Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Radiative simulation'
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Ramamoorthy, Babila. "Numerical simulation of radiative heat transfer." Birmingham, Ala. : University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008. https://www.mhsl.uab.edu/dt/2009r/ramamoorthy.pdf.
Full textGonzales, Matthias. "Contribution à l'étude numérique de l'hydrodynamique radiative : Des expériences de chocs radiatifs aux jets astrophysiques." Paris 11, 2006. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00110290.
Full textRadiation-hydrodynamics deals with the dynamical interaction between gas and radiation. Its applications lie from astrophysics to inertial confinement fusion. During this thesis, a 3D parallel radiation-hydrodynamics code called HERACLES has been developed. It relies upon the M1 model which can deal with anisotropic radiation field. Various tests have validated HERACLES upon a large variety of physical conditions, including semi-transparent regime and photon diffusion, its results being similar to those of Monte-Carlo codes. It has then been applied to two domains. The first one dealt with radiative shocks, astrophysical phenomena reproduced on Earth thanks to high-power lasers. HERACLES has shown the influence of different parameters upon the radiative shock evolution: ratio propagation canal width over photon mean free path, walls albedo… Then, it has contributed to analyze an experiment conducted at the PALS laser facility. It has reproduced the observed precursor slowdown and the transmission of the transverse diagnostic. The second domain dealt with the jets generated by forming stars and interacting with their ambient molecular cloud. Since the interstellar medium opacities imply that a significant part of radiation is absorbed, we conducted the first jets simulations including radiation-hydrodynamics. They showed that the jets can be highly compressed and that radiative transfer could then play an important role in the jets propagation
Schäfer, Matthias. "Moment methods for radiative transfer modeling, simulation and optimization." München Verl. Dr. Hut, 2008. http://d-nb.info/988229439/04.
Full textVadez, Vincent. "Simplification géométrique pour la simulation thermique radiative de satellites." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022COAZ4035.
Full textThe life cycle of a satellite includes the launch phase, the positioning on the desiredorbit, different maneuvers (deployment of solar panels and safety position), and finallyplacing the satellite on the junk orbit. The satellite gravitates in a hostile environment,exposed to thermal variations of very large amplitude, alternating sun exposure andeclipse phases. The survival of the satellite depends on the temperature of its components, the variation of which must be monitored within safety intervals. In this context, the thermal simulation of the satellite for its design is crucial to anticipate the reality of its operation. Radiative thermal simulation is essential for anticipating the generation of energy from solar and albedo radiation, and for regulating temperatures of on-board equipments. Ideal operation consists in providing appropriate cooling for components exposed to radiation, and conversely, heating of unexposed components. As an order of magnitude, the external temperature ranges from -150 to +150 degrees Celsius, and the internal electronic equipment has a safe range between -50 and +50, with a safety margin of 10 degrees. In the eclipse phase where the radiation is significantly lower, heating is provided by the energy accumulated during the exposed phase, combined with heat pipes for thermal regulation.In this thesis, the objective is to advance the knowledge on radiative thermal simulation calculation methods for satellites. To this end, two approaches are considered. Thefirst approach consists in establishing a reference calculation of a quantity governing radiative thermal simulation: view factors. Being subject to time constraints, this methodis based on a hierarchical data structure enabling progressive computation of view factors, in order to offer a satisfactory tradeoff between time dedicated to computationsand desired accuracy. For the sake of accuracy, a prediction step is added to guaranteea better convergence towards the reference value.The second approach, also motivated by time constraints, aims at reducing the geometric model of a mechanical part or a spacecraft while being faithful to the numericalsimulation. In order to render the decimation physics-informed, a preprocessing step relying on a sensitivity analysis is carried out. To better preserve the physical simulation,the geometric cost of a simplification operator is coupled to a factor deduced from thesimulation deviation between the reference model and the reduced model
Goncalves, Dos santos Rogério. "Large Eddy simulations of turbulent combustion including radiative heat transfer." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ECAP1052.
Full textThe combustion is one of the principal ways to produced energy used nowadays, it is also a complex phenomenon, where the turbulent flow, chemical reactions, different phases and different heat transfer phenomena can interact. Better understanding of these interactions is essential to improve the actual combustion system and to developed the new ones. The goal of this thesis is to study the interaction of the turbulent combustion with the thermal radiation by the use of three-dimensional numerical simulation. For that, using a computational tool named CORBA, a code for the combustion Large Eddy Simulation (LES) was coupled with a radiative heat transfer code. This technique allows the exchange of information between the two codes without big changes in their structure, then it is possible to take advantages of the different characteristic time from each phenomenon in a high performance parallel computational environment. In a first time, two-dimensional simulation of a turbulent propane/air premixed flame stabilized downstream a triangular flame holder has been realised. After the changing of the twodimensional radiation code for another three-dimensional one, the same configuration was simulated in 3D. A mesh with more than 4. 7 millions cells for the combustion code (AVBP) and more than 3. 3 millions cells for the radiation code (DOMASIUM) are used. Results show a changing in the temperature and species fields, as well as in the flame dynamics when the thermal radiation was taken into account, with a minor intensity in the three-dimensional simulations. This method, also, shows that it is possible to perform 3D complex simulations in a industrial acceptable time
Sjöström, Stina. "Numerical exploration of radiative-dynamic interactions in cirrus." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-8201.
Full textAn important factor in forecast models today is cirrus clouds, but not much are known about their dynamics which makes them hard to parameterize. In this study a new theory was derived to enable a more correct way to describe the interplay between radiative heating and dynamical motions in these clouds. This hypothesis was tested by performing three dimensional simulations of cirrus clouds, using the University of Utah Large Eddy Simulator (UULES). Eleven clouds of varying initial radius and ice water mixing ratio were examined, with the aim of finding a pattern in their dynamical features. The model was set up without short wave radiation from the sun, and without any precipitation affecting the clouds, leaving only terrestrial heating and atmospheric cooling to create motions in the clouds. Two categories of initial dynamics could be seen:
• Isentropic adjustment: The isentropes within the cloud are adjusting to the environment due to rising of the cloud. Causes horizontal spreading through continuity.
