Journal articles on the topic 'Radiocesium transfert'
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Laceby, J. P., C. Chartin, O. Evrard, Y. Onda, L. Garcia-Sanchez, and O. Cerdan. "Rainfall erosivity in subtropical catchments and implications for erosion and particle-bound contaminant transfer: a case-study of the Fukushima region." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 12, no. 7 (July 30, 2015): 7225–66.
Full textLaceby, J. Patrick, Caroline Chartin, Olivier Evrard, Yuichi Onda, Laurent Garcia-Sanchez, and Olivier Cerdan. "Rainfall erosivity in catchments contaminated with fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, no. 6 (June 23, 2016): 2467–82.
Full textShinano, T. "Review: Agricultural Countermeasure against Radiocesium Contaminated Field." Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences 2, no. 4 (April 7, 2021): 228–31.
Full textHolleman, D. F., R. G. White, and A. C. Allaye-Chan. "Modelling of radiocesium transfer in the lichen-reindeer/caribou-wolf food chain." Rangifer 10, no. 3 (September 1, 1990): 39.
Full textVitorovic, D., G. Vitorovic, B. Mitrovic, and V. Andric. "Natural sepiolite efficiency in reducing 137Cs transfer and deposition into meat and edible organs of broiler chickens." Biotehnologija u stocarstvu 27, no. 2 (2011): 183–88.
Full textJones, Bernt-E. V., Olof Eriksson, and Magnus Nordkvist. "Radiocesium metabolism in reindeer." Rangifer 10, no. 3 (September 1, 1990): 45.
Full textShizuma, Kiyoshi, Wim Ikbal Nursal, and Yushi Sakurai. "Long-Term Monitoring of Radiocesium Concentration in Sediments and River Water along Five Rivers in Minami-Soma City during 2012–2016 Following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident." Applied Sciences 8, no. 8 (August 7, 2018): 1319.
Full textLepage, H., O. Evrard, Y. Onda, I. Lefèvre, J. P. Laceby, and S. Ayrault. "Depth distribution of radiocesium in Fukushima paddy fields and implications for ongoing decontamination works." SOIL Discussions 1, no. 1 (September 19, 2014): 401–28.
Full textEvrard, Olivier, Thomas Chalaux-Clergue, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, and Yves Thiry. "Research and management challenges following soil and landscape decontamination at the onset of the reopening of the Difficult-to-Return Zone, Fukushima (Japan)." SOIL 9, no. 2 (September 6, 2023): 479–97.
Full textDvořák, Petr, Petr Snášel, and Katarína Beňová. "Transfer of Radiocesium into Wild Boar Meat." Acta Veterinaria Brno 79, no. 9 (2010): S85—S91.
Full textShinano, Takuro, Toshihiro Watanabe, Qingnan Chu, Mitsuru Osaki, Daisuke Kobayashi, Toshiyasu Okouchi, Hisaya Matsunami, Osamu Nagata, Keiki Okazaki, and Takuji Nakamura. "Varietal difference in radiocesium uptake and transfer from radiocesium deposited soils in the genusAmaranthus." Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60, no. 6 (June 17, 2014): 809–17.
Full textTagami, Keiko, and Shigeo Uchida. "Mass Interception Fractions and Weathering Half-lives of Iodine-131 and Radiocesium in Leafy Vegetables Observed after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident." Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 46, no. 4 (December 30, 2021): 178–83.
Full textJohanson, Karl J., Gunnel Karlen, and Jan Bertilsson. "The transfer of radiocesium from pasture to milk." Science of The Total Environment 85 (September 1989): 73–80.
Full textEvrard, Olivier, Caroline Chartin, J. Patrick Laceby, Yuichi Onda, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Atsushi Nakao, Olivier Cerdan, et al. "Radionuclide contamination in flood sediment deposits in the coastal rivers draining the main radioactive pollution plume of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (2011–2020)." Earth System Science Data 13, no. 6 (June 7, 2021): 2555–60.
Full textAssimakopoulos, P. A., K. G. Ioannides, D. Karamanis, A. Lagoyannis, A. A. Pakou, Nikolaou E. Koutsotolis, A. Arkhipov, et al. "Ratios of Transfer Coefficients for Radiocesium Transport in Ruminants." Health Physics 69, no. 3 (September 1995): 410–14.
Full textIoannides, K. G., C. A. Papachristodoulou, T. J. Mertzimekis, and C. E. Tzialla. "EFFECT OF SOIL AMENDMENTS ON RADIOCESIUM TRANSFER TO ALFALFA." Health Physics 84, no. 5 (May 2003): 637–41.
