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Journal articles on the topic "Relations extérieures – Espagne – 19e siècle"
Dunoyer, Christiane. "Alpes." Anthropen, 2020.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Relations extérieures – Espagne – 19e siècle"
Aatif, Jamal. "La guerre de tetouan (1859-1860) et ses consequences generales sur le maroc." Toulouse 2, 1987.
Full textThe subject treats of the war of tetouan between spain and morocco in 1859-1860. After the introduction, it was necessary approaching a historic general study on the town of tetouan from the 9th century until the 19th century basing on the principal stages that have put a mark on the history of the town. The first part (period before war) is divided in two principal chapter: the hispano-moroccan relations during this period, and the causes of the war. This study begins from the year 1830 until the date of the war (1859). These causes are limited into indirect causes breed the study of the general state of spain and different aspects. The direct causes are limited by some happened events which have led these countries to declare the war. The importance of the united kingdom in the period that preceeds the war being considerable, a little chapter has been consecrated to the study of a series of correspondences exchanged between spain and england, while a second chapter treats the attitude of the moroccan government. The second part that treats the war includes the compositions of the spanish and moroccan armies and is based on the major battles that took place between both parts. There are three stages of battles that end on the occupation of tetouan by spain. The third part treats the general consequences of the war in morocco: consequences on an economic, social and politic level, while analysing their different repercussions on the morocco. The conclusion is consecrated to the advantages of spain in this war
Abdeltif, Marroun. "L'affrontement entre européens et musulmans au sud de la Méditerranée occidentale aux XVe et XVIe siècle : l'échec de l'action ibérique au Maghreb." Lyon 3, 1993.
Full textBensalem, Boutaïna. "Les relations commerciales et diplomatiques entre la Grande Bretagne et le Maroc, XIXe-XXe siècle : des rapports complexes sous l'influence politique de la France, de l' Espagne et des pressions régionales." Bordeaux 3, 2011.
Full textThe object of this thesis is to outline the economical and diplomatic relationship between Great Britain and Morocco during the 19th and 20th centuries based on different social, political and economical affairs marking their relations. Its aim is to also bring forth the British interest in Morocco in a very specific international context and how the British politics towards this North African country did not exclude commecial policy. The different aspects of the British preponderance in Morocco during this period of history are approached from a thematic and chronological context underlying the British diplomatic double language which toggled between interference and suggestion until withdrawal was chosen for strategic and political reasons. Based on a multitude of sources, the goal of this study is demonstrate the impact of Great Britain politics on the history of the Cherifian Empire by bringing light into the important role played by other European countries in the British political evolution towards this Mediterranean country
Ben, Bannour Ahmed. "L' image culturelle de l'Espagne chez un diplomate marocain de la fin du XVIIe siècle : ou la relation d'al-Wazir pour la libération du captif." Paris, INALCO, 1996.
Full textMaquart, Marie-Françoise. "Le reseau francais a la cour de charles ii d'espagne : jeux diplomatiques de fin de regne -1696/1700-." Toulouse 2, 2000.
Full textVillerbu, Tangi. "Espace et nation : constructions françaises du récit de l'Ouest américain au XIXe siècle." Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Full textDuring a long 19th century, many Frenchmen narrated what happened in the American West. Travellers was looking for evidence of the birth of an American nation. Tourists visited the national(ist) parks, industrialized natural spaces. Others wanted to settle : migrants, narrated their failures and successes, missionaries could imitate Jesus Christ and die working for their faith. Fenimore Cooper's novels were read by everybody, but few scientists tried to know the West more seriously. Many failed to imagine the West could have been important to understand the American identity, but on the contrary some believed the nation born in the West. Nevertheless, most of the Frenchmen knew the West by what they could read in popular literature or see in the Wild West Shows. The American nation born in France, as it born in the United States or any other country. And the narrative of the West is in the heart of that process. It's the story of a region which had to become "normal", "American". The others have no right to live in the western memory. A counter-narrative existed, in mass culture or catholic writings, but it couldn't resist at the end of the 19th century. The West had to be "American", but it was created by the North, and not by the South, and only colonial trade bound it to the nation. The American nation born through the western story as a conquering, democratic and mainly nation created by settlers and cow-boys. Nevertheless, at the end of the 19th century, this herois West seems to disappear; the story seems to end. It is impossible to narrate the future West, so the "frontier" appear to narrate its glorious past
