Academic literature on the topic 'Représentations de l'enfance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Représentations de l'enfance"
Zaouche-Gaudron, Chantal, and Blaise Pierrehumbert. "Introduction : Comportements et représentations d'attachement dans l'enfance." Enfance 60, no. 1 (2008): 5.
Full textKOEBEL, Michel. "La politique noble des conseils d’enfants." Lien social et Politiques, no. 44 (October 2, 2002): 125–40.
Full textMa, John. "Black Hunter variations." Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 40 (1994): 49–80.
Full textSantoni, George. "Représentations cinématographiques de l'enfance en France: faut-il parler d'américanisation?" Tocqueville Review 15, no. 2 (January 1994): 41–56.
Full textGiletti, Marie-Josèphe, and Antoine Abou. "Enseignants et représentations sociales de l'enfance en Guadeloupe : Une méthode d'analyse par photolangage." Recherche & Formation 8, no. 1 (1990): 33–44.
Full textBoutanquoi, Michel. "Compréhension des pratiques et représentations sociales : Le champ de la protection de l'enfance." La revue internationale de l'éducation familiale 24, no. 2 (2008): 123.
Full textDubeau, Catherine. "Histoire d'enfants. Représentations et discours de l'enfance sous l'Ancien Régime (review)." University of Toronto Quarterly 79, no. 1 (2010): 151–54.
Full textTardif, Maurice, and Clermont Gauthier. "Naissance de l'ordre scolaire aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles et évolution des représentations psychosociales de l'enfance." Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne 33, no. 3 (1992): 574–79.
Full textMorel, Marie-France. "Images et représentations figurées du petit enfant : pour une problématique renouvelée de l'histoire de l'enfance (XVe-XIXe siècle." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 109, no. 1 (1997): 465–83.
Full textCohin, E., and R. Miljkovitch. "La mise en place des représentations d'attachement au sein du couple: parts relatives à l'enfance et au conjoint." Psychologie Française 52, no. 4 (December 2007): 519–33.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Représentations de l'enfance"
Assunção, Sandra Maria. "Représentations de l'enfance dans l'oeuvre de João Guimarães Rosa." Paris 3, 2008.
Full textThe recurrent presence of children as characters in João Guimarães Rosa’s work has drawn our attention and incited us to look at them more closely and understand their role. A child is the protagonist in several of his short stories and novellas, including his first work Sagarana (1946); however, it is in the novella Campo Geral »- the first story of Corpo de Baile (1956), and in Primeiras estórias (1962), a book of short stories, that the child as a character attains its highest level of complexity. A theme that has not been the subject of many studies, the childhood in Rosa’s work is such a rich subject that led us to approach it through several angles. Thus, the first part of this study is dedicated to establishing a typology of the child that will allow us to situate it at the crossroads of three dimensions: the social, the mythical and the imaginary ones. In the second part, the child is seen as a dialectically marginal entity that abandons its marginalised condition to become the centre of the narrative. The third section sheds light on the narrative procedures used to create this recurrent character and it unravels, through certain formal and a esthetic elements used by the author, the poetical issues implicated in the creative process of a child immersed in the quest for origins and in the criticism towards the rational thinking
Carraud, Françoise. "L'enfance : savoirs et récits : approche des représentations psychosociales de l'enfance par l'analyse des revues "Parents" et "L'Enfant d'abord" publiées entre 1980 et 1985." Lyon 2, 1994.
Full textThis research aims at exploring the interpretations and meanings of present day psychosocial perceptions of childhood found in popular works on the subject of young children and their education. Two monthly reviews, "Parents" and "L'Enfant d'abord", published between 1980 and 1985, very different as regards objectives, reading public, internal organisation, constitute the principal material of this research. The first part identifies the nature of the problem and methodology, explains the choice of publications and outlines their structure and argumentation. The two reviews try, at the outset, to authenticate their ideas by seeking support in various scientific arguments. More over, they attempt to ensure their legitimity by a three fold claim to their scientific nature, namely in expressing the "real", the "general", the "true", of childhood. In the second part, the analysis of the descriptions of the child and of the adult show that these are linked with the logic of order and disorder. To the talents and complete potency of the child, displayed rationality reveals deeper mythical traces which form the subject of the third part. .
Dupeyron, Jean-François. ""Des idées sur l'enfance" : étude des représentations de l'enfant et des philosophies de l'éducation en Occident." Bordeaux 3, 2002.
Full textMechacha, Fatiha. "De l'innocence à la perversité : représentations de l'enfance dans le roman victorien." Paris 3, 2000.
Full textParadis, Dominique. "Représentations d'attachement mère-enfant et troubles anxieux pendant l'enfance: une étude de cas multiples." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Full textPinheiro, Augusto Luís de Brito Henriques. "L' enseignant - étudiant et l'enseignant - en - service : étude longitudinale de l'évolution des représentations sur l'enfance, le développement et les orientations éducatives." Aix-Marseille 1, 2003.
