Academic literature on the topic 'Reliability qualification'

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Journal articles on the topic "Reliability qualification"


S., VELMOURUOGAN, DHAVACHELVAN P., and BASKARAN R. "Software Reliability Qualification Model." International Journal of Performability Engineering 8, no. 4 (2012): 437.

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Regard, Charles, Christian Gautier, Hélène Fremont, Patrick Poirier, M. A. Xiaosong, and Kaspar M. B. Jansen. "Fast reliability qualification of SiP products." Microelectronics Reliability 49, no. 9-11 (September 2009): 958–62.

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Porter, Alex. "Accelerated Reliability Qualification in Automotive Testing." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 20, no. 2 (February 25, 2004): 115–20.

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Reffiane, Fine, Choirul Huda, Mudzanatun Mudzanatun, and Ferina Agustini. "ANALISIS DIFERENSIASI KARYA PADA KEMAMPUAN LITERASI SAINTEK MAHASISWA KEPENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS PGRI SEMARANG." Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan 14, no. 2 (June 28, 2024): 208–13.

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This research aims to analyze the differentiation of works on the Scientific and Technological Literacy Abilities of PGRI Semarang University Education Students. This is because the diversity of student work is a gift in learning. Existing works must be empowered and their creativity enhanced. Differentiation of work is a form of student work that should be appreciated. The research method used in this research is a qualitative analysis method. The subjects of this research were education students at PGRI University Semarang. The research was conducted for 1 semester in two fields of study, namely the Professional Teacher Education study program and the Primary School Teacher Education study program. There are 4 success indicators used to determine the success of research. namely product quality, product reliability, team performance, product design. From these indicators, the following results were obtained: (1) product quality received a very good qualification, namely 43.56%, (2) product reliability received a very good qualification, namely 48.55%, (3) product performance received a very good qualification of 49.63%, (4) product design received very good qualifications of 37.07%. The high qualification indicators of research results can be used as a reference for the success of carrying out research activities.
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Harry, C. C., and C. H. Mathiowetz. "ASIC reliability and qualification: a user's perspective." Proceedings of the IEEE 81, no. 5 (May 1993): 759–67.

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Roush, M., and J. Maynes. "Saw devices: Space qualification and reliability issues." International Journal of Satellite Communications 7, no. 4 (October 1989): 361–71.

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TIAN, XIJIN. "DC-DC CONVERTER RELIABILITY: DESIGN, COMPONENTS AND QUALIFICATION." International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 12, no. 05 (October 2005): 459–74.

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This paper provides a comprehensive study on reliability issues related to DC-DC converter design. First of all, some common reliability issues and DC-DC converter design topologies are discussed. Then, a reliability sensitivity study results on an industry standard VRM is presented using a prediction-based design-for-reliability and sensitivity analysis tool created by the author and colleagues at HP. The thermal design issues and component derating in the converter design are discussed. Since electronic component reliability has been a bottleneck in DC-DC converter reliability, the component reliability issues are discussed and some reliability application guidelines are also provided for the DC-DC converters reliability design. In the last part of the paper, an integrated reliability testing, qualification, and quality control procedure is presented using highly accelerated testing methodology. The use of this procedure by HP on DC-DC converter reliability and quality control has shown promising results.
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Klewer, Christian, Frank Kuechenmeister, Jens Paul, Dirk Breuer, Bjoern Boehme, Jae Kyu Cho, Simone Capecchi, and Michael Thiele. "Package Qualification Envelope for 22FDX® Technology." International Symposium on Microelectronics 2019, no. 1 (October 1, 2019): 000169–75.

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Abstract This article describes the methodology used to derive the 22FDX® Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (FDSOI) Chip Package Interaction (CPI) qualification envelope. In the first part it is discussed how the individual market segments influence the technology features and offerings, including BEOL stacks and package types. In the following, the criteria used for the selection of BEOL stacks, die and package sizes and the interconnect type for the qualification envelope are summarized and explained. The three CPI qualification stages and related characterization methods are presented. CPI test structures used in the envelope are reported and their placement on the technology qualification vehicles (TQV) is outlined on the basis of flip chip TQV. Finally, the paper presents the passing 22FDX® package and board level reliability results obtained for wire bond, flip chip, as well as wafer level fan-in and fan-out package technologies. Key aspects of the individual qualifications are reported.
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Mikhaylenko, Leonid V., and Dmitry A. Shchelokov. "Digital discrete simulation model of profit formation taking into account the dynamics of cash flows, the level of reliability of launch vehicles and professional development of employees." Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management 14, no. 4 (January 23, 2024): 221–31.

