Academic literature on the topic 'Roman autobiographique – 2000-'
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Journal articles on the topic "Roman autobiographique – 2000-"
Papillon, Joëlle. "L'auteure mise en scène et mise à nu. Sur les fausses confessions de La nouvelle pornographie." Voix Plurielles 7, no. 2 (November 28, 2010): 28.
Full textGosselin, Katerine. "Souvenirs de lecture et souvenirs de soi : autobiographie et roman en face-à-face dans Le jardin des Plantes (1997) et Le tramway (2001) de Claude Simon." Tangence, no. 120 (2019): 37.
Full textMéry, Marie-Claire. "Emil Nolde, peintre de la clandestinité ? Construction et déconstruction de la « légende allemande » des « tableaux non peints »." Clandestins, clandestinités - Gestes de couleur : arts, musique, poésie, no. 17-2 (December 15, 2022).
Full textButuşină, Elena. "Séduire à travers l’absence : Don Juan, personnage littéraire & figure mythique." Acta Septembre 2010 11, no. 8 (September 5, 2010).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Roman autobiographique – 2000-"
Gillot, Simone. "Identité(s) et mémoire dans l’œuvre autofictionnelle de l'écrivaine mexicaine Margo Glantz." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier 3, 2024.
Full textThis study offers an analysis of the autofictional work of Mexican writer MargoGlantz, descended from an exiled Ukranian family. It is based on a corpus including 6 novels published between 2001 and 2022 : Zona de derrumbe, Animal de dos semblantes, El Rastro, Historia de una mujer quecaminó por la vida con zapatos de diseñador, Simple perversión oral and Sólo lo fugitivo permanece. The analysis will tend to high light the writer’s identitary quest through the writing of worksthat take on autobiographical or autofictional aspects. The study will echo a questioning that refers to a literary issue : what are the literary processes set up to go along with the writer’s search for identity? The analysis will particularly underline Margo Glantz’s specific use of fragmentation to give an account of her identity quest
Lahouti, Parisa. "Les "Romanesques" d’Alain Robbe-Grillet et "Le Prince Ehtejab" de Houchang Golchiri : imaginaire, devenir écrivain, identité virtuelle." Thesis, Paris Est, 2008.
Full textSearching about identity of a writer is to understand under what conditions a subject may say: “I became a writer.” Through physical sustenance and commitment in writing, loneliness and links with others, models of life and self presentation, the writer tries to define its identity. Far from being homogenous, this identity is multi-dimension, even contradictory. Indeed, one of the fundamental concepts of the novel experimental sixties (which named autobiography, later) is the interminable, where totalitarianism, continuity, consistency and causality are in doubt. This hole which never be filled, remains yawning at the centre of the text. We would have a case to a monologic and dialectic aesthetic, and the other to a baroque and carnival aesthetic. One of the most obvious evidence of the modern story is thinking about literature, as behind its facade of mass production hide some major questions on the foundation seeks impossible for any activity. This story is being emerged from the investigation of a large black hole at the centre of being, which is taboo and perdition. It deserves so much pose a metaphysical question and a question of running narrative. Our research bears his interest in the approach which modifies the fiction to autobiography, where critics “formalistic” and “textual” (generally associated with New Novel) are regarded as abstract techniques that fall within the framework of an approach to the imagination, seized in a dialectical relationship with a form. The literary critic will be dialogue, and if in dialogue, each of the interlocutors has its own positions, they are not static. They change depending on the opportunity and circumstances
Pitois-Pallares, Véronique. "Sous le signe du je : pratiques introspectives dans le roman mexicain (2000-2010)." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015.
Full textBased on a corpus that includes nine Mexican novels, published between 2000 and 2010 by Guillermo Arreola, Mario Bellatin, Patricia Laurent Kullick, Guadalupe Nettel, Cristina Rivera Garza and Jorge Volpi, this work investigates the specificities and convergences of fictional writing in first person at the beginning of the 21st century. Whether the tales happen to be frankly fictional, supposedly autobiographical or autofictional, they all get away from the canonical example of autobiography and they infringe the border between authenticity and fiction. This thesis seeks to evidence the most significant characteristics of these writings which grant much importance to introspection, when the first-person narrator seeks into childhood memories or wonders about the own identity and relationship towards the around world and alterity. How do these novels reflect the contemporary concerns about the writing of the self? Which converging or diverging looks do they take at the self, as it is the main figure of narrative enunciation and universe?This work opens with a retrospective chapter about the main changes and pitfalls that the self-narratives have encountered since the success of traditional autobiography, based on Rousseau’s example. The past decades have been looking for alternatives to this canonical example and many writers often get away from the absolute requirement of authenticity.The second part endeavours to observe the many breaches in the narrators’ memory. In result, the autobiographical pact disappears in favour of texts which claim the prime importance of invention in the self-writing. Opposition between fiction and authenticity seems to be cracking apart: memorial activity includes a process of self-(re)invention which does not make it less “real”, quite the opposite.It is also clear that the topic of the double as an inside alter ego is recurrent, when the narrators go through metamorphosis and split personalities. This becoming other may be a synonym of a threatening dissolution of the self or, on the contrary, a sign of a claim of its changing, inconstant and essentially schizo nature.Finally, this work focuses on the determining role of alterity both in the process of identity and subjective construction, and in the story of it. The self gets to build itself up through the relationships with otherness. This stands both for the characters and for the novels, in which the introspective and auto-reflexive practices extend to the text itself, meaning a solid presence of metatextuality and transtextuality.By studying the introspective topic, this thesis actually wonders about the look these young Mexican writers take at the place of the self in a disillusioned or dislocated world, and at the possibilities of a renewal for the creative writing
Lanavère, Alain. "Entre roman et autobiographie spirituelle : l'œuvre romanesque de José Cabanis." Paris 4, 1994.
