Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Relations entre services'
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Castro-Lucas, de Souza Cristina. "Les relations entre l'innovation et la performance internationale pour les activités de service aux entreprises." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX32037.
Full textThis research deals with service innovation and internationalization: how firms perform on international markets and get an edge thanks to innovation on service concept or service process. We tested the relationship between innovation and international performance, assessed the impact of innovation compared to other international advantages. Symmetrically, we also checked how far the internationalization process can be a powerful driver of innovation for service firms. After the development of a theoretical model, data were collected from a telephone survey. The target respondents of the survey were senior executives of internationalized service companies in France. Out of the 807 companies which were contacted, 51 usable responses were received. The data collected were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using the Partial Least Square method. The tested model shows that service innovation has a positive influence on international development and that the international competence, obtained in foreign markets, drives the dynamics of innovation in services company. The model proposed highlights the capabilities for R & D (organizational), relational, ICT, international competence, service and international experience as factors that impact the final results of internationalized companies, or more specifically, the international performance
Côté, Andrée. "La relation de soins et de services : entre le lien social de don, le lien d'autorité et le lien de sacrifice /." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2003. http://theses.uqac.ca.
Full textGuilpart, Nicolas. "Relations entre services écosystémiques dans un agroécosystème à base de plantes pérennes : compromis entre rendement de la vigne et régulation de l'oïdium." Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NSAM0007/document.
Full textHow to combine crop productivity and reduction in pesticide use ? A reduction in plant growth and an increase in crop canopy porosity has been shown to limit the development of the grapevine powdery mildew (powdery mildew regulation service), which is a major disease in viticulture. However, this could also limit grapevine yield through a reduction in light interception and biomass production through photosynthesis. Can regulation of powdery mildew be increased without grapevine yield impairment ? In other words, do these two services trade off ? To address this question, two experiments were used. A field experiment was conducted in Montpellier from 2010 to 2012 on Shiraz, and a network of non-sprayed vineyard plots was monitored by the French Institute of Vine and wine in the Bordeaux region from 2007 to 2013. Data analyses showed that: (i) 65 to 70 \% of grapevine yield in year n were determined by the effect of water and nitrogen stresses on inflorescence formation in the latent buds at flowering in year n-1; (ii) the effect of grapevine vegetative development on powdery mildew depended on epidemic earliness and was significant only when first symptoms were detected on leaves between flowering and bunch closure. Grapevine vegetative development at flowering was therefore a relevant indicator of the powdery mildew regulation service. Based on these results, the hypothesis of a trade-off between grapevine yield and powdery mildew regulation was experimentally confirmed and water stress at flowering was identified as a shared driver of these two services. Then, a simple model was built that accounted for the effect of water stress at flowering on the two services, where grapevine yield depended mostly on year n-1 and grapevine vegetative development depended only on year n conditions. Analysis of the model's mathematical properties showed that "win-win" scenarios (high level of both services) did exist and were reached when specific climatic sequences occured (a wet year followed by a dry year). The "win-win" scenarios could not be reached two consecutive years and were therefore temporally unstable. Decision rules for pesticides application may be adapted in function of the inter-annual climatic variability and its effect on the trade-off between grapevine yield and regulation powdery mildew
Debono, Anne-Laure. "L'ouverture du droit des services publics au droit de la consommation : entre enrichissement et désordre." Aix-Marseille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX32064.
Full textThe propensity of consumer law to overcome the compartmentalization within the legal system and the capacity of the jurisdictional order to derive private norms constitute the main factors explaining why public utilities law is opening up to consumerism. This phenomenon requires thinking about the nature and the consequences of the exchanges existing between the two legal systems, in the light of the systematic analysis of law, the presupposition of which is structured around relations of interaction and characteristics of unity presented by the system’s elements. The systematic approach of the relations that are built up between public utilities law and consumer law evidences the beneficial interconnections which are established between both legal systems. Reuniting the concepts of user and consumer within a broader conceptual unity is part and parcel of this perspective. Far from generating dysfunction within this particular branch of law, the extension of consumer law under the guise of the user-consumer concept proves to be positive in so far as it contributes to unifying the applicable protective norms. Adopting an analytical frame which extends to branches of law also enables us to contemplate the means to a harmonious articulation between the finalities pursued by both disciplines in the hands of the administrative judge. The perspective of the appropriation of consumerist sources by administrative jurisdiction thus allows us to perceive the foundations of an emerging branch of law which is gaining more and more autonomy: consumerist administrative law
Fijalkow, Ygal. "Entre raisons civiques et raisons marchandes : le rapport des usagers à France Télécom." Toulouse 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU20109.
