Academic literature on the topic 'Rétablissement personnel'
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Journal articles on the topic "Rétablissement personnel"
Sauvageau, Anick, Marie-Josée Drolet, Breitner Gomez, and Catherine Briand. "Analyse philosophique des ressemblances entre l’approche du rétablissement et le Modèle de développement humain et du Processus de production du handicap." Articles originaux 27, no. 2 (November 11, 2021): 9–28.
Full textPelletier, Jean-François, and Émilie Auclair. "Le Modèle global de santé mentale publique et les mentors de rétablissement." Santé mentale au Québec 42, no. 1 (June 14, 2017): 223–41.
Full textPerry, JoAnn. "J. Mantel and J. Funke-Furber. Forgotten Revolution: The Priory Method – A Restorative Care Model for Older Persons. Victoria, BC: Trafford, 2003." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 24, no. 2 (2005): 199–200.
Full textClavot, Valérie, and Jonathan Biglietto. "La stigmatisation des personnes atteintes de maladies psychiatriques prise en charge par le personnel soignant : une revue de la littérature." Hegel N° 4, no. 4 (January 18, 2024): 241–49.
Full textWallot, Hubert. "Les Pinceaux d’Or : une expérience d’hygiène mentale auprès d’aînés en besoins psychosociaux." Mosaïque 41, no. 2 (November 10, 2016): 165–75.
Full textMichel, T. "Le rétablissement personnel en schizophrénie : expérience des psychiatres. Des objectifs partagés, des pratiques à implanter. Étude qualitative." French Journal of Psychiatry 1 (December 2019): S170—S171.
Full textDemailly, Lise, and Nadia Garnoussi. "Les rencontres entre médiateurs de santé pairs et usagers de la psychiatrie en France : effets thérapeutiques, limites et impasses. Partie 2." Santé mentale au Québec 40, no. 1 (July 22, 2015): 189–201.
Full textBriand, Catherine, Rose-Anne St-Paul, and Francine Dubé. "Mettre à contribution le vécu expérientiel des familles : l’initiative Pair Aidant Famille." Mosaïque 41, no. 2 (November 10, 2016): 177–95.
Full textGiraud-Baro, E. "Un parcours de soins aménagé pour le rétablissement." European Psychiatry 28, S2 (November 2013): 80.
Full textKoenig, Marie, and Juliette Vaillant. "Instituer le rétablissement : entre consensus et controverses." Pratiques en santé mentale 69e année, no. 4 (January 4, 2024): 7–18.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Rétablissement personnel"
Turcotte, Karl. "L'expérience des intervenants dans l'accompagnement vers le rétablissement des personnes vivant dans les milieux de soins de longue durée en psychiatrie." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textThe aim of this qualitative study is to explore the experience of supporting persons with severe mental disorder their recovery in long-term psychiatric unit of the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine in-patient mental health providers and they answered to the Recovery attitude questionnaire (RAQ-7). Thematic analysis was used to describe the experience, completed with by analysis of RAQ-7 scores. Results: Three interconnected components of the experience are identified: hope, involvement and relationship with the person. Positive attitude toward recovery, vision of recovery as a personal journey and working with providers who believe in recovery positively influence the experience. In parallel, being confronted to in-patient with significant symptoms, a culture of intervention geared towards their stabilization and having past experiences of failure in interventions negatively influence the experience. Conclusions and implications: The experience of supporting persons with severe mental illnesses is influenced by various individual and environmental factors (organisational environment). Knowledge of these factors can promote a successful implementation of favorable modes of intervention in the recovery of users in residential and long-term psychiatric care environments. Keywords: recovery-focused mental health services, recovery, serious mental illness, in-patient mental health providers, long-term psychiatric unit.
