Academic literature on the topic 'RETURN LOSS BANDWIDTH'

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Journal articles on the topic "RETURN LOSS BANDWIDTH"


Ashari, Sofian Dwi, Muhammad Panji Kusuma Praja, and Agung Wicaksono. "Rancang Bangun Antena Microstrip Patch Circular Menggunakan Metode Defected Ground Structure (DGS) Untuk Aplikasi DVB-T2." Techno.Com 22, no. 3 (August 24, 2023): 539–49.

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Perkembangan era digital ini tidak lepas juga pada televisi, di mana televisi mengalami perubahan dari analog ke digital yang tertuang pada peraturan kominfo. Penyiaran televisi digital di indonesia mengunakan setandar Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terestrial (DVB-T2) yang berkerja pada range frekuensi 478-694 MHz. Proses peralihan dari televisi analog ke digital akan membutuhkan antena yang sesuai, yang dapat menangkap sinyal tersebut. Antena mikrostrip memiliki kelebihan bentuknya yang compact dan mudah untuk difabrikasi, namun memiliki kelemahan di antaranya bandwith yang dihasilkan sempit, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini antena yang digunakan menggunakan patch lingkaran (circular) dan menggunakan metode Defected Ground Structure (DGS). Metode DGS diterapkan dengan tujuan untuk memperlebar bandwith. Hasil perancangan menunjukan bahwa parameter antena seperti VSWR, gain dan return loss mengalami perbaikan antara sebelum menggunakan metode DGS dan menggunakan metode DGS. Nilai parameter antena sebelum metode DGS pada frekuensi tengah 586 MHz menunjukkan nilai return loss -14,56 dB, VSWR 3,32, dan gain -5,45 dBi. Pada perancangan menggunakan metode DGS, menunjukkan nilai return loss -39,32 dB, VSWR 0,19, dan gain sebesar 5,49 dBi. Sedangkan nilai bandwidth mengalami perubahan, yaitu sebesar 11 MHz pada perancangan tanpa metode DGS, dan bandwidth sebesar 365 MHz dengan menggunakan metode DGS.Perkembangan era digital ini tidak lepas juga pada televisi, dimana televisi mengalami perubahan dari analog ke digital yang tertuang pada peraturan kominfo. Penyiaran televisi digital di indonesia mengunakan setandar Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terestrial (DVB-T2) yang berkerja pada range frekuensi. Proses peralihan dari televisi analog ke digital akan membutuhkan antena yang sesuai, yang dapat menangkap sinyal tersebut. Antena mikrostrip memiliki kelebihan bentuknya yang compact dan mudah untuk difabrikasi, namun memiliki kelemahan di antaranya bandwith yang dihasilkan sempit, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini antena yang digunakan menggunakan patch lingkaran (circular) dan menggunakan metode Defected Ground Structure (DGS). Metode DGS diterapkandengan tujuan untuk memperlebarbandwith. Hasil perancangan menunjukan bahwa parameter antena seperti VSWR, gain dan return loss mengalami perbaikan antara sebelum menggunakan metode DGS dan menggunakan metode DGS. Nilai parameter antena sebelum metode DGS pada frekuensi tengah 586 MHz menunjukkan nilai return loss, VSWR , dan gain . Pada perancangan menggunakan metode DGS, menunjukkan nilai return loss, VSWR , dan gain sebesar . Sedangkan nilai bandwidth mengalami perubahan, yaitu sebesar pada perancangan tanpa metode DGS, dan bandwidth sebesar dengan menggunakan metode DGS.
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Kirana, Nurista Wahyu. "An Analysis of Slot Dimension Changing in Dual band Rectangular Patch Microstrip Antenna with Proximity Coupled Feed." JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 4, no. 1 (July 20, 2020): 246–53.

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In this paper, the characteristics of dual band rectangular patch microstrip antenna using proximity couple feed are studied. It can be used for a wireless device that works on multiband frequency. The addition of slot and proximity feed used in order to obtain larger bandwidth and multiple frequency. Microstrip antenna is designed and simulated using software also used to analyze by changing the variable of microstrip slot’s dimension. The parameters are tested in this study include Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), return loss, gain, bandwidth and radiation patterns. From the simulation results, the best value of return loss antenna is -23,29 dB at 2,4 GHz with a slot width of 1 mm and 0,085 GHz bandwidth. At 3,7 GHz, the best value of return loss antenna is -23dB with a slot width of 2 mm and 0,12 GHz bandwidth. Afterwards, the best VSWR obtained on dual band microstrip antennas with proximity coupled feed is 1,14 and 5.53 dBi gain.Keywords: slot, bandwidth, proximity, return loss, gain.
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Xie, Tingting, Xiaohe Cheng, Yuan Yao, Yaohui Yang, Ting Zhang, Junsheng Yu, and Xiaodong Chen. "A Novel Method to Broaden the Single-Mode Bandwidth of the Rectangular Waveguide." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2022 (March 29, 2022): 1–8.

