Academic literature on the topic 'Recherche par la pratique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Boutin-Ganache, Isabelle. "Plaidoyer pour un élargissement des pratiques de l’éthique de la recherche." Dossier : La bioéthique 2, no. 2 (April 13, 2018): 52–61.
Full textGélinas, Arthur, and Jean-Marc Pilon. "Le transfert des connaissances en recherche sociale et la transformation des pratiques sociales." Le dossier : la recherche sociale et le renouvellement des pratiques 7, no. 2 (January 22, 2008): 75–91.
Full textCohen-Émérique, Margalit. "L’approche interculturelle dans le processus d’aide." Santé mentale au Québec 18, no. 1 (September 11, 2007): 71–91.
Full textDuchastel, Jules, and Danielle Laberge. "La recherche comme espace de médiation interdisciplinaire." Sociologie et sociétés 31, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 63–76.
Full textTalérien, Stéphane Jean, Sébastien Chaliès, and Stefano Bertone. "Susciter le développement professionnel en étayant la réflexivité en formation continue : une étude de cas à l’école maternelle." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 43, no. 1 (April 14, 2021): 155–68.
Full textNault Brière, Frédéric. "La recherche d’effectivité: nature, méthodes et rôle dans la validation des interventions fondées sur les preuves." Revue de psychoéducation 46, no. 1 (May 1, 2017): 117–43.
Full textCharlier, Bernadette. "Parcours de recherche-action-formation." Revue des sciences de l'éducation 31, no. 2 (April 18, 2006): 259–72.
Full textDupré, Florence. "Les images de la parenté: exploration de quelques compositions photographiques et corporelles dans les îles Belcher (Nunavut)." Études/Inuit/Studies 38, no. 1-2 (February 25, 2015): 177–96.
Full textRamognino, Nicole. "Pratiques de la recherche sociologique et éthique." La question de l’éthique en sociologie et en sciences sociales, no. 48 (May 19, 2010): 45–63.
Full textCarpentier, Geneviève, Claudine Sauvageau, and Normand Roy. "Enjeux autour de la pratique enseignante en contexte d’enseignement distancié." Revue hybride de l'éducation 5, no. 1 (November 5, 2021): 1–30.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Georget, Jean-Philippe. "Activités de recherche et de preuve entre pairs à l'école élémentaire : perspectives ouvertes par les communautés de pratique d'enseignants." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2009.
Full textGaujal, Sophie. "Une géographie à l'école par la pratique artistique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full text: Inter-, pluri-, multi-, trans-: these many prefixes all denote how keen today's school is on making knowledge and skills circulate within a framework traditionally renowned for its segmentation. Starting from an epistomological study of the fruitful interaction between spontaneous geography and reasoned geography, this thesis offers to define and develop tools to implement it within the geography class. This research work's hypothesis is that this interaction can be positively impacted by artistic practice. To verify it, I designed and tested three tools, in an apporach that was altogether a teacher's, a trainer's and a researcher's : a photography contest, a "sensitive postcard" cartography contest, and a performance
Guigue-Durning, Michèle. "Un mémoire pour quoi faire? : pratiques cognitives, écriture et formation par la recherche." Paris 10, 1993.
Full textWhat are the cognitive processes involved when social workers are requested to write a thesis on their daily work during a training with an action research methodology ? We study 24 thesis from two different French trainings of social workers. Several different topics are addressed: how cotations either from academic texts or from daily data are taken into account by the authors of each thesis? What cognitive operations (J. Piaget, M. Bakhtine) may be identified and how are the ideas connected and organized (H. Wallon, G. Vignaux) ? These different approaches which combine specific analyses of pieces and abroad approach of thesis show structures thinking and writing strategies, especially binary organization and cautiousness
Morin, Karine. "Le processus de conscience réflexive dans la pratique de psychothérapie d'une doctorante en psychologie." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015.
Full textCaillaud, Johann. "Le standard pratiqué : une nouvelle voie de standardisation des processus métier ouverte par une recherche-action." Thesis, Paris 9, 2013.
