Academic literature on the topic 'Résistance à la tyrannie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Ciccone, Albert. "Pouvons-nous penser une incestualité « ordinaire » au service du développement ?" Le Divan familial N° 49, no. 2 (October 4, 2023): 209–27.
Full textBarillé, Bénédicte. "Electra's three performances by Antoine Vitez." Collectanea Philologica 15 (January 1, 2012): 79–91.
Full textYU, Kihwan. "Une étude sur la structure temporelle et les actions des personnages dans La Peste." Societe d'Etudes Franco-Coreennes 102 (August 31, 2023): 185–214.
Full textGuérin, Jeanyves. "Pour une lecture politique de l’Antigone de Jean Anouilh." Études littéraires 41, no. 1 (October 5, 2010): 93–104.
Full textBuchart, Mélanie. "Le leader populiste, catalyseur de violence verbale et pyromane de la révolte." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 124, no. 1 (June 20, 2023): 149–80.
Full textDubuy, Mélanie. "Le droit de résistance à l’oppression en droit international public : le cas de la résistance à un régime tyrannique." Civitas Europa 32, no. 1 (2014): 139.
Full textDuclert, Vincent. "« Il y a de l'or dans cette poussière. » L'intellectuel démocratique et la résistance aux tyrannies." Archives Juives 38, no. 1 (2005): 11.
Full textRaynaud, Philippe. "De la tyrannie de la majorité à la tyrannie des minorités." Le Débat 69, no. 2 (1992): 48.
Full textGran, Iegor. "La tyrannie du bien." Les Temps Modernes 627, no. 2 (2004): 108.
Full textBillé, Michel. "La tyrannie du « bienvieillir »." Imaginaire & Inconscient 45, no. 1 (2020): 113.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Sayed, Baba. "Le droit de résistance à la tyrannie : deux lectures divergentes de l'islamisme politique." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2002.
Full textBoniteau, Adrien. "De la résistance aux révolutions : réception, adatation et intégration des thèses monarchomaques dans le débat théologio-politique anglais : (années 1580-années 1720)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textThe Monarchomachs refer to sixteenth-century French and Scottish Protestant writers who justified a right of institutional resistance to tyranny. The PhD thesis analyses the reception and interpretation of Monarchomach ideas in England. Monarchomach arguments first made relatively marginal inroads into the English theological and political debate between the 1580s and the 1630s. However, the onset of the English Civil War implies a dramatic explosion of the uses of Monarchomach theses during the 1640s, to the extent that the period could be referred to as the Monarchomach moment. Between 1649 and 1660, Monarchomach ideas were integrated into the argument of the new regime, the Commonwealth, and were subject to various institutionalisation attempts. Finally, appeal to the Monarchomach precedent moderated between 1660 and the 1720s
Nayt-Dubois, Armelle. "Gynécocratie et tyrannie dans l'oeuvre de John Knox." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2002.
Full textIn the sixteenth century, as the Reformation was transforming society and culture, an unprecedented number of women came to power in Great Britain. Under Henry VIII, the break from Rome had meant an increase in Royal Prerogative but when his daughter Mary Tudor became queen, Kingship - or rather Queenship - and the Reformation began to share an uneasy relationship. Soon after the marian exiles settled on the continent, they reexamined a topic longforgotten by political theory : female rule. Amongst the exiles, John Knox, the Scottish reformer, called attention to himself when he had "The first blast against the monstrous regiment of women" circulated around England just after the death of Bloody Mary. This thesis looks at the originality of the 1558 pamphlet both within the context of Renaissance political through and within the context of gender
Gaile-Irbe, Agnese. "Réformer la tyrannie : étude du Hiéron de Xénophon." Strasbourg, 2011.
