Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Root sequestration'
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Full textThe objective of the present research was to identify the bioenergy crop with the greatest carbon sequestration potential among three perennial woody crops (poplar, black locust and willow) and three perennial herbaceous crops (giant reed, miscanthus and switchgrass) at the sixth year from plantation and in the same location. First of all the SOC stock variations for the first 1 m soil depth and the quantification of seven soil C fractions related to SOC stabilization level of the first 30 cm of soil were assessed; secondly, a characterization of the root system and the traits which affect the carbon allocation in soil were considered. The results confirm that the establishment of perennial bioenergy crops in previous arable fields can be a suitable option to sequester carbon (C) belowground. However, a different C sequestration capacity was observed between woody and herbaceous crops: woody species showed the greatest SOC sequestration potential in the first soil layer (0-10 cm of soil) but their ability to allocate root biomass in the deeper soil layers was limited; while, the herbaceous species allocated a high amount of root biomass in the deeper soil layers, but only switchgrass and miscanthus sequester C in the first soil layer.
Full textThe objective of the present research was to identify the bioenergy crop with the greatest carbon sequestration potential among three perennial woody crops (poplar, black locust and willow) and three perennial herbaceous crops (giant reed, miscanthus and switchgrass) at the sixth year from plantation and in the same location. First of all the SOC stock variations for the first 1 m soil depth and the quantification of seven soil C fractions related to SOC stabilization level of the first 30 cm of soil were assessed; secondly, a characterization of the root system and the traits which affect the carbon allocation in soil were considered. The results confirm that the establishment of perennial bioenergy crops in previous arable fields can be a suitable option to sequester carbon (C) belowground. However, a different C sequestration capacity was observed between woody and herbaceous crops: woody species showed the greatest SOC sequestration potential in the first soil layer (0-10 cm of soil) but their ability to allocate root biomass in the deeper soil layers was limited; while, the herbaceous species allocated a high amount of root biomass in the deeper soil layers, but only switchgrass and miscanthus sequester C in the first soil layer.
Pangle, Robert E. "Soil Carbon Dioxide Efflux in Response to Fertilization and Mulching Treatments in a Two-Year-Old Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Plantation in the Virginia Piedmont." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/36359.
Full textMaster of Science
Mwafulirwa, Lumbani. "The potential for root trait selection to enhance soil carbon storage and sustainable nutrient supply." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2017. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=231426.
Full textROSSI, Lorenzo Matteo Walter. "Embankment as a carbon sink: a study on carbon sequestration pathways and mechanisms in topsoil and exposed subsoil." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Cassino, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11580/75251.
Full textSelig, Marcus Franklin. "Soil Co2 Efflux and Soil Carbon Content as Influenced by Thinning in Loblolly Pine Plantations on the Piedmont of Virginia." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33866.
Full textMaster of Science
Soethe, Nathalie. "Structure and function of root systems at different altitudes of a south Ecuadorian montane forest." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fakultät, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/15667.
Full textRoot systems at 1900, 2400 and 3000 m of a south Ecuadorian montane forest were investigated. The aim of this study was to improve our knowledge on the impact of altitude on the root functions nutrient acquisition, anchorage and storage of C and nutrients in root biomass. At 2400 and 3000 m, the decrease of root length densities (RLD) with increasing soil depth was more pronounced than at 1900 m. The vertical distribution of N uptake was similar to the vertical distribution of RLD. Thus, the ability for nutrient uptake was more concentrated to the organic surface layer at high altitudes than at 1900 m. Foliar nutrient concentrations showed that plant growth at 1900 m was not limited by nutrient deficiency. In contrast, at 2400 and 3000 m especially N, but also P, S and K limited plant growth. The decreased nutritional status of plants at high altitudes was caused by low mineralization rates of nutrients as well as low ability for nutrient acquisition from deeper soil layers. At 3000 m, root biomass was higher than at low altitudes. Hence, the importance of root systems for C sequestration increased with increasing altitude. Similarly, pools of N, S, K, Ca and Mg were higher at 3000 m than at 1900 and 2400 m. At all altitudes, coarse root systems of trees showed traits that are supposed to improve anchorage. At 3000 m, root soil plates were more superficial than at 1900 m. Root traits that improve the horizontal extension of root soil plates were more pronounced or occurred more often at 3000 m than at 1900 m. It is concluded that impeded rooting in deeper soil layers at high altitudes decreased both the ability for nutrient acquisition and anchorage. At high altitudes, the high allocation of biomass to the root systems showed that at these sites, environmental conditions enhanced the requirements to the functions of roots.
