Academic literature on the topic 'Rires littéraires'
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Journal articles on the topic "Rires littéraires"
Grojnowski, Daniel. "Comique littéraire et théories du rire." Romantisme 21, no. 74 (1991): 3–13.
Full textNardout-Lafarge, Élisabeth. "L’usure du rire chez Réjean Ducharme." Études françaises 47, no. 2 (August 23, 2011): 121–29.
Full textGiesey, Ralph E. "Modèles de pouvoir dans les rites royaux en France." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 41, no. 3 (June 1986): 579–99.
Full textvon Flotow, Luise. "Life is a Caravanserai: Translating Translated Marginality, a Turkish-German Zwittertext in English." Meta 45, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 65–72.
Full textJurt, Joseph. "Le rire et la société dans des textes littéraires de Molière à Flaubert." Revue des sciences sociales 43, no. 1 (2010): 56–61.
Full textLawson-Hellu, Cyriaque L. "L’ironie du « Pleurer-Rire » chez Henri Lopès." Analyses 30, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 123–40.
Full textDijoux, Mathieu. "Roland rit. De l’imaginaire d’une pulsion." Hommage à Gilbert Durand, no. 34 (June 30, 2013): 173–82.
Full textScheid, John. "Pour une archéologie du rite." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 55, no. 3 (June 2000): 615–22.
Full textStepanova, Olga. "Comment les jeunes parlent d’amour dans les banlieues littéraires." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, no. 16 (May 19, 2021): 233–40.
Full textWahl, Philippe. "Apollinaire, la rime et le rire. « Ça a l’air de rimer »." Études françaises 51, no. 3 (November 30, 2015): 117–42.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Rires littéraires"
Goffinet, Bruno. "Entre Kuma et Kune. Lectures socio-littéraires des rires romanesques dans la Collection « Monde noir poche », Hatier 1980-1988." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021.
Full textSo as to unterstand the authentic structuration of the africain fictional story, strata can be gently removed from the patent Serious and the realistic Derision out of several universes on their permanent revolving orbit. It is the mission assumed by this thesis, by the first meaning of the word « symbolic », insofar as it first confronted with the great theories of laughter in literature as a social action coming from an esoteric native quest. Promoting demystification both of the writing and readind object and of the subject at the end of a thirty-year ood period of post-colonialism, an immemorial framework of initiated status can be discovered, made of deposed princes, blind novices or unloved witches. They suggest, along with many others, a temptation : to distinguish, under the page printed by cooperation, the casting of an inhuman tragicomedy overflew by the unique black Writer, guided throught his hells by a natural philosopher. In this research of the ironical ancestral survival, thanks to the risible human contingency, this arrangement of the african signs reveals in its turn the refoundation of a discourse as old as the historical Cynism. This has been misguided by its inert-pragmatic avatars, quickly transformed into permanent machiavellianisms. Under the illumining of this novelistic lantern, in the societal daylight of the dark franco-african subcontinent, the spontaneous or cultured laughters, and the more subtly expressed roarings, find a way for their supposed common approach : to literarily promote individuals and collectivities, in a black world freed from unspeakable barbarity, lacking in the least scruple of humour other than a sadictic one
Dufraigne, Pierre. "Adventus Augusti, Adventus Christi. Recherche sur l'exploitation idéologique et littéraire d'un cérémonial dans l'Antiquité tardive." Paris 4, 1991.
Full textThe author first deals with the development of the ceremony of aduentus in Rom from the ancient times to the end of the Empire. He lays stress on the organisation of the ceremony in imprial times, when it assumes a civil and military form. This latter form prevails during the severian dynasty, and the aduentus looks like a triumph. When the conversion of the roman state to christianity makes an end to the traditional celebration of the triumph, a triumphal aduentus becomes a substitute for ti. In the bible also, there are particular forms of aduentus. In pagan latinity of the iiid and ivth centuries, the aduentus has become a descriptive matter. It is possible to make up a "thematic" of it and to find an applying ofit in various forms of literature. This "thematic" is used also in descriptions of the descent to hell and the apotheosis. With the conversion of the roman world to christianity, there is a "christianisation" of yhe aduentus. Difficult to detect in the aduentus augusti, it is clearly noticeable in the welcome of ecclesiastical dignitaries, of holy men, of relics. When it concerns christ himself, the aduentus becomes much more significant. The aduentus christi is sometimes pictured as an aduentus augusti, but the author is always worry about expressing the disparity between them. About such comparisons can be noticed a kind of reticence which lessens with the more and more effective
Fournier, Stéphanie. "Rire au théâtre à la fin du XVIIIe siècle : portée sociale, littéraire, philosophique, morale et politique." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013.