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In this paper, a new class of broadband and low-loss transmission line called slotted rectangular waveguide (SRW) is proposed and analyzed. The proposed SRW consists of the rectangular waveguide and the inverted low-loss slotline, which can selectively suppress the higher-order mode (TE20 mode) and broaden the single dominant mode (TE10 mode) bandwidth in a rectangular waveguide (RW). The design principle and transmission characteristics of the SRW are illustrated and analyzed in this work. The transmission dominant mode bandwidth of the proposed SRW is analyzed and compared with the classic rectangular waveguide (RW), in which the dominant mode bandwidth of 60–155 GHz (88.4% bandwidth) is broader than the RW bandwidth of 60–116 GHz (63%). Two feed structures that can excite the two operating bandwidths (W and D band) of them separately are also designed. The SRW and transition exhibit broadband and low-loss characteristics from 75 GHz to 155 GHz, in which the transmission loss is lower than 0.68 dB and the return loss is over 18 dB.
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Eslami Nazari, Mohsen, Weimin Huang, and Zahraalsadat Alavizadeh. "Return loss-bandwidth evaluation for electrically small microstrip antennas." Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 34, no. 16 (August 24, 2020): 2220–35.

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Salihah, S., M. H. Jamaluddin, R. Selvaraju, and M. N. Hafiz. "A MIMO H-shape Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 4G Applications." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 10, no. 2 (May 1, 2018): 648.

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In this article, a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) H-shape Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) is designed and simulated at 2.6 GHz for 4G applications. The proposed structure consists of H-shape DRA ( =10) which is mounted on FR4 substrate ( =4.6), and feed by two different feeding mechanisms. First, microstrip with slot coupling as Port 1. Second, coaxial probe as Port 2. The electrical properties of the proposed MIMO H-shape DRA in term of return loss, bandwidth and gain are completely obtained by using CST Microwave Studio Suite Software. The simulated results demonstrated a return loss more than 20 dB, an impedance bandwidth of 26 % (2.2 – 2.9 GHz), and gain of 6.11 dBi at Port 1. Then, a return loss more than 20 dB, an impedance bandwidth of 13 % (2.2 – 2.7 GHz), and gain of 6.63 dBi at Port 2. Both ports indicated impedance bandwidth more than 10 %, return loss lower than 20 dB, and gain more than 10 dBi at 2.6 GHz. The simulated electrical properties of the proposed design show a good potential for LTE applications.
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RAHAYU, YUSNITA, MEILITA KURNIATI, and INESTI LAILATUL QODRIYAH. "Antena Mikrostrip Biosensor untuk Deteksi Virus pada Darah." ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika 9, no. 3 (July 9, 2021): 604.

