Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Risques naturels – Prévention'
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Orlandini, Jean-Charles. "La prévention des risques naturels par le droit de l'urbanisme." Nice, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NICE0067.
Full textNatural risks safety policy hesitates between two conflicted inclinations : town planning law, enough fitted out but mostly decentralized, and state administrative policy reserved for risks but infringing scope town planning law. Grounds' right is needlessly in competition with the less effective prefectoral risks policy. Its ineffectiveness add to structurals weakness of town planning decentralization for weaken general preventive system of naturals risks. Safety policy suffers from division town planning competence between locals collectivities or with state authorities in spite of its preventive vocation established by montain law, littoral law and L. 121-10 article, whatever its application needs to be improved
Ndoulou, Loubamono Evelyne Solange. "Risques naturels d'inondation et problèmes d'environnement au Gabon." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010507.
Full textBlanchi, Raphaële. "Contribution méthodologique à la conception d'une politique publique en matière de prévention des risques d'incendie de forêt : Application au plan de prévention des risques naturels." Paris, ENMP, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ENMP1045.
Full textPerherin, Céline. "La concertation lors de la cartographie des aléas littoraux dans les Plans de Prévention des Risques : enjeu majeur de prévention." Thesis, Brest, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BRES0114/document.
Full textThe development of Coastal risks prevention plans, identified as priorities after Xynthia storm in 2010, has revealed divisive debates, between the state services and territorial authorities, about coastal flooding or coastline recession mapping. This PhD research deals with the understanding of coastal hazards mapping. It analyses the factors which influence this process based on what do the maps represent for each stakeholder.The research results highlight that hazards studies sparsely come from territorial knowledge and are often approached from a complex expert angle. Thus, new knowledge is hardly managed by local stakeholders. Significant debates about technical aspects and the process of regulatory zoning conception lead to the fact that hazards mapping crystallizes the PPRL debates. Actually, these debates often hide different conceptions of prevention policy and opposing interests of stakeholders acting at different spatial and temporal scales. The few opened discussions purposed by state services during reference hazards mapping and zoning conception lead to a low territorialization of the PPRL and make their integration in local policies of coastal risks prevention and of land use planning difficult.Thus, this PhD highlights the crucial role of dialogue and of an input by the territory, in order to start an active appropriation of hazards knowledge and to enable the PPRL integration within the territorial public policy
Coco, Roger. "Le régime juridique de prévention et de réparation des risques naturels majeurs face aux exigences de justice sociale : le cas des Antilles francaises." Thesis, Antilles-Guyane, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AGUY0824/document.
Full textMajor natural hazards are more or less recurring threat for most people in the world. Natural disasters are both sources and revealing social and environmental inequalities in the world, but also in the French Republic. The French West Indies are very frequently and strongly hit by natural hazards. The answer in terms of crisis management, and beforehand, in terms of prevention, doesn’t seem to be up to the population’s challenges and needs. This is why we wonder, in this thesis, about the place of solidarity and equality in the legal system of major natural hazards. This is a major doctrinal concern in the constitution. The research of the relationship between major natural hazards law and environmental and social justice is the subject of this study, concerning the legal answer to the concerns of the underprivileged people and categories, which prove to be a priori the most struck by natural disasters. The limits of the legislation, inadequate resources and local practices, vulnerabilities worsening factor, the laxity of the national and territorial public authorities, the lack of risk culture and the "kokagneur" spirit of the populations (with behavior differences between Guadeloupe and Martinique), all these considerations make unreal the government’s proclaimed determination to solve the major natural hazards issues. Ways to strengthen solidarity are proposed. This contribution to risks research aims to bring to the players an interdisciplinary view of natural hazards issues, through the analysis of the legal system confronted with the requirement of social and environmental justice. The French West Indies are used as research support
Jaber, Alain. "Un système d'agents logiciels intelligents pour favoriser la coopération entre des systèmes d'aide à la décision dédiés à la prévention des risques naturels." ENSMP, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999ENMP0901.
Full textHajji, Hicham. "Gestion des risques naturels : une approche fondée sur l'intégration des données." Lyon, INSA, 2005. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2005ISAL0039/these.pdf.
Full textThere is a huge geographic data available with many organizations collecting geographic data for centuries, but some of that is still in the form of paper maps or in traditional files or databases, and with the emergence of latest technologies in the field of software and data storage some has been digitized and is stored in latest GIS systems. However, too often their reuse for new applications is a nightmare, due to diversity of data sets, heterogeneity of existing systems in terms of data modeling concepts, data encoding techniques, obscure semantics of data,storage structures, access functionality, etc. Such difficulties are more common in natural hazards information systems. In order to support advanced natural hazards management based on heterogeneous data, this thesis develops a new approach to the integration of semantically heterogeneous geographic information which is capable of addressing the spatial and thematic aspects of geographic information. The approach is based on OpenGIS standard. It uses it as a common model for data integration. The proposed methodology takes into consideration a large number of the aspects involved in the construction and the modelling of natural hazards management information system. Another issue has been addressed in this thesis, which is the design of an ontology for natural hazards. The ontology design has been extensively studied in recent years, we have tried throughout this work to propose an ontology to deal with semantic heterogeneity existing between different actors and to model existing knowledge present for this issue. The ontology contains the main concepts and relationships between these concepts using OWL Language
Gérin, Sarah. "Une démarche évaluative des Plans de Prévention des Risques dans le contexte de l'assurance des catastrophes naturelles : Contribution au changement de l'action publique de prévention." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00582692.
