahara: Sud tunisien, Sahara algérien, Sahara et Sahel nigériens, Sahara et Sahel maliens, Sahara atlantique, Tibesti (Tchad). 7th ed. Paris: Hachette, 1991.
Find full textGérard, Del Marmol, and Otreppe Albert d', eds. Guide du Sahara: Sud tunisien, Sahara algérien, Sahara et Sahel nigériens, Sahara et Sahel maliens, Sahara atlantique, Tibesti (Tchad). [Paris]: Hachette, 1985.
Find full textGérard, Del Marmol, and Otreppe Albert d', eds. Guide du Sahara: Sud tunisien, Sahara algérien, Sahara et Sahel nigériens, Sahara et Sahel maliens, Sahara atlantique, Tibesti (Tchad). Paris: Hachette, 1988.
Find full textBoulay, Sébastien. Pêcheurs imraguen du Sahara atlantique: Mutations techniques et changements sociaux des années 1970 à nos jours. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2013.
Find full text/Sebe, Sebe. Saharas : Entre Atlantique et Nil. Editions du Chêne, 2003.
Find full textSèbe, Alain, and Berny Sèbe. Saharas : Entre Atlantique et Nil. Éditions du Chêne, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sahara Atlantique"
Mohamed Baba, Elemine Ould. "2. Le Sahara atlantique médiéval." In Le littoral mauritanien à l’aube du XXIe siècle, 69–89. Karthala, 2011.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Pécheurs imraguen du Sahara atlantique, 207–18. Karthala, 2013.
Full textFreire, Francisco. "4. Histoire du Sahara atlantique et mémoire tribale." In Le littoral mauritanien à l’aube du XXIe siècle, 107–22. Karthala, 2011.
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