Academic literature on the topic 'Recherche sur Internet – Classement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
Arteaga-Ortiz, Jesús, and Rubén Fernández-Ortiz. "Des obstacles à l’exportation chez les petites et moyennes entreprises." Revue internationale P.M.E. 21, no. 2 (March 12, 2009): 9–42.
Full textMerllié, Dominique. "Les Classements Professionnels dans les Enquêtes de Mobilité." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 45, no. 6 (December 1990): 1317–33.
Full textTrottier, Claude. "Le processus de sélection dans les écoles secondaires polyvalentes." Revue des sciences de l'éducation 12, no. 1 (December 7, 2009): 89–107.
Full textNapieralski, Andrzej Jr, and Alina Goniewicz. "La rupture du tabou sur internet –analyse linguistique des mèmes sur Aleksander Kwaśniewski." ACTA UNIVERSITATIS LODZIENSIS. FOLIA LITTERARIA ROMANICA, no. 12 (May 22, 2017): 191–204.
Full textABADA, Rofia, and Amirouche BOUCHELAGHEM. "Compte rendu de la Rencontre Webinar « A Ranking Master Class webinar for Algerian universities »." URBAN ART BIO 1, no. 2 (August 6, 2022): 87–102.
Full textCramer, Kenneth, and Denise DeBlock. "Maclean’s Magazine University Rankings (1998-2018)." Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching 13 (October 28, 2020): 149–59.
Full textBahoken, Françoise. "Atlas sur les migrations internationales." e-Migrinter 3 (2009): 53–57.
Full textSandri, Eva. "La sérendipité sur Internet : égarement documentaire ou recherche créatrice ?" Cygne noir, no. 1 (July 26, 2022): 6–21.
Full textBoulze-Launay, Isabelle, Simon Dureuil, David Durand, Lionel Diébold, Alain Rigaud, and Jean-Philippe Roustant. "Mal-être et entretiens projectifs : méthodes de recueils de données qualitatives en addictologie." Psychotropes Vol. 30, no. 1 (May 13, 2024): 51–66.
Full textIsambart, Guy. "Comment faire une recherche bibliographique sur Internet ?" Recherche en soins infirmiers N° 57, no. 2 (June 1, 1999): 99–114.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
Bouchaud, Paul. "Beyond the Black Box : social structures and dynamics in the digital age : reconstructing, modelling and assessing the impact of major digital infrastructures." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textThis thesis examines the effects of algorithmic systems used by major online platforms on public discourse and society. Through experimental audits and social simulations, the research aims to decipher how these systems, which serve billions of users, operate. The thesis addresses three main objectives: conducting audits of online platform algorithmic systems, investigating mitigation measures for misalignments between platform operations and public good, and enhancing social media simulations with massive field data. Notable contributions include a comprehensive study of Meta's Ad Library, an analysis of Amazon's and Twitter's recommendation systems, and the creation of a data donation tool to gather information on actual user experiences across platforms like Facebook, Google Search, YouTube, and Twitter.The thesis also considers the methods used in algorithmic auditing, emphasizing the need to account for personalization and individual user traits when evaluating these systems. A simulation of a Twitter-like platform was developed, combining predictive models of user engagement with large-scale data collection. This approach was used to assess how content ranking strategies focused on maximizing engagement affect the information users see, showing reduced content variety and altered political representation. The research concludes by investigating alternative content curation approaches beyond immediate user engagement, including a ranking system based on diverse user approval, while recognizing the difficulties in assessing the "democratic value" of civic content to create viable alternatives to current engagement-based systems
Picarougne, Fabien. "Recherche d'information sur Internet par algorithmes évolutionnaires." Phd thesis, Tours, 2004.
Full textPopescu, Adrian. "Structures conceptuelles pour la recherche d'images sur Internet." Télécom Bretagne, 2008.