• Density current: A dominating initial feature is spreading in small mixed layers at the cloud top and bottom. Caused by the density difference between the cloud and its environment.
An interesting phenomenon showing up in the simulations was mammatus clouds, which were visible in two of the cases. The only instability available to create these clouds was the radiative heating difference, which does not agree with present theories for how they form.
Two dimensionless numbers S and C were derived to describe the nature of the spreading motions and convection in the cloud. Both these numbers agreed with results.
Cirrusmoln har en viktig roll i dagens prognosmodeller, men är svåra att parametrisera på ett bra sätt eftersom man inte har tillräcklig kunskap om deras dynamik och utveckling. I denna studie togs en ny teori fram för att göra det möjligt att på ett mer korrekt sätt beskriva samspelet mellan strålningsuppvärmning och dynamiska rörelser i dessa moln. Hypotesen testades sedan genom att utföra tredimensionella simuleringar av cirrus moln med hjälp av University of Utah Large Eddy Simulator (UULES). Elva moln med varierande initiella radier och isvatteninnehåll undersöktes, med målet att finna ett mönster i dynamik och utveckling. UULES ställdes in så att miljön där molnen simulerades varken innehöll kortvågsstrålning från solen eller nederbörd. Således fanns det bara en resterande faktor för att skapa rörelser i molnen; skillnaden i den infraröda strålningsuppvärmningen mellan molntopp och molnbas. Två kategorier av initiella rörelser uppstod i molnen:
• Justering av isotroper: Molnen stiger i höjd vilket gör att isotroperna inuti dem justeras till omgivningen. Detta orsakar horisontell spridning genom kontinuitet.
• Densitets ström: Horisontell spridning av molnen koncentrerad till mixade skikt i de övre och undre delarna. Orsakas av skillnad i densitet mellan moln och omgivning.
Ett intressant fenomen som visade sig i två av simuleringarna var mammatusmoln. Den enda instabiliteten tillgänglig för att skapa dessa moln var skillnaden i strålningsuppvärmning mellan molntopp och -bas. Detta stämmer inte överrens med nuvarande teorier för hur dessa moln skapas.
Två dimensionslösa tal, S och C togs fram för att indikera vilken av de initiella rörelserna som dominerar i molnet, samt vilken typ av konvektion som dominerar. Båda dessa tal stämde väl överrens med resultat.
Gung, Tza-Jing. "Radar range profile simulation of isolated trees with radiative transfer theory." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/36572.
Full textZhang, Jin. "Radiation Monte Carlo approcah dedicated to the coupling with LES reactive simulation." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00594229.
Full textChapman, David D. "A Monte-Carlo-based simulation of jet exhaust nozzle thermal radiative signatures." Thesis, This resource online, 1992. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-10062009-020132/.
Full textWu, Yi 1960. "A MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF NEAR INFRARED RADIATION TRANSFER IN CLOUDS." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276367.
Full textHenson, Jonathan Charles. "Numerical simulation of spark ignition engines with special emphasis on radiative heat transfer." Thesis, Loughborough University, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.297589.
Full textKo, Min Seok. "Numerical simulation of three-dimensional combined convective radiative heat transfer in rectangular channels." [College Station, Tex. : Texas A&M University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2542.
Full textVillefranque, Najda. "Les effets radiatifs 3D des nuages de couche limite : de leur simulation explicite à leur paramétrisation." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30191.
Full textRadiation is a key process in the evolution of the atmosphere. Electromagnetic waves emitted by warm bodies like the sun interact with many components of the Earth system. For example, they can be scattered and absorbed by microscopic droplets in clouds. At global scales, these radiation processes drive the energy budgets of the surface and Earth. The impact of fractionated, mostly non-precipitating, liquid boundary-layer clouds (cumulus) on solar radiation has been studied for many years and is knowingly important for both Numerical Weather Predicitions and the evolution of the Earth's climate; yet our understanding of these complex, multi-scale interactions remains limited. In this thesis, the link between cloud macrophysic characteristics and their impact on solar radiation and in particular on their so-called 3D radiative effects (obtain from the difference between 3D and 1D computations where horizontal transport is neglected) is investigated. An existing parameterisation of 3D radiative effects of clouds for large-scale models is evaluated against reference models and observations. In order to do so, high-resolution simulations of four idealized convective boundary-layer cases are realized using the French Large-Eddy Model Méso-NH, along with perturbed simulations to assess the impact of resolution, domain size, advection scheme and parameterisations of turbulence and microphysics on cloud population characteristics. To simulate offline radiative transfer in these 3D cloudy fields, innovative Monte Carlo tools inspired from the community of computer graphics are implemented in the form of a collection of generic modules composing an open-source library, and used to build Monte Carlo codes that produce computing times that are insensitive to the complexity of the cloud scenes. 3D radiation is solved in all the simulated cloud fields, and the link between the characteristics of cloud populations from the various cases, and their radiative effect, is analysed. Special attention is dedicated to the 3D effects of clouds by performing 1D (under the independent column approximation) and 3D simulations by Monte Carlo, hence isolating the contribution of horizontal transport to the radiative fluxes at the surface and at the top of atmosphere. These 3D effects are quantified as a function of the solar zenith angle, and broken down into direct and diffuse components. It appears that the 3D bias on surface fluxes is the result of biases of opposite signs on direct and diffuse fluxes, that do not compensate each other at all solar angles. The difference between 1D and 3D total (respectively, direct) cloud radiative effect, integrated horizontally and over a diurnal cycle, can reach -13 W/m² (respectively, -45 W/m²) for sun paths corresponding to high latitudes (3D effects act to cool the surface)
Valentin, Xavier. "Analyse mathématique et numérique des modèles Pn pour la simulation de problèmes de transport de photons." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLC024/document.