Full textGarry, Gérald. "Le risque d'inondation en France : recherche d'une approche globale du risque d'inondation et de sa traduction cartographique dans une perspective de prévention." Paris 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010576.
Full textThis search is an analysis of the risk of flood in its whole; it stresses the importance of teledetection and cartography. It will go through, in historical dynamic, a range of different space and time analysis : - natural and anthropic factors participating to the formation of the floods and the swellings of rivers. - the impact of such floods on the geographical environment, on its activities, goods and people. - the grading of these studies and cartography will enable us to define zones of vulnerability according to the land occupancy. - measures of prevention and management necessary to determine. Thus, this research intends to show that this risk is a consequence of numerous interactions, the different parts of which belong to various scientific or technical fields, and that a sensible approach of its mecanisms can only be made through general and interdisciplinary approach. It is also meant - by the choice of the examples given - to be the attempt of a synthesis of the main situations which can be seen in France
Le, Duff Matthieu. "Les risques naturels côtiers en Nouvelle-Calédonie : contribution pour une gestion intégrée : De la caractérisation du risque à la participation citoyenne, quelques perspectives pour la prévention des risques aux îles Loyauté." Thesis, Nouvelle Calédonie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NCAL0005.
Full textThe metropolitan strategy for the prevention of natural risks was built around a central tool, the Risk Prevention Plan. The other dimensions of prevention appear secondary, in particular, the aspect relating to the information of the population. The latter does not seem to receive the attention that it should despite the different regulatory frameworks built over time, as evidenced by the evaluation reports of the national major risk management strategy. The thesis questions the relevance of transposing this prevention model in New Caledonia. A territory whose historical, political, social, cultural and environmental specificities are such that the structuring tools of metropolitan policy appear to be poorly adapted or simply inapplicable. Put into practice in the Loyalty Islands, where land tenure is mainly governed by customary law, our approach aims to understand risk prevention more on the scale of an area, namely the coast, than through a given hazard, by involving populations and territorial actors. We will study the different types of pressure that can be exerted there, such as shoreline erosion and marine submersions. All this will be done while seeking to integrate the Aboriginal vision associated with both of these "natural hazards", as well as the particular space that is the shoreline. Finally, the thesis proposes avenues and tools that could be adopted and developed by the authorities of New Caledonia, in order to lead to the construction of a risk prevention model that has become a real tool for the sustainable development of territories
Meerpoël, Matthieu. "L'évolution du cadre juridique du déclenchement de l'action publique préventive dans le domaine des risques naturels et technologiques." Thesis, Lille 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL20017.
Full textPreventive management of natural and technological hazards is a major issue for state authorities, in regards to the people, property and the environment or in regards to the cost represented by the realization of such risks. Therefore, policy makers legally bound to protect these interests are required to initiate a preventive public action after evaluating and qualifying the risks. The level of hazard and the appropriateness and proportionality of preventive measures will be determined within a complex decision-making process. The policymakers then strive to reach the best possible compromise between freedom and security objectives within the framework of a delicate cost/benefit analysis. The law attempts to regulate this decision-making process by leaving a large and necessary margin of discretion to the public policy makers in determining the acceptability of the risk. This thesis will explore the process to reach this compromise, and in particular how the law governs it, manages this delicate issue and potentially controls the endorsed decisions
Do, khac Xuan thao. "Risques naturels et développement durable : Transformer les contraintes en opportunités. : exemple des risques liés aux inondations et aux cavités souterraines dans le Saumurois." Thesis, Angers, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ANGE0090.
Full textThe Saumur Communauté d'Agglomération is a territory subjected to several natural hazards such as floods by the Loire river or the Thouet river as well as ground movements due to hillsides and underground cavities.These natural hazards can generate risks and constitute constraints with regard to local public policies which consider them as obstacles to the proper development of the territory and as additional obligations in terms of regulations and information of the people. Nevertheless, by taking a different look and by adopting the global, cross-disciplinary, anticipatory, cross generational vision from sustainable development, these hazards can also be source of wealth and, if taken into account, source of opportunities. This intrinsic wealth is embedded in the patrimonial value of species, habitats, spaces, history, territorial identity and landscapes - value that has been acknowledged by UNESCO. This wealth also comes from realised gains from securitisation of the territory, its inhabitants, activities and goods made possible thanks to implementation of local preventive policies and risk management policies as well as technical and institutional innovations, more integrated development policies and territorial governance
Doussin, Nicolas. "Mise en œuvre locale d'une stratégie globale de prévention du risque d'inondation : le cas de la Loire moyenne." Phd thesis, Université de Cergy Pontoise, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00462076.
Full textGuillaume, Bertrand. "L'articulation entre évaluation et négociation environnementales : Concepts et techniques pour les politiques publiques de prévention et de gestion térritoriale des risques naturels." Paris, ENSAM, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ENAM0031.
