Academic literature on the topic 'Rééchantillonage'
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Journal articles on the topic "Rééchantillonage"
Morin, V., J.-F. Morin, M.-P. Moineau, and J.-P. Codet. "Détermination par rééchantillonnage bootstrap de la statistique des médianes utiles au calcul de risque de trisomie 21 à l'aide des marqueurs sériques maternels." Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée 14, no. 6 (November 1999): 401–6.
Full textDufour, Jean-Marie, Abdeljelil Farhat, and Lynda Khalaf. "Tests multiples simulés et tests de normalité basés sur plusieurs moments dans les modèles de régression*." Articles 80, no. 2-3 (October 24, 2005): 501–22.
Full textBienek, AS, ME Gee, RP Nolan, J. Kaczorowski, NR Campbell, C. Bancej, F. Gwadry-Sridhar, C. Robitaille, RL Walker, and S. Dai. "Méthodologie de l'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada – composante de l'hypertension de 2009." Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada 33, no. 4 (September 2013): 301–11.
Full textBURN, DONALD H. "The use of resampling for estimating confidence intervals for single site and pooled frequency analysis / Utilisation d'un rééchantillonnage pour l'estimation des intervalles de confiance lors d'analyses fréquentielles mono et multi-site." Hydrological Sciences Journal 48, no. 1 (February 2003): 25–38.
Full textPahwa, P., C. P. Karunanayake, J. McCrosky, and L. Thorpe. "Tendances longitudinales en matière de santé mentale parmi les groupes ethniques au Canada." Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada 32, no. 3 (June 2012): 182–95.
Full textJeldres, Claudio, Héloïse Cardinal, Alain Duclos, Shahrokh F. Shariat, Nazareno Suardi, Umberto Capitanio, Marie-Josèe Hébert, and Pierre I. Karakiewicz. "Prediction of delayed graft function after renal transplantation." Canadian Urological Association Journal 3, no. 5 (May 1, 2013): 377.
Full textDrogue, Gilles, and Didier François. "Détection du changement régional par rééchantillonnage de séries chronologiques : application aux précipitations dans l’espace rhéno-mosan." Climatologie, Volume 10 (2013).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Rééchantillonage"
Arlot, Sylvain. "Rééchantillonnage et Sélection de modèles." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2007.
Full textLa majeure partie de ce travail de thèse consiste dans la calibration précise de méthodes de sélection de modèles optimales en pratique, pour le problème de la prédiction. Nous étudions la validation croisée V-fold (très couramment utilisée, mais mal comprise en théorie, notamment pour ce qui est de choisir V) et plusieurs méthodes de pénalisation. Nous proposons des méthodes de calibration précise de pénalités, aussi bien pour ce qui est de leur forme générale que des constantes multiplicatives. L'utilisation du rééchantillonnage permet de résoudre des problèmes difficiles, notamment celui de la régression avec un niveau de bruit variable. Nous validons théoriquement ces méthodes du point de vue non-asymptotique, en prouvant des inégalités oracle et des propriétés d'adaptation. Ces résultats reposent entre autres sur des inégalités de concentration.
Un second problème que nous abordons est celui des régions de confiance et des tests multiples, lorsque l'on dispose d'observations de grande dimension, présentant des corrélations générales et inconnues. L'utilisation de méthodes de rééchantillonnage permet de s'affranchir du fléau de la dimension, et d'"apprendre" ces corrélations. Nous proposons principalement deux méthodes, et prouvons pour chacune un contrôle non-asymptotique de leur niveau.
Lesquoy-de, Turckheim Élisabeth. "Tests non paramétriques et rééchantillonnage : le modèle de Cox périodique." Paris 11, 1987.
Full textThe first part proposes two nonparametric test defined by a simulation. One compares two distributions functions in a two-by-two black design, the other tests the independence of two censored survival times. The second part is an adaptation of Cox's regression model to a counting process having a periodic underlying intensity and predictable processes as regressors. These processes are ergodic and ϕ-mixing. The underlying intensity is estimated using either an empirical distribution-type estimate or a histogram-type estimate. These two estimates are asymptotically Gaussian and equivalent, as well as the associated regression parameters estimates. Finally, the model is applied to the analysis of a feeding pattern. The third part is a. Modelling of the kinetics of drought rhizogenesis of Sinapis alba
Lerasle, Matthieu. "Rééchantillonnage et sélection de modèles optimale pour l'estimation de la densité." Toulouse, INSA, 2009.
Full textAhmed, Mohamed Hafez Soliman. "Statistiques réduisant le biais et modèles de rééchantillonnage complet et incomplet." Paris 6, 1986.
Full textFerfache, Anouar Abdeldjaoued. "Les M-estimateurs semiparamétriques et leurs applications pour les problèmes de ruptures." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021.