Full textGaso, M. I., M. L. Cervantes, N. Segovia, and S. Salazar. "Soil-fungi radiocesium transfer in forest ecosystems in Mexico." Environment International 22 (January 1996): 365–68.
Full textSakashita, Wataru, Satoru Miura, Akio Akama, Shinta Ohashi, Shigeto Ikeda, Tomoyuki Saitoh, Masabumi Komatsu, Yoshiki Shinomiya, and Shinji Kaneko. "Assessment of vertical radiocesium transfer in soil via roots." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 222 (October 2020): 106369.
Full textRahman, M., M. Rahman ., M. M. Rahman ., A. Koddus ., and G. U. Ahmad . "Transfer of Radiocesium from Soil-to-Plant by Field Experiment." Journal of Biological Sciences 7, no. 4 (May 1, 2007): 673–76.
Full textRigol, Anna, Marta Camps, Anna De Juan, Gemma Rauret, and Miquel Vidal. "Multivariate Soft-Modeling To Predict Radiocesium Soil-to-Plant Transfer." Environmental Science & Technology 42, no. 11 (June 2008): 4029–36.
Full textFrissel, M. J., D. L. Deb, M. Fathony, Y. M. Lin, A. S. Mollah, N. T. Ngo, I. Othman, et al. "Generic values for soil-to-plant transfer factors of radiocesium." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 58, no. 2-3 (January 2002): 113–28.
Full textAbsalom, J. P., S. D. Young, N. M. J. Crout, A. F. Nisbet, R. F. M. Woodman, E. Smolders, and A. G. Gillett. "Predicting Soil to Plant Transfer of Radiocesium Using Soil Characteristics." Environmental Science & Technology 33, no. 8 (April 1999): 1218–23.
Full textIshii, Yumiko, Hikaru Miura, Jaeick Jo, Hideki Tsuji, Rie Saito, Kazuma Koarai, Hiroki Hagiwara, et al. "Radiocesium-bearing microparticles cause a large variation in 137Cs activity concentration in the aquatic insect Stenopsyche marmorata (Tricoptera: Stenopsychidae) in the Ota River, Fukushima, Japan." PLOS ONE 17, no. 5 (May 20, 2022): e0268629.
Full textEleftheriou, G., and M. Iøsjpe. "Towards the development of a radiological box model for Aegean Sea: considerations and perspectives." HNPS Proceedings 24 (April 1, 2019): 280.
Full textIvanova, О. М., М. І. Chepurny, S. V. Masiuk, V. V. Vasylenko, M. S. Kuriata, V. B. Buderatska, Z. N. Boiko, et al. "METHODOLOGY OF RECONSTRUCTION OF INTERNAL DOSES FROM 137Cs AND 134Cs OF RESIDENTS OF RADIOACTIVELY CONTAMINATED SETTLEMENTS IN UKRAINE NOT COVERED BY WBC MONITORING." Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології = Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology 29 (2024): 115–51.
Full textRavila, A., and E. Holm. "A survey of present levels of radiocesium in Swedish pulp mill liquors and the implications for wood radiocesium transfer factors." Science of The Total Environment 222, no. 3 (October 1998): 185–92.
Full textUCHIDA, Shigeo, Misako SUMIYA, Setsuko YOKOSUKA, and Yoichiro OHMOMO. "Transfer of radionuclides to crop plants through roots. Radiocesium and strontium." RADIOISOTOPES 36, no. 11 (1987): 575–80.
Full textKonoplev, A. V., R. Avila, and A. A. Bulgakov. "Model of radiocesium transfer from soil to understorey in forest ecosystems." Radioprotection 37, no. C1 (February 2002): C1–25—C1–30.
Full textSukmabuana, Putu, I. Gede Pranawiditia, Rasito Tursinah, and Juni Chussetijowati. "Transfer factor of Radiocesium from soil to spinach plant (Amaranthus sp)." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1436 (January 2020): 012110.
Full textGiese, W. W. "Countermeasures for reducing the transfer of radiocesium to animal derived foods." Science of The Total Environment 85 (September 1989): 317–27.
Full textPouil, Simon, Jean-Louis Teyssié, Scott W. Fowler, Marc Metian, and Michel Warnau. "Interspecific comparison of radiocesium trophic transfer in two tropical fish species." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 189 (September 2018): 261–65.
Full textHove, Knut, Hans Staaland, and Øyvind Pedersen. "Hexacyanoferrates and bentonite as binders of radiocaesium for reindeer." Rangifer 11, no. 2 (October 1, 1991): 43.
