Academic literature on the topic 'Riverine plumes'

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Journal articles on the topic "Riverine plumes"


Oliveira, Eduardo Negri de, Bastiaan Adriaan Knoppers, João Antônio Lorenzzetti, Paulo Ricardo Petter Medeiros, Maria Eulália Carneiro, and Weber Friederichs Landim de Souza. "A satellite view of riverine turbidity plumes on the NE-E Brazilian coastal zone." Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 60, no. 3 (September 2012): 283–98.

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Turbidity plumes of São Francisco, Caravelas, Doce, and Paraiba do Sul river systems, located along the NE/E Brazilian coast, are analyzed for their dispersal patterns of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration using Landsat images and a logarithmic algorithm proposed by Tassan (1987) to convert satellite reflectance values to TSS. The TSS results obtained were compared to in situ collected TSS data. The analysis of the satellite image data set revealed that each river system exhibits a distinct turbidity plume dispersal pattern. The behavior, dimension and degree of turbidity of the São Francisco River plume have been greatly altered by the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric dam reservoirs in its hydrological basin. The plume has lost its typical unimodal seasonal pattern of material dispersion and its turbidity has decreased due to the regulation of river flow by the dams and TSS retainance by the reservoirs. In contrast, the Doce and Paraíba do Sul river plumes are still subject to seasonal pulsations and show more turbid conditions than the SF plume, as dams are less numerous, set in the middle river sections and the natural river flow has been maintained. The Caravelas Coastal System river plume is restricted to near shore shallow waters dominated by resuspension processes. During austral spring and summer when NE-E winds prevail, all plumes generally disperse southward. Short-term northward reversals may occur in winter with the passage of atmospheric cold fronts. The São Francisco and Doce river plumes tend to disperse obliquely to the coast and transport materials further offshore, while the Caravelas and Paraíba do Sul plumes tend to disperse mainly parallel to the coast, enhancing TSS retention nearshore.
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Grimes, CB, and MJ Kingsford. "How do Riverine Plumes of Different Sizes Influence Fish Larvae: do they Enhance Recruitment?" Marine and Freshwater Research 47, no. 2 (1996): 191.

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A review of the literature suggests that river discharge plumes strongly influence fish larvae and may play a significant role in the recruitment of local fishes. Some rivers drain large land masses to discharge shallow, turbid and nutrient-rich plumes that interact with ocean currents as well as with local oceanography and meteorology; these plumes may extend hundreds of kilometres offshore and alongshore. The frontal, or mixing, zone between plume and ocean waters is characterized by strong physical and biological processes. Physical dynamics, e.g. hydrodynamic convergence, and abundant nutrients (both river derived and upwelled) in the vicinity of discharge plumes often generate large stocks of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish larvae, as well as high rates of primary and secondary production. Physical dynamics not only act to accumulate (and probably retain) biomass in frontal waters, but also transport organisms onshore, offshore and along the frontal boundary. The mechanisms through which river plumes may influence recruitment are not clear. In considering the potential effects of scale of river discharge on recruitment, three alternative hypotheses are discussed. The short-food-chain hypothesis states that recruitment will be enhanced in the vicinity of river plumes because fish larvae experience superior feeding conditions, grow faster and thus experience a shorter stage duration and survive better. The total-larval-production hypothesis is that trophic conditions support such high total production of fish larvae that specific dynamics of growth and mortality are not relevant. The third hypothesis is that plumes facilitate the retention of fish larvae within a limited area, and it is the physical retention rather than production that explains the variation in recruitment. If one or a combination of these hypotheses explains the influence of river plumes on recruitment, then the greatest potential to affect fish recruitment may be possessed by large mid-latitude rivers carrying high suspended-sediment and nutrient loads that discharge into shelf waters to create well defined plumes where primary and secondary production are high.
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Devlin, Michelle, and Britta Schaffelke. "Spatial extent of riverine flood plumes and exposure of marine ecosystems in the Tully coastal region, Great Barrier Reef." Marine and Freshwater Research 60, no. 11 (2009): 1109.

