Academic literature on the topic 'Rauscher technique'

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Journal articles on the topic "Rauscher technique"


Uvarov, I. B., D. D. Sichinava, and A. M. Manuilov. "Vacuum-assisted laparostomy with staged peritoneal lavage in management of secondary postoperative diffuse peritonitis: a prospective comparative non-randomised clinical trial." Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin 29, no. 1 (January 25, 2022): 62–76.

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Background. Secondary postoperative diffuse peritonitis (SPDP) associates with a high incidence of abdominal sepsis and 35–92% mortality rate. An optimal surgical doctrine in this complication in lacking to date.Objectives. An efficacy assessment of vacuum-assisted laparostomy (VAL) with staged lavage relative to relaparotomy on demand (RD) in SPDP patients.Methods. Patient enrolment and analyses were conducted within period 01.11.2017-31.12.2020, totalling for 141 SPDP patients, 77 (54.6%) males and 64 (45.4%) females aged 64.5 (5972.7) years. Cohort I patients (n = 52) had post-abdominal-lavage VAL using Suprasorb® SNP (SNP-1 and SNP-2) equipment and consumables (Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH, Austria). Staged lavage was performed 48-72 h apart. Cohort II (n = 78) had a standard RD technique. Cohort III (n = 11) treatment included RD-to-VAL transition. The endpoint was the inpatient treatment outcome, a favourable completion or death. The additional estimated criteria were complications rate and severity (in ACCORDION-modified Clavien-Dindo classification), sepsis rate, C-reactive protein level, abdominal index dynamics, patient’s intensive-care and total-hospital lengths of stay.Results. Cohort I included 157 staged-lavage VALs, cohort II — 107 RDs, cohort III — 49 operations. The mortality rate was 3/52 (5.8%), 24/78 (30.8%) and 7/11 (63.6%) in cohorts I, II and III (respectively, p < 0.001). No difference was observed in the length of hospital stay, with a shorter intensive care stay after final abdominal closure in cohort I. Clavien — Dindo grade 3a complications were observed for 25.0% of cohort I, 60.3 and 45.5% — of cohorts II and III (respectively, p < 0.01); grade 3b complications were 0 (0%), 24.4 and 100% in cohorts I, II and III (respectively, p < 0.001; all 11 patients were reoperated). Multiple organ failure (grade 4b) was reported in 5.8, 30.8 and 63.6% of cohorts I, II and III (respectively, p < 0.001). By end of treatment, sepsis had resolved in 9/11 (81.8%) patients in cohort I, 5/24 (20.8%) and 1/6 (16.7%) — in cohorts II and III (respectively, p = 0.002).Conclusion. Programmed staged-lavage VAL is an optimal surgical treatment tactics in SPDP. Relative to RD, VAL provides a more effective management of local and systemic abdominal sepsis, lower mortality, fewer and less sever complications, shorter intensive care stays after abdominal closure.
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Zhang, Haijiang, Kuiwu Wang, Jie Wu, Yao Chen, and Peipei He. "A New Flavonoid Glycoside from Vaccaria hispanica." Natural Product Communications 6, no. 11 (November 2011): 1934578X1100601.

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A profiling analysis for the methanol extract of the seeds of Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert was performed using a HPLC-ESIMS technique. Five compounds were identified according to their retention times, UV spectroscopic and MS features, and by comparison with literature data. Among them, a new flavonoid glycoside, named vaccarin H, was isolated and the structure determined by spectral and chemical analysis as isovitexin 2″- O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-4′- O-(6″″- O-dihydroferuloyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside.
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Andersen, Karin, Hilda Lei Ching, and Rolf Vik. "A review of freshwater species of Diphyllobothrium with redescriptions and the distribution of D. dendriticum (Nitzsch, 1824) and D. ditremum (Creplin, 1825) from North America." Canadian Journal of Zoology 65, no. 9 (September 1, 1987): 2216–28.

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Plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium were studied from fish samples representing eight species of salmonids from British Columbia, Wyoming, Quebec, and Maine. Adults were studied mainly from experimental infections of golden hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus (Waterhouse). Using scanning electron microscopy and histological techniques, the plerocercoids and adults were identified as Diphyllobothrium dendriticum or Diphyllobothrium ditremum. Morphological comparisons were made with European specimens of these two species and those of Diphyllobothrium latum (Linnaeus, 1758). Among the nine freshwater species reviewed, Diphyllobothrium cordiceps (Leidy, 1872), Diphyllobothrium sebago (Ward, 1910), and Diphyllobothrium ursi Rausch, 1954, are considered synonyms of Diphyllobothrium dendriticum.
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Siegel, Steffen. "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst – Zur Auflösung des Bildes." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 58, no. 2 (2013): 11–36.