Full textIn this dissertation we are concerned with semiparametric models. These models have success and impact in mathematical statistics due to their excellent scientific utility and intriguing theoretical complexity. In the first part of the thesis, we consider the problem of the estimation of a parameter θ, in Banach spaces, maximizing some criterion function which depends on an unknown nuisance parameter h, possibly infinite-dimensional. We show that the m out of n bootstrap, in a general setting, is weakly consistent under conditions similar to those required for weak convergence of the non smooth M-estimators. In this framework, delicate mathematical derivations will be required to cope with estimators of the nuisance parameters inside non-smooth criterion functions. We then investigate an exchangeable weighted bootstrap for function-valued estimators defined as a zero point of a function-valued random criterion function. The main ingredient is the use of a differential identity that applies when the random criterion function is linear in terms of the empirical measure. A large number of bootstrap resampling schemes emerge as special cases of our settings. Examples of applications from the literature are given to illustrate the generality and the usefulness of our results. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the statistical models with multiple change-points. The main purpose of this part is to investigate the asymptotic properties of semiparametric M-estimators with non-smooth criterion functions of the parameters of multiple change-points model for a general class of models in which the form of the distribution can change from segment to segment and in which, possibly, there are parameters that are common to all segments. Consistency of the semiparametric M-estimators of the change-points is established and the rate of convergence is determined. The asymptotic normality of the semiparametric M-estimators of the parameters of the within-segment distributions is established under quite general conditions. We finally extend our study to the censored data framework. We investigate the performance of our methodologies for small samples through simulation studies
Goldfarb, Bernard. "Etude structurelle des séries temporelles : les moyens de l'analyse spectrale." Paris 9, 1997.
Full textZinger, Svitlana. "Interpolation et rééchantillonnage de données spatiales et application à la cartographie urbaine et à la détermination du fond cosmique primordial." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2004.
Full textCelisse, Alain. "Model selection via cross-validation in density estimation, regression, and change-points detection." Paris 11, 2008.
Full textIn this thesis, we aim at studying a family of resampling algorithms, referred to as cross-validation, and especially of one of them named leave-p-out. Extensively used in practice, these algorithms remain poorly understood, especially in the non-asymptotic framework. Our analysis of the leave-p-out algorithm is carried out both in density estimation and regression. Its main concern is to better understand cross-validation with respect to the cardinality p of the test set. From a general point of view, cross-validation is devoted to estimate the risk of an estimator. Usually due to a prohibitive computational complexity, the leave-p-out is intractable. However, we turned it into a feasible procedure thanks to closed-form formulas for the risk estimator of a wide range of widespread estimators. Besides, the question of model selection via cross-validation is considered through two approaches. The first one relies on the optimal estimation of the risk in terms of a bias-variance tradeoff, which results in a density estimation procedure based on a fully data-driven choice of p. This procedure is successfully applied to the multiple testing problem. The second approach is related to the interpretation of cross-validation in terms of penalized criterion. The quality of the leave-p-out procedure is theoretically assessed through oracle inequalities as well as an adaptivity result in the density estimation setup. The change-points detection problem is another concern of this work. It is explored through an extensive simulation study based on theoretical considerations. From this, we propose a fully resampling-based procedure, which enables to deal with the hard problem of heteroscedasticity, while keeping a reasonable computational complexity
François, Jérémie. "Fusion de connaissances expérimentales et expertes : une approche évolutive du diagnostic." Compiègne, 2000.
Full textNotin, Alban. "Evaluation à moindre coût de la fiabilité des structures sollicitées en fatigue." Compiègne, 2010.
Full textThis thesis take place in the context of the estimation of the reliability of structures under fatigue loading. In the case of industrial applications, each model evaluation may be time and storage consuming. This way, only a few number of evaluations can be performed. This efficient estimation of the reliability of structures under fatigue loading implies to word on the reliability algorithm as well as the speeding up of mechanical computations. In this double issue lies the settlement of this thesis. Concerning the reliability part, the RPCM (Resampling Polynomial Chaos Method) method has been developed. The goal is to build the polynomial chaos basis in an adaptative way such that the troncature error is taken into account. This erros is estimad through confidence intervals on the reliability index. Numerical results show a very good behaviour of the proposed method in the case of smooth limit-state functions. However, metamodels are not the only way to speed up computations. Another strategy consists in accelerate the mechanical computations by approximating the closest calculi controlling the error. This is the idea of the SLDL T (Stochastic LDL T decomposition) approach which is based on a slight modification of the Cholesky decomposition assuming that the fluctuations of the lower matrix L are negligible in the domain of variation of the random inputs. The randonmess is put on the digonal matrix D, which is optimized such a way to minimize the error on the stiffness matrix. In the case of a linear elastic mechanical behaviour with the Young’s modulus modeled by a random field, results show a gain factor round to 180
Books on the topic "Rééchantillonage"
Resampling methods: A practical guide to data analysis. Boston: Birkhäuser, 1999.
Find full textResampling methods: A practical guide to data analysis. 3rd ed. Boston: Birkhäuser, 2006.
Find full textResampling methods: A practical guide to data analysis. 2nd ed. Boston: Birkhäuser, 2001.
Find full textGood, Phillip I. Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2005.
Find full textGood, Phillip I. Resampling Methods: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis. 3rd ed. Birkhäuser Boston, 2005.
Find full textIntroduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel. Wiley-Interscience, 2005.
Find full textGood, Phillip I. Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2008.
Find full textIntroduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel ®. Wiley-Interscience, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Rééchantillonage"
VAN KREVELD, Lucas, and Onno BOXMA. "Mélange de paramètres dans les files d’attente à serveur infini." In Théorie des files d’attente 1, 121–65. ISTE Group, 2021.
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