Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Return on Net Investment Cash Flow'
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Chaika, Tetiana, Nataliia Poberezhna, and Olga Panasenko. "Possibilities of using Ukrainian companies’ open financial statements in the profitability analyzing of cash flows." Thesis, Дике Поле, 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42712.
Full textІнформація про рух грошових коштів більш прозора, легше піддається контролю, менше схильна до впливу облікової політики та чіткіше показує, чи генерує компанія реальні грошові кошти. Тому очевидно, що при оцінці прибутковості підприємства, поряд з іншими коефіцієнтами рентабельності, необхідно брати до уваги також і коефіцієнти рентабельності грошових потоків. Фінансова звітність українських підприємств містить інформацію, яка дозволяє розрахувати цілий ряд метрик рентабельності грошового потоку. Існують різні підходи до конструювання метрик рентабельності грошового потоку: одні з них трактують грошовий потік як динамічну форму грошових ресурсів підприємства, а інші – як результат фінансової діяльності. Метрики рентабельності грошового потоку менш схильні до спотворень, ніж традиційні метрики рентабельності, які розраховані за прибутком. На жаль, статистичні звіти Державної служби статистики України не містять інформації про грошові потоки українських суб'єктів господарської діяльності, тому відсутня можливість порівнювати отримані значення з середньогалузевими показниками. Це істотно ускладнює проведення порівняльної аналітичної роботи при використанні метрик рентабельності грошових потоків.
Peterková, Marcela. "Hodnoceni investičního záměru vybrané firmy." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-241585.
Full textStránská, Eva. "Hodnocení připravovaného investičního projektu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-193383.
Full textVeselý, Jakub. "Zhodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti investičního záměru podniku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-223416.
Full textKoblihová, Markéta. "Zhodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti investice a návrh financování." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-225282.
Full textTroanská, Eva. "Ekonomická efektivnost a finanční proveditelnost podnikatelského záměru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227458.
Full textLopeňová, Silvia. "Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti investičního projektu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-226772.
Full textAdam, Josef. "Hodnocení efektivnosti investičního projektu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-10584.
Full textHub, Michal. "Ekonomická efektivnost a finanční proveditelnost podnikatelského záměru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240075.
Full textBílková, Alice. "Posouzení ekonomické efektivnosti investičního projektu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240007.
Full textPorubský, Michal. "Efektivnost u staveb pro využití volného času." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240289.
Full textLehmann, Steffen. "Neue Wege in der Bewertung börsennotierter Aktiengesellschaften : ein Cash-flow-orientiertes Ertragswertmodell /." Wiesbaden : Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 1994. http://aleph.unisg.ch/hsgscan/hm00034927.pdf.
Full textStaňa, Marek. "Podnikatelský záměr - realizace výrobní linky stavebních tvárnic." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-399718.
Full textHiasat, Shuja'a Ahmad Abdelfattah. "Stock price and cost of debt reaction to changes in cash flow from operations." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/20218.
Full textInvestigamos como o fluxo de caixa das operações afeta o retorno do preço das ações e o custo da dívida e comparamos o efeito relativo do fluxo de caixa versus o lucro líquido nos dois custos de financiamento. Este documento também compara a liquidez entre os índices STOXX Europe 600 e Amman 100 (ASE100), usando quatro medidas: Fluxo de Caixa das Operações, Retorno Ajustado ao Mercado, Retorno Anormal Cumulativo e o Custo da Dívida e seu impacto relativo na associação de fluxo de caixa com custo de capital. Os dados trimestrais utilizados para esta pesquisa são de empresas de capital aberto da Jordânia e de países europeus, de 2009 a 2018. Este estudo contribui para a literatura, pois fornece evidências sobre a associação relativa de ganhos e fluxos de caixa com o custo da dívida e retorno das ações. Também somos os primeiros a considerar qualquer efeito de liquidez de mercado nessa associação. Os resultados mostram um efeito positivo do fluxo de caixa das operações no retorno do preço das ações. Também mostra uma associação negativa e uma influência mais significativa do fluxo de caixa das operações do que o lucro líquido no custo da dívida, reduzindo-o. Além disso, o documento também mostra que o fluxo de caixa das operações tende a influenciar o retorno anormal acumulado e o custo da dívida de uma maneira melhor na Jordânia (um mercado menos líquido) do que no mercado europeu mais desenvolvido.
