Academic literature on the topic 'Risk management'

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Journal articles on the topic "Risk management"


Alsulami, Naif K. "Risk Management in Health Management." Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 11, no. 10 (October 30, 2023): 33–37.

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The study of this paper investigates the crucial function of risk management in healthcare administration. It centers around the different sorts of dangers in medical services and their motivation on quiet security, care quality, and authoritative execution. The use of technology, the importance of risk management, risk consideration and mitigation strategies, and the challenges faced by healthcare organizations are all examined in this section. It keeps up by underlining the situation with fostering a gamble mindfulness in regard to effectively accomplishing chances and working on understanding results in the troublesome medical services setting.
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Ritchie, Bob. "Supply Chain Risk Management." International Conference on Business & Technology Transfer 2004.2 (2005): 8–23.

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Agustina, Linda, Kuat Waluyo Jati, Niswah Baroroh, Ardian Widiarto, and Pery N. Manurung. "Can the risk management committee improve risk management disclosure practices in Indonesian companies?" Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18, no. 3 (September 6, 2021): 204–13.

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This study examines the role of the risk management committee as a moderating variable. The risk management committee will moderate the relationship between firm size, profitability, ownership concentration, and the size of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) disclosure board. The study is based on agency theory, which discusses the relationship between management and company owners and shareholders. The research sample consisted of 56 manufacturing companies in Indonesia with 224 units of analysis obtained using the purposive sampling technique. It has been proven that the risk management committee can moderate the relationship between firm size and ERM disclosure and ownership concentration and ERM disclosure. Company size is known to affect the disclosure of risk management in a company. But ownership concentration shows different things, that is, it does not affect corporate risk management disclosures. The results also show that the risk management committee cannot moderate the relationship between profitability and the size of the board of commissioners on the company’s risk management disclosures. It has also not been proven that profitability and the size of the board of commissioners directly affect corporate risk management disclosures. Thus, it can be stated that the risk management committee plays a role in controlling the extent of the company’s risk management disclosures; this is necessary to maintain stakeholder trust in the company.
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Wauters, E., F. van Winsen, Y. de Mey, and L. Lauwers. "Risk perception, attitudes towards risk and risk management: evidence and implications." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 60, No. 9 (September 30, 2014): 389–405.

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The comprehensive risk analysis of a business such as farming entails questions on what is at stake, how important is the risk concern and how to deal with it. We performed a sequential mixed method, with the in-depth interviews in the first stage (n = 35), followed by a survey on the Flemish FADN (n = 614) in the second, to investigate the farmers’ risk perception, the attitudes towards risk and the perceived usefulness of the risk management strategies. We find that, rather than the short-term volatility in prices, the longer term co-evolution of expenses versus receipts is of a major concern to farmers, next to the land availability and the policy risks. Farmers are shown to be only slightly risk averse, rather risk neutral even. Further, our results suggest that farmers do not consider extensively studied risk management strategies such as contracts, futures and insurances, a valid option for their farm, and put more faith in internal strategies such as the debt management, the liquidity management and diversification. Last, risk management is to a substantial degree performed at the household level, rather than at the farm level, with strategies such as cutting the private expenses and the off-farm employment. These results hardly differ according to the farm and farmer characteristics.  
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Malek, Shakil S., Nazneen I. Pathan, and Haaris Mal. "Risk Management in Construction Industry." Indian Journal of Applied Research 3, no. 6 (October 1, 2011): 377–79.

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Fischer Hirs, Chris, and Rüdiger Seitz. "The ART of Risk Management." RISKNEWS 1, no. 4 (August 2004): 58–61.

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Henebry, Kathleen L., Berndt Brehmer, and Nils-Eric Sahlin. "Future Risks and Risk Management." Journal of Risk and Insurance 63, no. 3 (September 1996): 544.

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Mishchenko, Svitlana, Svitlana Naumenkova, Volodymyr Mishchenko, and Dmytro Dorofeiev. "Innovation risk management in financial institutions." Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18, no. 1 (February 17, 2021): 190–202.

