Academic literature on the topic 'Red-Flesh'
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Journal articles on the topic "Red-Flesh"
Xi, Xingyuan, Yuan Zong, Shiming Li, Dong Cao, Xuemei Sun, and Baolong Liu. "Transcriptome Analysis Clarified Genes Involved in Betalain Biosynthesis in the Fruit of Red Pitayas (Hylocereus costaricensis)." Molecules 24, no. 3 (January 27, 2019): 445.
Full textLande, V. K., R. B. Kshirsagar, S. S. Aralkar, A. S. Aralkar, B. M. Patil, and H. V. Suryawanshi. "A comparative analysis of red and white dragon fruit pulp and juice characteristics." Journal of Applied Horticulture 26, no. 02 (August 25, 2024): 244–24.
Full textByrne*, David, Marcia Vizzotto, Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, David Ramming, and W. Okie. "Antioxidant Content of Peach and Plum Genotypes." HortScience 39, no. 4 (July 2004): 798C—798.
Full textNor Salasiah Mohamed, Amiza Mat Amin, Dasi Ong, Mohd Nazri Ismail, and Fisal Ahmad. "Protein Profiles of Red Bigeye Flesh (Priacanthus Macracanthus)." Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics 116, no. 1 (May 5, 2024): 156–68.
Full textHenderson, Warren R., Gregory H. Scott, and Todd C. Wehner. "Interaction of Genes for Flesh Color in Watermelon." HortScience 31, no. 4 (August 1996): 602d—602.
Full textChen, F. B., C. Y. Xing, S. P. Huo, C. L. Cao, Q. L. Yao, and P. Fang. "Red Pigment Content and Expression of Genes Related to Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) with Different Colored Flesh." Journal of Agricultural Science 8, no. 8 (July 17, 2016): 126.
Full textWulandari, Rezky, St Sabahannur, and Andi Ralle. "PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN GULA MERAH DAN GULA PASIR TERHADAP MUTU DODOL BUAH NAGA MERAH (Hylocereus polyrhizus L.)." AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Peranian 4, no. 1 (April 18, 2023): 93–103.
Full textAliya, Nuska, Aldi Budi Riyanta, and Tya Muldiyana. "UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK KULIT DAN DAGING BUAH NAGA MERAH (Hylocereus polyrhizus) DANPENENTUAN PARAMETER NON SPESIFIK." Jurnal Riset Kefarmasian Indonesia 6, no. 1 (January 29, 2024): 1–15.
Full textPrananta, Hillary Inggrid, Purwanto Purwanto, Elyda Akhya Afida Misrohmasari, Niken Probosari, and Surartono Dwiatmoko. "Perbedaan Indeks Plak setelah Pengolesan Ekstrak Daging Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus costaricensis) dan Larutan Pengungkap." STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi 16, no. 1 (March 22, 2019): 21.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Red-Flesh"
Thovhogi, Fhatuwani. "Consumer reference (of red-fleshed apples) an quantification of quality related traits, particularly skin and flesh colour, in apple breeding families." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to develop a novel pink- or red-fleshed apple for the fresh consumer market,the red-fleshed genotype, ‘KAZ 91’ (Malus niedzwetzkyana Dieck.), was crossed with ‘Meran’ (M. domestica Borkh) at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) apple breeding programme in South Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate and quantify colour variability in the flesh and peel of this progeny (Family 1), to assess quality traits (i.e., acidity and total soluble solids) and phenolic levels in fruit peel and flesh, and to investigate consumer preference for the taste and appearance of redfleshed apples. All data, except for consumer preference, were also collected on two white-fleshed M. domestica Borkh families, i.e., ‘Reinette Burchardt’ x ‘Treco Red Gala’ (Family 2) and ‘Meran’ x ‘Treco Red Gala’ (Family 3). Fruit of Family 1 seedlings were on average darker red with greater blush coverage and higher anthocyanin and phenolic levels compared to fruits of Family 2 and 3. The proportion of bearing trees with red-fleshed fruits in Family 1 increased from 25% in 2007 to 35% in 