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Tully River flood plume monitoring data for 11 events (1994–2008) were used to determine what physical characteristics of the floods (size of flood, direction of plume movement, shape of hydrograph) most influence the flood plume water quality and areal extent. During some events, the maximum area influenced by the Tully flood plumes extended into the Coral Sea. Areal extents depended on wind direction and discharge volume, with large extents more likely during light or northerly winds. Strong gradients in water quality existed away from the Tully mouth during the wet season and the adjacent marine ecosystems were regularly exposed to land-derived material. Flood plumes were grouped into three plume types: primary, secondary and tertiary plumes, based on water-quality characteristics (suspended solids, coloured dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll). The number of reefs and seagrasses exposed to plume waters varied from year to year, and was dependent on the characteristics of the event. Over the 11 years, out of the major 37 reefs and 13 seagrass meadows identified in the Tully marine area, between 11 (30%) and 37 coral reefs (100%) and most of the seagrass meadows were inundated by either a primary or secondary plume every year.
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Marta-Almeida, Martinho, Anna Dalbosco, David Franco, and Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal. "Dynamics of river plumes in the South Brazilian Bight and South Brazil." Ocean Dynamics 71, no. 1 (November 11, 2020): 59–80.

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AbstractThe plumes from the rivers of the South Brazilian Bight (SBB) and South Brazil (SB) were studied using a realistic model configuration. River plume variability on continental shelves is driven by the input of river runoff into the shelf, by wind variability, and also by ambient currents and its seasonal variability, especially the Brazil Current, which are realistically modelled in this study. It is presented a simulation of 4 years using a nested configuration, which allows resolving the region around Florianópolis with very high resolution (∼150 m). The dispersion of river plumes was assessed not only with the hydrodynamical model results but also by using passive tracers whose dynamics was analyzed seasonally. Several dyes were released together with the river discharges. This approach allowed calculating the depths of the riverine freshwater, and the resulting regions affected by the plumes. Northward intrusions of waters from the southern region, under the potential influence of the distant La Plata river plume, were evaluated with a Lagrangian approach. The local river plumes are confined to the inner shelf, except south of 30°S where discharges from Lagoa dos Patos disperse over the shelf in the spring and summer. The Brazil Current flowing southward over the slope prevents the river plumes from interaction with oceanic mesoscale dynamics. The river plumes are, thus, mainly controlled by the wind forcing. The plumes from SBB are able to disperse until SB following the southward wind regime typical of the summer. And both the SB and La Plata river plumes are also able to reach SBB, forced by the northward wind typical of the winter season, until the latitude of 25.5°S. A low salinity belt (below 35) is present along the coastal region of SB and SBB year-round, supported by contributions from both the large and small rivers. The interaction between the different plumes influences the dispersion patterns, shielding the Florianṕolis coastal region from plumes of distant rivers, and dispersing the plume of SBB rivers away from Santa Catarina Island as it disperses southward during the summer months.
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Carter, B. R., J. R. Toggweiler, R. M. Key, and J. L. Sarmiento. "Processes determining the marine alkalinity and carbonate saturation distributions." Biogeosciences Discussions 11, no. 7 (July 21, 2014): 11139–78.

