Academic literature on the topic 'Réussite scolaire – France – 2000-'
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Journal articles on the topic "Réussite scolaire – France – 2000-"
Desbiens, Jean-François. "Enseigner et apprendre en classe multiprogramme : un débat souterrain, des enjeux d’actualité." Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 9, no. 1 (July 8, 2013): 91–110.
Full textPower, Gabriel, and Lucie DeBlois. "Une analyse par quantiles de la résilience chez les élèves issus de milieux défavorisés." Éducation et francophonie 39, no. 1 (June 27, 2011): 93–118.
Full textMerle, Pierre. "Les indicateurs de pilotage des établissements en France." Tocqueville Review 20, no. 2 (January 1999): 45–70.
Full textBourdon, Patrice. "Quelles ressources et collaborations pour faciliter la scolarisation inclusive dans les établissements scolaires du 2d degré ?" Revue hybride de l'éducation 4, no. 3 (June 11, 2020): 31–54.
Full textSama Traoré, Rénatou, Béatrice Vincent, Caroline Lecoeuvre, and Virginie Gallet. "L’inclusion des élèves dyspraxiques dans le milieu scolaire : perception de parents d’élèves." Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Vol. 6, No. 2, Volume 6, Numéro 2 (September 8, 2020): 27–42.
Full textLafortune, Gina, and Alhassane Balde. "Cheminement scolaire des élèves québécois originaires des Antilles : un double aperçu à partir de données quantitatives et qualitatives." Diversité urbaine 12, no. 1 (November 4, 2013): 49–68.
Full textNotebaert, Céline, and Jean-François Notebaert. "L’aide personnalisée à l’école primaire en france : quels formation continue et axes de pilotage développer pour favoriser la réussite de tous les élèves ?" Articles 48, no. 2 (December 11, 2013): 339–57.
Full textHlaimi, Boubaker, and Fréderic Salladarré. "Quelle démocratisation de l’enseignement secondaire français face à l’expansion des scolarités ?" Articles 87, no. 1 (November 9, 2011): 59–84.
Full textLemire, Colombe, Carmen Dionne, and Suzie McKinnon. "Validité de contenu du nouveau domaine de la littératie de l’AEPS®/EIS." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 25 (November 17, 2014): 116–30.
Full textAkkari, Abdel Jalil, and Aline Gohard-Radenkovic. "Vers une nouvelle culture pédagogique dans les classes multiculturelles : les préalables nécessaires." Articles 28, no. 1 (October 30, 2003): 147–70.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Réussite scolaire – France – 2000-"
Hugrée, Cédric. "L'échappée belle : parcours scolaires et cheminements professionnels des étudiants d'origine populaire diplômés de l'Université (1970-2010)." Nantes, 2010.
Full textThis thesis analyses the French university graduates working-class students scholarship and career paths. The first part deals with the emergence of a student issue, which is gradually focussed on integration in the work place. Preoccupied with the immediately most rentable training courses, a lot of observers don’t really know the career paths followed by the “children of school democratisation”, as Stéphane Beaud called them. The second part then puts this notion to the test of statistical datas concerning educational paths and of an ethnographic survey on twenty two graduates students of Nantes and Le Mans universities since early 2000’s. It exposes the “high” part of this generation: objectively and subjectively, their studies appear to be honourable. Based on this ethnographic survey and on different longitudinal datas concerning integration in the work place, the third part analyses then their first jobs. It shows what is at stake for this working-class students: how to convert their honourable study into reasonable social upward mobility. Finally, the double meaning of the French expression “échappée belle” sounds clear: a beautiful breakaway, but with the feeling of a narrow escape
Larzul, Stéphane. "Le rôle du développement des théories de l’esprit dans l’adaptation sociale et la réussite à l’école des enfants de 4 à 6 ans." Rennes 2, 2010.
Full textSince the 80s, developmental psychologists showed the importance of the understanding of mental states, identified under the label "theories of mind ", in the child’s cognitive and social development. They go along with the concerns of works in sociology and in educational sciences which emphasize the way school requires school tasks representation as mental activities. In this context, the question which arises is whether theories of mind constitute individual psychological variables likely to support social adaptation and success at school. Twoempirical studies are presented here. They investigate the developmental link between theories of mind, social adaptation and school success. A cross sectional study was conducted on 3 groups of 4, 5 and 6 year old children (N=121) shows that the implicit understanding of mental states is more connected to the measures of social adaptation and success at school than is the level of explicit understanding. A longitudinal study tests, in the same way 40 children from 4 to 6-years old. Regression analyses confirm that the implicit understanding of the mental states contributes in a specific way to prediction of social adaptation and school success between the ages of 4 to 6. They also reveal that the configuration of theories of mind developmental markers favourable to social adaptation and to success at school is not the same during three years. These results show the importance of introducing theories of mind into the analysis of psychological factors which an contribute to social adaptation and to success at school
Dorla, Erica. "Approche diachronique des parcours scolaires des enfants accueillis en protection de l'enfance : une succession de difficultés à surmonter." Thesis, Paris 10, 2021.
