Academic literature on the topic 'S-PEG'
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Journal articles on the topic "S-PEG"
Assem, Yasser, Heba A. Mohamed, Rana Said, and Ahmed El-Masry. "Preparation of amphiphilic block copolymers (polyethylene adipate-block-polyethylene glycol) and its application in rotogravure ink formulations." Pigment & Resin Technology 47, no. 5 (September 3, 2018): 415–23.
Full textMajumdar, Abdullah-Al-Kafi. "The Reve’s Puzzle Revisited." Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences 58, no. 2 (December 24, 2021): 11–18.
Full textZhang, Hong, Qian Qian Wang, Heng Xue Xiang, and Xiao Lei Wang. "Study on Polyethylene Glycol Acrylate Crosslinked Gels as Phase Change Materials." Advanced Materials Research 299-300 (July 2011): 649–53.
Full textMajumdar, AAK. "On the Star Puzzle." GANIT: Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society 39 (November 19, 2019): 1–14.
Full textXi, Li Peng, Li Dong Hong, Wan Chuan, and Chen Ben Shou. "Design, Synthesis, and Biological Activity of Releasable m-THPC-PEGfolate Conjugate Using a Disulfide-containing Linker." Letters in Organic Chemistry 16, no. 3 (February 11, 2019): 165–69.
Full textGris, Jean-Christophe, Pierre Toulon, Sophie Brun, Claude Maugard, Christian Sarlat, Jean-François Schved, and Jocques Berlan. "The Relationship between Plasma Microparticles, Protein S and Anticardiolipin Antibodies in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 76, no. 01 (1996): 038–45.
Full textLi, Xiaodong, Meishuai Zou, Lisha Lei, and Longhao Xi. "Non-Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(ethylene glycol) and Poly(ethylene glycol)-B-Poly(ε-caprolactone) by Flash DSC Analysis." Polymers 13, no. 21 (October 27, 2021): 3713.
Full textHuang, Shuman, Pengpeng Ding, Sha Liu, Chang Li, Yaqian Zhang, Dong Dong, and Yulin Zhao. "ISMN-loaded PLGA-PEG nanoparticles conjugated with anti-Staphylococcus aureus α-toxin inhibit Staphylococcus aureus biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis." Future Medicinal Chemistry 13, no. 23 (December 2021): 2033–46.
Full textZhu, Chunyan, Yunchang Fan, and Xiujun Bai. "A Green and Effective Polyethylene Glycols-Based Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic and Rosmarinic Acids from Rosmarinus officinalis Leaves." Foods 12, no. 9 (April 24, 2023): 1761.
Full textShimotoyodome, Akira, Takashi Koudate, Hisataka Kobayashi, Junji Nakamura, Ichiro Tokimitsu, Tadashi Hase, Takashi Inoue, Takashi Matsukubo, and Yoshinori Takaesu. "Reduction of Streptococcus mutans Adherence and Dental Biofilm Formation by Surface Treatment with Phosphorylated Polyethylene Glycol." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 51, no. 10 (July 23, 2007): 3634–41.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "S-PEG"
Maria, Roberta Patr?cia Medeiros de. "S?ntese e caracteriza??o el?trica de blendas e comp?sitos de PMMA/PEG e PMMA/PEG/Na2WO4.2H2O." PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM QU?MICA, 2015.
