Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Room Shape'
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Chen, Xiaocheng. "Synthesis of 10-Carboxy-N-Decyol-N, N’- Dimethyldecyl-1-Ammonium Bromide as Organogelator & Room temperature Shape Memory Programming of Stearic Acid/ Natural Rubber Bilayer Blend." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1500563824207268.
Full textSprunck, Tom. "Peut-on entendre la forme d'une pièce ? : Reconstruction de la géométrie d'une salle à partir de mesures acoustiques par super-résolution et optimisation de forme." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAD061.
Full textThis thesis addresses the inverse problem of reconstructing the geometry of a room from acoustic measurements. Specifically, we focus on Room Impulse Responses. We develop two distinct approaches to tackle this problem. The first approach considers cuboid rooms with reflective walls and is based on the so-called Image Source Method. We propose a novel framework, utilizing the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, to reconstruct the 3D positions of image sources in a gridless manner by solving a convex optimization problem in the space of Radon measures. The second approach extends to more general room shapes. The inverse problem is formulated as a shape optimization problem, where the room geometry is refined by minimizing discrepancies between frequency-domain observations and the solution of the Helmholtz equation defined on the room domain
Hyde, Andrew. "Statistical shape analysis of wheat root systems." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2018. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/52255/.
Full textMcGinley, Susan. "Retractable Roof Greenhouse Cultivation Offers Flexibility: Plants Thrive Under Moveable Shade." College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/622206.
Full textAbohela, Islam Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed. "Effect of roof shape, wind direction, building height and urban configuration on the energy yield and positioning of roof mounted wind turbines." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10443/1686.
Full textSui, Jieli. "Optimization of CO2 emission and investment value on roof shape design for wooden detached house." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/136266.
Full textGurgenli, Hakan. "Geomechanical and weathering properties of weak roof shales in coal mines." Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2006. https://eidr.wvu.edu/etd/documentdata.eTD?documentid=4717.
Full textTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains ix, 99 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (part col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-81).
Richardson-Calfee, Lisa E. "Post-Transplant Root Production, Mortality, and Periodicity of Landscape-Sized Shade Trees." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28315.
Full textPh. D.
Sanders, Aaron Anthony. "An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Elliptical Root Shapes and Asymmetric Teeth on Root Stresses and Bending Fatigue Lives." The Ohio State University, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1290530501.
Full textCheung, Ho-ming Lisa. "C-shaped canal in human mandibular second molar." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2006. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B37486950.
Full textCheung, Ho-ming Lisa, and 張皓明. "C-shaped canal in human mandibular second molar." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2006. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B37486950.
Full textGuillen, Raquel Esmeralda Guillen. "Remoção mecânica de Enterococcus faecalis em canais preparados com Wave One Gold ou One Shape New Generation." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/23/23134/tde-25062018-113720/.
Full textThe root canal preparation aims to remove the bacteria that can cause periapical pathologies, and endodontic instruments are constantly being improved to make root canal treatment easier, faster and safer. Thus, new instruments need to be evaluated for their performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bacterial removal promoted by Wave One Gold and One Shape New Generation systems in comparison to that of their predecessor systems. Forty-six distobuccal root canals of upper molars sterilized with ethylene oxide were infected with Enterococcus faecalis for 21 days, and then root canal initial bacterial sampling was collected and plated on M-enterococcus agar to bacterial count in colony forming unities. The specimens were randomly divided into four groups according to the instrumentation (n=12): Wave One Gold Primary, One Shape New Generation 25/.06, Wave One Primary and One Shape 25/.06, and the other 8 uncontaminated canals were used as asepsis control. All groups used distilled water as irrigant. New sampling was obtained immediately after instrumentation and at 7 days. The bacterial reduction was calculated in percentage, after that intra-group analysis was carried out by Wilcoxon test, and inter-group analysis by Kruskal-Wallis complemented by Dunn\'s test, all at 5% significance. All the systems significantly reduced the bacterial amount in the root canal in both immediate and at 7 days sampling (p<0.05). The bacterial amount increased at 7 days after preparation comparing to immediate sampling (p<0.05). The analysis between groups showed that Wave One Gold and One Shape New Generation promoted greater bacterial reduction than Wave One and One Shape systems (p<0.05). No significant difference was found between Wave One Gold and One Shape New Generation or between Wave One and One Shape (p>0.05). It can be concluded that Wave One Gold and One Shape New Generation promote greater bacterial removal than their predecessor systems.
Kociecki, Margaret E. "A Two-Phase Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Dimension, Topology, and Shape Optimization of Free-Form Steel Space-Frame Roof Structures." The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1343148491.
Full textMcIntosh, Wendy H., and n/a. "On being shamed in a nursing culture." Griffith University. School of Nursing and Midwifery, 2006. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/public/adt-QGU20060901.153403.
Full textPillar, Rafael. "ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA DOS SISTEMAS DE INSTRUMENTO ÚNICO RECIPROC, WAVEONE E ONE SHAPE NA INCIDÊNCIA DE DEFEITOS DENTINÁRIOS." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/6105.
Full textDentinal defects are characterized by cracks in the root dentin that can develop into a vertical root fractures (VRF), thus leading to tooth loss. Endodontic procedures may generate these defects and between these steps, the biomechanical preparations with NiTi rotary instruments are associated with the incidence of these amendments dentinal. A new concept in minimally invasive preparation was introduced, along with a new reciprocating movement, using a single instrument for root canal instrumentation. This allows less root dentin is removed, thus avoiding the weakening of tooth structure. The aim of this study was evaluate the incidence of dentinal defects after root canal preparation by three single-file systems. One hundred forty mesial roots of mandibular molars were selected and randomly assigned to 4 groups (n= 35 mesial roots per group). One group was left unprepared as control. In two groups, the root canals were instrumented by using the reciprocating single-file systems WaveOne (Dentsply-Maillefer) and Reciproc (VDW), while other group was prepared with single-file of continuous rotation One Shape (Micro-Mega). The specimens were sectioned in 03, 06 and 09 mm from the apex with a low-speed saw under water cooling (IsoMet 1000 Precision Saw) and observed through a stereomicroscope (Zeiss Stemi SV6, Carl Zeiss) at a magnification of 20×. The pictures were recorded and evaluated by two blinded calibrated observers. The slices were categorized in: 0- No defects; 1- Others defects and 2 vertical root fracture. The dates were statistically analyzed with a significance level set at α = 0.05. The chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to assess the differences between groups. No defects were observed in control group. All the experimental groups showed dentinal defects. The reciprocating files were associated with more defects than the continuous rotary file and control group (P < 0.05), but no significant difference between them (P = .115). VRF was observed only in the One Shape group. The results of this study suggest that the biomechanical preparation could cause damage in the root dentin and that the continuous rotary has a tendency to result in fewer defects compared to reciprocating files.
