Academic literature on the topic 'Réduction d'ordre de modèles'
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Journal articles on the topic "Réduction d'ordre de modèles"
Le Bihan, Y., V. Martinage, P. Lessard, and E. Paul. "Influence possible des protozoaires sur le taux de mortalité des bactéries autotrophes nitrifiantes." Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 91–108.
Full textKim, Jaegwon. "L'émergence, les modèles de réduction et le mental." Philosophiques 27, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 11–26.
Full textRyckelynck, David. "Réduction a priori de modèles thermomécaniques." Comptes Rendus Mécanique 330, no. 7 (January 2002): 499–505.
Full textTremblay, Louis-Marie. "L’action politique syndicale." Relations industrielles 21, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 44–57.
Full textKHELIFI, Asma, Jean-Patrick LEBACQUE, and Habib HAJ-SALEM. "Modélisation stochastique macroscopique d'ordre supérieur du trafic sur les réseaux routiers : implications managériales." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 37, no. 2 (September 21, 2023): 71–86.
Full textBertin, Simon. "L'expertise psychiatrique et les neurosciences : vers de nouveaux modèles ?" Les Cahiers de la Justice N° 3, no. 3 (September 13, 2023): 461–67.
Full textWorms, Julien. "Principes de déviations modérées pour des modèles autorégressifs d'ordre p." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics 328, no. 1 (January 1999): 67–72.
Full textHili, Ouagnina. "Sur l'estimation des modèles autorégressifs d'ordre multiple de séries temporelles." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics 332, no. 8 (April 2001): 755–59.
Full textHayes, Brandon. "Anticiper la pandémie de grippe aviaire." Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire élevages & santé 15, no. 52 (2023): 34–38.
Full textGlover, Judith. "Analyse secondaire et recherche comparative internationale : problèmes et résultats." Sociétés contemporaines 14-15, no. 2-3 (September 1, 1993): 93–112.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Réduction d'ordre de modèles"
Casas, Francisco Javier. "Techniques de réduction d'ordre des modèles de circuits haute fréquence faiblement non linéaire." Limoges, 2003.
Full textThe work reported deals with system-level modelling techniques of microwave circuits commonly employed in emission and reception telecommunications channels. The need of reduced models for simulation of communication systems is discussed, and the state of the art of this activity is summarized in the first chapter. The second chapter focus on model reduction methods for pumped and non-pumped circuits exhibiting a linear input-output behaviour. Then, in the third chapter, a model reduction technique for pumped weakly non linear circuits with memory is presented. In the fourth chapter, the proposed methods are applied to the modelling and simulation of a transmitter and receiver. Finally, the conclusions and perspectives of this work are summarised
Durbiano, Sophie. "Vecteurs caractéristiques de modèles océaniques pour la réduction d'ordre en assimilation de données." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2001.
Full textPetit, Daniel. "Réduction de modèles de connaissance et identification de modèles d'ordre réduit : application aux processus de diffusion thermique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1991.
Full textGuillet, Jérôme. "Etude et réduction d'ordre de modèles linéraires structurés : application à la dynamique du véhicule." Phd thesis, Université de Haute Alsace - Mulhouse, 2011.
Full textBel, Liliane. "Sur la réduction des modèles linéaires : analyse de données en automatique." Paris 11, 1985.
Full textTwo state space model reduction methods are studied: aggregation method and the balanced state space representation method. In the case of aggregation a new method of selecting eigenvalues is proposed, which is both geometrical and sequential. Problems of robustness of aggregation are evoked and resolved in some particular cases. The balanced state space representation is approached by means of contralibility and observability degrees. The notion of perturbability degree is introduced. Then we study the application of those two methods to reduced order compensator design. The two methods are finally applied to the system representing the launch booster Ariane flying
Missoffe, Alexia. "Réduction d'ordre de modèle d'un phénomène d'amortissement non-linéaire dans le cadre des microsystèmes." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2010.
Full textVentura, Jérôme. "Réduction de modèle en convection forcée par des méthodes d'identification." Phd thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2010.
Full textMost engineering processes dealing with aerothermics involve numerical simulations (CFD) which need to take transient phenomena into account to be realistic. Low order models and responses surfaces offer the engineer an alternative to the high costs associated with CFD processes, providing him with surrogates for the outputs of his interest. This work is devoted to extend the Modal Identification Method (MIM) in the field of fluid dynamics. MIM is a low order modelling techniques, based on the minimization of the discrepancy between a usually large reference model, and a low order model. It solves an optimization problem whose variables are the low order model parameters. Low order models are built for several kinds of turbulent flows. The circular cylinder in a crossflow provides us with several test cases. We cope with steady flows or unsteady ones, be them in forced convection or isothermal cases. Those models are able to produce outputs as different as velocity and temperature fields, heat fluxes. . . The compressible flow around a wing profile is also considered to investigate the sampling effect. Those models give quick approximates of the pressure distribution or the force coefficients
Lestandi, Lucas. "Approximations de rang faible et modèles d'ordre réduit appliqués à quelques problèmes de la mécanique des fluides." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2018.
