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Journal articles on the topic "Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585) – Rhétorique"
Valčić Bulić, Tamara. "PJER DE RONSAR, ANGAŽOVANi pesnik? Besede o jadima ovog vremena(1562-1564)." Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду 42, no. 1 (January 9, 2018): 219–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585) – Rhétorique"
Fayard, Emma. "Une muse diserte. Copia et pertinence dans les Œuvres de Ronsard." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textA study of Ronsard’s work raises a simple, yet fundamental question for 21st-century readers: why write so much? Whether with multiple variations on the same theme, as in the Amours, or with successive amplifications and ramifications, as in the Hymnes, Ronsard’s words never seem to dry up; yet they are constantly seeking an ideal state of completeness and completion. This is the question this thesis wants to answer, from a stylistic and rhetorical perspective, by re-reading the Œuvres through the prism of the dual notion, revived by Erasmus, of copia verborum et rerum. This work articulates two complementary aspects: on the one hand, a rhetorical reflection on the traditions and implications of the copia, rhetoric of "abundance" but also principle of selection in a vast poetic matter, and as such indissociable from the notion of aptum; on the other hand, a stylistic study of the ways in which copia shapes the Ronsardian text. As a matter of fact, while we know that a "copious" text remains a coherent, motivated one, where the appearance of digression is more akin to improvisatory orality than to anarchic proliferation, the diversity of the Œuvres nevertheless requires us to question the specificity of the resources used by Ronsard, as the "recapitulative" author of his time, according to poetic genres. Above all, we want to show that Ronsard's copia is deeply dependent on a principle of relevance: as a necessary counterpart to abundance, relevance orchestrates the deployment of the poem as a coherent, efficient unity. Copia and relevance are thus at the heart of « Ronsard's style »
Picard, Louis. "Rhétorique et savoir maniéristes : sonnets amoureux de Ronsard (Le premier livre des Amours), Góngora, Marino (Rime amorose) et Shakespeare (Sonnets)." Paris 7, 2008.
Full textRonsard's Premier Livre des Amours, Gôngora's love sonnets, Marino's Rime as well ai Shakespeare's Sonnets offer similar rhetorics. The conscience of not coming first, of writing after Petrarch — perhaps even against Petrarch —, requires an esthetics of maraviglia, definitely shifting the weight from res to verba. Which leads to question the degree of earnestness of such an effects-oriented discourse, that seemingly rejects, under the aegis of the jocus serius, every steady interpretation available. We shall assume that in these sonnets where many an early-modern practice is highly condensed, expressivity, both hyperbolic and coded, embodies a specific, complexity-oriented, discourse. Mannerism - contemplated from the point of view of the practice of the sonnet, of the specificities of its representation and of the management of meaning - calls for a paradoxology. Paradox can come under the guise of metaphors and oxymorons -highly condensed in concetti -, of the uncertain reference of the representation or of the allusive unequivocal, self-conflicting significations. However, paradoxology calls for an unified discourse, guaranteet by the lyric persona. The mannerist self may be an uncertain complexion: he above ail is voice, enunciative might, able to assume the strengh of evidence within the experience of complexity. Verbal cornucopia will not be converted into any stable or pacified meaning, but the enunciative force may stand for it
Kwon, Hee-Chang. "Le vocabulaire scientifico-technique dans les "Hymnes" de Ronsard (1555-1556)." Dijon, 1994.
Full textStudies on Ronsard have known a considerable proliferation for the last ten years or so, in particular, the Hymnes have benefited from this exceptional development. However, few studies about the Hymnes are connected to formal problems and especially concerning the language, nothing is particulary obvious. Thus it appears useful to initially proceed in making a complete list of scientific and technical vocabulary in order to examine its specificity. After, this lexicographic piece of work, our investigation will address the poet's position in the Hymnes vis-a-vis the numerous linguistic declarations made since 1550 which aim at enriching the French language by appealing to ancient and living languages, to old French sources and to neologismes. Secondly we will examine the function and the value of the vocabulary describing the relationnelle structure of the semantic values displayed in the work. We will try to clarify the ideas of Ronsard
Bjaï, Denis. "La franciade sur le metier : ronsard et la pratique du poeme heroique." Paris 10, 1997.
Full textAlthough the long-disregarded franciade has prompted renewed interest over the past twenty years, it still hasn't formed the object of any overall study which would take into account the actual practice of the epic rather than its theory as stated in the artes poeticae. Our critical tools are borrowed from lexicology (a. E. Creore's word-index) and intertextuality. Unlike the epic designed for henri ii, "la franciade de charles ix" opens with a noteworthy "epistre au lecteur", enlightening us on what is at stake. The action itself starts in buthrote, that counterfeit, troy, home of a hidden and drowsy prince that some gods will soon awaken. The storm pushes francus headlong "dans les erreurs de crete", the isle of the antiquity's great myths, an enclosed space where the antagonistic forces of order and disorder, soon embodied by the trojan prince and phovere the tyrant, oppose each other. The hero is put to a second test when, loved by two princesses, he has to reject one and woo the other. In the last book, "des plus beaux" according to amadis jamyn, magic takes over after love, the history lesson after eschatology. This extensive royal catalogue is rife with political and aesthetic meanings. Throughout the four cantos, the voices of homer, apollonios, virgil and ovid, though subdued, meet and ring into the reader's ears. We can also hear ronsard himself as he takes up many previously treated themes and motifs to offer here a new if not last variation. His practice of the heroic poem, free from theoretical rules, favours invention and varietas, thus making of la franciade a kind of "roman". Even uncompleted, the vendomois's bold undertaking was not to be left unnoticed : we keep track of its contemporary reception till 1578, as well as of its painstaking integration into the edifice of the oeuvres
Dauvois, Nathalie. "Mémoire et poésie dans l'oeuvre de Ronsard." Paris 10, 1986.
