Academic literature on the topic 'Rois et souverains – Bulgarie – Moyen âge'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Rois et souverains – Bulgarie – Moyen âge"
Atanasova, Vera. "Art et pouvoir en Bulgarie médiévale : deuxième empire bulgare (1185-1396)." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textThe present research deals with a problem of medieval Bulgarian history that has never been studied in detail. It is about the use of art by the Bulgarian Tsar for his politics, including representations, both visual and textual, of the sovereign. The objective of the research is to trace the evolution of the model image of the Bulgarian sovereign, presented in the various artistic media. Even more, the aim is to identify distinctly Bulgarian elements which could indicate whether an ethnic identity existed at that time. Thus, the work is constructed in four main parts. Chapter I. The Historical Background and Political Ideology of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396) is divided into two sub-sections. The first traces the main features of the history of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Emphasis is placed on the political and socio-cultural progress taking place in society and which play an important role in State policy: the restoration of the State, the official recognition of its status and that of its leader, the independence of the Bulgarian Church, the policy of matrimonial marriages, etc. The aim is to trace the evolution of the political idea in order to understand the context of the artistic production resulting from the order of the sovereign. Four major periods are to be noted in Bulgarian history which delimit the changes taking place in society: the period of the reestablishment of the state (1185 - 1241), the period of weakening (1241 - 1300), the period of heyday (1300 - 1371) and the period of decline (1371 - 1396). Artistic production depended largely on it since political changes determined its development
Popescu, Dan-Alexandru. "La symbolique du pouvoir monarchique au Moyen âge (Les principautés roumaines et la france: étude comparative) : de l'Orient à l'Occident : le souverain chrétien." Rennes 2, 2006.
Full textThe medieval European civilization is a deeply Christian one. Jesus is the only example to follow, an exquisite Rex gloriae, whose kingdom remains separate from the physical universe and from the earthly life. The monarch, in expectation of the eternal redemption, can aspire to imitate his “superior”. King's power is limited by the power of God (rex a Deo coronatus): the anointment and the coronation of the monarch are two stages in the same mythical rite, of an initiating character, by which a person is invested with the divine gift. But sacred does not mean holy, and the sovereign has to be worthy of God's trust every day (being a mimethes Christou, like in the Byzantine imperial tradition). The church, an active participant in the ceremony by which a new king is born (consacratio) cannot afford to be ignored and the alliance between the two institutions is welded by their common mission: the government, in the name of God, of the human community (respublica Christiana). Orthodoxy, the prevalence of customs and the maintenance of traditions, the lack or the inefficiency of striving for social renewal, the patriarchal organization of life after a Byzantine archetypal model, all these define the originality of the Romanian feudality within the framework of a larger cultural-european area. With reference to political creation, the domnia, this becomes complete with the institution of church: the ruling authority cannot depart from the religious element, which is constitutive of the state. The feudal monarchy is based on the support it offers to monachical life, in exchange of which it receives political support. The spirituality is in search of patrons, and the ruling power wants mystical support: the voivode-church relationship is thus, welded rapidly and on the long-term
Carrier, Hubert. ""Au surnom cognoit on l'homme" : le surnom des rois et des princes comme outil de mémoire et de légitimation (XIe-XVe siècle)." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textJeay, Claude. "Des signatures et des rois : du signe de validation à l'emblème personnel (France, XIIIe - XVe siècle)." Paris, EPHE, 2003.
Full textBande, Alexandre. "Le coeur du roi : (Mi. XIIIe - Mi. XVIe)." Paris 10, 2002.
Full textQuitman, Nathalie. "La Trinité, omniprésente et familière : polémique religieuse, connaissance de Dieu et dévotion en Espagne du XIIe au XVe siècle." Paris, EHESS, 2003.