We investigate how the Cash Flow from Operations affects both the Stock Price Return and the Cost of Debt and compare the relative effect of Cash Flow versus Net Income on both costs of financing. This paper also compares the liquidity between STOXX Europe 600 and Amman stock exchange 100 (ASE100) indexes using four measures, Cash Flow from Operations, Market Adjusted Return, Cumulative Abnormal Return, and the Cost of Debt and its relative impact on Cash flow association with cost of capital. The quarterly data used for this research comes from publicly listed firms from Jordan and European countries, from 2009 through 2018. This study contributes to literature since it provides evidence on the relative association of Earnings and cash flows with cost of debt and stock returns. We are also the first to consider any market liquidity effect on this association. The results show a positive effect of Cash Flow from Operations on Stock Price Returns. It also shows a negative association and a more significant influence from Cash Flow from Operations than Net Income on the Cost of Debt, by reducing it. Furthermore, the paper also shows Cash Flow from Operations tend to influence the Cumulative Abnormal Return and the Cost of Debt in a better way in Jordan (a less liquid market) than in the more developed European market.
Balga, František. "Ekonomická efektivnost kogenerační jednotky." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-223088.
Full textVorster, Barend Christiaan. "Liquidity premium and investment horizon a research report on the influence of liquidity on the return and holding period of securities on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange /." Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2008. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-08122008-115611/.
Full textDanyśová, Ester. "Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti investičního záměru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265528.
Full textDvořáková, Martina. "Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-221717.
Full textBlacka, Aaron E. "Financing University Conference Centers: A Multiple Case Study Approach." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/35471.
Full textMaster of Science
Dudová, Martina. "Hodnocení investičního projektu společnosti Moravia Sport Group s.r.o." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-162567.
Full textŠmolík, Jiří. "Hodnocení investičního projektu - výstavba niklovací linky." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-192724.
Full textJoneš, Filip. "Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti projektů dopravní infrastruktury." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-392149.
Full textMalík, Tomáš. "Hodnocení investičního projektu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-113516.
Full textVieira, Carla Sofia Dias. "A performance e o desempenho financeiro das PPP's : o caso das SCUT's para o período de 2003 a 2009." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/10944.
Full textA ausência de estudos de performance às Parcerias Público-Privadas, releva só por si motivo para a elaboração deste estudo. Ainda mais, porque é um tema onde a informação existente é relativamente recente e comporta por isso bastantes dúvidas sobre quais os melhores modelos a aplicar. A questão de investigação abordada é a performance contabilística das Parcerias Público Privadas, especificamente as concessões sem custos para os utilizadores?. Os métodos utilizados para responder à questão são os métodos tradicionais e os métodos de criação de valor. Os resultados obtidos em ambos os métodos evidenciam uma melhoria significativa, em particular nos últimos três anos analisados. Período em que o Estado iniciou os pagamentos às concessionárias. Conclui-se que neste tipo de parcerias, os intervenientes por vezes não partilham os riscos, como seria de esperar. Visto que, nem sempre o desenvolvimento alcança os objetivos pretendidos, esquecendo-se que uma Parceria Público-Privada envolve uma relação de troca entre o setor público e privado, onde os benefícios e responsabilidades de cada interveniente deveriam ser partilhados.
The absence of performance studies for Public-Private Partnerships reveals itself the reason to write this study. Moreover, because this is a subject of complex analysis, where the existing information is relatively recent and still holds many doubts about the best model to apply. The question made is whether the use of Public-Private Partnerships really presents a good performance for the public sector? That is, if the relationship between the state and the private sector represents or not a gain in creating value (Value for Money). The approach taken to assess the performance of concessions under ?no costs to the users?, was conducted thought the traditional methods as well as thought methods of creating value. The results obtained with both methods show an improved performance, especially in the last three years. The justification has to do with the fact that, since then, the state has begun payments to concessionaries. It is concluded that in this type of partnerships, the participants sometimes do not share the risks, as would be expected. This is because its development not always reaches the intended objectives, forgetting that a Public-Private Partnerships involves an exchange between the public and the private sector, where the benefits and responsibilities of each participant are shared.
