Academic literature on the topic 'Représentation nationale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Représentation nationale"
Bridey, Jean-Jacques. "Dire devant la représentation nationale." Inflexions N° 39, no. 3 (2018): 135.
Full textGillabert, Matthieu, and Yvonne Riano. "Représenter les étudiant·e·s extra-européen·ne·s dans le discours politique suisse (1900-2015): garantie de compétitivité internationale ou concurrence à refréner ?" Géo-Regards 10, no. 1 (2017): 11–29.
Full textde Mathan, Anne. "Les Girondins et la représentation nationale." Parlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique HS2, no. 3 (2005): 31.
Full textFiller, André. "L'identité nationale russe : anatomie d'une représentation." Hérodote 138, no. 3 (2010): 94.
Full textNoiriel, Gérard. "Représentation nationale et catégories sociales. L'exemple des réfugiés politiques." Genèses 26, no. 1 (1997): 25–54.
Full textRiot, Elen, and Bernard Ramanantsoa. "La passion politique des patrons : le système représentatif à l’épreuve de la loi Macron." À la découverte du lien organisationnel : avez-vous lu A. O. Hirschman ? 22, no. 2 (March 11, 2019): 52–69.
Full textJaaidane, Touria. "Économie de la représentation nationale et rémunération des parlementaires français." Revue d'économie politique 127, no. 5 (2017): 913.
Full textCHATELLIER, V., F. COLSON, F. ARNAUD, J. C. GUESDON, M. KEMPF, J. LEGENDRE, and C. PERROT. "La diversité des systèmes d’élevage bovin en France et leur contribution à la production de viande bovine." INRAE Productions Animales 10, no. 3 (August 8, 1997): 227–40.
Full textPaoli, Lorenzo. "L’antiquaire comme discours politique : représentations et emplois de l’État des origines chez François Hotman et ses critiques." Renaissance and Reformation 46, no. 1 (October 17, 2023): 139–70.
Full textCohen, Déborah. "Théorisations d’un populisme révolutionnaire : le peuple face à ses magistrats, entre sommeil et veille (1789-1793)." Revue d’histoire moderne & contemporaine 71, no. 2 (May 30, 2023): 9–25.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Représentation nationale"
Fageol, Pierre-Éric. "Le sentiment d'appartenance et de représentation nationale à La Réunion (1880-1950)." Thesis, La Réunion, 2013.
Full textThe feeling of national membership among the Reunionese population seems to be a regular fact in the colony history and has never been really questioned. This work confirms its strength in the period in study, and more particularly during the colonial and world conflicts. But it also shows that this support includes the conscience of a singular feeling, which is not only the consequence of geography, but also of history. This subject allows us to mix a social historical approach with a historical representation approach on a coherent colonial period, which goes from the beginning of the Third Republic up to the region establishment. By suggesting to « denationalise the national » through a study dealing with the identity principles in a colonial situation, we mean to focus on the particular acculturation processes in a colonial period and the interconnection of colonial territories (Mauritius, Madagascar) in defining a constructing feeling of membership. The first part deals with the feeling of membership in a colonial period and tries to analyse what is at stake in the research methods. The second part studies the links between colonialism and the feeling of national membership and focuses on Reunionese imperialism as a trigger to a recognition shared by the rest of the Nation. The third part takes into account the different signs of patriotism and their influence on the definition of what a feeling of national membership is about. Finally, the fourth part focuses on the triggers of national acculturation while taking into account the role of school, church, and the army in the building up of a typical Reunionese national membership feeling, shared by the elite which mainly benefited from the quest of a recognition from the Nation
Abi, Karam Dana. "Crise écologique et représentation médiatique : le cas libanais dans sa presse écrite nationale." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2013.
