Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Réseaux ad hoc (informatique) – Protocoles de réseaux d'ordinateurs – Routage (informatique)'
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Xue, Xiaoyun. "Mécanismes de Sécurité pour des Protocoles de Routage des Réseaux ad hoc." Phd thesis, Paris, ENST, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ENST0045.
Full textMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) refer to mobile and wireless networks independent of any infrastructure. Some ad hoc scenarios are in a hostile environment. Moreover, due to numerous constraints such as the lack of infrastructure, the lack of a-priori trust relationship, resource-constrained nodes, mobility, etc. , the ad hoc routing is vulnerable to numerous attacks. In this dissertation, we first present a classification of ad hoc routing vulnerabilities using the attack tree analysis model. The main characteristic of this work is that we distinguish objectives and mechanisms of attacks. This distinction can help security defenders to easily notice which attacks should be prevented under which security objectives. We then focus on the propositions of new secure mechanisms for ad hoc routing protocols, and we also pay attention to limit the performance degradation caused by security mechanisms. First of all, we proposed a Secure Watchdog for Ad hoc Networks (SWAN) to ensure the authentication in supervision and to reduce the storage requirement of watchdog. Secondly, a Trust-based Routing Protocol (TRP) is proposed, which is a protocol based on source routing and a trust model. Thirdly, two security mechanisms for Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR), respectively Hash Proved Link State (HPLS) and TC Securing (TCSec), are proposed to reinforce the security and to reduce the cryptography overhead required by an existing solution. Simulations show that our mechanisms are both robust and lightweight. The dissertation is ended with some guidelines for the design of a new ad hoc routing protocol secured from scratch
Le, Phu Hung. "Multipath routing protocol for ad hoc networks." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066410.
Full textMobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes that move freely and self-configure without a preexisting communication infrastructure. In MANETs, under the arbitrary movement of nodes and highly dynamic topology conditions, the routing protocols for fixed networks do not perform well. To adapt to the rapid change of topology, many routing protocols have been proposed. However, most of them chose the minimum hop-count routes. This choice can lead to significant reduction of the network performance because communication quality via the chosen links is not good. Thus, the evaluation of link quality is indispensable and interference is a key factor to be considered. In the literature, most of the existing interference-aware protocols are single path and the consideration for interference range is limited. Several proposed interference-aware multi-path protocols for MANETs are either not highly efficient or have the computational complexity of NP-hard. To tackle the above problems, we first determine an interference region of each link including all nodes that can interfere with this link. Then, we propose a formula to evaluate the interference level of each link. Based on the formula of the link interference, we develop a series of interference-aware multi-path routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. These interference-aware multi-path routing protocols minimize the impact of interference on the paths from the source to the destination to increase the network performance. The computational complexity of the protocols is polynomial and each of them is most suitable for a type of network size. To demonstrate the efficiency of the interference-aware multi-path routing protocols, we compare them to prominent protocols in different network sizes and a high mobility environment when the RTS/CTS (Request-To-Send/Clear-To-Send) mechanism is alternatively turned on and turned off. The simulation results show that our protocols significantly improve packet delivery fraction, and reduce end-to-end delay, routing overhead, and normalized routing load. The RTS/CTS mechanism is to restrict the collision caused by the hidden terminals. However, we indicate that the RTS/CTS mechanism is not suitable for mobile ad hoc network based on the simulation results
Yi, Jiazi. "Protocole de routage à chemins multiples pour des réseaux ad hoc." Nantes, 2010. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=9185769b-0a52-4b31-b2e6-8ac0f7892430.
Full textAd hoc networks consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data without reliance on any fixed based station or a wired backbone network. They are by definition self-organized. The frequent topological changes make multi-hops routing a crucial issue for these networks. In this PhD thesis, we propose a multipath routing protocol named Multipath Optimized Link State Routing (MP-OLSR). It is a multipath extension of OLSR, and can be regarded as a hybrid routing scheme because it combines the proactive nature of topology sensing and reactive nature of multipath computation. The auxiliary functions as route recovery and loop detection are introduced to improve the performance of the network. The usage of queue length metric for link quality criteria is studied and the compatibility between single path and multipath routing is discussed to facilitate the deployment of the protocol. The simulations based on NS2 and Qualnet are performed in different scenarios. A testbed is also set up in the campus of Polytech’Nantes. The results from the simulator and testbed reveal that MP-OLSR is particularly suitable for mobile, large and dense networks with heavy network load thanks to its ability to distribute the traffic into different paths and effective auxiliary functions. The H. 264/SVC video service is applied to ad hoc networks with MP-OLSR. By exploiting the scalable characteristic of H. 264/SVC, we propose to use Priority Forward Error Correction coding based on Finite Radon Transform (FRT) to improve the received video quality. An evaluation framework called SVCEval is built to simulate the SVC video transmission over different kinds of networks in Qualnet. This second study highlights the interest of multiple path routing to improve quality of experience over self-organized networks
Burgod, Céline. "Contribution à la sécurisation du routage dans les réseaux ad hoc." Limoges, 2009. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/e252c1c0-3541-48df-85fd-a4e7e7d12206/blobholder:0/2009LIMO4046.pdf.
Full textIn the scope of this thesis, we have focused on the security of the routing functions. Our approach consists on one hand in preventing attacks against the control messages, and on the other hand in providing a reliable support for the detection of malicious behaviors. To mitigate the limits of the existing approaches, we study the use of a tamper resistant hardware. We describe a control scheme, located between the data link layer and the network layer, allowing to accurately detect and locate corrupted entities with regards to the elementary operations required by any routing protocols. In the second part of this work, we propose a systematic security analysis for the OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) routing protocol. Within our framework, we describe : (1) the various elements which define the OLSR protocol, (2) the possible attacks in the form of elementary illegal actions, then (3) the causal relationships between various illegal actions and the extent of disruptions. This representation allows to build a substantial reference base from which it is possible to compare several reinforced versions of OLSR
Adnane, Hassiba-Asmaa. "La confiance dans le routage ad hoc : étude du protocole OLSR." Rennes 1, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00354194.
Full textThe implicit trust is always present in the operating protocols, in particular, between the entities involved in routing operations. In our work, we are interested by trust management as security solution for OLSR protocol. This approach fits particularly with characteristic of ad-hoc networks. Moreover, the explicit trust management allows entities to reason with and about trust, and to take decisions regarding other entities. First, we analyse the fonctionning of OLSR protocol under the terms of trust. Then, we propose a trust-based reasoning which allow to each node to evaluate the behavior of the other nodes, to detect misbehavior nodes, and then to be able to trust or not the other nodes. Finally, we propose a solutions of prevention and contermeasures to resolve the situations of inconsistency, and counter the malicious nodes. These solutions require only minor modifications on the OLSR and can be extended depending on the attack type and users needs
Bomgni, Alain Bertrand. "Qualité de services dans les protocoles de multicast géographique et de routage par permutation dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Amiens, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AMIE0100.