Šiklová, Aneta. "Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti podnikatelského záměru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265283.
Full textBeisler, Matthias Werner. "Modelling of input data uncertainty based on random set theory for evaluation of the financial feasibility for hydropower projects." Doctoral thesis, Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg Universitaetsbibliothek "Georgius Agricola", 2011. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:105-qucosa-71564.
Full textDie Auslegung von Wasserkraftanlagen stellt einen komplexen Planungsablauf dar, mit dem Ziel das vorhandene Wasserkraftpotential möglichst vollständig zu nutzen und künftige, wirtschaftliche Erträge der Kraftanlage zu maximieren. Um dies zu erreichen und gleichzeitig die Genehmigungsfähigkeit eines komplexen Wasserkraftprojektes zu gewährleisten, besteht hierbei die zwingende Notwendigkeit eine Vielzahl für die Konzepterstellung relevanter Einflussfaktoren zu erfassen und in der Projektplanungsphase hinreichend zu berücksichtigen. In frühen Planungsstadien kann ein Großteil der für die Detailplanung entscheidenden, technischen und wirtschaftlichen Parameter meist nicht exakt bestimmt werden, wodurch maßgebende Designparameter der Wasserkraftanlage, wie Durchfluss und Fallhöhe, einen umfangreichen Optimierungsprozess durchlaufen müssen. Ein Nachteil gebräuchlicher, deterministischer Berechnungsansätze besteht in der zumeist unzureichenden Objektivität bei der Bestimmung der Eingangsparameter, sowie der Tatsache, dass die Erfassung der Parameter in ihrer gesamten Streubreite und sämtlichen, maßgeblichen Parameterkombinationen nicht sichergestellt werden kann. Probabilistische Verfahren verwenden Eingangsparameter in ihrer statistischen Verteilung bzw. in Form von Bandbreiten, mit dem Ziel, Unsicherheiten, die sich aus dem in der Planungsphase unausweichlichen Informationsdefizit ergeben, durch Anwendung einer alternativen Berechnungsmethode mathematisch zu erfassen und in die Berechnung einzubeziehen. Die untersuchte Vorgehensweise trägt dazu bei, aus einem Informationsdefizit resultierende Unschärfen bei der wirtschaftlichen Beurteilung komplexer Infrastrukturprojekte objektiv bzw. mathematisch zu erfassen und in den Planungsprozess einzubeziehen. Es erfolgt eine Beurteilung und beispielhafte Überprüfung, inwiefern die Random Set Methode bei Bestimmung der für den Optimierungsprozess von Wasserkraftanlagen relevanten Eingangsgrößen Anwendung finden kann und in wieweit sich hieraus Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Genauigkeit und Aussagekraft der Berechnungsergebnisse ergeben
Bergerová, Sandra. "Stanovení ekonomické efektivnosti podnikatelského záměru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227527.
Full textÖdmark, Victoria. "Samhällsfastigheter som investeringstrend : Hur kan priset motiveras utifrån det man vet om framtida kassaflöden?" Thesis, KTH, Bygg- och fastighetsekonomi, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-96570.
Full textThere is currently a trend in the willingness to invest in public property, i.e. properties where different types of community services are provided. The advantage of this type of investment is that owners can sign long leases with tenants such as municipalities, counties and the state, providing secure cash flows and low vacancy risk. The investment market for public properties is relatively new to private operators as these properties have previously been owned almost exclusively by the municipality and county. Today, for various reasons, the municipalities and counties have decided to sell their properties and rent them back from specialized property owners. The study aims to identify the uncertainties/risks that are associated with investment and management of public properties, with a special focus on care properties in Sweden. An investment calculation and a sensitivity analysis were made through studies of three care property transactions in 2011 and interviews with the participating actors. The calculation and analysis have been the basis for the conclusions drawn. Investing in public real estate has proven to be a relatively stable and safe investment. The net operating income of the long leases that contribute to the investment could be considered as being paid back during the first contract period, assuming that no unexpected costs arise. The main risks that exist in these properties is salvage value risk due to severe alternative use for these tenant adjusted buildings, technical risk as the properties need to maintain standard and essential functions and at last political/legal risk where changes in demography, environmental laws, regulations and requirements affect public property development. Companies that invest in public real estate are usually focused on this type of investment, which through enhanced capabilities in the area contributes to a good and long-term relationship with tenants. Furthermore, the players involved have a rather homogeneous view of delegation of responsibility, contract structure and so on. Moreover, the demographic development in the country shows a high demand for public buildings in the future and especially in nursing and care homes.