Full textBusiness processes undergo standardization. This standardization is achieved through domination, confrontation and incorporation, means that have their origins in methods like Taylorism, reengineering or the implementation of tools such as ERP systems. Prescription and standardization of business processes, however, create problems for organizations, at the strategic, functional and operating levels. Our research attempts to uncover on one hand novel ways of standardizing processes and on the other the conditions facilitating the emergence of these new ways.Convinced that change cannot be defined any more as the imposition of an a priori model or a promulgated standard, we investigate how work practices may contribute to the creation of standards, and result in “practiced” standards. To find solutions to the problems met with current ways of standardizing, we propose a model, which places practice at the heart of a spiral of creation of organizational knowledge. Through an action research project, we analyze the effects of the implementation of this model in two different settings, namely a public banking institute and a conglomerate of national press, requiring different conditions for change.Our findings, which differ considerably from one case to the other, highlight how the “practiced” standard emerges as a novel way of standardizing. First, we notice that the “practiced” standard feeds on the promulgated standard to anchor business processes in the whole organization. Second, the emergence and the development of the “practiced” standard bring to light specific processes that operate in the organization, namely a process of sensemaking, the support of a structure of power parallel to the official one, and a process of organizational innovation
Orthous, Michelle. "Sujets et objets de recherche en éducation des adultes : Retour sur des chantiers de recherche ouverts par des formateurs d'adultes en formation." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003.
Full textThere is, in the choice of any research object, an estimation by the subject of whom he is, what he knows and what it is worth, which is analogical to what is permanently activated by adults in their life-long learning individual process. Such is the thesis of this work that examines the introductions and conclusions of the dissertations of four adult trainers, adult trainees themselves who write about training as they attend a university program for training organisation managers. This corpus makes it possible to embrace the two main objects that split the field of adult education, i. E. , on the one hand, the matter of education systems at large and on the other hand, the development process of individuals. The first part is a survey of four researches which are compared in terms of issues (personal history and its relationship to knowledge at adult age, adult trainers and their representations of training, research objects in the field of adult education, learning through writing) as well as methodologies (interview, quantitative inquiry, survey of research objects related to training, comparative study of two series of dissertations) to the approach adopted here and presented in the second part. The third part exposes the collective content analysis that ends up in the modelization of the writers' discourse echoing in the contemporary literature of the early 9Oies. The writers have employed, for their value in the conversion between praxis and theory, notions that they place, and that place them, at a non-indifferent position within the landscape of adult continuing education. The fourth part endeavours to show what is at stake, for each writer, in a text as singular as determined by the social position - subjectively, objectively - occupied before and after the writing process. The fifth part questions how the dimensions of learning at adult age - praxeology, axiology, autobiography, heuristics - explored by the writers are taken into account nowadays
Covez, Corinne. "Pratique artistique : un rapport à soi, aux autres et au monde : l'éducation par le cirque, l'école du vivre." Thesis, Lille 3, 2012.
Full textDoing an artistic activity is not easy. Nevertheless, to day in France, the scholar system creates workshops to invite the youth to get on track. The contemporary circus arts develop an aes/ethics and a practice based on unbalance and risk, that makes it particular. This study aims to discover up an action-Research thanks to a circus intervention to students in a professional high school in Northern France. This device, belonging to an Interreg Project and experimented during two intercultural French/English workshops, allowed to question the bodily, psychological, social, psychic and affective issues of a practicing third French group. The sensitive ethnographic approach highlighted their suffering life and their link to the school, enlightening, by contrast, the educative role of the circus practice within the relationship to “living”
Foropon, Cyril. "Les managers et la démarche de certification qualité QS-9000 : Recherche empirique sur les pratiques et essai de conceptualisation." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2006.
Full textThe purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the study of the quality certification process. The literature review indicates that a quality certification process aims to make production processes more reliable in order to satisfy external cutomers. To do so, managers are invited to apply the following three principles: customer focus, system approach, and continuous improvement. Differences between expected and observed practices were identified during an empirical research within a worldwide automotive supplier. This dissertation proposes an interpretation of the differences based on the metaphors framework developped by Morgan (2002). The organic way of thinking of experts, the political way of thinking of managers, and the mechanical way of thinking from the other stakeholders (Plant management, external customers, internal auditors, external auditors,. . . ) are successively highlighted
Charton, Hervé. "L'improvisation théâtrale "libre" : genèse, histoire et pratique d'un concept rare. Du Théâtre-Création (Lausanne, 1968-1975) à aujourd'hui. Étude appuyée par un laboratoire de recherche-action." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013.