Full textDuring the 1760’s years, new small theatres are setting up on the “boulevard du Temple” in Paris, in competition with the three official theatres of the Capital: the Opéra, the Comédie-Française and the Comédie-Italienne. Their institutionalization during the Revolution brings about their proliferation but also implies a new conception of the theatre, which is not anymore a subsidized art in the service of the King, but a real company which intend to survive by making profits, trying to attract more and more audience. This thesis first intends to analyse the performances in their totality and to understand how were created success plays or star actors embodying theatrical characters. It tries to understand the theatre of this period as a society phenomenon inferring new modes of creation focused on the audience’s reception. This study is centred on laughter, as a supposed effect of the theatrical comic but also as an effective audience’s demonstration during performances, attesting the success of dramas performed in these theatres and revealing, by its diverse meanings and its evolution, tense relations between theatres, intellectual elite, moral and political authorities, during a period of major historic upheaval. Beyond, this work aims at revalue a whole piece of a neglected funny theatrical heritage at the end of the eighteenth century, that nonetheless could boast important comedy writers, plays and actors
Desclaux, Vanessa. "Les Appels aux passants en Égypte ancienne : approche historique d’un genre littéraire." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014.
Full textThis Dissertation deals with the so-called “Appeal to the Living Ones” in Ancient Egypt since its beginning during the Fourth Dynasty until the end of the Pharaonic period. The identity of this formula will be sought over three millennia, in two main directions : History and Phrasæology.The first section “ Calling to the Living Ones ” will be devoted to the identification of contexts in which the appeals took place over time. It will provide an overview of the formula sorted by eras, referring to social groups who used it and its places of discovery.The archæological data will help us to survey the staging of the speech of the deceased. It seems indeed that the rhetoric of the appeals extends to the entire memorial. Furthermore, the decorum is involved in the capatio benevolentiae.In the second section, “ Commemorating over three millennia ”, we will extract and prospect the role of historicity at work in the formula. Phrasæology used in the appeals is first examined from the point of view of the Sitz im Leben. Then, we will analyse the ritual actions expected. Finally, we will try to rebuild the ritual sequences towards the dead, based on informations contained in the formula.The last section, “ The appeal, staging of a cohesive society ”, will highlight the ideological part of the formula. The appeal deals mainly with social Maat. It establishes a bridge between generations, beyond life and death. The success and the longevity of the formula seems to be connected to both mundane and ideologic preoccupations
Ferrari-Saugon, Ghyslaine. "Les chrétiens face à la mort en Gaule dans l'Antiquité tardive : d'après les sources littéraires et épigraphiques antérieures au VIIe siècle." Paris 12, 2001.
Full textLi, Jiayi. "Madame Bovary et Rides sur les eaux dormantes : deux destins de femmes : étude interculturelle." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2012.
Full textMarion-Andrès, Claudine. "Etude sur la dramaturgie comique dans le premier théâtre de Lope de Vega : du rire des personnages au rire des spectateurs (1588-1595)." Rouen, 2013.
Full textAt the crucial time when the comedia started, the laughter of Lope was one of the pillars of dramatic construction. In this survey of the dramatic art of the comic in the early theatre of Lope, we will consider the causes and consequences of laughter, the ways that it appeared, the characters who convey it and those who are subjected to it. The mechanisms of the comic brought into play are analysed so as to highlight the mysterious and complex bond that may unite the audience, the playwright and the character embodied by the actor. We will thus endeavour to understand how Lope ritualizes laughter and puts it at the core of a shared social act, making a success of it. The first chapter devoted to the laughter of the characters emphasizes the essential part that they play in the structure of the play itself and the working-out of its meaning. In the second chapter, we will be interested in a form of laughter peculiar to the playwright, based upon sharing, which is infectious, erotic, improper and irreverent. We will show how the comedia specifically associates laughter and solemnity and from one cue to another, upsets and bullies the audience. This observation leads us in chapter three, to broach the relationship between laughter and politics. In chapter four, the importance given to spaces representing the people in their spontaneity, their immediate lives reinforces the harmony within the corral and may enable to superimpose the laughter of the characters on the laughter of the audience. In chapter five, we will demonstrate that the laughter is doubled-sided – centripetal as well as centrifugal – and can impose itself through revisited symbols. In the last chapter, we will eventually study the games that associate controled improvisations and dramatic stakes at key-moments
Lozes, Guillaume. "Initiation, ésotérisme et vodou en action au coeur de l'oeuvre d'Olympe Bhêly-Quenum : une lecture de l'oeuvre littéraire d'Olympe Bhêly-Quenum." Paris 13, 2002.