Havlů, Monika. "Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje společnosti." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-223345.
Full textBudaeva, Larisa. "Hodnocení investičního projektu na území Ruské federace z pohledu zahraničního investora." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-76258.
Full textOceláková, Petra. "Možnosti prohloubení teorie a praxe investičního rozhodování s důrazem na reálné opce." Doctoral thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-196944.
Full textЛановська, Галина Іванівна, Halyna Lanovska, Тетяна Леонідівна Мостенська, and Tatiana Mostenska. "Управління вартістю підприємства з використанням вартісно-орієнтованого підходу." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/53427.
Full textУ сучасному конкурентному світі одними з найважливіших цілей бізнесу для акціонерів є максимізація прибутку та створення ринкової вартості підприємства. Для досягнення своїх цілей інвестору необхідні певні інструменти, здатні виміряти потенційну цінність кожної інвестиційної можливості. Зрозуміло, що ці інструменти не передбачають точне майбутнє, вони просто надають інформацію та поради, які допомагають інвестору у прийнятті рішень. Серед цих критеріїв найпоширенішими видами є рентабельність інвестицій (ROI) та прибуток на акцію (EPS). В останні роки закордонні компанії найчастіше використовуються сучасні методи оцінки засновані на вартісно-орієнтованому підході, що включає такі показники, як економічна додана вартість, ринкова додана вартість, акціонерна додана вартість, грошовий потік віддачі інвестиції та додана вартість грошових коштів, що замінюють критерії, засновані на даних бухгалтерського обліку і є більш надійними.Економіка інновацій дозволяє припустити, що виживання фірми залежить від її здатності бути інноваційною в бізнесі. Інновації, однак, піддають компанії ризику, оскільки успіх інновацій невизначений. Тому власники акцій цих фірм вимагають додаткової компенсації за утримання (або інвестування) цінних паперів, оскільки інновація створює ризики для акціонерів. Таким чином, економіку інновацій неможливо трактувати без посилання на очікування капіталу, що надається за допомогою визначення вартості компанії.
In today's competitive world, one of the most important goals of business for shareholders is to maximize profits and create market value. To achieve their goals, the investor needs certain tools that can measure the potential value of each investment opportunity. It is clear that these tools do not predict the exact future, they simply provide information and advice to help the investor in making decisions. Among these criteria, the most common types are return on investment (ROI) and earnings per share (EPS). In recent years, foreign companies have most often used modern valuation methods based on a cost-oriented approach, which includes indicators such as economic value added, market value added, shareholder value added, cash flow return on investment and value added money, replacing criteria based on on accounting data and are more reliable. The economics of innovation suggests that the survival of the firm depends on its ability to be innovative in business. Innovation, however, puts companies at risk because the success of innovation is uncertain. Therefore, the shareholders of these firms demand additional compensation for the maintenance (or investment) of securities, as innovation creates risks for shareholders. Thus, the economy of innovation cannot be interpreted without reference to the expectations of capital provided by determining the value of the company.
Chu, Wan-Yu, and 朱婉瑜. "Dynamic Relationship Between Net Income, Free Cash Flow and Investment Cash Flow of Business." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/w27v95.
Full text國立交通大學
Business’solvency and value can be evaluated by free cash flow, that is , a corporate’s operation ability to make money and When repaying loan and encountering crisis, whether business has enough resource. However, free cash flow arise agent problems because Information asymmetry exist between manager and business owner, and they might have different intention toward benefit. As a result, manager might pursue their max profit, this is agent cost behind free cash flow and also made it a arguable issue. In hope of discover the dynamic relationship between net income, free cash flow and investment cash flow, this article is based on agent thesis and free cash flow hypothesis, and our empirical results show that Stocks Holding Ratio by Directors and Supervisors would influence the relationship and also changed by industries and business scale.
