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Journal articles on the topic "Régionalismes de la langue française – Antilles"
Audéoud, Laurence. "La variation diatopique lexicale à la Martinique en contexte FLE : Une enfance créole II de Patrick Chamoiseau." Ponti/Ponts. Langues, littératures, civilisations des pays francophone, no. 24 (January 27, 2025): 125–41.
Full textCoderre, Cécile, and Arpi Hamalian. "Des femmes de la francophonie." Présentation 5, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 1–4.
Full textMiville, Serge. "Montfort fermé : jamais? Le discours nationalitaire de SOS Montfort dans les journaux franco-ontariens." Recherche 61, no. 2-3 (June 10, 2021): 319–46.
Full textAzevedo, Érika Pinto de. "Aimé Césaire e seu discurso poético sobre as Antilhas/ Aimé Césaire and his poetic speech on the Antilles/ Aimé Césaire et son discours poétique sur les Antilles." Revista Légua & Meia 12, no. 1 (June 13, 2021): 8–18.
Full textMc Andrew, Marie, Jacques Ledent, and Rachid Ait-Said. "L’école québécoise assure-t-elle l’égalité des chances ? Le cheminement scolaire des jeunes noirs au secondaire." Articles 35, no. 1 (March 12, 2008): 123–48.
Full textParham, Angel Adams. "Comparative Creoles: Race, Identity, and Difference Between Louisiana and its Caribbean Counterparts." Quebec Studies 71, no. 1 (June 1, 2021): 61–82.
Full textBuzelin, Hélène. "The Lonely Londoners en français : l’épreuve du métissage." TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction 13, no. 2 (March 19, 2007): 203–43.
Full textRey Mimoso-Ruiz, Bernardette. "étranger, la mort pour révélateurs identitaires dans "Traversée de la Mangrove" de Maryse Condé." Anales de Filología Francesa 28, no. 1 (October 20, 2020): 201–22.
Full textMencé-Caster, Corinne, and Cécile Bertin-Elisabeth. "Approches de la pensée décoloniale." Archipélies 5 (2018).
Full textCandau, Olivier-Serge. "Armand Corre ou La Fabrique de la langue. Essai sur une poétique du créole." Archipélies 16 (2023).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Régionalismes de la langue française – Antilles"
Mareschal, Claire de. "Français de France et français des Antilles à l'époque coloniale : étude de particularismes phonétiques, grammaticaux et lexicaux relevés dans les Prize Papers (1665-1793)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textStudies on 17th‑ and 18th‑century French generally give rise to an unitarist vision of a classical French based on the written language of a few great authors. However, researchers are more and more turning their attention to documentary sources that can reveal the full extent of the variational phenomena that characterize the history of the language. A non-literary source has recently attracted renewed interest from linguists: the French Prize Papers fund, i.e. documents seized by the English privateers on captured French ships, to be used as evidence during the trial determining whether they were taken legally or not. As these ships carried the mail exchanged between the French people settled in the West Indies and their Metropolitan relatives and connexions back home in Metropolitan France, these documents, held by the National Archives in London, are mainly letters. Most of them were written by writers with low literacy, revealing a variety of diatopic, diachronic and diastratic variants of phonetic, morphosyntactic or lexical nature. Although writers are indeed subject to the pressure of standards, as can be seen from the formulaic nature of the letters, at least they have an imperfect command of them; these attestations therefore provide a better understanding of the state of French as it was actually practised at the time. Furthermore, the study of the Prize Papers contributes to the reconstruction of what must have been colonial French, which was the origin of the French currently spoken in the West Indies, and was the input of French-based Antillean creoles
Zanoaga, Téodor-Florin. "Contribution à la description des particularités lexicales du français régional des Antilles. Étude d’un corpus de littérature contemporaine : les romans LʼHomme-au-Bâton (1992) et L’Envers du décor (2006) de l’auteur antillais Ernest Pépin." Thesis, Paris 4, 2012.