Full textA wireless sensors network (WSN for short) can be represented as a graph, tree, or other structures. The structure is more or less important depending on the problem that we will deal with and the respect of constraints on WSNs. In fact, in WSNs, security and economy of energy are two important and necessary aspects to consider. Particularly, security helps to ensure that such a network is not subject to attacks that involve reading, modification or destruction of information while economy of energy prolong the network life as the energy supply for sensor nodes is usually extremely limited, non-rechargeable and non-replaceable. In this work, we are interested in two problems : the permutation routing problem on multi-hop WSN and the problem of geocasting. A large variety of permutation routing protocols in a single-hop Network are known in the literature. Since they are single hop, there is always a wireless link connecting two nodes. One way to solve this problem in a multiple hop environment is to partition nodes into clusters, where a node in each cluster called clusterhead is responsible for the routing service. We first propose a hybrid clustering mechanism to perform permutation routing in multi-hop ad hoc Networks. Simulation results show that our algorithm performs better than the naive multiple gossiping. Next, we derive a new protocol that performs with less number of broadcast rounds compared to the one above. Finally, we present a protocol for permutation routing, which is secure, fault tolerant and energy-efficient. The proposed protocol is based on two main principles. First, the use of a heterogeneous hierarchical clustered structure to assign the most important roles to the sensors having the most energy, in order to ensure the protection and routing of data items. Second, the use of multiple processes based on this structure to ensure, regardless of network and sensors status, no data is lost and that a data item from a point A to a point B always arrives safety. In the other hand, Geocasting or Multi-Geocasting in wireless sensor network is the delivery of packets from a source (or sink) to all the nodes located in one or several geographic areas. The objectives of a geocasting (multi-geocasting) protocol are the guarantee of message delivery and low transmission cost. The existing protocols which guarantee delivery run on network in which each node has an ID beforhand. They either are valid only in dense networks or must derive a planar graph from the network topology. Hence the nodes may be adaptated in order to carry out huge operations to make the network planar. In our first solution which does not need node to have such capacity, we consider anonymous networks and derive geocast and multi-geocast algorithms that guarantee delivery and that need less gaps or obstacles and dense networks. In our second solution, we add energy-efficient issues. Effectively, we propose an energy-efficient geocast algorithm for wireless sensor networks with guaranteed delivery of packets from the sink to all nodes located in several geocast regions
Espès, David. "Protocoles de routage réactifs pour l'optimisation de bande passante et la garantie de délai dans les réseaux ad hoc mobiles." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/423/.
Full textMobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are a specific king of wireless networks that can be quickly deployed without pre-existing infrastructures. They are used in different contexts such as collaborative, medical, military or embedded applications. However, MANETs rise new challenges when they are used to support multimedia or real time applications (e. G. , videoconference, VoIP, Video on Demand, etc) that require constraints on Quality of Service like the delay or the bandwidth. Indeed, these networks undergo drawbacks due to both the characteristics of the transmission medium (transmission medium sharing, low bandwidth, etc) and the routing protocols (information diffusion, path calculation, etc). The goal of our work is to optimize the bandwidth throughput in order to support multimedia and real time applications. Because MANETs are multihops, the impact of the routing protocols is crucial. Three axes have been investigated to increase the bandwidth in MANETs: reduction of the collisions, reduction of the routing information and guarantee of the bandwidth and the delay
Sondi, Obwang Patrick. "Le Routage à Qualité de Service dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad Hoc." Phd thesis, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00551243.
Full textJerbi, Moez. "Protocoles pour les communications dans les réseaux de véhicules en environnement urbain : routage et geocast basés sur les intersections." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EVRY0016/document.
Full textInter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) is attracting considerable attention from the research community and the automotive industry, where it is beneficial in providing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) as well as assistant services for drivers and passengers. In this context, Vehicular Networks are emerging as a novel category of wireless networks, spontaneously formed between moving vehicles equipped with wireless interfaces that could have similar or different radio interface technologies, employing short-range to medium-range communication systems. The distinguished characteristics of vehicular networks such as high mobility, potentially large scale, and network partitioning introduce several challenges, which can greatly impact the future deployment of these networks. In this thesis, we focus on inter-vehicle communication in urban environments. Our main goal is to propose new routing and dissemination algorithms, which efficiently adapts to the vehicular networks characteristics and applications. Temporary disconnection in vehicular network is unavoidable. It is thereby of imminent practical interest to consider the vehicular traffic density. Therefore, at first, we propose a completely distributed and infrastructure–free mechanism for city road density estimation. Then, and based on such traffic information system, we propose a novel intersection-based geographical routing protocol, capable to find robust and optimal routes within urban environments. Finally, in order to help the efficient support of dissemination-based applications, a self-organizing mechanism to emulate a geo-localized virtual infrastructure is proposed, which can be deployed in intersections with an acceptable level of vehicular density. The advocated techniques are evaluated by a combination of network simulation and a microscopic vehicular traffic model
Faheem, Yasir. "Routage avec économie d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils." Paris 13, 2012. http://scbd-sto.univ-paris13.fr/secure/edgalilee_th_2013_faheem.pdf.
Full textLimited battery power is one of the major stringent factors in deploying Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), in spite of their numerous applications both on small scale as inWireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and on large scale as in agricultural and habitat monitoring. Especially, stationary sink based data gathering protocols for large scaleWSNs have limited network lifetime, because relay nodes around the sink quickly deplete their battery power due to high traffic loads, making the rest of the network unreachable to the sink. On the other hand, sink mobility improves network lifetime by distributing relay nodes’ energy consumption. However, mobile sink now has to periodically update the network about its changing position. This control traffic is non-negligible for low power, limited capacity sensors as it induces energy consumption problem. In this thesis, we are considering energy efficient routing protocols in the context of WBANs and large scale WSNs. Moreover, we also address multi-channel assignment algorithm with the aim of minimizing power consumption and increasing network throughput. In the first part of this thesis, a deep analysis of the energy consumption of one hop vs multi-hop communications in WBANs is performed. In fact, recent advances in technology has led to the development of small, intelligent, wearable sensors which are capable of remotely performing critical health monitoring tasks, and then transmitting patient’s data back to health care centers over wireless medium. But to the day, energy also remains to be a big constraint in enhancing WBAN lifetime [Net12]. Some recent literature on WBANs proposes deliberate use of multi-hops to transfer data from a sensor to the gateway via relay health sensors as more energy efficient than single hop communication. There are studies which argue contrarily. In this context, we have analyzed the single vs multi-hop energy consumption effect for real very short range sensor devices. In the second part of this thesis, two distributed energy-efficient sink location update algorithms are proposed for large scale mobile sink WSNs. First algorithm, named SN- MPR, uses a combination of multi-point relay broadcast and a local path repair mechanism by means of which sink’s location update packets are forwarded only to nodes which are affected by sink mobility; the rest of the network does not receive these update messages. Next, a duty-cycle aware multi-point relay based algorithm which is a modified version of the SN-MPR algorithm is proposed. It allows non-relay nodes to switch-off their radios when communication is not desired. Simulation results show that the two aforementioned algorithms minimize network’s power consumption without compromising data delivery efficiency. The final part of this thesis deals with traffic-aware channel assignment problem in IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard-based heterogeneous WSNs which have rather high traffic rate requirements than low-rate scalar WSN applications. In fact, traditional single channel communication suffers from interferences caused by concurrent transmissions in the same neighborhood. These parallel transmissions waste battery power as multiple retransmis- sions are required before a packet can be successfully delivered at the destination due to frequent collisions. Moreover, already limited network throughput of the single channel communication protocols is further degraded at higher traffic rates due to increased colli-sions and congestion. On the other hand, concurrent transmissions over multiple channels not only reduce power consumption as packet collisions are minimized or eliminated depend- ing upon the efficiency of the concerned channel assignment algorithm, but also offer better network throughput and data delivery delays. Modern WSN platforms like crossbow’s Mi-caZ nodes [Mot12] are equipped with single, half-duplex IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard-based radio which can operate over sixteen multiple channels. In order to make effective use of multiple channels, a number of channel assignment algorithms have been proposed recently for WSNs. However, they are suitable for rather low-rate homogeneous WSNs, and they consider fixed physical channel widths. These multi-channel assignments increase network throughput, but they may not be able to ensure QoS requirements of high bandwidth de- manding multimedia traffic, as in the case of heterogeneous WSNs. In order to address the energy issue and at the same time increase network capacity, we propose a distributive Traffic-Aware Bandwidth-Adaptive (TABA) channel selection algorithm which enables the nodes to not only choose interference free channels in the neighborhood, but also to adapt channel-width to increase/decrease throughput according to varying traffic conditions
Gawedzki, Ignacy. "Algorithmes distribués pour la sécurité et la qualité de service dans les réseaux ad hoc mobiles." Paris 11, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA112240.