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Abstract. We introduce a composite tracer, Alk*, that has a global distribution primarily determined by CaCO3 precipitation and dissolution. Alk* also highlights riverine alkalinity plumes that are due to dissolved calcium carbonate from land. We estimate the Arctic receives approximately twice the riverine alkalinity per unit area as the Atlantic, and 8 times that of the other oceans. Riverine inputs broadly elevate Alk* in the Arctic surface and particularly near river mouths. Strong net carbonate precipitation lowers basin mean Indian and Atlantic Alk*, while upwelling of dissolved CaCO3 rich deep waters elevates Northern Pacific and Southern Ocean Alk*. We use the Alk* distribution to estimate the carbonate saturation variability resulting from CaCO3 cycling and other processes. We show regional variations in surface carbonate saturation are due to temperature changes driving CO2 fluxes and, to a lesser extent, freshwater cycling. Calcium carbonate cycling plays a tertiary role. Monitoring the Alk* distribution would allow us to isolate the impact of acidification on biological calcification and remineralization.
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Martins, Meike Sena, and Detlef Stammer. "Interannual Variability of the Congo River Plume-Induced Sea Surface Salinity." Remote Sensing 14, no. 4 (February 19, 2022): 1013.

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Based on satellite surface salinity (SSS) observations from the SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP missions, we investigate the interannual SSS variability during the period from 2010 to 2020 in the Gulf of Guinea, impacted by the Congo River run-off. Combined with in situ data, the available 11 years of satellite salinity data suggest that the plume of Congo run-off primarily spreads into western directions, leading to reduced SSS. A fraction of it also shows a coastal southward extent subject to interannual variability influenced by coastal trapped waves. The low-salinity water is associated with high values of net primary production, confirming the riverine origin of the nutrient rich plume. No correlation can be found between the plume patterns and the different upwelling strengths in the subsequent upwelling months, nor could a correlation be found with the occurrence of the Benguela Niños. Linking the occurrence of a barrier layer to the occurrence of low-salinity plumes remains difficult, mainly because of the sparseness of in situ data. However, the influence of the low-salinity layer is evident in its stronger stratification and an increased available potential energy.
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Gancheva, Irina, Elisaveta Peneva, and Violeta Slabakova. "Detecting the Surface Signature of Riverine and Effluent Plumes along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast Using Satellite Data." Remote Sensing 13, no. 20 (October 13, 2021): 4094.

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The clear and reliable detection of effluent plumes using satellite data is especially challenging. The surface signature of such events is of a small scale; it shows a complex interaction with the local environment and depends greatly on the effluent and marine water constitution. In the context of remote sensing techniques for detecting treated wastewater discharges, we study the surface signature of small river plumes, as they share specific characteristics, such as higher turbidity levels and increased nutrient concentration, and are fresh compared to the salty marine water. The Bulgarian Black Sea zone proves to be a challenging study area, with its optically complex waters and positive freshwater balance. Additionally, the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is a known tourist destination with an increased seasonal load; thus, the problem of the identification of wastewater discharges is a topical issue. In this study, we analyze the absorption components of the Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) for 84 study points that are located at outfall discharging areas, river estuaries and at different distances from the shoreline, reaching the open sea area at a bottom depth of more than 2000 m. The calculations of IOPs take into account all available Sentinel 2 cloudless acquisitions for three years from 2017 until 2019 and are performed using the Case-2 Regional CoastColour (C2RCC) processor, implemented in the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP). The predominant absorber for each study area and its temporal variation is determined, deriving the specific characteristics of the different areas and tracking their seasonal and annual course. Optical data from the Galata AERONET-OC site are used for validating the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton pigment. A conclusion regarding the possibility of distinguishing riverine, marine and coastal water is derived. The study provides a sound basis for estimating the advantages and drawbacks of optical satellite data for tracking the extent of effluent and fluvial plumes with unknown concentrations of optically significant seawater constituents.
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Garzon-Garcia, Alexandra, Joanne M. Burton, Stephen Lewis, Zoe Bainbridge, Rob De Hayr, Philip Moody, and Jon Brodie. "The bioavailability of nitrogen associated with sediment in riverine plumes of the Great Barrier Reef." Marine Pollution Bulletin 173 (December 2021): 112910.

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Kasurinen, V., H. Aarnos, and A. Vähätalo. "Biologically labile photoproducts from riverine non-labile dissolved organic carbon in the coastal waters." Biogeosciences Discussions 12, no. 11 (June 2, 2015): 8199–234.