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The extensive use of financial technologies and innovations in the provision and utilization of financial products and services causes new risks that require constant attention. The article aims to improve innovation risk management methods to increase the operational stability of financial institutions in Ukraine. By generalizing international practice, the types of innovation risks are classified, and their impact on the activities of financial institutions and consumers is characterized. The attention is drawn to the control strengthening over the impact of operational and regulatory risks, based on important theoretical provisions contained in WBG, BIS, BCBS, and FSB documents. An organizational scheme for the interaction of a financial institution and an IT company is proposed to conclude “smart contracts” based on the use of a cloud service and blockchain technology. The authors propose additional methods of insurance protection and compensation for losses caused by the implementation of risks of using ICT and innovation based on creating the Collective Risk Insurance Fund of financial institutions; offer approaches to the calculation of variable and fixed parts of the contribution to the insurance fund for certain groups of financial institutions. It is concluded that to maintain the proper operational stability of financial institutions in Ukraine, it is necessary to introduce additional collective compensation methods for the risks of innovation and the strengthening of cyber threats.
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Spuchlakova, Erika, and Maria Misankova. "Risk management of Credit Default Swap." New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences 3, no. 4 (March 22, 2017): 229–34.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Risk management"


Krewski, D. "Risk and risk management." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1988.

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Černák, Peter. "Risk Management." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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The Master's Thesis deals with the topic of risk management in a non-financial company. The goal of this Thesis is to create a framework for review of risk management process and to practically apply it in a case study. Objectives of the theoretical parts are: stating the reasons for risk management in non-financial companies, addressing the main parts of risk management and providing guidance for review of risk management process. A special attention is paid to financial risks. The practical part applies the framework created in the theoretical part on a case study -- review/gap analysis of risk management process in a Czech non-financial companies operating in utilities. Risk management process in this company is described with a special attention to management of financial risk. Author's own remarks on the process and recommendations are stated in the practical part.
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Derrocks, Velda Charmaine. "Risk management." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2010.

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The objective of the study is to establish a perspective of risk management by doing an assessment of current risk management practices, especially in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 global financial crisis. Risk management, as a component of corporate governance, was analysed by addressing the following: - The nature of value-creating assets in business; - The primary challenges for risk management over the next three years; - The changing approaches towards risk management; - The role of legislation and external stakeholders; - The role of risk management in strategic planning; - The cost of risk management; and - The benefits of improved risk management capabilities. A survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire in order to obtain primary information from business owners on the current role of risk management in their organisations as well as their view on the role of risk management going forward. Businesses operating in the Port Elizabeth and surrounding area with an existing relationship with Absa Business Banking Services participated in the study. Quantitative techniques were used to analyse the data that were obtained from the sample group. The study revealed that the role of risk management in enterprises is evolving into an integrated, enterprise wide risk management function that can be utilised as a source of competitive advantage, from both a funding perspective for Banks and a business perspective for business owners. Capitalising on risk management as a competitive advantage will ultimately lead to long term sustainability and profitability of South African business enterprises and the South African Banking system.
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Lin, Yijia. "Mortality Risk Management." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2006.

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This is a multi–essay dissertation in the area of mortality risk management. The first essay investigates natural hedging between life insurance and annuities and then proposes a mortality swap between a life insurer and an annuity insurer. Compared with reinsurance, capital markets have a greater capacity to absorb insurance shocks, and they may offer more flexibility to meet insurers’ needs. Therefore, my second essay studies securitization of mortality risks in life annuities. Specifically I design a mortality bond to transfer longevity risks inherent in annuities or pension plans to financial markets. By explicitly taking into account the jumps in mortality stochastic processes, my third essay fills a gap in the mortality securitization modeling literature by pricing mortality securities in an incomplete market framework. Using the Survey of Consumer Finances, my fourth essay creates a new financial vulnerability index to examine a household’s life cycle demand for different types of life insurance.
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El-Ashry, A. E. M. E. "Aviation risk management." Thesis, City University London, 1986.

