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Journal articles on the topic "Ressources marines – Gestion – Seychelles"
Moal, Roland A. "Réflexions d’un naturaliste sur la gestion rationnelle des ressources vivantes marines." Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, no. 3 (2001): 297.
Full textMoal, Roland A. "Réflexions d’un naturaliste sur la gestion rationnelle des ressources vivantes marines - 1" partie -." Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, no. 2 (2001): 177.
Full textMarrani, David. "Les Commissions de Pêche et leur droit: la conservation et la gestion des ressources marines vivantesa." International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23, no. 1 (2008): 180–81.
Full textBeauchesne, David, Cindy Grant, Dominique Gravel, and Philippe Archambault. "L’évaluation des impacts cumulés dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent : vers une planification systémique de l’exploitation des ressources." Le Naturaliste canadien 140, no. 2 (June 2, 2016): 45–55.
Full textFoale, Simon. "La complémentarité des connaissances scientifiques et des savoirs autochtones sur l'environnement dans les régions côtières de Mélanésie : incidences pour la gestion actuelle des ressources marines." Revue internationale des sciences sociales 187, no. 1 (2006): 135.
Full textLE BOUCHER, R., M. DUPONT-NIVET, S. LAUREAU, L. LABBÉ, I. GEURDEN, F. MÉDALE, B. CHATAIN, M. VANDEPUTTE, and E. QUILLET. "Amélioration génétique et utilisation des aliments à base de végétaux en pisciculture." INRAE Productions Animales 26, no. 4 (August 18, 2013): 317–26.
Full textGraham, Suzanne, and Victoria Graham. "Quality political participation and the SDGs in African small island developing states." Regions and Cohesion 9, no. 2 (June 1, 2019): 1–30.
Full textJeffreys, Kent. "Droits de Propriete et Gestion des Ressources Marines." Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines 7, no. 2-3 (January 1, 1996).
Full textDahou, Tarik. "Gérer l’espace sans gouverner les hommes." 34, no. 1 (July 28, 2010): 75–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ressources marines – Gestion – Seychelles"
Sabino, Magali. "Bioaccumulation of trace elements in Seychelles marine food webs." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021.
Full textFood security, that is guarantying food supply and quality while sustainably managing resources, is closely linked to knowing the biology and ecology of consumed species. In a context of global changes that are threatening seafood safety, it is thus necessary to establish baselines on marine ecosystem functioning, as well as nutrient availability and contamination occurrence in seafood. This is all the more important in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), where populations rely on marine resources for their subsistence, and where capture fisheries resources are the main sources of proteins and micronutrients (i.e. essential trace elements) in local populations’ diet. In spite of the importance of tropical systems in ensuring food security, they remain largely understudied compared to polar and temperate systems. This thesis thus aims to better understand the functioning of tropical marine systems, and to establish a baseline on micronutrient availability and metal(loid) contamination in a wide diversity of capture fisheries resources from the Seychelles (Western Indian Ocean), a tropical SIDS. By investigating trace element concentration patterns at the inter- and intraspecific levels, it was possible to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing trace element bioaccumulation in tropical capture fisheries resources. We thus highlighted the importance of considering different scales (individual, species, and ecosystem) to better understand essential trace element availability and non-essential trace element occurrence in seafood
Sadio, Oumar. "Evaluation de l'efficacité des Aires Marines Protégées comme outil de restauration des ressources marines et de gestion des stocks halieutiques : l'expérience ouest africaine." Thesis, Brest, 2015.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the study of the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as restoration tools of marine resources and fish stocks management in tropical West Africa. The study involves three MPAs. The first one is the Bamboung MPA, a marine reserve located in estuarine areas (with marine influence), closed to fishing since 2004. The second is the Urok Islands MPA established in 2005 and located in the biosphere Reserve of Bijagos archipelago in the coastal part of Guinea-Bissau. It is divided into three areas and fishing is allowed there with a fishing pressure becoming stronger from the central area to peripheral area. The third MPA is the Banc d‟Arguin National Marine Park located along the coast of Mauritania. It was created in 1976 and fishing activities are restricted. Many AMP were evaluated worldwide and the results are in the main part positive. In tropical zones, the variability of environmental parameters affects the spatial and temporal organization of fish assemblage. Therefore, the MPA establishment in a tropical zone has raised questions about their effectiveness inrelation to the influence of environmental parameters. According to the AMP, spatial or temporal approach will be used to answer questions. Comparison analysis will be used. The analysis of biological data comes after those of the physicochemical parameters that show strong seasonal variability in each MPA. This result justifies the choice of seasonal analysis of biological data in order to minimize the influence of environmental variations.Regarding the Bamboung MPA, the results of global approach clearly confirm that it is an effective tool for restoring marine resources. The seasonal approach shows this role in cold season, but not in hot and wet seasons. In 9 years of protection, the Bamboung MPA contributed to attract big fish in the Bamboung bolon. The spillover effect in Bamboung MPA is not clearly demonstrated according to our results. A downward trend of biological indicators according to the distance to the MPA has been observed especially in hot season and wet season. Similarly, the analysis of indicators related to reproduction does not show that the Bamboung MPA improve fish reproduction. Regarding Urok Islands MPA and Banc d’Arguin National marine Park, the results do not confirm that these AMP are fish stock management tools (improved yields of fishing activities and fish reproduction). However, for Urok islands MPA the observed trends suggest a biomass concentration in the central area, an equilibrium role played by the intermediate area and a role of fish biomass provider of the peripheral area. For Banc d’Arguin National Marine Parc, the inside area seems to contribute to the enrichment of the external area by transferring fish biomass. Non-specific results could be explained by the small data collected in the MPAs. So the idea to conduct a short-term biological monitoring and to analyze reproduction indicators in population level has been considered for the three MPA to find clear results on their role in the management of fish stocks
Diop, Bassirou Masseck. "Economie écologique des ressources marines : Le cas de la pêcherie crevettière guyanaise." Thesis, Guyane, 2016.
