Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Rotor Modelling'
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ANNA, RICARDO E. SILVA DE SANT. "ROTOR ACCIDENT ANALYSIS: MODELLING AND SIMULATION." PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO, 2007. http://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/Busca_etds.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=11885@1.
Full textA problem related with an air compressor gave birth to the MSc Thesis. Problems related with rotative machines are usual in the industrial field. Difficulties come from the data gathering in order to analyze, and propose a theory of failure in order to explain and avoid the recurrence of such problem. Modelling a rotor with a Timoshenko beam element and the discretization by finite element method permit the dynamical analysis and the modal analysis of the rotor considering its interaction with the radial and thrust bearings (assuming stiffness and rigidity). The work is divided in seven chapters: chapter one introduces the work and gives the overview of it; chapter two describes the industrial problem; chapter three is a brief explanation of bearing types and the fundamental principle of lubrication; chapter four introduces vibration theory and modal analysis; chapter five introduces the finite element method; chapter six is the simulation of the problem, using tailor-made MATLABr programs to reconstruct the problem and to compare the test field results with the here mentioned formulation; chapter seven discusses the results and proposes future works. Appendix shows the kinetic theory and the beam deformation model used in the program and the Laval simple rotor as a limited description of the dynamic of a rotor with distributed mass, rigidity and stiffness. The aim of this work is to help understand and avoid the recurrence of the failure described and to easy the understanding of modal analysis for new engineers and technicians which will deal with rotor dynamics.
Bréus, Elsa. "Finite elements modelling of rotor flapping mass." Thesis, KTH, Lättkonstruktioner, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-224154.
Full textSadri, Malek Arsalan. "Numerical modelling of rotor/stator interactions in turbomachinery." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/7828.
Full textMear-Stone, Leah Isobel. "Theoretical modelling of flow in rotor-stator systems." Thesis, University of Bath, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.681054.
Full textGustavsson, Rolf. "Rotor dynamical modelling and analysis of hydropower units /." Luleå: Division of Computer Aided Design, Department of Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, 2008. http://epubl.ltu.se/1402-1544/2008/50/.
Full textKarlsson, Martin. "Electro-mechanical modelling and analysis of hydroelectric rotor systems." Licentiate thesis, Luleå : Luleå University of Technology, 2006. http://epubl.luth.se/1402-1757/2006/10.
Full textMcDarby, John Michael. "Modelling of turbulent rotor-blade flow and ground effect." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2005. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1444821/.
Full textAbdulqadir, Sherwan Ahmed. "Turbulence modelling for horizontal axis wind turbine rotor blades." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2017. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/turbulence-modeling-for-horizontal-axis-wind-turbine-rotor-blades(2536b213-3a0c-4977-ac39-916a9fce98d2).html.
Full textSarvat, Mushtaq Ahmad B. "Modelling and control of a twin rotor MIMO system." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2001. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/14820/.
Full textKarlsson, Martin. "Modelling and analysis of multiphysical interactions in hydropower rotor systems /." Luleå : Polhem Laboratory, Division of Computer Aided Design, Department of Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, 2008. http://epubl.ltu.se/1402-1544/2008/27/.
Full textRuge, Montilla Jhonn Hamberth. "Modelling of tilt rotor mission performance to assess environmental impact." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2012. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/7292.
Full textMaterano, Blanco Gilberto Ignacio. "Numerical modelling of pressure rise combustion for reducing emissions of future civil aircraft." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2014. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9259.
Full textFlack, Timothy John. "Induction motor modelling using finite elements." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/7405.
Full textMcCallum, Duncan C. (Duncan Craig). "Dynamic modelling and control of a magnetic bearing-suspended rotor system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/14554.
Full textNowicki, Nathalie. "MEASUREMENT AND MODELLING OF MULTICOPTER UAS ROTOR BLADE DEFLECTION IN HOVER." Thesis, KTH, Lättkonstruktioner, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-200713.