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Abstract. In order to assess the production of biologically labile photoproducts (BLPs) from non-labile riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC), we collected water samples from ten major rivers, removed labile DOC and mixed the residual non-labile DOC with artificial seawater for microbial and photochemical experiments. Bacteria grew on non-labile DOC with a growth efficiency of 11.5% (mean; range from 3.6 to 15.3%). Simulated solar radiation transformed a part of non-labile DOC into BLPs, which stimulated bacterial respiration and production, but did not change bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) compared to the non-irradiated dark controls. In the irradiated water samples, the amount of BLPs stimulating bacterial production depended on the photochemical bleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). The apparent quantum yields for BLPs supporting bacterial production ranged from 9.5 to 76 (mean 39) (μmol C mol photons−1) at 330 nm. The corresponding values for BLPs supporting bacterial respiration ranged from 57 to 1204 (mean 320) (μmol C mol photons−1). According to the calculations based on spectral apparent quantum yields and local solar radiation, the annual production of BLPs ranged from 21 (St. Lawrence) to 584 (Yangtze) mmol C m−2 yr−1 in the plumes of the examined rivers. Complete photobleaching of riverine CDOM in the coastal ocean was estimated to produce 10.7 Mt C BLPs yr−1 from the rivers examined in this study and globally 38 Mt yr−1 (15% of riverine DOC flux from all rivers), which support 4.1 Mt yr−1 of bacterial production and 33.9 Mt yr−1 bacterial respiration.
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Buck, Kristen N., Maeve C. Lohan, Carolyn J. M. Berger, and Kenneth W. Bruland. "Dissolved iron speciation in two distinct river plumes and an estuary: Implications for riverine iron supply." Limnology and Oceanography 52, no. 2 (March 2007): 843–55.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Riverine plumes"


Bertin, Clément. "The role of the Mackenzie River in the carbon biogeochemistry of the Beaufort Sea coastal waters (Arctic Ocean)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023.

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Cinq des plus grands fleuves mondiaux sont en Arctique et transportent des quantités importantes de carbone dissous organique (COD) et inorganique (CID) dans l’Océan Arctique (OA). La réponse de l’océan côtier à ces apports est encore incertaine, ce qui est un frein à l’estimation des flux air/mer de CO2 dans cette région. Dans un contexte de réchauffement climatique et de changement rapide de l’environnement arctique, il est donc important de mieux comprendre l’effet de ces apports de carbone terrigène sur les flux de CO2 dans les panaches fluviaux. Le modèle couplé océan/glace/biogéochimie ECCO-Darwin est utilisé afin d’étudier la réponse du sud-est de la mer de Beaufort aux apports de carbone dissout du fleuve Mackenzie des échelles synoptiques à interannuelles. Ce modèle régional intègre le tout premier forçage interannuel journalier de COD terrigène provenant du Mackenzie estimé grâce à la fusion de données in situ et de données satellites acquis aux trois embouchures principales du delta. Nous observons que la variabilité interannuelle du débit du Mackenzie module localement les flux air/mer de CO2 dans le panache fluvial côtier. Le CID terrigène contribue deux fois plus que le COD terrigène au dégazage du panache. Avec le dégel du pergélisol, les incertitudes sur la dégradation du COD terrigène dans les panaches fluviaux sont nombreuses. La variabilité des flux air/mer de CO2 liée à la dégradation bactérienne est estimée à ±0.39 TgC yr−1 en 2009. D’autres processus biophysiques contribuent également à cette variabilité comme la floculation du COD terrigène (+0.14 TgC yr−1 absorbé par l’océan) et la stratification verticale induite par le panache (+0.35 TgC yr−1 rejeté par l’océan). Ce travail de thèse met en lumière l’importance d’inclure une représentation réaliste du continuum terre/mer dans les modèles régionaux arctiques afin d’améliorer les estimés de flux de carbone dans cet océan changeant et fortement altéré par les modifications de ses bassins versants
About 10 % of atmospheric carbon dioxide is sequestered in the ocean above 60°N, half of which is in coastal seas where 10 % of the global riverine freshwater volume flows in. Five of the world’s largest rivers convey in the Arctic Ocean (AO) huge quantities of dissolved carbon in the organic (DOC) and inorganic (DIC) form. The response of the coastal ocean to this supply is still highly uncertain, which makes the assessment of air-sea CO2fluxes challenging in this remote region. It is thus timely to gain a better understanding of the impact of terrestrial carbon released by watersheds on air-sea CO2 fluxes in Arctic rivers plumes, especially in a context of global warming. In the present PhD thesis, the ECCO-Darwin ocean-sea ice-biogeochemical model is used to investigate the synoptic to interannual response of the South eastern Beaufort Sea (Western AO) to the Mackenzie River’s carbon exports. The model includes the very first daily terrestrial DOC (tDOC) runoff forcing estimated through merging riverine in situ measurements and coastal remotely sensed data at three major delta outlets, over the last two decades (2000-2019). We find that interannual variability in river discharge modulates localized air-sea CO2flux in the coastal plume with riverine DIC contributing twice as much as riverine DOC to CO2 outgassing. As current knowledge on tDOC remineralization in Arctic plume regions is still uncertain, the range of air-sea CO2 flux variability due to microbial remineralization is estimated to ±0.39 TgC yr−1 in 2009. Other biophysical processes also contribute to the high CO2 flux variability, such as tDOC flocculation (+0.14 TgC yr−1 in gassing) and enhanced plume stratification (+0.35 TgC yr−1 outgassing). To conclude, the work presented here intends to pave the way toward a better representation of the land-to-ocean continuum (LOAC) in regional Arctic models with the aim to improve the simulated carbon cycle in rapidly changing Arctic watersheds and coastal seas
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Duchiron, Bertrand. "Variabilité interannuelle de la pluviométrie dans l'espace riverain de l'océan indien." Paris 7, 2002.