Full textCurrently available routing protocols for ad hoc networks assume the total absence of malicious participants, although this assumption is seldom true in practical applications. In this work, we look for a way to augment proactive protocols so as to let nodes watch over the network in a distributed fashion and measure the threat represented by every node. The measurement is used to extract a quality of service metric used in turn by the routing protocol to avoid the most suspected nodes, according to all the implemented detection methods. We propose to detect data packet loss, be it intentional or not. The detection is performed by a verification of the principle of flow conservation, based on the exchange of packet counters between neighbors. A scalable method of diffusion of these values is also proposed. The actual checking is used to maintain a local degree of distrust which is diffused in all the network and recombined by the nodes into a global metric of distrust in each node. The application to the OLSR protocol is described and its performance evaluated by simulation. We show that the solution is efficient and that the impact of the control overhead on the medium capacity remains low. Finally, an experimental platform of OLSR with quality of service and security is presented, which is aimed at making our solutions work in an actual real setup in order to reveal any potential problem that may appear with the use of commercial off-the-shelf hardware
Rivoirard, Lucas. "Modèle d'auto-organisation pour les protocoles de routage dans les réseaux ad hoc de véhicules : application à la perception élargie et à la localisation coopératives." Thesis, Lille 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL1I041/document.
Full textAutomated driving can reduce accidents and improve the traffic flow by using communications between vehicles and dedicated infrastructures. Maintaining services when an infrastructure failed requires a routing protocol adapted to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. This dissertation assumes the absence of dedicated infrastructure and global location service, each vehicle knowing its only own position. A V2V communication organization model, CBL, is proposed to create and maintain a structure that supports close exchanges between neighbouring vehicles and remote exchanges through the traffic. CBL creates a hierarchy where disjoint groups of neighbouring vehicles (leaves) are connected via a leader vehicle (branch) to a backbone (chain) formed along the road by the interconnection of the branches. CBL requires only the knowledge of the one-hop neighborhood and can be integrated into any routing protocol. The evaluations on road scenarios using IEEE-based traffic recommended on road environments in terms of size and message frequency show that CBL makes a better use of the spatial constraints due to the road. A structure is obtained that suits better in the optimisation of the broadcast traffic than the technique of multipoint relays in OLSR, but also compared to DSR, AODV and GRP protocols. Evaluations of cooperative application traffic such as ego-localization and extended perception show that CBL offers a communication service with low latency, low packet loss, according to a wanted trade-off between message frequency and performance
Maxa, Jean-Aimé. "Architecture de communication sécurisée d'une flotte de drones." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30102/document.
Full textAdvances in miniaturization of embedded systems have helped to produce small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with highly effective capacity. In order to improve their capability in civilian complex missions (for instance, to bypass an obstruction), it is now possible to deploy UAV swarms, in which cooperative UAVs share different tasks. This type of operations needs a high level of coordination between UAVs and Ground Control Station (GCS) through a frequent exchange of information. The communication capabilities are therefore an important objective to achieve for effective UAV swarm operations. Several communication architectures can be used to allow communication between UAVs and GCS. Ad hoc network is one of them and is an effective and promising solution for multi-UAV systems. Such a network is called UAANET (UAV Ad hoc Network) and is an autonomous system made of a UAV swarm and one or several GCS (Ground Control Station). This network can also be considered as a sub category of the well-known MANET (Mobile Ad hoc network). However, it has some specific features (such as node velocity, specific mobility model) that can impact performance of routing protocols. Furthermore, the nature of the wireless medium, along with the lack of fixed infrastructure, which is necessary to verify node and message authentication, create security breaches. Specifically, given the critical characteristic of the real-time data traffic, message authentication proves to be an important step to guarantee the security of the final UAS (composed of UAV swarm). Security of routing protocols has been widely investigated in wired networks and MANETs, but as far as we are aware, there is no previous research dealing with the security features of UAANET routing protocols. Those existing solutions can be adapted to meet UAANET requirements. With that in mind, in this thesis, we propose a secure and reliable communication architecture for a UAV swarm. In this work, the creation of UAANET has first been concieved. In order to do this, we studied the impact of existing MANET routing protocols into UAANET to assess their performance and to select the best performer as the core of our proposed secure routing protocol. Accordingly, we evaluated those existing routing protocols based on a realistic mobility model and realistic UAANET environment. Based on this first study, we created a secure routing protocol for UAANET called SUAP (Secure UAV Ad hoc routing Protocol). On the one hand, SUAP ensures routing services by finding routing paths between nodes to exchange real time traffic (remote monitoring video traffic). On the other hand, SUAP ensures message authentication and provides detection to avoid wormhole attack. The SUAP routing protocol is a reactive routing protocol using public key cryptography and hash chains. In order to detect wormhole attack, a geographical leash-based algorithm is used to estimate the correlation between the packet traveled distance and the hop count value. We also contribute to the certification of the secure communication system software through a Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach. This certification is needed to validate the operation of the UAV swarm, especially in cases where it is used to exchange control and command traffic. We used Simulink and Stateflow tools and formal verification tools of Matlab Software to design SUAP routing protocol. The evaluation of the effectiveness of SUAP has been executed both through emulation and real experiment studies. Our results show that SUAP ensures authentication and integrity security services and protects against a wormhole attack. It also provides an acceptable quality of service for real-time data exchanges
Leclerc, Tom. "Contributions for Advanced Service Discovery in Ad hoc Networks." Thesis, Nancy 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NAN10133/document.
Full textIn the last decade, the number of wireless capable devices increased drastically along with their popularity. Devices also became more powerful and affordable, attracting more users to mobile networks. In this thesis we consider service discovery in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks, also called MANETs, that are a collection of devices that communicate with each other spontaneously whenever they are in wireless transmission range without any preexisting infrastructure. The main characteristic of MANETs is the high dynamic of nodes (induced by the users moving around), the volatile wireless transmissions, the user behavior, the services and their usage. This thesis proposes a complete solution for service discovery in ad hoc networks, from the underlying network up to the service discovery itself. A first contribution is the Stable Linked Structure Flooding (SLSF) protocol that creates stable based cluster structure and thereby provides scalable and efficient message dissemination. The second contribution is the Stable Linked Structure Routing (SLSR) protocol that uses the SLSF dissemination structure to enable routing capabilities. Using those protocols as basis, we propose to improve service discovery by additionally considering context awareness and adaptation. Moreover, we also contributed on improving simulations by coupling simulators and models that, together, can model and simulate the variety and richness of ad hoc related usage scenarios and their human characteristic
Dricot, Jean-Michel. "Routing protocols for indoor wireless ad-hoc networks: a cross-layer perspective." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210710.
Full textSince human-operated devices will more likely be used indoor, it leads to many issues related to the strength of the fading in this environment. Recently, it has been suggested that a possible interaction might exist between various parameters of the ad-hoc networks and, more precisely, between the propagation model and the routing protocol.
To address this question, we present in this dissertation a cross-layer perspective of the analysis of these indoor ad-hoc networks. Our reasoning is made of four stages. First, the cross-layer interactions are analyzed by the means of multivariate statistical techniques. Since a cross-layering between the physical layer and the routing protocol has been proven to be significant, we further investigate the possible development a physical layer-constrained routing algorithm.
Second, fundamental equations governing the wireless telecommunications systems are developed in order to provide insightful informations on how a reliable routing strategy should be implemented in a strongly-faded environment. After that, and in order to allow a better spatial reuse, the routing protocol we propose is further enhanced by the adjonction of a power control algorithm. This last feature is extensively analyzed and a closed-form expression of the link probability of outage in presence of non-homogeneous transmission powers is given. Numerous simulations corroborate the applicability and the performance of the derived protocol. Also, we evaluate the gain, in terms of radio channel ressources, that has been achieved by the means of the power control algorithm.
Third, an architecture for the interconnection with a cellular network is investigated. A closed-form expression of the relaying stability of a node is given. This equation expresses the minimal requirement that a relaying node from the ad-hoc network must fullfil in order to bridge properly the connections to the base-station.
Finally, a real-life implementation is provided as a validation of the applicability of this novel ad-hoc routing protocol. It is concluded that, both from the performance and the spatial re-use point-of-views, it can be taken advantage from the cross-layering between the physical and the routing layers to positively enhance the networking architectures deployed in an indoor environment.