Full textThe purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the study of the French variation in the Lesser Antilles, analyzing lexical particularities in a contemporary literary corpus: the novels L’Homme-au-Bâton (1992) and L’Envers du décor (2006) written by the Antillean author Ernest Pepin.After a short presentation of several specific phenomena from the francophone Caribbean area, we will make an inventory of the main sources we had at our disposal for the lexicological study of the Antillean regionalisms.Different types of regionalisms were discovered and they will be commented: heritages, bor-rowings, formal and / or semantic innovations. The two novels written by Ernest Pepin repre-sent a good corpus to illustrate the lexical productivity of the variety of French from the Lesser Antilles and its multiple possibilities of expression.The best represented semantic fields are: food, music, flora, fauna and spiritual life. At the formal level, the compounding is the most productive type of word formation. At the seman-tic level, some phenomena of semantic restriction and extension, and the building of new meanings by metaphor and metonymy among others can be observed.The lexical analysis of the regionalisms in a literary corpus raises many methodological problems (making the distinction between regionalisms and idiolectal phenomena, rebuilding the history of the words, ethical problems, difficulties related to lexicographic tools and tech-niques, working with disparate and ambiguous data).Our doctoral thesis could be a step forward towards a complex dictionary of the variety of French in the Lesser Antilles, but a lot of ideas are for the moment still on drawing board and the researches should continue in this direction
Birman-Seytor, Jacqueline. "Les images du Mulâtre dans la littérature des Antilles de langue française." Antilles-Guyane, 2009.
Full textSYNOPSIS OF the THESIS This thesis offers a gallery of literary portraits and analysis that relies on many discourses from both male and female authors from the Francophone West Indies whose writhings have helped lift the veil on the archetypical character of the mulato in the 19th and 20th centuries. Our project encompasses the caribbean basin, the true breeding ground of our mulato, but it also focuses on Europe, which provided writers and chronicles who spent time in the isles. We will focus more particularly on a little known Guadeloupean poet, Alexandre Privat d'ANGLEMONT, who is at the heart of this research work. The subjecl of this thesis will allow us to shed light on an unexplored area of colour prejudice, as we will highlight a multiple rather than single outlook on the character of the mulato. The specific outlook of each protagonist, successively the white, the black, and the mulato character will put us in a position to analyse a complex situation. Complexity has to do with the fact that talking about colour remains mor or less a taboo. During the colonial and the post-colonial period, the obsessive literary theme of colour prejudice became the favourite theme of many novelists, thus giving rise to a teeming fictional world inhabited by the emblematic character of the mulato. Based on a varied corpus of works published between 1803 and 1998, from the anonymus Dominican piece, La Mulâtre like many white women, to the work of the Martinican Chantal MAYGNAND CLAVERIE, Comolexe d'Ariel
Cantet, Christèle. "Mythes et figures de la belle créole dans la littérature de langue française : France, Mascareignes, Antilles française." La Réunion, 2005.
Full textExotic literature is rich with male and female figures who represent a newly- discovered world. They seem to convey both the dream and the reality of this world. Based on historical facts, authors build characters thanks to whom communication with the found land becomes possible. To investigate the myth of the Belle Creole in French literature helps us to understand what it stands for in this exotic imaginary world, but also what it means in the imaginary world of overseas French colonies. This research examines the timing and the details in which the myth emerged in literature as well as its evolution. Finally, we shall see how the myth persists in postcolonial literature
Morrison, Anthéa. "La poésie contemporaine des Antilles-Guyane françaises (entre 1968 et 1977) : essai d'approche thématique." Paris 12, 1986.
Full textThis study seeks to highlight contemporary trends in french caribbean poetry through the work of six new poets from the region. The writers included in the analysis - alfred melon-degras, joseph polius, christian rolle, sonny rupaire, soucougnan and elie stephenson - all began publishing their works after 1967. The study attempts to identify the dominant themes of the poetry of the little-known post-negritude generation. The thesis begins with a brief outline of the social and political background to contemporary french caribbean poetry, while the main part of the study consists of a thematic analysis of the latter. In the third and final section, an attempt is made to present an overview of the major themes identified and also to indicate the various options facing these new poets as they seek to assert their individuality in a context still dominated by the influence of their illustrious predecessors
Montrésor, Sabine. "Images et métamorphoses du baroque dans la Caraïbe, Cuba, les Antilles françaises et Haïti." Paris 3, 2005.