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ABSTRAKKemajuan teknologi gelombang mikro memainkan peran penting dalam berbagai aplikasi diagnosa dan deteksi penyakit. Penelitian ini mengusulkan dua model antena untuk mendeteksi virus menggunakan Antena Mikrostrip Biosensor yang beroperasi pada ISM band (2,4-2,5 GHz). Antena yang diusulkan disimulasikan pada Software CST dengan material substrat Roger 3010. Hasil simulasi yang diperoleh antena pertama beroperasi pada 2,46 GHz, return loss -19,76 dB, bandwidth 401,2 MHz. Antena kedua pada 2,45 GHz, return loss -22,51 dB, bandwidth 227,4 MHz. Hasil simulasi pengujian menggunakan phantom darah menunjukkan pergeseran frekuensi semakin rendah dengan antena pertama 2,38 GHz dan antena kedua 2,43 GHz. Pengukuran antena pertama beroperasi pada 2,5 GHz dengan return loss -21,55 dB dan antena kedua beroperasi pada 2,47 GHz dengan return loss -28 dB. Pengukuran antena menggunakan VNA menunjukkan pergeseran frekuensi semakin meningkat diikuti return loss semakin rendah dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi.Kata kunci: antena deteksi virus, ISM, proximity coupled, mikrostrip, phantom.ABSTRACTAdvances in microwave technology play an important role in a wide variety of disease diagnostic and detection applications. This study proposes two antenna models for virus detection using a Microstrip Biosensor antenna that operates on the ISM band (2.4-2.5 GHz). The proposed antenna is simulated in CST software with Roger 3010 substrate material. The simulation results obtained by the first antenna operate at 2.46 GHz, return loss of -19.76 dB, a bandwidth of 401.2 MHz. The second antenna at 2.45 GHz, return loss of -22.51 dB, a bandwidth of 227.4 MHz. The test simulation results using blood phantom show that the frequency shift is getting lower with the first antenna at 2.38 GHz and the second antenna at 2.43 GHz. The first antenna measurement operates at 2.5 GHz with a return loss of -21.55 dB and the second antenna operates at 2.47 GHz with a return loss of -28 dB. Antenna measurement using VNA shows that the frequency shift is increasing followed by lower return loss compared to the simulation results.Keywords: antena for virus detection, ISM, proximity coupled, microstrip, phantom.
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Rohadi, Erfan, Amalia Amalia, Indrazno Siradjuddin, Awan Setiawan, Ferdian Ronilaya, Rosa Andrie Asmara, Chairul Saleh, Mochammad Firdaus Ali, Adzikirani Adzikirani, and . "Design and Analysis of The IFA Bandwidth Enhancement for 639 MHz UHF Channel." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.44 (December 1, 2018): 61.

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Bandwidth characteristic enhancement of the antenna is engaging and challenging problems for antenna engineers. The design of the 639 MHz frequency of the low-profile inverted F antenna (IFA) on a finite conducting plane proposed and its characteristics are analyzed numerically. The IFA is typically a narrowband antenna, due to the bandwidth enhancement the antenna parameters are considered. When the size of the conducting plane is 115 mm by 230 mm, the return loss bandwidth (-10 dB) becomes 2.4 % and the gain becomes 6.58 dB. The results found that when the height of the antenna reduced the return loss bandwidth becomes narrower. However, the return loss bandwidth can be improved by extending the length of the short stub. The gains of IFA are more than 6.5 dB in all the calculation conditions. This means that the gain characteristics are not significantly affected by variations in short stub length, the antenna heights and the size of conducting plane. The results show that by extending the height of the antenna and enlarge the size of the conducting plane improved the bandwidth enhancement of the IFA. The proposed inverted F antenna is promising for the UHF channel receiver.
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Kumari, Sapna. "Dual-Band Square Microstrip Patch Antenna for 4G/LTE and Wi-Fi Applications." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. 8 (August 31, 2021): 1384–90.

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Abstract: A dual-band, Square-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna (SMPA) with two opposite corner cuts is proposed. The presented design is suitable for 4G/LTE and Wi-Fi applications as it resonates at 2.13GHz and 2.41GHz frequencies. The FR4 substrate with co-axial feed is used for fabrication and is simulated using CST software. The simulation result provides enhanced antenna specification of return loss (-42.64&-20.13) dB, bandwidth (62.7&89) MHz and percentage bandwidth (2.94&3.69) % than the conventional antenna prototype. Furthermore, a comparative study of simulated and experimental findings is analyzed in this manuscript. Keywords: Dual-band, return Loss, Bandwidth, Percentage Bandwidth, 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi
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Mishra, Kalyani. "Bandwidth and Return Loss Enhancement of Microstrip Antenna using DGS." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. 2 (February 28, 2021): 97–102.

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R A K, Herma Nugroho. "Desain Antena Hexagonal Patch Array untuk Peningkatan Gain dan Bandwidth pada Frekuensi 2,4 GHz." TELKA - Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, Komputasi dan Kontrol 2, no. 1 (May 22, 2016): 44–52.

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Pada penelitian ini telah didesain antena hexagonal single patch dan hexagonal patch array yang dapat digunakan sebagai perangkat antena untuk menangkap gelombang radio (RF) pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz pada Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Desain antena dilakukan menggunakan software CST 2015 (Student Version) Microwave studio. Parameter pengujian antena hexagonal patch array meliputi return loss, gain, dan bandwidth. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemodelan transmission line dan corporate feed line untuk pengaturan perubahan jarak antar patch antena. Perubahan variabel juga diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap parameter antena khususnya gain antena. Nilai parameter antena hasil simulasi antena hexagonal patch array menunjukkan nilai return loss adalah -20, 081 dB, gain sebesar 3,51 dB, bandwidth adalah 0,05 GHz. Sedangkan nilai parameter antena hasil simulasi antena hexagonal patch array menunjukkan nilai return loss adalah -33, 94 dB, gain sebesar 5,55 dB, bandwidth adalah 0,08 GHz.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "RETURN LOSS BANDWIDTH"


Nithianandam, Jeyasingh. "L-Band Coplanar Slot Loop Antenna for iNET Applications." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2010.