Full textWe are interested to know if it is true that public service users are now ordinary consumers. Has the specific link between users and historical model of public utility disappeared and this relation became a usual consumption ? Based on a case-study concerning France Telecom, a company confronted to deregulation, privatization and opening to competition, this research analyses different rationalities : users' loyalty, defection and voice. Even if we can notice evolutions about relations between public utility and users, the results show that the model of consumer did not disappear for a user of public utility. The new users still refer to some aspects of the public utility. Moreover they give a new significance to their behaviour of consumption
Siblot, Yasmine. "Paperasse, guichets et modernisation de l'accueil : les rapports pratiques entre classes populaires et administrations." Paris, EHESS, 2003. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://www.cairn.info/faire-valoir-ses-droits-au-quotidien--9782724609867.htm.
Full textThis dissertation analyses the relations between the inhabitants of a suburban city close to Paris and local public administrations. It aims to understand both the ambivalent relations between popular classes and public institutions, and the effects of the transformations of the public services. The research is based on a field work in a working class area composed of public housing and small houses, in the post office, the social center, and the town hall. The first part examines the practices of the inhabitants. It shows that the relations with administrations are relations of domination but alos relations of integration, and that dwellers have recourse to public services as a claim for rights and not for charity. These integrative processes are especially developped in the three local public services i studied, as the second part shows it. The relations with street level bureaucrats working at the front office and inhabitants are ambivalent : these employees have an authority but are subordinate, and their position is indefinite between the middle and the working class. Their attitudes towards inhabitants vary between distance end familiarity, through day-to-day encounters. The last part underlines how the policies of "modernization" in public services undermines this familiarity. These policies are based on managerial objectives and aim to redefine the relations to working class. They lead to a new conception of the employees' work that is far from their actual practices, and may reinforce the stigmatisation of the inhabitants of working class areas in administrations
Clark, Nathalie. "La relation de confiance entre le médecin et son patient en droit civil québécois : impact de la réforme des services de santé et des services sociaux." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 1998.
Find full textFrigon, Mélanie. "L'influence du soutien de la direction et des facteurs de stress sur la relation entre le conflit travail-famille et la santé organisationnelle." [S.l. : s.n.], 2006.
Find full textLefebvre, Marion. "Qualité(s) de l’emploi dans les services à la personne : entre régulations publiques et professionnelles." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL12016/document.
Full textHome care and personal services are heavily supported by economic and social policies in France. What is the quality of these jobs? Are there different forms of job quality in this heterogeneous group of activities? How are “quality compromises” built? How are they legitimated? These are the essential questions addressed in this thesis. In order to answer these issues, we study the progressive construction of public and professional regulations which contribute to shape jobs and their characteristics. The structuring of professional relationships is more particularly analysed on the basis of a qualitative survey carried out among people in charge of bargaining collective agreements. The interpretive lens used in the analysis of empirically observed forms of job quality is derived from this first historical and social framing. A second, epistemological and theoretical framing, aims at pointing out the way through which the concept of “job quality” is approached in the thesis. Job quality is investigated in its multiple economic and social dimensions (remuneration, job security, working conditions...) through an approach based on the gaps to the mean of French job standards. The use and treatment of statistical data based on two national surveys emphasizes that these deviations from the norm tend to be cumulative on several dimensions in personal services. “Cumulative constraints at work” is thus important, but situations are heterogeneous. We then demonstrate the coexistence of a plurality of job quality configurations embedded in public and professional regulations
Pinna, Gabriele. "Les rapports sociaux de service dans l'hôtellerie haut de gamme : tensions entre mise en scène de l'accueil et pratiques de travail." Paris 8, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA083822.
Full textHotel trade evolution in Paris confirms the general trend of contemporary luxury and tourist trade: firms oscillate between internationalisation and traditional management. The real services offered by hotels depend on their commercial policies. If the hotels adopt a commercial strategy which aims at easy profits to the quality of service’s detriment, service interactions between guests and workers are often modulated by a dissatisfaction of the guests. In the absence of considerable investments on staff’s organization and qualification and on hotel’s facilities, the hotels cannot guarantee personalized and high quality services. The solution borrowed by the management for overcoming the lack in services is a reproduction of the formal and ceremonial standards of the luxury services of the palaces, which represent the top in the luxury hotel trade. The service relationship supports the internal frictions between workers, leaving out of consideration if they are in touch with the guests or not. Front desk workers construct their personal and work identities on interaction. Guest acknowledgement of their work (such as tips and thanks) is very important for them. Back office workers do not work on interaction, so they do not give the same meaning to their work. Furthermore, they try to control the volume of their work. But front desk workers always ask them to quickly carry out more and more tasks and to please guests at the same time. In this way, tensions in service relationships engender disputes in the front office (guests against workers), and in the back office (front workers against back office workers)
Fitria, Arie. "Services urbains, urbanisme et aménagement : analyse géopolitique des relations entre une communauté urbaine et les collectivités voisines : le cas du Grand Lyon." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2026/document.