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An analytical and digital model of the effect formation has been developed, taking into account the reliability level of launch vehicles, which allows us to study the impact of changes in the level of qualification of employees on the value of reliability, price, unit cost, salary, differs from existing ones in that in the presented model the controlled parameter is a change in the qualification of personnel. The problem of choosing enterprise strategies based on the reliability of launch vehicles and the level of qualification of personnel using the profit maximization criterion to evaluate the company's activities is considered. In the presented model, the controlled parameter is the change in the qualification level of personnel from the condition of maximizing the profit received by the enterprise. The paper defines the functional dependences of the reliability of launch vehicles and the amount of wages, prices and unit costs on the level of qualification of personnel. The paper defines the functional dependences of the reliability of launch vehicles and the amount of wages, prices and unit costs on the level of qualification of personnel. With a known optimal level of personnel qualification, the optimal value of the reliability level of launch vehicles has been determined. The effectiveness of investments in improving the qualification level of personnel for the control and management of the quality of manufacturing launch vehicles and changes in the cost of manufacturing a launch vehicle has been determined. To assess the effectiveness of investments in improving the qualification level of personnel for the control and management of the quality of manufacturing launch vehicles, the amount of change in employee salaries has been determined. To assess the effectiveness of investments in improving the qualification level of personnel for the control and management of the quality of manufacturing launch vehicles, the value of the cumulative change in profit before taxation was determined, taking into account the increase in profit by reducing the cost of the launch vehicle, increasing the price of launch vehicles and reducing profits by increasing salaries to employees and the amount of investments in improving the level of qualification personnel for the control and management of the quality of production of launch vehicles
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Denney, Dennis. "Reliability Qualification Testing for Permanently Installed Wellbore Equipment." Journal of Petroleum Technology 52, no. 10 (October 1, 2000): 60–61.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Reliability qualification"


Matsumori, Barry Alan. "QUALIFICATION RESEARCH FOR RELIABLE, CUSTOM LSI/VLSI ELECTRONICS." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1985.

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Delage, Sylvain. "Développement d’une méthodologie de qualification de systèmes complexes par des essais de fiabilité." Thesis, Angers, 2018.

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Le secteur du chauffage, de la ventilation et de la climatisation (Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning,HVAC) se doit, comme toute industrie d’envergure, de maîtriser la fiabilité de ses produits pour garantir un service optimal au client, réduire les délais de développement et maîtriser ses coûts. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable de connaitre et savoir appliquer les outils de fiabilité prévisionnelle, expérimentale et opérationnelle. Seule une méthodologie robuste permettant de définir une stratégie de qualification permet de garantir la tenue de l’objectif de fiabilité.La première partie de ce travail définit les problématiques ayant attrait à la fiabilité et fait l’inventaire des méthodes existantes dans des domaines connexes et surtout dans le domaine HVAC.Dans un second temps la méthodologie de qualification est proposée, avec un focus sur l’exploitation du retour d’expérience, la définition des objectifs de fiabilité et tous les plans d’essais possibles. Enfin, des exemples concrets mis en place chez CIAT (UTC) sont détaillées dans une dernière partie
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) field, as any other large industry, must control the reliability of its products in order to guarantee an optimal service to customers, reduce development limits and master its costs. To achieve it, predicted, experimental and operational reliability tools should be known and well applied. Only a strong methodology leading to a qualification strategy can ensure the holding of the reliability target. The first part of this work defines reliability terms and inventories existing methods in related fields and specifically in HVAC. Following that, the qualification methodology is detailed, focusing on feedback, definition of reliability targets and possible test plans. Finally, specific examples implemented at CIAT (UTC) are detailed in final part
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Rahko, M. (Matti). "A qualification tool for component package feasibility in infrastructure products." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2011.