Full textThis survey aims to wonder about the status of memory within the Ronsard’s masterwork. In this notion are defined the stakes of a writing. The link established in the Ronsard’s work between the treasure of invention of the poem and its future memory situates it into the tradition of epidictical rhetoric. Memory is the source of a topic which is inkeeping with the system of virtues. The poet dedicates an immortal Mnemeion to the celebrated hero sighting him out as an exemplarity of virtue, searching into his memory the material and the means of this illustration. From this model are studied the modifications operated by the text, is drawn an evolution: this one of a poetry where is enhanced the rhetoric function, the persuasive and didactic will, where teaching value and memorable value are mingled, and a poetry where is enhanced the poetic value, the aim of the work towards itself, and which obliges the reader to take part to the constitution of a contextual memory. This contextual memory is elaborated within the network of an intertextual memory: the author conceives progressively his work renewing his own way of imitation and particularly writing out the same myths. The game of variation and auto citation establishes a dialogue in the reader's memory and within the same language between antic works and Ronsardian work and, defining the singularity of a poetic voice, defines it as memorable as Homeric or Virgilian voices. The invention of a poetic of memory is therefore linked to the birth of a memory of libraries, place of return to the source of poetic voices, place of a renewed dialogue between works, authors and readers of past, present and future
Carnel, Marc. "Le Sang embaumé des roses : Sang et passion dans la poésie amoureuse de Pierre de Ronsard." Paris 4, 2003.
Full textThe Pléiade group's love poetry reflects the neo-platonic philosophy which sees passion as a disease of the blood. After presenting the system of humours accepted by Renaissance medicine, this study will explore a series of commonly accepted beliefs about blood and blood disorders in Ronsard's love poems. His works, in fact, retrace a ritual : in springtime the patient is infected by a fatal attack of love. The poet carries an incurable wound in his heart, which compels him to write. The poison, which spreads through his body, shares the age-old dread caused by women's cursed blood and obsessive images fill his spirit. The lover is threatened by Cassandre's bile, by Marie's phlegm and by melancholy. The 1578 editions of his poems, and in particular his Sonets pour Helene, seek to exorcise this evil by restoring the luminous blood of the past. At the same time, the poet dreams of changing his blood and his heart. He yearns to be a living sacrifice while desiring the intimate blood of virginal roses
Jomphe, Claudine. "Les théories de la dispositio et le grand oeuvre de Ronsard." Paris : H. Champion, 2000.
Full textDenizot, Véronique. ""Comme un souci au rayon du soleil" : le jeune Ronsard : une poétique de la merveille?" Paris 10, 2000.
Full textPouey-Mounou, Anne-Pascale. "L'imaginaire cosmologique de Ronsard." Paris 10, 1999.
Full textDumontet, Fabienne. "Le poète, son commentateur et leur public dans les "Amours" de Pierre de Ronsard commentés par Marc-Antoine de Muret (1553)." Grenoble 3, 2007.
Full textHow do, positivist knowledge of the texts, like philology pretends to be, and that which escapes on the side of creation and reception, articulate ? With this in mind, we will question the commentary as a reading instrument more specifically the type of knowledge it provides, the type of method used, its legitimacy, its language, the targeted public. Our investigation focused on a prolific period, philologically, linguistically and literarily, the Renaissance, and on a problematic case: the commentary of Amours by Pierre de Ronsard by hi: scholarly friend Marc-Antoine de Muret in 1553. We will show how the commentator, on a national reconciliation mission around the figure of the famous author, endorses the ideal of a communication from the whole and the part to the particular and the common. His flexible method shows a strong connivance with the author, when tracking down his unspeakable conceptions; with the reader, by trying to seduce and instruct him; and with the French language when illustrating it. Finally he echoes the lyric project and the erotic subject of the compilation, inviting his audience to an adjustment in views, a practice of self and an indulgence in the pleasures of reading
Books on the topic "Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585) – Rhétorique"
Jean, Joubert. La Possonnière Saint-Cosme: Maisons de Ronsard. St-Cyr-sur-Loire: C. Pirot, 1990.
Find full textSturm-Maddox, Sara. Ronsard, Petrarch and the Amours. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999.
Find full textCampo, Roberto E. Ronsard's contentious sisters: The paragone between poetry and painting in the works of Pierre de Ronsard. Chapel Hill: U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages, 1998.
Find full textHis story, her story: A literary mystery of Renaissance France. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.
Find full textTransformations of memory and forgetting in sixteenth-century France: Marguerite de Navarre, Pierre de Ronsard, Michel de Montaigne. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011.
Find full textScott, Virginia. Performance, poetry & politics on the queen's day: Catherine de Medicis and Pierre de Ronsard at Fontainebleau / by Virginia Scott and Sara Sturm-Maddox. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 2007.
Find full textArmstrong, Elizabeth. Ronsard and the Age of Gold. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
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