Full textMoussawi, Wassim. "Modélisation d'un agent de recherche intelligente d'information sur Internet." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Full textBeauvisage, Thomas. "Sémantique des parcours des utilisateurs sur le Web." Paris 10, 2004.
Full textThis thesis proposes a description of users' paths through the Web on the basis of user-centric traffic data. We elaborate methods and tools to enrich such data, in order to represent the form, the temporality and the content of Web paths. We apply them to traffic data collected from representative panels of French Internet users at home, and build a five-classes typology of Web sessions on the basis of their typology and their rythm. Confronted to the visited contents and to individual practices and territories, these types of paths refer to three modes of apprehension of Web contents : the familiar, fast paths dedicated to information and communication streams ; the occasional, more complexes paths related to Web srvices and e-commerce ; and the exploratory, dispersed sessions dedicated to discovery within targeted searches. This work was conducted at the Social Sciences laboratory at France Telecom R&D
Doan, Bich-Liên. "La recherche d'informations sur le World Wide Web : utilisation des méta-informations dans une architecture de systèmes de recherche coopérants." Saint-Etienne, 2000.
Full textTwo types of search tools are currently used to help the user to find information on the Web : the search engines (Google) and the directories (Yahoo). However the answers are strongly soiled by noise for the search engines, and by silence for the directories. Moreover the problem which arises with these tools is to remain efficient as the volume of Web pages is growing continuously : it is the scalability. . . [etc. ]
Ogandaga, Ghislain. "Stratégies cognitives dans la recherche des informations Internet." Paris 5, 2008.
Full textThe study of information retrieval on the Internet is associated with the theory that human being is a physical symbol system or a system of mental représentations manipulation. Applaying this point of view in the first two experiments, we get results that are in contradiction with the fondations of the internaliste approach handling mental représentations but are quite consistent with that found in the littérature: correlations between the time of the Internet tasks and cognitive skills are not high, the level of experience does not distinguish novices from experts. In a third experiment, we change perspective and adopt an interactive viewpoint based on the idea of a direct linkage between perception and action (situated cognition) and from the basic steps performed in seeking an information target. We get three types of strategies according to the respect or not of the implementation of thèse steps. Thèse strategies emrge here and now from the interaction between the user net and the hypertext space without going through a generation of mental representations neither a large mobilization of cognitive resources. This interactive approach has important implications for the design of websites
Boutin, Eric. "La recherche d'information sur Internet au prisme de la théorie des facettes." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université du Sud Toulon Var, 2008.
Full textColmenero-Ferreira, Fernando. "La stratégie de recherche sur le web : une approche naturaliste." Paris 10, 2007.
Full textThis study, supported by an inductive naturalistic approach, aims to understand the strategies of the buyers' behavior in the research of information on the Web. For this objective a naturalistic approach was adopted in each subject's naturel environment. An innovative technique of data collection was applied. Even so, despite the enrichment of the methodology, several methodological difficulties had to be lessened, nominated at the level of the analysis of video recorded, little common in qualitative studies in the management ares ; and at the level of data interpretation, where it was applied to the techniques of writing grammar. An interpretation of the first results describes the process of information research as a model being constituted fundamentally for a set of personal micro-decisions. Another result is related with the durability of the process of information search when the task has to be solved. Thus, the durability seems to be more associated to the degree of interest or challenge of the task, than to the personal variability
Amrane, Tahar. "Syfweb : un système de filtrage d'informations sur le Web." Lyon 1, 2003.
Full textBooks on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
Victor, Sandoval, ed. La veille stratégique sur Internet. Paris : Hermès sciences publications: HERMES SCIENCE, 2002.
Find full textAndrieu, Olivier. Méthodes et outils de recherche sur l'Internet. Paris: Eyrolles, 1997.
Find full textCrouzet, Thierry. Je réussis mes recherches sur Internet: Tous les moteurs ! : du débutant à l'expert. Les Ulis: Microsoft press, 2001.
Find full textGrégoire, Gilles. Le référencement sur Google. Paris: Micro application, 2008.