Full textOur thesis is about the effect of the administrative border in an urban community and concerns particularly on the relations between Grand Lyon and its surrounding municipalities in the context of the territorial reform aiming at rationalizing and reinforcing the intermunicipal cooperation. What are the possibilities of the cooperation? How are the possibilities reconfigured? We reach the questions, in the first place, by the modification of the border of Grand Lyon, in one part following to new communes adhesion, in other part following to the creation of the Lyon metropolitan. In the second place, we study the impact of Grand Lyon border on the urban services, with study cases devoted to the recent territorial evolution of transport Lyonnais syndicate intervention (Nouveau Sytral).Our research was carried out by using various juridical documents, press reports, student works in which were analyzed in the point of view of urban planning leaning on geographical and political science methods. This study also focuses on interviews in the selected municipalities. The analysis reveals that the definition of intermunicipal Lyonnais grouping perimeter is completely a geopolitical issue, in the meaning that Phillipe Subra gives the notion. In terms of the situation, the local political context, the communal projects, the alliances between the territories are established or unraveled
Audette-Chapdelaine, Marianne. "La dynamique des relations entre acteurs publics et privés dans la gestion des services d'eau urbains : les cas de Montréal et Marseille." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2008/25440/25440.pdf.
Full textLerch-Malherbe, Magali. "La trajectoire d'innovation de la naissance d'un écosystème d'affaires : une approche multiniveaux : Le cas du développement des services mobiles NFC." Caen, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CAEN0507.
Full textThe open innovation movement, which has been emerging since the early 21th century, is at the origin of the emergence of business ecosystems (BE). They integrate players who have their competences and their roles co-evolving to manage the challenges of each stage of their life cycles. But few studies consider this dynamic dimension of the BE and especially its first stage: the birth. Specifically, it evolves along an innovation trajectory which leads the actions to define a new offer. Based on qualitative research and on process approach, this study focuses on the case of the emergence of a business ecosystem in the field of contactless mobile services. We conduct a multilevel analysis through the global process of this BE's innovation trajectory and the local process of the experimental projects which are articulated along this path. We are 'coking at these two processes as places, which include a managerial logic contributing to build key competences and a socio-political logic providing power strategies between players and their roles definition. Our results focus on two analytical levels. At the global level, the main challenge is to define a shared collective vision. It revolves around two dimensions: a technical dimension (the dominant design) and an economic dimension (the business model). It is formalized through key competences building which, in turn, defines the roles of the members. In this dynamic, competences related to "use context sensitivity" are crucial: they enable BE's intégration until the trajectory lock-in, then its efficiency through the generation of new alternatives which may lead to some bifurcations (positive ambiguity). At the local level, experimental projects promote the confrontation of individuals' strategies. They generate the building of competences which capitalize along the trajectory or question the collective vision
Armbruster, Néda Bracq Stéphane. "L'impact du droit communautaire sur les relations entre l'Etat et les entreprises chargées d'un service d'intérêt économique général vers une contractualisation des obligations de service public ? /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://edoctorale74.univ-lille2.fr/fileadmin/master_recherche/T_l_chargement/memoires/intercomm/armbrustern06.pdf.
Full textBin-Nun, Yigal. "Les relations secrètes entre le Maroc et Israe͏̈l, et l'émigration juive, de l'indépendance du Maroc au naufrage d'Egoz, 1956-1960." Paris 8, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA082080.
Full textRagaigne, Aurélien. "Les fonctions de l'évaluation des services publics locaux par la satisfaction des usagers, entre apprentissage et discipline." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ORLE0506.
Full textWhat's the use of the evaluation of public local services by users' satisfaction? This is the question which this research attempts to answer. Drawing on work of the foucaldians approach of government and a mixed method, study shows that the apprenticeship and discipline dimensions, far from excluding each other, are closely interwoven and adapted to each specific context of governance.Research is based on eight case studies which are using users‟ satisfaction indicators. The function of discipline appears to be connected by the logic of apprenticeship generating visibility, comparability and surveillance. In order to take into account the reservations expressed by stakeholders involved by the evaluation and avoid the failure of the initiative, a process of mobilization is implemented based on interaction moments and discourses of justification. This deployment is based on a context and actors impacting evaluation‟s initiatives.Furthermore, thanks to the 112 questionnaires filed by local publics‟ managers, research shows the importance of the apprenticeship and discipline function and the role of management‟s context on the functions
Damesin, Renaud. "Entre l'Etat et le marché, le modèle français de service public national en question : les rapports entre les groupes publics et leurs filiales." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003IEPP0037.
Full textBurylo, Melanie. "Relations entre les traits fonctionnels des espèces végétales et leurs fonctions de protection contre l'érosion dans les milieux marneux restaurés de montagne." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00602804.
Full textRagaigne, Aurélien. "Les fonctions de l'évaluation des services publics locaux par la satisfaction des usagers, entre apprentissage et discipline." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00653161.
