Academic literature on the topic 'Remariage – Aspect religieux'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Remariage – Aspect religieux"
Douanla, Tankeu Clovis. "Les incidences de l'évolution des droits séculiers sur la notion de bonnes mœurs en droit canonique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textIs the notion of good morals, as it has been received in the canonical tradition, destined to disappear in positive Canon Law under the influence of recent developments in the secular laws of many countries in recent decades? This is the question that runs through all the pages of this doctoral research.The introduction of the notion of personal autonomy in secular law paved the way for many developments in the area of individual freedoms. This led to the rise of subjective rights, particularly in the area of private and family life. In addition to the increase in remarriages after divorce, other forms of conjugality obtained legal recognition, seriously undermining the model of the traditional matrimonial institution protected by Canon Law.In this socio-juridical context marked by major changes in family structures, the Catholic Church was confronted with complex and unprecedented pastoral situations, requiring new and appropriate canonical responses, i.e solutions that take account of current sociological realities without losing sight of the requirement of their conformity to the moral principles of Divine Law. Until 2016, the Church constantly reaffirmed the impossibility of changing canonical legislation to respond to requests tending to relativize the teaching of Christian morality, based on divine Revelation.However, the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, published on March 19, 2016 following two Synods of Bishops held in 2014 and 2015 on the pastoral challenges of the family, brought about a real paradigm shift in the Church's attitude by establishing the category of personal and pastoral discernment. In reality, this means taking into account the judgment of the enlightened conscience of the subject of law in the canonical evaluation of certain personal life situations that are in objective contradiction with the precepts of Christian morality.We are therefore entitled to ask whether, with the consecration of this new juridical figure, Canon Law is still justified in punishing behavior that objectively violates certain norms of Christian morality. The answer must be in the affirmative, insofar as the canonical legislator has not repealed the provisions of the Code in force designed to protect the theological conception of the boni mores, but has merely created a new instrument for relaxing their application to certain members of the faithful in particular situations and under specific conditions.While this juridical category, still emerging in Canon Law, now makes it possible us to envisage adequate, differentiated and equitable solutions to the difficult question of the integration into the Church of persons whose marital situation objectively contradicts the precepts of Christian morality, it must nevertheless be recognized that its implementation has without doubt begun a progressive and irreversible decline of the traditional notion of boni mores in Canon Law. Ultimately, one might ask whether the category of personal and pastoral discernment is not, in fine, in Canon Law, the moderate facet of the notion of personal autonomy in Secular Law
Books on the topic "Remariage – Aspect religieux"
Kingdon, Hollingworth Tully. Divorce and re-marriage: Historical evidence. Montréal: E.M. Renouf, 1993.
Find full textKeener, Craig S. And marries another: Divorce and remarriage in the teaching of the New Testament. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991.
Find full textCanada. Parliament. House of Commons. Legislative Committee on Bill C-61, an Act to Amend the Divorce Act (Barriers to Religious Remarriage). Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-61, an Act to amend the Divorce Act (Barriers to Religious Remarriage) =: Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité législatif sur le Projet de Loi C61, loi modifiant la loi sur le divorce (obstacles au remariage religieux). Ottawa [Ont.]: Queen's Printer, 1990.
Find full textan Act to Amend the Divorce Act (barriers to Religious remarriage) Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Legislative Committee on Bill C-61. Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-61, an Act to amend the Divorce Act (Barriers to Religious Remarriage): Procès-verbaux et témoignages du Comité législatif sur le Projet de Loi C61, loi modifiant la loi sur le divorce (obstacles au remariage religieux). Ottawa [Ont.]: Queen's Printer, 1990.
Find full textTertullian. De exhortatione castitatis =: Ermahnung zur Keuschheit. Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1990.
Find full textDivorce, Annulments, and the Catholic Church: Healing or Hurtful? (Divorce and Remarriage) (Divorce and Remarriage). Haworth Press, 2002.
Find full textDivorce, Annulments, and the Catholic Church: Healing or Hurtful? (Divorce and Remarriage) (Divorce and Remarriage). Haworth Press, 2002.
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