Full textMengual, Paul-Gabriel. "Contribution à la caractérisation de la vulnérabilité des PME-PMI aux inondations : vers un instrument méthodologique d'autodiagnostic." Nice, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005NICE2035.
Full textThe objective of this work is to provide a flood hazard management tool and an assistance to companies. This instrument must give to the head of the company the means of « starting again the activity as fast as possible! » after a flood. It must guarantee a certain awakening of the risk : effects on the activity, the company organisation, clients relationships and/or suppliers, the cost of damage, the crisis management. . . . The use of preventive actions makes it possible to reduce the damage and the trading loss, and consequently companies enter a process of vulnerability reduction
Sindayihebura, Bernard. "De l'Imbo au Mirwa. Dynamique de l'occupation du sol, croissance urbaine et risques naturels dans la région de Bujumbura (Burundi)." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20013.
Full textSince first half of the twentieth century, Burundi knew deep changes social, economic, political and environmental characterized, inter alia, by a strong density and urban growth, by an increasing pressure on the natural environment and agricultural. After a presentation of the large features of the area, study and history of the settlement and land use before the years 1950, this work analyses and characterizes the recent transformations of the rural medium (of the birth of an agrarian landscape between the years 1930-50 until the current situation) and the stages of the urban growth through the example of the Bujumbura's agglomeration since 1925 to 2002. The question inherited these evolutions from the recrudescence of the natural risks is then tackled (flood and movement of mass), their more repeated occurences and their increasingly heavy consequences. A reflexion about the bases, setting conditions and prevention policy of the natural risks concluded this research
Vinet, Freddy. "Approche institutionnelle et contraintes locales de la gestion du risqueRecherches sur le risque inondation en Languedoc-Roussillon." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00288137.
Full textLa région Languedoc-Roussillon s'est révélé être un terrain d'étude de choix pour l'analyse des modes de production du risque et de sa prévention. Des crues catastrophiques récentes ont mis en exergue la relative faillite du système de gestion du risque existant. L'analyse des dommages et des victimes des inondations éclaire a posteriori le système de production du risque qui a prévalu pendant une trentaine d'années. Elle montre que les protections en place n'ont pu empêcher l'urbanisation des zones inondables. L'augmentation des enjeux et la diminution de l'acceptabilité du risque ont même occulté une réduction de la vulnérabilité due à l'amélioration du bâti.
Les recherches sur le risque inondation en Languedoc-Roussillon visent à apporter des éléments d'évaluation des mesures de gestion des risques. Il s'avère que la vision centrée sur la maîtrise de l'aléa perdure. Elle entraîne des dépenses coûteuses en protections structurelles. De plus, l'approche institutionnelle ou « top-down » de la prévention engendre des conflits et des mesures inadaptées au contexte méditerranéen. La prévention gagnerait à prendre en compte les spécificités des bassins versants méditerranéens pour rendre plus efficaces des mesures telles que le ralentissement dynamique, la réduction de la vulnérabilité ou l'alerte aux crues.
Face au développement parfois désordonné ou inadapté de la prévention, le déficit d'évaluation est flagrant en France. Il tient d'une part à des blocages culturels et politiques mais aussi à un manque cruel de données. Ce travail propose quelques pistes en analysant des bases de données spécialement constituées sur les dommages et les victimes des inondations. Il revient aussi sur la reconstruction postcatastrophe, domaine de recherche peu exploré en France et pourtant riche d'enseignements.
Michellier, Caroline. "Contribuer à la prévention des risques d'origine géologique :l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des populations dans un contexte de rareté de données. Les cas de Goma et Bukavu (RDCongo)." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/257755.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences
Magalhães, Alexandra de Oliveira. "Aléas et risques naturels (inondations, mouvements de terrain) dans le Nordeste du Brésil : une approche géographique appliquée à la Région du Cariri (Crato et Barbalha, Ceará)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019USPCC058.
Full textIn the Southern countries as elsewhere, the increasing seriousness of the consequences of natural disasters illustrates the essential part of an increasing vulnerability of populations, property and infrastructures, linked with demographic growth, poverty, social disparities and insufficient planning. In Brazil, legislative and operational responses followed the disasters which had occurred between 2008 and 2011 in several regions. Geographers should play an essential part in the preparation of such measures. This is the scope of this thesis, which is based upon a geographical approach of the question in the Cariri region of Northeast Brazil. This work also includes a comparative approach, in order to analyze lessons from the French experience in the domain of risk management and prevention, and to study the possibilities of transposing them in the Brazilian context. The analysis of local geographical factors (types of hazards, population and property at risk) is followed by that of information obtained about floods which occurred in the study area during the time of our research work and before. It also includes original data on mass movements at various scales which were identified from field work. Risk perception and management are investigated by the means of a questionnaire submitted to residents neighbouring rivers identified as dangerous. Part of these data are transcribed in the form of maps, in an attempt to draw a zonation of hazards, population and property at risk at local scale, in order to provide useful elements for an urban planning including risk management and prevention. This work is put in perspective through a review of disasters and risks at national scale, and of the measures that were taken at federal and more local scales. This review is used as a basis for a comparative study which bears on the management of natural disasters in France (Draguignan). Although the needs in delimitation of areas at risk are the same in both countries, the consequences which are drawn are different since, until now, there is no equivalent of the regulatory zoning of the French « PPRI », at least in the study area. However, if lessons can be transposed from one country to the other, this is mainly in this regulatory domain. Future orientations that can be retained from this work are mainly found in improvements that can be expected from wider and better organized interdisciplinary collaborations
Saint-Geours, Nathalie. "Analyse de sensibilité de modèles spatialisés : application à l'analyse coût-bénéfice de projets de prévention du risque d'inondation." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20203/document.