Full textThe Beninese literature of French language has know an era of prosperity in the colonial time with writers formed by the Catholic Missions. The first novel of the Beninese literature of French language is Félix Couchoro's work. He then entailed in his trail others writers all having belonged to an intellectual elite formed with the aid of France, who so worked without restraint in the colonial brilliance. Nevertheless, the literary productions of these writers allowed to give their letters of nobility to the Beninese literature. They so opened the way to the writers of the following generation in the first row of whom is Olympe Bhêly-Quenum. Joining a literary perpetuity, Olympe Bhêly-Quenum, in spite of the classicism of his writing, draws directly to the sources of his soil the subjects which the reader finds in his literature. It then happened the bard of the Beninese spiritual values that he digs up indefatigably also by being, if necessary, an acerbic denigrator of the traditions which overcome. Refusing to join a tradition of African literature stating the initiatory route of the characters of the African novel, Olympe Bhêly-Quenum prefers to reveal to the eyes of the reader an initiated seizes on the deep. So that the stages crossed during the training of the initiated, his doubts, are darkened and often remain a mystery for the reader. Nevertheless, Olympe Bhêly-Quenum remains a charming writer whose questionings stick on time. It is then advisable to bend with him over all these problems which touch the universality, the conflict between tradition and modernity, all in all the balance of the man
Passing, Fergombé Amos. "Tadeusz Kantor, le "théâtre de la mort" ou l'écriture de la mémoire (les rites africains aux confluences de la scène Kantorienne)." Valenciennes, 1996.
Full textTadeusz Kantor (Wielopole, Krakow 1915 - Krakow, 1990), polish director, scenery artist, author and painter, made his mark on the plastic and theatrical universe for almost half a century through his radicalism and his peculiar artistic and scenic practices. His work lies on the twisting path of creation, and the figures of his theatre are a reflection of the 20th century strangeness, waking dreams, and dramas. This thesis seeks to bring together the fragmentary faces of Kantor's work in order to analyse it from three points of view: space and the bedroom of the imagination, the most insignificant and base object, and the scenic text. This contribution, based on the biography of the author, his theoretical manifestos and his theatrical works, will create an inventory of the masks and blasons of death in the light of a writing of memory. It is at the coming together of death and memory that the foundations of Kantor’s theatre will become clear. Death, perceived through decomposition and the basest level of reality, paradoxically gives us hope of life. To keep this thought of death and memory fresh in our minds the second part of our approach will be to propose a certain reading of African funeral rituals in order to establish a basis for a scenic text that could shed light upon an Africa in distress. In this the celebration of the funeral rites of the Moundang people of Cameroon and Chad will be at the heart of a project in which actors, spectators, space, objects and texts will be used for a dramatic form of writing which conserves a memory of the living, and also for a dialogue between death and life. Where Kantor and Africa come together the theatre of death will finally promise a future and found a new form of writing rooted in its awareness of the dramas of our world
Li, Jia yi. "Madame Bovary et Rides sur les eaux dormantes : deux destins de femmes : étude interculturelle." Thesis, Brest, 2012.
Full textAs soon as the works of Gustave Flaubert were translated into Chinese, Chinese readers immediately paid great attention to them. His philosophical thoughts, objectivity and accuracy in writing caused a resonance in Chinese literary circles of the time and profoundly influenced their writings. Chinese translator and novelist, Li Jieren, who was the first translator of Madame Bovary, admitted he was much inspired by the style of Flaubert in this novel. In 1935, ten years after the first translation of Madame Bovary, he began writing his masterpiece Ripples across stagnant water which has been considered by Chinese critics as the Chinese Madame Bovary. Astonishing similarities can be noticed between the two main characters from various aspects. Despite these similarities, Li Jieren’s novel is not just a simple rewriting of the French novel, for there are also many differences in the perspectives of the two women and especially in their fate. This thesis is focusing on the reasons that can explain the major differences in the outcome of each heroine’s story. First within the content of both novels, reasons based on elements differentiating the two women and on their social class. Then, studying at the author’s level, we will look at reasons from a cross-cultural perspective, such as the writing objectives, literary choices and living concepts of Gustave Flaubert and Li Jieren
Books on the topic "Rires littéraires"
Liturgies de l'initiation bacchique à l'époque romaine: (Liber) : documentation littéraire, inscrite et figurée. Paris: [Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres], 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Rires littéraires"
Duchêne, Roger. "Rire avec Pascal." In L'imposture littéraire dans les Provinciales de Pascal, 209–23. Presses universitaires de Provence, 1985.
Full textSteinlein, Rüdiger. "La persécution des Juifs comme motif littéraire comique." In Rire, Mémoire, Shoah, 63. Editions de l'Éclat, 2009.
Full textGondouin, Sandra. "Lorsque les poétesses centre-américaines s’emparent du rire : l’adieu aux larmes ? Lectures ironiques des classiques." In Genres littéraires et gender dans les Amériques, 139–55. Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2019.
Full textBrodziak, Sylvie. "2. Théodore Monod et la caravane littéraire du désert de Maxence." In Itinéraires intellectuels entre la France et les rives sud de la Méditerranée, 25. Editions Karthala, 2010.
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