Academic literature on the topic 'Rongeurs – Sénart, Forêt de (France)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Rongeurs – Sénart, Forêt de (France)"
Méha, Christelle. "La balade en forêt, une pratique à risque ? Exemple de la borréliose de Lyme en forêt de Sénart (Île-de-France)." Géocarrefour 90, no. 90/3 (December 2, 2015): 217–27.
Full textPisanu, B., J. Marmet, J. C. Beaucournu, and J. L. Chapuis. "Diversité du cortège en Siphonaptères chez le tamia de Sibérie (Tamias sibiricusLaxmann) introduit en Forêt de Sénart (Ile-de-France)." Parasite 15, no. 1 (March 2008): 35–43.
Full textMeha, Christelle. "Influence de la structure du paysage forestier sur l'exposition des populations humaines aux tiques. Le cas de la borréliose de Lyme en forêt de Sénart (Île-de-France) (Influence of forest landscape structures on human populations ' exposure to ticks. The case of Lyme borreliosis in Sénart forest)." Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 89, no. 2 (2012): 255–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Rongeurs – Sénart, Forêt de (France)"
Buffet, Jean-Philippe. "Diversité des espèces de Bartonella circulant au sein d’une population de rongeurs sylvatiques dans une zone de forêt suburbaine, la forêt de Sénart." Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2012.
Full textGram-negative bacteria belonging to the genus Bartonella are facultative intracellular bacteria which can infect the red blood cells of a wide variety of mammal species. To date, 33 Bartonella have been validly described including 20 of them identified in rodents, of which some are associated with human case of illness. Studies from many parts of the world indicate that rodent populations carry high diversity of Bartonella species with high rates of prevalence. Several factors linked to host, arthropod vector and the environment in which they have evolved have shaped and influence this diversity. The purpose of this PhD project was to better understand some of these factors by studying the Bartonella strains circulating within a community of sylvatic rodents in a French suburban forest, the Sénart forest. Firstly, based on an accurate and robust phylogeny, we identified 63 Bartonella genotypes affiliated to 3 known Bartonella species (B. taylorii, B. grahamii and B. doshiae), frequently recovered from woodland rodents in Europe, and to one new Bartonella species in proximity to B. rochalimae. We demonstrated that the majority of genotypes obtained here are highly specific either bank voles or wood mice. Despite the physical barrier created by host specificity, we observed exchanges of genetic material between Bartonella strains associated to bank voles and strains specific to wood mice, suggesting that these strains can co-habit within the arthropod vector. Secondly, we assessed, using statistical tools, the impact of Borrelia afzelii on prevalence and diversity of Bartonella strains within a population of field voles, using statistical analysis, we observed that these two bacteria can be found in conjunction, but they do not appear to interact
Meha, Christelle. "Forêt et risque de santé publique : le cas de la borréliose de Lyme. Application à la forêt périurbaine de Sénart (Île-de-France)." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV, 2013.
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