Full textTo speak of the environment in a country as Lebanon seems, at first sight for most Lebanese, a bit strange. Indeed, the continuous episode of war and consequently political and economic instability in the country hinders the introduction of ecology among the citizens’ preoccupations. Nevertheless, the reasons of the Lebanese environmental crisis cannot be reduced to the war consequences. They are more complex including political management, citizen’s conscience as well as media coverage. The protection of the natural resources starts with an intellectual metamorphosis. The environmental communication imposes itself then in various ways in the public space. This research in information Sciences and Communication questions the environment representation in three important Lebanese newspapers (Annahar, Assafir and L’Orient Le Jour). How is done the mediatization of this theme ? What is the nature of the ecological stakes ? To which point does the press manage to raise in the public opinion the awareness of the danger that surrounds it ? Do the social representations of the environment transform the choice and the events treatment ? To answer this, we conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the press articles in two times: one ordinary and another troubled. Joining two disciplinary fields (Medias and environment) brings us to a double reflection. On one hand, it allows us to question the present written press role in Lebanon, and on the other, it constitutes an opportunity to understand how a newspaper works and the laws defining the information choice and construction while taking into account the polemic character of the environment
Chen, Yurong. "Entre la mondialisation et l'identité nationale : l'évolution du cinéma national chinois à travers la représentation du corps (1984-2012)." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textFrom the dawn of economic reform in 1978, through the transformation of Chinese society, exchanges between foreign cinema and China are becoming more and more frequent. Chinese directors desire to share their films and cultural heritage to the world, while maintaining their own identity. A movement of new ideas about the national identity of Chinese film is developing at the heart of their cinematographic theory. Whether Chinese filmmakers should be inspired by globalization or not, is a question that they have often asked themselves in the past three decades.The body is a special subject which shows national identity. We can witness the evolution of film, humans, culture and society, through research in the body. Through the representation of the body, this thesis shows that globalization and the desire to preserve the national identity have influenced the development of Chinese cinema in the past thirty years, mainly through an artistic aspect. Due to globalization, Chinese filmmakers are aware of the national singularity and have the will to develop Chinese cinema while representing national identity. Even though globalization allows the Chinese to take a broader view of the world, films that represent elements related to their life or local culture always attract spectators
Cazals, Marie de. "La représentation politique nationale en droit constitutionnel français : contribution à l'étude de la prise en compte de la volonté du peuple dans le système constitutionnel français." Toulouse 1, 2009.
Full textIn France the crisis of the political representation is supposed to be permanent. Behind this commonplace statement there lies a challenge for the representative democracy and more precisely for the national political representation (NPR). Even worse the people's will which the NPR implements, suffers from the consequences of such a crisis -unless the people's will is at its origin. This disorder which hinders this NPR has to be better identified so that solutions can be proposed. Identifying the crisis - or the crisis - of the NPR implies to know the conditions in which this representation was born, thus making it possible to analyse its constitutive elements. The genesis of the French NPR helps understanding what disease it suffers from. When the making of the NPR is studied closely it reveals some permanent mechanisms which make it exist. The question of a crisis becomes then open to criticism. Moreover research as well on the duration as on the constitutive complexity of that notion shows that far from being in a crisis the NPR undergoes real changes. Therefore, its has proved that it is well and alive just as the democracy it brings into being. Both are continuous. It is admitted that the NPR knows to adapt and take into account the people's will. But as it does not monopolise it other political representations can come into existence too. Competition between them does not exist, which points out that the NPR remains indispensable. Finally, its evolution underlies the vitality of the French democracy