Full textVariance-based global sensitivity analysis is used to study how the variability of the output of a numerical model can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs. It is an essential component of model building as it helps to identify model inputs that account for most of the model output variance. However, this approach is seldom applied in Earth and Environmental Sciences, partly because most of the numerical models developed in this field include spatially distributed inputs or outputs . Our research work aims to show how global sensitivity analysis can be adapted to such spatial models, and more precisely how to cope with the following two issues: i) the presence of spatial auto-correlation in the model inputs, and ii) the scaling issues. We base our research on the detailed study of the numerical code NOE, which is a spatial model for cost-benefit analysis of flood risk management plans. We first investigate how variance-based sensitivity indices can be computed for spatially distributed model inputs. We focus on the “map labelling” approach, which allows to handle any complex spatial structure of uncertainty in the modelinputs and to assess its effect on the model output. Next, we offer to explore how scaling issues interact with the sensitivity analysis of a spatial model. We define “block sensitivity indices” and “site sensitivity indices” to account for the role of the spatial support of model output. We establish the properties of these sensitivity indices under some specific conditions. In particular, we show that the relative contribution of an uncertain spatially distributed model input to the variance of the model output increases with its correlation length and decreases with the size of the spatial support considered for model output aggregation. By applying our results to the NOE modelling chain, we also draw a number of lessons to better deal with uncertainties in flood damage modelling and cost-benefit analysis of flood riskmanagement plans
Mellas, Samira. "Evaluation du risque tsunamique sur le littoral atlantique marocain." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00826963.
Full textKouadio, Sekedoua Jules Athanase. "Les technologies smartphone comme outils d’aide à l’alerte face aux crues rapides en France : Expérimentations dans le Vaucluse et le Var." Thesis, Avignon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AVIG1163/document.
Full textThe information given on flash floods in real time should undoubtedly answers to the citizens needs aswell as to the politic and the safety services. Face to such objective, Smartphone could positivelycomplete the official institutional systems, especially thanks to the dynamic and nature of postedmessages, and to the social interactions they support. This study questions the opportunity ofdeveloping a proactive and innovative alert system using the Smartphone technologies to face therisks due to flash flood hazards. A first study focuses on several alert systems existing actually inFrance but we quickly aim at identifying limits (legal rules, technologies and scientific problems) andchallenges usefulness and opportunities in the numeric sphere) of our objective in general manner.Finally, a local study in Var and Vaucluse permits us to see if population and local stakeholdersshould be interested (or not) by a smartphone application. The proposed solution tries to achieve amajor challenge: reducing the gap between a state approach (top-down), which positions and imposedthe state as the main official alert source, and the citizen action (bottom-up) which establishes theindividual as “Citizen sensor” (both in go up or disseminate information) through the use of issmartphone. Meeting this challenge is indispensable if we hope effectively minimizing material andhuman damages especially when high temporal acuity phenomena such as flash floods happen
Gruzelle, Anatole. "Recherche sur le risque des mouvements de terrain rapides : la stratégie préventive peut-elle être modélisée ? Approche comparative de bassins de risque au Brésil, en France et au Maroc : de l'identification du risque vers une démarche proactive." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0157.
Full textWhen facing major natural risks, preventive tools must be renewed in urban areas, because the growth of cities leads to pressures on natural environment, which might be a source of danger. Minimizing the vulnerability of populations is an international challenge : at this level, shifting from “informing populations” to “assessing risks” for users and dwellers is a key objective, which I made mine in this PhD dissertation. A geographer’s work consists in studying the spatial, socio-spatial and territorial specifications of risks, as well as their environmental implications, so as to contribute to their sustainable management. This thesis is a contribution to the study of the interaction between Human and natural environment in the frame of the analysis of the risk of landslides in various scales. This research, whiz is firmly interdisciplinary and intercultural, and inscribed in a multi-scalar approach consisted in : assessing the worldwide state of affairs of the risk of landslides resulting from heavy rains and causing serious accidents ; defining a socio-geographical research protocol for both direct and indirect observation of territories and their populations, then implementing it to three hazard areas in Brazil, France and Morocco ; processing and interpreting the sampled data from the angle of the perception and representation of risks to facilitate
Desrues, Mathilde. "Surveillance opérationnelle de mouvements gravitaires par séries temporelles d'images." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021STRAH002.
