Academic literature on the topic 'Robots autonomes – Systèmes à réaction'
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Journal articles on the topic "Robots autonomes – Systèmes à réaction"
VANBERGUE, Élise, Jean-Louis POULET, Jean-Louis PEYRAUD, and Catherine HURTAUD. "Le point sur la lipolyse du lait de vache : facteurs de variation et mécanismes biochimiques." INRAE Productions Animales 33, no. 1 (March 23, 2020).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Robots autonomes – Systèmes à réaction"
Carlési, Nicolas. "Coopération entre véhicules sous-marins autonomes : une approche organisationnelle réactive multi-agent." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013.
Full textUnderwater marine applications are nowadays branching into various fields covering larger and deeper zones. Performing the required tasks with the aid of AUV flotillas is a real challenge. However, the advantages of using such a new technology are numerous. Firstly, this would highly reduce the cost of the mission thanks to the distribution of this former among the various AUV: the loss of one AUV or its bad functioning will not degrade the performance of the flotilla in general. Secondly, the use of a flotilla reduces the execution time of a mission given the parallelization of certain tasks. Finally, any mission can be accomplished by the flotilla by taking into consideration the specificity of each AUV. In fact, each of these vehicles holds different characteristics rendering the global architecture heterogeneous and therefore applicable in different contexts. However, the methods concerned with multi-AUV cooperation are hindered by two main limitations: (1) the number of communications induced and (2) the management of the heterogeneity in the flotilla.The proposed approach aims at responding to these challenges. The principal idea is to combine this reactive cooperational approach with an organizational one. The reactive cooperational approach allows the exchange of simple communication signals. However, it does not help in solving the problems of cooperation that are very constrained and that mainly concern the spatial coordination of homogeneous vehicles. The first contribution in this thesis is the extension of the satisfaction-altruism approach. A new reactive decisional mechanism capable of considering the cooperative actions of various natures is proposed. The second contribution consists in specifying the context of reactive interactions based on an organizational approach. The organizational model Agent/Group/Role is used in order to have an explicit representation of the flotilla. The concepts of "group" and especially "role" are used in the attribution of the communication signals allowing the accomplishment of heterogeneous interactions with a big modularity. A new concept is therefore born and is integrated in a new software architecture called REMORA intended to equip autonomous underwater vehicles. This proposed new method has been validated through various numerical simulations in different scenarios putting at stake heterogeneous AUV
Morin-Duponchelle, Guillaume. "Reconnaissance automatisée de points d’intérêts pour un robot d’inspection dans un environnement contraint et dégradé : inspection visuelle et chimique par un robot hexapode." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2022.
Full textThe thesis subject concerns the automatic recognition of points of interest (PI) for an inspection robot in a constrained and degraded environment. The objective of this thesis work is to develop a robotic platform capable of carrying out autonomous missions based on detected visual and chemical PIs, a so-called bimodal problem. The combination of visual and chemical percepts optimizes localization accuracy and ensures information redundancy. The field of study concerns 3 application cases: case 1, the inspection is carried out in a confined space (industrial environment). Case 2, the inspection is carried out in an environment with a proven risk of loss of signal and predominantly rocky (mine, underground quarry). Case 3, the inspection is carried out in an environment that has undergone significant deformations and therefore a modified and chaotic geometry of the inspection sites (natural disasters such as earthquakes or landslides in an urban environment). In this study, a contextual case analysis method is proposed and presented in order to analyze the constraints of the different complex environments for the robotic solution. The thesis therefore brings together different issues: the study of environmental constraints, the choice of the robotic solution, autonomous navigation and visual and chemical servoing. Following this contextual analysis, a state of the art is oriented on the terrestrial robotic platform to determine the most suitable robotic solution to operate in the 3 application cases. The hexapod robots were chosen for their ability to overcome obstacles, their stability, and their carrying capacity for sensors, in particular. A method is proposed to reach the source of the percept in an unstructured environment by relying on visual and chemical PIs. For the evaluation of the proposed methodology, the visual PIs considered are of the QR code type and the detection of the concentration of a gas concerning chemical servoing. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is first demonstrated by simulations. Finally, a hexapod prototype is designed, built and developed using the ROS software architecture. The developed hexapod carried out a mission within an industrial environment and inside a shipbuilding including a series of obstacles (case 1 of the study). The results of this robotic approach arefinally presented, commented and discussed
Le, Bras Florent. "Contributions à l'asservissement visuel de véhicules aériens autonomes." Nice, 2010.