Defeitos dentinários são caracterizados por trincas na dentina radicular que podem evoluir para uma Fratura Vertical da Raiz (FVR), levando assim a perda do elemento dentário. O preparo biomecânico com o uso de sistemas rotatórios está associado com a incidência dessas alterações dentinárias. Atualmente, o uso de um único instrumento para a instrumentação dos canais radiculares juntamente com uma cinemática reciprocante tem sido introduzido. Desse modo, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a incidência de defeitos dentinários causado por três sistemas de instrumento único. Cento e quarenta raízes mesiais de molares inferiores foram selecionadas e aleatoriamente divididas em quatro grupos (n= 35 por grupo). Um grupo não sofreu intervenção e serviu como controle. As demais raízes foram preparadas pelos instrumentos reciprocantes WaveOne (Dentsply-Maillefer) e Reciproc (VDW) e por um instrumento de rotação contínua One Shape (Micro-Mega). As raízes foram seccionadas horizontalmente com auxílio de uma máquina de corte de precisão (IsoMet 1000 Precision Saw) em 03, 06 e 09 mm a partir do ápice e observadas em um estereomicroscópio (Zeiss Stemi SV6, Carl Zeiss) sob um aumento de 20×. Imagens das fatias foram gravadas e avaliadas por dois observadores cegos, previamente calibrados. As fatias foram categorizadas em: 0 - Ausência de defeitos; 1- Outros defeitos; 2- Fratura Vertical da Raiz. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância fixado em α= 0.05. Os testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher foram utilizados para analisar e comparar as diferenças entre os grupos. O grupo controle não apresentou defeito. Todos os grupos experimentais apresentaram defeitos dentinários e foram diferentes estatisticamente do grupo controle (P < 0.05). Os grupos reciprocantes foram associados à presença de mais defeitos do que o grupo One Shape, mas não houve diferença significante entre eles (P = .115). O grupo One Shape foi o único que apresentou FVR. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo sugerem que o preparo biomecânico com instrumentos rotatórios e/ou de reciprocidade podem causar danos na dentina radicular.
Sjöstrand, Jonas. "Enumerative combinatorics related to partition shapes." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Matematik (Inst.), 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4298.
Full textÄmnet för denna avhandling är enumerativ kombinatorik tillämpad på tre olika objekt med anknytning till partitionsformer, nämligen tablåer, begränsade ord och bruhatintervall. Dom viktigaste vetenskapliga bidragen är följande. Artikel I: Låt tecknet av en standardtablå vara tecknet hos permutationen man får om man läser tablån rad för rad från vänster till höger, som en bok. En förmodan av Richard Stanley säjer att teckensumman av alla standardtablåer med n rutor är 2^[n/2]. Vi visar en generalisering av denna förmodan med hjälp av Robinson-Schensted-korrespondensen och ett nytt begrepp som vi kallar schacktablåer. Beviset bygger på ett anmärkningsvärt enkelt samband mellan tecknet hos en permutation pi och tecknen hos dess RS-motsvarande tablåer P och Q, nämligen sgn(pi)=(-1)^v sgn(P)sgn(Q), där v är antalet disjunkta vertikala dominobrickor som får plats i partitionsformen hos P och Q. Teckenobalansen hos en partitionsform definieras som teckensumman av alla standardtablåer av den formen. Som en ytterligare tillämpning av formeln för teckenöverföring ovan bevisar vi också en starkare variant av en annan förmodan av Stanley som handlar om viktade summor av kvadrerade teckenobalanser. Artikel II: Vi generaliserar några av resultaten i artikel I till skeva tablåer. Närmare bestämt undersöker vi hur teckenegenskapen överförs av Sagan och Stanleys skeva Robinson-Schensted-korrespondens. Resultatet är en förvånansvärt enkel generalisering av den vanliga ickeskeva formeln ovan. Som en tillämpning visar vi att vissa viktade summor av kvadrerade teckenobalanser blir noll, vilket leder till en generalisering av en variant av Stanleys andra förmodan. Artikel III: Följande specialfall av en förmodan av Loehr och Warrington bevisades av Ekhad, Vatter och Zeilberger: Det finns 10^n ord med summan noll av längd 5n i alfabetet {+3,-2} sådana att inget sammanhängande delord börjar med +3, slutar med -2 och har summan -2. Vi ger ett enkelt bevis för denna förmodan i dess ursprungliga allmännare utförande där 3 och 2 byts ut mot vilka som helst relativt prima positiva heltal a och b, 10^n byts ut mot ((a+b) över a)^n och 5n mot (a+b)n. För att göra detta formulerar vi problemet i termer av cylindriska latticestigar som kan tolkas som den sydöstra gränslinjen för vissa partitionsformer. Artikel IV: Vi karakteriserar dom permutationer pi sådana att elementen i det slutna bruhatintervallet [id,pi] i symmetriska gruppen motsvarar ickeslående tornplaceringar på ett skevt ferrersbräde. Dessa intervall visar sej vara precis dom vars flaggmångfalder är definierade av inklusioner, ett begrepp introducerat av Gasharov och Reiner. Karakteriseringen skapar en länk mellan poincarépolynom (ranggenererande funktioner) för bruhatintervall och q-tornpolynom, och vi kan beräkna poincarépolynomet för några särskilt intressanta intervall i dom ändliga weylgrupperna A_n och B_n. Uttrycken innehåller q-stirlingtal av andra sorten, och sätter man q=1 för grupp A_n så får man Kanekos poly-bernoullital.
QC 20100818
Barroso, Juliana Machado. "Influência do pré-alargamento cervical no desgaste promovido pelos instrumentos rotatórios de níquel-titânio na região apical: Estudo em canais simulados curvos." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/58/58133/tde-31032008-161701/.