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Abstract The target of this dissertation is to propose a new qualification tool (QT) for component package (CP) feasibility qualification in telecommunication infrastructure products. The primary reason for the introduction of the QT is the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) manufacturers’ continuing development of new products with tighter product requirements, e.g. compact size, environmental friendliness and cost-efficiency. CP’s need to match these requirements and thus they need to be developed further and qualified/re-qualified continuously. This qualification process with the new component package needs to be done in as early phase as possible, enabling EEE manufacturers to implement component packages into use with minimal risk. Qualification of a CP to match with these requirements is usually done with the qualification expert’s possessed know-how. However, this process takes a lot of time as all the possible data must be collected or even created. Thus a new method needs to be introduced for early phase qualification. The QT proposed here contains eight qualification sub-areas for feasibility qualification of the CP and it uses three qualification principles. Including all these sub-areas to the feasibility qualification clearly enables more reliable and trustworthy conclusions. The QT is required as an assisting qualification tool for specialists and as a preliminary qualification tool, e.g. for hardware (HW) designers or component engineers. It could be used also as a requirement communication tool between customers and component package manufacturers. After the QT’s sub-areas and functionality were developed, functionality and approval limits were set-up with 44 different widely used commercial CPs. This historical data is recorded for future use in its own database. The QT is a unique tool as there are no competing open-source tools available in the market that can be tailored to match with the user’s own requirements
Tiivistelmä Työn tarkoituksena oli esittää uusi kvalifiointityökalu (QT) infrastruktuurituotteiden komponenttikoteloiden käytettävyyden arviointiin. Laitevalmistajien kehittäessä uusia pienempiä, ympäristöystävällisempiä ja kustannustehokkaampia laitteita asettavat he samalla vastaavia vaatimuksia myös komponenttikoteloille. Vastaavasti komponenttien valmistajat joutuvat kehittämään komponentteja ottamalla käyttöön uusia materiaaleja ja kotelorakenteita ja kvalifioimaan niiden ominaisuuksia asiakkaiden vaatimuksien mukaisesti. Laitevalmistajien riski uusien komponenttikoteloiden käyttöönotossa pystytään minimoimaan, kun komponenttikoteloiden kvalifiointi tehdään mahdollisimman aikaisessa vaiheessa. Kvalifioinnit tehdään yleensä kvalifiointiasiantuntijoiden tietotaidon perusteella. Tämä prosessi on kuitenkin perinteisesti hidas, joten nopeammalle arviointimenetelmälle on selkeä tarve. Työssä kehitettyyn kvalifiointityökaluun määritettiin kahdeksan arviointialuetta. Lisäksi sitä voidaan käyttää kolmella eri kvalifiontiperiaatteella. Näiden arviointialueiden huomioiminen kvalifiointiprosessin aikana parantaa selkeästi tuloksen luotettavuutta ja todenmukaisuutta. Työkalu on määritetty siten, että sitä voivat käyttää asiantuntijat avustavana kvalifiointityökaluna sekä suunnittelijat / komponentti-insinöörit alustavana kvalifiointityökaluna. Lisäksi sitä voidaan myös käyttää asiakasvaatimusten määrityksessä ja tiedonvälityksessä asiakkaan ja toimittajan välillä. QT:n kvalifiointialueiden määrittelyn ja toiminnallisuuden rakentamisen jälkeen, hyväksyntäkriteerit tutkittiin ja arvioitiin käyttäen 44 erilaista kaupallista komponenttikoteloa työkalun lopullisen hienosäädön tekemiseksi. Koska kvalifioinnin tiedot tallennetaan QT:n tietokantaan, pystyy laitevalmistajat hyödyntämään aikaisemmat historiatiedot tulevissa kvalifioinneissa. QT on ennen näkemätön työkalu, sillä markkinoilla ei ole vastaavia avoimen lähdekoodin kvalifiointityökaluja tarjolla, jota voidaan räätälöidä asiakkaan omien tarpeiden mukaisesti
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Sohoin, Koffisse rodrigue. "Définition d’une méthodologie d’estimation de fiabilité et de qualification de systèmes mécanique en phase de développement." Thesis, Angers, 2020.