Full textToussaint, Emmanuelle. "Étude exploratoire de la qualité de vie des enfants accueillis en foyer au titre de la protection de l'enfance : qualité de vie, représentations d'attachement et problèmes de comportement." Nantes, 2015.
Full textDorla, Erica. "Approche diachronique des parcours scolaires des enfants accueillis en protection de l'enfance : une succession de difficultés à surmonter." Thesis, Paris 10, 2021.
Full textThe fact that the educational trajectories of children in out-of-home care are deficient is now well established. This phenomenon is significant, persistent and universal. The aim of this research is to explore the explanatory factors which influence the quality of the educational pathways of children in care. This research includes two types of analysis. The first is diachronic and linear, i.e. the evolution of schooling from the period prior to placement until the child leaves care. The second is contextual, systemic and circular, opening up a dynamic dialogue between the different actors involved, throughout the construction of this phenomenon. The aim is to highlight the perspectives of the actors into a set of representations and behaviours that allow the complexity of the phenomenon to be approached more closely. A methodology combining approaches, tools and data-collection methods was chosen: a quantitative approach which uses questionnaires, analysis of legal texts and administrative files, and a qualitative approach which uses individual interviews. The study shows that academic difficulties are present before children enter the system. A low priority given to schooling in care at the institutional level was noted. Measured improvements in schooling situations are noted during the placement in a context of multiple influencing factors. Finally, the perspective of minors and young adults in care highlights that a large majority of them have professional plans but in a context of vulnerability on the eve of leaving the care system
Boilard, Alexandra. "Représentations des pratiques parentales, de la maltraitance et de la protection de la jeunesse : une comparaison entre parents québécois et colombiens." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textImmigration has been increasing for the past 25 years in Canada. Between 1999 and 2008, the largest group of refugees settling in the province of Quebec came from Colombia. This increase in population diversity is not without consequences for public health institutions. This is true in particular for the child welfare system in which migrant and refugee families are overrepresented. It is also recognized that the acculturation process causes a change in parental roles. Furthermore, research has established a link between the endorsement of certain values, such as family-orientation (familismo) and adherence to gender roles (machismo), to explain the practices of « latino » migrant parents and the way they represent their possible implication in public health institutions. This comparative study aims to explore three types of representations among parents: parenting practices, maltreatment and child welfare system. This exploration was conducted among two groups of parents in Quebec: Quebecers and Colombians who migrated to Quebec city. A mixed method design was privileged and included focus groups. A total of 49 participants (Quebecers: 30, 5 focus groups and Colombians: 19, 4 focus groups) took part in focus group discussions and each participant completed three questionnaires. These questionnaires measured familismo, machismo and acculturation. The mean scores of familismo, machismo and acculturation were integrated into the thematic analysis. It appears that Quebecers’ and Colombians’ representations of maltreatment and child welfare system, as well as parenting practices differ very little. However, differences between Colombians and Quebecers emerged concerning representations of the development of autonomy and the idealization of children's success. The role of the institution, and more precisely of the child welfare system, in familial conflict resolution also raises contrasting speech between the two groups. Considering the diversity of Quebec’s society, migrant parents’ representations should be taken into account when intervening among these families. Information concerning the functioning of the child welfare system should be disseminated among migrant parents to demystify the role of this system.
La inmigración en Canadá ha aumentando en los últimos 25 años. En Quebec, entre 1999 y 2008, se encontró que los Colombianos fueron la población más propensa a inmigrar en calidad de refugiados. Este aumento de la diversidad de la población ha tenido consecuencias en las instituciones de salud pública. En particular en el área de la protección de la juventud en donde están sobrerrepresentadas las familias migrantes y refugiadas. También se reconoce que el proceso de aculturación provoca un cambio en los roles parentales. Además, la investigación ha establecido un vínculo entre el respaldo de ciertos valores, entre ellos los valores orientados a la familia (familismo) y los roles de género (machismo) para explicar las prácticas de los padres migrantes « latino » y la forma en que hacen uso de las instituciones. Este estudio comparativo busca explorar, desde los padres, las representaciones de las prácticas de crianza hacia sus hijos, el abuso y la protección de la juventud. Esta exploración se llevó a cabo entre dos poblaciones de padres en Quebec : Quebequenses y Colombianos que emigraron a Quebec. Un método mixto de grupos focales (GF) se llevó a cabo. Un total de 49 participantes (Quebequenses: 30, 5 GF y Colombianos: 19, 4 GF) han respondido a tres cuestionarios diferentes que miden el familismo, el machismo y la aculturación. Los promedios de familismo, del machismo y la aculturación se integraron en el análisis temático. Los resultados sugieren que los Quebequenses y Colombianos no difieren mucho en las prácticas de crianza y las representaciones del abuso y de la protección de la juventud. Sin embargo, la cuestión del desarrollo de la autonomía y la idealización de éxito de los niños son dos grandes temas en donde se encontraron diferencias. El rol que el gobierno asume a través del sistema de la protección de la juventud en la resolución de conflictos de la familia también plantea un discurso contrastante. El lugar que los padres migrantes ocupan en la sociedad debería influenciar el funcionamiento de las instituciones en la intervención y la difusión de información del sistema de la protección de la juventud.