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Die Geschichte der Fotografie formiert sich nicht allein anhand der Vielfalt verschiedener Techniken und Materialien, Motive und Stile. Ein wesentlicher Teil dieser Geschichte sind wir selbst – als die Betrachter fotografischer Bilder. Denn das, was sich auf einer Fotografie sehen lässt, wird auf weitreichende Weise durch unsere eigenen Erwartungen und Annahmen über die Leistungskraft eben dieser Bilder geprägt. Zum Einsatz gelangen hierbei noch immer Techniken der Betrachtung, die sich bis in die Anfangsphase fotografischer Bildlichkeit zurückverfolgen lassen. Bildersehen wird hierbei als eine Handlung verständlich, die sich in doppelter Weise auf die Auflösung der Fotografie richtet: zunächst als Merkmal der Mikrostruktur des Bildes; schließlich aber als ein Effekt, der gerade diese Formen in ein bedeutungsloses Rauschen überführt. The history of photography is more than just a variety of techniques, materials, motives and styles. We the spectators of photographs, also figure as a crucial part of that history. What can be perceived in a photograph is shaped in a far-reaching manner by our own expectations and assumptions of photography’s capacity to show us something. Thus we continue to make use of techniques of observation that were established in the medium’s formative years. Looking at these pictures can be seen as an operation that deals with a tension between resolution and decomposition. In the end, our interest in the microstructure of photographic imagery produces visual forms without any denotation.
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Weber, Berthold, Martina Herrmann, Beate Hartmann, Holger Joppe, Claus O. Schmidt, and Heinz-Jürgen Bertram. "HPLC/MS and HPLC/NMR as hyphenated techniques for accelerated characterization of the main constituents in Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita [L.] Rauschert)." European Food Research and Technology 226, no. 4 (March 8, 2007): 755–60.

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Loske, Gunnar, Tobias Schorsch, Frank Rucktaeschel, Wolfgang Schulze, Burkhard Riefel, Vera van Ackeren, and Christian Mueller. "Open-pore film drainage (OFD): a new multipurpose tool for endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT)." Endoscopy International Open 06, no. 07 (July 2018): E865—E871.

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Abstract Background and study aims Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) has been developed to treat gastrointestinal leakages. Up to now, ENPT has usually been performed with open-pore polyurethane foam drains (OPD). A big disadvantage of the OPDs is their large diameter. We have developed a new, small-bore open-pore film drainage (OFD). Herein we report our first experience in a case series of 16 patients. Patients and methods OFD is constructed with a drainage tube and a very thin double-layered open-pore drainage film (Suprasorb CNP, Drainage Film, Lohmann & Rauscher International, Germany). The distal end of the tube is wrapped with only one layer of film. OFD is placed into the gastrointestinal leakage site with common endoscopic techniques. The tube is connected to an electronic vacuum device and continuous negative pressure of –125 mmHg applied. Results From 2013 to 2016, 16 patients were treated with the new OFD device. In 10 patients, transmural intestinal defects (4 esophageal, 4 rectum/colon, 1 duodenal, 1 pancreatic cyst) were closed with ENPT in median time of 12 days (range 3 – 34 days). Five of the 10 patients were treated solely with OFD devices. In five patients ENPT started with ODP and changed to OFD when the cavity was shrunken to a channel with a small opening. In four patients postoperative gastric reflux was eliminated for 5 to 16 days. Conclusions Small-bore OFD opens up promising new treatment options within ENPT. OFD can be used in endoscopic closure management of intestinal leakages in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. Gastric reflux can be eliminated in an active manner. OFD can be inserted nasally. OFD may be an adequate substitute for OPD, especially when placement of the larger OPD is difficult.Meeting presentations: The authorsʼ experience was first reported in an oral presentation at the 46th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren in Mannheim (DGE-BV), 17. – 19.03.2016.
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David Suits, L., TC Sheahan, and RY Liang. "Closure to “Discussion of ‘New Wave Equation Technique for High Strain Impact Testing of Driven Piles’ by Frank Rausche, George Goble, and Garland Likins” by Robert Y. Liang." Geotechnical Testing Journal 28, no. 6 (2005): 14147.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Rauscher technique"