Doctorat en sciences appliquées
Hadded, Mohamed. "Design and optimization of access control protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TELE0023/document.
Full textRoad crashes and their damages represent a serious issue and are one of the main causes of people death. In this context, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) are deployed to reduce the risk of road accident as well as to improve passengers’ comfort by allowing vehicles to exchange different kinds of data which ranges widely from road safety and traffic management to infotainment. Nowadays, safety applications are receiving a great deal of attention from researchers as well as from automobile manufacturers. In this thesis, we particularly focus on safety-critical applications, designed to provide drivers assistance in dangerous situations and to avoid accidents in highway environments. Such applications must guarantee to the vehicles access to the medium and have strict requirements regarding end-to-end delay and packet loss ratio. Therefore, our main goal is to propose new medium access control and routing protocols, which can efficiently adapt to frequent changing VANET network topologies. After a comprehensive overview of free-contention MAC protocols, we propose several solutions, based on Time Division Multiple Access Technique (TDMA). We have designed DTMAC, a fully distributed TDMA-based MAC protocol, which does not rely on an expensive infrastructure. DTMAC uses vehicles’ locations and a slot reuse concept to ensure that vehicles in adjacent areas have collision-free schedule. Using simulations, we prove that DTMAC provides a lower rate of access and merging collisions than VeMAC, a well-known TDMA based MAC protocol in VANET. Then, in order to ensure that event-driven safety messages can be sent over a long distance, we propose TRPM, a TDMA aware Routing Protocol for Multi-hop communication. Our routing scheme is based on a cross layer approach between the MAC and the routing layers, in which the intermediate vehicles are selected using TDMA scheduling information. Simulation results show that TRPM provides better performances in terms of average end-to-end delay, average number of hops and average delivery ratio. In the second part, we focus on coordinator-based TDMA scheduling mechanisms. First, we propose the Centralized TDMA based MAC protocol (CTMAC) which uses Road Side Units (RSUs) as a central coordinator to create and maintain the TDMA schedules. CTMAC implements an Access Collision Avoidance mechanism that can prevent the access collision problem occurring more than twice between the same vehicles that are trying to access the channel at the same time. Using simulation we show an improvement in terms of access and merging collisions as well as the overhead required to create and maintain the TDMA schedules compared to distributed scheduling mechanisms. However, in the CTMAC protocol, fast moving vehicles will need to compete for new slots after a short period of time when they leave their current RSU area, which makes a centralized scheduling approach very expensive. In order to further improve the performance of coordinator-based TDMA scheduling mechanisms, we focus on cluster-based TDMA MAC protocols in which some vehicles in the network are elected to coordinate the channel access, allowing the vehicles to remain connected with their channel coordinator for a longer period of time. To this end, first we propose an adaptive weighted clustering protocol, named AWCP, which is road map dependent and uses road IDs and vehicle directions to make the clusters’ structure as stable as possible. Then, we formulate the AWCP parameter tuning as a multi-objective problem and we propose an optimization tool to find the optimal parameters of AWCP to ensure its QoS. Next, we propose ASAS, an adaptive slot assignment strategy for a cluster-based TDMA MAC protocol. This strategy is based on a cross layer approach involving TDMA and AWCP. The objective is to overcome the inter-cluster interference issue in overlapping areas by taking into account vehicles’ locations and directions when the cluster head assign slots
Mortada, Mohamad Rida. "Multi-hop routing for cognitive radio sensor network." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ENTA0010.
Full textThe Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large number of tiny devices called nodes, and these nodes are generally limited in power and they are randomly deployed in a geographical area for monitoring purpose. Because of the large number of nodes in the WSN, their demand on the frequency resources becomes a real challenge due to the spectrum scarcity. Cognitive Radio (CR) was introduced to enhance the spectral efficiency. The CR classifies users into the Primary User (PU) that holds a license over a spectrum bandwidth, and the Secondary User (SU), i.e., an opportunistic user. The integration of CR into WSN results in a cognitive radio sensor network (CRSN). In CRSN, the nodes behave as SUs. However,the adoption of CRSN may face several challenges. Indeed, network nodes may stop transmitting to avoid any harmful interference for PU. In addition, energy consumption constraint should be respected. Other features may be impacted by the adoption of CRSN, such as the clustering process and the in-network data aggregation, especially in a multi-hop routing based CRSN. In this manuscript, we tackle the challenges of the CRSN from different levels. Firstly, clustering nodes enhances network efficiency. In practice, grouping the network nodes saves energy during data transmission. Thus, we investigate the optimal number of clusters in the network based on energy consumption during data transmission and spectrum sensing to extend network lifespan. Then, we present LIBRO, a new uplink multi-hop routing protocol based on the geographical location information. LIBRO ensures delivery of rectified data packets in dense networks without knowledge of topology or path nodes. Finally, we used LIBRO and the energy harvesting technique to extend the CRSN's lifespan. Thus, by solving an optimization problem jointing the collision probability, energy consumption, packet delivery delay and packet delivery ratio, the appropriate parameters are found
Morais, Anderson. "Distributed and cooperative intrusion detection in wireless mesh networks." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00789724.
Full textMolo, Badji. "Routage dans les réseaux mobiles ad hoc." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24518/24518.pdf.
Full textA mobile ad hoc network is a set of mobile nodes interconnected by a wireless technology, forming a decentralised network, without any fixed infrastructure. This type of network is characterised by a dynamic topology which randomly varies with the time. Such behaviour makes difficult the determination of routes between two mobile nodes, from where the difficulty in setting up effective routing algorithms for these networks. In this context, the MANET (Mobile Ad hoc NETwork) group proposes two categories of routing algorithms : proactive and reactive. The proactive algorithms permanently have a route for each pair of source/destination nodes, which generates an important signaling traffic. On the contrary, for the reactive algorithms, the routes are built on demand and are destroyed after their use, generating a priori a weak traffic of signalisation but also an additional delay to the construction delay (or rebuilding) of routes. Within this memory, we propose a formulation of the routing problem by taking account of the parameters such as the average end-to-end delay, the packet delivery fraction and the routing overhead. The results of simulation show that the performances of the network depend on both the traffic intensity and the nodes mobility degree.
Grepet, Cyril. "Méthodologie pour la validation de protocoles de routage Ad hoc." Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TELE0001.
Full textNew kind of networks has emerged recently among them Ah hoc networks which are spontaneous, infrastrucreless networks composed of mobile communicating with each on a multihop basis. Wireless mobile networks leads to specific and routing challenges. Indeed, wired routing protocols are not efficient for mobility. Many specific protocols have been proposed for mobile Ah hoc networks. We can spread them into three classes : reactive,( on-demand routing), proactive and hybrid protocols which combiend the former ones. For these protocols, the mobility of nodes and the rasio medium imply new constraints for conformance testing. Conformance testing aims to ensure that an implementation has the correct behavior with respect to its formal specification. Most of its problems when tesing the conformity of an Ad hoc routing protocol aree due to the mobility of nodes. We proposed a framework for conformance and interoperability testing. Our framewrk relies on fitted testing architectures, realistic test assumptions, specification topology reduction method based on nodes self-similarity. We considered DSR , a reactive protocol, as case study. We noted an important number of inconclusive verdicts due to mobility when applying our testing methodology
Toubiana, Vincent. "Routage réactif sécurisé dans les réseaux ad hoc." Paris, ENST, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ENST0052.