Full textComputational costs for direct numerical simulations of photon transport problemsare very high in terms of CPU time and memory. One way to tackle this issue is todevelop reduced models that a cheaper to solve numerically. There exists number of these models : moments models, discrete ordinates models (SN), diffusion-like models... In this thesis, we focus on PN models in which the transport operator is approached by mean of a truncated development on the spherical harmonics basis. These models are arbitrary accurate in the angular dimension and are rotationnaly invariants (in multiple space dimensions). The latter point is fundamental when one wants to simulate inertial confinment fusion (ICF) experiments where the spherical symmetry plays an important part in the accuracy of the numerical solutions. We study the mathematical structure of the PN models and construct a new numerical method in the special case of a one dimensionnal space dimension with spherical symmetry photon transport problems. We first focus on a linear transport problem in the vacuum. Even in this simple case, it appears in the PN equations geometrical source terms that are stiff in the neighborhood of r = 0 and thus hard to discretise. Existing numerical methods are not satisfactory for multiple reasons : (1) unaccuracy in the neighborhood of r = 0 ("flux-dip"), (2) do not capture steady states (well-balanced scheme), (3) no stability proof. Following recent works, we develop a new well-balanced scheme for which we show the L² stability. We then extend the scheme for photon transport problems within a no moving media, the linear Boltzmann equation, and interest ourselves on its behavior in the diffusion limit (asymptotic-preserving property). In a second part, we consider radiation hydrodynamics problems. Since modelisation of these problems is still under discussion in the litterature, we compare a set of existing models by mean of mathematical analysis and establish a hierarchy. For each model, we focus on the following mathematical properties : (1) energy and impulsion conservation, (2) accuracy of the comobile effects, (3) existence of a mathematical entropy and (4) behavior in the diffusion limit. Our study reduces to « laboratory frame » models and we are still interested in the PN approximation of the transport operator. We identify defects in entropy structure of existing models and propose an entroy correction which leads to PN-based radiation hydrodynamics models which satisfy all the properties listed above
Gonzalez, Matthias. "Contribution à l'étude numérique de l'hydrodynamique radiative : des expériences de chocs radiatifs aux jets astrophysiques." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00110290.
Full textLors de cette thèse, un code numérique parallèle tridimensionnel d'hydrodynamique radiative baptisé HERACLES a été développé. Il s'appuie sur le modèle M1 qui permet de traiter un rayonnement à forte anisotropie. De nombreux tests ont validé HERACLES sur une grande variété de conditions physiques, dont le régime semi-transparent et la diffusion des photons, ses résultats étant comparables aux codes Monte-Carlo. Il a ensuite été utilisé dans deux thématiques.
La première concerne les chocs radiatifs, phénomènes astrophysiques reproduits sur Terre grâce aux lasers de puissance. HERACLES a mis en évidence l'influence de différents paramètres sur l'évolution d'un tel choc : le rapport de la largeur du canal de propagation sur le libre parcours moyen de photons, l'albédo des parois... Il a ensuite contribué à l'analyse d'une expérience réalisée avec le laser PALS. Il a permis de reproduire la courbe de décélération du précurseur observée dans l'expérience ainsi que la transmission du diagnostic transverse.
La seconde thématique concerne les jets générés par les étoiles en formation et interagissant avec le nuage moléculaire environnant. Les opacités du milieu interstellaire montrant qu'une partie significative du rayonnement est absorbée, nous avons mené les premières simulations d'un jet tenant compte du transfert radiatif. Elles ont montré que le jet pouvait être fortement comprimé et que le transfert radiatif semble donc pouvoir jouer un rôle important dans sa propagation.
Zhang, Tinglu. "Retrieval of oceanic constituents with artificial neural network based on radiative transfer simulation techniques." [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2003/263/index.html.
Full textOtter, Stephen. "Simulation of the radiative flux at the Martian surface between 180 and 1100 nm." Thesis, Open University, 2010. http://oro.open.ac.uk/54218/.
Full textVoisin, Guillaume. "Simulation numérique de la magnétosphère des pulsars : étude détaillée de processus radiatifs." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PSLEO015/document.
Full textPulsars are highly magnetized fast rotating neutron stars producing a pulsed radiation. This thesis is dedicated to their magnetosphere, namely the zone surrounding the star and filled with a plasma dragged by the rotation of the star. It was shown as soon as 1969 that the magnetosphere must have vacuum gaps, where intense electric fields develop that are capable of accelerating the rarefied plasma to very high energies along the magnetic field. The curvature of the field lines, together with the rotation around the magnetic field, results in the so-called « synchrocurvature » radiation. The energy is mostly radiated in gamma photons (γ). These photons may then be converted by the quantum processes γ photon-magnetic field or γ-γ in an electron-positron pair e+e-, each component of which then radiates at its turn which results in a cascade that provides plasma to the magnetosphere. This thesis particularly deals with two key phenomena of these cascades : synchrocurvature radiation and γγ pairs.The quantum theory of synchrocurvature radiation is developed for the first time from the first principles of quantum electrodynamics. The range of parameters compatible with the approximations of the derivation covers a wide range of physical conditions typical of pulsar magnetospheres. Quantum transitions are considered in the continuous limit when they imply a jump of the particle impulsion parallel to the magnetic field, and discrete when the jump is in the perpendicular direction. It results in a spectrum that asymptotically tends to the classical descriptions of curvature and synchrocurvature radiations but that presents very important deviations when the discrete transitions dominate the radiation.The γγ→e+e- process was studied in the case of the reaction of a gamma photon on a soft photon background. This mechanism is considered as potentially important when the magnetic field is nopt strong enough for the γ-magnetic field process to efficiently produce pairs. The soft background is most likely anisotropic, and that is why we developed a formalism allowing to arbitrarily take into account anisotropies, as well as produce the spectra of the outgoing particles so as to be able to feed the subsequent cascade consistently. Applied to a simple model of a star radiating thermal X rays, it results in a strong dependence of the reaction rate on the direction of the gamma photon.This thesis also includes a timing model of the millisecond pulsar in a triple system J0337+1715. This pulsar orbits with two white-dwarf stars, and their mutual interactions are not negligible. It follows that a numerical integration of the orbits was developed at Newtonian and first post-Newtonian orders. A complete model including the computation of delays from the star to the telescope was realized. This model is able to fit the timing data from the Nançay (France) radiotelecope with a standard deviation of less than 2µs. In principle, such a system allows to test the strong equivalence principle by a technique similar to that employed in Lunar-laser-ranging experiments, but with an unprecedented accuracy in the strong-field regime. This test demands a careful estimate of the uncertainties on each parameter, which we sample using a MCMC code. The validation of the code and the evaluation of the uncertainties are ongoing
Romand, Frédéric. "Simulation de la signature infrarouge des phénomènes lumineux transitoires en moyenne atmosphère." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS091/document.