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T19:38:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RobertaPatriciaMedeirosDeMaria_TESE.pdf: 6281151 bytes, checksum: 10964efe9eef6ffed08beadb31aa534f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28
Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)
? medida que demandas energ?ticas foram sendo apresentadas e requeridas pelo avan?o tecnol?gico, a s?ntese de novos materiais, capazes de suprir estas necessidades, foi e tem sido exaustivamente executada e estudada; dentre estes materiais, est?o filmes polim?ricos comp?sitos que t?m se destacado como uma alternativa qu?mica, f?sica, el?trica e econ?mica vi?vel. Neste trabalho filmes finos autossustent?veis de poli(metactrilato de metila) (PMMA) sob a forma de blendas, associado ao poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), e comp?sitos, dopados com tungstato de s?dio diidratado, foram obtidos pela associa??o dos m?todos sol-gel e ?casting?. A caracteriza??o el?trica, estrutural, qu?mica e morfol?gica dos filmes obtidos foi realizada usando-se espectroscopia de imped?ncia eletroqu?mica (EIS) para obten??o dos par?metros el?tricos, reflex?o total atenuada na regi?o do infravermelho (IV-ATR) e difra??o de raios X (DRX) para estudo da composi??o estrutural e qu?mica, enquanto que a estabilidade t?rmica foi analisada usando termogravimetria (TG/DTG), an?lise t?rmica diferencial (DTA) e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC); as caracter?sticas morfol?gicas e topogr?ficas dos filmes foram analisadas por microscopia ?tica (MO) e eletr?nica de varredura (MEV). A adi??o do sal promoveu modifica??es do padr?o de disposi??o das cadeias polim?ricas, observado por difra??o de raios X e ratificado por altera??es das bandas relativas ? deforma??o angular ?CH2? em cadeia e estiramento assim?trico ?C?C? em cadeia, sugerindo mudan?as estruturais na cadeia polim?rica. A miscibilidade entre os pol?meros poli(metacrilato de metila) e poli(etileno glicol) foi resultado da presen?a de intera??es intermoleculares do tipo liga??o de hidrog?nio entre o ?CO? do PMMA e os grupos OH do PEG e do sal tungstato de s?dio, evidenciadas nas an?lises por IV-RTA, assim como, intera??es puramente eletrost?ticas. Os sistemas apresentaram melhores caracter?sticas capacitivas e maiores tempos de relaxa??o, favorecidos pelo aumento da concentra??o do tungstato de s?dio, resultado da melhora da sensibilidade do ac?mulo de cargas no eletrodo.
As energy demands were being presented and required by technological advances, the synthesis of new materials capable of meeting these needs, was and has been thoroughly studied and performed; among these materials are composite polymeric films that have stood out as an alternative chemistry, physics, electrical and economically viable. In this work self-supporting thin films of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) in the form of blends, linked to poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), and composite doped with sodium tungstate dihydrate were obtained by combining the sol-gel methods and casting. The electrical, structural, chemical and morphological characterization of the films obtained was performed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to obtain the electrical parameters, attenuated total reflection in the infrared (IR-ATR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to study the structural and chemical composition, while the thermal stability was evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); morphological and topographical characteristics of the films were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron (SEM). The addition of the salt promoted standard modifications of the arrangement of the polymer chains, observed by X-ray diffraction and confirmed by the changes of the bands relative to the angular deformation -CH2- chain and asymmetric stretching -C-C-chain, suggesting structural changes in polymer chain. The miscibility between the polymers poly (methyl methacrylate) and poly (ethylene glycol) was a result of the presence of intermolecular interactions type hydrogen bonding between the PMMA and -CO- OH groups of the PEG and sodium tungstate salt, highlighted in analyzes by IR-ATR as well as purely electrostatic interactions. The systems showed better capacitive characteristics and larger relaxation times, favored by increasing the concentration of sodium tungstate, a result of improved sensitivity of the charges accumulated in the electrode.
Gil, Alvaradejo Gabriela [Verfasser], and G. [Akademischer Betreuer] Delaittre. "New Functional Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)s and Alternatives to PEG in Protein Stabilization / Gabriela Gil Alvaradejo ; Betreuer: G. Delaittre." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2018.
Full textGunnarsson, Marcus, and Olof Palmquist. "Mätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Management and Economics, 2006.
Full textOrganisation/Organisation Författare/Authors
Växjö Universitet Marcus Gunnarsson
Ekonomihögskolan Olof Palmquist
Växjö University
School of Management and Economics
Dokumenttyp/Type of document Handledare/Tutor
Examensarbete/ Diplomawork Stig Malm Examinator/Examiner
Rolf G Larsson
Titel och undertitel/Title and subtitle
Mätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden/ Measurement and evaluation of intellectual capital within the stock market
Bakgrund: I dagens hårda konkurrens i samhället går trenden mot en informations- och kunskapsbaserad ekonomi där kunskapsföretagen blir fler och fler. Den största tillgången i företagen är de anställda och deras kompetens. Denna kompetens kan omvandlas till en värdefull tillgång och benämns som intellektuellt kapital. Trots att det finns ökad förståelse för att det intellektuella kapitalet skapar mervärde för företaget finns det hinder med att redovisa detta då det inte får tas upp i balansräkningen.