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La variabilité pluviométrique interannuelle dans l'espace riverain de l'océan indien a été étudiée, sur la période 1946-1975, dans le but d'établir une régionalisation de cet espace puis d'établir des modèles de prévision de la pluviométrie à partir d'indicateurs océano-atmosphérique. A partir d'une base de données pluviométriques, un ensemble de 130 postes, répartis de façon la plus homogène possible dans l'espace d'étude, a été sélectionné. Les valeurs des précipitations lacunaires ont été restituées et l'ensemble du réseau validé. Des analyses multivariées (Analyses en Composantes Principales et des Classifications Ascendantes Hiérarchiques) ont été utilisées pour définir 21 régions pluviométriquement homogènes. Les chroniques de ces zones sont corrélées avec des indices d'anomalies de la circulation océano-atmosphérique sur les fuseaux Indien et Pacifique, avec des décalages de 1 à 3 mois. Pour trois régions, le sens des écarts à la moyenne de la chronique a été estimé au moyen de modèles Logit sur un pas de temps mensuel au coeur des saisons pluvieuses. Les résultats à une échéance d'un mois sont pertinents avec des taux d'erreurs inférieurs à 10%. A une échéance de deux et trois mois, le pourcentage de bonne prévision est supérieur à 80 pour les trois régions. Ces résultats valident le concept de l'utilisation des modèles Logit dans la prévision à moyen terme des tendances pluviométriques dans les régions tropicales
The interannual variability of rainfall in the coastal areas of the Indian ocean was analysed for the period 1946-1975 and regionalized then we establish statistical forcasting models of rainfall from oceano-atmospheric circulation indicators. A set of 130 well-spatially-distributed stations were selected from a pluviometric database. Missing values were statistically replaced and the output dataset was validated. Multivariate analyes (PCA and clustering analysis) were applied on these data to extract 21 homogeneous pluviometric regions. Times series are strongly correlated over a lag period ranging from 1 to 3 months with some atmospheric and oceanic anomaly indices recorded over the Indian and Pacific oceans. .
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Conference papers on the topic "Riverine plumes"