Full textAd hoc networking is a new wireless communication paradigm where routing and forwarding functions are assured by nodes so that such networks do not rely on infrastructure and can be deployed spontaneously. Ad hoc networks can be either deployed in a stand-alone fashion or attached to a network infrastructure to form hybrid mesh networks. Instances of the former category are Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) which are spontaneous and infrastructureless emerging networks supporting a new class of mobile applications. However, most of ad hoc networks innovative and promising characteristics raise new challenging issues which are critical regarding security risks. In this thesis, our concern is to design a global security architecture aiming at securing the main network operations that may exist in both pure ad hoc or hybrid WLAN mesh networks. Our main contributions concern of the Adaptive Secured Multipath for Ad hoc networks (ASMA) architecture, the Multipath Trust based Routing Protocol (MTRP) and the On-demand Multipath CERTification (OMCERT) protocol. ASMA supports many functionalities including multipath routing, trust management, key/certificate exchange and application adaptation. We propose a global architecture for both pure and hybrid ad hoc networks. From the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of secured routing protocols, we designed a new robust routing structure called Secured Multipath Graph (SMG). SMG structure is extracted from the mesh ad hoc network for each communication to be established between a source and a destination. Especially, SMG is a robust structure based on node-disjoint path routing scheme and dynamic trust management that can be adapted
To, Ba Lam. "Contrôle de puissance et routage dans les réseaux ad-hoc à radio cognitive." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066294.
Full textA large number of wireless services have been introduced over the last decade to satisfy new demands of mobile users. However, the proliferation of wireless computing and communication devices make the radio spectrum overcrowded. It is revealed in the Federal Communication Commission report that many spectrum bands are used only in bounded geographical areas or over limited periods of time, and that the spectrum utilization varies from 15% to 85%. As a consequence, the Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) have been introduced as a new alternative wireless communication paradigm to utilize the radio spectrum more efficiently. In this dissertation, we investigate the power control and routing perspectives to enhance the network performance and power utilization in CRN. First, aiming to enhance the network performance by deploying a proper network topology for a particular communication purpose, we propose a topology deployment oriented power control scheme for cognitive radio ad-hoc network. Second, to tackle the problem of the frequent arrival and leaving of primary users which can lead to the heavy traffic overhead caused by re-routing, we propose a new approach for joint flow maintenance and power control, called flow-based power control, for cognitive radio ad-hoc network. The power control scheme targets on to utilize the power resource more efficiently by only allocating power resource to the maintained flows. Finally, we propose an application-oriented routing protocol (AORP) in cognitive radio ad-hoc network. AORP builds the route for data transmission in combination with channel selection based on the application of the node initializing the data transmission
Banaouas, Iskander. "Analyse et optimisation des protocoles d'accès dans les réseaux sans fil ad hoc." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066005.
Full textIn this thesis, we study the Medium Access protocols in wireless ad hoc networks by evaluating their performances with respect to others. Hence we use an analytical modeling of these access techniques using stochastic models. These models, sustained by simulations, are useful to estimate a MAC protocol's sensitivity for some network constraints. This thesis is presented as follows: First we present the models used to describe the random behavior of some MAC protocols. Second, we apply those models to compare Signal to noise ratio in TDMA and CSMA networks. We compare then the most frequently used access protocols (CSMA and Aloha). We use an analytical model based Poisson Point Processes to calculate the coverage probability of Aloha. Finally we evaluate the gain of CSMA with respect to the two latter protocols. Although CSMA is the most widely used MAC protocol for MANETs, this technique is exposed to unfairness phenomenon if the network is overloaded. We quantify this problem using a Markovian approach. This approach lets us prevent the distribution of unfairness in the network, and then suggest unfairness mitigating solutions based on contention window tuning. Finally, we study the using of Aloha in cognitive networks. In this context, a secondary network tries to optimize its network access probability so that it maximizes it's coverage density while the coverage probability of the primary network is altered by an acceptable rate
Meraihi, Naimi Amina. "Délai et routage dans les réseaux ad hoc 802. 11." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005VERS0027.
Full textAvec l'émergence des applications multimédia dans les réseaux ad hoc, des garanties de la qualité de service QoS sont de plus en plus exigées. Le premier obstacle à franchir consiste en la connaissance de l'état du réseau en terme de délai ou de bande passante ou tout autre critère, que ce soit par modélisation ou par le biais de mesures. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'étude du délai et du routage avec délai dans des réseaux sans fil ad hoc particuliers que sont les réseaux 802. 11. Nous avons tout d'abord modélisé le mode d'accès DCF du protocole 802. 11. Nous avons ensuite déduis les délais moyens et les distributions de délai à un saut et multi sauts. Grâce au simulateur ns-2, nous avons pu étudié et validé notre modèle analytique. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que les délais dans les réseaux 802. 11 suivent une loi puissance. Nous avons proposé une extension du protocole de routage proactif OLSR, que nous avons appelé DOLSR, pour le support du délai. DOLSR calcule les routes qui minimisent le délai moyen de bout en bout en se basant sur l'évaluation périodique locale du délai à un saut effectuée grâce à la modélisation et la diffusion de ce dernier via des paquets particuliers. Nous avons implémenté DOLSR sous ns-2 et étudié ses performances en terme de délai et de perte de paquets. Finalement, nous avons proposé, comme alternative au routage avec délai moyen, un routage avec distribution de délai. Ce problème étant NP complet, nous avons utilisé les résultats de l'analyse asymptotique du délai pour proposer une solution
Amar, Ebtisam. "Protocoles des services de localisation et routage géographique robuste pour les réseaux ad hoc mobiles." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066203.
Full textThéoleyre, Fabrice. "Une auto-organisation et ses applications pour les réseaux ad-hoc et hybrides." Lyon, INSA, 2006. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2006ISAL0061/these.pdf.
Full textAn ad hoc network is a spontaneous wireless network of mobile terminals. If it is connected to the Internet, it constitutes an hybrid network. In this PhD thesis, we focus on the creation of a self-organization layer, according to us required to set up an efficient network. The constitutions presented here explain how to structure an ad-hoc network and demonstrate the utility of this organization. We propose a virtual structure of self-organization creating several hierarchy levels and improving the information flooding. Algorithms are closely integrated to optimise the maintenance. This structure was validated through simulations, analytically and in a real radio environment. The structure exhibits properties of robustness, persistence, self-stabilization and scalability. This self-organization does not constituting a goal, we proposed also routing and localization protocols benefiting from the virtual structure, inspired largely from classical protocols and improving their performances and scalability
Cho, Song Yean. "Diffusion de l'information efficace dans les réseaux ad-hoc multi-sauts." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EPXX0010.
Full textToham, Carine. "Routage et contrôle de puissance dans les réseaux ad hoc multi-interfaces et multi-canaux." Grenoble INPG, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPG0108.
Full textWe consider the problem of throughput improvement in multi-hop ad hoc networks. The shared radio medium implies to handle the interferences between the nodes in the network. The limited node radio range also mandates some constraints such as the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. These two main facts limit the network performance, notably the throughput. We propose a solutio~ that takes advantage of nodes equipped with multiple network cards (interfaces) and that use multiple frequency bands (channels) for transmitting data. We improve the network throughput by combining an efficient transmission link channel assignment with a suitable routing metric that privileges the alternation of good quality channels along the routes. A power control mechanism complements that scheme by favouring each channel reuse
Trezentos, Daniel. "Étude des mécanismes d'accès dans les réseaux ad hoc sans fil." Rennes 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005REN1S054.
Full textCanourgues, Lucile. "Algorithmes de routage dans les réseaux mobile ad hoc tactique à grande échelle." Toulouse, INPT, 2008. http://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/archive/00000595/.
Full textThe current Transformation of the military networks adopts the MANET as a main component of the tactical domain. Indeed, a MANET is the right solution to enable highly mobile, highly reactive and quickly deployable tactical networks. Many applications such as the Situational Awareness rely on group communications, underlying the need for a multicast service with the tactical environment where the MANET is employed as a transit network. The purpose of this thesis is to study the setting up of an optimal multicast service within this tactical environment. We firstly focus on defining the protocol architecture to carry out within the tactical network paying particular attention to the MANET. This network is interconnected within different types of networks based on IP technologies and implementing potentially heterogeneous multicast protocols. The tactical MANET is supposed to be made of several hundred of mobile nodes, which implies that the scalability is crucial in the multicast protocol architecture choice. Since the concept of clustering proposes interesting scalability features, we consider that the MANET is a clustered network. Thereby, we define two multicast routing protocols adapted to the MANET: firstly STAMP that is in charge of the multicast communications within each cluster and secondly SAFIR that handles multicast flows between the clusters. These two protocols that can be implemented independently, act in concert to provide an efficient and scalable multicast service for the tactical MANET
Ziane, Saida. "Une approche inductive dans le routage à optimisation du délai : application aux réseaux 802.11." Paris 12, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA120057.