Lecoq-Pujade, Benjamin. "La naissance de l'autorité de la représentation nationale en droit constitutionnel français (1789-1794)." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textThe place and the contemporary role of Parliament in French institutions lead to question the nature of the traditionally recognized authority of national representation. The objective of this research is to analyze the revolutionary origins of French constitutional principle which consists in seeing, in the assembly of representatives of the Nation, the heart of a politicial authority whose source is the representative expression of the general will. The French Revolution has long appeared as the matrix moment of modern constitutional law and constitutionalism in France. However, unlike its predecessors in England and North America, it was less intended to limit power than to regenerate both its foundation and exercise. In this respect, it presents itself to constitutional law as a revolution of authority, that is to say as a total upheaval of the foundations of political existence tending to replace the old monarchy, traditional and sacral, with a modern constitutional order based on the equal freedom of citizens and the natural autonomy of national community. The great work of the French revolutionaries was, therefore, to redefine the relation of command to obedience by substituting the transcendent authority of the monarch, by the immanent authority of a Nation, which materializes itself through its representatives. It is in fact through the lens of representation that the Revolution undertook to reconcile authority and freedom. The advent of the national rpresentation, destined for a long time to become the center of gravity of French political life, finds its origin in this desire to refound the obligation of obedience through the conjunction of individual autonomy and collective autonomy. This liberal and emancipatory project, which consists in realizing the nation’s grip on itself through representation, nevertheless suffers from a congenital ambivalence due to the contradictory aspirations of revolutionary constitutionalism. It is divided between the need to justify the subversion of the old order, and the desire to establish for the future a liberal and temperate government, tending to rationalize and depersonalize public authority. The institution of national representation, produced and generated by the Revolution, crystalized this tension. The work of the Constituent Assembly and the National Convention reveals that the revolutionary constituents have constantly oscillated between two conceptions of representation and constitutionalism. One, modern, relies on the otherness of the Nation and its representatives to place the Constitution and the guarantee of rights above the authority of the latter. On the contrary, the older one tends to symbiosis with it by basing the authority of national representation on an existential imperative: to give life to this sovereign nation which can only come to legal existence by the expression of a common will. Revolutionary constitutionalism therefore remains in the middle, stuck between the organicist tradition of the Old Regime, in which it has its roots, and the outline of a modern constitutionalism tending instead to dissociate the state and the society, as well as authority and freedom
Tyberghein, Jean-Pierre. "L' organigramme : outil de représentation et de gestion de l'organisation." Lille 1, 2000.
Full textRoux, Stéphane. "Le concept de "convention nationale" sous la Révolution. Contribution à l'étude de la représentation constituante." Thesis, Paris 2, 2011.
Full textIn a constitutional system founded on the sovereignty of the nation, constituent power is an ambivalent phenomenon, difficult to analyse in juridical terms. By definition resistant to mandatory regulation, the supreme power in the state must necessarily take a form which enables it to express a normative will. The actors of the French Revolution push the confines of the law, taking advantage of the resources of political philosophy and history to establish a constitution, fundamental principle of the juridical system they seek to institute. They create tools to achieve their ends: the concept of “national convention” being one, taking inspiration from the success of American achievements. Rather than an institutionnal transposition, the French revolutionaries proceed with an adaptation. By becoming “extraordinary”, the constituent representation which they conceptualize losses its revolutionary character to become fully juridical. It offers an alternative to the insurrection. By coming into existence invested with the capacity to exercise sovereignty, this power is released from all legal constraints other than those arising as a result of its organization. The process, however, is two-sided, and internally produced constraints weigh on its members, exacerbating tensions thar tear a collective body endowed with the broadest powers. The bloody excesses that strike the National Convention are not inevitable. They arise from political exploitation of flaws inherent to the organization of a sovereign representation whose members must not have any privilege
Baloge, Martin. "Démêler l'écheveau de la représentation politique : l’impôt sur la fortune à l’Assemblée nationale et au Bundestag." Thesis, Paris 1, 2016.