Rossi, Lorenzo Matteo Walter. "Embankment as a carbon sink : a study on carbon sequestration pathways and mechanisms in topsoil and exposed subsoil." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTG083.
Full textCarbon (C) sequestration is receiving increasing scientific and political attention in a framework of greenhouse gasses mitigation. However, geotechnical soils have been neglected for their C sequestration potential, with the global attention focusing on agricultural and natural soils. In the present thesis project we aim to assess the potential of geotechnical embankments as C sink, and, through the study of plant species and soils showing contrasting features, shed light on SOC sequestration mechanisms and the role of the different actor involved. We aim not only to quantify the C gained and lost in soil, but even its origin (fresh new C input or old preexistent C) and how it is partitioned in different C pools characterized by different C stability (quality of stored C). First, we evaluated the C storage in different pools under soil sowed with 12 different herbaceous species in a 10 months experiment. Assessing different root traits allowed understanding the influence of root economic spectrum on C storage. We showed how traits linked to high labile C are linked to a higher C increase in the stable SILT+CLAY pool (<20µm). Root traits related to a low input of recalcitrant, instead, favor accumulation in the unstable POM fraction. Thanks to a 183 days stable isotope labelling experiment (CO2 constantly enriched with 13C) we were able to study the C dynamics in different C pools under two species (L. perenne and M. sativa) sowed on two soil (topsoil, 0-30cm depth and subsoil brought to the surface, 110-140 cm depth) showing contrasting characteristics. We evidenced the great interest of bridging C origin and C pools when studying soil C fates, allowing unveiling processes those more traditional methods would hide. New C and old C showed synergetic covariation, with lower old C losses associated to higher new C inputs. This is in good accordance with the Preferential Substrate Utilization hypothesis (Cheng and Kuzyakov, 2005). The Preferential Substrate Utilization hypothesis was also validated with the study of priming effect and soil respiration, that showed higher plant derived C in respired CO2 when plant C input were high, while increasing old C mineralization when plant C input were low, i.e. in subsoil. We observed significant plant derived new C input in the SILT+CLAY fraction (<20µm, highly stable) supporting evidence of the in vivo entombing effect in the soil Microbial Carbon Pump hypothesis (Liang et al., 2017). The species effect mainly occurred on new C input, but it was overpowered by the soil effect, with lower C storage in low quality soil (low nitrogen and microbial biomass and activity). In general, microbiological conditions were the main driver for new C accumulation and old C loss, and helped to explain why no effect of soil C saturation – a central theory in recent studies on C sequestration - was find in the protected carbon. Such fundamental understanding of plant-soil interactions help us to better optimize soil and vegetation management for road embankment revegetation
Arneth, Almut. "Fluxes of carbon and water in a Pinus radiata plantation and a clear-cut, subject to soil water deficit." Lincoln University, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/10182/1955.
Full textRaut, Yogendra Y. "Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production Using Long-Term (1999-2014) Conservation Reserve Program Land." The Ohio State University, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu148344789416295.
Full textVidal, Agathe. "La fertilisation soufrée est-elle un levier efficace pour limiter le transfert sol-grain du Cd chez le blé dur ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0399.
