Academic literature on the topic 'Robot defence'
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Journal articles on the topic "Robot defence"
Hendrianto-Pratomo, Awang, Anton Satria Prabuwono, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Mohammad Faidzul Nasrudin, Muhamad Syafiq Shohaimi, and Teddy Mantoro. "Adaptive Robot Soccer Defence Strategy via Behavioural Trail." Journal of Information Technology Research 5, no. 3 (July 2012): 25–45.
Full textLiu, Guoli, and Yadong Liang. "Research on attack and defence control of martial arts arena robot based on kinodynamics." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 17, no. 2 (March 1, 2020): 172988142091032.
Full textYellamma, Pachipala, Ch Madhav Bharadwaj, K. R. Krishna Sai, and Challa Narasimham. "Implementing Robots in Defence Through Motion Capture with Mixed Reality." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 2.32 (May 31, 2018): 114.
Full textBogue, Robert. "Snake robots." Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41, no. 3 (May 13, 2014): 253–58.
Full textHe, Hua, Zhiming Zhu, and Jie Zhang. "An immune system-based defence system of robot network security." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1873, no. 1 (April 1, 2021): 012082.
Full textBoxerbaum, Alexander S., Matthew A. Klein, Jeffery E. Kline, Stuart C. Burgess, Roger D. Quinn, Richard Harkins, and Ravi Vaidyanathan. "Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Testing of a Bio-Inspired Amphibious Robot with Multiple Modes of Mobility." Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 24, no. 4 (August 20, 2012): 629–41.
Full textMohanty, Sudeshna, Subhrasmita Mahapatra, Sanat Ku Panda, Plavan Ku Rath, Manoj Ku Sarangi, and Olga I. Bylya. "Development and Optimization of Perimeter Traversing Robot." Applied Mechanics and Materials 186 (June 2012): 280–88.
Full textAlvarez, Gabriela, and Omar Flor. "Desempeño en métodos de navegación autónoma para robots móviles." Minerva 1, no. 2 (August 8, 2020): 19–29.
Full textSchmiljun, André. "Why Can´t We Regard Robots As People?" ETHICS IN PROGRESS 9, no. 1 (December 5, 2018): 44–61.
Full textBogue, Robert. "Underwater robots: a review of technologies and applications." Industrial Robot: An International Journal 42, no. 3 (May 18, 2015): 186–91.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Robot defence"
Петрухно, Ігор Русланович. "Data Mining та машинні техніки навчання для виявлення вторгнення в кібербезпеку робототехнічних та автономних систем." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018.
Full textThe paper deals with the problem of cybersecurity associated with methods of analysis of large data sets for robotic systems. The object of this work is a research system based on the methodology of parallel computing using Hadoop tools. The subject is the methods and processes of Data Mining and machine learning techniques to detect the invasion of the cybersecurity of robotic and autonomous systems. In the given work, the main features of the existing system (SIEM) are considered. which allows processing large volumes of data, its advantages and disadvantages, Analysis of the tactics for constructing the Security Analitics System, which affect the accuracy, reliability, performance, scalability of project IDS systems. A research system implemented on the basis of parallel computing methodology using the Hadoop tools, which provides effective operation under attack conditions. This system can be used in the activities of a particular institution, and can also be used by other institutions to improve parallel computing using Hadoop tools, this concept can also be used as a methodological guide for the development of a system for detecting cybersecurity robotic and autonomous systems . Allows you to increase the speed of data processing and reduce the time of data analysis using the MapReduce paradigm. The size of the explanatory note is 111 sheets, contains 31 illustrations, 26 tables, 5 appendices.
Kashyap, Anurag. "Ralstonia solanacearum-triggered defense responses at the tomato root xylem vasculature: Insights on the suberin pathway." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021.
