Academic literature on the topic 'Républicanisme – Suisse – 19e siècle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Républicanisme – Suisse – 19e siècle"
Lussi Borer, Valérie. "L’évolution de la formation professionnelle pour l’enseignement secondaire en Suisse romande." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 31, no. 3 (December 1, 2009): 477–96.
Full textScholl, Sarah. "enjeux religieux de l'instruction morale et civique au 19e siècle en Suisse." Zeitschrift für Religionskunde, no. 2/2016 (June 13, 2016): 53–62.
Full textHead-König, Anne-Lise. "Forced marriages and forbidden marriages in Switzerland: state control of the formation of marriage in catholic and protestant cantons in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." Continuity and Change 8, no. 3 (December 1993): 441–65.
Full textKaufmann, Lyonel. "Des manuels scolaires au service du Sonderfall helvétique (1911-2011)." Articles / Les articles 50, no. 2-3 (May 19, 2016): 321–40.
Full textBonoli, Lorenzo. "La Formation professionnelle et la «question sociale» Aux origines de la «vocation sociale» de la formation professionnelle en Suisse." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 37, no. 2 (September 19, 2018): 383–98.
Full textBurg, Gaëlle. "La littérature médiévale en FLE : un corpus à réévaluer." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 44, no. 3 (December 14, 2022): 378–87.
Full textVanneufville, Monique. "La théorie linguistique de Hermann Paul : une conception «pragmatico-sémantique» de la syntaxe à la fin du 19e siècle." Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, no. 25 (April 9, 2022): 167–80.
Full textVincent, Patrick. "Rêves de citoyens: Le républicanisme dans la littérature Suisse romande du XVIIIe siècle by Helder Mendes Baiao." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 35, no. 2 (April 1, 2023): 320–22.
Full textSurdez, Muriel. "La confection de diplômes à croix suisse. Standardisation des certifications et construction du national dans l'espace helvétique de la fin du 19e siècle." Swiss Political Science Review 9, no. 3 (December 2003): 59–83.
Full textQuartararo, Anne T. "Rita Hofetetter, Charles Magnin, Lucien Criblez, and Carlo Jenzer (eds.). Une École pour la Démocratie: Naissance et développement de l'école primaire publique en Suisse au 19e siècle. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. 376pp. Paper $24.95." History of Education Quarterly 42, no. 1 (2002): 138–40.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Républicanisme – Suisse – 19e siècle"
Lamon, Olivier. ""Nous sommes vos confédérés, car nous sommes républicains" : une micro-histoire sociale de la proscription républicaine française en Suisse, 1848-1870." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textThis doctoral thesis aims to study the exile of French Republicans who sought refuge in Switzerland following the retreat of the 1848 Revolutions — marked in France by the failures of the May-June 1848 and June 1849 uprisings, as well as by the December 2, 1851 coup d’état—until the proclamation of the Third Republic. Through a micro-social historical approach, this work focuses on the individual trajectories of French Republican exiles across Swiss cantons, examining their places, milieus, and networks of sociability within the Swiss Confederation, as well as the forms of political activities they undertook from their host country to continue their political engagement directed against their homeland. Additionally, it places significant emphasis on studying the conditions and mechanisms of reception that the Swiss federal state of the mid-19th century afforded to these French Republicans, and on the connections established between them and the Swiss political, intellectual, and economic elites
Buyssens, Danielle. "La question de l'art à Genève, du cosmopolitisme des Lumières au Romantisme des nationalités." Paris, EHESS, 2005.
Full textFounded in the first decades of the nineteenth century, Genevan history of art traditionally postulates that the exercise and reception of art in Geneva long suffered from Calvinist disgrace, and were condemned to an exile outside a society inimical to good taste and hostile to luxury. The same "myth" equates the overcoming of these prohibitions with the blossoming of a national art excepted to express the quality of the Genevan society of the Restoration period. Based on the critical analysis of documents freshly combined as well as on comparisons with the situation of the arts in France, this study puts into focus a far different reality of practices in the context of European Enlightenment, of its crumbling and the birth of Romantic nationalities. At the same time, it examinates the conditions and motivations of the construction of a historical discourse profoundly marked by the circumstances of its enunciation
Reubi, Serge. "Gentlemen, prolétaires et primitifs : institutionnalisation, pratiques de collection et choix muséographiques dans l'ethnographie suisse, 1880-1950." Paris, EHESS, 2008.
Full textResting on a rich archivistic documentation, this study analyzes the institutionnalization processes and the life of the swiss ethnographic institutions. It tackles also the scientific paxis, in the field and at home. It reveals the ambivalence of the disciplinarization-institutionnalization relation, presents the detail of the praxis, presents new perspectives for the history of the discipline and offers to renew its chronology
Clerc, Charles. "Les républicains de langue française aux Etats-Unis: 1848-1871." Paris 13, 2001.
Full textFeder-Maurer, Marie-Thérèse. "La pensée européenne dans la "Regio basiliensis" au XIXème siècle." Paris 12, 1996.
Full textThe aim of this work is to demonstrate the cohesion of three regions forming the regio basiliensis : the basle area, the southern part of the baden and the upper rhine (alsace) these regions have often belonged to different countries but share a common history because of their distinctive geographical location at the border of three countries at the heart of europe. The rhine is the vital link between them and the dialect which is spoken throughout the region has the same alemannic origin. The cohesion of the three regions survives the upheavals of political and cultural history and contributes to the feeling that the regio basiliensis should overcome national barriers and attain a european dimension. Three factors are essential for this development. Firstly the city of basle has always acted as a melting-pot for new schools of thought, thanks to its openness towards newcomers and the revival of its university. Therefore great thinkers like nietzsche, bachofen and burckhardt contribute to the main controversies of their time. Secondly the rhine plays an important role both as a political element and a theme dear to the european romantics. Lastly, thanks to its dual culture, alsace appears as the perfect mediator between france and germany
Sanchez, Barberan Matias. "Le républicanisme sud-pacifique à l'aune des recompositions impériales : Pérou, Bolivie , Chili. Années 1860." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2020.