Full textSay what is West Indies and produce it for the people of the speech, is a constant and essential challenge. For the master's of the speech the question is how to expose his plurality to let show the oral tradition in the script. Among various genres they will find, languages, pictures and artifices to express his diversity and peculiarity and the “Tout-Monde”. So from the “Réel-Merveilleux” till the Néo baroque, French Creole “dit” explain and impress himself as a literature
Théodore, Jean-Marie. "Les antilles entre l'assimilation, la negritude et l'antillanite." Lyon 2, 1996.
Full textSince aime cesaire published his first literary work : "notebook of a return to my native land", french west indian litterature has been studied from its ideological aspect. That's why it is considered as either anticolonialist, black african, "francophone", caribbean, creole or american, depending on the reader's point of view. It is supposed to be a weapon to fight for national independance or against alienation. As new concepts such as creolity and americanity have appeared, brought forth by a new generation of writers, we have to reassess this point of view. Such concepts as "assimilation, negritude and antillanity" have thence to be reestimated as well as traditionnel criticism of those concepts. Creolity and americanity result from a new apprehension of west indian history leading to a reassessenent of the idea of assimilation and also benefit from progress made in the field of linguistics of the creole language. Supporters of creolity are hence forward stressing the "diversalite", aspect of creole culture in the french west indies, while vincent placoly, considering the fact that the french antilles are part of america, insists on their americanity. From, now on, it is more important for french west indian writers to express their creole or antillean identity than indulge into ideological or political considerations (such considerations are however still to be found in their writings). Now, we may consider those main literary trends, that is negritude, antillanity, americanity an creolity, as so many aspects of poetics and when dealing with those pieces of literature and we should mostly take their literary aspects into account
Schon, Nathalie. "L'auto-exotisme dans la littérature francophone et créolophone des Antilles françaises." Lille 3, 2001.
Full textMaleski, Estelle. "Le roman policier à l'épreuve des littératures francophones des Antilles et du Maghreb : enjeux critiques et esthétiques." Bordeaux 3, 2003.
Full textEven though the detective novel does not come under a real literary tradition in the French-speaking regions of the West Indies and the Maghreb, it nevertheless seems to have influenced various authors within theses spaces, wether directly or indirectly, over the last twenty years. Being already complex in essence and declinable in multiple variations that have been explored in different ways since its creation at the fall of the XIXth century, the detective genre, when confronted with the literary spaces of the West Indies and the Maghreb, is affected with new disruptions,which oscillate most of the time between an adaptation more or less dependant on the singularity of the new "setting" it is given and a complete divertion of some of the key principles of the generic frame, which was initially built around a clear codification. The detective novel is reactive to modernity and was very early categorized as a "minor genre. " It acts as a platform for a discourse tuned in to some particular social reality while reflecting a writing that is part of a quite remarkable literary frame. Through a corpus gathering around thirty works from the French-speaking literatures of the West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique) and the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), we will see how the adaptation of the detective story frame to these literatures seems to be an effective test, revealing the multiple potentialities the detective fiction offers, while focussing more particularly on the critical and aesthetic stakes engendered by such an "acclimatation" of the genre
Thiesse, Anne-Marie. "Écrire la France : le mouvement littéraire régionaliste de langue française entre la Belle Époque et la Libération." Lyon 2, 1989.
Full textIn the 1890's, claims for a political and cultural decentralization of france were voiced by the younger writing generation, thus giving birth to a new movement known as regionalism. Literary regionalism spread out and achieved public success in the first half of the 20th century. It formed a part of a new description of france wich appeared also in developing folklore studies, tourism and primary education. During the third republic, cultural regionalism came be to considered as one of the grounds of national agreement. This reference to regionalism was finally taken up by petain's regime with a reactionary twist, and became a keynote of petainist policy
Books on the topic "Régionalismes de la langue française – Antilles"
Jacques, Rancourt, ed. Antilles Guyane: Anthologie de poésie antillaise et guyanaise de langue française. Pantin: le Temps des cerises, 2006.
Find full text1946-, Rancourt Jacques, ed. Antilles Guyane: Anthologie de poésie antillaise et guyanaise de langue française. Pantin: le Temps des cerises, 2006.
Find full textRodriguez, Liliane. La langue française au Manitoba (Canada): Histoire et évolution lexicométrique. Tübingen [Allemagne]: M. Niemeyer, 2006.
Find full textWalter, Henriette. Le Français d'ici, de là, de là-bas. LGF, 2000.
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