Full textThe purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of cervical preflaring on prepared canal shape in simulated curved root canals prepared with nickel-titanium rotary systems. Thirty resin blocks with simulated canals with 20º curvature were fabricated and randomly assigned to three groups (n=10) according to the type of cervical preflaring: Group I - no cervical preflaring; Group II - cervical preflaring with CP Drill® burs; Group III - cervical preflaring with LA Axxess® burs. Previously cervical preflaring, the canals were thoroughly filled with India ink and the initial photographs were taken using a digital camera fixed in a static position. Right after, apical preparation was performed using 20.02 to 45.02 K3® rotary instruments. At each change of file, the canals were refilled with India ink and the final photographs were taken for each instrument. The initial and final photographs were superimposed and linear dentin removal produced by each type of rotary instrument was measured with specific software at the internal and external portions of the curvature apex and at the canal apex. The difference between the initial and final values was analyzed statistically, according to each canal region. Statistical analysis by linear regression established a correlation between instrument size and canal transportation, which can be expressed by a mathematical equation. This correlation is directly proportional, which means that the greater instrument, the more accentuated the canal transportation. Additionally, Kruskal- Wallis test (complemented by the Dunn\' post-test) allowed comparing dentin removal among the different experimental groups. These tests revealed that the non-flared group presented different dentin removal patterns, as compared to the groups where cervical preflaring was undertaken. The group without preflaring presented a significantly greater dentin removal on the external side of curvature, while the groups preflared with CP Drill® and LA Axxess® exhibited similar dentin removal patterns, demonstrating a greater centralization of the instrument inside the canal, for both analyzed regions (curvature apex and canal apex). It may be concluded that cervical preflaring influenced positively the apical preparation of simulated curved canals, producing more centralized preparations in this region.
Bowen, Anna Kate Miller. "Characterizing the Invasion of an Understory Grass Species (Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roem. & Schult) in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1595531995193925.
Full textJensen, Lauren Elizabeth. "Mechanical preparation of oval-shaped root canals in mandibular premolars with the TRUShape 3D Conforming File: a micro-computed tomography study." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2017. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/5523.
Full textAhmed, Suwayda. "Evaluation of dentine damage after rotary NiTi preparation." University of the Western Cape, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/5602.
Full textNiTi rotary instruments have shape memory and are highly flexible and super-elastic. These properties of the metal alloy allows for ease of root canal preparation to ultimately result in a root canal preparation that has a continuous taper, while canal shape and curvature is maintained. It must be noted that the NiTi rotary instrumentation may have an effect on root canal dentine, which may manifest as dentine damage. Different NiTi rotary systems on the market vary with regards to their design features and kinematics, which may influence dentine damage. The purpose of this in-vitro study was to compare the effect of four different NiTi rotary systems, as well as stainless steel files on root canal dentine. One hundred and eighty permanent human mandibular molar mesial roots were used for the study. The total samples were randomly divided into six groups, where one group (n=30) was left unprepared to serve as the control group. The remaining five groups were randomly assigned to a nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation system and one stainless steel hand file group. Group 1: Control group; Group 2: Stainless steel files group; Group 3: Wave One (Dentsply Maillefer) rotary group; Group 4: ProTaper NEXT (Dentsply Maillefer) rotary group; Group 5: iRaCe (FKG Dentaire) rotary group; Group 6: BT-Race (FKG Dentaire) rotary group.The root canal preparations were carried out according to the manufacturers' recommendations, after decoronation of the tooth crowns. Sodium hypochlorite (5,25%) and 17% EDTA was used as a root canal irrigant and a chelating agent during canal preparation. Each root segment was sectioned at 3mm, 6mm and 9mm from the apex. The root segments were observed under a stereomicroscope at 12x magnification and digital camera at 40 x magnification for the appearance of dentine damage. The images were observed by the author and an impartial second observer. Root segments were observed for the appearance of dentine damage (microcracks, craze lines or fractures), and samples were described as having 'dentine defect' or 'no dentine defect'. Data for the different groups were collected and results were calculated and the total incidence of dentine damage was as follows: Control group = 0% Stainless steel hand files group = 0% Wave One group = 56, 67% ProTaper NEXT group = 60% iRaCe group = 60% BT-Race group = 56, 67% There are no significant differences between the groups: WaveOne, ProTaper NEXT, iRACE and BT-Race. However, there is a significant difference between the four groups and the stainless steel group (p<0.0001).
Kopečková, Kristýna. "Horský penzion s wellness." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265232.
Full textSvoboda, David. "Mateřská škola v Třebíči." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240428.
Full textEffenbergerová, Petra. "Mateřská školka." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240248.
Full textJoaquim, Natália Martins 1989. "Análise da citotoxicidade de materiais obturadores de dentes decíduos." [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/288856.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T01:46:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joaquim_NataliaMartins_M.pdf: 1245977 bytes, checksum: c5a3811c7ba1d723505963537d831210 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: Endodontia em dentes decíduos é um procedimento de suma importância para manter a integridade e saúde dos dentes e tecidos de suporte. Sendo assim, o uso de materiais obturadores de canais radiculares que apresente o máximo de propriedades desejáveis é indispensável. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a citotoxicidade de diferentes materiais obturadores em fibroblastos do ligamento periodontal humano (PDL) e em células osteoblásticas de osteossarcoma humano (Saos-2). Os fibroblastos foram cultivados em meio de cultura (meio Eagle modificado por Dulbeco - DMEM) suplementado com 1% soro fetal bovino (FBS) e antibióticos. Os osteoblastos foram cultivados em meio de cultura McCoy¿s suplementado com 15% FBS e antibióticos. Próximos de atingir a confluência, as células foram plaqueadas na concentração de 7x103 células por poço e foram expostas aos seguintes materiais, conforme os grupos: G1- Meio de cultura sem material obturador (controle negativo), G2- Dimetiilsulfóxido (DMSO) (controle positivo), G3- Calen®, G4- Calen® associada ao Óxido de Zinco, G5- Calen® associada ao Iodofórmio, G6- Óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE), G7- Vitapex® e G8- UltraCal®XS. A manipulação dos materiais foi realizada em condições assépticas. A citotoxicidade dos materiais obturadores foi analisada em intervalos de tempos (8, 24 e 48 horas) pelo método de redução MTS e classificado como não citotóxico, citotoxicidade leve, moderada e grave. O grupo controle negativo foi composto apenas por células, sem o uso de material obturador. A análise morfológica das células foi realizada por meio da microscopia de fluorescência. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância dois fatores e ao teste Tukey para comparação entre os grupos, com nível de significância 5%. As imagens obtidas por meio da microscopia de fluorescência foram analisadas de forma descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que para os fibroblastos, Calen®(85,91±10,01), Calen® associada ao Óxido de Zinco (85,91±8,16) e Calen® associada ao Iodofórmio (83,96±13,95) diferiram do controle negativo (100±0) e positivo (19.72±5,70) após 8 horas de exposição. Para os osteoblastos, Calen® associada ao Óxido de Zinco (75,87±19,16), Calen® associada ao Iodofórmio (75,5±12,40) e o OZE (68,71±22,19) foram os únicos grupos que em 8 horas diferiram do controle negativo (100±0) e positivo (22,18±6,77). Pode-se concluir que todos os materiais avaliados, para fibroblastos do ligamento periodontal humano, não foram citotóxicos ao longo do tempo. No entanto, Calen® associada ao Iodofórmio apresentou toxicidade leve em 48 horas para os osteoblastos. Vitapex® foi o material que apresentou menor toxicidade celular nos osteoblastos em 8 e 48 horas, comparando-se os outros materiais avaliados. Calen® associado ao Óxido de zinco, Calen® associado ao Iodofórmio e OZE foram capazes de modificar a morfologia dos fibroblastos, mas para os osteoblastos não foram observadas alterações morfológicas
Abstract: Endodontics in primary teeth is an important procedure to maintain the integrity and health of the teeth and supporting tissues. Using a root canal filling material that shows desirable properties is indispensable. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the root filling materials cytotoxicity on periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDL) and osteoblastic human osteosarcoma cells (Saos-2). Fibroblasts were cultured in culture medium (Dulbeco modified Eagle medium - DMEM) supplemented with 1% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and antibiotics. The osteoblasts were cultured in McCoy's culture medium supplemented with 15% FBS and antibiotics. Next to reach confluence, the cells were plated at a concentration of 7x103 cells per well and were exposed to materials, according to the groups: G1 - culture medium without filling material (negative control); G2- Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (positive control); G3 ¿ Calen®; G4 - Calen® associated with Zinc Oxide; G5 - Calen® associated with Iodoform; G6 ¿ Zinc Oxide and eugenol (ZOE); G7 - Vitapex®; G8 - UltraCal® XS. The materials were prepared under aseptic conditions. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by cell viability at time intervals (8, 24 and 48 h) by MTS assay and rated as non-cytotoxic, mild, moderate and severe cytotoxicity. The negative control group was composed only of cells without the use of filling material. Cells morphological were observed by fluorescence microscopy. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance with post-hoc comparisons base on Tukey's multiple comparisons, with the significance level fixed at 5%. The images obtained at fluorescence microscopy were evaluated using descriptive analysis. The results showed that for fibroblasts, Calen®(85.91±10.01), Calen® associated with Zinc Oxide (85.91±8.16) e Calen® associated with Iodoform (83.96±13.95) was differ from the negative control (100±0) and positive (19.72±5.70), at 8 h. For osteoblasts, Calen® associated with Zinc Oxide (75.87±19.16), Calen® associated with Iodoform (75.5±12.40) and ZOE (68.71±22.19) differed from negative control (100±0) and positive (22.18±6.77) in 8 h. It can be concluded that all materials were non- cytotoxic to human fibroblasts cells over time. However, Calen® + Iodoform showed higher cytotoxicity to osteoblasts at 48 h. Vitapex® was the material that showed the less cell cytotoxicity in osteoblasts at 8 and 48 h, compared to the other materials tested. Calen® associated with Zinc Oxide, Calen® associated with Iodoform and ZOE was able to modify the morphology of fibroblasts, but osteoblasts but no morphologic alterations were observed
Mestra em Odontologia
Havlíková, Ivana. "Dynamická analýza konstrukce zatížené seismickým zatížením." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-225730.
Full textKašuba, Patrik. "Polyfunkčný dom Brno-Řečkovice." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-371948.
Full textFlytström, Annika. "Effekter av inkuberingstemperatur på kroppsform och fenstorlek hos juvenil atlantlax (Salmo salar L.)." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-65117.
Full textGlobal uppvärmning, en konsekvens av pågående klimatförändringar, förväntas öka den globala medeltemperaturen med upp till 5°C det här århundradet. Det här förväntas ha stor påverkan på jordens ekosystem och speciellt ektotermer som inte kan reglera sin kroppstemperatur genom endogen värmeproduktion. Intresset har intensifierats för att undersöka klimatförändringarnas utfall och rollen som fenotypisk plasticitet har som svar på tidiga miljöförhållanden. Kroppsform och fenstorlek jämfördes hos juvenil atlantlax som inkuberats i två olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen. Morfometri användes för att undersöka kroppsformen genom ett box-truss nätverk av euklidiska avstånd som sedan analyserades med en diskriminant funktionsanalys. Fenstorleken analyserades genom att mäta fenornas area som sedan användes i en kovariansanalys med kroppsstorlek som kovariat. Fiskarna som inkuberades i normal (kall) temperatur skiljde sig från fiskarna som inkuberats i ca 4°C varmare temperatur genom att ha en djupare kroppsform och större area på bröstfenorna. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan ryggfenornas area. Mina resultat stödjer idén att atlantlaxen är morfologiskt plastisk när den utsätts för olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen, men ytterligare studier behövs för att identifiera de ekologiska konsekvenserna av dessa förändringar.
Stejskalová, Markéta. "Penzion pro seniory." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-372260.
Full textLusley, Pauline. "Compréhension des mécanismes directs et indirects de résistance à la pourriture racinaire du pois causée par Aphanomyces euteiches : influence du choix variétal et de la cohorte microbienne associée. Compared analysis of architectural symptoms and disease severity caused by Aphanomyces euteiches between winter and spring peas. Co-existence of Rhizobia and non-rhizobial bacteria in the nodules of Pisum sativum L. depending on cultivars and influencing mycelium growth of Aphanomyces euteiches. The microbial cavalry: how crop could be determinant to beneficially shape soil microbiome in the battlefield against Aphanomyces euteiches." Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMR091.