Full textObemannade luftfarkoster (UAS) har på senare år fått en allt större marknad tack vare ny teknik och nya användningsområden så som bevakning, leveranser och nöje. Multikoptrar är den vanligast förekommande typen av UAS och deras framfart motiveras oftast av de relativt låga inköpspriserna samt den enkla designen som underlättar för egna konstruktioner. Tyvärr saknas forskning inom flera områden relaterade till produkten, däribland de strukturella egenskaperna hos rotorbladen, och regleringen är heller inte enhetlig. Dessa sakfrågor har därför givit en grund till behovet av detta projekt med förhoppningen att det i framtiden kan byggas säkrare produkter med bättre prestanda. I projektet har således utböjningen och vridningen av två kommersiellt tillgängliga multikopter rotorblad undersökts, ena helt gjort av plast medan den andra av kolfiberförstärkt plast. Detta gjordes för en isolerad rotor i hovring-läge. Utböjningen från rotorplanet mättes för ett spann av rotationshastigheter både med hjälp av systemkamera och med specialanpassad fotogrammetri. Resultaten jämfördes med analytiska uttryck från helikopterteori samt försöktes återskapades i en modell i finit element simuleringar. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att sambandet mellan utböjning med avseende på rotorhastigheten är, för bladen tillverkade av ren plast är negativt kvadratiskt till linjär, medan det för kompositbladen är mer linjärt till positivt kvadratiskt. Pitch vinkeln har påvisar en avtagande trend for plast bladen och nästintill konstant vinkel för komposit bladen.
Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G. "Modelling and control of contact in magnetic bearing/flexible rotor systems." Thesis, University of Bath, 2006. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.437436.
Full textYucekayali, Arda. "Development Of A Comprehensive And Modular Modelling, Analysis And Simulation Tool For Helicopters." Master's thesis, METU, 2011. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12613643/index.pdf.
Full textpredicting trim conditions, helicopter dynamic behavior and simulation of a flight condition or maneuver mostly require analysis tools with low computational cost and complexity. However this decreases accuracy and fidelity of the model. On the other hand, analyses at design stages, such as
blade geometric and structural design mostly requires accurate and higher fidelity aerodynamic load predictions over the rotor disk. Contrarily this brings high computational cost and complexity. Therefore separate analysis tools for each objective or one complete tool that can be used for all purposes are essential. Throughout this study a helicopter mathematical including trim model with a selective and modular structure is developed as a generic analysis tool. The selective structure enables the mathematical model to be used in both flight dynamic and comprehensive analysis while the modular structure plays a role as an infrastructure for further developments. The mathematical model developed is validated with flight test data of several helicopters. Besides, commercial helicopter comprehensive analysis tools are used to validate the mathematical model analyses. Results showed good agreement with the compared data.
Ilie, Katherine-Rodica, and Katherine ilie@rmit edu au. "Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of Asymmetric Rotor Profiles in Twin-screw Superchargers." RMIT University. Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 2007. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20080213.144857.
Full textPretorius, Morné. "Comprehensive active magnetic bearing modelling taking rotor dynamics into account / M. Pretorius." Thesis, North-West University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/2647.
Full textThesis (M.Ing. (Computer and Electronical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
Suttie, David R. "Analysis and indicial modelling of helicopter tail rotor orthogonal blade vortex interaction." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.433176.
Full textGiannakakis, Panagiotis. "Design space exploration and performance modelling of advanced turbofan and open-rotor engines." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2013. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/7957.
Full textBonello, Philip. "The non-linear modelling of squeeze film damped rotor-dynamic systems : an efficient integrated approach." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.268939.
Full textEhtemam, Haghighi Vahid. "Modelling, Simulation and Experimental Diagnostics of Failures in Rotor Systems Supported by Active Magnetic Bearings." Thesis, Curtin University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/75982.
Full textSchluntz, Justine Oakley. "Tidal turbine array modelling." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:b342fda1-a311-4783-8249-9b1515e0ad62.
Full textGarratt, John Edward. "Mathematical modelling of air-rotor-stator interactions in high-speed air-riding bearing and seal technology /." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.580292.
Full textPountney, Oliver. "Modelling and measurement of sealing effectiveness and heat transfer in a rotor-stator system with ingress." Thesis, University of Bath, 2012. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.558900.
Full textRahier, Gilles. "Modelling of airfoil-vortex interaction and application to a helicopter rotor, contribution to blade-vortex interaction noise prediction /." Châtillon : ONERA, 1998. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb367060403.