Успенський, Борис Валерійович. "Нелінійні нормальні форми коливань силових передач двигунів внутрішнього згоряння." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю05.02.09 – динаміка та міцність мащин. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2016. Дисертацію присвячено розробці методів розрахунку нелінійних нормальних форм механічних систем, що моделюють крутильні коливання силових передач двигунів внутрішнього згоряння. В роботі запропоновано ряд чисельних та чисельно-аналітичних методів, що дозволяють знаходити нелінійні нормальні форми кусково-лінійних систем, які моделюють окремі ланки силових передач. В роботі запропоновано модифікацію методу нелінійних нормальних форм Шоу-П'єра, яка дозволила значно підвищити швидкодію та точність методу. Розроблена методика форм Шоу-П’єра разом із модифікованим методом Раушера дозволила знаходити нелінійні нормальні форми Шоу-П'єра вимушених коливань кусково-лінійних систем. Розроблено чисельні методи пошуку нелінійних нормальних форм Каудерера-Розенберга вільних та вимушених коливань кусково-лінійних систем. Знайдено нелінійні нормальні форми Шоу-П'єра вільних коливань силової передачі дизельного двигуна 3ТД-4 та зроблено висновки щодо характеру коливань силової передачі в резонансних та нерезонансних областях.
The thesis in qualification for a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Science in specialty 05.02.09 – dynamicsand strength of machines, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is devoted to development of approaches and methods for analysis of nonlinear normal modes of torsion vibrationsin power transmissions. In the work a variety of both numerical and semi numerical methods of calculating nonlinear normal modes in piecewise linear systems is introduced. Numerical methods for calculating the Kauderer-Rosenberg normal modes in piecewise linear systems can be used for analysis of small number-of-degrees systems with strong piecewise linear nonlinearity, both free and under harmonic excitation. Semi numerical methods for obtaining Shaw-Pierre nonlinear normal modes in piecewise linear systems are introduced. The basis Shaw-Pierre NNM technique is modified for better precision and speed. Developed modifications allowed analyzing a 15-degrees-of-freedom model of torsion vibrations in power transmission of a diesel. High efficiency and precision of the modified Shaw-Pierre NNMs technique allows its using for parametrical and structural synthesis of power transmissions.
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Успенский, Борис Валерьевич. "Нелинейные нормальные формы колебаний силовых передач двигателей внутреннего сгорания." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016.

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Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.02.09 – динамика и прочность машин. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Харьков, 2016. Диссертация посвящена разработке методов расчёта нелинейных нормальных форм механических систем, моделирующих крутильные колебаний силовых передач двигателей внутреннего сгорания. В работе предложен ряд численных и численно-аналитических методов, позволяющих находить нелинейные нормальные формы кусочно-линейных систем, моделирующих отдельные звенья силовых передач. Предложена модификация метода нелинейных нормальных форм Шоу-Пьера, которая позволяет значительно увеличить быстродействие и точность этого метода. Благодаря разработанной методике анализа кусочно-линейных систем появилась возможность расчёта нелинейных нормальных форм Шоу-Пьера в системах с большим числом степеней свободы и кусочно-линейными упругими характеристиками. Это позволило решить задачу расчёта нелинейных колебаний реальных моделей силовых передач, в частности, силовой передачи двигателя 3ТД-4. Метод форм Шоу-Пьера продемонстрировал высокую точность и эффективность, что подтверждается сравнением с результатами численного интегрирования дифференциальных уравнений крутильных колебаний силовых передач. Разработанная методика поиска форм Шоу-Пьера в сочетании с модифицированным методом Раушера позволила находить нелинейные нормальные формы Шоу-Пьера вынужденных колебаний кусочно-линейных систем. Численный анализ установившихся колебаний силовых передач под действием периодического внешнего крутящего момента позволяет утверждать, что в резонансных областях движения происходят по нелинейным нормальным формам. При этом диссипация практически не влияет на вид нелинейных нормальных форм. Расчёт нелинейных нормальных форм Шоу-Пьера свободных колебаний силовой передачи дизельного двигателя 3ТД-4 позволил сделать выводы о параметрах динамической прочности передачи.
The thesis in qualification for a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Science in specialty 05.02.09 – dynamicsand strength of machines, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis is devoted to development of approaches and methods for analysis of nonlinear normal modes of torsion vibrationsin power transmissions. In the work a variety of both numerical and semi numerical methods of calculating nonlinear normal modes in piecewise linear systems is introduced. Numerical methods for calculating the Kauderer-Rosenberg normal modes in piecewise linear systems can be used for analysis of small number-of-degrees systems with strong piecewise linear nonlinearity, both free and under harmonic excitation. Semi numerical methods for obtaining Shaw-Pierre nonlinear normal modes in piecewise linear systems are introduced. The basis Shaw-Pierre NNM technique is modified for better precision and speed. Developed modifications allowed analyzing a 15-degrees-of-freedom model of torsion vibrations in power transmission of a diesel. High efficiency and precision of the modified Shaw-Pierre NNMs technique allows its using for parametrical and structural synthesis of power transmissions.
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Strollo, Angelo. "Development of techniques for earthquake microzonation studies in different urban environment." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2010.