Full textWe want to think of free-improvisation in theater in a continuity with traditional theatre. Theatrical improvisation has indeed grown over the last forty years as a separate field, with its ownrules and history. By dedicating ourselves to free-improvisation, we concentrate on an improvisation that does not involve a preconceived overall structure, or formal or stylistic rules, which leaves improvisers with the responsibility to decide them on the spot. Whereas common in music and dance, free-improvisation is rare or occasional in theatre. It is approached through the notion of actor-creator, as it was defined by Alain Knapp and the Théâtre-Création. This group (Lausanne,1968-1975 ) was one of the first in Europe to perform improvised plays on themes proposed by the audience. Drawing a lot from Brecht, Alain Knapp’s actor-creator has a creative autonomy and pay great detail to the way his artistic acts are inscribed in a given background and history.This distinguishes him from contemporary improvisers. Back to the present, we renew the notion of actor-creator through performativity. A set of experiments and a laboratory focused on Mary Overlie’s Viewpoints allow us to develop a practical approach to improvisation as a study of a context through a repertoire. Finally, having explained which idea of liberty is at work in free-improvisationand how to recognize it, we describe a continuum that connects it to set performances
Cattin, François. "Analyse de la pratique d'un formateur en développement dans le cadre du processus de mûrissement de l'acteur par l'entraînement intensif du corps et de la voix." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Jacques, Provost, and Saumier Alain, eds. La méthodologie de la recherche en sciences humaines: Une initiation par la pratique. Saint-Laurent: Éditions du Renouveau pédagogique (ERPI), 1995.
Find full textDonnay, Jean. Apprendre par l'analyse de pratiques: Initiation au compagnonnage réflexif. Sherbrooke, Qué: Éditions du CRP, 2006.
Find full textJouniaux, Léo. Généalogie: Pratique, méthode, recherche. Paris: Arthaud, 1991.
Find full textRecherche qualitative: Guide pratique. Montréal: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Find full textCharron, Dominique F., ed. La Recherche Écosanté en pratique. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textNiemeyer, Patrick. Java par la pratique. Paris: Ed. O'Reilly International Thomson, 1996.
Find full textLebrun, Thomas. WPF par la pratique. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.
Find full textTeam, AGI Creative, ed. HTML5 par la pratique. Paris: First interactive, 2012.
Find full textSpring par la pratique. 2nd ed. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.
Find full textSaint-Arnaud, Yves. Connaître par l'action. Montréal, Qué: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Guimarães, Jean Remy Davée, and Donna Mergler. "Un cercle vertueux en Amazonie : la réduction de l’exposition au mercure liée à la consommation de poisson passe par l’agriculture durable." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 123–33. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textCharron, Dominique F. "La recherche écosanté en pratique." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 281–300. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textAragon, Yves. "Régression linéaire par la méthode des moindres carrés." In Pratique R, 39–56. Paris: Springer Paris, 2011.
Full textCharron, Dominique F. "Écosanté – Origines et approche." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 1–33. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textBetancourt, Óscar, Ramiro Barriga, Jean Remy Davée Guimarães, Edwin Cueva, and Sebastián Betancourt. "Répercussions de l’exploitation aurifère à petite échelle en Équateur." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 135–47. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textBazzani, Roberto, and Martin Wiese. "Introduction." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 151–55. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textOkello-Onen, Joseph, Leonard E. G. Mboera, and Samuel Mugisha. "Repenser la recherche et la gestion du paludisme – les études de cas en Ouganda et en Tanzanie." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 157–70. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textMonroy, Carlota, Xochitl Castro, Dulce Maria Bustamante, Sandy Steffany Pineda, Antonieta Rodas, Barbara Moguel, Virgilio Ayala, and Javier Quiñonez. "Une approche écosystémique pour la prévention de la maladie de Chagas dans les zones rurales du Guatemala." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 171–81. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textDíaz, Cristina. "Prévention de la dengue à l’échelle locale à La Havane." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 183–92. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textTana, S., W. Abeyewickreme, N. Arunachalam, F. Espino, P. Kittayapong, K. T. Wai, O. Horstick, and J. Sommerfeld. "Recherche écobiosociale sur la dengue en Asie – principes généraux et étude de cas en Indonésie." In La Recherche Écosanté en pratique, 193–205. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Romanet, I., J. H. Catherine, P. Laurent, R. Lan, and E. Dubois. "Efficacité de l’ostéotomie interalvéolaire par piezocision : revue de la littérature." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textCiguino, Hubermane, and Bénédique Paul. "Analyse de l’impact des programmes de microfinance dans la performance des microentreprises." In Sessions du CREGED à la 30e Conférence Annuelle de Haitian Studies Association. Editions Pédagie Nouvelle & Université Quisqueya, 2021.