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Risk management is considered to be an application of general concepts in scientific management of a particular problem of exposure to risk of loss. It is concerned with identifying objectives, analysing the data regarding the nature of the problem, evaluating the pure risks deriving from the nature of the business and choosing or finding the most suitable method or methods of handling these risks; aiming to control them and their effects as well as minimizing the cost. The field of aviation has grown very quickly and developed faster in the last few years to reach the present level of operation and technology by introducing more advanced and higher capacity airliners. Therefore, aviation risks and their financial impact exhibit a number of distinguishing characteristics that raise problems for traditional risk management and insurance technique in dealing with such risks. The study reviews, analyses and classifies aviation risks and their characteristics as well as the major hazards involved in aircraft and their operation. The research undertakes to review the international conventions and agreements affecting air transportation and the limits of liabilities affecting those who operate airlines internationally in respect of death, injury or damage caused to passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties as well as safety and security of aircraft in the air and on the ground. It also studies and analyses the international jet airliner fleet, their accidents and their causes to provide a basis of choosing suitable risk levels in managing these risks.
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A dissertação, com o título Gerenciamento Integrado de Riscos de Projetos, propõe uma metodologia de análise quantitativa de riscos de projetos integrando os riscos financeiros, como variações cambiais, inflação, preços de commodities, à análise quantitativa dos riscos operacionais. No estudo, os riscos operacionais são quantificados através da geração de cenários de fluxo de caixa do projeto utilizando simulação Monte Carlo. Os preços e taxas são simulados através de um modelo econométrico e incorporados aos cenários de fluxo de caixa do projeto, de forma a apresentarmos uma curva de distribuição de probabilidade acumulada da margem do projeto. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada ao projeto de uma termelétrica à carvão. Ao incorporarmos esta metodologia a todos os projetos da empresa, podemos também avaliar os riscos da carteira de projetos, avaliando a liquidez e saúde financeira da empresa.
The dissertation, entitled Integrated Risk Management Project proposes a methodology for quantitative analysis of project risks by integrating the financial risks such as exchange rate fluctuations, inflation, commodity prices, the quantitative analysis of operational risks. In the study, operational risks are measured through the generation of cash flow scenarios for the project using Monte Carlo simulation. Prices and fees are simulated using an econometric model and incorporated into the scenarios of project cash flow in order to introduce a distribution curve of cumulative probability of the margin of the project. The proposed methodology was applied to the design of a thermal coal. By incorporating this methodology to all projects within the company, we can also assess the risks of the project portfolio, assessing liquidity and financial health of the company. Keywords
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Yan, Lu. "Risk Management Project." Digital WPI, 2012.

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In order to evaluate and manage portfolio risk, we separated this project into three sections. In the first section we constructed a portfolio with 15 different stocks and six options with different strategies. The portfolio was implemented in Interactive Brokers and rebalanced weekly through five holding periods. In the second section we modeled the loss distribution of the whole portfolio with normal and student-t distributions, we computed the Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall in detail for the portfolio loss in each holding week, and then we evaluated differences between the normal and student-t distributions. In the third section we applied the ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model to simulate our assets and compared the polynomial tails with Gaussian and t-distribution innovations.
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Shen, Chen. "Risk Management Project." Digital WPI, 2012.

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In order to evaluate and manage portfolio risk, we separated this project into three sections. In the first section we constructed a portfolio with 15 different stocks and six options with different strategies. The portfolio was implemented in Interactive Brokers and rebalanced weekly through five holding periods. In the second section we modeled the loss distribution of the whole portfolio with normal and student-t distributions, we computed the Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall in detail for the portfolio loss in each holding week, and then we evaluated differences between the normal and student-t distributions. In the third section we applied the ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model to simulate our assets and compared the polynomial tails with Gaussian and t-distribution innovations.
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Koskela, Niklas, and Carolina Aspfjäll. "Agile Risk Management." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2021.

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This thesis was done in collaboration with Volvo Cars to inspect their risk management process in light of their recent change to an agile way of working. The question was if their actual risk management differentiates from their directive and if the company could in any way improve their agile risk management. By having qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees in the IT section of the company, we got the picture that not many knew about the IT Risk Management Directive that explains the process, but they are still working within its guidelines. Other sections of the company that is still working traditionally might also benefit from changing to an agile way. However, that would depend on the size of their projects and what kind of work they do since the agile methodology is more turned towards smaller projects that can change direction quickly.
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Vahdat, Kamran. "Seismic risk management." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2015.