Full textRalstonia solanacearum es uno de los patógenos bacterianos de plantas más devastadores del mundo. Esta bacteria del suelo es el agente causante de la marchitez bacteriana en más de 450 especies de plantas y causa una devastación severa en cultivos de solanáceas como el tomate. R. solanacearum accede al sistema radicular a través de heridas y sitios de emergencia de raíces laterales y luego se desplaza hasta la vasculatura radicular, donde se multiplica en el xilema y luego se disemina verticalmente a través del xilema y horizontalmente entre los vasos y los tejidos circundantes. Hasta la fecha, la estrategia de manejo más fiable para controlar R. solanacearum ha sido el uso de resistencia genética. En tomate, entre las mejores fuentes de resistencia se encuentra el cultivar resistente Hawaii 7996 (H7996), que se usa comúnmente como patrón en el cultivo comercial de tomate. Este cultivar resistente ha desarrollado mecanismos de defensa efectivos para prevenir la colonización de vasos o el movimiento entre vasos una vez que ha ocurrido la colonización vascular. Publicaciones recientes muestran que el cilindro vascular del xilema de la raíz actúa como tejido predominante para montar una respuesta de defensa eficaz contra los invasores vasculares, lo que restringe el avance del patógeno hacia el tejido aéreo. Sin embargo, los mecanismos que regulan esta forma de resistencia siguen siendo desconocidos en gran manera. Desentrañar los mecanismos a través de los cuales las plantas bloquean o ralentizan la progresión de patógenos en la vasculatura del xilema de la raíz puede ser vital en el desarrollo de cultivares resistentes mediante intervenciones biotecnológicas. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis intentamos arrojar luz sobre las respuestas de defensa que actúan en la vasculatura del xilema de la raíz que restringen efectivamente la colonización por el patógeno bacteriano vascular R. solanacerum en tomate. Los estudios histopatológicos comparativos en líneas de tomate resistentes y susceptibles indican que un refuerzo vascular compuesto de ferulatos, que culmina en la formación de una zona ferulo-suberínica, puede actuar como una fuerte barrera físico-química contra la invasión de R. solanacearum (Capítulo 1). Esta barrera fenólico-alifática refuerza las paredes del tejido vascular del xilema en H7996 y puede restringir el movimiento de la bacteria desde la luz del vaso del xilema hacia el xilema circundante, células del parénquima, vasos cercanos y espacios intercelulares. Los cambios de composición en las paredes se estudiaron mediante espectroscopia, lo cual mostró una intensa acumulación de metabolitos compatibles con la suberina específicamente en las raíces de H7996 resistente, tras la infección de R. solanacearum (Capítulo 2). Se observaron diferencias en el estado de polimerización de la lignina en las raíces después de la infección entre tomate resistente y susceptible. El H7996 contenía una mayor proporción de lignina de tipo G, que es más resistente a la degradación, mientras que Marmande susceptible contenía más lignina de tipo S, que es más propensa a degradarse. La expresión de genes de la vía biosintética de ácidos grasos de la suberina se incrementó significativamente en el tejido vascular del xilema de la raíz primaria de las plantas infectadas con H7996 en comparación con los controles o el tomate susceptible (Capítulo 3). Esto indica que la regulación positiva de estos genes es una respuesta específica de plantas H7996 resistentes que tiene lugar en la vasculatura suberizada tras la infección por R. solanacearum. Además, se observó inducción de ProSlFHT::GUS en la vasculatura del xilema de la raíz principal de las plantas H7996 infectadas, así como en tejidos que se sabe que depositan suberina tales como epidermis, exodermis y tejidos que experimentan cicatrización de heridas.
Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the world's most devastating bacterial pathogens of plants. This soil-borne bacterium is the causative agent of bacterial wilt on more than 450 plant species, and it causes severe devastation on Solanaceous crops like tomato. R. solanacearum gains access to the root system through wounds and lateral root emerging sites and then moves to the root vasculature, where it multiplies in the xylem and later spreads vertically within the xylem sap and horizontally between vessels and to the surrounding tissues. To date, the most reliable management strategy to control R. solanacearum has been the use of genetic resistance. In tomato, among the best resistance sources is the resistant cultivar Hawaii 7996 (H7996), which is commonly used as a rootstock in commercial tomato cultivation. This resistant cultivar has evolved effective defense mechanisms to prevent vessel colonization or movement between vessels once vascular colonization has occurred. Recent reports show that the root xylem vascular cylinder acts as a predominant tissue for mounting an efficient defense response against vascular invaders, restricting onward movement of the pathogen to the aerial tissue. However, the mechanisms regulating this form of resistance remain elusive. Unravelling the mechanisms through which the plants block or slow down pathogen progression at the root xylem vasculature can be vital in the development of resistant cultivars by biotechnological interventions. Hence, in this thesis we attempted to shed light on the defense responses acting at the root xylem vasculature that effectively restrict colonization by the vascular bacterial pathogen R. solanacerum in tomato. Comparative histopathological studies in resistant and susceptible tomato lines indicated that a ferulate vascular reinforcement, culminating into a ferulo-suberin zone, may act as a strong physico-chemical barrier against R. solanacearum invasion (Chapter 1). This phenolic- aliphatic barrier reinforces the walls of xylem vascular tissue in H7996 and may restrict movement of the bacterium from the xylem vessel lumen to the surrounding xylem parenchyma cells and nearby vessels and inter-cellular spaces. Compositional changes in walls were studied using spectroscopy, which showed strong accumulation of suberin- compatible metabolites specifically in roots of resistant H7996, upon infection of R. solanacearum (Chapter 2). Differences in the polymerization state of lignin in roots were observed after infection between resistant and susceptible tomato. H7996 contained a higher proportion of G-type lignin, which is more resistant to degradation, whereas susceptible Marmande contained more S-type lignin, which is more prone to degradation. Expression of genes from the suberin fatty acid biosynthetic pathway was significantly upregulated in the taproot xylem vascular tissue of H7996 infected plants compared to the mock controls or susceptible tomato (Chapter 3). This indicates that upregulation of these genes is a specific response of resistant H7996 plants that takes place in suberizing vasculature upon R. solanacearum infection. Further, induction of ProSlFHT::GUS was observed in taproot xylem vasculature of infected H7996 plants, as well as in tissues known to deposit suberin such as epidermis, exodermis and tissues undergoing wound healing. Implications of overexpressing genes from pathway of suberin and the associated soluble phenolics synthesis, were evaluated in susceptible tomato background. Overexpression of suberin feruloyl transferase (FHT), which catalyzes the formation feruloyl esters showed limited restriction against R. solanacearum. In contrast, overexpression of tyramine N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (THT 1-3), responsible for synthesis of hydroxycinnamic acid amides (HCAA) such as feruloyl tyramine resulted in an increase of resistance against R. solanacearum with disease progressing remarkably slower in this line compared to wild type plants. Accumulation of such aminated phenolics may act as a chemical barrier acting as phytoalexin but could also act as physical barrier if cross-linked to the poly-aromatic domain of suberin.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Biologia i Biotecnologia Vegetal
Vaughan, Martha Marie. "Molecular and Functional Characterization of Terpene Chemical Defense in Arabidopsis Roots in Interaction with the Herbivore Bradysia spp. (fungus gnat)." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010.
Full textPh. D.
Zhang, Jingyu. "Cell-type specificity and herbivore-induced responses of primary and terpene secondary metabolism in Arabidopsis roots." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2013.
Full textMaster of Science
Bonnín, Pascual Francisco. "Contributions to Robot-based Vessel Visual Inspection." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2017.