Full textUnderstanding the dynamics and the behavior of gravitational slope movements is essential to anticipate catastrophic failures and thus to protect lives and infrastructures. Several geodetic techniques already bring some information on the displacement / deformation fields of the unstable slopes. These techniques allow the analysis of the geometrical properties of the moving masses and of the mechanical behavior of the slopes. By combining time series of passive terrestrial imagery and these classical techniques, the amount of collected information is densified and spatially distributed. Digital passive sensors are increasingly used for the detection and the monitoring of gravitational motion. They provide both qualitative information, such as the detection of surface changes, and a quantitative characterization, such as the quantification of the soil displacement by correlation techniques. Our approach consists in analyzing time series of terrestrial images from either a single fixed camera or pair-wise cameras, the latter to obtain redundant and additional information. The time series are processed to detect the areas in which the Kinematic behavior is homogeneous. The slope properties, such as the sliding volume and the thickness of the moving mass, are part of the analysis results to obtain an overview which is as complete as possible. This work is presented around the analysis of four landslides located in the French Alps. It is part of a CIFRE/ANRT agreement between the SAGE Society - Société Alpine de Géotechnique (Gières, France) and the IPGS - Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg / CNRS UMR 7516 (Strasbourg, France)
Goussebaile, Arnaud. "Prevention and insurance of natural disasters." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLX014/document.
Full textWorld economic losses due to natural disasters have increased faster than GDP in the last three decades because risky regions have sustained growing population and low prevention measures. Moreover, only a third of these losses are insured and the low penetration of insurance generates undesirable wealth fluctuation for affected population. In this context and in the perspective of climate change, reducing natural disaster losses and increasing insurance coverage have become main challenges for our societies, which are addressed in the present thesis. Low current levels of prevention measures and insurance coverage can be explained by the numerous market imperfections and poorly designed public policies, as detailed in the introductive chapter of the dissertation. It is thus crucial to better understand these market failures and the role of public policies to improve both of them. Chapter 2 investigates preventive behaviors in the context of city development. By featuring an urban model, it shows that riskier areas are developed nearer to the city center than further away, investment in building resilience leads to more concentrated cities and riskier areas get lower household density and higher building resilience. Moreover, insurance subsidy leads to risk over-exposure through increase of density in the riskiest areas and general decrease of resilience. This analysis highlights the negative effects of subsidization and the role that can be played by urban policies such as density restrictions and building codes. The following chapters deal with risk sharing in the context of risk correlation, a main feature of natural disaster risks. In a model of a risky economy with potential risk dependence between individuals, chapter 3 shows that Pareto optimal allocation of risks can be reached thanks to stock insurance companies in competition and a reduced number of financial assets. This result, which is valid without market imperfections, requires in particular that agents be fully liable for their contracts in each state of nature. In practice, to limit the default on liabilities in catastrophic states, public policies require agents to secure financial reserves. Chapters 4 and 5 investigate the issue of risk correlation when securing financial reserves is costly. Chapter 4 analyzes how the probability of a risk affects the purchase of insurance by risk-exposed individuals. It demonstrates that individuals are more inclined to insure for low-probability risks than for high-probability risks with standard insurance costs, but result is reversed when reserve related costs are added. Chapter 5 examines the optimal design of insurance contracts when individual risks are correlated in a community. It shows that the optimal contract consists in partial insurance against individual risk, with a lower indemnity in catastrophic states than in normal states, and potentially some dividend in normal states. The last chapter concludes by opening on further possible research related to prevention and insurance of natural disasters
Borelly, Audrey. "Comment mesurer l'influence de l'information préventive sur les risques majeurs ? : L'intérêt de la mise en situation sur maquette." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAU011/document.
Full textSince 1987, populations have been granted access to preventive information about major risks. It is passed down through a variety of methods, from regulatory documents (DICRIM, PPI brochure etc.) to original supports and alternative expression forms (plays, video clips, exhibitions etc.). Direct questionnaires to populations already assess the efficiency and impact of first category preventive information. However, these assessments do not check whether the information has actually induced adapted behaviors when confronted to stressful conditions, as is the case with extreme events. On the other hand, the impact of second category information appears under-studied, while it is characterized by original methods and tools. These methods, borrowed from arts and pedagogy, generate an interesting popular response, by activating emotions and resorting to sensory stimulation. As a matter of fact, communication science has shown that mobilizing sense and emotions helps with message memorization.In the face of these observations, this thesis proposes to assess how different ways to pass down preventive information influence behavior in a fictional crisis situation. To that end, a new method inspired from arts and role play has been created and experimented upon.Therefore, the study first compares this new method to the classic questionnaire method, and secondly, it opposes regulatory documents to alternative information. By focusing on floods, earthquakes and gas emanation risks, the comparison has been set up and studied on three different sites in Isère in France: Grenoble, Jarrie et Saint-Egrève. The respondents were presented a 3D model as the operating stage, and then confronted to typical dilemmas that can stem from emergency situations. Here, this thesis has highlighted reactions that surveys cannot reveal: reflex actions sometimes contradicting the respondents’ knowledge, hesitations, etc. Benefits and limits of preventive information are thereby more accurate, and depend on circumstances as well as on the respondents’ sociogeographic profiles. The results demonstrate how necessary it is to multiply and diversify the modes of information transmission, and to adapt them to specific audiences, through experience sharing and crisis contextualization
Moatty, Annabelle. "Pour une Géographie des reconstructions post-catastrophe : risques, sociétés et territoires." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30047/document.