Full textCadel, Maëlys. "Relations entre production agricole, services écosystémiques et impacts liés au fonctionnement du sol : Quels effets de systèmes de culture plus autonomes en azote en contexte de changement climatique ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023ORLE1076.
Full textAgricultural soils provide many ecosystem services (ES) to farmers and Society such as green and blue water provision, nutrient provision to crops, water quality regulation, carbon sequestration etc. However, most cropping systems are still intensively managed, based on chemical inputs, with little to no consideration of the possible effects of such practices on the environment and the ability of soils to provide these ES. One issue of agroecological transition is to design more sustainable production systems, with limited use of chemical inputs, that provide and benefit from biodiversity and the ES support of agricultural production. We thus need to improve our knowledge on the spatio-temporal relationships that may exist between management practices, agricultural production, ES and environmental impacts. This manuscript synthesizes the results of a three years INRAE-ANDRA collaboration that aimed at providing key information on soil-crop functioning while facing this challenge. This work was structured into two parts. We first conducted a systematic literature review of the relationships between agricultural production, the ES and the impacts linked to soil functioning, within temperate annual production systems. In order to be able to compare the results of the 40 studies selected, we developed a new ontology of soil-based ES and impacts. This review evidenced mainly non-significant relationships between Biomass production and the ES and impacts investigated suggesting that there is no systematic trade-off between agricultural production and regulating ES. We also identified key relationships that have never been investigated in the studies selected as those between C sequestration and Physical soil quality regulation or Soil biodiversity. Also, an analysis of the effects of drivers of these ES revealed that the three pillars of conservation agriculture, as well as organic fertilization, seem promising practices to provide balanced bundles of ES. We then performed simulation analyses of actual and agroecological cropping systems of the French long-term Environmental Observatory of ANDRA. The objectives were to assess the effects of more N self-sufficient cropping systems, with a climate change mitigation purpose, on the temporal relationships between agricultural production, 5 ES and 3 impacts linked to soil functioning. These cropping systems were designed by implementing three agroecological management practices: a) long cover crops with legume (crimson clover), b) grain legumes (pea) and c) fodder legumes (alfalfa). To assess the performances of these systems, we used the STICS model, that simulates the functioning of the soil-crop system at a daily time-step. Simulations were run over two 20-years time periods: a first one for recent past climate (2000-2021) and a second one for future climate projection using RCP 8.5 (2036-2057). If most of the temporal relationships analysed were non-significant, results highlighted that the use of long cover crops in the rotation provided the highest values of N provision to crops and C sequestration and the lowest values of NO3 lixiviation
Charbonnier, Yohan. "Relations entre diversité des habitats forestiers et communautés de chiroptères à différentes échelles spatiales en Europe : implications pour leur conservation et le maintien de leur fonction de prédation." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0277/document.
Full textInsectivorous bats are increasingly recognized as potential regulators of pest insect populations.They also represent the group of European mammals with the most unfavorable conservation status. Forests are key habitats for many bat species but are currently under threat from climate change and fragmentation. It is therefore urgent to better understand the relationships between the bats, their prey and their habitats in forests. Our main objective was to quantify the effects, at multiple spatial scales, of the main attributes of forest habitats on the activity, species richness, functional diversity and composition of European bat communities. They were studied using manipulative experiments in Aquitaine plantation forests and automatic recordings in the network of exploratory plots set up in six European countries by the FunDivEurope project. From the plot to the continent scale, increasing tree diversity, amount of broad leaved trees and dead wood, had positive effects on bat communities through an increase in prey and roost resources. However these effects were not stationary, being stronger at higher latitudes, probably due to lower habitat carrying capacity in relation to harsher climatic conditions. In addition we experimentally demonstrated that the numerical and functional responses of bats to prey density could result in effective regulation of pine processionary moth populations. Forest management strategies aim at enhancing key habitat structures, are eventually proposed in order to improve the conservation of bats and to increase the service of pest regulation they can provide
Popescu, Elinor Danusia. "Consulats et consuls honoraires de Roumanie dans les grandes puissances ouest-européennes entre les deux guerres mondiales." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCA086.
Full textThe aim of my thesis is to realise an international relations study, which also includes a dimension of social history through the recruitment of these elites of civil society - the honorary consuls - who ensure the relay between the latter and the great career diplomacy. I propose to research the Romanian consular activity in the four great Western European powers - chosen, to balance, among two revisionist states, so eager to transform the balances put in place during the treaties concluding the First World War, and two states satisfied by these treaties - at all levels: economic, political, administrative and cultural. The rationale of my thesis articulates therefore consular diplomacy and great diplomacy and consists of evaluating their political convergence in favor of the great winners French and British or, conversely, the counterweight that this "minor" diplomacy could exert for the benefit of the frustrated German and Italian. The latter option is all the more interesting because Germany and Italy were Romania's main trading partners before 1914
Volkov, Aleksandr. "Le régime juridique des relations gazières entre la Russie, l'Union Européenne et les pays membres de l'Union Européenne." Thesis, Tours, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOUR1004/document.