Full textThe objective of this thesis was to understand the economic behavior of fisheries and to propose resource management policies. The focus was mainly on the French Guiana shrimp fishery. First an initial analysis will be performed on a historical data basis. Initial findings have showed that this fishery was characterized by a strong decrease in its stock, its effort, its production and lead to the closure of some companies. The results have helped also to understand that the production in this fishery is highly dependent on stock and the decrease of the stock is not related to overfishing. Indeed, despite a considerable decline in fishing effort and production, the stock continued to slump suggesting that other factors may be involved. In particular the fishing zone is characterized by an Amazonian environment with significant mangrove and many rivers. The integration of mangrove in the analysis, which shows a decrease in its surface in the 90s did not explain the collapse of the stock. However, the integration of other factors such as rivers and sea surface temperatures have increased understanding of stock depletion in this sector. The French Guiana shrimp fishery is highly influenced by global change, notably increasing in temperature. Moreover, the last chapter suggests that some endogenous phenomena in the fishery, like the congestion effects between fishing vessels, make the whole fishery more sensitive to technology, exogenous economic or biological shocks, amplifying their impact on the optimal business decisions regarding fishing effort. In order to save the French Guiana shrimp fishery, it appears therefore crucial to try to limit the sources of climate change instead of deeply modifying economic practices in this sector, which may lead to misunderstandings by fishermen and local political conflicts
Mariat-Roy, Émilie. "Si les quotas m'étaient contés : les conséquences économiques et sociales des politiques islandaises de gestion des ressources marines : ethnologie de communautés littorales." Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Full textMy doctoral research brings together diverse aspects -social, economic, political and symbolic - of the transformations in the system of property ownership and regulation of access to marine resources following the implementation in 1991 of individual transferable quotas (ITQ). With a view to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the organization of a system of halieutic production, as well as the conditions determining its evolution, I seek to ientify an occupational group across a wide geographical and temporal extent. The aim is to capture, on the one hand, the diversity and fullness of meaning of meaning which fishing as both an idustry and way of life embodies whilst, on the other, to chart its transformation across the past, present and envisaged future fromboth a material and an ideal perspective. With these gols in mind, I consider, firstly, the historical development of the fishing industry in order to shed lighton the process through which marine resources came to be considered as national property, one which involves a comples nexus of interrelated technical, social and economic factors. Secondly, I carry out a comparative analysis of the practices and discourses structuring the forms of mobilization as well as the individual and collective strategies of the coastal populations of seven fishing ports in response to national policies for the management of marine resources. Within this framework, I give detailed consideration to the manner in which the industry's independent fishermen, the flourishing of whom had gone hand in hand with that of commercial fishing, attempt to counteract the effects of national reforms, observing the conditions, forms and consequences of such attempts on both local and national level. This analysis seeks to give due emphasis to the individualization process of fishing and fish processing practices variations in fishing practices which varies from one region to the next, as well as on making sense of the evolution of juridical practices for the regulation of the industry in the wake of the implementation of the ITQ. I bring to light, furthermore, the fashion in which the process of the privatization and commercialization of fishing rights, initiated by public authorities and subsequently pursued by diverse members of the industry, contradicts the principals embodied in fishing laws, a contradiction the significance of which cannot be overlooked
Thébaud, Olivier. "Les choix collectifs de conservation des ressources marines vivantes : analyse economique appliquee aux cas des pecheries coralliennes et de l'exploitation internationale des grands cetaces." Paris, EHESS, 1998.