Foss, Dyan L., and Briant L. Charboneau. "Groundwater Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium Along the Columbia River at the Hanford Site in Washington State, USA." In ASME 2011 14th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site, formerly used for nuclear weapons production, encompasses 1500 square kilometers in southeast Washington State along the Columbia River. A principle threat to the river are the groundwater plumes of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), which affect approximately 9.8 square kilometers, and 4.1 kilometers of shoreline. Cleanup goals are to stop Cr(VI) from entering the river by the end of 2012 and remediate the groundwater plumes to the drinking water standards by the end of 2020. Five groundwater pump-and-treat systems are currently in operation for the remediation of Cr(VI). Since the 1990s, over 13.6 billion L of groundwater have been treated; over 1,435 kg of Cr(VI) have been removed. This paper describes the unique aspects of the site, its environmental setting, hydrogeology, groundwater-river interface, riverine hydraulic effects, remediation activities completed to date, a summary of the current and proposed pump-and-treat operations, the in situ redox manipulation barrier, and the effectiveness of passive barriers, resins, and treatability testing results of calcium polysulfide, biostimulation, and electrocoagulation, currently under evaluation.
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Arrieta, Richard M., Jay A. Farrell, Wei Li, and Shuo Pang. "Initial Development and Testing of an Adaptive Mission Planner for a Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicle." In ASME 2003 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2003.

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An Adaptive Mission Planner (AMP) was developed for the REMUS Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) in order to have the vehicle react to real-time sensor data and alter course for the purpose of chemical plume tracing. In order for a UUV to track a plume autonomously, it must implement search strategies in an intelligent manner as dictated by environmental circumstances without human intervention. Throughout the mission, the UUV will combine the sensed flow and concentration information to construct a map of likely source or plume locations. This AMP has been designed and tested in simulation at the University of California, Riverside, and has now been installed on the SPAWARSYSCEN-SD REMUS UUV. This paper will describe the search strategies and initial field tests which use the AMP to break away from the vehicle’s pre-programmed missions. Two sets of experiments are described herein. The first uses bathymetry as the environmental driving input. The second uses chemical concentration as the primary input.
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Chromec, Peter R., and Raymond J. Burelle. "Integration of an Energy From Waste Facility Into an Urban Environment." In 17th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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The maximum environmental benefits from a new Energy from Waste (EFW) facility may require locating the new plant close to both the source of the waste and the potential energy customers. This paper will present design features that were incorporated into several new EFW facilities to allow them to be located directly into urban environments while minimizing their impact on the community and often improving the quality of life for the surrounding communities. Locating the EFW facility directly into an urban community: • Minimizes the cost and the environmental impact of waste transport. • Allows electrical power to be generated at the point of consumption. • Provides thermal energy for district heating and cooling. • Reduces the dependence on imported fossil fuel for electrical generation and for heating / cooling. • Provides secure and well paying jobs for members of the community. • Reduces the carbon foot print of the community. • An EFW plant typically leads to higher recycling rate, both pre and post combustion. Some of the specific measures that have been considered for EFW plants in urban environment have included architectural enhancements, more stringent noise and odor control, significant reduction or even elimination of visible plumes. The two case studies included in this paper will be the new Isse´ane EFW plant in Paris and the recently awarded Riverside EFW plant in London.
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Guijarro Cebrián, Cristina. "La thématique de l'eau dans l'œuvre de Driss Chraïbi." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.