Full textThis thesis aims at analysing the methods of representing during wealth tax debates in the French Assemblée nationale and in the German Bundestag. Based on empirical researches (semi-direct interviews, non-participating observations, prosopographic data, coded archival work), this research aspires to explain the variety of identified practices. The research shows on one hand that debates around wealth tax are characterized by the central position of concerns and businesses, highlighting the following acknowledgment: the inequity in accessing speaking time for social groups mentioned in both Parliaments. The thesis also underlines that members of parliament develop differentiated practices between groups by using multiple register of representation, which aim at justifying and legitimating all the different ways of commitment observed in both countries.Facing this observation, the thesis strive to provide a review of the causes of the observed phenomena. More than thirty explanatory factors are taken into consideration on micro, meso and macro sociological levels (political history, individual provisions, political/economical/professional socialisation processes, influence of close circle, effects of positions and environment). The thesis therefore demonstrates that the practices of representation are the result of a very high number of diversifying factors, which prevent from thinking those practices on a reified way. While trying to understand the complexity of new elements intervening in elected representatives’ position statements, the thesis aspires to untangle the explanatory threads of political representation
Diese Doktorarbeit vergleicht die Modalitäten der politischen Repräsentation in Bezug auf die Vermögensteuer im Bundestag und in der Assemblée nationale. Die Recherche will Erklärungen geben für die Vielfalt der hierbei beobachteten Praktiken. Dafür stützt sie sich auf komplementäre empirische Materialien (Gespräche, Beobachtungen, prosoprographische Daten, codierte Archivarbeit). Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass die Debatten um die Vermögensteuer durch die zentrale Stellung der Unternehmen geprägt sind. Es existiert eine Form von ungleichem Zugang zur parlamentarischen Rede für die sozialen Gruppen innerhalb der beiden Versammlungen. Oft werden bestimmte soziale Gruppen einfach ignoriert. Die Studie verweist auch darauf, dass die Abgeordneten Praktiken von differenzierter Repräsentation zwischen Gruppen entwickeln, indem sie mehrere Register der Repräsentation benutzen, die darauf aus sind, verschiedene Modi der Investitionen zu rechtfertigen und zu legitimieren- in beiden Ländern. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet diese Arbeit eine Analyse der Gründe der beobachteten Phänomene an. Dazu werden mehr als dreißig explikative Faktoren unter micro-, meso- und makrosoziologischen Gesichtspunkten untersucht (politische Geschichte, individuelle Dispositionen, Prozesse politischer, ökonomischer und professioneller Sozialisierung, Einflüsse des Umfelds, Einflüsse von institutionellen Positionen und Kontexten usw.). Diese Doktorarbeit will nachweisen, dass die Praktiken der Repräsentation das Ergebnis eines sehr hohen Anteils verschiedener Faktoren sind, die es untersagen diese Praktiken gedanklich zu verfestigen. Indem wir versuchen, die Komplexität und die Verstrickung der zahlreichen Elemente zu verstehen, die in den Stellungnahmen der Abgeordneten zum Ausdruck kommen, will diese Doktorarbeit die erklärenden Fäden des Knäuels der Repräsentationspraktiken entwirren
Trésor, Pascal. "Les conséquences juridiques de la crise de la représentation nationale : aspects constitutionnels et juridictionnels de la démocratie procédurale." Paris 8, 2005.
Full textIn front of the impossible national representation by the political institutions, two levels of legal creation exist : a level above the law and a level under the law. The first level concerns the constitutional and european systems ; the second one is about the legal activities of the local communities. These two levels use the Constitution and the courts of law in order to be essential. Indeed, nowadays, the Constitution and the courts of law are more important than the law. This law lets the place to the Constitution and the courts. . . And we observe the creation of a local law and an european legal system which evoluate together. The national law doesn't express any more the will of ordinary people
Archondoulis-Jaccard, Nelly. "La représentation des élites (bourgeoisie et aristocratie) dans les salons de peinture parisiens entre 1880 et 1914 (Exposition nationale des Beaux-Arts, Société des Artistes français, Société nationale des Beaux-Arts) : analyse d'un goût social." Paris 1, 2000.
Full textBooks on the topic "Représentation nationale"
L'idéologie nationale: Nation, représentation politique et territorialité. Bécherel: Perséides, 2009.
Find full textRuedin, Pascal. La participation des artistes suisses aux expositions universelles de Paris (1855-1900): Problèmes d'une représentation nationale. Neuchâtel: [s.n.], 2004.
Find full text1956-, Ntakarutimana Emmanuel, ed. De la représentation du peuple au pouvoir: Quelles perspectives pour le cas du Burundi? Bujumbura: Centre Ubuntu, 2004.