Full textIn the middle ages, the Trinity of god is usually regarded as a théological subject. In Spain, in the context of coexistence of christians with jews and muslims, the Trinity was omnipresent and familiar to the laity. First, we show how the Trinity was inseparable with the themes of reconquista, conversion, proselytism. Then we analyse the part of the clergy in the promotion of Trinity as a polemic problem since wisigothic period. The last chapter insists on the role of the kings of Castille in the defense of the dogma and the ideological use of Trinity as an attribute of their image and power. The second part insists on the philosophical polemics. The spanish christians have mainly used philosophy of nature to convince the jews. The themes of cosmos, nature, divine attributes, natural generation in the trinitarian demonstrations give to Spain an intellectual originality in the west. The verses of the Old Testament, the exegese of Talmud, the verses of Coran, foundation of the polemis elsewhere, are used in Spain only in the mirror of philosophy. The last part tries to explain why and how in the XVth century Trinity became also a subject of individual devotion. The redemption of souls, visionnary litterature, devotion to the Virgen were inseparable with Trinity
Ayenachew, Deresse. "Le Kätäma : la cour et le camp royal en Éthiopie (XIVe-XVIe) : espace et pouvoir." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textPéneau, Corinne. "Le roi élu : Les pouvoirs politiques et leurs représentations en Suède du milieu du XIIIe siècle à la fin du XVe siècle." Paris 4, 2002.
Full textThe Swedish king was an elected king. The aim of this thesis is to study the representations of the ruling powers in such an elective kingdom by analysing some texts of law as well as the main narrative sources of the country. In the first part of my work, I seek to show how the rule by which the king was elected developed in the Swedish law acts. From the XIVe century, three stages were necessary to create a new king, the election, conducted as a performative ceremonial act, the eriksgata, which was a tour of the kingdom, and the coronation. In the other three parts of my thesis, I intend to show how the king was portrayed in didactic texts and historiographical works, in particular the Erikskronika, a full translation of which is appended
Morin-Prevot, Magali. "L'image du souverain en milieu anglais de Hastings au début de la guerre de Cent Ans." Paris 10, 2002.
Full textStarting from the conquest of Hastings up to the start of the Hundred Years' War, the english king asserted his authority in a decisive manner within the christianized West, which at the same time was experiencing a significant upheaval and rebalancing between the various powers. Historical texts enable us to confirm this progression in front of the church, the major vassal powers, including foreign dignities. Netherless, it is important not to underestimate the use of images and edifices which contributed to this process. They were used as an immediate and tangible demonstration of regal power as well as leaving a permanent trace of their presence. The study of documentation from diverse artistic sources dating from english society during this period, notably coming from traditional, historie and legendary data, shows us elements set up by oponents in order to counteract this magnification of the king and thus creating a perpetual readjustement of the royal image ; by comparing similiar behaviour relating to other powerful princes living during the same time period, we are able to gain a clearer definition of the english phenomena. This study aims to distinguish between the methods used by the players in order to embelish their image, thus creating a monarchie ideôlogy, and rather to follow the progressive development of kingship
Berhili, Magide. "Largesse princière et groupe aristocratique : idéologies et pratiques en France, Bourgogne et Angleterre à la fin du Moyen âge." Bordeaux 3, 2008.
Full textIn France, in Burgundy and in England at the end of the Middle Ages, the princes prove to be generous in a structural way, almost by vocation. The aristocratic group is a privilegied beneficiary of their largesses. Liberality, puissamment anchored in a system of values, gives rise to the organization of a speech of ideological type. Maintining various comprehensions, mirrors of the princes, chivalric literature, chronicles, poems multiply advice and adressed recommendations of largesse to the princes. Avarice looks absolute burin, extravagance is stigmatized. On course for Largesse, often, the noble men must not be forgotten. Accounts and letters of gifts show that the noble group really received numerous gifts. Aristocracy, heterogeneous and divided group, appears in all its diversity. Gifts for service returned, by assistance, by friendship, during holidays, are a currency. In the circulation of given property, money enjoys an incontestable primacy, without being exclusive. At the same time, princely gifts are also the instrument of a domination. They are a system which shows a political building founded on the research of interest, attraction of material property, authority, prestige. Objectives followed by the prince by the prince and the nobility, two transactors in the gift-relationship, can diverge , or even be antipathetic. The cohesion of the model of largesse, the realization of he liberalities are still put in evil by difficult financial contexts, by institutions as the court or the princely administration. In the political field, the princes are then called to clear themselves, to rationalize their liberality. However, these disadvantages did not remove the link of largesse, either in facts, or in presentations. It enjoys a special longevity
Books on the topic "Rois et souverains – Bulgarie – Moyen âge"
Graal noir. Paris: Flammarion, 2011.
Find full text1959-, Morin Jean, ed. Alma à la rescousse du prince. [Terrebonne, Québec]: Boomerang éditeur jeunesse, 2007.
Find full text1959-, Morin Jean, ed. La joute royale. [Terrebonne, Québec]: Boomerang éditeur jeunesse, 2007.
Find full textThe King Arthur myth in modern American literature. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 2002.
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