Full textThe fact that the educational trajectories of children in out-of-home care are deficient is now well established. This phenomenon is significant, persistent and universal. The aim of this research is to explore the explanatory factors which influence the quality of the educational pathways of children in care. This research includes two types of analysis. The first is diachronic and linear, i.e. the evolution of schooling from the period prior to placement until the child leaves care. The second is contextual, systemic and circular, opening up a dynamic dialogue between the different actors involved, throughout the construction of this phenomenon. The aim is to highlight the perspectives of the actors into a set of representations and behaviours that allow the complexity of the phenomenon to be approached more closely. A methodology combining approaches, tools and data-collection methods was chosen: a quantitative approach which uses questionnaires, analysis of legal texts and administrative files, and a qualitative approach which uses individual interviews. The study shows that academic difficulties are present before children enter the system. A low priority given to schooling in care at the institutional level was noted. Measured improvements in schooling situations are noted during the placement in a context of multiple influencing factors. Finally, the perspective of minors and young adults in care highlights that a large majority of them have professional plans but in a context of vulnerability on the eve of leaving the care system
Malkoun, Layal. "De la caractérisation des pratiques de classes de physique à leur relation aux performances des élèves : étude de cas en France et au Liban." Lyon 2, 2007.
Full textOur study aims at characterizing physics' classroom practices in order to relate them to the evolution of students' performances with a teaching sequence. The analysis focuses on taught knowledge as a joint production of teacher and the students in a classroom. This knowledge is not given as a data but has to be reconstructed by the researcher. Our methodology is based on a reconstruction of taught knowledge at three scales of time and granularity. At the macroscopic scale (hours), the reconstruction is based on a conceptual approach, at the mesoscopic scale (minutes) on a thematic approach, at the microscopic scale (seconds) taught knowledge is broken down into small elements, of the order of a sentence, called facets and on the analysis of thinking processes involved in the comprehension of the material world, called epistemic tasks. The articulation of the analyses at different scales enables us to compare different classrooms and, at least partly, to relate taught knowledge and students' performances. The notion of continuity which shows the repetition, in the taught knowledge, of an element already introduced, appears to be fruitful. Our results support the hypothesis that according to their difficulty, a high continuity of some elements in taught knowledge is related to their acquisition. This relation between taught knowledge and acquisitions is reinforced by the analysis at the mesoscopic scale, which appears to be particularly adapted to the study of dynamic of taught knowledge, notably the study of the topogenesis and the chronogenesis
Berthaud, Julien. "L’intégration sociale étudiante : relations et effets au sein des parcours de réussite en Licence." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2017.
Full textSince 1970’s and 1980’s, educational research reveals the importance of interactional process in the explanation of student careers, especially with Tinto’s work (1975), by demonstrating the significant influence of social integration on student persistence in university. However, the effects on students’ academic success are rarely explored. Moreover, there is no consensus on the conceptualization of this explanatory factor since it shows different dimensions of social integration. From data collected from 1365 students enrolled in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of common “Licence”, this research proposes firstly to improve measurement of student social integration as a multidimensional concept. Then the sources and conditions of social integration are examined through the influence of contextual, institutional and individual factors. In this context, the transversal skills are considered as an illustration of student social abilities, among others. Statistical analyses show that students have different needs for social integration, depending on their age, gender and reasons for study. First, the academic context defines the opportunities offered to students for social integration. Moreover, it appears that some skills related to emotional management and collaboration turn into resources that promote social integration. Results lead to identify four different profiles of student social integration in “Licence” course. Lastly, questions arise about the role of social integration and transversal skills in student careers and factors of student achievement. Our results reveal that student social integration has a raw and positive effect on the probability of success and performances, through academic interactions and feeling of integrating. When the classical factors of student achievement are taking into account, the influence of social integration appears to be weak or lost. Only the feeling of integrating reduces the risk of student drop-outs. On the other hand, the transversal skills including the taste for work and the self-confidence prove to be powerful predictors of students' success and performances. While student social integration doesn’t seem to be a key factor with mediating effects on academic achievement, it appears to be another feature of student success profiles. Moreover, student social integration produces indirect effect on performances through academic commitment
Zibanejad-Belin, Mitra. "Réussir sa première année à l'université : les enjeux de la transition entre secondaire et supérieur." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019.