Full text[spa]El transporte marítimo es una de las maneras más efectivas de transportar mercancías de un lugar a otro del mundo. Aunque hoy en día se llevan a cabo muchos esfuerzos para evitar los accidentes marítimos, estos todavía ocurren y, de vez en cuando, tienen consecuencias catastróficas en términos ambientales, humanos y/o económicos. Los daños estructurales causados por grietas y/o corrosión son la causa principal de estos accidentes y, por ello, los barcos son sometidos a inspecciones periódicas con el objetivo de garantizar su integridad estructural. Para llevar a cabo una inspección, los barcos son vaciados y llevados a un astillero donde se instalan andamiajes para permitir a los inspectores alcanzar las zonas más altas de su estructura. Estas inspecciones se realizan muchas veces en entornos peligrosos o de difícil acceso. En términos económicos, el proceso puede suponer un desembolso de hasta un millón de dolares. Por todo ello, cualquier contribución que suponga una reducción en el tiempo/coste de la inspección, o un incremento en la seguridad de los operarios, está justificada. En esta tesis se proponen nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que pretenden contribuir al rediseño de los procesos de inspección visual de barcos. Por un lado, se propone una nueva plataforma robótica aérea que permite al operario realizar la inspección del barco desde una posición segura y cómoda. Esta plataforma consiste en un dispositivo de fácil manejo que ha sido desarrollado siguiendo el paradigma de la Autonomía Supervisada, de tal manera que el vehículo se encarga de todas las tareas referentes a la seguridad, mientras que el operario proporciona las consignas de desplazamiento y puede centrarse en el proceso de inspección. Por otro lado, se proponen diversos algoritmos basados en visión para la detección de defectos en la estructura del barco. En primer lugar, se proponen varios métodos para la detección de corrosión, basados en la combinación de diferentes descriptores de color y de textura. En segundo lugar, se propone un algoritmo para la detección de grietas que combina la extracción de contornos con un proceso de crecimiento de regiones. Finalmente, se evalúa el concepto de notoriedad para la detección de defectos genéricos, y para la mejora del rendimiento de los detectores de corrosión y de grietas. La plataforma robótica y los detectores de defectos propuestos han sido evaluados tanto en laboratorio como durante pruebas de campo realizadas a bordo de un barco real. Los resultados obtenidos permiten confirmar la utilidad y el buen rendimiento de las diferentes herramientas tecnológicas propuestas.
[eng]Vessels are nowadays one of the most cost effective ways to transport goods around the world. Despite the efforts to avoid maritime accidents, these still occur and, from time to time, have catastrophic consequences in environmental, human and/or economic terms. Structural failures caused by cracks and/or corrosion are the main cause of these accidents and, as such, vessels are submitted to periodical inspections in order to ensure their structural integrity. To carry out this task, vessels have to be emptied and situated in a dockyard where high scaffoldings are installed to allow the human inspectors to reach the highest parts of the vessel structure. Besides, the surveys are on many occasions performed in hazardous environments with difficult access. In economic terms, total expenses can reach up to one million dollars. Therefore, it is clear that any level of automation of the inspection process that can lead to a reduction of the inspection time, a reduction of the financial costs and/or an increase in the safety of the operation is fully justified. In this regard, this dissertation presents novel technological tools to contribute to re-engineering the process of vessel visual inspection. On the one hand, a novel aerial robotic platform is proposed to allow the surveyor to perform a proper inspection from a safe and comfortable position. It consists in an easy-to-use device which has been developed around the Supervised Autonomy paradigm, so that the vehicle is in charge of all the safety-related issues, while the surveyor provides the displacement commands and focuses on the inspection process. On the other hand, novel vision-based algorithms for defect detection on vessels structures are proposed. Firstly, several corrosion detection methods are described, based on the combination of different colour and texture descriptors. Secondly, a crack detection method, which combines edge detection with a region growing procedure, is proposed. Finally, the idea of saliency for detecting generic defects on vessel structures is evaluated, and also to improve the performance of the corrosion and crack detectors. The aerial platform and the defect detectors are evaluated both under laboratory conditions and during field tests performed on board real vessels. The results obtained allow to confirm the usability and the good performance of all the proposed technological tools.
Cosme, Marco [Verfasser]. "Impact of mutualistic root fungi on crop quality and pest defense / Marco Cosme." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2015.
Full textCurlango-Rivera, Gilberto. "Function of Root Border Cells and their Exudates on Plant Defense in Hydroponic Systems." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2011.
Full textMcGinley, Susan. "Root Border Cells Defend Plants: UA Researcher First to Describe Mechanism." College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2001.
Full textSohrabi, Reza. "Biochemical and Functional Characterization of Induced Terpene Formation in Arabidopsis Roots." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2013.
Full textIn summary, this study demonstrates an alternative route for volatile terpene formation belowground different from aboveground plant tissues via triterpene degradation and provides evidence for an unexplored triterpene catabolism pathway in Arabidopsis.
Ph. D.
Nguyen, Trang Hieu. "Analysis of wound-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling in defense and root development responses in rice." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019.