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera huruvida intellektuellt kapital är något som fondförvaltare utvärderar när de gör en investeringsbedömning.
Avgränsningar: Begränsningarna är att vi undersöker hur intellektuellt kapital kan vara till fördel för endast fondförvaltare; vi analyserar olika fondförvaltare i deras arbete endast med en investeringsbedömning. En sista avgränsning är att vi valt att inte tillfråga de fondförvaltare som inte utvärderar intellektuellt kapital aktivt i sina investeringsbedömningar.
Metod: Vi har utgått från en kvantitativ metod och har genomfört en enkätundersökning för insamling av material. Resultatet har vi analyserat utifrån den teori som vi tagit upp i det teoretiska kapitlet. Ansatsen är av abduktiv karaktär åt det deduktiva hållet då vi har studerat existerande teorier och fallstudier inom ämnet.
Resultat, slutsatser: Svenska fondanalytiker lägger inte särskilt stor vikt på intellektuellt kapital när de utvärderar och analyserar ett företag. Grunden till detta är för det första att det är svårt att mäta trovärdigheten av intellektuellt kapital när företagen själva sammanställer och redovisar detta utan att kontrolleras av någon utomstående part. För det andra är korrelationen mellan större delen av ett företags strukturkapital och aktiens utveckling på börsen inte påvisbar.
Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett redovisningssystem för intellektuellt kapital som är lika för alla inom samma bransch möjliggör fortsatt forskning inom ämnet med syftet att finna en analysmetod som påvisar eller dementerar förändringen av ett företags intellektuella kapital med företagets aktierörelse på börsen.
Intellektuellt kapital, Humankapital, Strukturkapital, Kundkapital, Immateriella tillgångar, Soliditet, Likviditet, Lönsamhet, P/E-tal, PEG-tal, P/S-tal
Key Words
Intellectual capital, Human capital, Capital structure, Customer capital, Immaterial assets, Solidity, Liquidity, Profitability, P/E, PEG, P/S
Utgivningsår/Year of issue Språk/Language Antal sidor/Number of pages
2006 Svenska/Swedish 37
Kailasan, Arunvel. "Synthesis and characterization of novel temperature-responsive dendritic PEG-PDLLA star polymers for drug delivery." VCU Scholars Compass, 2008.
Full textGuerri, Riccardo. "Re_interpretare per vivere. Una nuova unita per s. Maria della misericordia a venezia." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.
Full textLima, Neto Heleno Carlos. "Estudo da atividade s?smica em S?o Caetano-PE em 2007." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2009.
Full textConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico
In this dissertation we studied the seismic activity in the S?o Caetano county, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, located near the Pernambuco Lineament. The Pernambuco Lineament is a one of Neoproterozoic continental-scale shear zones that deforms the Borborema province. The seismicity estudied occurred in a NE trending branch of Pernambuco Lineament. The seismic activity in S?o Caetano started in 2006 and in May 20th, 2006 a 4,0 mb earthquake hit there. This was the largest earthquake ever reported in Pernambuco State. This dissertation is the result of a campaign done in the period from Februay 1th 2007 to July 31 th 2007. In this campaign up to nine three-component digital seismographic stations were deployed and the collected data was used to determine hypocenters and focal mechanism. A total of 214 earthquakes, recorded at least by three stations, were analyzed. To determine hypocenters and time origin the HYPO71 program was used assuming a half-space model with parameters : VP (P-wave velocity) equal to 5.90 km/s and the ratio VP/VS 1.70, where VS is the S-wave velocity. The earthquakes hypocentral distribution was approximately 4 km long and agrees with the NE-SW direction of the Pernambuco Lineamento branch. Hypocentres depth range from 2 to 8 km. The composed focal mechanism was made from a group of 14 selected earthquakes. We try firstly to find the fault plane solution matching the polarity distribution at stations, using the FPFIT program. The result was 43 deg ? 15 deg for strike, 59 deg ? 9 deg for dip and -142 deg ? 15 deg for rake. We also fitted a plane using the hypocentral distribution to obtain the dip and azimuth of the hypocentral distribution. The results obtained by this fit were 58 deg for the azimuth, 55 deg for the dip and -155 deg for rake. This result shows a mechanism of a strike-slip dextral fault with a normal component. This dissertation shows, once more, that there is a good correlation between the seismic activity and geological features in the region near the Pernambuco Lineament and its NE branches
