Academic literature on the topic 'Réformes de santé'
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Journal articles on the topic "Réformes de santé"
Soodeen, Ruth-Ann, Leslie L. Roos, and Sandra Peterson. "Réforme de la santé et évolution technologique: transition du profil d'hospitalisation pour quatre interventions au Manitoba." Healthcare Management Forum 13, no. 1 (April 2000): 22–28.
Full textDelorme, André, and Michel Gilbert. "Que serait une oeuvre sans son cadre ?" Santé mentale au Québec 39, no. 1 (July 10, 2014): 47–64.
Full textRenaud, Marc. "Réforme ou illusion?" Sociologie et sociétés 9, no. 1 (February 18, 2008): 127–52.
Full textFleury, Marie-Josée. "La réforme des soins primaires de santé mentale au Québec et le rôle et les stratégies de coordination des omnipraticiens." Santé mentale au Québec 39, no. 1 (July 10, 2014): 25–45.
Full textMaioni, Antonia. "Les systèmes de soins de santé au Canada et aux États-Unis : convergence impossible?" Articles, no. 30 (November 19, 2008): 135–57.
Full textGarrouste, Clémentine, and Elsa Perdrix. "L’effet de la retraite sur la santé." médecine/sciences 36, no. 12 (December 2020): 1181–87.
Full textFleury, Marie-Josée, and Saïd Acef. "Réformes du système de santé mentale. Tendances internationales et perspectives Québec-France." Dossier : Mosaïques 38, no. 1 (October 30, 2013): 17–41.
Full textSamuel, Didier. "Les réformes des études en santé." La Presse Médicale Formation 3, no. 5 (November 2022): 371–72.
Full textOkma, Kieke G. H., and Tim Tenbensel. "Les réformes de santé dans le monde." Revue d'économie financière N° 143, no. 3 (November 18, 2021): 15–46.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Réformes de santé"
Oganesyan, Ani. "Les réformes du système de santé en France et leurs impacts." Thesis, Nice, 2016.
Full textThe thesis provides an overview of theoretical approaches to health care systems reforming. It is aimed to solve the contradictions in the reduction and optimization of total expenditure on health and the increase in life expectancy and also the quality of life with an comprehensive analysis of main tools of reforming in health care system in France, as welle as to make the proposals using constructive French experience in reforming teh economic ans asministrative mechanisms of teh health care system in Russia
Marchand, François. "La participation publique et les réformes des institutions sociosanitaires québécoises." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017.
Full textForti, Silvana. "Réformes, équité et droit à la santé en Amérique latine : Agendas, acteurs et alternatives au Honduras." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textPerrin, Faouzia. "Les réformes en santé en 2004 et en 2014 : nouvelle grammaire du discours ou re-fondation du système de santé français?" Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThe repeated and persistent appearance of issues related to the Health System crisis on every political agenda justifies the interest of political science in this field of research.As the 2004 reform’s bottom line was a strong affirmation that only the government can be legitimately responsible for health policy -a statement still favored by recent reforms- numerous official speeches about the last year’s reform contain a new language, using the “ territorialisation” and “gouvernance ” words.In fact, “territorialisation” as an answer to the Welfare State crisis, and “gouvernance” as an answer to the crisis in the ways of State governing, are both well-known Political Science subjects.Yet, the health crisis is not purported to be a political issue, but due to economics rather, mainly a functional and organizational one. As a consequence, matching solutions are usely thought in an economic and administrative way.Using cognitive and pragmatic approaches, our study neither aims at defining the terms of said crisis, nor justifying its presence on the political agenda. Rather, it addresses the solutions that are brought forward in the so-called ‘reform factory’ that are political speeches, as they have the power to legitimate deciding actors or their action.The first step taken in our method will consist in reporting bibliographic references for a political and historical deconstruction of the French health system, as well as analyzing the ‘health’ concept, in order to describe the cognitive framework of health policy. Special attention vill be paid to decentralization et public health.Then, these categories should prove to be helpful to study the current trends in the 2004 and 2014 periods of health reform in a discursive analysis, as we intend to do.To further investigate health reform manufacturing, we will focus on the new themes observed in these speeches : « gouvernance » et health democracy.Our thesis is that, through the language at play among these actors, there is a semantic fight loaded with power challenges to the State role in health Policy and therefore in the place ought to be given to the various actors in health public Policy. Finally, throw reforms, a new public for democracy came forward and new issues, that are principles and goals of health policy, appeared
Fournier, Cédric. "L'évolution politico-économique du Mexique et les projets de réformes de la protection sociale." Bordeaux 2, 2000.
Full textSaïdou, Hamadou. "Pauvreté, paludisme et réformes des systèmes de santé en Afrique : trois études appliquées au Cameroun." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThis thesis deals with poverty, malaria and health system reforms in Africa. It is motivated by persistently high levels of social inequality, prevalence and mortality related to malaria in sub-Saharan Africa in a context characterized by widespread use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and the implementation of innovative reforms in health system. We focused on three cases studies applied to Cameroon. Since 2012, the country has been experimenting the Performance Based Financing (PBF) approach in its health system. We used data from the PBF impact assessment surveys conducted in this country in 2012 and 2015.Our results show first that the households’ low level of standard of living predisposes its members under 5 to malaria. Secondly, we find that the malaria shocks, very frequent for children under 5 years, affect negatively the mothers. Thirdly labor supply. We find that the reforms introduced by PBF have a significant and positive impact on the therapeutic use in case of malaria of children under 5 in Cameroon, especially among the poor children and in rural areas.The results obtained could guide endemic sub-Saharan countries in the implementation of the new roadmap for the achievement of sustainable development goals, formulate consistent policies against malaria and against poverty
Molmy, Gérard. "L'évolution des pratiques des professionnels de santé face aux réformes hospitalières : impact en GRH et outils de pilotage?" Nice, 2010.