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Pour garantir la tenue en conditions clientèles, l’estimation de fiabilité est indispensable dans toutes les phases de développement des produits. Cette tâche peut s’avérer lente et coûteuse en l’absence d’une démarche optimisée, surtout dans un contexte où les produits sont divers. Les travaux de cette thèse s’inscrivent dans une démarche d’optimisation de la procédure d’estimation et de qualification de fiabilité lors des phases de développement de sous-ensembles mécaniques développés par la société FAURECIA. Pour disposer d’une estimation réaliste dès la phase de conception, la méthodologie proposée intègre le retour d’expérience (RETEX) existant sur des produits de référence dans l’estimation prévisionnelle de fiabilité de nouvelles conceptions, cette dernière étant traditionnellement réalisée via méthodes numériques mécano-fiabilistes. L’intégration du RETEX est réalisée par deux approches proposées. L’une utilisant un facteur de similitude entre fiabilité expérimentale et numérique, et l’autre utilisant une fonction de transfert temporel entre fiabilité expérimentale et numérique. La méthodologie proposée permet de construire une meilleure loi de fiabilité prévisionnelle, pour une nouvelle conception au plus tôt dans le processus de développement, avant même la phase de fabrication de prototypes. Ceci permet d’anticiper sur la performance du nouveau produit afin d’opérer des modifications si nécessaires, ou encore de construire ainsi une information a priori, qui sera ensuite importante dans une démarche d’optimisation de plan de qualification Bayésienne de la fiabilité du nouveau produit
In order to guarantee performance under customer conditions, reliability estimation is essential in all phases of product development. This task can be long and costly in the absence of an optimized approach, especially in a context where products are various. The work of this thesis is part of an optimization of the procedure of estimation and qualification of reliability during the development phases of mechanical subassemblies developed by FAURECIA company. To obtain a realistic estimate at the design phase, the proposed methodology incorporates the existing data (RETEX) on reference products in the predictive reliability estimation of new designs, the latter being traditionally carried out using numerical structural reliability methods. The integration of RETEX is performed by two proposed approaches. One using a similarity factor between experimental and numerical reliability, and the other using a time transfer function between experimental and numerical reliability. The proposed methodology allows building a better predictive reliability function, for a new design at the earliest stage of the development process, even before the prototype manufacturing phase. This makes it possible to anticipate the performance of the new product in order to make modifications if necessary, or to build prior information that will be important in a Bayesian reliability qualification plan optimization for the new product
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Indmeskine, Fatima-Ezahra. "Evaluation et qualification de la fiabilité des composants et des procédés d’assemblages électroniques pour applications médicales." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2024.

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L’électronique des DMIAs expose les patients à des risques en cas de défaillance d’un composant. Contrairement à l’aéronautique, où la redondance est courante, les dispositifs médicaux implantables actifs sont confrontés à des contraintes telles que la miniaturisation, qui entravent leur application. En outre, « le grade médical » des composants n’est pas normalisé, ce qui complique la qualification. L’absence de normes spécifiques et le nombre limité d’études sur les environnements des DMIAs rendent difficile l’élaboration de profils de mission. Pour y remédier, une étude de l’état de l’art a défini un profil de mission intégrant les contraintes environnementales critiques pour les essais de fiabilité, car elles influencent fortement les défaillances des composants. Une méthodologie basée sur le profil de mission, la FMMEA, les plans d’expériences et les essais accélérés a été développée pour qualifier les composants CMS, y compris les résistances, les condensateurs céramiques, les inductances et les circuits intégrés. Cette méthodologie résout deux problèmes majeurs : la conception d’essais accélérés efficaces pour détecter les défauts de qualité latents et la démonstration d’une fiabilité conforme au profil de la mission. Ce travail fait partie du projet de R&D « RECOME »
Electronics in AIMDs expose patients to risks in case of component failure. Unlike aeronautics, where redundancy is common, AIMDs face constraints like miniaturisation that hinder its application. Additionally, the "medical grade" of components lacks standardization, complicating qualification. The absence of specific standards and limited studies on AIMD environments makes mission profile development challenging. To address this, a state-of-the-art review defined a mission profile integrating environmental constraints critical for reliability tests, as these strongly influence component failures. A methodology based on the mission profile, FMMEA, experimental designs, and accelerated tests was developed to qualify SMD components, including resistors, ceramic capacitors, inductors, and integrated circuits. This solves two key issues: designing efficient accelerated tests to detect latent quality defects and demonstrating reliability aligned with the mission profile. This work is part of the R&D project "RECOME"
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Ferraro, Rudy. "Development of Test Methods for the Qualification of Electronic Components and Systems Adapted to High-Energy Accelerator Radiation Environments." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019.