2008. The intensity and distribution of red pigmentation in the flesh varied considerably between seedlings and even between individual apples from the same tree. A high intraclass correlation coefficient was found for red-flesh coverage within Family 1, indicating a high level of genetic determination that can be used in breeding. When only red-fleshed seedlings were considered, an intermediate repeatability coefficient (0.54) for red-flesh coverage indicates that the extent of red flesh coverage varies to some extent between seasons. The effect of environmental factors on red flesh colour needs to be assessed and breeders need to take care to select for genotypes with stable flesh colour intensity and coverage. Small intraclass correlations were found between families for other traits. No correlation was found for anthocyanin and total phenolics in both peel and flesh or between anthocyanin levels in the peel and flesh of Family 1 fruit. This suggests that red-fleshed fruit will not necessarily be high in antioxidants – since phenolics is by far the greatest contributor to fruit antioxidant capacity. The lack of a correlation between peel and flesh anthocyanin levels also suggest that fruit with dark red flesh will not necessarily have a dark red skin colour. Family 1 fruit were more prone to flesh browning and were more acidic compared to fruit of Families 2 and 3. With regard to consumer preference for flesh colour, 74% of South African consumers preferred white flesh while 64% preferred an attractive “floral” pattern created by the combination of a red cortex and white core. Consumers indicated a much lower liking for other distribution patterns and lower intensities of red flesh colour. Consumers preferred the taste of apples that were crisp, crunchy and high in apple flavour irrespective of flesh colour. Red-fleshed fruit were generally acidic or had poor texture, and some were also astringent. However, despite a general dislike in acidic fruit, consumers showed a preference for acidic fruit if that fruit also had high red-flesh coverage.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Appeltelers van die Suid-Afrikaanse Landbounavorsingsraad (LNR) Infruitec- Nietvoorbij poog om unieke appelkultivars met ‘n pienk of rooi vleiskleur te ontwikkel. Vir hierdie doel het hulle die rooivleis genotipe, ‘KAZ 91’ (Malus niedzwetzkyana Dieck), gekruis met ‘Meran’ (M. domestica Borkh). Hierdie studie is uitgevoer ten einde kleurvariasie, interne kwaliteitseienskappe (i.e., suurheid en totale oplosbare vastestowwe) en vlakke van fenole in die vleis en skil van bogenoemde kruisingkombinasie se nageslag (Familie 1) te evalueer en te kwantifiseer asook om verbruikersvoorkeure vir die smaak en voorkoms van rooivleis appels te bestudeer. Buiten vir verbruikersvoorkeure, is alle data ook ingesamel vir twee witvleis M. domestica families, naamlik ‘Reinette Burchardt’ x ‘Treco Red Gala’ (Familie 2) en ‘Meran’ x ‘Treco Red Gala’ (Familie 3). Familie 1 saailinge se vrugte was gemiddeld donkerder rooi met ‘n groter rooi blos en hoër antosianien- en fenoolvlakke in vergeleke met vrugte van Families 2 en 3. Van die Familie 1 saailinge wat wel vrugte gedra het, het 25% en 35% in onderskeidelik 2007 en 2008 vrugte met rooi vleis gehad. Die intensiteit en verspreiding van rooi pigmentasie in die vleis het aansienlik varieer tussen saailinge en selfs tussen individuele appels van dieselfde boom. ‘n Hoë intraklas korrelasie koëffisiënt is gevind vir die proporsie van die vleis met rooi pigmentasie in Familie 1 nageslag. Dit dui op ‘n hoë vlak van genetiese determinasie en vinnige vordering met teling vir hierdie eienskap. Indien net rooi-vleis saailinge egter oorweeg word, word ‘n intermediêre herhaalbaarheid koëffisiënt (0.54) vir die proporsie van die vleis wat rooi is verkry, wat dui op aansienlike variasie tussen seisoene in die omvang van rooi pigmentasie. Die effek van