Castillo, Gallardo Patricia. "Des discours contemporains sur l'enfance et l'adolescence : leurs manifestations à travers le jeu et les jouets : impact des représentations et pratiques concernant l’enfance révélées par l’observation de la conduite ludique d’enfant dans un contexte d’inégalité sociale à Santiago du Chi." Paris 8, 2013.
Full textThis thesis is a clinical investigation of inequality. It looks to circumscribe the effect that ideology has in the early symbolic productions. Theoretically is based on concepts from sociology (Bourdieu, Bernstein, Wright, Boltanski), critical psychology (Burman, Parker) and psychoanalysis of the children play (Gutton, Winnicott). Methodologically is on the field of clinical research, working with results of interpretational discourse analysis, observation and interpretation of play in early childhood (children 3-5 years). In the frame of the research two studies were developed, the preview in a loisir Centre in Paris and the final one in Santiago de Chile. As results the research proposes two theoretical models: 1) structuring theoretical model representations of the adult world in which are located the effects of social stratification organized in the discourse of the subject, as ideological mechanisms involved in the legitimation of inequality process. 2) Theoretical model in which can be noted two types of games: extended and restricted, according to the possibilities to set out from that symbolic production, to acquire and developed reflective tools, about the subject position in the world, in the stratification and justice of this. This is an empirical study of high relevance for social intervention with children, for the design of public and social policy and the development of the theoretical aspects related to the micro social dynamics of the reproduction of inequality
Books on the topic "Représentations de l'enfance"
Nos idées sur l'enfance: Étude des représentations de l'enfance en Occident. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010.
Find full textChayer, Lucille Paquette. Compréhension de lecture. Montréal, Qué: Éditions de la Chenelière, 2000.
Find full textPiaget. La formation du symbole chez l'enfant: Imitation, jeu et rêve, image et représentation. Lausanne: Delachaux & Niestle, 1989.
Find full textCôté, Claire. Résolution de problèmes. Montréal, Qué: Éditions de la Chenelière, 2000.
Find full textVinter, Annie. L' imitation chez le nouveau-né: Imitation, représentation et mouvement dans les premiers mois de la vie. Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1985.
Find full textUnderstanding and representing space: Theory and evidence from studies with blind and sighted children. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
Find full textSchirm, Sylvie. La représentation des enfants en matière familiale: Leurs droits, leur avenir. Cowansville, QC: Editions Y. Blais, 2004.
Find full text1945-, Pouliot Suzanne, Sorin Noëlle 1949-, Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas., and Congrès de l'Acfas (72nd : 2004 : Université du Québec), eds. Littérature pour la jeunesse: Les représentations de l'enfant. Montréal, Québec: Acfas, 2005.
Find full textChris, Pratt, and Garton Alison 1950-, eds. Systems of representation in children: Development and use. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Représentations de l'enfance"
de Lauwe, Marie-Josée Chombart, and Nelly Feuerhahn. "15. La représentation sociale dans le domaine de l'enfance." In Les représentations sociales, 340. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textChamak, Brigitte. "Les nouvelles représentations parentales de l’autisme." In Recherches en psychopathologie de l'enfant, 163. ERES, 2019.
Full textWiart, Yvane. "Représentation de l’enfant et des pratiques éducatives." In Les professionnels face à l'enfance en danger, 151–66. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textQuilichini, Josiane. "Psychose et fonctions de la représentation." In Les psychoses chez l'enfant et l'adolescent, 123. ERES, 2016.
Full textCiccone, Albert. "Violence des mots et des représentations." In Psychopathologie et handicap de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, 111. ERES, 2013.
Full textDoucet-Dahlgren, Anne-Marie, Nina Carlotti, and Marion Cousin. "Les représentations des relations adultes-jeunes enfants dans les albums illustrés suédois." In L'enfant et le livre, l'enfant dans le livre, 189–202. L'Harmattan, 2012.
Full textConstans, Stéphanie. "Transmission entre mère et fille des représentations de l'intelligence." In L'enfant dans le lien social, 55–59. Érès, 2003.
Full textLacharité, Carl. "Représentation de l'enfant maltraité dans le discours scientifique." In L'Enfant, acteur et/ou sujet au sein de la famille, 63–75. Érès, 2005.
Full textGavarini, Laurence. "L'enfant est-il un sujet ? Évolution des représentations et des savoirs." In Mais où est donc passé l'enfant ?, 49. ERES, 2003.
Full textFillias, Florence. "Les représentations des compétences et des aptitudes de la fille et du garçon." In L'enfant dans le lien social, 50–54. Érès, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Représentations de l'enfance"
Benoit Morinière, Claude. "Images de l’eau dans l’œuvre yourcenarienne." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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