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Le Grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC), le plus grand et le plus puissant au monde, a démarré en 2008 et constitue la dernière étape du complexe des accélérateurs du CERN. Le LHC consiste en un anneau de 27 kilomètres d'aimants supraconducteurs permettant d'accélérer deux faisceaux jusqu'à 7 TeV avant de les faire entrer en collision à 14 TeV dans l'une des cinq expériences de contrôle du résultat de la collision. Le LHC a notamment permis la découverte du boson de Higgs et d'autres particules baryoniques prédites par le modèle standard. L'environnement de rayonnement du LHC et de ses lignes d'injection est composé de différentes particules sur un large spectre d'énergies, du niveau GeV jusqu'au niveau meV (par exemple le neutron thermique). L'équipement électronique fonctionnant dans un environnement de rayonnement aussi rude, principalement basé sur des composants commerciaux prêts à l'emploi (COTS), peut subir des défaillances induites par des effets de rayonnement. La criticité de l'équipement peut être très élevée, dans le meilleur des cas, la défaillance d'un système de contrôle peut conduire à une chute du faisceau, ce qui peut drastiquement rendre le faisceau disponible pour la science et dans le pire des cas, la défaillance d'un système de sécurité peut conduire à la destruction d'une partie de la machine. La nouvelle mise à niveau du LHC prévue pour 2025, le LHC à haute luminosité (HL-LHC) atteindra une luminosité annuelle cinq fois supérieure à celle de la version actuelle du LHC. Par conséquent, les niveaux de rayonnement générés par le fonctionnement de la machine vont également augmenter considérablement. Avec des niveaux de rayonnement aussi élevés, un nombre important de systèmes commerciaux seront exposés à des niveaux de rayonnement auxquels ils ne peuvent résister. Cela impliquera soit de concevoir des systèmes plus robustes et tolérants à base de COTS, soit de remplacer préventivement les systèmes avant leur fin de vie utile. Ainsi, alors qu'au cours des années précédentes, les effets singuliers (EEI) étaient la principale cause de défaillance, à l'avenir, l'effet cumulatif du rayonnement deviendra également une préoccupation majeure. Bien qu'un effort considérable ait été fait dans le passé sur le processus de qualification contre les défaillances induites par les SEE, le processus de qualification pour les effets cumulatifs du rayonnement est resté pratiquement inchangé. L'objectif de ces travaux était donc d'étudier comment la Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) du CERN pourrait être améliorée pour répondre à ce nouveau défi et s'assurer qu'aucune défaillance de système n'aura d'impact sur les opérations du LHC. Plusieurs activités ont été menées à cet effet : (i) l'étude des particularités de l'environnement radiatif du LHC et de son impact sur les composants et les systèmes qui y sont exposés, (ii) l'étude de l'adéquation des méthodes de qualification actuelles et le développement d'approches adaptées aux besoins du CERN et (iii) l'étude des méthodes fiables pour estimer la durée de vie des systèmes
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful in the world, started in 2008 and is the last stage of CERN's accelerator complex. The LHC consists in a 27-kilometer ring of superconducting magnets allowing to accelerate two beams up to 7 TeV before colliding them at 14 TeV in one of the five experiments monitoring the result of the collision. The LHC allowed notably the discovery of the Higgs boson and other baryonic particles predicted by the standard model. The radiation environment of the LHC and its injection lines is composed of different particles over a large spectrum of energies, from GeV level down to meV level (e.g. thermal neutron). The electronic equipment operating in such a harsh radiation environment, mostly based on Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components, can experience failures induced by radiation effects. The criticality of the equipment can be very high, in the best case, the failure of a control system can lead to a beam dump, which can drastically the availability of the beam for science and in the worst case, the failure of a safety system can lead to the destruction of part of the machine. The new upgrade of the LHC planned for 2025, the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will achieve an annual luminosity five time higher than the current version of the LHC. Consequently, the levels of the radiation generated by the operation of the machine will also drastically increase. With such high radiation levels, a significant number of COTS-based systems will be exposed to radiation levels they cannot withstand. This will imply to either design more robust tolerant COTS-based systems and/or substitute preventively systems before their end of life. Thus, while in the previous years the Single Event Effects (SEEs) where the dominant cause of failure, in the future, cumulative radiation effect will as well become a major preoccupation. While a huge effort has been done in the past on the qualification process against SEE-induced failures, the qualification process for cumulative radiation effects, remained mostly unchanged. The aim of this work was, therefore, to investigate how the CERN’s Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) could be improved to respond to this new challenge and ensure that no system failures will impact the LHC operations. This involved several activities; (i) the study of the particularities of the LHC radiative environment and its impact on the components and systems exposed to it, (ii) the study of the suitability of current qualification methods and the development of approaches adapted to CERN’s needs and (iii) the study of reliable system lifetime estimation methods
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Croquet, Rémi. "Etude des dispersions et incertitudes en optimisation et dans l'analyse des valeurs propres." Phd thesis, INSA de Rouen, 2012.