Full textEven if it hasn’t been observed yet, the existence of emissions in the middle and far infrared following a sprite is suspected and could be related to vibrational excitation of CO2. In atmospheric sciences, the chemical composition can be retrieved through different remote sensing methods. For the Defense, natural infrared emissions could cause false alarms through airborne and spaceborne optronic detection systems. That is why it is necessary to characterize the infrared emissions of sprites. To do so, a plasma-vibrational kinetic model has been developed and coupled to an atmospheric radiative transfer model. This model allows evaluating the energetic and chemical effects following the electrical perturbation caused by the propagation of streamers, main constituent elements of sprites. The evaluated signatures could be detectable for an observer situated in the stratosphere or in space. Otherwise, the effects of the uncertainties on the principal parameters of the model have been quantified through a sensitivity analysis. Finally, this work allowed defining instrumental specifications for the future mission HALESIS (High Altitude Luminous Events Studied by Infrared Spectro-imagery), which will record hyperspectral infrared images of sprites and other middle atmosphere luminous events
Boireau, Laurent. "Astrophysique de laboratoire : modélisation analytique et numérique du choc radiatif : expériences au moyen de lasers de puissance." Paris 6, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA066480.
Full textPaul, Sreebash Chandra. "Large eddy simulation of a fuel-rich turbulent non-premixed reacting flow with radiative heat transfer." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2008. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/203/.
Full textHua, Yulong. "Modelling and simulation of circulating fluidized bed combustors : solid segregation, radiative heat transfer and coal combustion." Perpignan, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PERP0570.
Full textL'objectif de ce travail est de développer un modèle mathématique global d'une chaudière à lit fluidisé circulant (LFC) à partir des théories les plus récentes et des résultats expérimentaux issus de la bibliographie. Un modèle hydrodynamique basé sur une approche semi-empirique est développé pour estimer localement la distribution de taille de particules dans le LFC. Une structure de flux solide de type cœur/anneau est appliquée dans le modèle, et la population de particules est discrétisée en plusieurs groupes de différentes tailles. Il montre que les particules les plus grosses se regroupent près des parois et que le diamètre moyen décroît avec la hauteur dans la chaudière, et cette tendance est encore plus forte dans la zone de projections. Un modèle à trois dimensions est développé pour calculer le coefficient de transfert de chaleur par rayonnement dans la zone diluée supérieure des chaudières à LFC. L'équation de transfert radiatif est résolue par la méthode des ordonnées discrètes. La théorie de Mie est appliquée pour calculer les efficacités d'absorption et de diffusion des particules présentes dans le LFC. Le modèle traite de l'influence des propriétés des particules (distribution de taille, propriétés optiques, composition des la phase solide) sur le coefficient de transfert de chaleur par rayonnement. Les résultats de la simulation montrent que les propriétés des particules ont une influence importante sur les échanges radiatifs dans les chaudières à LFC. Un modèle de combustion de charbon combiné au modèle hydrodynamique est développé
Deville, Pascal. "Modélisation et simulation des propriétés radiatives des sources lumineuses." Nancy 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NAN10004.
Full textThe physical precision of simulations which permit the realistic visualization of a given geometric environnement depends on two factors: the precision of the physical model which describes the radiative properties of light sources (emittance) and surface (reflectance) of this environnement, and the precision of light propagation calculations between these surfaces. The work of my thesis presented here consists of defining a model for light source which permits the simulation of complex lighting system. This model takes into account any arbitrary type of spectral distributions (continuous or non-continuous) and spatial distributions (uniform or non-uniform). - In image synthesis technology today, the spectral characteristics of light sources are still often modelized in the RGB colorimetric system. This colorimetric system does not allow us to obtain precise simulations from given spectral data because it depends on display device. Methods have been recently developed to sample the wavelength domain and calculate the light propagation from this set of samplesj which however, do not permit the treatment of complex spectral characteristics. To solve this problem, we have proposed a method based upon preliminary analyse of spectrums utilized. This method removed certain constraints imposed by actual methods. -To take into account the spatial energy distribution of light sources in the illumination calculations, classical methods assume that the distributions are uniform. This simplification is unjust since artificial sources never have a uniform spatial energy distribution. To simulate this type of light sources, models based upon gonio-photometric diagram provided by the manufacturers of lighting systems have been developed. However, these methods introduce an important error in the surface illumination calculation when sources are dose to the surface. This is why we have proposed a new method founded upon a precise geometric modelization of a light fixture (lamp, reflector, lens) and consider the source like a sub-domain of this environnement which emits energy by an intermediate interface zone. Inside this sub-domain, the spatial energy distribution is calculated on the interface zone by using a projection method. The two methods (spatial and spectral distributions) actually proposed in this thesis have been experimented and will be transferred into the industrial domain further developement
Cazier, Dorothée. "Modélisation et simulation des propriétés radiatives des surfaces : implantation et expérimentation." Nancy 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NAN10116.
Full textIn the light transfer equation, we have to take into account the physical features of the material reflection. This have led many researchers to elaborate various models. These models are more or less physically valid; they are also more or less easy to use. In fact, on one hand they have to be processed by an algorithm of global lighting transfer between all surfaces of the geometrical environment to be simulated, and in the other hand they have to permit to determine parameters for the complex photometrical behavior of these surfaces. Our study concerns the modelisation of the radiative properties of surfaces. We focus more precisely on the properties measurement for real cases of surfaces, by taking into account these properties in the illumination simulation process and on the experimentation of a number of models, in the perspective of lighting engineering applications
Wei, Zhiyong. "Thermo-fluid modeling and robust control of modern optic fiber drawing processes." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004, 2004. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-04092004-135913/unrestricted/wei%5Fzhiyong%5F200405%5Fphd.pdf.