Full textCadmium (Cd) is a non-essential and highly toxic metal, generally occurring at trace level in soils. Its origins are natural, linked to pedogenesis, but also anthropogenic (contamination by agricultural inputs, industrial wastes, etc.). By taking up Cd from the soil through their roots, plants accumulate this contaminant in their aboveground parts, threatening the food safety. This is the case for durum wheat, which is the cereal that accumulates the most Cd in its grains, and therefore is a strong contributor to the chronic dietary exposure of the French population to Cd. Cd is carcinogenic and highly toxic to humans especially for kidneys and therefore, the European Union has established regulatory limits setting maximum levels of Cd in numerous foodstuffs. As a result of recent toxicological studies, numerous new regulatory limits have been established and existing ones have been decreased. For durum wheat grain, the limit has recently been revised downwards from 0.20 mg Cd kg-1 to 0.18 mg Cd kg-1 (EC 915/2023). Further decreases are expected in the future, pointing out the need to find solutions to limit the transfer of Cd from soil to grain. Cd has a strong affinity for sulfur (S), with which it forms complexes that are highly stable with the thiol (-SH) groups of organic molecules, and more labile with sulfates. The literature shows that the addition of S to soil can modify not only the phytoavailability of this metal in soil but also its distribution between plant organs. Cd-S ligand complexes are known to detoxify this metal by sequestration in vacuoles, particularly in roots. However, literature mainly concerns polluted soils and phytoextraction, with little work on weakly contaminated agricultural soils. The aim of this thesis work was to test whether the addition of S at doses and chemical forms used in cereal cultures could limit Cd accumulation in durum wheat grains in the context of agricultural soils. We showed, under controlled conditions, that the solubility of Cd can be increased by the addition of ammonium sulfate, not by the direct effects of sulphates, but by the acidification resulting from the nitrification of ammonium. In hydroponics and in the field, the addition of S slightly reduced the Cd concentration in durum wheat grains, sometimes in association with greater retention of Cd in roots, as expected. We observed that most of the Cd was stored in the roots and that, during the grain filling, it was remobilized and transferred to the aboveground parts concomitantly with S. By reducing the remobilization of S from the roots, sulfur fertilization could then help to also limit the remobilization of Cd from the roots to the grain. Besides, our results showed that S fertilization could also affect the distribution of biomass between organs, thus affecting their Cd content. Overall, our work suggests that in durum wheat, ensuring that the S requirements of the plant are met could slightly reduce the Cd content of the grain through indirect effects on biomass and possibly through direct S-Cd interaction mechanisms. Even if its effect is not very strong, it is worth considering S fertilization as a lever to reduce cadmium contamination in durum wheat
Full textAdoption of sustainable (agro)ecosystems has been widely suggested to increase soil organic carbon (C) sequestration, to mitigate climate change and enhance soil fertility. Although its carbon sequestration potential has been generally overestimated, no-till (NT) results in an extra C sequestration of 0.26 ± 0.18 Mg ha-1 yr-1 as compared to conventional tillage and 76.6% of this extra C is located in C pools which could be considered relatively stable. NT increases root development of field crops (i.e. maize, soybean, winter wheat) in the top soil (0-5 cm), while does not in the deeper soil (5-60 cm). Positive correlations between root density and soil physical parameters shows how roots are main drivers of soil physical properties under NT. Cover crop residues may affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions under NT: rye residues enhances soil-nitrogen (N) immobilization, thus increasing N use efficiency and decreasing N2O, while hairy vetch residues as cover crop under NT increases N2O as a consequence of soil-N mineralization. N2O emissions and shoot productivity may be positive correlated in grasslands, because other mechanisms than plant-induced regulation of soil N pool may control N2O: C could be a major factor regulating nitrification and denitrification processes.