Full textWith the emergence of multimedia applications in the mobile ad hoc networks, several QoS guarantees are increasingly required. Mobile ad hoc networks are infrastructure-less networks consisting of wireless, possibly mobile nodes that are organized in peer-to-peer and autonomous fashion. The highly dynamic topology, limited bandwidth availability and energy constraints make the routing problem a challenging one. Substantial research effort has gone into the development of routing algorithms for MANETs. In the few last years, the swarm intelligence paradigm has been used in solving the routing problem in static computer networks with encouraging results. These algorithms have been proven to be robust and resilient to topology changes. We propose in this thesis a new swarm intelligence routing protocol, called AMDR (Adaptive Mean Delay Routing). AMDR is composed of two parts : the first part has the task of delay estimation at each mobile node. Such estimation is realized locally and does not require any special packet exchange. On the other hand, using local delay estimation means that synchronization problem is solved without any additional overhead. The second part of AMDR consists of the routing function realized around an exploration process. This part is built on two kinds of exploring agents having the task of collecting information on the network state in term of delay. We implemented AMDR under NS-2 simulator and studied its performances in term of delay, and loss rate. We compare AMDR performances with two different oriented delay routing protocols : QAODV and DOLSR. Simulations showed that AMDR is more scalable and reacts better to the changes of topology
Groenevelt, Robin. "Modèles stochastiques pour les réseaux ad hoc mobiles." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00274901.
Full textIngelrest, François. "Protocoles localisés de diffusion et économie d'énergie dans les réseaux ad hoc et de capteurs." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00113869.
Full textLes réseaux de capteurs sont similaires aux réseaux ad hoc, car ils sont également décentralisés et autonomes. Un capteur est un petit appareil capable de surveiller son environnement. Des cas typiques d'utilisation peuvent être la surveillance de zones militaires (détection de mouvements) ou de forêts (détection d'incendie).
Parmi les problèmes communs à ces deux types de réseaux se trouve la diffusion. Dans une telle communication, un message est envoyé depuis un objet donné vers tous les autres du réseau. Les applications de ce processus sont nombreuses : découverte de routes, synchronisation... Comme les objets mobiles utilisent une batterie, il est nécessaire que la diffusion soit la plus économe possible d'un point de vue énergétique. Cela est généralement obtenu en réduisant la quantité de relais nécessaires, ou en limitant la puissance d'émission à chaque relais.
Le but de mon travail était d'étudier la diffusion dans les réseaux ad hoc et de capteurs, afin de mettre en lumière les caractéristiques et les défauts des mécanismes existants, puis d'en proposer de nouveaux, plus efficaces. Dans tous ces travaux, nous avons toujours voulu rester dans le domaine des solutions 'réalistes' : beaucoup des précédentes études utilisaient en effet des mécanismes centralisés, où une connaissance globale du réseau est nécessaire pour effectuer la diffusion. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur des solutions fiables et localisés, c'est-à-dire n'utilisant que des informations sur le voisinage de chaque noeud. Ce type de mécanisme permet également un passage à l'échelle simplifié, car la quantité d'informations nécessaire ne varie pas avec la taille du réseau. Nos études montrent de plus que ces solutions peuvent être aussi efficaces que les méthodes centralisées.
Puisque l'ajustement de portée est un mécanisme très important dans la conservation de l'énergie, nous avons proposé une méthode de diffusion originale, basée sur le concept de portée optimale de communication. Cette dernière est calculée de manière théorique grâce au modèle énergétique considéré, et représente le meilleur compromis entre l'énergie dépensée à chaque noeud et le nombre de relais nécessaires. Nous avons ainsi proposé deux protocoles différents basés sur ce concept, chacun étant plus spécifiquement adapté soit aux réseaux ad hoc (TR-LBOP), soit aux réseaux de capteurs (TR-DS).
Afin de réduire encore plus la consommation énergétique, nous avons étudié le fameux protocole centralisé nommé BIP. Son efficacité est due au fait qu'il considère la couverture obtenue par une seule émission omnidirectionnelle, au lieu de considérer chaque lien séparément. Nous avons proposé une solution localisée basée sur BIP, afin de construire incrémentalement une structure de diffusion. Nous avons montré de manière expérimentale que les résultats ainsi obtenus sont très proches de ceux fournis par BIP, notamment dans les réseaux de forte densité, tout en n'utilisant que des informations locales à chaque noeud.
Nous avons finalement considéré la suppression d'une hypothèse forte, largement répandue dans la communauté des réseaux ad hoc et de capteurs : l'utilisation d'un graphe du disque unitaire. Ce dernier définit la zone de communication d'un noeud comme étant un cercle parfait. Nous avons remplacé cette hypothèse par une autre plus réaliste afin d'en étudier les conséquences sur un protocole connu, le protocole de diffusion par relais multipoints (MPR). Nous avons montré que ce dernier ne fournit plus de résultats suffisants dans un tel environnement. Nous avons également proposé quelques modifications afin d'obtenir à nouveau de bons résultats.
Iapichino, Giuliana. "Architecture et mécanismes pour le support de la mobilité dans l'Internet du futur." Paris, Télécom ParisTech, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ENST0032.
Full textThe evolution of Internet and its hosts does not match anymore the current Internet architecture. A novel mobility architecture for future Internet is proposed in this thesis based on Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), and mainly on the two principle ideas behind them. The first idea is the concept of host identity layer located between network and transport layer. It provides unique cryptographic identifiers for hosts, called host identifiers, which are independent of host’s current location and network address. The second idea is to create a locator which defines the topological location of a host in a way that is routable in the Internet, but has a specific scheme for routing in the local domain to which the host is attached. From these two basic ideas we have defined a unique architecture where each host has an identifier which uniquely identify the host and which is created as the public key of a public/private key pair, bringing built-in security support and one or several locators, depending on the fact of having multiple interfaces and being multihomed; locators are used for routing, but they have different topological semantics depending on the network considered, allowing inherent location privacy. The result is an architecture which not only has the advantages of HIP and PMIPv6 protocols, such as on one side security, global mobility, multihoming and on the other side local mobility and location privacy, but it includes efficient and dynamic mobility and multihoming scheme at local and global level, ad-hoc networking, traffic engineering and addressing scheme
Sarr, Cheikh. "De l'apport d'une évaluation précise des ressources pour la Qualité de Service des réseaux ad hoc basés sur IEEE 802. 11." Lyon, INSA, 2007. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2007ISAL0046/these.pdf.
Full textMobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. They require no fixed infrastructure such as base station to operate; therefore, it is an attractive networking option for connecting mobile devices quickly and spontaneously. The nodes themselves address topology changes due to the mobility, the arrival or the departure of nodes. Today, several applications general multimedia data or rely on the proper transmission of sensitive control traffic. These applications may benefit from a quality of service (QoS) support. Therefore, this field has been extensive/y studied and more and more QoS solutions are proposed for ad hoc networks. During my thesis, I focus on one of the fundamental resources, the bandwidth. Estimating the remaining bandwidth at a given time an in a given part of the network is tricky, as the medium is shared between close nodes in a wireless network. This implies that computation of the available bandwidth between two neighbor nodes requires identification of all the emitter's potential contenders and of all the receiver's potential jammers. I propose therefore a new technique to estimate residual bandwidth in ad hoc networks which present good performances. From this estimation, i have also developed a management scheme for QoS and Best Effort flows in order to increase the acceptance rate of QoS flows. Finally, we also compute an evaluation of end-to-end delay in these ad hoc networks
Ibrahim, Mouhamad. "Routing and performance evaluation of disruption tolerant networks." Nice, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NICE4096.