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En général, les écrivains francophones du Maghreb ont une liaison très forte avec l’eau étant donné que leurs pays d’origines sont riverains de la mer Méditerranée et de l’océan Atlantique. L'écrivain que je vous présente, Driss Chraïbi, est originaire de El Jadida, une petite ville située au bord de l’Atlantique à l’embouchure de l’Oum-er-Bia, le plus grand fleuve du Maroc. Pour lui, la présence de l’eau est importante pas seulement dans sa vie mais aussi dans son œuvre. Un de ses romans, La Mère du printemps, a comme sous-titre le nom du fleuve auprès duquel il est né. Chraïbi, comme signale François Mauriac dans Le romancier et ses personnages, souligne l’importance des lieux vécus même dans ses romans de fiction, et l’eau apparaît toujours comme un élément remarquable. D’un autre côté, l’eau sert à relier les différentes civilisations, la Méditerranée a toujours servi de moyen d’union entre les habitants d’une ou de l’autre rive ; elle représente aussi le radeau de sauvetage des immigrants qui cherchent une nouvelle opportunité, comme est le cas des personnages des Boucs. Une perspective postcoloniale (Bessière, Moura, Ashcroft, Griffiths, Tiffin) peut nous dévoiler toutes les représentations de l’eau dans l’imaginaire de cet écrivain du Maghreb et c’est l’approche que je propose pour cette communication.DOI:
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Ivanič, Peter, Hilda Kramáreková, and Martin Hetényi. "MODERN DIMENSIONS OF STS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS AND THEIR HERITAGE IN SLOVAKIA." In THE PATH OF CYRIL AND METHODIUS – SPATIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORICAL DIMENSIONS. Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2023.

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The heritage of Sts. Cyril and Methodius is part of the cultural wealth of several nations and countries, including Slovakia. The most famous present-day regular religious and cultural events dedicated to Sts. Cyril and Methodius are held in Nitra, Terchová, Bojná, Devín, Selce, Sečovce and Stropkov. In addition, Močenok organizes festivities associated with St. Gorazd, a disciple of the Thessalonian brothers. Regular local festivities are also held in some Roman Catholic parishes dedicated to Sts. Cyril and Methodius. After 1989, one could observe an increased degree of veneration of Sts. Cyril and Methodius also in the dedication of new sacral buildings in several villages in Slovakia. Currently, there are 106 larger sacral buildings (churches and chapels) in Slovakia under Cyril and Methodius’s patronage. The profane buildings that bear the name associated with Cyril and Methodius most often include educational institutions and their buildings (University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology of Cyril and Methodius at Comenius University Bratislava etc.). From among the medical institutions, this category includes the Hospital of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, which is part of the largest medical facility in Slovakia – University Hospital Bratislava. The symbolism of Cyril and Methodious was also found e.g. in the coat of arms of the village of Brodské in the district of Skalica. The coat of arms of this village near Skalica portrays two dominant figures who are sometimes interpreted as two Franciscans, but also as Sts. Cyril and Methodius. The second example is the coat of arms of the village of Nová Bošáca in the district of Nové Mesto nad Váhom, which – in addition to the typical plum tree – also includes the letters C and M, symbolizing the new patronage of the Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. Intangible assets also include street and square names. In eight Slovak cities (Bratislava-Devín, Košice-Krásna, Nitra, Poprad, Zvolen, Hlohovec, Sečovce and Vrbové) and in the village of Slovenské Nové Mesto, there are squares named after Cyril and Methodius. Within the street names category, we have identified urbanonyms such as: Sts. Cyril and Methodius Street (11x), St. Cyril and St. Methodius Street (1x), Cyril and Methodius Street (1x), Cyrillo-Methodian Street (2x), Cyril‘s Street (2x), Constantine‘s Street (1x), Methodius‘s Street (5x), St. Cyril‘s Riverside (1x), St. Methodius‘s Riverside (1x). The establishment of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Slovakia can be observed through the growing number of St. Cyril‘s relics also. Currently, the most important impetus for the development of a modern perception of the ever-vibrant legacy of Europe‘s patrons is the certification of the European Cultural Route of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, but also the commitment to future generations in the implementation of the key principles of the Council of Europe (human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and identity, dialogue, mutual exchange and cross-border and cross-century enrichment).
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