Full textAnténord, Jean-Baptiste, Etienne Billette de Villemeur, and Raulin L. Cadet. "Accès aux biens et services des ménages aux revenus les plus faibles : un modèle microéconomique." In Sessions du CREGED à la 30e Conférence Annuelle de Haitian Studies Association. Editions Pédagie Nouvelle & Université Quisqueya, 2021.
Full textConnes, P. "Recherche des systèmes planétaires par accélérométrie absolue." In Optique instrumentale. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 1997.
Full textPasanisi, Alberto. "Analyse d’incertitude dans la pratique industrielle : approches statistiques et probabilistes." In SIMUREX 2012 - Conception optimisée du bâtiment par la SIMUlation et le Retour d'EXpérience. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2012.
Full textSabbar, Wafae, and Abdelkrim Bekkhoucha. "Indexation Et Recherche D'Images Couleur Par La Nouvelle Matrice D'Uniformite." In 2006 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. IEEE, 2006.
Full textLIANG, Yingjie, Daniel LEVACHER, Andry RAZAKAMANANTSOA, and Dimitri DENEELE. "Sédiments fins renforcés par une matrice ciment-fibre : recherche d’une formulation optimale." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2014.
Full textSebane, Mounia, and Oumria Tamba. "Le FOU pour ne pas naviguer en eaux troubles." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textFerre, F. "Des greffes autologues aux cellules souches, quel avenir pour la chirurgie pré-implantaire ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textCHAMPAVIER, Yves, Lionel FORESTIER, Emilie GUERIN, Emilie PINAULT, Claire CARRION, Alain CHAUNAVEL, Catherine OUK, et al. "BISCEm, plateforme technologique pour l’exploration du vivant." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Recherche par la pratique"
Chambers, Robert, Naomi Vernon, and Jamie Myers. L’apprentissage rapide par l’action pour la programmation de l’assainissement et l’hygiène. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, September 2020.
Full textLe Béchec, Mariannig, Aline Bouchard, Philippe Charrier, Claire Denecker, Gabriel Gallezot, and Stéphanie Rennes. State of open science practices in france (SOSP-FR). Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, January 2022.
Full textSpira, Charlotte, Hajaniaina Rasoloarison, Morgane Cournarie, Michelle Wieland, and David Wilkie. Protocole de Recherche sur les Pratiques de Chasse Autour du Parc Naturel de Makira. Wildlife Conservation Society and Food and Agricultural Organization and Center for International Forestry Research and CIRAD, 2019.
Full textIyer, Ruhil, and Léa Pare Toe. Effet des aléas climatiques sur les pratiques d’hygiène et d’assainissement en milieu rural au Burkina Faso. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, August 2022.
Full textGruson-Daniel, Célya, and Maya Anderson-González. Étude exploratoire sur la « recherche sur la recherche » : acteurs et approches. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, November 2021.
Full textCatherine, Hugo. Étude comparative des services nationaux de données de recherche Facteurs de réussite. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, January 2021.
Full textEsquivel, Valeria, Ana Carolina Ogando, Ghida Ismail, Marcela Valdivia, Pranita Achyut, Nomancotsho Pakade, Gountiéni D. Lankoandé, and Ian Heffernan. Pourquoi la reprise après la Covid-19 doit être sexospécifique. Institute of Development Studies, March 2022.
Full textDebevec, L., E. M. F. W. Compaore-Sawadogo, L. R. Somda-Kabore, and A. D. Kando. Guide pratique. L’approche participative pour une gestion plus inclusive et durable des ressources en eau à travers les Comités Locaux de l’Eau, étape par étape: théorie, méthodologie et exemples. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2019.
Full textTaherizadeh, Amir, and Cathrine Beaudry. Vers une meilleure compréhension de la transformation numérique optimisée par l’IA et de ses implications pour les PME manufacturières au Canada - Une recherche qualitative exploratoire. CIRANO, June 2021.
Full textCorlin Christensen, Rasmus, Martin Hearson, and Tovony Randriamanalina. Une tablée plus grande, mais toujours le même menu ? Evaluer l’inclusion des pays en développement dans les négociations fiscales mondiales. Institute of Development Studies, December 2020.
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