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Après une première présentation des outils de modélisation des incertitudes, la question de leur quantification est abordée. Deux problèmes particuliers seront l'occasion de développer une nouvelle méthodologie : la caractérisation de la dispersion affectant la solution d'un problème d'optimisation comportant des paramètres aléatoires et le calcul des valeurs propres généralisées de matrices à coefficients aléatoires. De nouvelles méthodes basées sur l'adaptation au cadre stochastique d'approches déterministes sont proposées. Par ailleurs, les outils de l'optimisation fiabiliste permettent de trouver un compromis entre un coût minimum et une fiabilité accrue. Pour pallier les temps de calcul prohibitif, nous proposons une stratégie permettant de déterminer une solution approchée du problème. En fonction des contraintes en temps de calcul ou de précision, l'utilisation de différentes mesures de fiabilité est possible.
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Books on the topic "Reliability qualification"


United States. Department of Defense., ed. Reliability testing for engineering development, qualification, and production. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 1986.

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Wohlgemuth, John. History of IEC qualification standards. Golden, Colo.]: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2011.

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C, Gupta D., Brown George A. 1937-, and Conference on Gate Dielectric Integrity (1999 : San Jose, Calif.), eds. Gate dielectric integrity: Material, process, and tool qualification. West Conshocken, Pa: ASTM, 2000.

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United States. Department of Defense., ed. Military handbook: Reliability test methods, plans,and environments for engineering development, qualification,and production. Washington,D.C: Department of Defense, 1987.

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R, Lofaro, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. Division of Engineering Technology., eds. Assessment of environmental qualification practices and condition monitoring techniques for low-voltage electric cables. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2001.

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Myeyeryakova, Vyera, and Viktor Starodubov. CNC Metal-cutting Machines. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2015.

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In the manual various ways of control of metal-cutting machines are considered, the principles of construction and possibility of systems of ChPU are given. Features of configurations and designs of machines with ChPU are presented, ways of expansion of their technological capabilities, increases of productivity, accuracy and reliability. The tasks solved during the training of managing directors of programs, feature of technological preparation, mathematical calculations and control unitary enterprise are considered. Programming bases for machines about ChPU, methods of adjusting are given, features of technological service and repair. It is intended for students of the higher educational institutions which are trained in the directions 151900 "Design-technology ensuring machine-building productions" (qualification — the bachelor) and 151000 "Technological machines and the equipment" (qualification — the bachelor) on a preparation profile "Metal-cutting machines and complexes", and also for preparation in lyceums, technical schools, on special courses of CNC operators, members of repair crews, technologists-programmers.
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Functional issues and environmental qualification of digital protection systems of advanced light-water nuclear reactors. Washington, DC: Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1994.

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(Editor), Dinesh C. Gupta, and George Albert Brown (Editor), eds. Gate Dielectric Integrity: Material, Process, and Tool Qualification (Astm Special Technical Publication// Stp) (Astm Special Technical Publication// Stp). ASTM International, 2000.

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Trepulė, Elena, Airina Volungevičienė, Margarita Teresevičienė, Estela Daukšienė, Rasa Greenspon, Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Marius Šadauskas, and Gintarė Vaitonytė. Guidelines for open and online learning assessment and recognition with reference to the National and European qualification framework: micro-credentials as a proposal for tuning and transparency. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2021.