Full textThe current legal rules restrain the development of both frameworks now existing – that is, long-term contracts and opened-up markets. The solution to this problem could be the maintain of the first group of relations and the development of the second group. Therefore, it is important to suggest an alternative framework. The basis of such alternative framework could be fixed in an international treaty between Russia, EU and the member-states. This new regulation will also require the adjustment of the local legislation
Brito, Maria Haydée Augusto. "Modelos de assistência neonatal: comparação entre o método mãe-canguru e o método tradicional." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5141/tde-14102008-153456/.
Full textVery low birthweight infants have achieved increasing survival rates over time. However, they still suffer from problems such as growth deficit, developmental delays, low exclusive breastfeeding prevalence and difficulties with the bond formation process. These problems result from birth circumstances, consequences of survival-necessary intensive care and peculiarities of traditional neonatal care, whose procedures impose a prolonged separation between mother and baby. Observation of aspects relative to these problems indicates that some of those difficulties might be lessened, if not altogether solved, by a neonatal care model that favors the mother-child interaction. Aiming to clarify this matter, a comparison of results obtained for seventy babies was carried out. Infants were divided in two groups, one treated by means of the Kangaroo Mother Method and the other by means of the Traditional Neonatal Care Method. A prospective cohort study was carried out which included two approaches. The first approach was an epidemiological analysis of objective data concerning comparable characteristics of the two groups, such as maternal characteristics, data about pregnancy, labor and birth, clinical evolution events, developmental and growth parameters and landmarks of the breastfeeding process. The second approach was a comprehensive study of subjective data by means of the Phenomenological Method. It was found that growth of studied children was consistently below intrauterine growth, the established ideal. Antropometrical measures were smaller for children in the Kangaroo Mother Method group than for those treated by means of the Traditional Method. No statistically meaningful differences were found concerning neurosocial development. The Kangaroo Mother Method was found to favor the practice of exclusive breastfeeding even after child discharge. Phenomenological comprehension and interpretation of oral accounts given by the mothers of studied infants about their experiences with their preterm children revealed the repercussions of this situation on maternal function and the resulting consequences to development and breastfeeding prevalence. The direct influence that the quality of interaction between mother and baby has on the experience of becoming a mother under such circumstances was thereby unveiled. Under this perspective, it was concluded that care given to very low birthweight infants requires, in addition to the employment of high technology, that the staying of mothers beside their infants be prioritized and that the neonatal care team be made able to handle mother and infant as a compound unit, as two components of a system that are distinct, yet not separate.
Huynh, Thi Ngoc Vân. "L’externalisation de la fonction comptable : une analyse processuelle de la décision et de la gestion." Thesis, Lille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL12012/document.
Full textTo understand why and how the company outsources its accounting activities is the object of our research. This issue will be discussed in two parts: - Part I: The decision of outsourcing the accounting function (why); - Part II: Management of outsourcing the accounting function (how). In the first part, we propose a framework for analyzing the decision of outsourcing. This framework is based on the complementarity of the three theories of organization such as the theory of transaction costs, the resource-based view and the neo-institutional theory. We explain the factors that lead a company to outsource their accounting function: strategy for reducing costs, refocusing on the core of business and the search for legitimacy. We provide the criteria for selecting outsourceable activities: strategic importance, cost, quality and compatibility. We note the impact of the phase before the decision (the prior knowledge, culture), the role of hierarchy and the desire of the leader. In the second part, we propose a framework for management the post decision-making process. This framework is based on the dominant theories of inter organizational relationship: the transactional approach, the relational exchange approach and the dependence approach. We believe that the key to a successful outsourcing of the accounting function depends on the balancing management of different interfaces, the development of trust, the learning and the strategy of interdependence. The aim is to build analytical frameworks helping the company make the decision on the organization's accounting function and manage its outsourcing. We use process approach and case studies to observe and analyze all the processes of outsourcing the accounting function (decision making, implementation, monitoring and end of contract)
Dias, Gabriela Toutin. "Comunicação de más notícias no departamento de emergência: uma análise comparativa entre as percepções de médicos residentes, pacientes e familiares." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5169/tde-24022016-115126/.