Full textThe thesis contains two parts. The first part of the thesis focuses on the performance evaluation of routing protocols for disruption tolerant networks (DTNs) when these networks are augmented by fixed relays, termed throwboxes. As a first step, we show through extensive simulations that successive instants of meeting between a throwbox and a mobile node moving according to some random mobility model can be well modelled by a Poisson process. We provide explicit formula for the rate of the Poisson process and we show that this rate depends among others on the spatial stationary probability density function of the mobility model as well as on the probability density function of throwboxes spatial distribution. As a second step, we study the impact of adding throwboxes on the performance of two common routing protocols, namely the epidemic and the multicopy two-hop relay protocols. We develop explicit expressions for the distribution and the mean of the delivery time of a packet, as well as for the number of generated copies. Following that, we propose five routing strategies that rely on the presence of throwboxes to perform packet forwarding. We therefore introduce an analytical framework that is based on a markovian model to compute and to compare analytically diverse performance metrics of these strategies. In the second part of the thesis, we concern ourselves with the design and the evaluation of an adaptive mechanism to enhance the performance of the backoff algorithm of IEEE 802. 11 standard. We propose an extension of the backoff algorithm where the objective is to enhance the throughput and the delay performances in the case of high number of active uses
Amadou, Ibrahim. "Protocoles de routage sans connaissance de voisinage pour réseaux radio multi-sauts." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00763865.
Full textSeddik, Alaa. "TCP performance study and enhancements within wireless multi-hop ad hoc network environments." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EVRY0006/document.
Full textWireless ad hoc networks are different from wired networks by the multitude of data packet loss situations they are subjected to. This is due to the characteristics of wireless channel that might obstruct the proper reception of data packet at the destination end. In some case, these vulnerabilities of wireless channel can result in a complete link failure. Although link failure is of low probability in wired networks, it is rather common in wireless networks. The volatility of communication channel is a typical problem with wireless links, which is not the case with wired cables. TCP is a transport protocol that aims at ensuring high reliability and guarantying reception of data packets. However, TCP was designed for wired networks to address congestion, which is the main cause for data packet loss in wired networks. Therefore, other types of data packet loss encountered in wireless networks are prone to misinterpretation by TCP, which will lead to TCP performance degradation within the network. To overcome the performance limitation of TCP when used within ad hoc networks, the aim of this thesis is twofold. First, a complete performance study of TCP over ad hoc networks is achieved. This evaluation concerns two performance metrics: the achievable throughput and the energy consumption of TCP within ad hoc networks. This study allows identifying the potential room of improvement to enhance TCP efficiency in ad hoc networks. Second, we propose a new TCP variant, TCP-WELCOME that optimizes the performance of TCP in ad hoc networks through its ability to distinguish among, and efficiently deal with, different data packet loss situations, within ad hoc networks
Gonzalez, santamaria Carlos. "Gestion d'une architecture hétérogène distribuée à l'aide du SDN." Thesis, Reims, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REIMS037/document.
Full textRecently, the giants of the Internet are adopting every day more and more the benefits of virtualization within the data center. Each virtualized application and its operating system can run simultaneously from one physical device. This technology reduces significantly power consumption, energy consumption, as well as operational cost. Furthermore, not long ago, this promising solution is studied by the research communities to be extended for network virtualization deployment. In traditional network physical device like routers and/or switches are responsible to transfer the information from one point to another, following the instructions previously programmed by a network administrator. At this time, the physical networking devices can be virtualized, providing an intelligent abstraction via virtual network software that makes easy to deploy and manage network resources. The search giant Google has deployed SDN to experiment with the inter-connection between their data center around the world [1].With the exponential growth of devices connected to the Internet, security network is one of the hardest challenge for network managers. Maintaining and securing such large scale and heterogeneous network is a challenging task. In this context, the new networking paradigm, the Software Defined Networking (SDN), introduces many opportunities and provides the potential to overcome those challenges. In our approach, we first propose a new SDN based architecture for networking with or without infrastructure, that we call an SDN domain. This domain includes wired network, wireless network and Ad-Hoc networks. Next, a second architecture includes sensor networks in an SDN-based network and in a domain. Third, interconnecting multiple domains and we describe how we can enhance the security of each domain and how to distribute the security rules in order not to compromise the security of one domain. Finally, we present a new secure and distributed architecture for ad-hoc networks and IoT (Internet of Things)
Yélémou, Tiguiane. "Utilisation du taux d'erreur binaire pour améliorer la qualité de service dans les réseaux ad hoc." Thesis, Poitiers, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012POIT2317/document.
Full textIn ad hoc wireless networks, links are error-prone. In this context, routing plays a decisive role inimproving transmission performances. In our studies, by a cross-layer approach, we take intoaccount the reliability of links in route choice. For this, first, we concept two new metrics, onebased on bit error rate (at physical layer) and the other, more suitable for the measurement, onnumber of retransmissions (at MAC layer). Then, to exploit these metrics when determining routes,we adapt the algorithms based routing protocols.The three families of routing protocols have been addressed: proactive protocols where eachnode has a global view of the network through periodic exchanges of topology control messages;reactive protocols where, before starting data transmission, each node must initiate a routediscovery process; hybrid protocols which mix the two approaches.To test the effectiveness of our enhancements, we use the simulator NS.2 enhanced by arealistic propagation model and a realistic mobility model. Performance parameters such as delay,packets delivery ratio and routing load are measured in several scenarios including mobility andmulti-communication. The results show a significant improvement of standard protocols in thequality of service context
Jamet, Raphaël. "Protocols and models for the security of wireless ad-hoc networks." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENM039/document.
Full textIn this document, we focus on ways of increasing the security of wireless ad-hoc networks. These networks, and more specifically wireless sensor networks, look increasingly like the right answer to a lot of problem, such as data collection over a large area, or providing emergency network infrastructure after a disaster. They are also inherently exposed to malicious intents due to their collaborative nature. In order to protect them, we focus on the security aspects of the protocols built for these networks. We first propose a Secure and Resilient Reputation-based Routing protocol, called SR3. This protocol routes messages according to a reputation metric built using only trusted information. This protocol achieves data confidentiality and data packet unforgeability, which we prove formally using two verification tools: CryptoVerif and Scyther. We experimentally show the resiliency of SR3 against various attack scenarios, and we compared our results to several routing algorithms of the literature. This evaluation shows that both the resiliency and fairness accomplished by SR3 are better than for those others protocols, especially when the network is sparse. Moreover, and unlike previous solutions, if the compromised nodes behavior changes, then SR3 will self-adapt in order to ensure an acceptable quality of service. Analyses of routing protocols security are nearly always supported by simulations, which often evaluate the ability to deliver messages to a given destination. Several competing definitions for secure routing exist, but to our knowledge, they only address source routing protocols. We propose the notion of incorruptibility, a quantitative computational definition for routing security based on the attacker's ability to alter the routes used by messages. These definitions are then illustrated with several routing algorithms. Finally, we study Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for WANET, and more specifically their inputs. These systems provide a supplementary layer of defenses for WANETs, and they are able to easily detect attacks who are complicated for the network protocols. We classify the different inputs used by the decision process of these IDS, according to their level of required cooperation, and the source of their data. We then propose the InDICE tool, a decision aid which, given an IDS, allows automated discovery of undetectable attacks according to the inputs used by that IDS. In the end, we apply our framework to discover weaknesses in two existing IDS
Ayachi, Mohamed Ali. "Contributions à la détection des comportements malhonnêtes dans les réseaux ad hoc AODV par analyse de la confiance implicite." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00660467.
Full textCordero, Juan Antonio. "Optimisation du Routage à État de Liens dans les Systèmes Autonomes Hybrides sur Internet." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2011. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00649350.
Full textDucrocq, Tony. "Auto-organisation des réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts dans les villes intelligentes." Phd thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00915269.
Full textRais, Rao Naveed Bin. "COMMUNICATION MECHANISMS FOR MESSAGE DELIVERY IN HETEROGENEOUS NETWORKS PRONE TO EPISODIC CONNECTIVITY." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00590626.