Full textTakeda, Akira, Hirofumi Tsukada, Noriko Yamaguchi, Megumi Takeuchi, Mutsuto Sato, Atsushi Nakao, and Shun’ichi Hisamatsu. "Relationship between the radiocesium interception potential and the transfer of radiocesium from soil to soybean cultivated in 2011 in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 137 (November 2014): 119–24.
Full textFujimura, Shigeto, Tetsuya Eguchi, Hisaya Matsunami, Takeshi Ota, Toshifumi Murakami, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Tomoyuki Makino, et al. "Transfer Factors of Radiocesium to Brown Rice in the Decontaminated Paddy Field." Japanese journal of crop science 85, no. 2 (2016): 211–17.
Full textNisbet, A. F., and R. F. M. Woodman. "SOIL-TO-PLANT TRANSFER FACTORS FOR RADIOCESIUM AND RADIOSTRONTIUM IN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS." Health Physics 78, no. 3 (March 2000): 279–88.
Full textYasutaka, Tetsuo, Hiroko Miyoshi, and Kaoru Ito. "Transfer of radiocesium from hydroponic medium to potherb mustard and tomato plants." Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60, no. 6 (June 20, 2014): 818–23.
Full textSato, Mamoru, Daisuke Takata, Keitaro Tanoi, Tsutomu Ohtsuki, and Yasuyuki Muramatsu. "Radiocesium transfer into the fruit of deciduous fruit trees contaminated during dormancy." Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61, no. 1 (November 5, 2014): 156–64.
Full textPietrzak-Flis, Z., P. Krajewski, G. Krajewska, and N. R. Sunderland. "Transfer of radiocesium from uncultivated soils to grass after the Chernobyl accident." Science of The Total Environment 141, no. 1-3 (January 1994): 147–53.
Full textHoward, B. J., R. W. Mayes, N. A. Beresford, and C. S. Lamb. "Transfer of Radiocesium from Different Environmental Sources to Ewes and Suckling Lambs." Health Physics 57, no. 4 (October 1989): 579–86.
Full textIoannides, K. G., A. S. Mantzios, and C. P. Pappas. "Influence of Prussian Blue in Reducing Transfer of Radiocesium into Ovine Milk." Health Physics 60, no. 2 (February 1991): 261–64.
Full textGradašević, Nedzad, and Muhamed Katica. "Transfer of 40K and 137Cs from diet into meat of ruminants: analogy or not?" Meso 19, no. 4 (2017): 338–45.
Full textEvrard, Olivier, J. Patrick Laceby, and Atsushi Nakao. "Effectiveness of landscape decontamination following the Fukushima nuclear accident: a review." SOIL 5, no. 2 (December 12, 2019): 333–50.
Full textKato, Hiroaki, Yuichi Onda, Xiang Gao, Yukihisa Sanada, and Kimiaki Saito. "Reconstruction of a Fukushima accident-derived radiocesium fallout map for environmental transfer studies." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 210 (December 2019): 105996.
Full textSoliman, SM, Ahmed A. Moursy, and HS Eissab. "Effects of potassium fertilization on Radiocaesium transfer from sandy soil to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)." Bangladesh Journal of Botany 48, no. 2 (June 30, 2019): 387–94.
Full textBesson, B., L. Pourcelot, E. Lucot, and P. M. Badot. "Variations in the transfer of radiocesium (137Cs) and radiostrontium (90Sr) from milk to cheese." Journal of Dairy Science 92, no. 11 (November 2009): 5363–70.
Full textTONOSAKI, Mario. "The Transfer of Radiocesium to Tree Stem and the Safely Utilization of Wood Products." TRENDS IN THE SCIENCES 18, no. 6 (2013): 6_80–6_81.
Full textHoward, B. J., N. A. Beresford, and K. Hove. "Transfer of Radiocesium to Ruminants in Natural and Semi-natural Ecosystems and Appropriate Countermeasures." Health Physics 61, no. 6 (December 1991): 715–25.
Full textPan, Ke, and Wen-Xiong Wang. "Radiocesium uptake, trophic transfer, and exposure in three estuarine fish with contrasting feeding habits." Chemosphere 163 (November 2016): 499–507.
Full textLi, Peiran, Yingting Gong, Taku Tanaka, Yves Thiry, Qiliang Huang, and Masakazu Komatsuzaki. "Modeling long-term transfers of radiocesium in farmland under different tillage and cover crop treatments." Science of The Total Environment 907 (January 2024): 167849.
Full textNoordijk, H., K. E. van Bergeijk, J. Lembrechts, and M. J. Frissel. "Impact of ageing and weather conditions on soil-to-plant transfer of radiocesium and radiostrontium." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 15, no. 3 (January 1992): 277–86.
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