Full textIntroduction: Breaking bad news is a common and routine practice, performed practically every day by physicians. In the Emergency Department, communication acquires unique aspects. Objective: Our main objective was to assess patient and family member\'s perception about bad news communication in the Emergency Department and compare these with physicians\' perceptions. Method: This is a cross-sectional study performed at the Emergency Department of a tertiary teaching hospital. To compare physicians\' and receivers\' (patient and/or family member) perceptions, we created a survey based on the six attributes derived from the SPIKES protocol (Setting: questions 1-5; Perception: question 6; Invitation: question 7; Knowledge: questions 8-12; Emotions: questions 13-15; Strategy and Summary: question 16). The surveys were applied immediately after bad news communication happened in the Emergency Department. We analyzed agreement amongst participants using Kappa statistics and Qui-squared test to compare proportions. Results: A total of 73 bad news communication encounters were analyzed. The survey respondents were 73 physicians, 69 family members and 4 patients. In general, there is a low level of concordance between physicians\' and receivers\' perceptions of how breaking bad news transpired. The satisfaction level of receivers in regards to breaking bad news by doctors presented a mean of 3.7 + 0.6 points. In contrast, the physicians\' perception of the communication was worse (2.9 + 0.6 points), with p < 0.001. Conclusions: Doctors and receivers disagree in relation to what transpired throughout the bad news communication. Discrepancies were more evident in issues involving emotion, invitation and privacy. However, an important agreement between perceptions was found in technical and knowledge related aspects of the communication
Bordes, Véronique. "Le rap est dans la place ou du bon usage du rap par les institutions locales et les jeunes : étude des relations entre des sociabilités juvéniles et des politiques locales de la jeunesse." Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100162.
Full textFrom a socioethnographic view this research enable us to put forward key concepts about the place given by the institution to the youths practicing rap and the place that these youths truly takes. A reciprocal socialization process is constructed upon interactions which generate a game of hide and seek with youths strategically apparing and disppearing. How the young people get to a visibility through the medium of a juvenile practice ? How do they use the institution to make themselves heard again through rap ? How rap becomes means of socialization developping an access to knowledge and skills allowing young people to take their places as actor in Society ? By exploring, Saint-Denis town, its historical and social characteristics, its political tendencies, this doctoral dissertation tries to understand how a youth policy is put forward within a local institution
Sun, Xiaowei. "De la relation entre service public et fonction publique. Etude comparée des droits français et chinois." Thesis, Besançon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BESA0001/document.
Full textIn France, since the 1990s, the traditional polarity public service / civil service is questioned by privatization and public services outsourcing on the one hand, and by contracting and "managerialization" of civil service on the other hand. These trends are also observed in China in the construction of a public services system from 1990s, and in the establishment of a civil service decided in the late 1980s and endorsed by the Law of 27 April 2005 on Public Servants. In spite of the political and cultural differences between the two countries, there is a converging movement : the public administration steps back from the public services management, while the private law grows its influence on the civil service law. Public law, as it traditionally governs the public service and the civil service, is therefore challenged both in its scope and in its substance. As the relationship between public services and civil service distends, the correlation between the purposes of state and the administrative structures is less obvious. In this context, the comparison of French and Chinese laws illuminates the ongoing transformations of public law
FRESSON, JEANNE. "Les relations entre medecins generalistes et service de p. M. I." Nancy 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988NAN11108.
Full textBrie, Guillaume. "Traitement social de la criminalité sexuelle pédophile : rapports de pouvoir et lutte des représentations entre agents chargés du contrôle et condamnés." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100108.
Full textSexual violence on children lead more and more men in prison. Institutional responses to these questions are strongly reminiscent of the indignity that affects those people: heaviness of the sentences, surveillance and preventive detention for example. Based on data from an empirical research, I wish to understand how modern society is organized in relation to such behavior. The field work mainly takes place through interviews. First with prisoners convicted for those facts.And then with detention officers (psychologists, psychiatrists, councilors of rehabilitation and probation, supervisors, judge of the sanctions application). Finally with agents responsible of repression: specialized Gendarmes on the hearings of juvenile victims (prevention squad) and specialized investigators Gendarmes on the hunt of "pedophiles" on the Internet (Territorial and Research Brigade).The analysis of obtained speeches allows to identify the processes that co-construct the plurality of viewpoints. And to understand how power relations are constituted around the question of sexual violence behaviors on children today. To the results, it appears a struggle between different representations of agents met and the convicted around the profile of "pedophile".The analyzes of these mutual perceptions permits to explain, in particular, how the strength of the devices support of the condemned affects their ability to act and initiates in them, a deep desire to enter the space of legitimate and the "normal"
Irani, Shohreh. "La relation entre épuisement professionnel et qualité de services en milieu hospitalier." Bordeaux 4, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR40068.