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ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California
In this article we present a design of an L-band slot loop antenna with a dielectric loaded conductor backed coplanar waveguide (CBCPW) feed. The coplanar slot loop antenna has a transmission line resonator in series. We used full wave electromagnetic simulations with Ansoft's high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software in the design of the coplanar slot loop antenna. The series transmission line resonator helps to tune the coplanar slot loop antenna and reduce its size. We present here results on return loss and radiations patterns of coplanar slot loop antenna obtained from HFSS simulations.
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This thesis presents the theory and a design method for distributed digital phase shifters, where both the phase‐error bandwidth and the return‐loss bandwidth are considered simultaneously. The proposed topology of each phase bit consists of a transmission‐line (TL) branch and a bandpass filter (BPF) branch. The BPF branch uses grounded shunt quarter wavelength stubs to achieve phase alignment with the insertion phase of the TL branch. By increasing the number of transmission poles of the BPF branch, the returnloss bandwidth can be increased. Analysis of the BPF topology with one, two, and three transmission poles is provided. The design parameters for 22.5 , 45 , 90 , are provided for bandwidths of 30%, 50%. The three bit digital phase shifter is designed with minimum phase shift of 22.50 and maximum phase provided is 157.50. Results of all three bit phase shifts are produced and their respective phase errors and return losses are compared.
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Book chapters on the topic "RETURN LOSS BANDWIDTH"


Gour, Puran, and Ravi Shankar Mishra. "Return Loss and Bandwidth Enhancement Using Back Fire Microstrip Patch Antenna." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 77–87. New Delhi: Springer India, 2014.

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Mohanty, Manisha, and Bikram Choudhury. "Intensification of Bandwidth, Return Loss and Gain of Ultra-Wideband Microstrip Antenna with Single-Band-Notch (U-Slot) Characteristics." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 281–88. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Saxena, Anurag. "A “La” Shape Antenna for High Frequencies Applications." In Design and Optimization of Sensors and Antennas for Wearable Devices, 1–14. IGI Global, 2020.

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In this chapter, a ‘ला' shape antenna for high frequencies is designed which has been simulated under CST software using copper material (i.e., FR-4). The dielectric constant of this material is 4.4. The return loss of ‘ला' shaped antenna is -28 dB at 6.774 giga-hertz and -19 dB at 7.7 GHz resonant frequencies. It covers the bandwidth from 6.555 GHz to 7.122 GHz and 7.38 GHz to 8.07 GHz. In this chapter, simulated results like polarization, smith chart, return loss graph, 2-D pattern, 3-D pattern, and polar plot are presented.
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Sarkar, Swagata, Sivakami Nagappan, and Shafin Kadhir Badhusha. "Design and Analysis of 64 GHz Millimetre Wave Microstrip Patch Antenna." In Recent Trends in Intensive Computing. IOS Press, 2021.

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Millimetre Wave frequencies (30–300 GHz) can be used for different major applications of modern world like telecommunications, security screening, imaging, automotive radars, military applications, remote sensing, radio astronomy and many more. The internationally reserved frequency spectrum is used for Radio Frequency Energy. In this work 64 GHz antennas are compared with different design and a comparative study is taken. In this work Microstrip patch antenna with carpet architecture, and fractal island are designed and compared. The general comparative parameters for antenna are directivity, gain, return loss, bandwidth, specific absorption rate etc. After the comparison, it is found that return loss gave better result for carpet design at 64 GHz compare to fractal island design.
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Jin, Shan. "A Lowpass-Bandpass Diplexer Using Common Lumped-Element Dual-Resonance Resonator." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2022.

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A lowpass-bandpass (LP-BP) diplexer with one lowpass channel (LPC) and one bandpass channel (BPC) is presented. The lumped-element dual-resonance resonator as common resonator is proposed to connect inductors, capacitors and LC resonator to constitute the desired channels. The LPC design is combined with parameters optimization and the lowpass transformation method, and the BPC design can be developed using the classical design theory of coupled-resonator filter. As an example, a 0.9 / 1.8 GHz LP-BP diplexer is designed and fabricated, which exhibits high return loss (RL), low insertion loss (IL), wide bandwidth (BW), high isolation and extremely compact size.
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Artawan, Putu. "Bi-Ellipse Microstripline Antenna Array Varians." In Antenna Systems [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.