Full textThe post-disaster reconstruction has emerged relatively recently in the hazards’ scientific literature. It has long been, in France and in developed countries, as if the amounts of money drained by the compensation process and solidarity were sufficient to recover efficiently. However the recurrence of disasters, sometimes in the same territories, questioned the effectiveness of preventive logic. Our approach of the reconstruction is systemic and aims at analyzing the interactions between risk, societies and territories. The study of the reconstruction process periods through a medium and long-term feedback allows to define the operating rules, and to define "good and bad practices" regarding the objectives of risk reduction and sustainable development. The lack of anticipation, the several uncertainties and the emergency in which the decisions are taken are leading, in many cases, to risk persistence and to increase the social gaps. When preventive ethics is integrated into the process remains punctual and marginal, the rule being the reproduction of existing socio-spatial systems. The reconstruction process does not start from a "zero state", it is subject to territorial and political constraints, and must lead to make an appropriate response to the needs of affected communities. Thus, in order to make the post-disaster reconstruction a preventive opportunity, an anticipatory effort is needed - though necessarily limited - it must be accompanied by an ex post planning
Thénard, Lucas. "Torrents et torrentialité dans la vallée de la Guisane : contribution d'une étude géographique à la gestion durable du risque torrentiel à Serre-Chevalier (Briançonnais; Hautes-Alpes; France)." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10161/document.
Full textSince the 1950’s, the creation of Serre-Chevalier has led municipalities to the Guisane valley into a deep socio-economic regeneration. Once safely neglected, many areas have then been massive urbanization. The alluvial fans are privileged to be part of this rivalry space, and therefore the risk area. Relations "torrents-society" are quite conflicting, and the integration of risk in torrential development projects or development is still often perceived as a burden. This work is characterized by a transversal approach and multiscale coupling of field investigations and analysis carried out ex situ. The diagnosis of torrential hazard depends mainly on the concept of "potential" to detach from the "straitjacket" normal zoning history. The study of contemporary morphological adjustments helped to better understand the diversity of local configurations, but also the inexorable rise of vulnerability to the development of Serre-Chevalier. The development perspective of past and current management of risk has put forward some proposals, including from a significant focus on prevention information, education, and especially the issues. Furthermore, a system of information on risk torrential in Serre-Chevalier (SIRTOS) was designed. This would facilitate decision making by its interoperability, its enrichment, its integration into development projects, and thus lead to more sustainable management of the torrential risk
Estrada, Díaz Gabriela. "Mise en pratique de la politique de prévention de catastrophes au Mexique : Enjeux en milieu urbain : Le cas de la ville de Minatitlán." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PESC1076/document.
Full textThis dissertation explores the responses developed by the Mexican government for tackling the challenges presented by natural and man-made risks. The country counts indeed with a number of strategies for managing emergencies, and it performs quite well on reconstructing infrastructures and facilities on the aftermath of the numerous natural disasters that afflict its territory every year. This is possible thanks to the financial means available for reconstruction in the national annual budget. However, the recurrence of natural and man-made disasters, indicate a lack of planning policies and practices that could actually prevent that the existing risks become real disasters, specially in urban areas.The case of study is the city of Minatitlán. This city offers an example of how the disaster prevention policy lacks effectiveness on reducing major risks. In Minatitlán, nature is harsh and inflicts recurring floods in its territory, but human groups have certainly some responsibility in the repetition of disasters since they choose a location rather inadequate for urbanization, and implemented low-resilient development patterns. When oil industry established in the area, it reinforced the characteristics of urbanization (illegal settlements) and contributed to weaken the resistance of the settlement to disasters.At the heart of this study lays an interrogation about the operational conditions of a national disaster prevention policy in Mexico, given the local conditions that intervene in its effectiveness: geographical, socio-economical, institutional and socio-cultural frames. Therefore, the study focuses on a global comprehension of urban systems and how different elements relate to produce a specific condition of vulnerability, taking into account the multi-dimensionality of the concept.The study is presented in three parts. The first one explores the theoretical framework of the following analysis. In the second part, a couple of analysis relied on the use of public information rather accessible in Mexico. The data and texts were used with a laying interrogation about the indications they could give about the risk situations in Mexican urban settlements. Finally, the third part of the dissertation focuses on exploring the socio-cultural factors of vulnerability, namely the social representation of risk, under the premise that it has a major impact on individual and social behavior in risk (and disasters) situations.The case of Minatitlán confirms the tight links among risks and urban development. In this city, the risk has historically represented an opportunity for development. The institutional framework for risk prevention emerges well after the city was a consolidated urban settlement, but it has not been able to offer substantial changes and one can conclude that the current situation arranges a number of groups that do not see any incentive for improving the prevention strategies or enforcing planning measures. Then, a transition towards more resilient scenarios, specially in a context of climate change, is not foreseeable in the coming years.Moreover, the civil protection policy in Mexico favors a top-down public intervention in disaster periods, where each government level intervenes up to their financial and physical powers. At the lowest end of this chain, are local populations, the victims of disasters, are not encouraged to participate or become actual actors of local prevention.This being the current state of affairs in Minatitlán, the public action as well as the social representation of risks and disasters, are both contributing to maintaining a situation where prevention is not the main goal of the disaster policy
Péroumalnaïk, Mathias. "Etude contextuelle d'un système de classeurs de type Pittsburgh adapté dans le cadre de la prévention des risques cycloniques dans la Caraïbe." Antilles-Guyane, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AGUY0387.