Full textHealth strutures are open institutions whose missions blur the lines between work conditions and service quality, two areas traditionally distinct in organisation structures (Neveu, 2008). This study attempts to discover the relation between the quality of services and burnout in health care. Burnout is "a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by long term involvement in situations that are emotionally demanding". Doctors & nurses are high risk group : a recent study of genaral practitioners showed that nearly 60 % felt their physical health had suffered as a result of overwork. Managers should be highly skilled and aware of the ocncept of burnout. One of the most important reasons to this issue is the key role of organzational and management commiment support in preventing burnout. (Schaufeli, & Enzmann, 1998) In todya's competitive environment, having a loyal base of satisfied customers increase revenues, reduces costs, and improves bottom lines. (Babakus, et al. 2003). This study has attempted to provide some necessary structural and conceptual clarity to identify the relation between burnout and depletion of resources and how work family conflict, workload and conflict with other nurses can cause depletion of resources, to investigate organizational support and its effect on buffering the impacts of high workload on exhaustion, to identify the specific factors in the work environment which were associated with the main concept of burn out and the effect of burnout on patents' dissatisfaction. Finally to present how burnout can be diagnosed
Meunier, Benjamin. "Les règles relatives aux transferts de compétences entre collectivités publiques." Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00688446.
Full textLemrabet, Youness. "Proposition d’une méthode de spécification d’une architecture orientée services dirigée par le métier dans le cadre d’une collaboration inter-organisationnelle." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ECLI0010/document.
Full textGlobal acceleration of exchanges in goods and services requires organizations to adopt an open view beyond their own boundaries at both business and technological levels. In the new economic environment enterprises must achieve both interoperability and agility. In this thesis the main research question is the following: How to design a service oriented architecture methodology driven by business to support inter-organizational collaboration?To overcome the conceptual and technological barriers of interoperability. We propose a top-down model driven method based on BPM and SOA principles to ensure collaboration efficiency and effectiveness. The proposed method explains how to identify, specify and implement collaborative processes and collaborative public services. In the proposed method business processes ensure interoperability at the business level, while reusable services, standards and SOA platform support interoperability at the IT level
Poubanne, Yannick. "Relation directe entre la performance perçue et la fidélité du consommateur." Aix-Marseille 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX32045.
Full textThe objectives of this research thesis are first, to study the relationships between the perceived performance of a product-service offer and the loyalty of a consumer. Second, to descibe the attributes for which performance can directly influence loyalty. The review of literature shows the concepts of perceived performance, of satisfaction and of loyalty, as well as their relationships. The methodology uses equations to validate the hypothesis of the research. The field of application is those of the professional relationship between general veterinarian surgeries and specialist clinics. The results show that, if satisfaction is a strong mediator of the relationship between performance and loyalty, some performances also influence directly loyalty. These performances concern the "quality of the elements of basic service" and especially "the feeling of the client to be important to his supplier"
Cournoyer, Guy. "Relation entre la personnalité et la performance en emploi chez des agents des services correctionnels." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27060/27060.pdf.
Full textDang, Thi an lien. "L'amélioration des relations entre l'administration et les citoyens au Vietnam." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO30073.
Full textTo be recognized as « citizens », Vietnamese people have had to under through years of war against foreign invaders. A socialist republic were created and developped, however its citizens have been always bearing difficulties caused the bureaucratic administration and a planned economy.Overcoming and improving citizen’s life standards become uttermost missions of the Government. These led to the Đổi mới (Renovation) in 1986 in Vietnam. The economic reform toward market economy required a similar reform in administrative mechanism, especially in administrative procedures. However, the first administrative reforms on national scale had not been started until 2001.These reforms have resulted in changes in all sectors in Vietnam, the economy develops and citizens’ life standard improved. Nevertheless, burdens and shortcomings are still there. Vietnam citizens are still dispointed by the slowness, heaviness and ineffectiveness of the administrative apparatus. Moreover, Vietnam’s accession to WTO, national and international economic integration, enhanced application of information technology are actually factors for development. Similarly, administration apparatus should be stronger, more democratic, simplified, transparent, professional, effective and modernized, so that it could promote citizen participation in its activities to meet their expectation
Lewandowski-Arbitre, Magdalena. "Les accords d'équivalence relatifs aux mesures sanitaires entre l'UE et les PAECO." Paris 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA010288.
Full textAs, Nicole M. C. van. "Family functioning and child behavior problems : a study on the relationship between family functioning and child behavior problems, and the effectiveness of an early intervention parent program to enhance family functioning /." [S.l. : s.n.], 1999. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=008854849&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Full textLevasseur, Mélanie. "Relations entre la qualité de vie et l'environnement des personnes âgées ayant des incapacités fonctionnelles." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Find full textFournier, Francine. "Étude du lien entre le fonctionnement social et le fonctionnement familial de personnes présentant un trouble panique avec agoraphobie (TPA)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/24000/24000.pdf.
Full textLaanani, Moussa. "Étude des relations entre l’état de santé, sa prise en charge et le décès par suicide à partir du Système national des données de santé Contacts with Health Services During the Year Prior to Suicide Death andPrevalent Conditions A Nationwide Study Collider and Reporting Biases Involved in the Analyses of Cause of Death Associations in Death Certificates: an Illustration with Cancer and Suicide." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASR016.