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Seismic risk management is a problem of many dimensions, involving multiple inputs, interactions within risk factors, criteria, alternatives and stakeholders. The deployment of this process is inherently fraught with the issues of complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty, posing extra challenges in the assessment, modelling and management stages. The complexity of earthquake impacts and the uncertain nature of information necessitate the establishment of a systematic approach to address the risk of many effects of seismic events in a reliable and realistic way. To fulfill this need, the study applies a systematic approach to the assessment and management of seismic risk and uses an integrated risk structure. The fuzzy set theory was used as a formal mathematical basis to handle uncertainties involved within risk parameters. Throughout the process, the potential impacts of an earthquake as the basic criteria for risk assessment were identified and relations between them were accommodated through a hierarchical structure. The various impacts of an earthquake are then aggregated through a composite fuzzy seismic risk index (FSRi) to screen and prioritize the retrofitting of a group of school buildings in Iran. Given the imprecise data which is the prime challenge for development of any risk model, the proposed model demonstrates a more reliable and robust methodology to handle vague and imprecise information. The significant feature of the model is its transparency and flexibility in aggregating, tracing and monitoring the risk impacts. The novelty of this study is that it serves as the first attempt of the process of a knowledge base risk-informed system for ranking and screening the retrofitting group of school buildings. The model is capable of integrating various forms of knowledge (quantitative and qualitative information) extracted from different sources (facts, algorithms, standards and experience). The outcomes of the research collectively demonstrate that the proposed system supports seismic risk management processes effectively and efficiently.
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Books on the topic "Risk management"


Brehmer, Berndt, and Nils-Eric Sahlin, eds. Future Risks and Risk Management. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Berndt, Brehmer, and Sahlin Nils-Eric, eds. Future risks and risk management. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

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Chorafas, Dimitris N. Management Risk. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2004.

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Lee, Hongmu. Risk Management. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Florio, Cristina, Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala, Philip Mark Linsley, and Philip Shrives, eds. Risk Management. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Bérard, Céline, and Christine Teyssier, eds. Risk Management. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017.

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Frenkel, Michael, Ulrich Hommel, and Markus Rudolf, eds. Risk Management. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.

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Kendall, Robin. Risk Management. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1998.

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Frenkel, Michael, Markus Rudolf, and Ulrich Hommel, eds. Risk Management. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005.

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Antonio, Borghesi, and Barbara Gaudenzi. Risk Management. Milano: Springer Milan, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "Risk management"


Pettinger, Richard. "Risk." In Management, 299–319. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2012.

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Kasser, Joseph Eli. "Risks and Risk Management." In Systemic and Systematic Risk Management, 47–73. First edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2020.: CRC Press, 2020.

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Poufinas, Thomas. "Risks and Risk Management." In Fixed Income Investing, 455–534. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Jeynes, Jacqueline. "Identifying Risk Factors and Assessing the Risks." In Risk Management, 11–38. 2nd ed. New York: CRC Press, 2023.

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Zhao, Xianbo, Bon-Gang Hwang, and Sui Pheng Low. "Risk Management and Enterprise Risk Management." In Enterprise Risk Management in International Construction Operations, 33–83. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015.

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Rausand, Marvin. "Risk Management." In Risk Assessment, 117–36. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

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Jeynes, Jacqueline. "Risk Management." In Risk Management, 96–101. 2nd ed. New York: CRC Press, 2023.

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Ortner, S., J. Lammel, M. Pöckl, and A. P. Moran. "Risk management." In Sustainable Natural Hazard Management in Alpine Environments, 277–307. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Röman, Jan R. M. "Risk management." In Analytical Finance: Volume II, 261–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Gurtuna, Ozgur. "Risk Management." In Fundamentals of Space Business and Economics, 55–64. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Risk management"


Benjamin, C., Hon-yue Chou, Michael C. Wu, and Douglas C. Chang. "The Risks of Risk Management." In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology. IEEE, 2006.

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The report provides an overview of the requirements and changes in risk management selected for implementation in schools. The risks can be manifested in different areas of the activity of the educational establishments. Effective risk management requires constant monitoring and response to identified risks. This requires the adoption of a strategy with appropriate rules and procedures for risk management in the school.
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McAndrew, I. R., and G. P. Wise. "Crew Resource Management and its possible role in nursing risk management." In RISK ANALYSIS 2014. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2014.

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"Risk management." In The 2016 Isrm International Symposium, Eurock 2016. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742: CRC Press, 2016.

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Knápek, Brian, Beáta Kopilakova, Petr Stodola, and Jiří Stodola. "Risk Management." In Transport Means. KTU leidykla "Technologija„, 2024.