Full textKok-Meng Lee, Committee Chair ; Andrei G. Fedorov, Committee Member ; William E. Singhose, Committee Member ; David G. Taylor, Committee Member ; Zhi Zhou, Committee Member. Includes bibliographical references.
Valdivia, Valeska. "Impact of radiative transfer and chemistry on the formation of molecular clouds." Thesis, Paris 6, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA066709/document.
Full textThe interstellar medium (ISM) is a highly complex system. It corresponds to an intermediate scale between stars and galaxies. The interstellar gas is present throughout the galaxy, filling the volume between stars. A wide variety of coupled processes, such as gravity, magnetic fields, turbulence and chemistry, participate in its evolution, making the modeling of the ISM a challenging problem. A correct description of the ISM requires a good treatment of the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations, gravity, thermal balance, and chemical evolution within the molecular clouds.This thesis work aims at a better understanding of the formation and evolution of molecular clouds, specially how they become "molecular", paying particular attention to the transition HI-to-H2. We have performed ideal MHD simulations of the formation of molecular clouds and the formation of molecular hydrogen under the influence of gravity and turbulence, using accurate estimates for the shielding effects from dust and the self-shielding for H2, calculated with a Tree-based method, able to provide fast estimates of column densities.We find that H2 is formed faster than predicted by the usual estimates due to local density enhancements created by the gas turbulent motions. Molecular hydrogen, formed at higher densities, could then migrate toward low density warmer regions.Total H2 column densities show that the HI-to-H2 transition occurs at total column densities of a few 10^20 cm−2. We have calculated the populations of rotational levels of H2 at thermal equilibrium, and integrated along several lines of sight. These two results reproduce quite well the values observed by Copernicus and FUSE, suggesting that the observed transition and the excited populations could arise as a consequence of the multi-phase structure of molecular clouds. As H2 formation is prior to further molecule formation, warm H2 could possibly allow the development of a warm chemistry, and eventually explain some aspects of the molecular richness observed in the ISM
Cavalcanti, Miranda Flavia [Verfasser], Johannes [Akademischer Betreuer] Janicka, and Pedro [Akademischer Betreuer] Coelho. "Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flows With Radiative Heat Transfer / Flavia Cavalcanti Miranda ; Johannes Janicka, Pedro Coelho." Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1177241684/34.
Full textLu, Miao-Ling Seinfeld John H. "Large-eddy simulation of marine cumulus and stratocumulus and study of humidity halos and aerosol indirect radiative effect /." Diss., Pasadena, Calif. : California Institute of Technology, 2005. http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-03172005-152448.
Full textFélix, Sophie. "Hydrodynamique radiative & Application à l'étude de l’interaction pulsations-convection." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA112346/document.
Full textCepheids are pulsating stars used to calculate distances in the universe (more precisely in the Local Group). They are part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram’s instability strip. Their periodic variations (of luminosity and radius) are well explained by κ-mechanism, first suggested by Eddington (1917). But cold Cepheids (red edge of the instability strip) have a convective zone near their surface that affects their pulsation properties.Therefore, this PhD. thesis aims at performing 3D simulations of simplified Cepheids to study the interaction between surface convection and radial pulsations. We actually study the propagation of acoustic modes in a cartesian box partially convective.For this, we use Heracles, a hydrodynamical code developed in CEA, France, by Edouard Audit. We had to complete the code with a dissipation step and a second order (in time) conduction step (which was already available as a first order method).To validate the code and the Cepheid model used, we reproduce Gastine & Dintrans (2011b) results in 1D (radiative cases) and 2D (with convection): some setups that are unstable for κ-mecanism (with nonlinear saturation in 1D simulations) are stable in 2D thanks to convection. The theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram’s instability strip is then too narrow in 2D.The hypothesis for this work was that those Cepheids would be unstable again (with saturation) in 3D due to the fact that convection grows weaker when convective plumes are 3D. 2D and 3D simulations are indeed different when Prandtl number is low as it is in our simulations. We show that pulsations are indeed not quenched anymore and that simulations are unstable. Theoretical 3D instability strip is then closer to the observed one than 2D strip was.Finally, we show that the 1D models of time-dependant convection from Stellingwerf (1982) and Kuhfuß (1986) give similar results for the convective flux of 3D convection with κ-mecanism. But none of them is able to give the exact values. That means that 3D simulations are indeed precious
Poitou, Damien. "Modélisation du rayonnement dans la simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion turbulente." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPT035G/document.
Full textSimulation of turbulent combustion has gained high potential with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach, allowing to predict unsteady turbulent reactive flows. In this context, taking into account radiation rises new fundamental and practical questions. Indeed the physics involved in radiation and in combustion are completely different : combustion is controlled by local exchanges and finite times whereas radiation is instantaneous and is based on non-local exchanges. In a first step, the impact of LES modelling of turbulent combustion on radiation is regarded. This question is treated in the more general frame of the turbulence-radiation interaction. From theoretical and numerical studies, it is shown that this interaction is weak in the LES context so that LES solutions can be directly coupled to radiative calculations, without further modelling. Then the unsteady coupling of radiation and turbulent combustion is realised. A key point is the reduction of calculation time of radiation, and several strategies are proposed. In particular a new global spectral model is introduced, using a tabulation technique and ensuring a sufficient level of accuracy. The radiative time calculation is finally decreased by two orders of magnitude, enabling the realization of a coupled calculation of a turbulent premixed flame
Kabbaj, Narjisse. "Etude du transfert radiatif d'un plasma thermique d'air : influence des propriétés radiatives dans la modélisation d'un arc libre." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30024.