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The proliferation of megacities in many developing countries, and their location in areas where they are exposed to a high risk from large earthquakes, coupled with a lack of preparation, demonstrates the requirement for improved capabilities in hazard assessment, as well as the rapid adjustment and development of land-use planning. In particular, within the context of seismic hazard assessment, the evaluation of local site effects and their influence on the spatial distribution of ground shaking generated by an earthquake plays an important role. It follows that the carrying out of earthquake microzonation studies, which aim at identify areas within the urban environment that are expected to respond in a similar way to a seismic event, are essential to the reliable risk assessment of large urban areas. Considering the rate at which many large towns in developing countries that are prone to large earthquakes are growing, their seismic microzonation has become mandatory. Such activities are challenging and techniques suitable for identifying site effects within such contexts are needed. In this dissertation, I develop techniques for investigating large-scale urban environments that aim at being non-invasive, cost-effective and quickly deployable. These peculiarities allow one to investigate large areas over a relative short time frame, with a spatial sampling resolution sufficient to provide reliable microzonation. Although there is a negative trade-off between the completeness of available information and extent of the investigated area, I attempt to mitigate this limitation by combining two, what I term layers, of information: in the first layer, the site effects at a few calibration points are well constrained by analyzing earthquake data or using other geophysical information (e.g., shear-wave velocity profiles); in the second layer, the site effects over a larger areal coverage are estimated by means of single-station noise measurements. The microzonation is performed in terms of problem-dependent quantities, by considering a proxy suitable to link information from the first layer to the second one. In order to define the microzonation approach proposed in this work, different methods for estimating site effects have been combined and tested in Potenza (Italy), where a considerable amount of data was available. In particular, the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio computed for seismic noise recorded at different sites has been used as a proxy to combine the two levels of information together and to create a microzonation map in terms of spectral intensity ratio (SIR). In the next step, I applied this two-layer approach to Istanbul (Turkey) and Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). A similar hybrid approach, i.e., combining earthquake and noise data, has been used for the microzonation of these two different urban environments. For both cities, after having calibrated the fundamental frequencies of resonance estimated from seismic noise with those obtained by analysing earthquakes (first layer), a fundamental frequency map has been computed using the noise measurements carried out within the town (second layer). By applying this new approach, maps of the fundamental frequency of resonance for Istanbul and Bishkek have been published for the first time. In parallel, a microzonation map in terms of SIR has been incorporated into a risk scenario for the Potenza test site by means of a dedicated regression between spectral intensity (SI) and macroseismic intensity (EMS). The scenario study confirms the importance of site effects within the risk chain. In fact, their introduction into the scenario led to an increase of about 50% in estimates of the number of buildings that would be partially or totally collapsed. Last, but not least, considering that the approach developed and applied in this work is based on measurements of seismic noise, their reliability has been assessed. A theoretical model describing the self-noise curves of different instruments usually adopted in microzonation studies (e.g., those used in Potenza, Istanbul and Bishkek) have been considered and compared with empirical data recorded in Cologne (Germany) and Gubbio (Italy). The results show that, depending on the geological and environmental conditions, the instrumental noise could severely bias the results obtained by recording and analysing ambient noise. Therefore, in this work I also provide some guidelines for measuring seismic noise.