Bourdeu, Étienne. "« Le premier prince de l'Empire, le vote le plus sûr dont dispose Votre Majesté et sa Maison Royale » : les archevêques de Mayence et la projection espagnole dans le Saint Empire (milieu du XVIe siècle - milieu du XVIIe siècle)." Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Full textThis work intends to analyze some aspects of the Spanish projection in the Holy Empire during the 16th and the 17th centuries through the role of the archbishops of Mainz who also are territorial princes, arch-chancellors for the Empire and electors. The study begins when Emperor Charles V abdicates, an event that compels the Habsburgs in Spain and those in Austria to find a new way to organize their relations. First, Philip II goes on using the family and dynastic links that tie him to the emperor. Nevertheless, with Rudolph II's refusaI to consider Spanish wishes and with the beginning of the Flemish upheaval, the Catholic King has to build up a new net to increase his influence in the Empire. As a consequence, nets of clients are installed progressively and the archbishops of Mainz have a leading part in them: they keep contacts with ail of the princes in the Holy Empire and they can warn the Spanish King with the intelligence they collect, they have an influential role in the Electoral College where they can speak for the Catholic Monarch This alliance is possible thanks to the same definition of the Empire they share and it works until the last decade of the Thirty Years' War. Then, as the Spanish money arrives with a greater irregularity in the Empire and as discrepancies in the political objectives appear, the archbishops of Mainz leave the Spanish clientele and become closer advisors of the emperor
Haan, Bertrand. "Les relations diplomatiques entre Charles Quint, Philippe II et la France au temps de la paix du Cateau-Cambrésis (1555-1570) : l'expérience de l'"amitié"." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2006.
Full textThe main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a new definition of the nature of relationship between sovereigns during Modern Europe – usually considered as contemporary international relationship – through study of forms taken by diplomatic alliances. One term refers to links between princes when they are allied : “friendship”. A thorough analysis of language and political practice, based on diplomatic letters, is the best way to show all the aspects of this notion. When pragmatism gets first, a practical study was prefered to a purely theorical approach, considering reconciliation, then alliance during a decade between sovereigns who appear as out-and-out rivals, the Kings of Spain of France. As it appears in the middle of the 16th century, the friendship link is strongly familial and personal, which needs a permanently renewed engagement. “Friendship” has also its own rules. It supposes feelings must appear sincere and its engagement, honoured, as it is founded on a principle of reciprocity. Advising, giving information, affording military help, commiting no frontly hostile act, these are evidences mainly given by the two allies for they will to preserve the special relationship during the 1560’. In the end, “friendship” opens way to realizing ideals of medieval and modern Christendom : instauring global peace and restauring unity of faithThough it has a virtually limited impact and can’t exist without any interest of both parts, “friendship” between princes, in its principle, in a subtle but fundamental way is not an alliance between States
Fé, Canto Luis Fernando. "Oran (1732-1745) : les horizons maghrébins de la monarchie hispanique." Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Full textThis thesis focuses above ail on the second era of Hispanic presence in Oran, during the years 1732-1745 to be more precise. It was during these years that the administration of King Philip V wanted to restore the system of life of old Oran. This will of restoration is the source of a historiographical questioning on the role of this town in the politics of the Spanish empire in the modern period. The analysis of this problem has allowed the criticism of the pertinence of certain concepts closely linked until now, to the history of these Spanish towns on the coasts of the Maghreb. The main concept is one of "Iimited occupation", used by F. Braudel. To which, the concept of "military revolution", made popular especially by G. Parker is associated. The criticism of these two notions proposes a more general framework for reflection on the history of the relations between Spain and the Maghreb from several axes: military history, political history and social history. From this critical comparison on different periods, new light is shed on Oran: a town at the heart of Mediterranean and imperial interests of eighteenth century Spain; a town with links to the Muslim population of the Oran region through negotiations with the Arab tribes and the use of targeted violence. After the conquest of Oran again in 1732 the Crown wanted to restore this system but certain structural changes such as the plague, the economical crisis and the war held back this wave of restoration in which social groups from old Oran were placed: the familias de Oran, the moros de paz and the mogataces
Loureiro, Marcello José Gomes. "Iustitiam Dare. A Gestão da Monarquia Pluricontinental : Conselhos Superiores, pactos, articulações e o governo da monarquia portuguesa (1640-1668)." Paris, EHESS, 2015.
Full textAfter the restoration of december 1640, the theme of government by the councils (or courts) was recurrent in the administration of the portuguese monarchy. Therefore, it has become a matter of great debate in the literature. The main purpose of this thesis is to show the importance of government by councils in the portuguese monarchy and to link this model of deliberation to the idea of agreed monarchy. The studied period were the years following december's restoration
Books on the topic "Relations extérieures – Espagne – 19e siècle"
The Ottoman empire and the world economy: The nineteenth century. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.
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