Full textThe first volume contains an elaborate study of the Hiero or Tyrannicus, dialogue written by Xenophon, a prolific author of the IVth century BC. The second volume presents a new translation in French, notes and an index of greek words. The study itself has several aims: it proposes a reflection on the methodology of reading Xenophon; an analysis of the rhetorical structure of the text; an analysis of its place in the corpus xenophonticum; a study of its political message in the historical context of the Greek IVth century; an analysis in the context of the epinician tradition, as well as the tradition of the Greek Fürstenspiegel. It also provides biographies and studies of the two prototypes of the persons of the dialogue, looks into the established topoi about the tyranny that Xenophon worked on and provides detailed comparisons with parallel texts written by important political theorists, Isocrates, Plato and Aristotle. I try to show that the dialogue must be read as a conscious and motivated reaction to the tyrant's portrait in books VIII and IX of the Republic. I also believe that Aristotle had read the Hiero, and the chapters of the Politics that deal with the methods of preserving the tyranny are influenced by some of the Xenophon's ideas. After a detailed study of different historians' hypotheses concerning the prototype tyrant, I conclude that Xenophon must have thought about Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse between 403 and 376 BC. A certain amount of observations and arguments seem to prove that the dialogue was written shortly after 358 BC. The last part is devoted to the reception of the Hiero made by the american philosopher Leo Strauss (1899-1973) who proposed a radically ironic reading of the Hiero that is not historically plausible
Oliveira, Gomes Claudia de. "La tyrannie grecque archaïque : histoire politique et intellectuelle." Paris 4, 2004.
Full textThis work analyses the specific place of tyranny in ancient Greece's political and intellectual history. The author seeks to situate the history of political ideas while taking into account historical events alongside considerations of the economy, society - including notions of citizenship – as well as religion and architectural history. This is the background against which the importance of the moment in which tyranny in the history of Greek ideology can be seen. In order to attain its models of intelligibility, this thesis builds on notions taken from political anthropology. The author thus understands tyranny as an archaic form of the State that comes into existence as a veritable political revolution. The tyrannical regime institutes the first means of coercion: a new citizenry that depends on the state and is defined abstractly, a civic religion, a secular and centralized public domain. The evolution of the sixth century Spartan or classic Athenian polis is described as the result of dynamic contradictions between the political structures of the State instituted by tyrrany and the representations of a socially mediated power characteristic of pre-political societies that have not yet created a State. The analysis of archaic poetry shows that the political rupture introduced by tyranny sends ripples into intellectual culture. The texts reveal the appearance of political concepts and the beginning of a causal interpretation of events; the author examines very precisely notions related to the political regime and social groupings. The relationship interwoven between the tyrant and the demos highlights the conditions necessary for the birth of politics as an autonomous field. Finally, this thesis proposes looking at the birth of Ionian philosophy in a new light, as a response to the advent of the autonomy of the political. The physiologoi philosophoi thus attempt to rebuild a holistic understanding of the world that has been shattered by an intellectual crisis, but not without approving of the notional transformations acquired in the wake of the challenge to the tyrannical polis
Corbin-Schuffels, Anne-Marie. "Manes Sperber, 1934-1960 : un combat contre la tyrannie." Paris 3, 1994.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study manes sperber as a political fighter and an engaged journalist in all the main ideological and political fights of the twentieth century. It is based on a large unpublished documentation. In the chosen period, sperber, an antifascist communist, evolves to an anti-sovietic militantism. This evolution is the result of a reflexion about totalitarian regimes. The first part studies how sperber breaks with communism, how he analyses totalitarian regimes and defines the position of intellectuals in society. It is also about the importance of judaism for him. The second part shows sperber's political role in the french occupation zone in germany and in austria after 1945. At that time, sperber fights very strongly against the communists in the congress for cultural freedom. He is the director of the collection "traduit de. . . " by the publisher calmann-levy the third part is an overview of sperber's statements in the intellectual fights of the period. His philosophy of history allows him to believe in the possibility of progress. He proposes a new humanism, based on the research of truth
Frachet, Michiko. "La fontaine de Narcisse : la tyrannie de la culture de l'image." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1995.
Full textRuhatijuli, Etienne. "De la liberté chez Etienne de La Boétie : peut-on se débarrasser de la tyrannie ?" Thesis, Reims, 2021.
Full textTyranny is one of the systems known to govern a country. It is despised by many because it goes against the law and well being of a nation. It is the worst of calamities when a country, a territory or a region falls under the control of an unscrupulous human being who kills his people, violate laws and trample on freedoms. What is the behaviour of a population subjected to dictatorship? Does it accept it or not? How do women and men of a sovereign country accept to give up their own freedom and handover their powers to one human being? One individual? To a dictator who will enslave them. Is it wise to ignore that situation? How would people get rid of it and regain their freedom?Here, we are addressing the question of understanding the modern world using the wisdom from BOETIE text, Speech of Voluntary Slavery “Discours de la Servitude Volontaire”. In fact, democracy seems to be the best government system because it represents the people’s aspirations and will. But, in many countries, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, we see emerging type of dictatorships under the cover of the people’s approval. In his texts, La BOETIE, clarifies that situation and all our analyses will try to confirm and corroborate this research hypothesis
Moerman, Ellen Ruth. "L'abbé Prévost traducteur, ou la tyrannie du bon goût : L'époque du "Pour et Contre" (1733-1740)." Montpellier 3, 1998.