LIN, YU-TING, and 林昱婷. "The Impact of Free Cash Flow on Capital Expenditures and Net Working Capital Investment." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/9fhjj5.
Full text東海大學
Jensen (1986) proposed the Free Cash Flow Hypothesis from the perspective of agency costs. When a firm has excessive free cash flow, and the goals of the manager and the shareholders are different, the abnormal investment will be occurred and damage the firm's value. In the prior literature, there was a positive relation between free cash flow and over-investment, but they only focused on capital expenditures. Therefore, this paper expands investment activities to net working capital, and takes Taiwan publicly-traded firms and China A-share listed firms from 2000 to 2016 as samples to respectively investigate the relationship between free cash flow and capital expenditure and net working capital investment. Based on the prediction model of Richardson (2006), this paper demonstrates that, firms with positive free cash flow are about 70% for the Taiwan and about 90% for China, which means that firms generally hold too much free cash flow. In Taiwan and China, firms with lower financial leverage, higher cash levels, longer firm age, larger firm size and better stock return have positive free cash flow. For companies with positive free cash flow, there will over-invest in capital expenditures and under-invest in net working capital; conversely, companies with negative free cash flow will under-invest in capital expenditures and over-invest in net working capital, which means that an exceeding investment of capital expenditures leads to a decrease in net working capital. In Taiwan, the lower the firm's financial constraints and the higher the firm's information asymmetry, the more free cash flow will over-invest in capital expenditure and under-invest in net working capital. However, in China, the higher the firm's growth opportunities and the higher the firm's the information asymmetry, the more it can alleviate the problem of underinvestment in capital investment due to negative free cash flow. Finally, for Taiwanese companies, join the corporate governance variables. In terms of capital expenditure, the larger the size of the board of directors and the higher the ratio of directors' shareholdings, the more firms with positive free cash flow can reduce excessive investment in capital expenditures; in terms of net working capital, the higher the shareholding ratio of directors and supervisors, the shareholding ratio of major shareholders, and the shareholding ratio of managers, the more firms with negative free cash flow can decrease excessive investment in net working capital. Managers' improper expansion strategies and overinvestment will hurt company value. When the firm has high free cash flow, investors should pay more attention to the firm's investment decisions and corporate governance quality.
Li, Sung-Hsuan, and 李淞炫. "The Study for the Relationship among Dividend policy, ESOPs and Cash Flow Return on Investment." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/73812578606782851894.
Full textLiu, Renyi, and 劉仁義. "The Study for the Relationship among Organizational Capital, Value Driver and Cash Flow Return on Investment." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/73129952688039737819.
Full textChen, Jie. "Evaluation of Capital Investment and Cash Flows for Alternative Switchgrass Feedstock Supply Chain Configurations." 2011. http://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/959.
Full textBrás, Mário Jorge Oliveira. "Investment decisions of a Bosch suppliers club member: a case study." Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/69479.
Full textThis project investigates the case of Hardware Development Inc. participation in the initiative “Clube de Fornecedores”. The company is one of the largest companies in Portugal, has been growing for the past decade and it is expected to keep growing in the future. The firm does not seem to use Net Present Value for its financial decisions. Therefore, Real Options was a subject matter mentioned and compared but it was not applied. In this project I conduct a DCF analysis of the project TSIM, that is an R&D project, started in 2019 and it is expected to produce sales until 2024, and that was submitted to the initiative “Clube de Fornecedores” of Bosch. The estimated cost of capital is 8.64%. The base-case scenario NPV is around 400 thousand euros, but it is smaller than the non-refundable subsidy of around 996 thousand euros. The project is therefore acceptable only because of the subsidy. It may also be worthwhile to accept because of other effects not considered in this project, namely future growth opportunities that could be valued using Real Options Analysis. The risk analysis done using Monte Carlo simulation estimated a 20% probability of the project producing a negative NPV, which is low and confirms the recommendation of accepting the project. The sensitivity analysis allows the identification of sales and operating expenses as the variables responsible for the success of the project.