Full textNumerical simulation has experienced tremendous improvements in the last decadesdriven by massive growth of computing power. Exascale computing has beenachieved this year and will allow solving ever more complex problems. But suchlarge systems produce colossal amounts of data which leads to its own difficulties.Moreover, many engineering problems such as multiphysics or optimisation andcontrol, require far more power that any computer architecture could achievewithin the current scientific computing paradigm. In this thesis, we proposeto shift the paradigm in order to break the curse of dimensionality byintroducing decomposition and building reduced order models (ROM) for complexfluid flows.This manuscript is organized into two parts. The first one proposes an extendedreview of data reduction techniques and intends to bridge between appliedmathematics community and the computational mechanics one. Thus, foundingbivariate separation is studied, including discussions on the equivalence ofproper orthogonal decomposition (POD, continuous framework) and singular valuedecomposition (SVD, discrete matrices). Then a wide review of tensor formats andtheir approximation is proposed. Such work has already been provided in theliterature but either on separate papers or into a purely applied mathematicsframework. Here, we offer to the data enthusiast scientist a comparison ofCanonical, Tucker, Hierarchical and Tensor train formats including theirapproximation algorithms. Their relative benefits are studied both theoreticallyand numerically thanks to the python library texttt{pydecomp} that wasdeveloped during this thesis. A careful analysis of the link between continuousand discrete methods is performed. Finally, we conclude that for mostapplications ST-HOSVD is best when the number of dimensions $d$ lower than fourand TT-SVD (or their POD equivalent) when $d$ grows larger.The second part is centered on a complex fluid dynamics flow, in particular thesingular lid driven cavity at high Reynolds number. This flow exhibits a seriesof Hopf bifurcation which are known to be hard to capture accurately which iswhy a detailed analysis was performed both with classical tools and POD. Oncethis flow has been characterized, emph{time-scaling}, a new ``physics based''interpolation ROM is presented on internal and external flows. This methodsgives encouraging results while excluding recent advanced developments in thearea such as EIM or Grassmann manifold interpolation
Telescu, Mihai. "Modélisation d'ordre réduit des interconnexions de circuits VLSI." Brest, 2007.
Full textLntegrated circuit designers are showing a growing interest in the effects of interconnect structures. Taking these effects into consideration during simulations has become a major goal. The main objective of this PhD was the development new model order reduction mathematical tools. VLSI interconnect applications were our main priority. Our model order reduction strategy supposes an initial modeling of the origjnal system using either a Laguerre or a Kautz representation. This manuscript contains a synthetic presentation 0f these orthogonal function bases. The five order reduction methods studied during this PhD are then presented. We make available several examples of application of methods to interconnect lines. Weillçistate, among other aspects, the possibility of obtaining Iow complexity equivalent circuits from our models and the possibility of performing reduced order modeling directly from data provided by full-wave simulation
Pereira, Da Silva Luciano. "Atténuation du bruit et des vibrations de structures minces par dispositifs piézoélectriques passifs : modèles numériques d'ordre réduit et optimisation." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2014.
Full textPassive structural vibration and noise reduction by means of shunted piezoelectric patches is addressed in this thesis. The first part of the work concerns the finite element modeling of shunted piezoelectric systems. Firstly, an original finite element formulation, with only a couple of electric variables per piezoelectric patch (the global charge/ voltage), is analyzed and validated. Secondly, several reduced order models based on a normal mode expansion are proposed to solve the electromechanical problem. The convergence of these reduced order models is then analyzed for a resistive and a resonant shunt circuits. In the second part of the work, the concept of topology optimization, based on the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization method (SIMP), is employed to optimize, in terms of damping efficiency, the geometry of piezoelectric patches as well as their placement on the host elastic structure. The proposed optimization procedure consists of distributing the piezoelectric material in such a way as to maximize the modal electromechanical coupling factor of the mechanical vibration mode to which the shunt is tuned, independently of the choice of electric circuit components. Numerical examples validate and demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach for the design of piezoelectric shunt devices. Finally, the last part of the work concerns the numerical modeling of noise and vibration reduction of thin structures in the low frequency range by using shunted piezoelectric elements. An efficient approach that can be applied to any thin continuous plates in an infinite baffle, independently of the boundary conditions, is proposed. An application example of a thin plate with reinforcements is presented and analyzed
Books on the topic "Réduction d'ordre de modèles"
publishing, Sara Stansel. 50 Mandala Livre de Coloriage Pour Adultes: Mandala à Colorier Pour Adultes Mandala 50 Fleurs Modèles à Colorier Pour la Réduction du Stress et la Détente. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textSparse Modeling: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textRish, Irina, and Genady Ya Grabarnik. Sparse Modeling. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textRish, Irina, and Genady Grabarnik. Sparse Modeling: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textProcess Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textFoo, Dominic C. Y., and Raymond R. Tan. Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textFoo, Dominic C. Y., and Raymond R. Tan. Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textFoo, Dominic C. Y., and Raymond R. Tan. Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textFoo, Dominic C. Y., and Raymond R. Tan. Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Réduction d'ordre de modèles"
Gaudin, M. "Réduction du problème du billard quantique triangulaire." In Modèles exactement résolus, 403–16. EDP Sciences, 1996.
Full textGaudin, M. "Réduction du problème du billard quantique triangulaire." In Modèles exactement résolus, 403–16. EDP Sciences, 1996.
Full textVENTRE, Jeanne, José-Maria FULLANA, Pierre-Yves LAGRÉE, Francesca RAIMONDI, and Nathalie BODDAERT. "Modèles d’ordre réduit du flux sanguin : application aux sténoses artérielles." In Écoulements biologiques dans les grands vaisseaux, 163–83. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textBYSTROVA, Daria, Giovanni POGGIATO, Julyan ARBEL, and Wilfried THUILLER. "Réduction de la dimension dans les modèles de distributions jointes d’espèces." In Approches statistiques pour les variables cachées en écologie, 151–74. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textLEBLOND, Cédric. "Méthodes « avancées » en vibro-acoustique des structures navales." In Interactions fluide-structure, 87–118. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textSaguin, Emeric, and Bertrand Lahutte. "Le rêve." In Le rêve, 199–213. In Press, 2023.
Full textSpivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." In Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 29–44. Hermann, 2023.
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