Benedetti, Dubreucq Marine. "Santé mentale en période périnatale : comment améliorer la formation des sages-femmes ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textBackground: Perinatal mental health problems (PMHPs) concern one in five women and one in ten men. PMHPs remains often undetected with negative consequences on parents-baby triads. Their central role in perinatal healthcare places midwives in a key position to improve the detection, referral and management of PMHPs. However, midwives consistently report feeling ill prepared to do so, with negative consequences across the care pathway. Improving midwives’ training in perinatal mental health and its translation into routine clinical practice is a complex intervention that requires the integration of the perspective of all relevant stakeholders. This work addresses two interconnected research questions: 1) How to improve perinatal mental healthcare?; 2) How to improve midwives’ training in perinatal mental health?Methods: We used a participatory research design from the inception of this project, i.e. co-production by academic researchers and researchers with lived experience as equal partners. We conducted two systematic reviews on how to improve perinatal mental healthcare (n=75 articles) and on midwives’ training needs in perinatal mental health and related interventions (n=66 articles). The qualitative part of this project (n=84 participants including 24 persons with lived experience of PMHPs, obstetric providers, childcare health providers and mental health providers) aims to explore the experiences, views and priorities of persons with lived experience and various perinatal health providers on improving: 1) perinatal mental healthcare; 2) education in perinatal mental health.Results: This work has identified key issues to improve midwives' training in perinatal mental health and its effective translation into routine clinical practice: 1) meet the priorities identified by persons with lived experience; 2) clarify midwives’ and other providers’ role in perinatal mental healthcare and facilitate a meaningful engagement into perinatal mental healthcare; 3) taking into account the context in which the intervention will be delivered.Conclusion: Our findings allowed to elaborate an integrative model presenting the determinants of a meaningful engagement of midwives in perinatal mental healthcare. Based on this model, we co-designed a blended education intervention on perinatal mental health with lived experience experts that will be evaluated in the future (e.g. feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness in immediate post-training and at 9 months
Pierrefeu, Inès de. "Les ESAT de transition, une voie de rétablissement "par et vers" l’emploi pour les personnes vivant avec des troubles psychiques." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textWork is a key-factor of recovery for people with severe mental illness. Various programs exist to support them to gain and maintain competitive employment. In France, the rate of employment remains low for this population and only scarce researches are developed in this field, although some French practices, such as the Ç ESAT de transition È (transitional workshops) of the MESSIDOR association, appear to be performing well. Theses transitional workshops support people with psychiatric disability to gain a competitive employment on the regular labor market while working in a sheltered activity. The goal of this research was to describe the Ç ESAT de transition È program, comparing it to international evidence-based practices, such as supported-employment programs, and to define how this program can facilitate a recovery process for people with a severe mental illness.The first part of this research is intended to describe the program with a mixed method (qualitative then quantitative) in order to compare it with international evidence-based practices and to describe the roles, tasks and competencies of the two professionals supervising people with a severe mental illness, counselors and supervisors, and to define how they contribute to a recovery process for them. A second part of the research is dedicated to clients of this program, with a longitudinal study (n=160) of clinical and psychosocial variables, at the beginning of the program, and in order to document predictive factors of their job tenure in the program, of their positive evolution to work integration on the regular labor market and of their recovery.These Ç ESAT de transition È are an hybrid form of a sheltered workshop, social enterprise and supported-employment program for people with a severe mental illness. In a workplace close to the context of regular labor market, thanks to a subtle relational posture, the two professionals supervising the workers help them to develop a new positive identity, self-esteem as a worker and hope in the future, which are key-factors of a recovery process. Clients have a positive perception of their situation in this program, on clinical and psychosocial variables, and this perception is stable on the 9 months follow-up of the study. They confirm that self-esteem as a worker, counselors and supervisors are key-factors to ensure their job tenure in the program, their positive evolution to work integration on the regular labor market and their recovery. Practical implications and recommendations from this research are the type of support that should be developed in France for people a with severe mental illness to help their work integration, as well as the type of training and supervision that should be offered to the professionals supporting them
Ouellet, Alexandra. "Le rétablissement et les représentations sociales de la dépression chez des personnes souffrant ou ayant souffert d'un épisode dépressif : un projet pilote." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Full textThis study had for principal goal to characterize how the concept of social representation of depression fit in, evolve or influence the recovery of people who are suffering or suffered of a depressive episode by elaborating the profile of two groups of persons. This research have been led close by 25 participants, 12 of whom stating they have fully recovered and 13 who considered themselves as advanced in their recovery process. The data collection have been made with quantitative questionnaires that evaluated depression, self-stigma, recovery and hope dispositional. The study also included a qualitative part by the associative network method and by open questions about their episode of depression. Overall, the results point out that the social representations of depression are connoted mainly negatively but those of the group composed of individuals who considerate themselves recovered include a greater part of positive words comparatively of neutral words. Regarding recovery, it remains that its definition is quite personal. The most determinant element of recovery that the participants have recalled is the support of their relatives, which bring out the importance of the openness of the entourage during the unveiling of a mental disorder. Furthermore, the hope dispositional is the most correlate variable with recovery. Therefore, the hope of getting better would be an important vector of recovery. Finally, regarding stigmatisation, the persons living or having lived a depression show a high level of self-stigmatisation, especially regarding shame, self-blame and social inadequateness, regardless of their advancement in their recovery. However, it’s encouraging to note that the participants do not experience much help seeking inhibition.