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The objectives of this research include obtaining and verifying the impedance formula of the designed bi-ellipse microstrip antenna and correlating the results obtained through simulation and experimentation. The research also aims to obtain the structure and dimensions that provide optimal characteristics of the designed bi-ellipse microstrip antenna and produce a prototype at S, C and X-Band frequencies. This research produced the structure and dimensions of a bi-ellipse microstrip antenna that provide optimal characteristics of antenna. The characteristics results of the antenna parameters in this research include a 8x2 array, with a bandwidth value of around 100.0 MHz obtained at a working frequency of 7.09GHz (7.04 GHz - 7.14 GHz), with a reflection coefficient value of 0.02, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of 1.06, return loss of −30.00 dB and a gain of 7.30 dB. For the 8x4 array, a bandwidth value of approximately 210.0 MHz is obtained at a working frequency range of 2.85GHz, which ranges from 2.74GHz - 2.95GHz, with a reflection coefficient value of 0.04, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of 1.09, return loss of −27.06 dB and a gain of 8.19 dB. The results presented above fulfill the indicators of good antenna characteristics parameters applicable to radar communication systems.
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Nwajana, Augustine O., Emenike Raymond Obi, Gerald Kelechi Ijemaru, Emmanuel U. Oleka, and Destiny Chidi Anthony. "Fundamentals of RF/Microwave Bandpass Filter Design." In Handbook of Research on 5G Networks and Advancements in Computing, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering, 149–64. IGI Global, 2021.

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This chapter presents the basic approach of microwave bandpass filter design for 5G network applications. The chapter serves as a reference source to microwave stakeholders with little or no filter design experience. It should help them to design and implement their first filter device using microstrip technology. A three-pole Chebyshev bandpass filter with centre frequency of 2.6 GHz, fractional bandwidth of 3%, passband ripple of 0.04321 dB, and return loss of 20 dB has been designed. The designed filter implementation is based on the Rogers RT/Duroid 6010LM substrate with a 10.7 dielectric constant and 1.27 mm thickness. The circuit model and microstrip layout results of the BPF are presented and show good agreement. The microstrip layout simulation results show that a less than 1.8 dB minimum insertion loss and a greater than 25 dB in-band return loss were achieved. The overall device size of the BPF is 18.0 mm by 10.7 mm, which is equivalent to 0.16λg x 0.09λg, where λg is the guided wavelength of the 50 Ohm microstrip line at the filter centre frequency.
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Pattanaik, Balachandra, Muddineni Raveendra, Suresh Babu Thangavel, Ashraf Mohammad, Saam Prasanth Dheeraj Pedapalli, and Akhileswari Sirigineedi. "A Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna for NB-IOT Applications." In Antenna Design for Narrowband IoT, 35–42. IGI Global, 2022.

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This chapter presents a basic design of a microstrip patch antenna that will fit the requirement of narrowband internet of things applications. The proposed antenna has a wideband characteristics operational performance with below -20 dB return loss as a requirement. The frictional bandwidth of the proposed antennas is about 26.98%. The proposed antenna can be utilized for GPS applications at 1575 MHz, and the proposed antenna has positive gain at E & H – planes to have good radiation patterns. The performance behavior of the proposed antennas has been analyzed by high frequency structural simulation (HFSS).
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Jayananda Singh, Samom, Rajesh Kumar, and M. M. Dixit. "Study Analysis of Printed Monopole Antenna for C and X Band Application." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2022.

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In this design, dimension of the proposed antenna is 20 × 25 × 1.6 mm3 with FR4 substrate having circular patch fed with co-planar waveguide (CPW) that operates at numerous resonance frequencies between 5 and 10 GHz. The proposed antenna can be used well for low range communication transceivers in the C and X bands, according to simulation results. The optimal parameters for UWB antenna are the fractional bandwidth, which should be greater than 85%, and VSWR, which is another parameter. For the best and most efficient technique of using printed monopole antenna, the range of Ultra wideband (UWB) bandwidth should be lower than 2. Simulate data suggest that the proposed antenna has outstanding impedance matching capabilities, achieving a peak gain of 8 dBi. Results indicate that the ground plane’s dimensions of 15.9 mm and 11.4 mm are the most suitable for UWB due to its return loss of -41.86 dB, fractional bandwidth of about 89%, and Voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR) of less than 2 within the frequency spectrum. This modified prototype antenna has a decent, omnidirectional radiation pattern.
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Naik, Ketavath Kumar. "Design of Spiral Square Patch Antenna for Wireless Communications." In Contemporary Developments in High-Frequency Photonic Devices, 131–41. IGI Global, 2019.

