Academic literature on the topic 'Rehaussement des images'
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Journal articles on the topic "Rehaussement des images"
Kachenoura, N., A. Redheuil, C. Ruiz Dominguez, A. Lapeyronnie, A. Herment, E. Mousseaux, and F. Frouin. "Approche quantitative pour l'évaluation de l'étendue de l'infarctus à partir des images de rehaussement tardif en IRM." ITBM-RBM 26, no. 4 (September 2005): 255–57.
Full textEl Berbari, R., I. Bloch, N. Kachenoura, E. Mousseaux, A. Herment, and F. Frouin. "Quantification automatisée de la transmuralité de l’infarctus du myocarde sur des images de rehaussement tardif en IRM." IRBM 30, no. 4 (September 2009): 184–87.
Full textHabib, Adnane, Kamal Labbassi, Nadia Akdim, and Amina Tadji. "Contribution des données Alos et Landsat dans la cartographie et l'analyse des linéaments dans le Sahel Central (Maroc occidental)." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 203 (April 8, 2014): 33–42.
Full textClément, Pierre, Ferdinand Bonn, and Jean-Marie M. Dubois. "Télédétection et caractéristiques physiques des dépôts meubles dans un milieu anciennement englacé du sud du Québec." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 37, no. 1 (November 29, 2007): 107–17.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Rehaussement des images"
Cherifi, Daikha. "Amélioration et évaluation de la qualité des images." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to propose new methods for image enhancement based on oriented and multi-scale transforms using some perceptual criteria. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the development of a simple and efficient contrast enhancement method inspired from the human visual system. This method is evaluated on a set of natural color and monochrome images. The obtained results are evaluated subjectively and by using objective measures based on energy spectrum analysis and perceptual criteria. The enhancement technique is also extended to some medical images, such as mammography and endoscopy images. A special contrast enhancement method adapted to mammography is then proposed. It is based on a segmentation process using a priori information on the mammography images. The last part of the thesis is devoted to image enhancement evaluation. A critical literature survey of image enhancement evaluation methods is provided. The evaluation method proposed in this thesis is based on the radial and angular analysis of the Fourier powerspectrum. Another perceptual approach is proposed to evaluate the output. This method is based on the analysis of the visibility map computed by using a pyramidal contrast. The evaluation is performed on some samples taken from two databases. Both subjective and objective evaluations demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed image enhancement methods
Thaibaoui, Abdelhakim. "Segmentation floue d'images fondee sur une methode optimale de rehaussement de contraste : application a la detection des drusen sur des images d'angiographie retinienne." Paris 12, 1999.
Full textIrrera, Paolo. "Traitement d'images de radiographie à faible dose : Débruitage et rehaussement de contraste conjoints et détection automatique de points de repère anatomiques pour l'estimation de la qualité des images." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2015.
Full textWe aim at reducing the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) dose limits for images acquired with EOS full-body system by means of image processing techniques. Two complementary approaches are studied. First, we define a post-processing method that optimizes the trade-off between acquired image quality and X-ray dose. The Non-Local means filter is extended to restore EOS images. We then study how to combine it with a multi-scale contrast enhancement technique. The image quality for the diagnosis is optimized by defining non-parametric noise containment maps that limit the increase of noise depending on the amount of local redundant information captured by the filter. Secondly, we estimate exposure index (EI) values on EOS images which give an immediate feedback on image quality to help radiographers to verify the correct exposure level of the X-ray examination. We propose a landmark detection based approach that is more robust to potential outliers than existing methods as it exploits the redundancy of local estimates. Finally, the proposed joint denoising and contrast enhancement technique significantly increases the image quality with respect to an algorithm used in clinical routine. Robust image quality indicators can be automatically associated with clinical EOS images. Given the consistency of the measures assessed on preview images, these indices could be used to drive an exposure management system in charge of defining the optimal radiation exposure
Irrera, Paolo. "Traitement d'images de radiographie à faible dose : Débruitage et rehaussement de contraste conjoints et détection automatique de points de repère anatomiques pour l'estimation de la qualité des images." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2015.
Full textWe aim at reducing the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) dose limits for images acquired with EOS full-body system by means of image processing techniques. Two complementary approaches are studied. First, we define a post-processing method that optimizes the trade-off between acquired image quality and X-ray dose. The Non-Local means filter is extended to restore EOS images. We then study how to combine it with a multi-scale contrast enhancement technique. The image quality for the diagnosis is optimized by defining non-parametric noise containment maps that limit the increase of noise depending on the amount of local redundant information captured by the filter. Secondly, we estimate exposure index (EI) values on EOS images which give an immediate feedback on image quality to help radiographers to verify the correct exposure level of the X-ray examination. We propose a landmark detection based approach that is more robust to potential outliers than existing methods as it exploits the redundancy of local estimates. Finally, the proposed joint denoising and contrast enhancement technique significantly increases the image quality with respect to an algorithm used in clinical routine. Robust image quality indicators can be automatically associated with clinical EOS images. Given the consistency of the measures assessed on preview images, these indices could be used to drive an exposure management system in charge of defining the optimal radiation exposure
Wang, Qian. "Processing and exploration of CT images for the assessment of aortic valve bioprostheses." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2013.
Full textGoswami, Abhishek. "Content-aware HDR tone mapping algorithms." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2022.