Full textThe visual servo control technology is based on measurements form a camera. This technique appeared in the late 80’s to control mobile robots or manipulators. Recently, visual servoing is applied to flying vehicles, for which this type of control has a strong operational potential. In this thesis, we focus on the design of visual servoing for two types of flying vectors : the VTOL minidrones and fixed-wing aircrafts. We try wherever possible to specify the problem in terms of regulation in the picture by taking into account the limitations of the sensors used. Thus we consider only the onboard sensors autonomous, and whose quality is consistent with a the considered visual servoing tasks. For this, we propose visual servoing laws adapted to the considered systems intheir control structures and their measurement systems. For VTOL minidrones, a series of control laws is proposed to stabilize the vehicle with respect to a relativity flat target which some landmarks are detected in real time. These commands have the distinction of not requiring measurements of the speed of translation. This characteristic is especially interesting, since this variable is particularly difficult to measure without GPS. One of the algorithms has been, validated in fight ion the platform. HoverEye developed by Bertin Technologies, it was, to our knowledge the first image based visual servoing, conducted indoors on a minidrones. For fixed-wing aircrafts, a next autonomous landing technique based on the detection of runway’s edges is proposed. This technique is image based and takes into account the specificities of aircraft flight dynamics. Moreover a specific estimate of cross-wind is proposed. Validation of this approach is performed on a complex simulator which includes images processing. Finally, we sought new applications in image based visual servoing for fixed-wing aircrafts. A control law for precise stabilization on observation orbit has been synthesized. It is based on the detection of a single landmark and translational optical flow. Simulations illustrate the performance of that algorithm
DE, MEDEIROS Adelardo A. D. "Contrôle d'exécution pour robots mobiles autonomes: architecture, spécification et validation." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1997.
Full textMedeiros, Adelardo Adelino Dantas de. "Contrôle d'exécution pour robots mobiles autonomes : architecture, spécification et validation." Toulouse 3, 1997.
Full textMourioux, Gilles. "Proposition d'une architecture multifonctions pour l'autonomie globale des robots." Orléans, 2006.
Full textPy, Frédéric. "Contrôle d'exécution dans une architecture hiérarchisée pour systèmes autonomes." Toulouse 3, 2005.
Full textThere is an increasing need for advanced autonomy in complex embedded real-time systems such as robots or satellites. Still, this raises a major problem : on one side we have complex sys-tems - therefore, hard to validate - with little human intervention, on the other side these systems are used in domains where safety is critical. How can we guaranty that an autonomous system, with high level decisional capabilities, will exhibit a proper behavior and will not jeopardize the mission? The work we present here integrate an on-line execution control component for hierar-chical architectures. We first describe the role of this program. Then we introduce the R2C, our controller based on synchronous hypothesis, and the tool used to generate it. We then discuss why it is important to take into account the decisional components in our controller. We eventu-ally illustrate our contribution with some experimental results. We then conclude and give some possible future work in this area
Fleury, Sara. "Architecture de contrôle distribuée pour robot mobile autonome : principes, conception et applications." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1996.
Full textSotiropoulos, Thierry. "Test aléatoire de la navigation de robots dans des mondes virtuels." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018.
Full textOne of the major challenges for the deployment of autonomous systems in diverse, unstructured and human shared environments, is the trust that can be placed in those systems. Indeed, internal faults in those systems, uncertainties on the perception, or even unforeseen situations, threat this confidence. Our work focus in autonomous robots, which are part of autonomous systems. The validation of the navigation software embedded in robots typically involves test campaigns in the field, which are expensive and potentially risky for the robot itself or its environment. These tests are able to test the system only in a small subset of situations. An alternative is to perform simulation-based testing, by immersing the software in virtual worlds. The aim of this thesis is to study the possibilities and limits offered by simulation-based testing of embedded software in autonomous systems. Our work deals particularly with simulation-based testing of the navigation layer of autonomous mobile robots. The first chapter introduce the contexts of dependability, autonomous systems and their testing, simulation and procedural generation of worlds. We identify and discuss the issues related to autonomous systems simulation-based testing, such as the definition and generation of inputs as well as the oracle. The procedural generation of worlds used in video games is retained as a way to answer the problem of the generation of test inputs (worlds and missions). A first contribution is presented in the second chapter, which is based on the definition and implementation of a first experimental simulation-based testing framework with a mobile robot. The navigation software used is integrated into the Genom framework and tested with the MORSE simulator. Through this experiment, first conclusions are drawn on the relevance of the procedural generation of worlds, and on the oracle to be considered. Measures such as tortuousness or indeterminism of navigation are defined. This first work also leads to propose an approach to define levels of difficulty of worlds. The purpose of the third chapter is to identify whether faults known and corrected in a academic navigation software could have been detected through simulation-based testing. Nearly 10 years of commits of the navigation software (including the P3D module which is an academic version of a trajectory planner used by NASA) were thus analyzed. Each fault detected is studied to determine the oracle necessary to detect it whether it could be activated in simulation. Many recommendations are extracted from this study, especially on the properties of the oracle to set up for this type of system. In the fourth chapter, lessons learned from the previous two chapters are implemented for the case of an industrial robot. The considered system, provided by our industrial partner Naïo is the agricultural robot Oz. The conclusions of the preceding chapters regarding the world generation and the oracles are validated by an intensive test campaign in simulation
Martin-Guillerez, Damien. "Mécanismes de prise de points de reprise opportunistes pour robots mobiles autonomes." Rennes 1, 2009.
Full textFailures of mobile computing devices can lead to severe data loss. Collaborative robotic systems, designed to work in total autonomy, are sensitive to these failures. Usual methods relying on remote backup can no longer be used in a context of high mobility. Short-range communication media can be used to overcome data failure through opportunistic communications for data backup. When two devices enter their respective communication range, they can initiate an ephemeral data exchange. To overcome the lack of global network coverage in those system, we propose a backup system based on opportunistic communications to reduce the costs induced by failures inside a swarm of autonomous mobile robots
Books on the topic "Robots autonomes – Systèmes à réaction"
Governing lethal behavior in autonomous robots. Boca Raton, Fla: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2009.
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