Full textIn the simulation of electrical arc, the representation of radiative contribution is essential to provide a satisfactory description of the thermal behavior of the plasma. The accurate prediction of the radiative emission is essential to determine the evolution of the arc temperature. For a precise description of radiative effect, a resolution of the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) , is necessary necessary with knowledge of the absorption coefficient. Unfortunatly, the complexity of this coefficient - dependent on temperature and wavelenghth- makes this equation impossible to solve in term of computational cost. This is why many approximative methods are developed to simplify the calculation of the radiative properties. In this work, we have carried out a detailed description of the spectrum of an air plasma with about 7.106 points on frequency. From this description, we have calculated the divergence of the radiative flux either from the net emission coefficient (NEC) based on a geometric simplification of the plasma, or from the mean absorption coefficients (MAC) calculated after a division of the spectrum into 6 intervals in which we have used different mean functions (Classic, Planck, Planck Modified and Rosseland), or from an exact calculation corresponding to a direct solution of the RTE. This is why many approximative methods were developed to reduce numerical demands . The calculations have been done for 9 simplified configurations in 1D assuming a cylindrical plasma for which the temperature profile varies only with the radius. The different steps of the work are presented and highlight the influence of several parameters such as the temperature profile, the pressure, the copper vapors.... A great part of this work deals with the comparison between the results obtained from the exact resolution with the results deduced from the other approaches in order to validate the use and the accuracy of the different methods. This comparison allowed us to develop an optimization methodology providing improvements to the calculation of the approximate methods (NEC and MAC) allowing a better description of the radiative properties. Finally, this work presents the development of an axisymmetric 2D free-burning arc model solving the Navier-Stockes and Maxwell equations by the finite volume method. This model allows a comparison between the NEC method and the P1 method which takes into account the absorption of radiation in the cold areas
Nguyen, Hung Chinh. "Simulation de modèles hydrodynamiques et de transfert radiatif intervenant dans la description d'écoulements astrophysiques." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA112073.
Full textThis topic is a multidisciplinary work between mathematics and astrophysics. The aim of this thesis is the study of radiation hydrodynamic models of which application is obviously very broad in physics and astrophysics. M1-multigroup models are explored to describe the radiative transfer without a priori assumption on the optical depth of the medium. The interest ensuing directly from this work is the development of a radiation hydrodynamic code, namely HADES 2D, for massively parallel computing. It allows simulations in realistic astrophysical configurations in terms of Mach number, density and temperature contrasts between different environments. We focused on two interesting applications: the jets from young stars and the radiative shocks of which first simulations will be presented
Gallen, Lucien. "Prediction of soot particles in Gas Turbine Combustors using Large Eddy Simulation." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020INPT0058.
Full textExpected stringent legislation on particulate matter (PM) emission by gas turbine combustors is currently motivating considerable efforts to be better understand, model and predict soot formation. This complex phenomenon is very difficult to study in detail with experiment, and numerical simulation is an essential complementary tool. Considering that the chemistry of soot particles strongly depends on their size, the numerical prediction of soot formation requires the description of their size distribution. To do so, either Eulerian methods (sectional or moments) or stochastic Lagrangian approaches are reported in the literature. In the present work, a far more simple semi-deterministic Lagrangian approach is proposed. An accurate description of the gaseous phase including first Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is also developed as a necessary input to detail soot model. The combination of reduced chemistries with Lagrangian soot tracking is applied to canonical laminar sooting flames, later to two complex configurations representative of an aeronautical combustors. The first one is the FIRST configuration, a gaseous confined pressurized swirled flame studied experimentally at DLR. Impact of precursors species and radiative transfers through the resolution of Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE). Good predictions are obtained compared to experiments for predicted temperature and soot volume fraction. The second target configuration is the UTIAS Jet A-1 burner and corresponds to a confined turbulent spray flame burning aviation jet fuel A-1 studied experimentally at UTIAS Toronto. LES of this configuration provides a qualitative and quantitative understanding of soot evolution in turbulent spray flames. Numerical predicted soot volume fraction using Lagrangian soot tracking and an ARC mechanism including pyrolysis method is compared to experimental measurements. Results show the ability of the proposed methodology relying on ARC chemistry for Jet A-1 including pyrolysis method and Lagrangian soot tracking, to predict accurately soot compared to available measurements
Gonzalez, Michel. "Contributions à la simulation numérique d'écoulements avec combustion." Rouen, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986ROUES011.
Full textLebhertz, Dorothée. "Modes de décroissance des réactions de capture radiative résonnantes des collisions 12C+12C et 12C+16O." Strasbourg, 2009. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2009/LEBHERTZ_Dorothee_2009.pdf.
Full textMy work contributes to the search for the link between narrow resonances and molecular states in the 12C+12C and 12C+16O systems near the Coulomb barrier making use of the radiative capture. This mechanism allows to probe both the entrance channel by its overlap with the states of the composite nuclei and the nature of the states fed via electromagnetic transitions. The corresponding experiments were performed at TRIUMF (Canada) and used the 0° Dragon spectrometer and the associated 30 BGO array. The results show for the first time the complete radiative capture decay scheme and demonstrate in particular that a significant part (> 50% of the γ-flow) decreases to quasi-bound states around 10-11 MeV. Using the Geant3 transport code to model the whole experimental apparatus, I have proposed three decay scenarii: the first one is purely statistical, the second, resonant, with a unique entrance spin, and the last one based on cluster models. I have thus determined the entrance spins and the total radiative capture cross sections. I have also performed Time Dependent Hartree Fock calculations to study the reaction mechanism and determine the dinuclear lifetime for these reactions. My study concludes with GEANT4 calculations of the response function of the future multidetector PARIS, based on the use of new LaBr3 scintillating crytstals which will be installed at Spiral2 (Ganil, France). My results show that the resolution and efficiency of the future detector will allow to disentangle the different scenarii proposed in this work
Robert, Clément. "Simulations numériques de disques protoplanétaires : prédictions théoriques pour interprétation observationnelle." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020COAZ4071.