Nesta disserta??o foi estudada a atividade s?smica no munic?pio de S?o Caetano, estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste brasileiro, localizado pr?ximo ao Lineamento Pernambuco. O Lineamento Pernambuco ? uma zona de cisalhamento Neoproteroz?ica de escala continental que deforma a prov?ncia Borborema. A sismicidade estudada ocorreu numa ramifica??o para nordeste do Lineamento Pernambuco. A atividade s?smica em S?o Caetano iniciou em 2006 e no dia 20/05/2007 ocorreu, neste munic?pio, um sismo de magnitude 4,0 mb. Este ? o sismo de maior magnitude que ocorreu no estado de Pernambuco. Este trabalho ? decorrente da an?lise de dados coletados durante o per?odo de monitoramento na regi?o que foi de 01/02/2007 at? 21/07/2007. Nesse monitoramento foi utilizado de seis at? nove esta??es sismogr?ficas digitais. Os dados coletados por essas esta??es foram analisados, objetivando a determina??o dos hipocentros e do mecanismo focal composto. Foram utilizados 214 sismos, registrados em pelo menos tr?s esta??es. Na determina??o hipocentral, foi utilizado o programa HYPO71, assumindo-se um modelo de semi-espa?o, com os par?metros: velocidade da onda P (VP) e raz?o VP/VS, respectivamente, 5,90 km/s e 1,70. Os hipocentros dos sismos ocorridos na regi?o deste estudo acompanham uma ramifica??o para nordeste do Lineamento Pernambuco e possui aproximadamente 4km de extens?o e profundidade variando entre 2 at? 8 km. O mecanismo focal composto foi feito para um conjunto de 14 sismos selecionados. N?s primeiramente tentamos encontrar a solu??o do plano de falha considerando apenas a distribui??o de polaridades utilizando o programa FPFIT. Os resultados foram: 43? ? 15? para o azimute, 59? ? 9? para o mergulho e -142? ? 15? para o rake. N?s tamb?m ajustamos o plano usando a distribui??o hipocentral. Os resultados obtidos foram: 58? para o azimute, 55? para o mergulho, O valor do rake foi fixado em -155?. Este resultado mostra um mecanismo de uma falha transcorrente dextral com uma componente normal. Esta disserta??o mostra, mais uma vez, que existe uma boa correla??o entre a sismicidade e falhas mapeadas na regi?o pr?xima ao Lineamento Pernambuco e suas ramifica??es para nordeste
STRAULLU, STEFANO. "Next generation optical access networks towards Gigabit/s per user." Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2015.
Full textPalou, Marín Roger. "Control de la mitosi pel mecanisme de vigilància de fase S." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014.
Full textThe S phase checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism in eukaryotic cells that preserve genomic integrity in response to genotoxic insults. This checkpoint inhibits mitosis onset till the stress has been solved, avoiding genomic instability that results from the segregation of damaged or not fully replicated chromosomes. Eukaryotic cell cycle and its regulation mechanisms, like the S phase checkpoint, have been initially identified and studied in model organisms like Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) and these mechanisms and factors are conserved in humans. Mitosis control in fission yeast in the presence of replication stress relies on the inhibition of mitotic Cdk1 through tyrosine 15 Wee1 mediated phosphorylation. However, in budding yeast, Wee1 ortholog Swe1 and its phosphorylation over Cdk1, seems unnecessary in this control. The present model for budding yeast control of mitosis in the presence of DNA damage relies on the stabilization of Pds1/securin. This chaperone inhibits Esp1/separase which cleaves cohesin, the protein that keeps sister chromatids together. In humans, Wee1 and its phosphorylation over Cdk1 are conserved but they are not enough to inhibit mitotic Cdk1 activity and completely avoid mitosis onset in the presence of genotoxic stress. Our results show that in budding yeast, mitotic Cdk1 is inhibited in the presence of genotòxic stress. Swe1 dispensability is explained by a redundant mechanism regulating mitotic Cdk1 mediated by Swe1 and Rad53, the effector kinase of the S phase checkpoint. Moreover, Swe1 levels stabilization in the presence of genotoxic stress is mediated by the S phase checkpoint. Mitotic Cdk1 deregulation or pds1Δ is not enough to observe DNA segregation in the presence of genotoxic stress. Only cells that cannot regulate mitotic Cdk1 activity together with pds1Δ are able to segregate not fully replicated or damaged chromosomes.