Full textThis study is carried out in the framework of an Interreg IIlb project (European and regional funds): "Forecast of the trajectories, of evolution of the dynamic potential and the impact of hurricanes at the scale of the islands of the Caribbean. ". The objective of that Ph. D thesis is to study the use of a leaming system, the Adapted Pittsburgh Classifier System (APCS), in order to perform a prediction of the impact of the winds related to a cyclonic phenomenon at the Caribbean islands level, and more particulary for the territory we selected to perform this study: the island of Guadeloupe. Our design of the impact of a hurricane was developped in relation to the physical and statistical data that was provided. Due to this data, we had to model hurricanes as ponctual phenomenons, contrary to what they are in reality: continuous phenomenons. Nevertheless, in arder to take in account each possible case of use, we studied the performances and the behavior of APCS on both classification and multi-step problems (reintroduction of the prediction in the cognitive chain). Our measures and experiments allowed us to bring some major improvements to this particular cognitive system, in each case of learning problem previously proposee. We conclude our study by a presentation of the work carried out within a geographic information systems in order to collect the data and to perform and visualize the final prediction. A prototype of the final PREVIOS platform is availale online at the following adress : http://murene. Univ-aq. Fr:8008/
Bourgeois, Julie. "Vivre avec la démence à domicile : évaluation des situations à risque pour le patient et de la vigilance chez l'aidant informel." Grenoble 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE29035.
Full textThe growing proportion of people with Alzheimer's disease living at home poses problems about their safety and accompaniment. Cognitive inpairment from dementia involves memory and judgement difficulties which have repercussions on their daily life and expose them to situations of risk. The caregiver's concern is to preserve the safety of his relative, supervising, identifying and anticipating the difficulties in order to avoid risks situations. This implicit responsability, qualified as "vigilance", is an integral part of the caregivers tasks. The first aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of safety problems at home in a sample of patients with demencia seen (n=103) in a memory consultation clinic. Results show that all of the people with dementia were exposed to risks at home. The most common risks reported concerned fires, food and medication. The use of the Safety Assessment Scale is useful in the context of consultation to determine the risks at home and to focus the interview with the caregivers torwards preventing accidents and improving quality of life in the home settings. The second empirical goal of this study is to mesure, qualitatively and quantitatively, the level of vigilance of caregivers of people with dementia. Results show subgroups of caregivers with a very high level of vigilance, feeling they must now be available for their relative 24H/24. The reasons often include some patient's safety and risky behaviours, including wandering. The third aim is to explore factors associated with caregivers vigilance. The level of vigilance is associated with patient features (dependance in activities of daily living, home risks) and with characteristics of the caregiver (burden, psychological disorders). Propositions are offered in order to improve safety at home for people with dementia, and to support caregivers identified as psychologically vulnerable
Bédard, Rachelle. "Une analyse sociologique de la gestion mondiale du risque de désastres: Le cas de la Stratégie internationale pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/26847.
Full textCalvet, Fabrice. "L'appréhension juridique du risque d'érosion côtière." Thesis, Perpignan, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PERP1194.
Full textThe aim of this study is to analyze how the risk of coastal erosion is apprehended at a legal point of view. This natural risk is characterized by a gradual encroachment of the sea on land, intending to grow in the coming decades according to the latest scientific reports. However, it is observed that beside this, the metropolitan coast are home to an increasingly growing population ; so we find the meeting of two contradictory trends. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to observe the legal consequences of this confrontation. So, in order to achieve the reconciliation of these issues, we will demonstrate the importance of the development of public policies for managing coastal erosion in favor of an integrated approach, based on fundamental principles of ICZM. Our study will thus provide a legal expression of this development
Pottier, Nathalie. "L'Utilisation des outils juridiques de prévention des risques d'inondation : évaluation des effets sur l'homme et l'occupation des sols dans les plaines alluviales (application à la Saône et à la Marne)." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ENPC9825.
Full textMavoungo, Joseph. "La Vulnérabilité des populations des Petites Antilles face au risque sismique, l'exemple de la Martinique : Aspects comportementaux, cognitifs, perceptifs; gestion préventive de proximité et aménagement des espaces de vie." Antilles-Guyane, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AGUY0194.