Full textTo this day, thousands of planets have been identified outside of our own solar system. Theirformation is thus not an unlikely occurence. A number of still-forming young stars are also known,circled by remnants of gas and dust which are shaped by centrifugal forces into disk-like objects. Inthose disks, planets are born as they accumulate nearby material. Although the successive steps of thisevolution, from micrometric grains to planet-sized objects are relatively well identified, the remainingchallenges are numerous. Indeed, small size solids tend to rapidly accrete (in a few million years) ontothe star. It is also the case (albeit for different reasons) of planet-mass objects, which concede theirangular momentum to the circumstellar disk. In this thesis, I study possible solutions to such problemsthrough hydrodynamical simulations. I show that, contrary to a received idea, migration of giantplanets does not follow the viscous spreading in the disk. Moreover, I highlight that planetary accretiondoes not significantly affect migration rates. Then, I deal with a scenario that favours constructiveagregation of dust, namely Rossby vortices, whose existence is still debated for we lack observationalconstraints. I show that such structures could be identified through a handful of observables, amongwhich dynamical signatures seen in Doppler shifts. Using radiative transfer as a post-processing meth-od,I provide additional predictions for signatures in interferometric observations of thermal emission, aswell as polarimetric features of those vortices. Finally, I dedicate my last chapter to describing my maincontributions to open source projects that I used throughout my thesis
Havet, Michel. "Etude du couplage thermique par conduction-convection-rayonnement dans une enceinte en présence d'une source radiative : application au chauffage de halls industriels par panneaux radiants." Poitiers, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995POIT2255.
Full textVehil, Raoul. "Etude de l'effet radiatif de l'aerosol dans la couche limite atmospherique." Toulouse 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987TOU30259.
Full textNguyen, Hoang Quan. "Modélisation et simulation du remplissage de moules verriers : "Prise en compte du transfert radiatif"." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPL054N/document.
Full textThe aim of this study is to propose an adapted model for the simulation of mould filling that must be a compromise solution between computational time and results accuracy. The double difficulty is to take into account the filling phenomenon that is a complex problem due to the presence of free boundaries and to the Glass specificities: viscosity that is highly thermal dependant and high melting temperature that requires taking into account radiation effects. Chapter I is devoted to the melting Glass flow. The numerical libraries Aquilon/Thétis, adapted for solving such type of problems and the thermal coupling between Air/Glass/Walls, has been used. (V.O.F method for front tracking, Augmented Lagrangian/Vector Projection methods for solving Pressure/Velocity coupling). For radiative aspect, different approaches are proposed: equivalent radiative conductivity (Chapter II), direct explicit method for validation (Chapter III) and spherical harmonics method or PN method (Chapter IV). In the Chapter V, the selected PN method is validated through simple cases and is then applied in other cases with convective coupling in complex geometries including semi-transparent inclusions (1D, 2D and 3D, 2D axi-symmetric and non grey medium). A P1 modified version is presented. The results are close to those given by P3 method but with reduced computational time. The main interest of this model is that it can be easily implemented in existing numerical codes: a single stationary second order partial differential equation to solve in 3D
Collin, Anthony. "Transferts de chaleur couplés rayonnement - conduction - convection : Application à des rideaux d'eau soumis à une intense source radiative." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00101144.
Full textLe but est de contribuer à la compréhension des phénomènes d'interaction, ainsi qu'à la réalisation d'outils prédictifs fiables simulant le comportement de sprays anti-incendie.
La description des transferts couplés de masse, quantité de mouvement et d'énergie est faite à partir d'une simulation eulérienne lagrangienne. Le modèle de propagation du rayonnement associe la théorie de Mie, le modèle Ck et une évolution de la méthode de Monte Carlo, nommée MMC 2.2, qui permet de bien prendre en compte la propagation du rayonnement dans un milieu de propriétés radiatives hétérogènes. Cette nouvelle version est validée puis comparée avec les autres techniques de type MMC déjà existantes dans la littérature. Ce travail met ensuite en avant les problèmes de simulations numériques liés à la modélisation 3D du transfert radiatif dans un milieu où la fonction de phase est fortement anisotrope (caractéristique de gouttes d'eau).
Une étude complète (dynamique, thermique et rayonnement) permet la validation du code de calcul avec des données expérimentales. Puis, plusieurs configurations sont testées en vue d'améliorer l'atténuation du rayonnement (rampes, doubles rampes, augmentation du débit, différentes granulométries, ...)
Navarro, Ruiz Juan Miguel. "Discrete-time modelling of diffusion processes for room acoustics simulation and analysis." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14861.
Full textNavarro Ruiz, JM. (2012). Discrete-time modelling of diffusion processes for room acoustics simulation and analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14861
Refahi, Sorour. "Développement d'un code de transfert radiatif et de son couplage avec un code LES." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00832350.
Full textBurns, Paul. "Interactions between downslope flows and a developing cold-air pool." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2299/15500.
Full textDinguirard, Jean-Pierre. "Simulation numerique du prechauffage par rayonnement x dans l'interaction laser-matiere." Toulouse 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986TOU30201.
Full textWolf, Kevin, André Ehrlich, and Manfred Wendisch. "Temperature profiles from airborne pyrgeometer measurements of broadband terrestrial radiation." Universität Leipzig, 2016. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A16702.
Full textVertikalprofile der breitbandigen terrestrischen Strahlung von flugzeuggetragenen Pyrgeometermessungen an Bord des Forschungsflugzeuges Polar 5 während der VERDI Kampagne in 2012 wurden genutzt, um Vertikalprofile der Temperatur abzuleiten. Das Retrieval erfolgte mit Hilfe von Strahlungstransfersimulationen unter der Verwendungung von libRadtran (Mayer and Kylling, 2005). Dazu wurde die Temperatur der Modellatmosphäre variert, bis eine bestmögliche Übereinstimmung von gemessenem und modellierten Irradianzprofil erzielt wurde. Der ausgesuchte Testfall zeigt das Potential dieser Technik und mögliche Verbessungsansätze. So muss der verwendete Algorithmus automatisiert werden, indem das modellierte Strahlungsprofil mit Hilfe eines Iterationsverfahrens und der Methode der kleinsten Fehlerquadrate an das gemessene Profil angepasst wird. Zusätzlich ist eine Erhöhung der vertikalen Auflösung von 50 m auf 10 m Schritte nötig, um kleinskalige Fluktuationen zu berücksichtigen. Die Verwendung von bodengebundenen Beobachtungen und nahegelegenen Radiosondenaufstiegen in der Modellatmosphäre führt zu einer weiteren signifikanten Verbesserung der abgeleiteten Temperaturprofile.