omgewingsfaktore op rooi vleiskleur behoort dus bestudeer te word en telers moet let daarop om te selekteer vir genotipes met stabiele vleiskleur intensiteit en bedekking. Die intraklas korrelasies tussen families vir ander vrugeienskappe was klein. Antosianienvlakke en totale fenole in die skil en vleis van Familie 1 vrugte het nie gekorreleer nie. Dit dui daarop dat rooivleis appels nie noodwendig ‘n hoër antioksidantkapasiteit het nie – fenole maak by verre die grootste bydrae tot die antioksidantkapisiteit van vrugte. Antosianienvlakke in die skil en vleis van Familie 1 vrugte het ook nie gekorreleer nie wat daarop dui dat vrugte met ‘n donker rooi vleis nie noodwendig ook ‘n donker skilkleur sal hê nie. Familie 1 vrugte was gemiddeld suurder as vrugte van Families 2 en 3 en Familie 1 vrugte se vleis het gemiddeld ook meer verbruining ondergaan. Ten opsigte van verbruikersvoorkeur vir vleiskleur is gevind dat 74% van verbruikers ‘n wit vleiskleur verkies het terwyl 64% gehou het van die aantreklike “blom” patroon gevorm deur ‘n rooi korteks en wit kern. Verbruikers het aansienlik minder gehou van enige ander verspreiding van rooi pigment in die vleis of van ‘n laer intensiteit rooi kleur. In terme van smaak is geurige appels met ‘n bros tekstuur verkies ongeag hul vleiskleur. Rooivleisappels was oor die algemeen suur met ‘n swak tekstuur. Sommige rooivleisappels was ook frank. Tog, ten spyte van ‘n algemene afkeur in suur appels, het verbruikers ‘n voorkeur getoon vir vrugte met ‘n kombinasie van hoë suur en ‘n hoë proporsie vleis met rooi pigmentasie.
Bouillon, Pierre. "Etude du déterminisme génétique du développement de la chair rouge et du brunissement en conservation chez la pomme." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2024.
Full textRed-flesh trait in apple is associated with anthocyanin accumulation. The genetic basis of color development has been widely analysed ; however, current models do not explain the observed variations in red pigmentation intensity and distribution within fruit flesh. We developed a multifactorial approach to gain knowledge on the control of the red flesh pigmentation in apple. This methodology was applied to investigate the phenotypic diversity in five inter-connected F1 hybrid families segregating for this trait (450 genotypes) by combining image-based phenotyping with the determination of several biochemical traits that influence color expression. We used image-based phenotyping to evaluatered color in progenies using color parameters from CIEL*a*b* color space. We also developed a histogram-based image analysis to assess patterns of color variation in red-flesh apples and to study the inheritance of this trait. Important variations in phenolic compound profiles among hybrid families were identified. Targeted analyses were performed to quantify these compounds by UPLC-UV over two years of fruit harvest (2021 and 2022). As a result, we propose a model including pH and phenolic compound contents to describe red flesh color development. The genetic determinism of red-flesh was then investigated. Individuals were genotyped via the Illumina Infinium 20K array and pedigree-based QTL analyses were conducted with FlexQTL™ software. Our analysis allowed the identification of new loci and the determination of allelic combinations favouring the development of red pigmentation and color patterns
Iborra, Bernad María del Consuelo. "Comparison of vacuum treatments and traditional cooking in vegetables using instrumental and sensory analysis." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013.
Full textIborra Bernad, MDC. (2013). Comparison of vacuum treatments and traditional cooking in vegetables using instrumental and sensory analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Hsieh, Li-Min, and 謝麗敏. "The Comparison Studies of Processing Quality for Two Red Flesh Pitayas (Hylocereus spp.)." Thesis, 2003.