Full textRice is the first cereal consumed by human with more than 600 million tons produced each year. Thus the biotic and abiotic constraints on this cereal can be particularly damaging to food security. Complex molecular interactions orchestrating plant development and defense mechanisms against pathogens or climatic constraints play a major role in plant adaptation. Recently, it has been highlighted the crucial role played by defense hormones such as jasmonate in modulating responses allowing plants to adapt to their environment. Thus, the analysis of signaling and responses to jasmonate are of major interest for cereals. In this context, this thesis work allowed to analyze the role of this phytohormone in local and distal defense responses following mechanical stress. In addition, by functional approaches, a new role of jasmonate has been demonstrated in the systemic control of stress-induced coronary root development in rice. The understanding of the mechanisms of response to injury and the impact on development, especially at the level of the "hidden" part of the plant, the root system, makes it possible to consider the creation of new varieties and the optimization of breeding methods and rice cultivation
Books on the topic "Robot defence"
author, Hedrick Tim, Iverson Mitch author, Yamashin Mariko ill, Brill Ian, Digital Art Chefs, and AndWorld Design (Firm), eds. DreamWorks Voltron: Legendary defender. St. Louis, Missouri: Lion Forge, LLc, The, 2016.
Find full textauthor, Iverson Mitch, Yoo Jung Gwan, Choi Ji-In ill, Rubine, Lobel Benito ill, Puste (Comic artist) ill, and AndWorld Design (Firm), eds. Voltron, legendary defender: Pilgrimage. [Saint Louis, Missouri]: Lion Forge, LLc, The, 2018.
Find full textkatastrofy, Ukraine Ministerstvo Ukraïny z. pytanʹ nadzvychaĭnykh sytuat︠s︡iĭ ta u. spravakh zakhystu naselenni︠a︡ vid naslidkiv Chornobylʹsʹkoï. Dosvid roboty orhaniv upravlinni︠a︡ ta syl T︠S︡yvilʹnoï oborony Ukraïny shchodo likvidat︠s︡iï nadzvychaĭnykh sytuat︠s︡iĭ tekhnohennoho ta pryrodnoho kharakteru. Kyïv: "Chornobylʹinterinform", 2002.
Find full textArena, Mark V. Management perspectives pertaining to root cause analyses of Nunn-McCurdy breaches: Contractor motivations and anticipating breaches. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 2014.
Find full textRouff, Christopher. Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge. London: Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2012.
Find full textSepowski, Stephen J., ed. The Ultimate Hint Book. Old Saybrook, CT: The Ultimate Game Club Ltd., 1991.
Find full textTom, Badgett, ed. Official Sega Genesis and Game Gear strategies, 2ND Edition. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1991.
Find full textSandler, Corey. Official Sega Genesis and Game Gear strategies, 3RD Edition. New York: Bantam Books, 1992.
Find full textGalliott, Jai. The Unabomber on Robots. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBurri, Susanne. What Is the Moral Problem with Killer Robots? Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Robot defence"
Espina, Maria Valera, Raphael Grech, Deon De Jager, Paolo Remagnino, Luca Iocchi, Luca Marchetti, Daniele Nardi, Dorothy Monekosso, Mircea Nicolescu, and Christopher King. "Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring." In Innovations in Defence Support Systems – 3, 183–209. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textSurana, Harsh, Nitesh Agarwal, Akash Udaykumar, and Rucha Darekar. "Blackbox-Based Night Vision Camouflage Robot for Defence Applications." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 631–37. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textDasgupta, Prithviraj. "Multi-Robot Task Allocation for Performing Cooperative Foraging Tasks in an Initially Unknown Environment." In Innovations in Defence Support Systems -2, 5–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textFranke, Ulrike Esther. "Military Robots And Drones." In Routledge Handbook Of Defence Studies, 339–49. Abingdon, Oxon: New York, NY: Routledge, [2018]: Routledge, 2018.