Full textThis thesis proposes a study of the vulnerability of the insulars populations face to the seismic risks from the first example of Martinique (Lesser Antilles). This choice was made especially because of the fact that this French isle, located at the heart of the seismogen zone of the highest magnitude observed, has not yet known an important earthquake since the destructive one of 1839. This isle is also open to others Caribbean spaces as the isle of Dominica. Our approach of this vulnerability will be systemic. It takes its foundation on a long campaign of investigation which privileged the human component rather than the physic component, the first one not being enough taken into consideration in the works of preventive plannification. This work shows the importance of the consideration of perceptive and cognitive factors and of the others social, cultural, psycholosociologic and economic factors associated as fundamental elements of incline and even of determination of the components of the populations before, while and after a potential seismic crisis. In all, the thesis shows that seismic risk is not a natural thing. Depending on the connection of human behaving to their natural environment, it can be controled when the population exposed, passes from fatalism to a dynamic preventive, supported by the local and national politics. We have developed a particular methodology of evolution of the vulnerability, standing at the same time on geographic criterions and intrinsic to human, which emerge on the production of a cartography of the types and level of vulnerability, of perception and of knowledge of risk. This methodology is reproducible on others insulars territories
Catroux, Fanny. "L'impact du risque sur l'évolution du droit : l'exemple des droits de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement." Nice, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006NICE0005.
Full textLied within contradictory logics, risk and law should theoretically follow separate ways, if not divergent. This original antagonism is surpassed by preventive function assigned to town planning and environment laws. Both of these, closely linked with urbanisation, deal with natural and technological risks. Risks legal framing supposes a prospective approach and a retrospective one as well. The first one is ideally based on risk anticipation while the second one aims at taking care of prejudicial consequences of its realization. This legal treatment also brings change of law by risk. Thus, first observation of antinomy between risk and law gives way to acknowledgment of their reciprocal influence
Merlhiot, Gaëtan. "Perception des risques, incertitude et prise de décision en situation de catastrophe naturelle liée au volcanisme." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CLF20019.
Full textThe overall aim of this thesis is to examine the decision-making of individuals at risk of natural disaster, specifically related to volcanism, and to achieve potential applications, notably to improve the decision-making of individuals at risk. We focused on the uncertainty, an essential aspect of natural disaster events, which greatly impacts individuals’ emotions and decision-making. On the one hand, the situational uncertainty is an essential component for prospective emotions such as fear, and on the other hand, the uncertainty of consequences determines the use of affect heuristics (emotions used as relevant aspects of the decision) in decision-making (system 1). This doctoral thesis followed three complementary axes. In the first axis, namely Situational Uncertainty, Framing Effect and Decision-Making, we exhibited that the mere exposure to situational uncertainty could negate the framing effect, which could be explained, based on previous works, by an increase of systematic processing (system 2), stemming from the processes of the fronto-amygdala regulation. In the second axis, Uncertainty of Consequences, Information to Population and Decision-Making, we have evidenced that a reduction of the uncertainty of consequences applied to the information to population could improve, under certain circumstances, the individuals’ decisions. This effect was only identified in situations of highly charged anticipatory emotions (home environment, moral dilemmas), which are frequently encountered situations during natural disasters. Lastly, in the third axis, Creation of a Stimuli Dataset for the Study of the Human Behavior Facing Natural Hazard, we detailed the conception and validation of an image dataset dedicated to natural disasters and volcanism, named “Natural Disasters Picture System” (NDPS)
Magné, Joëlle. "Caractérisation d'un modèle de dysfonction endothéliale postprandiale chez le rat sain : Intérêt de la modulation de la nature des protéines en termes de prévention du risque cardiovasculaire." Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005590.
Full textMagné, Joëlle. "Caractérisation d’un modèle de dysfonction endothéliale postprandiale chez le rat sain : intérêt de la modulation de la nature des protéines en termes de prévention du risque cardiovasculaire." Paris, AgroParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.paristech.org/5590/01/ManuscriptThèse_JoëlleMagné.pdf.
Full textJia, Xiaojuan. "Fuzzy logic based decision support system for mass evacuation of cities prone to coastal or river flood." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00858055.
Full textGuiton, Martine. "Ruissellement et risque majeur crue centennale en milieu urbanisé. Etudes de cas : Le Grand-Bornand, Nîmes, Paris et Vaison-La-Romaine." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1994. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00569131.
Full textWells, Stéfanie. "Planification territoriale et résilience des villes au lendemain de catastrophes naturelles : regards croisés sur le rétablissement de la Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane et de La Baie au Saguenay." Thèse, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/5434.
Full textA higher rate of catastrophic events has brought societies to set out the conditions of proactive “natural” risk management. As a result, and from an exploratory perspective, we are studying post-disaster recovery planning processes and the importance of the concept of urban resilience in these planning practices as well as the contents and products which stem from it. More specifically, we begin reflecting upon the intelligibility and operationalization of resilience. To do so, we will focus on two significant cases of flooding in North America: New Orleans, Louisiana, and the city of La Baie, Quebec, which were respectively victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 and of torrential rain in 1996. After a brief contextualization of these disasters, of their effects and of the physico-spatial vulnerabilities that they highlighted, we will link pre-disaster institutional logic regarding territorial planning, urban planning, and city risk management. Next, we observe the evolution of these two recovery planning processes as well as their characteristic issues and debates, finishing with a overview of subsequent resiliency changes. The last two chapters demonstrate that the quality of resilience of cities is strongly influenced by political, administrative and legislative culture as well as urban traditions. While they were able to design risk prevention strategies which accept flooding rather than trying to oppose it at all costs, they did not fully grasp all the opportunities that were offered to them.