Full text國立中興大學
Two kinds of red flesh pitaya in different figure, Hsin-chu (coded HS) and Kaohsiung (coded KS), were used as raw materials to investigate constituents and antioxidant capability. In addition, the factors that affect pigment stability were evaluated by heating on juice and pigment regeneration during storage. A clear explanation on processing quality for both pitayas had been solved. The results obtained were as follows: 1. On acidity, KS was higher than HS; on color, Hunter L of KS was lower than HS, but Hunter a and b values were the reverse. This resulted both pitayas in different appearance. On the other hand, both KS and HS contained different general compositions besides phosphorous content. 2. Compositions of juice pigment in HS and KS were quite different. The betacyanin concentration in KS was 1.73-fold that of HS. Betanin in betacyanin powder was 4.39 and 8.65 mg/g for HS and KS, respectively. 3. KS pitaya was rich in antioxidant components than HS. Comparison of the antioxidant capability, KS had higher reducing power and scavenging DPPH ability than HS, but HS showed higher chelating effect on ferrous ion. The difference between antioxidant properties probably related to betacyanin compositions. 4. Changes in color of pitaya juice were observed due to thermal treatment depending on temperature and time. The deterioration degree was 25℃< 60℃< 80℃<95℃. Pigment showed stability at pH 3~5 and the worst at pH 7. Heating at 90℃, the ΔE value was significantly different by species and pH values (p < 0.01). Both pigments in HS and KS pitaya juice showed the longest half-life at pH 5. 5. HS pitaya fruit juice pigment was more stable by thermal process, while KS was more stable by alcohol. KS pigment had high regeneration ability during storage. 6. Pigment in pitaya juice significantly changed during storage (p < 0.001), and the yellow degree was significantly affected by alcohol concentration (p < 0.001).
Wang, Ching-Chung, and 王清中. "Identification and Control of Alternaria Fruit Rot of Red Flesh Pitaya in Taiwan." Thesis, 2019.
Full text國立中興大學
Pitayas or dragon fruits are native cacti of South America. They are commercially planted worldwide due to their high productivity, rich nutrients, and long shelf-life. Alternaria fruit rot often occur during storage at 5℃. The disease become the major limiting factor of long-term storage and transportation. This study was focused on identification of the pathogens, determination of disease susceptibility during fruit development, and control methods. We collected 53 Alternaria isolates from pitaya stems and fruits. The 53 isolates were selected to construct a phylogenetic tree based on the sequence gapdh, and clustered in 3 clades, 11 isolates in clade A, 13 isolates in clade B, and 29 isolates in clade C. Among them, 28 isolates were selected for a phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of ITS, Alt a 1, gapdh, rpb2, tef1, and endoPG genes. The result displayed that 4 isolates of A clade were A. alternata, 4 isolates of B clade were A. gaisen, and 20 isolates of C clade were closely related A. burnsii and A. tomato. A. burnsii species complex (ABSC). Five isolates, A. alternata (HLF6102), A. gaisen (F211144), ABSC 1 (YPH103 and H16-4), and ABSC 3 (F218004), were selected to determinate temperature effects on mycelium growth and condial germination. All the selected isolates grew mycelium and germinated condia in 5-30℃. Under 5℃, A. alternata HLF6102 has the biggest colony diameter, and ABSC 1 (YPH103 and H16-4) has the highest condial germination rate under 5℃. Scanning electron micrographs of pitaya peel inoculated with YPH103 condia indicate that Alternaria could form appressoria-like structure and attach firmly on the peel surface, and hyphae could penetrate fruit through stomata and wounds. To investigate disease susceptibility of developing fruit, conidia of HLF6102 and YPH103 were inoculated on ‘Da-Hong’ and ‘Mi-Pao’ pitayas during fruit developing period in different trials. Both cultivars were highly susceptible at 7-21 days after full bloom in summer but no distinguishable highly susceptible stage in winter. To develop control methods of Alternaria fruit rot, chemical fungicide sensitivity assays were conducted by using isolate HLF6102 and YPH103. Iminoctadine triacetate, tebuconazole, and cyprodinil + fludioxonil effectively inhibiting Alternaria mycelial growth in vitro, and were applied on field trials. Field trials demonstrated that the application of cyprodinil + fludioxonil two or three times stably decreased the disease severity scale of Alternaria fruit rot on ‘Da-Hong’ and ‘Mi-Pao’ pitaya fruits compared to treatments of the other fungicides. Cinnamon, clove, lemon grass, and thyme essential oil could inhibit HLF6102 and YPH103 mycelial growth by directly contact and vapour. The combination of cinnamon and thyme essential oils show better efficiency than single essential oil. The 6.4% of potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate could inhibit HLF6102 and YPH103 mycelial growth, and 6.4% of potassium carbonate could inhibit HLF6102 conidial germination. Non-chemical control need additional recipe optimization and may be integrated with field control to produce high quality pitayas in the future.