Aufgrund des enormen Wachstums neuer Megastädte und deren Vordringen in gefährdete Gebiete auf der einen Seite sowie der mangelnden Erdbebenvorsorge in vielen Entwicklungsländern auf der anderen Seite sind verbesserte Verfahren für die Beurteilung der Gefährdung sowie eine rasche Umsetzung bei der Raumplanung erforderlich. Im Rahmen der seismischen Gefährdungsabschätzung spielt insbesondere die Beurteilung lokaler Standorteffekte und deren Einfluss auf die durch ein Erdbeben verursachte räumliche Verteilung der Bodenerschütterung eine wichtige Rolle. Es ist daher unabdingbar, mittels seismischer Mikrozonierungsstudien diejenigen Bereiche innerhalb dicht besiedelter Gebiete zu ermitteln, in denen ein ähnliches Verhalten im Falle seismischer Anregung erwartet wird, um daraus eine zuverlässige Basis bei der Risikoabschätzung großer städtischer Gebiete zu erhalten. Aufgrund des schnellen Wachstums vieler Großstädte in Entwicklungsländern ist eine seismische Mikrozonierung zwingend erforderlich, stellt aber auch eine große Herausforderung dar; insbesondere müssen Verfahren verfügbar sein, mit deren Hilfe rasch eine Abschätzung der Standorteffekte durchgeführt werden kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickle ich daher Verfahren für die Untersuchung in Großstädten, die darauf abzielen, nicht-invasiv, kostengünstig und schnell durchführbar zu sein. Damit lassen sich innerhalb eines relativ kurzen Zeitraums große Gebiete untersuchen, falls der räumlichen Abstand zwischen den Messpunkten klein genug ist, um eine zuverlässige Mikrozonierung zu gewährleisten. Obwohl es eine gegenläufige Tendenz zwischen der Vollständigkeit aller Informationen und der Größe des untersuchten Gebiets gibt, versuche ich, diese Einschränkung durch Verknüpfung zweier Informationsebenen zu umgehen: In der ersten Ebene werden die Standorteffekte für einige Kalibrierungspunkte durch die Analyse von Erdbeben oder mittels anderer geophysikalischer Datensätze (z.B. Scherwellengeschwindigkeitsprofile) bestmöglich abgeschätzt, in der zweiten Ebene werden die Standorteffekte durch Einzelstationsmessungen des seismischen Rauschens für ein größeres Gebiet bestimmt. Die Mikrozonierung erfolgt hierbei mittels spezifischer, fallabhängiger Parameter unter Berücksichtigung eines geeigneten Anknüpfungspunktes zwischen den beiden Informationensebenen. Um diesen Ansatz der Mikrozonierung, der in dieser Arbeit verfolgt wurde, zu präzisieren, wurden in Potenza (Italien), wo eine beträchtliche Menge an Daten verfügbar war, verschiedene Verfahren untersucht. Insbesondere kann das Spektralverhältnis zwischen den horizontalen und vertikalen Seismometerkomponenten, welche für das seismische Rauschen an mehreren Orten aufgenommen wurde, als eine erste Näherung für die relative Verstärkung der Bodenbewegung verwendet werden, um darauf aufbauend die beiden Informationsebenen zu verknüpfen und eine Mikrozonierung hinsichtlich des Verhältnisses der spektralen Intensität durchzuführen. Anschließend führte ich diesen Zwei-Ebenen-Ansatz auch für Istanbul (Türkei) und Bischkek (Kirgisistan) durch. Für die Mikrozonierung dieser beiden Städte habe ich denselben Hybridansatz, der Daten von Erdbeben und von seismischem Rauschen verbindet, verwendet. Für beide Städte wurde nach Gegenüberstellung der Resonanzfrequenz des Untergrunds, die zum einen mit Hilfe des seismischen Rauschens, zum anderen durch Analyse von Erdbebendaten bestimmt worden ist (erste Ebene), eine Karte der Resonanzfrequenz unter Verwendung weiterer Messungen des seismischen Rauschens innerhalb des Stadtgebiets erstellt (zweite Ebene). Durch die Anwendung dieses neuen Ansatzes sind vor kurzem zum ersten Mal auch Karten für die Resonanzfrequenz des Untergrunds für Istanbul und Bischkek veröffentlicht worden. Parallel dazu wurde für das Testgebiet in Potenza eine auf dem spektralen Intensitätsverhältnis (SIR) basierende Mikrozonierungskarte in ein Risikoszenario mittels der Regression zwischen SIR und makroseismischer Intensität (EMS) integriert. Diese Szenariostudie bestätigt die Bedeutung von Standorteffekten innerhalb der Risikokette; insbesondere führt deren Einbeziehung in das Szenario zu einem Anstieg von etwa 50% bei der Zahl der Gebäude, für die ein teilweiser oder gar vollständiger Zusammenbruch erwartet werden kann. Abschließend wurde der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte und angewandte Ansatz auf seine Zuverlässigkeit geprüft. Ein theoretisches Modell, das zur Beschreibung des Eigenrauschens verschiedener Instrumente, die in der Regel in Mikrozonierungsstudien (z. B. in Potenza, Istanbul und Bischkek) zum Einsatz kommen, wurde untersucht, und die Ergebnisse wurden mit Daten verglichen, die vorher bereits in Köln (Deutschland) und Gubbio (Italien) aufgenommen worden waren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass abhängig von den geologischen und umgebenden Bedingungen das Eigenrauschen der Geräte die Ergebnisse bei der Analyse des seismischen Rauschens stark verzerren kann. Deshalb liefere ich in dieser Arbeit auch einige Leitlinien für die Durchführung von Messungen des seismischen Rauschens.
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Wedekind, Daniel, Alexander Trumpp, Frederik Gaetjen, Stefan Rasche, Klaus Matschke, Hagen Malberg, and Sebastian Zaunseder. "Assessment of blind source separation techniques for video-based cardiac pulse extraction." SPIE, 2017.