Full textPea, well-adapted to the Normandy pedoclimatic context, represents an important nutritional source of plant proteins. At present, protein crops are among the promoting crops in view of their many agronomical, economic, and environmental interests. Despite their multiple advantages, the cultivation of protein peas is not as successful, mainly due to strong attacks by various phytopathology. The most damaging is pea root rot caused by Aphanomyces euteiches leading to a significant drop in yield and thus can penalize farmers. As there is no effective treatment to date, numerous focus researches are in progress to develop efficient control methods, which requires a holistic understanding of the pathobiome. In this thesis, studies were focused on the understanding of some direct and indirect resistance mechanisms of pea root rot caused by A. euteiches. The contribution of biotic factors in this disease were studied, specifically the influence of varietal genotype and its associated phytobiome, and so the establishment of multiple interactions with microorganisms. The comparative analysis of disease severity and induced architectural modifications, showed a differential expression according to their affiliation to winter or spring group. The two winter pea cultivars characterized by a high cold tolerance presented two features of interest: a delayed impact on aerial part despite significant root damage and an increased growth of root system in response to infection. In addition, the study of intra-nodule bacterial diversity in these same cultivars showed that the diversity of their nodule microbiome varies according to varietal genotype. This study highlighted the strong biocontrol potential of intra-nodule bacterial endophytes, with a higher relative abundance of known antagonistic bacterial genera towards A. euteiches for two winter pea cultivars. The varietal genotype therefore constitutes a direct and indirect lever by the establishment of interactions with beneficial microorganisms, to fight against pea root rot. The last research line has demonstrated the strong influence of plant cultivated species on the microbial associations in the rhizosphere, specifically a modulation of the assemblage of beneficial populations. Shaping the microbial community composition though the cultivation of crops to the benefit of the next crop represents an additional argument in favor of crop rotation use as a lever against phytopathology. Several interesting alternatives were highlighted in this research work to effectively and efficiently manage A. euteiches: at the cultivar scale, by specific characteristics in relation to varieties’ genotype and their ability to select protective endophytes, and at the scale of crop rotation, by shaping microbiome in favor of pea. Great research perspectives are emerging, especially the efficiency of protection resulting from all potential isolated biocontrol agents, which would allow the development and implementation of beneficial consortia adapted to Normandy soils and to pea cultivars specificities
Staňová, Monika. "Bytový dům." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240402.
Full textTroup, Tomáš. "Nový pavilon SOU Písek." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265446.
Full textPísařík, Jan. "Polyfunkční dům v Brně Medlánkách." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-226195.
Full textGoswami, Rituparna. "Characterization of the nuclear envelope mechano- transduction in Arabidopsis : from supracellular stress to chromatin remodeling." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAJ102.
Full textPlant cells sense and respond to external mechanical stimuli such as touch or wind, and to internal mechanical stimuli, such as turgor pressure and cell wall tension. In this study I have demonstrated that the nuclear shape and mechanics are impacted upon hyperosmotic stress in a reversible manner and are correlated with gene expression. To identify the molecular bases of this response, we have investigated different mutants. First the GIP proteins are at the nexus between cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope, and chromatin. We found that the gip1gip2 mutant defects exhibits a constitutive hyperosmotic nuclear response and is already primed to resist hyperosmotic stress. As a more exploratory work, I also analysed the contribution of the nucleoskeleton (crwn1 mutant) and cell wall (eli1 mutant) on nucleus behaviour in response to hyperosmotic stress. Our study opens the path to nuclear mechanotransduction in plants, while also offering several prospects for future research in this area
Мартовицький, Артур Володимирович, Артур Владимирович Мартовицкий, and A. V. Martovitsky. "Геомеханічні процеси при відробці вугільних пластів струговими комплексами в умовах шахт Західного Донбасу." Thesis, Видавництво НГУ, 2012. http://ir.nmu.org.ua/handle/123456789/205.
Full textДиссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наук по специальности 05.15.09 – «Геотехническая и горная механика». Государственный ВУЗ «Национальный горный университет». Днепропетровск. 2012
Thesis for obtain the degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.15.09 - "Geotechnical and rock mechanics." - SHEI "National Mining University." - Dnepropetrovsk, 2012
Робота присвячена вирішенню актуальної науково-технічної проблеми адаптації стругових комплексів при відпрацюванні малопотужних вугільних пластів в умовах слабометаморфізованих порід шахт Західного Донбасу на підгрунті дослідження геомеханічних процесів, що протікають навколо системи «лава-вугільний цілик-камери монтажу та демонтажу». Технічна ідея роботи полягає у тому, що для скорочення часу на операцію «монтаж-демонтаж обладнання» попередньо проводиться демонтажна камера. У дисертації виконано комплекс досліджень, де розглянуті усі геомеханічні процеси, що виникають при відпрацюванні вугільного стовпа від монтажної до демонтажної камери. Встановлено для гірничо-геологічних умов ПСП «Шахта Степова», що критичний розмір виробленого простору, що призводить до обвалення порід основної покрівлі дорівнює 34±3 м. Обґрунтована залежність цієї величини від глибини залягання вугільного пласта. Встановлений характер розподілу напружень навколо криволінійного вибою лави, що рухається. Досліджено напружено-деформований стан породного масиву навколо динамічної системи «стругова лава-вугільний цілик-камери монтажу та демонтажу». Надані рекомендації щодо форми демонтажної камери та конструкції комбінованого кріплення. За рахунок скорочення терміну демонтажу обладнання отримано економічний ефект у розмірі 8,6 млн. гривень.