Salter, A. Hugh. "Genetics and biogensis of the pea chloroplast Rieske Fe-S protein." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990.
Full textZoli, Enrico. "CAO=S un modello di progettazione goal oriented per interfacce web." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "S-PEG"
compiler, Kovachev Ogni͡an, and Kovacheva Khristina editor, eds. Pet minuti s Petŭr Uvaliev: Radiobesedy. Sofii︠a︡: Agata-A, 2015.
Find full textCivitella in Val di Chiana (Italy), ed. (S)oggettivamente: Scultura moderna per un paese antico. Firenze: Il Candelaio, 1985.
Find full textVolfová, Kateřina. Hrnčířská pec s keramickou klenbou nalezená v Hořicích. [Jičín]: Regionální muzeum a galerie v Jičiné, 2018.
Find full textD'Avenia, Marco. La conoscenza per connaturalità in S. Tommaso d'Aquino. Bologna, Italia: Edizioni Studio domenicano, 1992.
Find full textLuzi, Mario. Corale della città di Palermo per S. Rosalia. Genova: Edizioni S. Marco dei Giustiniani, 1989.
Find full textLuzi, Mario. Corale della città di Palermo per S. Rosalia. Genova: Edizioni S. Marco dei Giustiniani, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "S-PEG"
Steinbach, Andrew J., and Mark K. Debe. "MEA s for PEM Fuel Cells." In Fuel Cells : Data, Facts and Figures, 110–20. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA., 2016.
Full textSun, Chang Q. "Probing Methods: STM/S, PES, APECS, XAS, ZPS." In Electron and Phonon Spectrometrics, 45–57. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textScheidhauer, K., and K. Herholz. "Comparing HMPAO-SPECT and FDG-PET in Alzheimer�s Disease." In SPECT in Dementia, 86–94. Basel: KARGER, 2003.
Full textBrasse, David, and Frederic Boisson. "Instrumentation Challenges in (S)PE(C)T Systems." In Image Fusion in Preclinical Applications, 25–54. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textNalbandian, Christopher, and Rolf Schwitter. "A Speech Interface to the PENG $$^{ASP}$$ A S P System." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 48–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textZhong, Xiaotian, Ashley Schwab, Weijun Ma, Caryl L. Meade, Jing Zhou, Aaron M. D’Antona, Will Somers, and Laura Lin. "Large-Scale in ExpiCHO-S™ with Enhanced and PEI-Based." In Therapeutic Antibodies, 143–50. New York, NY: Springer US, 2021.
Full textPardasani, R. T., and P. Pardasani. "Effective magnetic moment of [Fe6(μ3–S)8(PEt)6][PF6]." In Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, 2545. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textSalter, A. Hugh, Barbara J. Newman, and John C. Gray. "Characterization of cDNA Clones Encoding the Pea Chloroplast Rieske Fe-S Protein." In Techniques and New Developments in Photosynthesis Research, 473–76. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1989.
Full textMao, Rui, Cuicui Shi, Qi Zong, Xingya Feng, Yijie Sun, Yufei Wang, and Guohao Liang. "Mapping Wind Speed Changes." In Atlas of Global Change Risk of Population and Economic Systems, 67–83. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.