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Blind source separation (BSS) aims at separating useful signal content from distortions. In the contactless acquisition of vital signs by means of the camera-based photoplethysmogram (cbPPG), BSS has evolved the most widely used approach to extract the cardiac pulse. Despite its frequent application, there is no consensus about the optimal usage of BSS and its general benefit. This contribution investigates the performance of BSS to enhance the cardiac pulse from cbPPGs in dependency to varying input data characteristics. The BSS input conditions are controlled by an automated spatial preselection routine of regions of interest. Input data of different characteristics (wavelength, dominant frequency, and signal quality) from 18 postoperative cardiovascular patients are processed with standard BSS techniques, namely principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). The effect of BSS is assessed by the spectral signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) of the cardiac pulse. The preselection of cbPPGs, appears beneficial providing higher SNR compared to standard cbPPGs. Both, PCA and ICA yielded better outcomes by using monochrome inputs (green wavelength) instead of inputs of different wavelengths. PCA outperforms ICA for more homogeneous input signals. Moreover, for high input SNR, the application of ICA using standard contrast is likely to decrease the SNR.
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Books on the topic "Rauscher technique"


Kinzig, Wolfram, and Jochen Sautermeister, eds. Rausch. Ergon – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020.

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From the earliest periods of history human beings have used mind-altering substances. In addition, in almost all religions we find techniques for meditation which may induce states of trance or ecstasy which serve to facilitate experiencing the divine. Yet in many societies, trance, ecstasy and even intoxication are taboo unless they are practiced in social spaces authorized for their use, like nightclubs, or where they are seen as culturally productive, as in the visual arts, music, or literature. Further complicating matters, the legitimacy of drug-induced mind-altering states is controversial among jurists, educators, and physicians. Those arguing in favour often point to the alleged religious basis of Rausch, while those opposing this right often cite a moral duty to sobriety. Whether religious, reckless, chemically induced or all of these, the whole constellation of phenomena is encompassed by the single German word Rausch. In 2019, a series of lectures delivered at the University of Bonn focused on the societal ambivalences surrounding Rausch from an interdisciplinary perspective – as a religious, psychological, social, legal, and cultural phenomenon. The results of this extraordinary series are documented in this volume. With contributions by Clemens Albrecht, Christoph Antweiler, Andreas Bell, Walter Bruchhausen, Robert Feustel, Dorothee Gall, Albert Gerhards, Tobias Janz, Jörg Kinzig, Wolfram Kinzig, Alexandra Philipsen, Irmgard Rüsenberg, Markus Saur, Jochen Sautermeister, Detlef Siegfried, Christoph Schreier, Birgitta Sträter, Nathalie Thies.
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