Find full textBrigitte, Simonnot, and Gallezot Gabriel, eds. L'entonnoir: Google sous la loupe des sciences de l'information et de la communication. Caen: C&F, 2009.
Find full textBrigitte, Simonnot, and Gallezot Gabriel, eds. L'entonnoir: Google sous la loupe des sciences de l'information et de la communication. Caen: C&F, 2009.
Find full textGagnon, Maryse. Guide de la recherche documentaire. Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004.
Find full textMassignon, Valérie. La recherche d'images: Méthodes, sources et droits. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 2002.
Find full textBellec, Sophie. Trouver un job grâce au Web. Paris: Dunod, 2010.
Find full textChirurgien, Estelle. Comment trouver: La recherche d'information plaNETaire. Sainte-Foy (Québec): Éditions MultiMondes, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
"Ressources Disponibles sur Internet." In L'éthique de la recherche, 263–65. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2002.
Full textTheviot, Anaïs. "Épilogue – Pistes de recherche." In Faire campagne sur Internet, 307–20. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018.
Full textAlmiron, Miguel. "Visage sur Internet." In À la recherche du visage perdu dans l’art numérique, 71–82. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2022.
Full textLemoine, Jean-François. "Chapitre 11. La collecte des données sur Internet." In Les méthodes de recherche du DBA, 191. EMS Editions, 2018.
Full textPélissier, Daniel. "L’entretien d’autoconfrontation : analyse d’une activité de navigation sur Internet." In Méthodes de recherche en contexte numérique, 211–24. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2020.
Full textLynch, Kathleen. "Mutations de l’enseignement supérieur et internationalisation." In Pédagogies en développement, 19–44. De Boeck Supérieur, 2011.
Full textDarbellay, Anne, and Florian Bürki. "Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap." In Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap, 171–77. Association Sociographe, 2024.
Full textRodriguez-Spolti, Stéphane. "Relevé collaboratif des registres de l’assemblée et des tables du Conseil général des Ponts et chaussées." In Le Crowdsourcing, 131–44. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textMeyer, Camille, and Pierre Boivin. "Des strates de roches au soubassement d’une œuvre." In Patrimoine et Humanités numériques, 77–88. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textBAUJARD, Corinne. "Télétravail malgré soi et confinement lors de la pandémie Covid-19." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 221–28. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
Dinet, Jérôme, Brigitte Simonnot, and Robin Vivian. "La recherche collaborative d'information sur internet." In the 20th International Conference of the Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008.
Full textHadj SaÏd, M., F. Campana, U. Ordioni, R. Lan, and C. M. Chossegros. "Tendances saisonnières des alvéolites et cellulites de la face en France : données du moteur de recherche Google Trends©." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textBally, Alexandra. "Le plagiat comme pratique informationnelle : le rôle méconnu des professeurs-documentalistes et bibliothécaires dans la formation des étudiants pré-universitaires." In 2ème Colloque International de Recherche et Action sur l’Intégrité Académique. « Les nouvelles frontières de l’intégrité ». IRAFPA, 2022.
Full textORLIANGES, Jean-Christophe, Younes El Moustakime, Aurelian Crunteanu STANESCU, Ricardo Carrizales Juarez, and Oihan Allegret. "Retour vers le perceptron - fabrication d’un neurone synthétique à base de composants électroniques analogiques simples." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2023. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Recherche sur Internet – Classement"
Aubry, Philippe, Nicolas Boileau, Marie Briandy, Marie-Christine Chauvat, Sandrine Conin, and Éric Min-Tung. Rapport sur le chantier IdRef en Normandie. Normandie Université, December 2023.
Full textTaherizadeh, Amir, and Cathrine Beaudry. Vers une meilleure compréhension de la transformation numérique optimisée par l’IA et de ses implications pour les PME manufacturières au Canada - Une recherche qualitative exploratoire. CIRANO, June 2021.
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