Full textWith his eleven novels published from 1952 to 1990, José Cabanis was granted to entry to Academie française. A compulsive study was to be undertaken about the conception, the unity and the significance of these novels. The argument is that all novels are closely related to the author's personal diary and as such his soul mirror. We are therefore raising the question of the relationship between novel style and autobiography. We first study J. Cabanis's vocation as novelist, the genesis and understanding of his first novel (L'âge ingrat, 1952) and of the four following novels. We then study how the novelist style has evolved from Le bonheur du jour (1960) : from that novel, everything turns out differently, subjects, characters (of which a narrator), times and sceneries, and even the style, to reflect the autobiographic purpose. At last, this autobiography comes from a religious inspiration, and this is where we find the most powerful understanding of the novels. From now on it was important to read J. Cabanis in line with other catholic writers as François Mauriac and Julien Green. The study includes a comprehensive bibliography about: 1. The author's publications (269), 2. Works and critics that have been inspired by his work, 3. All press articles that have been related to the author's literary activities
Olsson, Kenneth. "Le discours beur comme positionnement littéraire : Romans et textes autobiographiques franςais (2005-2006) d'auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för franska, italienska och klassiska språk, 2011.
Full textMichineau, Stéphanie Raclot Michèle. "L' autofiction dans l'oeuvre de Colette." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007.
Full textLuica, Larissa-Daiana. "Écriture autobiographique et pseudo-autobiographique dans l'oeuvre de Driss Chraïbi." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2013.
Full textMaumigny-Garban, Bénédicte de Soëtard Michel. "Démarche autobiographique et formation modélisation historique et essai de catégorisation fonctionnelle /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2003.
Full textMaumigny-Garban, Bénédicte de. "Démarche autobiographique et formation : modélisation historique et essai de catégorisation fonctionnelle." Lyon 2, 2003.
Full textThe autobiographical approach appears as a path to exploration and personal construction. During the Christian Antiquity, the "Confessions" by Saint Augustain offer the example of a self totally turned towards God in order to understand life. Writing recalls transcendence. In the Age of Enlightenment, the fundamental interrogation is not about God but about Man. Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes the autobiographical narrative appears as the revelation of a distinctive person. He explains in his "Confessions" how to take over one's life. In the 19th century, George Sand in "The story of my life" and Marie d'Agoult in her "Memoirs, memories and diaries" try to change people's mores and the education of girls. In the 20th century, the various literary forms taken on by personal experience are replaced by stories of lives. The autobiographical approach is not formative experience any more becomes a scientific means of training
Plamondon, Jean-François. "Naissance, métamorphoses et modernités d'un genre : l'autobiographie au Québec (1885-1984)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Full textBooks on the topic "Roman autobiographique – 2000-"
Don Juan diabolus in scriptura: Roman, autobiographie, thanatographie (1800-2000). Louvain: Éditions Peeters, 2009.
Find full textKempny, Anja. Zwischen Autobiographie und Roman. Gabriel García Márquez' Vivir para Contarla (2002) und Cien años de Soledad (1967) Im Vergleich. GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2018.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Roman autobiographique – 2000-"
BASSI, Dorra. "L’imaginaire des langues chez Khatibi. Naissance du bilinguisme dans La Mémoire tatouée." In L'enfant plurilingue en littérature, 53–66. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2024.
Full text"4. Živite v Moskve (Lebt in Moskau, 2000): Zoegraphie und Autobiographie." In Autobiographie und Zoegraphie - Dmitrij A. Prigovs späte Romane, 91–130. De Gruyter, 2018.
Full textBurrichter, Brigitte. "Le miroir qui revient. Der Spiegel zwischen Roman und Autobiographie in Alain Robbe-Grillets Trilogie Les Romanesques." In 2005, 163–78. De Gruyter, 2006.
Full text"5. Renat i Drakon (Renat und der Drache, 2005): Zoegraphie und Autofiktion." In Autobiographie und Zoegraphie - Dmitrij A. Prigovs späte Romane, 131–65. De Gruyter, 2018.
Full textArgelès, Daniel. "Chapitre III. Die Seele der Männer (2001) : un fragment d’histoire entre autobiographie, ethnographie et roman d’éducation." In Klaus Schlesinger ou l'écriture de l'histoire, 299–314. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2017.
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