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Pinto, Leontina, Rodrigo Maia, Leandro Tsunechiro, Jacques Szczupak, and Bruno Dias. "Risk Management - beyond Risk Analysis." In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. IEEE, 2007.

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Rassette, Cheryl, Lisa Graf, Mike Olsem, and Barb Dmoch. "RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND RISK RECON." In 2024 NDIA Michigan Chapter Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium. 2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201, United States: National Defense Industrial Association, 2024.

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<title>ABSTRACT</title> <p>Program Executive Office (PEO) Ground Combat Systems (GCS) initiated a Green Belt project in 2007 to develop a risk management process. The Integrated Product Team (IPT) built on Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and Department of Defense (DoD) risk management guidance to create a process for risk analysis, mitigation, and rules for Risk Review Board approval. To automate this process, the IPT eventually created an Army owned, customizable tool (Risk Recon) that matched the PEO GCS process. Risk Recon is used to track risks throughout the acquisition life-cycle.</p> <p>Changing the culture of the PEO has been the most significant challenge. Training and follow-up of risk progress is required to keep the process from becoming stagnant. Partnership with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEMs)s is an integral part of all programs and a balance is needed between how the PEO and its OEMs perform risk management and communicate those risks. The software requirements continue to increase. Conflicting requirements and growing technical and developmental needs are addressed by the IPT.</p>
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Соколова, Альбина, Al'bina Sokolova, Сергей Соколов, Sergey Sokolov, Мария Бовдурец, and Marie Boudoures. "FORMS TAX RISK MANAGEMENT." In Topical issues of ensuring economic security in the Russian Federation in the digital economy. AUS PUBLISHERS, 2018.

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The article presents the classification of tax risks existing in enterprises and ways to solve them. The main classification criteria of tax risks Consequences are revealed. The basic methods of tax risk management in the financial activity of the enterprise are defined. The character of influence of purposeful reduction of probability of emergence of risks and minimization of the negative consequences connected with process of the taxation and efficiency of the organization of risk management is defined.
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Baron, P., P. Brázda, J. Dobránsky, and M. Kočiško. "Expert system approach to safety management." In RISK ANALYSIS 2012. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2012.

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Zhang, Yuhang, Zhijian Zhang, He Wang, Lixuan Zhang, and Dabin Sun. "Review of the Configuration Risk Management Methodologies." In 2021 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract To ensure nuclear safety and prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents, many safety systems have been set up in nuclear power plants to limit the consequences of accidents. Even though technical specifications based on deterministic safety analysis are applied to avoid serious accidents, they are too poor to handle multi-device managements compared with configuration risk management which computes risks in nuclear power plants based on probabilistic safety assessment according to on-going configurations. In general, there are two methodologies employed in configuration risk management: living probabilistic safety assessment (LPSA) and risk monitor (RM). And average reliability databases during a time of interest are employed in living probabilistic safety assessment, which may be naturally applied to make long-term or regular management projects. While transient risk databases are involved in risk monitor to measure transient risks in nuclear power plants, which may be more appropriate to monitor the real-time risks in nuclear power plants and provide scientific real-time suggestions to operators compared with living probabilistic safety assessment. And this paper concentrates on the applications and developments of living probabilistic safety assessment and risk monitor which are the mainly foundation of the configuration risk management to manage nuclear power plants within safe threshold and avoid serious accidents.
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Reports on the topic "Risk management"


Stulz, René. Crisis Risk and Risk Management. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2023.

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Rampini, Adriano, and S. Viswanathan. Household Risk Management. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2016.

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G. R. Stephenson. Risk Management Plan. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2001.

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HODGES, ANN LOUISE, GARY K. FROEHLICH, MARTIN PILCH, and DAVID E. PEERCY. Risk Management Plan. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2002.

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Holmström, Tove. Reprisal Risk Management. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2022.

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Souppaya, Murugiah. Ransomware Risk Management:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2025.

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Ait-Sahalia, Yacine, and Andrew Lo. Nonparametric Risk Management and Implied Risk Aversion. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2000.

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Andersen, Torben, Tim Bollerslev, Peter Christoffersen, and Francis Diebold. Financial Risk Measurement for Financial Risk Management. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2012.

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Kniss, Paul, John Sherwood, and Steven Booth. Risk Introduction — Qualitative & Quantitative Risk Management. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2021.

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Travis, C. (Workshop on risk assessment and risk management). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1987.

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