Full textTranslation is one way of reading a text and as such is a source of valuable information on both the history and fortunes of a foreign text abroad, and the translator. In becoming part of the recipient culture, the translated text challenges the accepted norms and deserves to be studied more closely. Where the translation is contemporary to its original, it may also be a source of valuable information on the creation of the original. The abbe prevost (1697- 1763) was a journalist, novelist and translator. His work in the latter capacity enables him to introduce english thinking into france from 1733 onwards. The texts that appear his periodical, the pour et contre (1733-1740) , show an editor with an eclectic taste, unafraid of introducing new, foreign ideas. His reader is made to think about the hierarchy in the arts, greater variety on the stage and the means of achieving this, english humour, slavery, parliamentary democracy and the freedom of expression. Nine texts from the pc by swift, lillo, caleb d'anvers, hamilton etc. Are reproduced in bi-lingual format together with their iconography, thus showing the deliberately informative approach this translator adopts, contrary to current practice. He is a master of the polite, well-informed and elegant challenge and paves the way to domestic tragedy, richardson and hume whilst also practising new forms of writing which he incorporates in his own work
Laporte, Karine. "Figures de la tyrannie dans l'Histoire des empereurs romains ou De la vertu et du vice chez Hérodien." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textCe mémoire de maîtrise porte sur l'Histoire des empereurs romains d'Hérodien. Réflexion en quatre parties, cette étude s'intéresse à la représentation des bons et mauvais empereurs chez l'historien et, plus largement, à sa conception du vice et de la vertu. Le premier chapitre analyse les caractéristiques politiques, militaires et personnelles de Marc Aurèle, son optimus princeps. Le deuxième chapitre montre comment Hérodien évalue les empereurs subséquents d'après le modèle inaugural de Marc. Les portraits choisis, pour illustrer cette consécration par l'imitation, sont ceux de Macrin, Commode, Sévère, Alexandre et Pertinax. Le troisième chapitre étudie de façon thématique les vices principaux des tyrans. Le quatrième chapitre examine en détail trois cas de vices uniques, selon la méthode particulière de composition d'Hérodien : la cruauté pour Caracalla et Maximin et l'impiété pour Héliogabale. La conclusion s'attache aux questions du caractère inné et des mérites propres et aux portraits des derniers bons empereurs du récit, Maxime et Balbin.
Books on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Sayed, Baba M. Le droit de résistance à la tyrannie en islam: Regards croisés et lectures divergentes de figures emblématiques de l'islamisme politique. Alger: Office des publications universitaires, 2017.
Find full textGuy, Lafrance, and Canadian Society for Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law., eds. Pouvoir et tyrannie. [Ottawa]: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1986.
Find full textMebarki, Farah, and Nathalie Wolff. Femmes, totalitarisme & tyrannie. Paris: Les éditions du Cerf, 2019.
Find full textDrumont, Edouard Adolphe. La tyrannie maçonique. Paris: Editions du Trident/Librairie française, 1987.
Find full textRey, Angélique Del. La tyrannie de l'évaluation. Paris: La Découverte, 2013.
Find full textPatrick, Farbiaz, ed. La tyrannie de l'émotion. Paris: Gawsewitch, 2008.
Find full textSchwaz, Jean-Claude. La tyrannie des minorités. Vevey: Éditions de l'Aire, 2022.
Find full textTroadec, Christian. Carhaix résistance. Spezet: Coop Breizh, 2008.
Find full textDefela, Manchini. La marque de la tyrannie. Abidjan, Ivory Coast: Circle Editions, 2011.
Find full textBillé, Michel. La tyrannie du "bien vieillir". Paris: Le Bord de l'eau, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Python, Francis. "Résistance." In Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbach, 629–38. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textSaladin, Jean-Christophe. "Résistance aux nouveautés." In Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, 228–39. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017.
Full textPéchenart, Jean. "Chapitre XVII – Résistance." In Les petits cailloux de Simon Jeanjean, 252–65. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
Full text"La tyrannie pyramidale." In La tête haute, 17–36. University of Ottawa Press, 2021.
Full text"La tyrannie pyramidale." In La tête haute, 17–36. University of Ottawa Press, 2021.