Full textThe thesis explores collective choice issues related to the conservation of marine living resources. Adaptations of the usual economic approach to recent developments in the definition of conservation problems are investigated. The thesis is based on a comparative analysis of an international case - whaling, and a local case - reef fisheries, used throughout the discussion to illustrate the evolutions considered. It is organised in three parts. The first part presents the usual economic approach to problems of collective choice regarding the conservation of living resources. The analysis shows the central role played by the notion of authority in this approach, leading to the question of the nature and origin of the control exercised by economic agents over marine ecosystems. Following a review of the standard approach to the control of marine fisheries, the second part studies the consequences for this approach of the recent evolution of conservation issues towards a greater emphasis on the natural and social environment in which fisheries operate, at national and international levels. The analysis shows that although conventional bioeconomic tools can partly deal with these changes, they are of limited use in understanding the process by which new systems controlling access to marine ecosystems emerge. The third part investigates this procedural dimension of collective choice problems. Using tools developed for the study of sequential choice in other fields, the analysis shows the benefits of a dynamic approach to decision-making, in which conservation decisions are understood as sequences of choices determining the evolution of resource systems. Based on a comparative analysis of the emergence of control systems in the local and international situations studied, an analysis of the collective dimension of conservation decisions is also carried out
Dagher-Pineri, Nesrine. "La Cour internationale de justice et le droit international de la mer : l'accès aux ressources marines biologiques, la gestion et la conservation des ressources." Aix-Marseille 3, 2009.
Full textBonis, Anne. "L'implantation des installations énergétiques à l'épreuve du droit : l'exemple des énergies marines renouvelables en mer." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Full textThe first renewable marine energy projects were first presented during the so called Eole program in 1996, and then during a call for bids on offshore wind-power in 2004. Despite these initiatives and a second call for bids in 2011, only a few prototypes are being tested at the beginning of 2013. This study aims to determine if the French legislation is adapted to this emerging new activity of renewable marine energy installation implementation. The results of three-year research show that several advances have contributed to defining a legal framework favorable to the implementation of renewable marine energy production installation; yet, their legal regime has not been finalized. Nevertheless, a comparison with maritime and coastal legislations reveals solutions are worth considering and possible. As a result, an intervention from legislative or parliamentary authorities seems necessary to simplify the implementation of projects and to limit the risks of legal disputes
Bour, William. "Biologie, écologie, exploitation et gestion rationnelle des trocas (Trochus niloticus L. ) de Nouvelle Calédonie." Montpellier 2, 1989.
Full textLe, Rhun Philippe. "Le chalutage pélagique dans les eaux territoriales bretonnes et vendéennes." Brest, 2004.
Full textNdoye, Ngoné. "Les accords de pêche : manifestation de la volonté des "Etats" d'une gestion équilibrée des ressources halieutiques ? : l'exemple des accords de pêche conclus entre la Communauté européenne et le Sénégal." Poitiers, 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ressources marines – Gestion – Seychelles"
Canada. Direction générale des océans. Cadre stratégique et opérationnel pour la gestion intégrée des environnements estuariens, côtiers et marins au Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère des pêches et des océans, 2002.
Find full textTable ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie (Canada). Stratégies de gestion viable des océans: Guide de cogestion. Ottawa, Ont: Table ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie, 1998.
Find full textComité consultatif fédéral-provincial-territorial du Programme d'action national du Canada pour la protection du milieu marin contre la pollution due aux activités terrestres. Programme d'action national du Canada pour la protection du milieu marin contre la pollution due aux activités terrestres (PAN). Ottawa, Ont: Environnement Canada, 2000.
Find full textComité consultatif fédéral-provincial-territorial du Programme d'action national du Canada pour la protection du milieu marin contre la pollution due aux activités terrestres. Mise en oeuvre du Programme d'action national du Canada pour la protection du milieu marin contre la pollution due aux activités terrestres: Rapport national destiné à la réunion d'examen intergouvernementale de 2001 du Programme d'action mondial. Ottawa, Ont: Environnement Canada, 2001.
Find full textSeychelles. The fisheries policy of the government of Seychelles: The management of marine resources for national development = La politique de pêche du gouvernement seychellois : l'utilisation des ressources marines dans le cadre du développement national. Fishing Port, Mahé, Seychelles: Seychelles Fishing Authority, 1986.
Find full textFederal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities. Implementing Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities: National report to the 2001 Intergovernmental Review Meeting on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action. Ottawa: [Environment Canada], 2001.
Find full textFederal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities. Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (NPA). [Ottawa, Ont. Canada: Send orders to Environmental Protection Publications, Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate, Environment Canada], 2000.
Find full textPeter, Weber. Net loss: Fish, jobs, and the marine environment. Edited by Platt Anne 1969- and Douglis Carole. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute, 1994.
Find full textOrganisation for economic co-operation and development. Vers DES P?Cheries Durables: Aspects ?Conomiques De La Gestion DES Ressources Marines Vivantes. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Dev, 1997.
Find full textSophie, Jeleff, and Conseil de l'Europe. Assemblée parlementaire., eds. Océans. Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ressources marines – Gestion – Seychelles"
Carlson, Anna, Francesc Maynou, Bernardo Basurco, and Miguel Bernal. "Chapitre 2 - Gestion des ressources marines vivantes." In Mediterra 2016 : Zéro gaspillage en Méditerranée, 51–70. Presses de Sciences Po, 2016.
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