Работа посвящена решению актуальной научно-технической проблемы адаптации струговых комплексов при отработке маломощных пластов угля в условиях слабометаморфизированных вмещающих пород шахт Западного Донбасса на основе исследования геомеханических процессов, протекающих в окрестности системы «лава-угольный целик-камеры монтажа и демонтажа». Идея работы состоит в том, чтобы исследовать Геомеханические процессы на всех этапах отработке угольного пласта струговым комплексом и сократить время на демонтаж оборудования путем использования для этих целей предварительно пройденной демонтажной камеры. В диссертации выполнен комплекс натурных и аналитических исследований, охватывающий все процессы отработки выемочного столба. Путем постановки натурных и численных экспериментов отпредлен критический размер обнажения пород основной кровли, при котором произойдет первичное обрушение. Для условий ПСП «Шахта Степная» он составил 34±3 м. Получена функциональная зависимость, позволяющая вести прогноз этой геомеханической ситуации. Подана заявка на патент Украины. На основе численного моделирования исследовано распределение напряжений и деформаций в окрестности криволинейного забоя струговой лавы. Решена пространственная задача, установлены закономерности распределения вертикальной составляющей напряжений в произвольной точке пространства, что позволяет учесть этот факт в момент приближения лавы к демонтажной камере. Решена задача о распределении напряжений и перемещений в окрестности демонтажной камеры с различным очертанием поперечного сечения и разным количеством структурных элементов в системе комбинированной крепи. Обоснован оптимальный вариант полуарочной формы поперечного сечения, позволяющий обеспечить устойчивость выработки и технологичность выполнения операций по демонтажу оборудования. Выполнена геомеханическая оценка взаимного влияния забоя приближающейся лавы и демонтажной камеры. Установлено, что их существенное совместное влияние начинается при размере угольного целика шириной 10 м. Выполнена оценка развития геомеханических процессов в окрестности перемещающейся струговой лавы путем анализа давления в гидростойках механизированной крепи. Установлено, что взаимное влияние лавы и демонтажной камеры начинает проявляться на расстоянии 116 м и резко нарастает при размере угольного целика шириной 12,7 м. После этого давление в гидростойках падает. Этот момент следует рассматривать как критический, когда в демонтажной камере должны быть приняты максимальные меры безопасности. Разработаны и переданы шахте рекомендации по управлению устойчивостью демонтажной камеры. За счет сокращения планового срока демонтажа на 15 суток получен экономический эффект в размере 8,6 млн. гривен.
The paper is devoted to solving the actual scientific and technological problems of plow system adaptation when developing thin coal seams in weakly metamorphosed rocks of the Western Donbass mines. It is based on studying the geomechanical processes around the system "longwall - coal pillar – chambers for equipment assembly and disassembly". Technical idea of the paper is as following: in order to reduce the time for the operation "the assembly - disassembly of equipment", the special chamber is being held ahead of all the operations. All geomechanical processes arising when developing coal pillar from the assembling chamber to the pre-constructed disassembling chamber are considered. The critical size of mined-out space that leads to roof caving is determined. It is equal 34 ± 3 m in geological terms of private owned plant "Mine Stepnaya". The dependence of this quantity on the depth of the coal seam mining is grounded. The stress distribution around the curvilinear-moving longwall face is determined. The stress-strain state of the rock mass around the dynamic of the "plow longwall - coal pillar - equipment assembly and disassembly chambers" is studied. The recommendations regarding the form of the pre-constructed disassembling chamber and combined support are given. Due to reducing the time of dismantling the economic effect of $ 8.6 million hryvna is achieved.
Tunková, Martina. "Městské lázně." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-215713.
Full textHuang, Pao-Min, and 黃寶民. "Study on Shape Memory Effect in Aging of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Wire Bent in V-Shape at Room Temperature." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/32294348955127934462.
Full text國立中興大學
In this study, Ni-rich Ni-Ti shape-memory alloys (SMAs) were formed at room temperature to reduce the use of expensive dies during the thermomechanical forming and constraint aging process in order to maximize the economic benefits. After undergoing solution treatments at various temperatures, SMA wires were formed at room temperature into different curvatures. Subsequently, the SMA wires were subjected to aging treatments at different temperatures. The springback of SMA wires was examined after forming and after aging. A reverse bending tests were used to explore the shape memory effect (SME) of SMAs. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was employed to measure the phase transformation temperature, and a Vickers hardness testing was performed on SMAs as well. As a result, the phase of all SMAs in this study at room tempera-ture is austenite. The springback decreases with a higher solution treatment temperature or a smaller radius of curvature after forming, while the springback increases with a higher aging temperature after aging. Besides, with an aging temperature of 300oC, the SMA has the lowest phase transformation temperature and the highest hardness values among the aging temperatures range from 100oC to 500oC. In addition, all SMAs after aging have a shape recovery rate about 97% in average. Parameters for cold forming and aging SMA could be gathered in this study to provide a reference for future applications of SMAs in the industry.
Su, Jhe-Yung, and 蘇哲雍. "Study on Shape Memory Effect of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Sheet in Stretching Forming at Room Temperature." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/rjatem.
Full text國立中興大學
The study is aimed to investigate the properties of Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy sheet parts during and after stretch forming process at room temperature, which is under bi-axial tensile state. After undergoing solid solution treatment at 800°C, shape memory alloy sheet is formed at room temperature by a hemispherical punch in different dies. Thereafter the stretch formed sheet part is subjected to aging treatment for shape memory. A free recovery and constrained recovery experiment are further conducted onto the stretch formed shape memory alloy part. DSC and tensile test are used to verify the property of the materials. As a result, the sheet metal has austenitic phase at room temperature, which shows large amount of springback. Too small forming amount causes severe springback and the form of the stretch formed sheet part is very hard to detect with the naked eye. Only if a forming amount beyond the critical value is applied, a form can be achieved on to the sheet part. The subsequent aging shape memory treatment can include further springback of the stretch formed sheet part. The more the stretch forming amount, the less the springback by aging. The free recovery experiment shows that the stretch formed sheet part only undergoing solid solution without shape memory treatment still possesses shape memory effect. However the higher the stretch forming amount is given, the lower the shape recovery rate can be achieved. Nevertheless, the stretch formed sheet part treated with shape memory aging can show an excellent shape recovery rate up to 90%. Furthermore the more the stretch forming amount on the sheet part, the higher the reaction force can be generated by constrained recovery. The forming progress of shape memory alloy sheet and recovery of shape memory effect in this study provide a reference for future actuator applications in the industry.
Chen, Tzu-Hsu, and 陳慈煦. "Echo Labeling for Room Shape Estimation Achieved by Alternating Coordinate Descent, Quasi-Newton and Trust-region Methods." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/3563ux.
Full text國立交通大學
"Can one hear the shape of a room?" is asked and investigated by Dokmanic et al.. In this thesis, Dokmanic et al.'s original way of echo labeling by alternating coordinate descent is compared with quasi-Newton and trust-region methods. To test performance of the methods, a sound-emitting device arbitrarily connecting four receivers that hear the echoes is placed in three different rooms in simulation. Under the assumptions that the room impulse responses could be successfully estimated and their peaks could be perfectly selected, the whole process for the room shape estimation is tested with 100 random settings. The estimated shape of the rooms via the three methods are roughly characterized as "good", "bad", or "failed". They are compared in different performance indices, including the execution time, the magnitude of error for non-failed results and the frequency of occurrences of failed results. Other implementation details like the termination criteria, the handling of multiple solutions, and the error estimation are also reported.