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The kapton polyimide material is considered to design conformal antenna with spiral square for radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless local area network (WLAN) applications. In this chapter, the analysis and investigation has been carried out with spiral square techniques using coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed. The proposed antenna operates at 5.8 GHz with impedance bandwidth of 170 MHz (5.73 - 5.9 GHz) with return loss -25.6 dB and gain is 2.4 dBi. The proposed antenna has considered with different bending angles for investigating the conformal characteristics due to flexibility of the material. These results are presented for omni-directional radiation patterns.
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Conference papers on the topic "RETURN LOSS BANDWIDTH"


kumar Deb, Partha, Tamasi Moyra, and Priyansha Bhowmik. "Return loss and bandwidth enhancement of microstrip antenna using Defected Ground Structure (DGS)." In 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). IEEE, 2015.

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Sun, Shangbin, Yuanxiang Chen, Jia Fu, Ying Han, Yongtao Huang, Shangjing Lin, Leijing Yang, and Jianguo Yu. "A Bonding Structure with Low Return Loss and High Transmission Bandwidth for Microwave Circuit." In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2020.

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Belekar, Vrishali Mahesh, Prachi Mukherji, and Mahesh Pote. "Improved microstrip patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth, efficiency and reduced return loss using DGS." In 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). IEEE, 2017.

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Wakodkar, Rajeev, Bhaskar Gupta, and Samik Chakraborty. "Analysis of square patch antennas for resonant frequency, return loss, gain and bandwidth using ANN." In 2009 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices & Systems (ELECTRO-2009). IEEE, 2009.

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Koli, Nishat Yasmin, Muhammad U. Afzal, Karu P. Esselle, Raheel M. Hashmi, and Md Zahidul Islam. "A Beam Squinted Linearly Polarised Radial Line Slot Array Antenna with Improved Return Loss Bandwidth." In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting. IEEE, 2020.

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Berisset, Philippe, Jean de Kat, Sylvain Morvan, and Yannick Chevalier. "Return loss reduction techniques for an ultra wide bandwidth phased array antenna in V/UHF band." In 2006 1st European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). IEEE, 2006.

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B, Manoj, and Stephen Rodriguez. "Genetic Algorithm Optimization of MicroStrip Patch Antenna Dimensions for Enhanced Bandwidth, Accurate Operating Frequency and Return Loss." In 2021 Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). IEEE, 2021.

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Manoj, B., and Stephen Rodriguez. "Optimization of MicroStrip Patch Antenna Dimensions for Enhanced Bandwidth, Operating Frequency, Return Loss and Feed Width using Genetic Algorithm." In 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). IEEE, 2021.

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Ahmed, M. Firoz, M. Hasnat Kabir, and Abu Zafor Md Touhidul Islam. "Effect of Feed Point Position on the Bandwidth, Centre Frequency and Return Loss of Rectangular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna." In 2021 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2). IEEE, 2021.

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Wang, Mu-Chun, Zhen-Ying Hsieh, Cheng-Yi Ke, Shuang-Yuan Chen, and Heng-Sheng Huang. "A 5.8GHz Band-Pass Filter With an Active Inductor Through 0.18μm Full-CMOS Process for Wireless Transceivers." In 2007 First International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Substituting the active inductor for the passive inductor to integrate the 5.8GHz bandpass filter into a system-on-chip (SoC) circuit is a feasible solution to reduce the filter chip area, increasing the application competition. The bandpass filter circuit in simulation with TSMC 0.18um CMOS process models and Agilent simulation software exhibits the good performance such as an input return loss (S11) of −34.26dB, an output return loss (S22) of −17.49dB, a bandpass gain (S21) of −4.33dB, a noise figure (NF) of 18.91dBm, a 1-dB compression point (P1dB) of −23dBm, a third-order intercept point (IIP3) of −15.83dBm, and the power dissipation in 19.44mW under 1.8V power-supply operation. In addition, the 3-dB bandpass bandwidth is 300MHz. The final dimension of this chip is approximate to 680×530μm2.
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