Full textSuicide is a major public health problem in France, with nearly 10,000 premature deaths each year. Studying the determinants of suicide is complex. It is a multi-factorial phenomenon, which can be influenced by personal and/or environmental, biomedical and/or socio-economic factors. The presence of diseases (psychiatric or physical) in the individual plays an important role. Psychiatric pathologies can be complicated by suicidal processes (suicidal ideation, which may be followed by suicidal behaviour and then death by suicide). For physical diseases, the disease can have a significant impact on the quality of life of the individual, favouring suicidal processes, and thus death by suicide. Psychiatric disorders can thus worsen physical illnesses and be a step towards the occurrence of suicidal processes. Physical diseases can also occur in individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders, and can trigger suicidal processes. For both psychiatric and physical diseases, suicidal processes can also be the consequence of adverse effects of drug treatments. In such cases, it is often difficult to disentangle the role of the treatment and that of the pathology being treated. The aim of this thesis was to study the complex relationships between diseases and suicide death, using data from the French National Health Data System (SNDS)
Bouchard, Caroline. "Le soutien aux jeunes en difficulté : étude de la relation entre les facteurs de risque psychosociaux chez le jeune et le réseau d'acteurs qui s'implique auprès de lui." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/MQ57802.pdf.
Full textClark, Nathalie. "La relation de confiance entre le médecin et son patient en droit civil québécois, impact de la réforme des services de santé et des services sociaux." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0017/MQ46720.pdf.
Full textHégo, Edith. "L'économie des relations de service entre les PME et les consultants : marchés, contrats et conventions : le cas des PME agro-alimentaires de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais." Lille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LIL12004.
Full textSmall and medium sized firms seem to be privileging their need for external consultants. But those still meet with great difficulties to supply with experiences, skills and knowledges. Small and medium sized firms and external consultants then build up specific and varied service partnerships. The market is particularly wandered from the standard model of price coordination. An interactive coordination between supply and demand set in provision of intellectual services. This sequential procedure brings to the fore different stages during the step of need for external consultants in small and medium sized firms. In other respects, the intensity and form of service partnerships develop during coproduction process. Starting with the bilateral contract simple case, the author first use a contractual approach to explain these transactions and service partnerships. Doing so, we show that these consultancy contracts are not complete nor optimum. But these caracteristics do not mean these contracts are bad. On the contrary, their adaptability theirs induced offers and interest of the client firm. Moreover this type of service partneship leans, in a complementary way, on social conventions. Then we explain the social conventions defined in terms of common form of reference. The contents and the nature of these social convention are changing. Finally the coordination and the running of this consultancy market will be subjected to the existence of social configurations which can be triangular, multilateral or can even constitute an organized network. These configurations provide new possibilities to analyse the service partnerships. Merchantable and non merchantable interactions compensage for the lack of coordination and informations in small and medium sized firms and make the social interation in the social surrounding easier for them
Dogor, di Nuzzo Béatrice. "Recherche des déterminants de la relation entre la motivation du personnel, la compétence organisationnelle et le qualité de service intangible : application à l'hôtellerie." Nice, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NICE0061.
Full textGradel, Olivier. "Les relations diplomatiques entre la France et le Saint-Empire romain germanique, à l'époque des Guerres de Religion." Littoral, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006DUNK0303.
Full textAntonini, Dominique. "Les relations de complicité entre consommateurs : un palliatif émotionnel aux défaillances de service : application aux domaines des loisirs et de la restauration." Aix-Marseille 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX32025.
Full textThis thesis introduces the concept of ‘complicity’ relationships between customers, as a means of compensating for service failures. At present, there is a lack of conceptual clarity and definition in Marketing. We posit a definition, then validate a model and a scale of measure. Relationships of complicity do have an impact on firms and customers
Lebeau, Suzanne Lynn. "Relation entre le point de services, les déterminants de la santé et l'utilisation du test de papanicolaou auprès de femmes autochtones et métis." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/9047.
Full textNadeau, Julie. "Les relations entre l'attachement à un animal de compagnie, le bien-être subjectif et le soutien social des personnes présentant un problème de santé mentale." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2008/25286/25286.pdf.
Full textThe purpose of this dissertation is to demystify the role played by pets in individual well-being and social support to adults with mental illness. To this end, results from qualitative (n=7) and quantitative (n=20) data were collated for comparison with Weiss’ social provision theory (1974). This study highlights the fact that much like a continuum, pets are relationship surrogates whose importance fluctuates according to a person’s social needs. Thus, persons benefiting from less social support show a greater degree of attachment to their pets, since the animals give them emotional support and an opportunity to feel useful. This role is considerably less significant among persons benefiting from adequate social support, in such cases the pet’s role is restricted to more utilitarian functions.
Villeneuve, Carolyne. "La relation entre les enfants et leur beau-père dans les familles recomposées : un regard rétrospectif sur l'expérience des jeunes adultes." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26489.
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