Full textAs part of the studies on Atlantic republicanism, this thesis studies the South Pacific republican movement of the 1860s, particularly in Peru, Bolivia and Chile. It takes up the long history of HispanoAmerican republicanism in order to highlight its capacity to elaborate a vast political project, the culmination of which is the union of the American republics, a project that is currently little known by historiography. The imperial and colonial reconstitution effort of the middle of the century paved the way for a remarkable politicisation in the South Pacific. The Second Mexican Empire, the annexation of Santo Domingo to the Spanish crown, and finally the war of the South Pacific republics against Spain, are for the republicans the proof of a vast plan of monarchical reconquest in America. To counter this imperial situation, about fifteen republican societies were created in the main South Pacific cities. They gave republicanism an important social breadth. Among them were the landed elites, the commercial bourgeoisie, the craftsmen and the propagandists. If these societies reflect the specific relationships of each city, they also illuminate the transition between traditional forms of social organisation and modern political precepts. In terms of repertoires of action, they utilise the arsenal of tools of political confrontation and resort to illegitimate methods, such as attacks on consular houses, veiled threats and even insults. At the same time, they induced republican symbolism. Meetings to celebrate republican victories, subscriptions in favour of Mexican republicans and celebrations ofpatriotic holidays in neighbouring countries sanction the emergence of a new civic calendar. In this sense, these societies are constructing a wider political space that allows the distinctiveness of the South Pacific to be thought of. This thesis, by analysing the spread of republican societies, reveals the persistence of monarchist expressions in mid-century Hispanic America. The participation of Mexican conservatives in the imperial project makes it imperative to thwart any possible alliance between local monarchists and imperial powers. Spain's irruption in the South Pacific, triggered by the capture of the Chincha Islands on 14 April 1864, contributed to the radicalisation of tension between societies and states. The bellicose turn was an opportunity for the republican movement to claim social roots and the emancipatory value of republicanism, even if it meant raising the revolutionary potential of the war. In this sense, the study of this conflict invites us to analyse this critical moment, and to emphasise the republican reading of political modernity
Schorderet, Pierre-Antoine. "Élire, voter, signer : Pratiques de vote, luttes politiques et dynamiques d'institutionnalisation de la démocratie en Suisse au dix-neuvième siècle." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textGaboriaux, Chloé. "Le paysan français, un enjeu idéologique au XIXe siècle : perspectives françaises et perspectives sur la France." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008.
Full textIn a still overwhelmingly rural France, universal male suffrage introduced in 1848 made peasants become a major electoral force. What this thesis shows is that it also made them become an ideological stake for the political movements, who tried to give such an explanation of rural voters’ political behaviours that might reinforce their political positions. Debates about peasants reveal the conceptions of representation at a time when the masses entered politics. In particular, they underline the role of rural “bonapartism” in the phrasing of republican theories and in the changes the latter underwent during the 19th century. Rural voters disappointed the expectations of the Republicans and therefore forced them to revise the relationships they previously established between material progress and political commitment, communal sociability and citizenship, civil liberty and political liberty. At a moment when the validity of political theories was mainly based on their sociological pertinence, the analysis of the peasant persona puts into perspective the splits that then separated the different political families and divided the Republicans themselves, especially in the debates concerning the Radicals’ ideal of direct democracy, the issue of decentralization or the 1875 constitutional laws. By scrutinizing the social and geographical imaginary background that underlay political positions, it is possible to put forward the major ideological issues raised by the various institutional answers then given to the question of representation
Grandhaye, Julie. "La république des décembristes : pour une histoire de la modernité politique en Russie (1760-1870)." Paris 1, 2008.
Full textÉmeriau, Isabelle. "Démocratie, liberté, patriotisme : le malentendu républicain : l'exemple du Maine-et-Loire (1848-1891)." Rennes 2, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "Républicanisme – Suisse – 19e siècle"
Meuwly, Olivier. Les Penseurs politiques du 19e siècle: Les combats d'idées à l'origine de la Suisse moderne. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2007.
Find full textMeuwly, Olivier. Les Penseurs politiques du 19e siècle: Les combats d'idées à l'origine de la Suisse moderne. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2007.
Find full textLuthi, Marc. L'évolution des ministères dans les assemblées évangéliques de suisse romande issues du réveil du 19e siècle. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1992.
Find full textJean-Blaise, Fellay, and Eglise catholique chrétienne de Genève. Colloque, eds. Catholicisme et démocratie au 19e siècle à Genève et en Suisse: Actes du Colloque organisé par l'Eglise catholique chrétienne de Genève à l'occasion du 120ème anniversaire de la constitution de ses paroisses. Genève: Editions catholiques-chrétiennes, 1997.
Find full textBaiao, Helder Mendes. Rêves de Citoyens: Le Républicanisme Dans la Littérature Suisse Romande du XVIIIe Siècle. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2021.
Find full textBaiao, Helder Mendes. Rêves de Citoyens: Le Républicanisme Dans la Littérature Suisse Romande du XVIIIe Siècle. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2021.
Find full textBaiao, Helder Mendes. Rêves de Citoyens: Le Républicanisme Dans la Littérature Suisse Romande du XVIIIe Siècle. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2021.
Find full textBaiao, Helder Mendes. Rêves de Citoyens: Le Républicanisme Dans la Littérature Suisse Romande du XVIIIe Siècle. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2021.
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