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These Guidelines are one of the results of the four-year research project “Open Online Learning for Digital and Networked Society” (2017-2021). The project objective was to enable university teachers to design open and online learning through open and online learning curriculum and environment applying learning analytics as a metacognitive tool and creating open and online learning assessment and recognition practices, responding to the needs of digital and networked society. The research of the project resulted in 10 scientific publications and 2 studies prepared by Vytautas Magnus university Institute of Innovative Studies research team in collaboration with their international research partners from Germany, Spain and Portugal. The final stage of the research attempted creating open and online learning assessment and recognition practices, responding to the learner needs in contemporary digital and networked society. The need for open learning recognition has been increasing during the recent decade while the developments of open learning related to the Covid 19 pandemics have dramatically increased the need for systematic and high-quality assessment and recognition of learning acquired online. The given time also relates to the increased need to offer micro-credentials to learners, as well as a rising need for universities to prepare for micro-credentialization and issue new digital credentials to learners who are regular students, as well as adult learners joining for single courses. The increased need of all labour - market participants for frequent and fast renewal of competences requires a well working and easy to use system of open learning assessment and recognition. For learners, it is critical that the micro-credentials are well linked to national and European qualification frameworks, as well as European digital credential infrastructures (e.g., Europass and similar). For employers, it is important to receive requested quality information that is encrypted in the metadata of the credential. While for universities, there is the need to properly prepare institutional digital infrastructure, organizational procedures, descriptions of open learning opportunities and virtual learning environments to share, import and export the meta-data easily and seamlessly through European Digital Hub service infrastructures, as well as ensure that academic and administrative staff has digital competencies to design, issue and recognise open learning through digital and micro-credentials. The first chapter of the Guidelines provides a background view of the European Qualification Framework and National Qualification frameworks for the further system of gaining, stacking and modelling further qualifications through open online learning. The second chapter suggests the review of current European policy papers and consultations on the establishment of micro-credentials in European higher education. The findings of the report of micro-credentials higher education consultation group “European Approach to Micro-credentials” is shortly introduced, as well as important policy discussions taking place. Responding to the Rome Bologna Comunique 2020, where the ministers responsible for higher education agreed to support lifelong learning through issuing micro-credentials, a joint endeavour of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and DG Research and Innovation resulted in one of the most important political documents highlighting the potential of micro-credentials towards economic, social and education innovations. The consultation group of experts from the Member States defined the approach to micro-credentials to facilitate their validation, recognition and portability, as well as to foster a larger uptake to support individual learning in any subject area and at any stage of life or career. The Consultation Group also suggested further urgent topics to be discussed, including the storage, data exchange, portability, and data standards of micro-credentials and proposed EU Standard of constitutive elements of micro-credentials. The third chapter is devoted to the institutional readiness to issue and to recognize digital and micro-credentials. Universities need strategic decisions and procedures ready to be enacted for assessment of open learning and issuing micro-credentials. The administrative and academic staff needs to be aware and confident to follow these procedures while keeping the quality assurance procedures in place, as well. The process needs to include increasing teacher awareness in the processes of open learning assessment and the role of micro-credentials for the competitiveness of lifelong learners in general. When the strategic documents and procedures to assess open learning are in place and the staff is ready and well aware of the processes, the description of the courses and the virtual learning environment needs to be prepared to provide the necessary metadata for the assessment of open learning and issuing of micro-credentials. Different innovation-driven projects offer solutions: OEPass developed a pilot Learning Passport, based on European Diploma Supplement, MicroHE developed a portal Credentify for displaying, verifying and sharing micro-credential data. Credentify platform is using Blockchain technology and is developed to comply with European Qualifications Framework. Institutions, willing to join Credentify platform, should make strategic discussions to apply micro-credential metadata standards. The ECCOE project building on outcomes of OEPass and MicroHE offers an all-encompassing set of quality descriptors for credentials and the descriptions of learning opportunities in higher education. The third chapter also describes the requirements for university structures to interact with the Europass digital credentials infrastructure. In 2020, European Commission launched a new Europass platform with Digital Credential Infrastructure in place. Higher education institutions issuing micro-credentials linked to Europass digital credentials infrastructure may offer added value for the learners and can increase reliability and fraud-resistant information for the employers. However, before using Europass Digital Credentials, universities should fulfil the necessary preconditions that include obtaining a qualified electronic seal, installing additional software and preparing the necessary data templates. Moreover, the virtual learning environment needs to be prepared to export learning outcomes to a digital credential, maintaining and securing learner authentication. Open learning opportunity descriptions also need to be adjusted to transfer and match information for the credential meta-data. The Fourth chapter illustrates how digital badges as a type of micro-credentials in open online learning assessment may be used in higher education to create added value for the learners and employers. An adequately provided metadata allows using digital badges as a valuable tool for recognition in all learning settings, including formal, non-formal and informal.
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Book chapters on the topic "Reliability qualification"


Barman, Fariborz. "Reliability Qualification." In Semiconductor Product Engineering, Quality and Operations, 27–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Hartzell, Allyson L., Mark G. da Silva, and Herbert R. Shea. "Testing and Standards for Qualification." In MEMS Reliability, 215–52. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.

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Birolini, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Reliability Engineering, 81–113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Birolini, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Reliability Engineering, 81–111. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.