Books on the topic "Red-Flesh"
Cornea, Bogdan. The Matter of Violence in Baroque Painting. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2022.
Full textREMEMBERING RED THUNDER (FLESH AND BLOOD) (Harlequin Intrigue, No. 653). Harlequin, 2002.
Find full textKurtz, Sylvie. REMEMBERING RED THUNDER (FLESH AND BLOOD) (Harlequin Intrigue, No. 653). Harlequin, 2002.
Find full textKurtz, Sylvie. REMEMBERING RED THUNDER (FLESH AND BLOOD) (Harlequin Intrigue, No. 653). Harlequin, 2002.
Find full textRivett, Sarah. { Coda } remembered forms of a literary nation. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textStallings, L. H. Black Trans Narratives, Sex Work, and the Illusive Flesh. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Red-Flesh"
Cronin, Richard. "By White and Red Describing Human Flesh." In Colour and Experience in Nineteenth-Century Poetry, 144–59. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1988.
Full textDavies, Martin. "Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring." In The Modern Law of Marine Insurance, 77–97. London: Informa Law from Routledge, 2022.
Full textBoylorn, Robin M. "Unpacking (UN)Privilege or Flesh Tones, Red Bones, and Sepia Shades of Brown." In Privilege Through the Looking-Glass, 7–12. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2017.
Full textDoan, Minh Nhat Thi, Cong Thien Dao, Nam Ta Nguyen, Hang Thanh Thi Nguyen, Hang Le Thi Tran, Son Thanh Le, and Manh Van Vu. "Research on the Potential Environmental Zonation of Red Flesh Dragon Fruit in Vinh Phuc Province." In Progress in IS, 13–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full text"flesh-red." In Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik, 532. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textPino, María-Teresa, and Cristina Vergara. "Red and Purple Flesh Potatoes a Healthy and Attractive Alternative Associated with New Market Trends." In Solanum tuberosum - a Promising Crop for Starvation Problem [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textWaldman, Reid A., and Jane M. Grant-Kels. "Benign flesh-colored, pink, and red skin growths." In Dermatology for the Primary Care Provider, 220–34. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textLederer, Susan E. "Religious Bodies." In Flesh and Blood, 185–207. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2008.
Full textAzevedo, Aluísio, and David H. Rosenthal. "V." In The Slum, 38–42. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2000.
Full textBishop, Bart. "“The red gums were their own”: Food, Flesh, and the Female in Beloved." In What’s Eating You?, 123–36. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Red-Flesh"
Abdullah, Muhammad Muhaimin, Noor Ezan Abdullah, Hadzli Hashim, A'zraa Afhzan Ab Rahim, Caroline George, and Florida Anak Igol. "Various grades of red flesh watermelon ripeness based on NIR and VIS reflectance measurement." In 2012 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). IEEE, 2012.
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