Berndtsson, My, and Sara Pettersson. "Provrumsbelysning." Thesis, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-26403.
Full textProvrummet är en viktig del i en klädbutik, det är ofta där kunden beslutar om plagget ska köpas eller inte. Det är därför viktigt att kunden kan känna sig trygg och bekväm vid klädprovningen. Ett typiskt provrum i Sverige idag har endast en ljuspunkt som belyser kunden antingen rakt framifrån eller ovanifrån. I denna studie undersöks tänkbara belysningslösningar som tar hänsyn till kundens upplevelse i provrummet. Studiens syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur viktigt det är med en god belysning i provrum, för att kunden ska få en bra upplevelse och att kläderna, kroppens form och anletsdrag ska framhävas på ett naturligt sätt. Frågeställningen innefattade därför hur belysningen kan påverka kundens upplevelse av klädprovningen och hur upplevelsen av kroppens form, anletsdrag och kläderna förändras i olika belysningslösningar. För att besvara dessa frågor gjordes observationer i olika klädbutiker, därefter genomfördes en experimentell studie som delades in i två delar. Första delen var en praktiskt prövande del där olika ljusriktningar testades på en skyltdocka. Denna resulterade i tre belysningslösningar att gå vidare med. Andra delen var en fullskalestudie där ett provrum byggdes upp med de tre olika belysningslösningar som sedan 15 stycken personer fick studera med hjälp av ett frågeformulär. Resultatet visar på vikten av att belysningen skapar naturliga skuggor och kontraster på kropp och ansikte, och att det är viktigt att tänka på hur ljuset faller, samt att belysningen inte är bländande. Detta görs genom välplacerade eller avskärmade armaturer och med flera olika ljusriktningar. Studien visar att belysningen i provrum bör anpassas efter typ av kläder och kundgrupp.
"Minimizing Hydraulic Resistance of a Plant Root by Shape Optimization." Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.40290.
Full textDissertation/Thesis
Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2016
Senior, JK. "Evolutionary history can shape belowground ecological interactions in eucalypts." Thesis, 2016. https://eprints.utas.edu.au/23494/1/Senior_whole_thesis.pdf.
Full textFereidani, Nazanin Azimi. "Design of residential complexes with emphasize on the role of roof on reducing energy consumption." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/90489.
Full textHuman life from the beginning and during all eras has been directly related to the production and consumption of energy. Technology advancement is dependent on energy and its consumption, Limited reserves of fossil fuels, as well as environmental pollution resulted from their consumption has stimulated issues related to environment and energy. Thus, in recent years, using renewable energy sources is a major concern of modern human because in addition of being renewable, they are very diverse too. That is why that now a day and in industrialized countries this issue is followed seriously. And in this way, especially in the construction sector, much attention has been paid to designing and developing samples proportionate to this objective. Thus, energy saving in these buildings can have a significant impact in reducing consumption of fossil energies Roof is one of the main components of the building which is generally neglected by building designers. Through examining thermal performance and tracking their changes during different hours and seasons and direct using of solar source, one can achieve effective ways to reform component design, and found out that such an architectural element to what extent can be effective in loss of energy or indirect energy saving, especially in urban areas. The research investigates thermal behavior of roof shape, according to the mean radiant temperature which is one component of the thermal comfort, in sloping roofs of residential complexes in the Karaj City. (The dominant form of the ceiling in the study area). At first ,in this research ,library studies and analytical happened ,and in the next section, computational simulation as research methodology are applied.In this section alternativesare modeled and compute based on four types of roofs with different angles. At the end, the final results of analysis, show the best form and angle for reduce the waste of energy in this area that are used in final design.
Mummert, Craig Nevin. "The development of a machine vision system to measure the shape of a sweetpotato root." 2004. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-12292004-092135/unrestricted/etd.pdf.
Full textAbou, Rajab Yasmin Joana Monna. "Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production." Doctoral thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-002B-7C03-E.
Full textTavares, Ana Raquel Nunes da Silva. "Comparative analysis of root canal instrumentation using protaper next TM, reciproc TM & waveonegold TM shape systems." Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/26094.
Full textINTRODUCTION: Root canal therapy is one of the most widely accepted treatment modality for pulpally involved teeth. Objective in root canal preparation is to develop a shape that tapers from apical to coronal, maintaining the original canal anatomy. Irrigation with antibacterial solutions is performed as complement to mechanical preparation and it depends largely on the ability of the irrigant to penetrate the full extent of the root canal system, influenced by the original anatomy as well as the final shape created through mechanical preparation. AIM: The purpose of this ex vivo study was to evaluate and compare the mechanical preparation of three different rotary file systems: WaveOne GoldTM, ReciprocTM and ProTaper NextTM. Analyzed with computerized micro tomography, the following parameters were evaluated: canalar volume, SMI, surface, area and diameter (average). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 extracted humans mandibular first molars were selected. Each mesial root was, randomly, placed separately and prepared, by the same operator, in three groups of 10 samples: Group A – WaveOne GoldTM, Group B – ReciprocTM, Group C – ProTaper NextTM. An image analysis, and data register, was made before and after the canal instrumentation, using micro-CT (in collaboration with CDRsp - IP Leiria). RESULTS: There are statistically differences in the post instrumentation bidimensional parameters: the area increase with Reciproc files was significantly greater than with WaveOne Gold (p = 0.026) or Protaper Next (p = 0.007); the diameter increment after the preparation with Reciproc files was significantly higher than with ProTaper Next (p = 0.032), however, the difference between Reciproc and Wave One Gold was not statistically significant. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The Reciproc files produce major changes in the geometric conditions of the root canal systems, followed by WaveOne Gold and ProTaper Next, respectively.
Chuang, Fu-Hsiung, and 莊富雄. "Root form and canal anatomy of mandibular second molar with C- shaped root--- The evaluations of clearing technique and radiographic examination." Thesis, 1998. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81802917803953957268.