Find full textBeaux-arts et représentation nationale: La participation des artistes suisses aux expositions universelles de Paris (1855-1900). Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.
Find full textCommission canadienne des droits de la personne., ed. Race, colour, national or ethnic origin : anti-discrimination casebook =: Recueil de décisions : discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, l'origine nationale ou ethnique. Ottawa, Ont: Canadian Human Rights Commission = Commission canadienne des droits de la personne, 2001.
Find full textDémocratie médiatique et représentation politique: Analyse comparative de quatre journaux télévisés : Radio-Canada, France 2, RTBF (Belgique) et TSR (Suisse). [Montréal]: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1999.
Find full textVasile, Aurelia. Le cinéma roumain dans la période communiste: Représentations de l'histoire nationale. Bucureşti: Editura universității din bucurești, 2011.
Find full textWilliams, Melissa S. Voice, trust, and memory: Marginalized groups and the failings of liberal representation. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1998.
Find full textWilliams, Melissa S. Voice, trust, and memory: Marginalized groups and the failings of liberal representation. Toronto: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Représentation nationale"
Salaün, Serge. "La zarzuela : représentation de l’histoire nationale." In Les spectacles en Espagne (1875-1936), 117–29. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2011.
Full textVigour, Cécile. "4. La représentation parlementaire en France : ressources politiques, diversité des modes et logiques de représentation à l’Assemblée nationale." In Pratiques de la représentation politique, 81–98. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Full textFrajerman, Laurent. "Chapitre 8. Représentation et prise en compte du pluralisme dans le syndicalisme français : l’originalité de la FEN (1944-1968)." In La fédération de l’Éducation nationale (1928-1992), 141–55. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2010.
Full textLeuwers, Hervé. "Les adresses belges à la représentation nationale et leur influence sur l’image d'une Grande Nation." In Du Directoire au Consulat 2. L'intégration des citoyens dans la Grande Nation, 63–75. Publications de l’Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion, 2000.
Full textDumons, Bruno, and Gilles Pollet. "Les députés et sénateurs-maires dans les villes du Sud-Est : pouvoir local et représentation nationale (1884-1940)." In Élites et pouvoirs locaux, 149–75. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 1999.
Full textDumons, Bruno, and Gilles Pollet. "Élites locales et représentation nationale. L’exemple des parlementaires-maires socialistes de la France du Sud-Est (1884-1940)." In L’implantation du socialisme en France au xxe siècle. Partis, réseaux, mobilisation, 167–85. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2001.
Full textELOUNDOU ELOUNDOU, Venant. "Le camfranglais et les discours métalinguistiques glottophobes." In L’expansion de la norme endogène du français en francophonie, 93–106. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2023.
Full textHoock-Demarle, Marie-Claire. "Germania : de la figure nationale au symbole politique." In La République en représentations, 291–300. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2006.
Full textCalleja-Roque, Isabelle. "La représentation des personnages de Molière." In Molière, un héros national de l’École, 307–18. UGA Éditions, 2020.
Full textLacotte, Rémy Hême de. "Restauration et monarchie de Juillet : une représentation en débat." In Le Temple national, 109–32. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Représentation nationale"
Hong, Ji Eun. "Types nationaux et caricature dans la représentation de l'Étranger chez Théophile Gautier." In Littérature et caricature (XIXe-XXIe siècles). Fabula, 2021.
Full textKRIEN, Yann, Gaël ARNAUD, Raphaël CÉCÉ, Jamal KHAN, Ali BEL MADANI, Didier BERNARD, A. K. M. S. ISLAM, et al. "Apport de la télédétection spatiale à la représentation des champs de vents cycloniques." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textSenechal, Nadia, Philippe Bonneton, and Hélène Dupuis. "Analyse de la période représentative de la houle en zone de surf." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2002.
Full textVérézubova, Ekatérina. "Le champ lexical de l’eau et son imaginaire dans les cultures française et russe (étude comparative)." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Représentation nationale"
Catherine, Hugo. Étude comparative des services nationaux de données de recherche Facteurs de réussite. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, January 2021.
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