Full textThere are many reasons for the high dropout rate in the first academic year. The phenomenon of freshman "evaporating" is studied in many countries as a crucial moment in the transition from secondary to higher education. It is not always easy for a high school student to become master of his destiny in a very short time after secondary and just before starting his studies at university. Student must quickly assume new “adult responsibilities "and lives without parental or teacher supervision. Study at university requires the learner to put into action a certain number of skills most of which are not mastered at the end of high school. These are not only cognitive-informational skills. Our point of interest is turned towards the macrosociological and microsociological elements in the relationship that these students established with the act of learning. We were looking for knowing: Why do students decide to drop up or to persevere and continue their studies despite the difficulties? What is the role of the study environment in this transition? How the conception of learning and the image of university could have an impact on this transition?To answer we used a qualitative approach based on comprehensive interviews. We interviewed the freshmen in six field of study at four universities in the Paris region. We were looking for students who had problems. They told us about their difficulties in this year of higher education and the reasons for their dissatisfaction.Through their point of view, their conceptions of learning, their perspective and their image of higher education, we have been able to highlight some of the causes that can explain dropping out or staying in the first academic year. Four types of difficulties are distinguished: cognitive, metacognitive, integration and motivational. A more advanced analysis of our data revealed that these difficulties do not have the same impact on the student's transition.Some elements have also appeared through the analyses, such as the importance of the microsocialisation within small groups of students, especially between the friends. We have found that micro-integrations can make up the absence of macro-integrations and sometimes they’re even more important. Our analyses have shown that some factors of social integration can modify the influence of the predictive factors of drop out.We also apprehended certain factors capable of reinforcing or impoverish the student's sense of learning and his/her perseverance
Poirey, Jean-Louis. "Éspace géographique et réussite scolaire en Franche-Comté." Besançon, 1991.
Full textHassini, Mohamed. "La réussite scolaire des filles d'origine maghrébine en France." Paris, EHESS, 1993.
Full textThe importance of tradition in academic success for the daughters of north african immigrants and the fundamental role of schooling in current social and cultural changes make up the topic of this research. This thesis shows their specific way of integrating modern french society. The statistical survey has shown that girls' academic success is an observable fact at every level of the school system, especially for girls aged 11 to 16. They do much better in school than all other students-whatever their nationality. Most of them go farther in their studies than their classmates. When these girls are compared with other students from the same social class, they are less frequently oriented towards technical classes. Their upbring encourages this result. Since they are controled, watched and protected by their families, these girls turn to an environment where they feel freer-school. North african girls use the french school system as a means to escape from family constraints
Rachidi, Amal. "La valorisation du bilinguisme franco-arabe : un avantage pour la réussite scolaire ?" Nantes, 2011.
Full textMohamadkaddour, Abdallah. "Pratiques éducatives parentales, adaptation sociale et réussite scolaire : comparaison interculturelle entre enfants syriens et français d’âge scolaire." Rennes 2, 2011.
Full textThis work deals with the analysis of educational practices of the parents of students and the possible influence of the type of educational practices used on the social development and academic achievement of those students families in France and in Syria. 56 Syrian and 57 French parents, as well as 56 Syrian and 56 French children aged from 8 to 12 years old took part in this study. Their educational practices were studied with the help of a short questionnaire from “the Parental Authority Questionnaire” (PAQ) which was completed by parents in their homes and by children at school. A child’s social development was studied with the help of a short version of the “the Vineland Social Maturity Scale”; it is an academic achievement was studied with the help of questionnaire made by the author of this thesis. The tow aforementioned questionnaires were completed by the teachers. The results show that the same categories of educational practices (authoritarian, democratic and permissive) may be found both in France and in Syria; however, there are less correlations to be found between the answers grew by Syrian participants. They also show that parents’ educational practices and the child’s social development are significantly correlated. We have found a considerable interaction between the country, gender and educational practices. However, these practices are not correlated with the child’s academic achievement. The discussion of these results was based on the works which claim that parents’ educational practices and their influence vary according to the culture
Books on the topic "Réussite scolaire – France – 2000-"
Reséndiz-Vázquez, Aleyda. L´industrialisation du bâtiment scolaire en France (1951-1973): échec ou réussite? Grupo Laceria, 2019.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Réussite scolaire – France – 2000-"
CAIRA, Déborah. "Une pédagogie innovante." In Formation linguistique des apprenants allophones et pédagogies innovantes, 17–26. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textChapoulie, Jean-Michel. "Chapitre XX. Après la réforme du collège : la redéfinition de l’organisation scolaire dans un contexte renouvelé (1967-2000)." In L’école d’État conquiert la France, 491–511. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010.
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