Full textSayadi, Afef. "Medium access protocol (MAC) design for wireless multi-hop ad hoc and sensor networks." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TELE0002/document.
Full textWireless multi-hop ad hoc and sensor networks provide a promising solution to ensure ubiquitous connectivity for the Future Internet. Good network connectivity requires designing a reliable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol, which is a challenging task in the ad hoc and sensor environments. The broadcast and shared nature of the wireless channel renders the bandwidth resources limited and expose the transmissions to relatively high collisions and loss rates. The necessity to provide guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) to the upper layers triggered the design of conflict-free MAC protocols. The TDMA synchronization constraint is basically behind the rush of MAC protocol design based on a fixed frame size. This design shows inflexibility towards network variations and creates a network dimensioning issue that leads to a famine risk in case the network is under-dimensioned, and to a waste of resources, otherwise. Moreover, the alternative dynamic protocols provide more adaptive solutions to network topology variations at the expense of a fair access to the channel. Alongside with the efficient channel usage and the fair medium access, reducing the energy consumption represents another challenge for ad hoc and sensor networks. Solutions like node activity scheduling tend to increase the network lifetime while fulfilling the application requirements in terms of throughput and delay, for instance. Our contributions, named OSTR and S-OSTR, address the shortcomings of the medium access control protocol design in the challenging environment of wireless multi-hop ad hoc and sensor networks, respectively. For OSTR the idea consists in adopting a dynamic TDMA frame size that increases slot-by-slot according to the nodes arrival/departure to/from the network, and aiming to achieve a minimum frame size. For this end, OSTR couples three major attributes: (1) performing slot-by-slot frame size increase, (2) providing a spatial reuse scheme that favors the reuse of the same slot if possible, (3) and ensuring an on-demand frame size increase only according to the node requirements in terms of throughput. To tackle different frame sizes co-existence in the network, OSTR brings a cooperative solution that consists in fixing an appointment, a date when the frame size in the network is increased. Concerning S-OSTR, it is an amendment of OSTR for wireless sensor networks. It brings the idea of a dynamic active period, since it deploys a dynamic frame size that is built slot-by-slot according to nodes arrival to the network. S-OSTR enforces the slot-by-slot frame size increase by a node activity scheduling to prolong the inactivity period in the network, and hence prolong the overall network lifetime for wireless sensor networks. Our contributions are both based on the new dynamic TDMA frame size increase that consists in increasing the frame size slot-by-slot aiming to achieve a shorter frame size, and hence improve the channel utilization, and reduce the energy consumption. The performance analysis of OSTR and S-OSTR shows that they present good potentials to support QoS requirements, to provide energy-efficiency, to ensure fair medium access, to accommodate network topology changes and finally, to enhance robustness against scalability. The impact of this new TDMA frame size increase technique on the medium access control protocol performance is highlighted through multiple simulations of OSTR and S-OSTR. Multiple comparative studies are also handled to point out the effectiveness of this new technique and the soundness of our contributions
Belfkih, Abderrahmen. "Contraintes temporelles dans les bases de données de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, Le Havre, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LEHA0014/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in adding real-time constraints in the Wireless Sensor Networks Database (WSNDB). Temporal consistency in WSNDB must be ensured by respecting the transaction deadlines and data temporal validity, so that sensor data reflect the current state of the environment. However, delays of transmission and/or reception in a data collection process can lead to not respect the data temporal validity. A database solution is most appropriate, which should coincide with the traditional database aspects with sensors and their environment. For this purpose, the sensor in WSN is considered as a table in a distributed database, which applied transactions (queries, updates, etc.). Transactions in a WSNDB require modifications to take into account of the continuous datastream and real-time aspects. Our contribution in this thesis focus on three parts: (i) a comparative study of temporal properties between a periodic data collection based on a remote database and query processing approach with WSNDB, (ii) the proposition of a real-time query processing model, (iii) the implementation of a real time WSNDB, based on the techniques described in the second contribution
Alattar, Mouhannad. "Supervision de la sécurité pour des réseaux ad hoc mobiles : un système léger, robuste, et fiable de détection d'intrusion." Thesis, Besançon, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BESA2036/document.
Full textMobile Ad hoc NETworks (referred to as MANETs) continue increasing their presence in our every day life. They become a corner stone in the commercial, the society, the military, the science, and even the next-generation applications. However, these networks mostly operate over open environments and are therefore vulnerable to a large body of threats. Traditional ways of securing networks relying on preventive techniques, e.g., firewall and encryption, are not sufficient and should henceforth be coupled with a reactive security solution, e.g., the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). Designing anIDS for MANETs is quite challenging because such IDS must not only ensure a high detection accuracy but also take into account the limited resources (e.g., battery life and bandwidth) and the dynamic nature of these networks. Moreover, the designed IDS itself should not be a target of attacks and/or falsification. In this thesis, we respond to these requirements by proposing a lightweight and robust Intrusion Detection System (IDS), dedicated to protecting MANETs. We first explore the space of attacks that threaten MANETs, focusing on the attacks targeting the Optimized Link State Routing protocol. We then introduce our IDS that offers a high rate of attacks along with maintaining efficiently the limited resources in the network. Indeed, contrary to existing systems that monitor the packets going through the host, our system distinguishes itself by parsing and analyzing logs in order to identify patterns of misuse. It further depends on the level of suspicion andgravity involved so as to efficiently restrict the number and the duration of its costly operations, in terms of resources. Towards a better management of the available resources, we also use the confidence interval as a measure of detection reliability. This statistical measure allows our IDS to: (i) identify the redundant evidences, hence the waste of resources resulting from gathering and processing them is avoided, and (ii) correctly make the critical detection-related decisions. In order to enhance the robustness of our IDS, we couple it with an entropy-based trust model that assigns, based on theirunlawful participation in the detection, a low trustworthiness to the misbehaving nodes. Thanks to the estimated trustworthiness, our IDS reduces the bad effects of the falsified feedback provided by the distrustful nodes. The proposed trust model is a risk-aware whereas the higher the risk of an attack, the higher (resp. the lower) is the trust in the nodes which help in detecting (resp. colluding) it. The proposed IDS and the coupled models have been experimented on different scenarios of mobility and density. The results show that our detector offer a high detection rate along with a remarkablemaintenance of the available resources. Moreover, it presents a significant robustness against the falsified detection-related evidences
El, Rachkidy Nancy. "Cross-Layering et routage dans un réseau ad hoc : politique de relais de trame sur un réseau de capteurs sans fil organisé selon une topologie en arbre." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00697017.
Full textMoad, Dalil. "Contribution à l'amélioration de la qualité de service dans les réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA05S010.
Full textIEEE 802.11 based wireless networks are considered the cornerstone of autonomous communication systems. These networks allow users to communicate with each others via base stations deployed in specic locations through a set of dedicated communication protocols like Ad Hoc routing protocols. The IEEE 802.11 standard proposes specications for both physical and MAC layers of the OSI model. MAC layer denes dierent types of access to the wireless medium as explained below. The DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) mechanism, in which the access to the medium is executed localy in each station. The PCF (Point Coordination Function) method, unlike DCF mechanism the access the medium is managed by a central unit. The most widespread mechanism among them is the DCF mode as it does not require any infrastructure deployment. To improve the Quality of Service (QoS) oered to the dierent applications in multihop wireless networks, this thesis proposes original solutions to enhance the eciency of certain protocols in two dierent layers of OSI, i.e., routing and MAC layers. More specically, our proposed solutions enable higher eciency of OLSR protocol and ensure more ecient usage of the available bandwidth through the designed Padovan based medium access scheme operating in DCF mode. The routing approach used in OLSR is improved by applying the conict graphs to acquire more accurate estimation of the bandwidth shared with the adjacent nodes. At MAC layer, the number of collisions in dense networks is signicantly reduced by designing new backo scheme dubbed Padovan Backo Algorithm (BEB)