Este projeto investiga a participação da empresa Hardware Development Inc. na iniciativa “Clube de Fornecedores”. Esta empresa é uma das maiores em Portugal, tem crescido durante a última década e é esperado que continue a crescer no futuro. A firma não usa o Valor Atual Líquido para tomar as suas decisões financeiras. Consequentemente, as Opções Reais foram um assunto mencionado e comparado, mas não teve aplicação prática. Neste projeto, eu desempenhei uma análise de Fluxos de Caixa Descontados do projeto TSIM. Este é um projeto I&D, começado em 2019, proveniente da iniciativa “Clube de Fornecedores” da Bosch e é esperado que produza vendas até 2024. O custo de capital estimado para o projeto foi de 8.64%. O Valor Atual Líquido do projeto é cerca de 400 mil euros, mas é mais pequeno do que o fundo não reembolsável de 996 mil euros. O projeto é, portanto, aceitável apenas devido ao subsídio recebido. Talvez também seja preferível aceitar o projeto devido a outros efeitos não considerados neste projeto, nomeadamente futuras oportunidades que surgiriam caso as Opções Reais fossem utilizadas. A análise de risco foi feita através de uma simulação de Monte Carlo, e estimou 20% de probabilidade de o projeto produzir um Valor Atual Líquido negativo, o que é reduzido e confirma a recomendação de aceitar o projeto. A análise de sensibilidade permitiu a identificação das vendas e dos custos operacionais como as variáveis de maior impacto no projeto.
Beisler, Matthias Werner. "Modelling of input data uncertainty based on random set theory for evaluation of the financial feasibility for hydropower projects." Doctoral thesis, 2010. https://tubaf.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A22775.
Full textDie Auslegung von Wasserkraftanlagen stellt einen komplexen Planungsablauf dar, mit dem Ziel das vorhandene Wasserkraftpotential möglichst vollständig zu nutzen und künftige, wirtschaftliche Erträge der Kraftanlage zu maximieren. Um dies zu erreichen und gleichzeitig die Genehmigungsfähigkeit eines komplexen Wasserkraftprojektes zu gewährleisten, besteht hierbei die zwingende Notwendigkeit eine Vielzahl für die Konzepterstellung relevanter Einflussfaktoren zu erfassen und in der Projektplanungsphase hinreichend zu berücksichtigen. In frühen Planungsstadien kann ein Großteil der für die Detailplanung entscheidenden, technischen und wirtschaftlichen Parameter meist nicht exakt bestimmt werden, wodurch maßgebende Designparameter der Wasserkraftanlage, wie Durchfluss und Fallhöhe, einen umfangreichen Optimierungsprozess durchlaufen müssen. Ein Nachteil gebräuchlicher, deterministischer Berechnungsansätze besteht in der zumeist unzureichenden Objektivität bei der Bestimmung der Eingangsparameter, sowie der Tatsache, dass die Erfassung der Parameter in ihrer gesamten Streubreite und sämtlichen, maßgeblichen Parameterkombinationen nicht sichergestellt werden kann. Probabilistische Verfahren verwenden Eingangsparameter in ihrer statistischen Verteilung bzw. in Form von Bandbreiten, mit dem Ziel, Unsicherheiten, die sich aus dem in der Planungsphase unausweichlichen Informationsdefizit ergeben, durch Anwendung einer alternativen Berechnungsmethode mathematisch zu erfassen und in die Berechnung einzubeziehen. Die untersuchte Vorgehensweise trägt dazu bei, aus einem Informationsdefizit resultierende Unschärfen bei der wirtschaftlichen Beurteilung komplexer Infrastrukturprojekte objektiv bzw. mathematisch zu erfassen und in den Planungsprozess einzubeziehen. Es erfolgt eine Beurteilung und beispielhafte Überprüfung, inwiefern die Random Set Methode bei Bestimmung der für den Optimierungsprozess von Wasserkraftanlagen relevanten Eingangsgrößen Anwendung finden kann und in wieweit sich hieraus Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Genauigkeit und Aussagekraft der Berechnungsergebnisse ergeben.
Македон, В. В., and Ю. В. Вдовиченко. "Моделі вартісної концепції управління і оцінки міжнародного бізнесу." Thesis, 2008. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/61491.
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