Full textHikkaduwa, Liyanage Diana Aroshanie. "Modelling and control of a novel single phase generator based on a three phase cage rotor induction machine." Thesis, Curtin University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/250.
Full textМаренич, М. М. "Розробка та дослідження конструкції ротаційного компресора з ротором що котиться. Моделювання коливань ротора." Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/72120.
Full textВ исследовательской части поставленные задачи выполнить исследования и проектирования резонансных частот колебаний ротационного компрессора с ротором что катится. В конструкторской части выполнен прочностной расчет вала компрессора, конструктивные расчеты подшипников, муфты, уплотнений, клапанов. Определение основных геометрических размеров проектируемого компрессора. Конструктивный расчет конденсатора воздушного охлаждения. В разделе охраны труда проведен анализ опасных и вредных производственных факторов при работе ротационного компрессора с ротором что катится, произведен расчет зануления электрооборудования.
In the research part of the task to perform research and design of the resonant frequencies of a rotary compressor with a rotor that rolls. In the design part, the strength calculation of the compressor shaft, structural calculations of bearings, couplings, seals, valves are performed. Determination of the main geometric dimensions of the designed compressor. Constructive calculation of the air-cooled condenser. In the section of labor protection, an analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors has been carried out during the operation of a rotary compressor with a rotor that rolls, the calculation of electrical vanishing has been performed.
Dowell, Andrew. "Windpump modelling, starting hysteresis and the use of a low solidity rotor driving a mono pump through clutched transmission." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.409790.
Full textChauvicourt, Fabien. "Vibro-acoustics of rotating electric machines: Prediction, Validation and Solution." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2018. https://dipot.ulb.ac.be/dspace/bitstream/2013/271049/4/thesis.pdf.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Ahlström, Anders. "Simulating Dynamical Behaviour of Wind Power Structures." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Mechanics, 2002. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-1479.
Full textThe workin this thesis deals with the development of anaeroelastic simulation tool for horizontal axis wind turbineapplications.
Horizontal axiswind turbines can experience significanttime varying aerodynamic loads, potentially causing adverseeffects on structures, mechanical components, and powerproduction. The need of computational and experimentalprocedures for investigating aeroelastic stability and dynamicresponse have increased as wind turbines become lighter andmore flexible.
A finite element model for simulation of the dynamicresponse of horizontal axis wind turbines has been developed.The simulations are performed using the commercial finiteelement software SOLVIA, which is a program developed forgeneral analyses, linear as well as non-linear, static as wellas dynamic. The aerodynamic model, used to transform the windflow field to loads on the blades, is a Blade- Element/Momentummodel. The aerodynamic code is developed by FFA (TheAeronautical Research Institute of Sweden) and is astate-of-the-art code incorporating a number of extensions tothe Blade-Element/Momentum formulation. SOSIS-W, developed byTeknikgruppen AB was used to develop wind time series formodelling different wind conditions.
The model is rather general, and different configurations ofthe structural model and various type of wind conditions couldeasily be simulated. The model is primarily intended for use asa research tool when influences of specific dynamic effects areinvestigated.
Simulation results for the three-bladed wind turbine Danwin180 kW are presented as a verification example.
Keywords:aeroelastic modelling, rotor aerodynamics,structural dynamics, wind turbine, AERFORCE, SOSIS-W,SOLVIA
Peng, Wei. "Fast Modelling, Torque-Ripple-Reduction and Fault-Detection Control of Switched Reluctance Motors." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019. https://dipot.ulb.ac.be/dspace/bitstream/2013/285757/5/contratWP.pdf.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Wallin, Mattias. "Measurement and modelling of unbalanced magnetic pull in hydropower generators." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-196490.
Full textAl, Ibraheemi Mazen. "Modelling and practical set-up to investigate the performance of permanent magnet synchronous motor through rotor position estimation at zero and low speeds." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2018. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/115646/.
Full textArnal, Vincent. "Modélisation expérimentale d'une éolienne flottante par une approche "sofware-in-the-loop"." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020ECDN0037.