Ozenne, Jessica. "Après la psychiatrie : étude du processus de rétablissement des personnes en situation de handicap psychique dans le cadre d’un hébergement dans une structure médico-sociale." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019.
Full textLong-term studies about outcome for people who are suffering from schizophrenia showed that those with severe mental illness often recover. This epidemiologic research also pointed out that long-term consequences of severe mental illness are not always an aggravation despite ongoing symptoms. A lot of jurisdictions around the world are now calling for mental health services to become “recovery-oriented”. The aim of this study is to focus on experience of people suffering from severe mental illness and who are not supposed to recover from it, with a narrative approach. Therefore, this research suggests a phenomenological study of the transition time between psychiatric long-term care and community care for these people. In this perspective, the research project is made up of two phases. The first phase, called “early phase”, consists of a series of interviews, before the admission of people in a social housing. The second one, called “later phase”, is a second series of interviews, between one and two years after the effective admission. We have seen that far from the traditional representation of schizophrenia, that implies a long-term psychological degradation, the analyzis of clinical material by the grounded theory method shows a rich psychological experience for people, with a preserved desire and hope for the future. This study also seeks the role of the supportive environment in people recovery. Though the health care strategies paradigm is changing, there is still a gap in France between the latter and field practices. In this way, this research assembles several scientific fields, such as psychological, medical, sociological, philosophical and ethical questions, showing the institutional mechanisms impact on the outcome of people who suffer from schizophrenia, when on a long-term hospitalization
Noiseux, Sylvie. "Élaboration d'une théorie du rétablissement de personnes vivant avec la schizophrénie." Thèse, 2004.
Full textVallée, Catherine. "Développement professionnel et rétablissement des personnes aux prises avec des troubles mentaux graves." Thèse, 2007.
Full textTremblay, Marjolaine. "L'apport de la relation thérapeutique dans le rétablissement des personnes atteintes d'un trouble mental grave." Thèse, 2015.
Full textThéberge, Alexandre. "Les facteurs d’influence dans le rétablissement des personnes atteintes d’un trouble concomitant : une étude exploratoire." Thèse, 2017.
Full textLacroix, Geneviève. "Les conceptions du rétablissement chez des femmes fréquentant une ressource communautaire en santé mentale." Thèse, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Rétablissement personnel"
McKay, Anaïs-Monica. La place qu'accordent les personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale graves à la médication dans leur rétablissement. [Québec]: Laboratoire de recherche, Département de sociologie, Université Laval, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Rétablissement personnel"
VINET, Freddy, and Anne-Marie LEVRAUT. "Principes généraux de la gestion de crise." In Gestion des crises territoriales, 37–62. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHyacinthe, Daniel, Mélissa Lizotte, and Judith Philippe. "Les Conditions Gagnantes Du Point De Vue De Trois Personnes En Rétablissement." In Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale, 53–60. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2009.
Full textTrainor, John. "HOUSING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONAL RESOURCE BASE." In Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale, 33–52. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2009.
Full textTrainor, John. "Housing and the Development of A Personal Resource Base." In Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale, 33–51. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2009.
Full textPeyla, Laura, and David Marie. "La langue vivante des Soins Palliatifs." In Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé, 133–43. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textTrudelle, Sylvie, and Pierre Lauzon. "Les arts en soutien au rétablissement : la parole des personnes participantes." In Rattacher les fils de sa vie par les arts visuels, la danse, la musique et le théâtre, 31–65. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2022.
Full textNoiseux†, Sylvie, Denise St-Cyr Tribble, Dr Raymond Morissette, Dr Yvan Pelletier, Ellen Corin, Claude Leclerc, Danielle Fleury, and Pierre-Luc St-Hilaire. "Une approche contemporaine orientée vers le rétablissement des personnes vivant avec la schizophrénie." In Manuel de réadaptation psychiatrique, 15–27. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full textWannberg, Rosanna. "Institution ou individualité ? Quelques réflexions sur ce que révèlent les récits personnels du rétablissement de la schizophrénie." In Repenser l’institution et la désinstitutionnalisation à partir du handicap, 245–67. Presses universitaires Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Rétablissement personnel"
Rohwerder, Brigitte. Soutien équitable pour les moyens de subsistance et la nourriture. Institute of Development Studies, November 2023.
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