Full textAlekseev, Alexander. "Sovereignty in Political Discourses of the European Populist Radical Right: The Right of the People and the Right of the Peoples." In Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, 211–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "S-PEG"
Full textBoyer-Neumann, C., M. Wolf, J. Amiral, A. M. Guyager, D. Meyer, and M. J. Larrieu. "FAMILIAL TYPE I PROTEIN S DEFICIENCY ASSOCIATED WITH SEVERE VENOUS THROMBOSIS. A STUDY OF FIVE CASES." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textKlatzky, Roberta L., Kimberly A. Purdy, and Susan J. Lederman. "When Is Vision Useful During a Familiar Manipulatory Task?" In ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textNakamura, K., K. Iijima, N. Inoue, J. Nishioka, and K. Suzuki. "INHERITED DEFICIENCY OF FUNCTIONAL PROTEIN S IN A JAPANESE FAMILY." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textLatallo, Zbigniew S., and Craig M. Jackson. "INHIBITION OF HUMAN FACTOR Xa BY ITS ACTIVATOR FROM RUSSELL’ S VIPER VENOM." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textMOALIC, P., Y. GRUEL, P. FOLOPPE, B. DELAHOUSSE, G. BODY, and J. LEROY. "LEVELS AND DISTRIBUTION OF FREE AND C4b-BP-B0UND-PR0TEIN S IN HUMAN FETUSES AND FULL-TERM NEWBORNS." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textOhl, S., M. Dietze, A. Canbay, and J. Weigt. "Percutane Rescue PEG Anlage nach akzidenteller Dislokation von PEG Sonden." In Viszeralmedizin 2019. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.
Full textLatallo, Zbigniew S., and Craig M. Jackson. "HUMAN MEIZOTHROMBIN 1, ITS ISOLATION AND PROPERTIES." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.
Full textBaile-Maxía, S., L. Medina, C. Mangas-Sanjuan, M. Bozhychko, F. Ruiz, L. Compañy, J. Martínez, JA Casellas, and JR Aparicio. "EUS-GUIDED PERCUTANEOUS ENDOSCOPIC GASTROSTOMY (PEG)." In ESGE Days. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2020.
Full textVujnovic, G., M. Vrbnjak, M. Drobnic, K. Pivko, and B. Kostanjevec. "URGENT GASTROSCOPY THROUGH PEG FISTULA APPROACH." In ESGE Days 2019. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "S-PEG"
Sink, Ken, Shamay Izhar, and Abraham Nachmias. Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization: Developing a Gene Transfer System for Solanaceous Vegetable Crops. United States Department of Agriculture, February 1996.
Full textDong, J., and H. Wang. Pseudowire Redundancy on the Switching Provider Edge (S-PE). RFC Editor, February 2016.
Full textShamsuddin Ilias. SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CO- AND H{sub 2}S-TOLERANT ELECTROCATALYSTS FOR PEM FUEL CELL. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2005.
Full textShamsuddin Ilias. SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CO-AND H{sub 2}S-TOLERANT ELECTROCATALYSTS FOR PEM FUEL CELL. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2003.
Full textAndersson, L., H. van Helvoort, J. Shin, L. Wang, and A. D'Alessandro. Switching Provider Edge (S-PE) Protection for MPLS and MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Static Multi-Segment Pseudowires. Edited by A. Malis. RFC Editor, January 2016.
Full textMaddela, Claypool, and Fang. PR-446-133604-R01 Alternative Method for Potential Measurement on Buried or Submerged Pipeline. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), May 2015.
Full textMcGrath, Panek, and McCarthy. L52356 Nomenclature for Natural Gas Transmission and Storage Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), May 2012.
Full textStromer, Bobbi, Anthony Bednar, Milo Janjic, Scott Becker, Tamara Kylloe, John Allen, Matt Trapani, John Hargrove, and James Hargrove. Trace explosives detection by cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021.
Full textAltstein, Miriam, and Ronald J. Nachman. Rational Design of Insect Control Agent Prototypes Based on Pyrokinin/PBAN Neuropeptide Antagonists. United States Department of Agriculture, August 2013.
Full textLiu, Jing, Yuanmei Chen, Die Liu, Fang Ye, Qi Sun, Qiang Huang, Jing Dong Dong, Tao Pei, Yuan He, and Qi Zhang. Prenatal exposure to particulate matter and term low birth weight:systematic review and meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, August 2022.
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