Full textActual calculation tools for the multi physical numerical modeling (wind, waves, current, etc.) of a floating wind turbine need validation through experimental campaigns. The objective of this work is the development and validation of an experimental apparatus dedicated to floating wind turbines wave tank testing, focusing on the representation of wind turbine forces. A hybrid approach combining physical and numerical modeling is developed, called “software-in-the-loop” (SIL). The development of the different subsystems of an SIL system includes (i) the selection and development of the numerical model (ii) the design of the force reproduction system (actuators) and (iii) the definition of the real time environment for the integration of the numerical model, the control of actuators, and the data acquisition. To characterize and identify the performances of the SIL system, dedicated methodologies are developed. Specific test benches are built, and wave tank tests of a floating wind turbine are carried out. These wave tank tests are then compared to coupled aero-hydro-servo structure simulations to investigate the hypotheses of the hydrodynamic force model
VIGNA, VERONICA. "Modelling energy efficiency of complex ship propulsion systems, considering sludge recycling, exhaust gas recovery and Flettner rotors." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/1093175.
Full textJaouani, Nassim. "Modelling of installation effects on the tonal noise radiated by counter-rotating open rotors." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSEC002.
Full textLes hélices contrarotatives constituent une alternative possible aux turboréacteurs pour les avions moyens- courriers. Réduisant significativement la consommation de carburant et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, ils peuvent néanmoins conduire à un rayonnement sonore accru de par l'absence de carénage. Prédire correctement le rayonnement sonore de telles motorisations est donc indispensable pour réduire les mécanismes sources propres au moteur isolé ou assurer une solution d'installation acoustique optimale. Un tel objectif est abordé dans cette thèse en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, l’étude vise à prédire le bruit tonal rayonné par la première hélice d'un moteur monté à l'arrière du fuselage (configuration dite en pousseur), en considérant les effets du sillage du pylône supportant le moteur et de l'écoulement moyen. Partant du formalisme de Ffowcs Williams & Hawkings, trois sources sonores sont identifiées à cet effet. La charge instationnaire, tout d'abord, est calculée en s'appuyant sur une méthodologie similaire à celle utilisée pour la prédiction du bruit d'interaction de sillages entre les deux rotors. Le déficit de vitesse dans le sillage du mât est décomposé localement en rafales bidimensionnelles dans un repère attaché au rotor amont. La portance instationnaire induite par chaque rafale sur un segment de pale est calculée en utilisant une fonction de réponse analytique linéarisée considérant une géométrie réaliste. Deuxième contribution, la charge stationnaire est évaluée au moyen d'un logiciel s'appuyant sur la théorie de la ligne portante mais également via des simulations numériques pour différentes surfaces sources de référence. Enfin, le bruit d'épaisseur associé au déplacement du volume de la pale est inclus dans l'analyse à partir de la formulation d'Isom. D'après les hypothèses de l'acoustique linéaire, toutes ces sources modélisées comme des dipôles acoustiques tournant dans une atmosphère uniforme en mouvement sont ensuite sommées pour calculer le bruit en champ lointain. L'ensemble de la méthodologie est comparé à des données d'essai et des prédictions d'un logiciel de référence. Une étude paramétrique considérant plusieurs positionnements du pylône et des configurations avec soufflage est effectuée afin de bien mettre en évidence les contributions relatives des trois sources sonores. Dans un deuxième temps, le bruit d'interaction de sillages étant reconnu comme la contribution majoritaire en configuration isolée, sa modélisation est complétée en introduisant la dynamique du tourbillon se développant au voisinage du bord d'attaque du rotor aval. Une méthodologie semi-analytique est développée pour déterminer un tourbillon attaché au-dessus d'une plaque plane plongée dans un écoulement uniforme avec incidence. Appliquée au cas d'une pale aval traversant le sillage du rotor amont, elle fournit une première estimation de la contribution sonore du tourbillon
Poyi, Gwangtim Timothy. "A novel approach to the control of quad-rotor helicopters using fuzzy-neural networks." Thesis, University of Derby, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10545/337911.
Full textFrias, Anthony. "Minimisation des pertes fer des machines électriques de traction par la modélisation et l'optimisation." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAT028/document.