Full textAdoption of sustainable (agro)ecosystems has been widely suggested to increase soil organic carbon (C) sequestration, to mitigate climate change and enhance soil fertility. Although its carbon sequestration potential has been generally overestimated, no-till (NT) results in an extra C sequestration of 0.26 ± 0.18 Mg ha-1 yr-1 as compared to conventional tillage and 76.6% of this extra C is located in C pools which could be considered relatively stable. NT increases root development of field crops (i.e. maize, soybean, winter wheat) in the top soil (0-5 cm), while does not in the deeper soil (5-60 cm). Positive correlations between root density and soil physical parameters shows how roots are main drivers of soil physical properties under NT. Cover crop residues may affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions under NT: rye residues enhances soil-nitrogen (N) immobilization, thus increasing N use efficiency and decreasing N2O, while hairy vetch residues as cover crop under NT increases N2O as a consequence of soil-N mineralization. N2O emissions and shoot productivity may be positive correlated in grasslands, because other mechanisms than plant-induced regulation of soil N pool may control N2O: C could be a major factor regulating nitrification and denitrification processes.
MARTANI, ENRICO. "Conversion of perennial cropping systems to arable land: keyelements for an ecologically sustainable transition." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96576.
Full textThe cultivation of perennial cropping systems on marginal lands combines the production of sustainable biomass for multiple uses with environmental benefits such as carbon (C) sequestration in soil. In this thesis, we studied the effect of perennial cropping system on soil C considering the scenario of perennial cropping systems reversion to arable land. The limited longevity (10-20 years) of perennial cropping systems, gives the possibility of using these crops as a temporary- option to restore soil fertility of marginal lands and to study the long-term legacy of these cropping systems on soil C. In this thesis I aimed to study the effect of perennial cropping systems reversion to arable land on soil C: to achieve this objective, I combined a literature meta-analysis on the effect of reversion of perennial cropping systems on soil C, with a long-term field experiment on perennial cropping systems, an incubation experiment and the use of a process-based soil C model. The combined use of these approaches gave me the chance to show the potential of perennial cropping systems to support C sequestration even after their reversion. Therefore, perennial cropping systems are a promising sustainable practice which could be integrated on a 13-year agricultural rotation on marginal lands of northern Italy to restore soil C.
MARTANI, ENRICO. "Conversion of perennial cropping systems to arable land: keyelements for an ecologically sustainable transition." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96576.
Full textThe cultivation of perennial cropping systems on marginal lands combines the production of sustainable biomass for multiple uses with environmental benefits such as carbon (C) sequestration in soil. In this thesis, we studied the effect of perennial cropping system on soil C considering the scenario of perennial cropping systems reversion to arable land. The limited longevity (10-20 years) of perennial cropping systems, gives the possibility of using these crops as a temporary- option to restore soil fertility of marginal lands and to study the long-term legacy of these cropping systems on soil C. In this thesis I aimed to study the effect of perennial cropping systems reversion to arable land on soil C: to achieve this objective, I combined a literature meta-analysis on the effect of reversion of perennial cropping systems on soil C, with a long-term field experiment on perennial cropping systems, an incubation experiment and the use of a process-based soil C model. The combined use of these approaches gave me the chance to show the potential of perennial cropping systems to support C sequestration even after their reversion. Therefore, perennial cropping systems are a promising sustainable practice which could be integrated on a 13-year agricultural rotation on marginal lands of northern Italy to restore soil C.
Wig, Jennifer D. "Effects of 20 years of litter and root manipulations on soil organic matter dynamics." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/30031.
Full textGraduation date: 2012
Wu, H. "Tissue specificity of cytosolic `K^+` retention, `Na^+` extrusion, and vacuolar `Na^+` sequestration traits in the context of differential salinity stress tolerance in barley and wheat." Thesis, 2016. https://eprints.utas.edu.au/23053/1/Wu_whole_thesis_ex_pub_mat.pdf.
Full textAbou, Rajab Yasmin Joana Monna. "Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production." Doctoral thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-002B-7C03-E.
Full textAdamek, Markus. "Effects of increased nitrogen input on the net primary production of a tropical lower montane rain foest, Panama." Doctoral thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-0006-B124-0.
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