Full textThe ratio between the brightest and the darkest luminance intensity in High Dynamic Range (HDR) images is larger than the rendering capability of the output media. Tone mapping operators (TMOs) compress the HDR image while preserving the perceptual cues thereby modifying the subjective aesthetic quality. Age old painting and photography techniques of manual exposure correction has inspired a lot of research for TMOs. However, unlike the manual retouching process based on semantic content of the image, TMOs in literature have mostly relied upon photographic rules or adaptation principles of human vision to aim for the 'best' aesthetic quality which is ill-posed due to its subjectivity. Our work reformulates the challenges of tone mapping by stepping into the shoes of a photographer, following the photographic principles, image statistics and their local retouching recipe to achieve the tonal adjustments. In this thesis, we present two semantic aware TMOs – a traditional SemanticTMO and a deep learning-based GSemTMO. Our novel TMOs explicitly use semantic information in the tone mapping pipeline. Our novel GSemTMO is the first instance of graph convolutional networks (GCN) being used for aesthetic image enhancement. We show that graph-based learning can leverage the spatial arrangement of semantic segments like the local masks made by experts. It creates a scene understanding based on the semantic specific image statistics a predicts a dynamic local tone mapping. Comparing our results to traditional and modern deep learning-based TMOs, we show that G-SemTMO can emulate an expert’s recipe and reach closer to reference aesthetic styles than the state-of-the-art methods
Ludusan, Cosmin. "De la restauration d'image au rehaussement : formalisme EDP pour la fusion d'images bruitées." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011.
Full textThis thesis addresses key issues of current image restoration and enhancement methodology, and through a progressive approach introduces two new image processing paradigms, i.e., concurrent image deblurring and denoising with coherence enhancement, and joint image fusion and denoising, defined within a Partial Differential Equation -variational theoretical setting.The first image processing paradigm represents an intermediary step in validating and testing the concept of compound image restoration and enhancement, while the second proposition, i.e., the joint fusion-denoising model fully illustrates the advantages of using concurrent image processing as opposed to sequential approaches.Both propositions are theoretically formalized and experimentally analyzed and compared with the similar existing methodology, proving thus their validity and emphasizing their characteristics and advantages when considered an alternative to a sequential image processing chain
Hessel, Charles. "La décomposition automatique d'une image en base et détail : Application au rehaussement de contraste." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textIn this CIFRE thesis, a collaboration between the Center of Mathematics and their Applications, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and the company DxO, we tackle the problem of the additive decomposition of an image into base and detail. Such a decomposition is a fundamental tool in image processing. For applications to professional photo editing in DxO Photolab, a core requirement is the absence of artifacts. For instance, in the context of contrast enhancement, in which the base is reduced and the detail increased, minor artifacts becomes highly visible. The distortions thus introduced are unacceptable from the point of view of a photographer.The objective of this thesis is to single out and study the most suitable filters to perform this task, to improve the best ones and to define new ones. This requires a rigorous measure of the quality of the base plus detail decomposition. We examine two classic artifacts (halo and staircasing) and discover three more sorts that are equally crucial: contrast halo, compartmentalization, and the dark halo. This leads us to construct five adapted patterns to measure these artifacts. We end up ranking the optimal filters based on these measurements, and arrive at a clear decision about the best filters. Two filters stand out, including one we propose
Lavialle, Olivier. "Diffusion et fusion directionnelles pour le lissage et le rehaussement de structures fortement orientées." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2007.
Full textLa présentation est organisée en trois chapitres :
Dans le premier chapitre, je présente des méthodes non linéaires et adaptatives qui conduisent à de faibles modifications topologiques du signal utile. L'amélioration des images est obtenue par des approches originales permettant d'accentuer de manière uniforme et indépendante les variations locales de contraste et les structures unidimensionnelles avec ou sans rehaussement de contours. Nous présenterons en particulier deux types d'approches, l'une scalaire et l'autre tensorielle.
Ces travaux ont été initiés lors de la thèse de Romulus Terebes. Ils ont fait l'objet de deux publications en revue et de neuf communications.
Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous adaptons ces méthodes aux spécificités de l'imagerie sismique en rapportant à la fois les travaux développés dans le cadre des thèses de Régis Dargent et de Sorin Pop. Outre l'extension au cas 3D, la problématique abordée a conduit à développer des approches structuralistes qui prennent en compte certaines informations a priori telles que la géométrie des failles. Là encore, nous présentons deux approches : la première relève tout autant du filtrage adaptatif que de la diffusion anisotrope, la seconde étant totalement inspirée d'une approche tensorielle.
Les travaux développés autour de la diffusion directionnelle pour la sismique ont fait l'objet de deux publications et de quatre communications.
Enfin, la troisième partie présente une extension originale des EDP : dans le cadre des travaux de thèse de Sorin Pop, nous proposons l'utilisation d'une formulation à base d'Equations aux Dérivées Partielles pour mener conjointement une procédure de fusion d'image et une procédure de diffusion. Cette approche permet, à partir de plusieurs sources bruitées, l'obtention d'une sortie fusionnée et lissée. Ces travaux, qui sont encore à l'heure actuelle en cours de développement concernent à la fois des applications en fusion d'images rencontrées classiquement dans la littérature mais également une application 3D très particulière et assez nouvelle : la sismique azimutale. Nous en développerons les grands principes.
En 2007, ces travaux ont fait l'objet d'une communication dans 3 conférences internationales, d'un article accepté ; un article est en préparation.
Li, Gengxiang. "Rehaussement et détection des attributs sismiques 3D par techniques avancées d'analyse d'images." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2012.
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