Full textCost, range and lifetime are the main aspects that hold back the consumer to buy electric cars. These three aspects are all related to the battery which stores a limited amount of energy. Under such condition energy consumption is a major concern in electric cars. As the major electricity consumer, electrical machines play a key role for global energy savings. In this context how the electric machine can be made more energy efficient? To answer this question this thesis aim to model (accurately enough) and reduce the iron losses in traction electrical machine for electrical car. Indeed iron loss model suffer from a lack of confidence when it comes to fine optimization during the late phase of development. This thesis answers this question and takes into account the development criteria of the car industry and the constraints of the electric car. The first part of the thesis gives an overview of the application by taking a wounded rotor synchronous machine as a case study. The reader will discover the electrical machine with a soft magnetic material perspective. First, conclusion show that fine modelling of the electric machine is necessary to achieve desired accuracy. An overview on soft magnetic material behavior and measurements is then given. The reader will then acquire a broad feeling on soft magnetic material behavior and understands the first source of inaccuracy of the models (the measurements). Then, the typical models for predicting iron losses in magnetic materials are presented in a literature review. The second part of this study focus on iron loss modelling aspect. The loss surface model (a scalar hysteresis model made of a static and dynamic contribution) is used as the base of this modelling work. The static contribution is re-developed using Everett function formulation of the Preisach model is used to allow easy identification of the model directly from measurements. The identification of the dynamic contribution is re-worked to allow identification from sine-wave measurements (triangular wave measurement previously required). The model accuracy is improved and validated on 63 test cases with high harmonic distortion wave forms. The iron loss model is then coupled to finite element model of the electric machine and the limits of the model are investigated. One of the limits coming from measurement limitation, a methodology to evaluate the relevance of the measurement range is proposed. A literature review of the main impact of the process including cutting, stacking and assembling effects on electrical steel magnetic characteristics is intended to complement the modelling work to help the decision making of the designer on aspects that cannot be modeled. Finally methodologies playing with the modelling hypothesis and involving design of experiment and response surface are presented to reduce computational time and allow the optimization of the control of the machine. The optimizations carried out show total machine loss reduction up to 50% for some working point of the machine compared to an optimization dedicated to minimize only Joule's losses. This results show the interest of using a reliable iron loss model to reduce the total loss of the machine
Haji, Zyad. "Dynamic analysis and crack detection in stationary and rotating shafts." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/dynamic-analysis-and-crack-detection-in-stationary-and-rotating-shafts(2e9dcab4-685d-4c20-8f9d-55b6892b8149).html.
Full textAhlström, Anders. "Aerolastic simulation of wind turbine dynamics." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Mekanik, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-157.
Full textQC 20100826
Chrin, Phok. "Contribution to electric energy generation for isolated-rural areas using 2nd life components and renewable energies : modelling and control of an induction generator." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU30137.
Full textCambodia is a country located in Southeast Asia, with its high potential of renewable energy resource. Even if this country has a high potential for renewable, the installed power is still not high enough to cover the whole country. About 80% of population living in rural areas and 75% of the households live without electricity. They survive by using battery, diesel engine, candle, kerosene for lighting, TV, multimedia and some other household appliances. A few of residents in northern part of the country use pico-hydro power units bought from neighbor countries in order to electrify their houses. In these systems, the output voltage and frequency are not really stable while the load under load or speed variations. Consequently, the lifetime of household appliances could be reduced or the items damaged and local repairs are needed. Moreover, millions of Cambodian people cannot access neither take an advantage from the available energy resources due to two main factors: technology barriers and high investment cost. This research aims to remove technology barriers by designing simple systems for pico-hydro power generation with fast and simple installation, suitable for local applications with high quality of electrical supply. The first part of this work briefly describes the energy situation in rural areas of Cambodia where people are facing the lack of electrical supply which. They cannot neither improve their living standard nor develop their community. Rich villagers use car battery, solar PV applications, pico-hydro power while poor villagers use candle/kerosene for lighting. Local enterprises can provide renewable energy solutions but the prices are unaffordable and far from their expectations. Therefore, an original solution is proposed in this thesis by using wasted electric and electronic equipment (second-life components) to form the new power generation systems for remote rural areas. This is frugal innovation to serve the bottom of the social pyramid. The used components are: induction machine, Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), power supply of a computer and other electronic equipment, etc. These wasted components can be arranged together to form a good solution with an interesting output power. The second part of this thesis presents the modelling of the power stage of three-phase induction machine as a single-phase induction generator by using one phase for excitation while the other two phases are connected in series to supply load, named "Excited Induction Generator (EIG)". Capacitor banks are added to EIG for compensating the reactive power. Capacitor values influence poles and zeros locations which are described and analyzed in the root locus according to the parameter variations. The third part of this thesis is devoted to onsite modelling of losses in induction machine. The method should achieve results simply, rapidly, without any prior information on the machine, in order to further integrate this model into energy optimization algorithms. Design of experiments is a good candidate. Experimental models of the total loss (iron loss and rotor copper losses) are proposed for motor operation and generator mode for different machines of different powers. The last part of this thesis describes output voltage/current response for both simulation results and experimental results of the induction generators. Proportional-integral and proportional-resonant controllers are tested. The implementation of closed loop controller is first achieved in an analog circuit and then, with dSPACE/MATLAB Simulink environment
Logan, Thomas George. "Harmonic analysis of the brushless doubly-fed machine including single-phase operation." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/252277.
Full textBradley, William J. "Current Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Induction Motors. Adaptive Mixed-Residual Approach for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Rotor, Stator, Bearing and Air-Gap Faults in Induction Motors Using a Fuzzy Logic Classifier with Voltage and Current Measurement only." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/7265.
Full textThe full-text was made available at the end of the embargo period on 29th Sept 2017.
Bradley, William John. "Current based fault detection and diagnosis of induction motors : adaptive mixed-residual approach for fault detection and diagnosis of rotor, stator, bearing and air-gap faults in induction motors using a fuzzy logic classifier with voltage and current measurement only." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/7265.
Full textTrchalik, Josef. "Aeroelastic modelling of gyroplane rotors." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2009. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1232/.
Full textRoux, Louis. "Modélisation dynamique du départ d'une pale et de la tenue des pales suiveuses dans une turbomachine." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEI056.
Full textDuring the certification process of a turbo engine, the engine manufacturer has to demonstrate that the loss of a rotor blade does not lead to the "knocking-off" phenomenon, in other words to the cascading failure of the successive blades. Generally, this demonstration is carried out through a costly rig test driving to the partial destruction of the engine. Thanks to the improvement of computational resources, it is now possible to simulate the transient response of the structure subjected to this complex loading. The knowledge of material behavior turns out to be the essential starting point for the simulation. However, only a few studies have been published on the dynamic behavior of nickel-based single crystal superalloys at high temperature reaching 1000°C. With a view to efficiently predicting the consequences of impacts on turbine blades, experimental and numerical works have been conducted on a single crystal frequently used by Turbomeca. High-temperature dynamic compressive tests on Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars (SHPB) have enabled to estimate the material plasticity level and hardening, depending on the crystal orientation, strain rate and temperature. The parameters of a viscoplastic anisotropic law have been identified to effectively model the MC2 macroscopic behavior under highly intense and multiaxial loading. At Safran Snecma Villaroche, ballistic tests have been undertaken on both single crystal plates and blades under high temperatures. In order to consider the fragmentation of profiles in blade-off simulations, a plastic strain criterion depending on stress triaxiality has been calibrated and validated by comparison with the impacts on blades. Post-mortem digital images correlation measurements and high-speed camera recordings have confirmed these simulations. Using LS-Dyna solver, a blade-off modeling strategy has been created and applied to an actual blade-off industrial case. Finally, a rotordynamics approach has been developed and validated with the aim of separately analyzing the primary damage, caused by direct impacts on the first following blades, and the secondary damage due to the effects of unbalance on a flexible rotor
Gustavsson, Rolf. "Modelling and analysis of hydropower generator rotors /." Luleå, 2005. http://epubl.luth.se/1402-1757/2005/62.
Full textBanejad, Mahdi. "Identification of damping contribution from power system controllers." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2004. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/15851/1/Mahdi_Banejad_Thesis.pdf.
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