Full textSteinberg, Christian, Charline Lecomte, Claude Alabouvette, and Véronique Edel-Hermann. "Root Interactions with Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum." In Belowground Defence Strategies in Plants, 281–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textFranklin, Stephen J., Anthony Finn, John E. Pattison, and Lakhmi C. Jain. "Motion Optimization Scheme for Cooperative Mobile Robots." In Innovations in Defence Support Systems – 1, 139–73. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textAmine, Khadija, Wafa El Kholti, and Jamila Kissa. "Prognostic Factors: Defect Related Factors." In Periodontal Root Coverage, 29–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textBaetz, Ulrike. "Root Exudates as Integral Part of Belowground Plant Defence." In Belowground Defence Strategies in Plants, 45–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textMendoza, Juan Pablo, Joydeep Biswas, Danny Zhu, Richard Wang, Philip Cooksey, Steven Klee, and Manuela Veloso. "CMDragons 2015: Coordinated Offense and Defense of the SSL Champions." In RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX, 106–17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textCheema, Faisal H., Sophie Kathryn Jones, and Michael Argenziano. "Robot-Assisted Atrial Septal Defect Closure." In Atlas of Robotic Cardiac Surgery, 293–98. London: Springer London, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Robot defence"
Tickle, Andrew J., James Buckle, Josef E. Grindley, and Jeremy S. Smith. "Development and modeling of a stereo vision focusing system for a field programmable gate array robot." In Security + Defence, edited by Edward M. Carapezza. SPIE, 2010.
Full textTickle, Andrew J., Yan Meng, and Jeremy S. Smith. "Simulation of a dead reckoning embedded system security patrol robot for deployment inside structures and buildings." In Security + Defence, edited by Edward M. Carapezza. SPIE, 2010.
Full textVadivel, M., and S. Siva Sundara Pandian. "Realization of multitasking wireless robot for defence applications." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI). IEEE, 2017.
Full textHarris, C., R. Evans, and E. Tidey. "Assessment of a visually guided autonomous exploration robot." In SPIE Europe Security and Defence, edited by Edward M. Carapezza. SPIE, 2008.
Full textChereau, Romain, and Toby P. Breckon. "Robust motion filtering as an enabler to video stabilization for a tele-operated mobile robot." In SPIE Security + Defence, edited by Gary W. Kamerman, Ove K. Steinvall, Gary J. Bishop, and John D. Gonglewski. SPIE, 2013.
Full textBuermann, Jan, and Jie Zhang. "Multi-Robot Adversarial Patrolling Strategies via Lattice Paths." In Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Seventeenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.
Full textWitus, Gary, Robert Karlsen, James Overholt, and Grant Gerhart. "Visual tracking for mobile robot pursuit." In European Symposium on Optics and Photonics for Defence and Security, edited by Edward M. Carapezza. SPIE, 2005.
Full textHunt, Shawn, Yung-Sen Li, Gary Witus, Steven Walter, R. Darin Ellis, Gregory Auner, Alex Cao, and Abhilash Pandya. "Integration of new communications and mast subsystems on an Omni-Directional Inspection Robot (ODIS)." In Optics/Photonics in Security and Defence, edited by Edward M. Carapezza. SPIE, 2007.
Full textKhan, Muhammad Tahir, Toar Imanuel, Yelnil Gabo, and C. W. de Silva. "Robust Multi-Robot Cooperation Using an Idiotypic Model of Artificial Immune Systems." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textTierney, Terrance M., William J. Protzman, and Brian Samples. "Human-robot teaming." In Defense and Security, edited by Grant R. Gerhart, Charles M. Shoemaker, and Douglas W. Gage. SPIE, 2005.
Full textReports on the topic "Robot defence"
Cary, Dakota. Robot Hacking Games: China’s Competitions to Automate the Software Vulnerability Lifecycle. Center for Security and Emerging Technology, September 2021.
Full textBrown Horowitz, Sigal, Eric L. Davis, and Axel Elling. Dissecting interactions between root-knot nematode effectors and lipid signaling involved in plant defense. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2014.
Full textChamovitz, A. Daniel, and Georg Jander. Genetic and biochemical analysis of glucosinolate breakdown: The effects of indole-3-carbinol on plant physiology and development. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2012.
Full textDavies, Will. Improving the engagement of UK armed forces overseas. Royal Institute of International Affairs, January 2022.
Full textChefetz, Benny, Baoshan Xing, Leor Eshed-Williams, Tamara Polubesova, and Jason Unrine. DOM affected behavior of manufactured nanoparticles in soil-plant system. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2016.
Full textIbdah, Mwafaq, Dorothea Tholl, and Philipp W. Simon. How temperature stress changes carrot flavor: Elucidating the genetic determinants of undesired taste in carrots. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2014.
Full text