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Birolini, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Reliability Engineering, 81–111. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Birolini, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Reliability Engineering, 81–113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Birolini*, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Reliability Engineering, 81–111. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Smith, David J. "Design and Qualification Testing." In Reliability and Maintainability in Perspective, 72–79. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Birolini, Alessandro. "Qualification Tests for Components and Assemblies." In Quality and Reliability of Technical Systems, 81–113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Mizuishi, K., T. Kato, H. Inoue, and H. Ishida. "InP-Based 4 × 4 Optical Switch Package Qualification and Reliability." In Semiconductor Device Reliability, 329–42. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.

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Conference papers on the topic "Reliability qualification"


Janny, Stephen. "U.S. Army Helicopter Structural Reliability and Fleet Failure Rate Requirement." In Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–14. The Vertical Flight Society, 2024.

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This paper presents a framework with associated concepts to define a method of compliance for the failure rate requirements of the Army Military Airworthiness Certification Criteria (AMACC), Chapter 5, for fleet qualification and first flight. The fleet failure rate requirement is paraphrased as less than one structural failure in 20 million flight hours at 95% confidence and applies specifically to fatigue failure of primary structural elements (PSEs). This method of compliance assumes a reliability model sufficient to support an analytical failure rate that bounds the uncertainty arising from practical constraints of an aircraft qualification program and aims to optimize the competing objectives of safety of flight and operational capability. The requirements as defined verify that the aircraft system will perform as intended for a specified fleet life and flight test program duration and serve as the analytical basis for the assessment of emergent issues identified throughout the product life cycle.
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Radojcic, R. "Universal Qualification- A Qualification Strategy for SUPERASIC's." In International Report on Wafer Level Reliability Workshop. IEEE, 1992.

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Preussger, Andreas. "Strategy of Future Reliability Qualification." In 2006 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report. IEEE, 2006.

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Pompe, Guido, Aleksandar Opacic, and Ton Bolhaar. "Reliability qualification of optical connectors." In Photonics Europe, edited by Hans G. Limberger and M. John Matthewson. SPIE, 2004.

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Olney, Andrew. "Evolving MEMS qualification requirements." In 2010 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. IEEE, 2010.

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Halfpenny, Andrew, and Balaje T. Thumati. "Accelerating Fatigue Qualification Tests." In 2022 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). IEEE, 2022.

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Khalilzadeh-Rezaie, Farnood, and Angelo Miele. "Silicon photonics reliability and qualification standards." In Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2024, edited by Sailing He and Laurent Vivien. SPIE, 2024.

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Duvvury, Charvaka. "Paradigm shift in ESD qualification." In 2008 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS). IEEE, 2008.

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Antanius, Ghadeer, Rutvi Trivedi, and Robert Kwasnick. "Platform qualification methodology: Face recognition." In 2015 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS). IEEE, 2015.

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Chaparala, Prasad, Erhong Li, and Sameer Bhola. "Reliability qualification of photovoltaic smart panel electronics." In 2010 17th IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "Reliability qualification"


Tamizhmani, Govindasamy. Reliability Evaluation of Concentrator Photovoltaic Modules per IEC Qualification Specifications. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2012.

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Skow. PR-244-093703-R01 Uncertainties of In-line Inspection Crack Detection Tools Phases 1-2. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), October 2014.

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This project was carried� to develop better approaches to deal with in line crack inspection tool uncertainty. The primary objectives of the project were as follows: To develop practical and defendable methodologies to quantify the de facto tool accuracy for a specific pipeline, taking into account the limitations associated with field excavation programs.� To develop methodologies that can be used to incorporate the above mentioned tool characterizations into the crack management process. The objectives were addressed in two parts: first by estimating the number of defects in the pipeline, and second by estimating the reliability of the pipeline given the defect count and size distributions. Sections 2 and 3 of this report detail the models used to estimate the number and size of defects in the pipeline. Section 4 details the reliability models used as a basis for crack management. API Standard 1163 titled �In line Inspection System Qualification Standards� provides performance based requirements for in line inspection (ILI) systems, including procedures, personnel and equipment. The standard provides a starting point and terminology for discussions on in line tool performance and is referred to throughout this report. In line tool accuracy is defined in API 1163 in terms of probability of detection (POD), probability of identification (POI), probability of false call (POFC) and sizing accuracy. Models for each of these performance measures is developed and exercised using four operator ILI and excavation data sets for stress corrosion cracking (SCC) defects. The model results are then applied to a crack management process that utilizes pipeline reliability as a basis for decision making. An overview of the models developed for POD, POI, POFC and sizing, as well as key results from the crack management process, is presented.
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