Full textPublic hospitals highlights of their autonomy, have to develop their strategies in the framework of contracts signed with the regional agency for hospitalization. Management practices must be based on more forms of management founded on the pattern of competence and in the context of the new reform law on hospital organization. This is our interpretation of exceeding the limits of financial practices, to oppose organizational obstacles, to develop a dynamic and cooperative modes and transverse
Alzate, Adriana María. "Saleté et ordre : réformes sanitaires et société dans la vice-royauté espagnole de la Nouvelle-Grenade : 1760-1810." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textBen, Salem Leila Samah. "Systeme et politique de santé au Sénégal et dans certains étáts d'Afrique subsaharienne : Texte imprimé : Difficultés et échecs des réformes." Nice, 2003.
Full textBahafa, Sanaa. "Impact de l'évolution des réformes hospitalières, des principes tutélaires et des outils de régulation sur le management des établissements de santé." Paris 8, 2014.
Full textIn 2013, to manage an health institution is not "a sinecure ". The freedom of making a decision by the managers is limited by the laws, the decrees and the orders imposed and multiple. The new hospitable reform " law of July 21st, 2009 : Hospital Patient Health Territory ", the principles of supervisory agencies and the regulation tools have impacted the organization of health institutions, as : the introduction of the new mutations in the management field, the techniques and the medical practices as well as the expectations and needs of the users. In front of these new requirements, the director has a real autonomy and flexibility within the framework of managing his institution? In this context, the director of the health institution has an essential role : on one hand, he is the addressee of the reforms, which so modified his intervention perimeter and which involved a reflection on its positioning within the institution. On the other hand, he is " the spokesman" and the catalyst to accompany the implementation of these tutelary and regulatory requirements. The implementation of the new processes of hospitable restructuring requires, certainly, a conduct of change. However, the difficulty to setting it up consists, not in a bad application of texts, but rather in the difficulty to adhere and imply the actors. It is from these reports that our study suggests deepening the impact of reforms, of the principles of supervisory agencies and the regulation tools on the managerial practices of a director of institution and so defining what is the strategy to be adopted. Our analysis consists, on one side, in deepening the sanitary organization of health institutions and on the other side, to realize an inventory of fixtures to approach under a pragmatic angle our theoretical study. At the end of the analysis, some tracks of improvement are proposed
Books on the topic "Réformes de santé"
Savigny, Don De. La réforme du système de santé. 2nd ed. Ottawa: Centre de Recherches Pour le Développement International, 2008.
Find full textLa Réforme, vingt ans après: Dossier. Sillery: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1992.
Find full text1961-, Beaulieu Marie, and Fortin Pierre 1942-, eds. La réforme de la santé au Québec: Questions éthiques. Saint-Laurent, Québec: Fides, 1999.
Find full textCanada, Association des infirmières et infirmiers du. La santé pour tous les Canadiens: Manifeste pour la réforme des soins de santé. Ottawa, Ont: Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada, 1988.
Find full textFund, International Monetary, ed. The economics of public health care reform in advanced and emerging economies. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund, 2012.
Find full textRéseau de consultation sur la santé mentale fédéral, provincial et territorial (Canada). Examen des meilleures pratiques de la réforme des soins de la santé mentale: Document de discussion. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 1997.
Find full textCouty, Edouard. La loi HPST: Regards sur la réforme du système de santé. [Rennes]: Presses de l'école des hautes études en santé publique, 2009.
Find full textCommission sur l'avenir des soins de santé au Canada. Rapport sur le Dialogue entre Canadiens sur l'avenir des soins de santé au Canada. Saskatoon, Sask: Commission sur l'avenir des soins de santé au Canada, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Réformes de santé"
"Un nouveau regard sur les systèmes de santé de l'OCDE." In Réformes économiques, 231–49. OECD, 2011.
Full text"Analyse comparative de cinq réformes." In Planification de formations en santé, 139–210. Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2019.
Full text"Les réformes de juillet 2000." In Examens de l'OCDE des systèmes de santé, 73–95. OECD, 2003.
Full textMartin, Dominique, and Dominique Polton. "35. Politique du médicament : de crises en réformes." In Traité de santé publique, 323. Lavoisier, 2016.
Full text"Réformes récentes et propositions de réforme du régime suisse d'assurance-maladie." In Examens de l'OCDE des systèmes de santé, 151–58. OECD, 2006.
Full text"CHAPITRE 7 Analyse comparative de cinq réformes." In Planification de formations en santé, 139–210. University of Ottawa Press, 2019.
Full textJorland, Gérard. "2. La santé publique : deux siècles de réformes sociales et de percées théoriques." In Traité de santé publique, 7. Lavoisier, 2016.
Full text"Les réformes et la gouvernance du système de santé suisse." In Examens de l'OCDE des systèmes de santé, 153–72. OECD, 2011.
Full textUsher, Susan, Jean-Louis Denis, Mylaine Breton, Élizabeth Côté-Boileau, and Johanne Préval. "Un historique des réformes du système de santé au Québec:." In L'État québécois, 121–54. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2019.
Full textBourque, Mélanie, Josée Grenier, and Denis Bilodeau. "Les réformes du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux:." In Les services sociaux à l'ère managériale, 13–34. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018.
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