Full textKern, Manfred. "La belle tyrannie." In Contrainte et création, 49–57. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textLaks, André. "Tyrannie et persuasion." In Médiation et coercition. Pour une lecture des Lois de Platon, 95–110. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2005.
Full textRoche, Pierre. "Résistance." In Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique, 545–47. Érès, 2019.
Full textMathieu, Lilian, and Cécile Péchu. "Résistance." In Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, 508–16. Presses de Sciences Po, 2020.
Full text"La tyrannie du regard." In Le héros comme il faut, 33–68. Editions de Boccard, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Grosjean, Luce, Alex Chauvet, Anna Le Danois, Quentin Foulon, Fabien Glasse, Juliette Jean, and Julie Narat. "Résistance." In SIGGRAPH '17: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.
Full textKahina, Bouguerrouma, Rashit Abdulkhakovich Latypov, and Valery Strizheus. "ÉTUDE DES MATÉRIAUX POLYMÈRES ET COMPOSITES POUR LA FABRICATION DE LA BAGUE UAZ "PATRIOT" PAR LA MÉTHODE DE SURFAÇAGE COUCHE PAR COUCHE." In Themed collection of papers from Foreign International Scientific Conference «Science and innovation in the framework of the strategic partnership between Algeria and Russia» by HNRI «National development» in cooperation with the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene. April 2024. Crossref, 2024.
Full textFort, Pierre-Louis. "Résistance du récit : texte et métatexte chez Annie Ernaux." In Annie Ernaux, les écritures à l'œuvre. Fabula, 2020.
Full textJamet, Philippe. "Les tests de résistance des centrales nucléaires européennes après l’accident de Fukushima." In Premières conséquences du REX de Fukushima sur l’exploitation des réacteurs et installations nucléaires. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2012.
Full textMezazigh, Salim, Daniel Levacher, and Jacques Garnier. "Etude sur modèles centrifugés de la résistance latérale des pieux dans le sable." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 1992.
Full textAfriani, Lusmeilia, Daniel Levacher, Matoren Khay, and Dominique Lozach. "Résistance au cisaillement d'une grave alluvionnaire - essais à la boîte : constats et effets d'échelle." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2002.
Full textBaudet, J.-P., and M. Kurela. "Prise en compte probabiliste de l’incertitude associée aux distributions dans les méthodes contrainte-résistance." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textLEVACHER, Daniel, Andry RAZAKAMANANTSOA, and Ritesh GUPTA. "Résistance au cisaillement des sédiments. Utilisation du T-bar en laboratoire et effet du diamètre." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2015.
Full textMekerta, Belkacem, Abdélaziz Semcha, Fadéla Rahmani, and Jean-Pierre Troalen. "Erosion spécifique et caractérisation de la résistance au cisaillement des sédiments du barrage de Fergoug." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2008.
Full textNoaillon, E., S. Azogui-Lévy, G. Lescaille, R. Toledo, V. Descroix, P. Goudot, and J. Rochefort. "Impact des recommandations de l’ANSM dans la prise en charge en cabinet libéral des collections circonscrites aiguës suppurées de la cavité orale d’origine dentaire : enquête nationale." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Résistance à la tyrannie"
Frey, Joachim, and Stéphane Praz. Résumé du Programme national de recherche « La résistance aux antimicrobiens » (PNR 72). Fonds national suisse (FNS), November 2022.
Full textDouglas, E., and V. M. Malhotra. Étude des propriétés et de la résistance de liants à base de ciment portland et de laitiers non ferreux. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.
Full textHearson, Martin, Philip Mader, Mary Abounabhan, Marco Carreras, Awa Diouf, Adrienne Lees, Hannelore Niesten, Fabrizio Santoro, and Christopher Wales. Taxer l’argent mobile en Afrique : risques et avantages. Institute of Development Studies, September 2024.
Full textScarpini, Celeste, Oyebola Okunogbe, and Fabrizio Santoro. Les promesses et les limites des technologies de l’information dans la mobilisation fiscale. Institute of Development Studies, April 2023.
Full textKang’oro, Dorothy, Fidele Fidele Ngerero, and Ignatius Odongo. Utiliser les technologies numériques pour améliorer le recouvrement des impôts – le cas du Togo. Institute of Development Studies, November 2024.
Full textSystème canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens : Rapport de 2022. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2022.
Full textDocument de politique générale : Combattre la résistance aux antimicrobiens avec l’approche « Une seule santé ». WOAH (World Organisation for Animal Health), May 2024.
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