Full text高雄醫學院
The mandibular second molar has many root canal varition, and theC-shaped root canal is the most interesting one. Although the reportedincidence of the C-shaped canal in the mandibular second molar is 32.9%in Chinese, the criteria for its recognition, particularly clinically, are ambuguous. To data, there has been no morphological or radiographic examinations of the C-shaped root in mandibular second molar. The purpose of this study was to use two different methods of evaluation to study this specific canal variation. Total 100 extracted human mandibularsecond molars with C-shaped root were classified and prepared as theaccess opening. After the radiographic examination at two direction withfile negotiated the canal, the teeth were dimineralized and rendedtransparent by clearing agent. Ink was injected to canal system todetermine the root canal morphology. The results illustrated that C-shapedcanals in mandibular second molars with C-shaped roots can vary innumber and shape. Five types of C-shaped root was established. Eighty- nine percent of the C-shaped teeth have continuous C or semicolon pulp chamber floor configuration. Thirty-two percent of the samples havesemicolon canal, and contiunous C type existed twenty-six percentage.Thirty-nine percent of the C- shaped teeth without C-shaped orifice examined were found to have C-shaped canal.Fifty-six percent of thesamples displayed two apical foramen. The radiographic examinationcannotbe the guide alone for the diagonsis of C-shaped canals.
Hung, Pei-Xiang, and 洪培翔. "Comparison on Root Distribution Pattern of Eight Tree Species with Different Shade Tolerance Classes." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67395354050325548680.
Full text國立屏東科技大學
A tree root system grows under the ground, it is not easy to observe its growth and development. But, to understand the root types and distribution patterns of different species is important to applications in silviculture and soil and water conservation. I planted 8 kinds of one year-old seedlings of Taiwan native broadleaf species in large vessels with 12 m in length, 2 m in width, and 1 m in heigh. The objectives of this research was to observe the root growth and distribution after harvest. Experimental tree species included Melia azedarach, Fraxinus formosana, Bischofia javanica, and Cinnamomum camphora which are shade-intolerant species, and Michelia compressa, Barringtonia asiatica, Machilus obovatifolia and Hernandia Sonora which are medium shade-tolerant species. 11 months After planting I discovered that M. azedarach had the biggest growth height of 336 cm, followed by B. javanica, F. formosana and C. camphora with growth height of 160-200 cm. Regarding the biomass allocation in root againt the whole tree, it was 54% for H. Sonora, 40% for M. azedarach, 30% for F. formosana, B. javanica, C. camphora, M. compressa and B. asiatica and 11% for M. obovatifolia. Regarding the biomass allocation in coarse root against the whole root, it was 96% for M. azedarach, 80% for B. javanica, C. camphora and B. asiatica, and 50-70% F. formosana, M. compressa, M. obovatifolia and H. Sonora. Regarding the depth of root, it was over 60 cm for M. azedarach, B. javanica, C. camphora, B. asiatica and H. Sonora, and 45 cm for F. formosana, M. compressa and M. obovatifolia. Regarding the width of root, it was 331 cm for M. azedarach, over 100 cm for B. javanica and C. camphora, 51-100 cm for F. formosana, M. compressa, B. asiatica and H. Sonorain, and less than 50 cm for M. obovatifoliais. The depth and width of the experimental trees showed of significant positive correlation with the height. Regarding the horizontal area of the root distribution, it was 8.81 m2 for M. azedarach, 2.33 m2 for B. javanica, 1.06 m2 for C. camphora, 1 m2 for the other. Regarding the root type, M. azedarach, C. camphora, M. compressa and H. Sonora had one single major root; F. formosana, B. javanica and M. obovatifolia had no major root, but with more than 10 major branches, and B. asiaticais had 3-4 major roots. The 8 species had their different root types and distribution patterns. M. azedarach, B. javanica, C. camphora, and H. Sonora had heavier root growth. B. asiatica had less root branches but each larger than other. F. formosana, M. compressa, and M. obovatifolia had lighter roots.
Angonese, Michele Pozzatto. "Reabsorção radicular após tratamendo ortodôntico." Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/5619.
Full textThe present study reports root resorption as a result of orthodontic treatment, pointing out mechanical and biological variables, liable for this process such as age, gender, trauma, tooth anatomy, agenesy, type of orthodontic forces and treatment time. Root shape is one of the main points, because indicates the tooth suscetibility to root resorption. Pippete shape, triangular and tapered roots are more affected. Patients age, gender, treatment time and type of maloclusion don’t seem to relate to root resorption, but the gravity of maloclusion and magnitude of movements to be executed. Despite being hard to predict, the process of root resorption stops after the treatment, without compromising the teeth function.
Hamam, Hassan Hasan H. "Simulating the Effect of Water on the Fracture System of Shale Gas Wells." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2010-08-8443.
Full textLin, Cheng-Han, and 林政翰. "The relationship between radiographic attachment loss and occlusal attrition dimension, root shape and chewing habit in molar teeth - A parametric analysis." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/61988392070874105295.
Full text高雄醫學大學
Numerous studies concluded that occlusal trauma is a cofactor of periodontal breakdown. The shapes of molar roots also have significant influence on the progression of periodontal disease. Little or limited information about the relationships among occlusal attrition dimension (OAD), root shape, chewing habit and periodontal attachment loss in molars is available. The sample pool of the present study consisted of 44 individuals, ages 19 to 66 years ( mean age = 40.0±10.6 years), with a totally 292 teeth. The mean RAL (named as RAL/AD) was first introduced in this study. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate : (1) the relationship between OAD and RAL/AD in molars. (2) the influence of molar root shape (cone-shaped or non cone-shaped) on the RAL and RAL/AD. (3) the influence of unilateral chewing habit on the RAL and RAL/AD. The results were summarized as follows : (1) The attrition duration (AD) have positive correlation with OAD and RAL. (2) Male exhibited greater (p<0.05) occlusal attrition than female. The difference of RAL in gender revealed no statistical significance, whereas the means of RAL/AD in female were significantly greater (p<0.05) than in male. (3) The distribution of root shape in gender revealed statistical non-significance in maxillary molars, whereas the prevalence of cone-shaped roots significantly increased (p<0.05) in the mandibular molars for female. (4) A positive relationship between OAD and RAL/AD was noted in both the first and the second molar. (5) The RAL/AD were significantly greater (p<0.05) on cone-shaped molars than those on non cone-shaped molars. (6) The absence of relationship between root trunk type and RAL, RAL/AD and the distribution of FIs was found. (7) Unilateral chewing significantly increase the RAL/AD in molars (p<0.05), but not the RAL. (8) The maxillary molars exhibited significantly greater amount of RAL/AD in the smoking group (p<0.05), whereas the RAL in all molars was not influenced by smoking.