Sullivan, Mark. "Laboratory measurements of realistic space-aged surfaces and the development of a Monte Carlo simulation to model radiative transfer in a passively cooled space telescope." Thesis, Open University, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.369028.
Full textPhan, Thanh-Hien. "Simulation and Experimental Characterization of the Scintillation Detector for IGOSat." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019USPCC048.
Full textThis dissertation describes the work that has been done for the development of the scintillation detector of the IGOSat nanosatellite. Based on the requirements of the project, a concept of the detector has been proposed which required the validation by both simulations and experiments.IGOSat is a university satellite project aimed at developing a nanosatellite containing a scintillator payload that can measure the radiative background in the aurora zones and the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) on Low-Earth Orbit. Beside that, the satellite has a GPS Dual-Frequency Payload for measuring the Total Electronics Content (TEC) in the ionosphere. These two payloads are hosted on a 3U CubeSat platform that will be launched on a polar orbit at an altitude of about 650 km.The scintillator payload included a detector which is composed of an inorganic scintillation crystal and five surrounding organic scintillators. The chosen inorganic scintillator is Cerium Bromide (CeBr3), which is sensitive to both gamma-ray photons and electrons. The five surrounding EJ-200 plastic scintillators, which are mainly sensitive to the electrons, are chosen to discriminate the two types of particles. In other words we can say a particle is a gamma-ray photon when it interacts only in the CeBr3 crystal, while it is an electron if at least one interaction happened in a plastic scintillator.Monte-Carlo simulations have been used to investigate the detection ability of this detector. A response matrix has been made for the gamma-ray simulation, which can be used to estimate the original energy spectrum of the Low-Earth Orbit gamma-ray photons.An experimental test bench has been set up for measuring the detected spectrum of radioactive sources. These measurements are not only used to validate the simulation results, but also to determine the energy resolution of the detector, and a calibration method for it.A comparison between the Monte-Carlo simulations and the experimental measurements is also provided in this dissertation.Based on the topics described above, the dissertation has 6 chapters as listed below:- Chapter 1 is the introduction to the project and a review of the studies on Low-Earth Orbit radiative background, as well as description on the CubeSat development activities.- Chapter 2 describes the IGOSat satellite configuration on the platform, which is developed to support the payload based on their requirements.- Chapter 3 describes the concept of the scintillation detector, its electronics readout system and the operational concept of the payload.- Chapter 4 explains the physical processes of a particle in the scintillation materials, the Monte-Carlo simulations and the response matrix of the IGOSat detector.- Chapter 5 provides the experimental measurement results, based on each test bench that has been set up. The comparisons between simulation and experiment are also described at the end of this chapter.Chapter 6 is the conclusion of the work
Aoun, Youva. "Evaluation de la sensibilité de l’instrument FCI à bord du nouveau satellite Meteosat Troisième Génération imageur (MTG-I) aux variations de la quantité d’aérosols d’origine désertique dans l’atmosphère." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEM030/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with a methodology to assess the capabilities of future spaceborne instruments. The case study is the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) of the future Meteosat Third Generation Imaging mission (MTG - I), and in particular its ability to detect variations in load of desert aerosols in a realistically variable atmosphere. A better understanding of the behavior of these aerosols is part of regularly expressed needs for the study of the climate, weather forecast or assessment of the solar resource in arid areas such as the Sahara. This type of aerosols is abundant in the atmosphere. Their physical and chemical properties make them distinguishable from other types of aerosols such as those resulting from anthropogenic pollution, especially as they are emitted in areas protected from contamination by these other types. They therefore represent a simple case study to validate the methodology developed in this thesis.The methodology is to provide a simulator of the view of the instrument to perform a large number of simulations of the radiance measured under different atmospheric conditions and ground albedo, to analyze the results in order to quantify the influence of each variable in the variation of radiance, and then conclude on the capabilities of detection through a test of detectability taking into account the characteristics of the instrument.The developed simulator was validated by comparison against actual measurements of the SEVIRI instruments onboard Meteosat Second Generation satellites. The main innovation lies in the use of the global sensitivity analysis approach (GSA). The latter quantifies the influence of each variable separately as well as their crossed terms. Cumulative distribution functions were computed from actual observations and allow a realistic sensitivity analysis of the instrument. The GSA is also used to compute functional representation of the influence of one or more variables on the variability of the observed signal. The usefulness of such representations is discussed for various applications in remote sensing
Gavino, Sacha. "Observation and modelling of disks about young stars with ALMA : implication for planetary formation." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020BORD0185.
Full textThe star formation process usually proceeds with protoplanetary disks. These disks contain a mixture of gas, accounting for 99 % of the disk mass, and of solid particles called dust grains (1 % of the disk mass). These grains, initially at sub-micro metric sizes, gradually coagulate, grow, and potentially allow for the formation of planets about the star.The study of the dust and molecular composition of young disks is fundamental to constraint the physical and chemical initial conditions of planetary formation and the origins of the chemical composition of the planetary cores.The goal of this thesis was to build state-of-the-art models of typical young disks consisting of gas and of a population of grains of multiple sizes, then, in a new approach, to test with the use of numerical simulations the implication of the size and temperature distributions on the chemical evolution of disks.To achieve this, we have coupled the 3D Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code POLARIS to the time-dependent gas-grain code NAUTILUS. The radiative transfer code allowed us to finely compute the grain temperature as a function of the size and location as well as the UV flux within the disk. The gas-grain code was able to simulate the evolution of the chemical abundances in our disk models. Moreover, the computation of the UV flux by POLARIS coupled to a set of molecular cross-sections extracted from a comprehensive database allowed us to compute as a function of the frequency the rates of molecular photoabsorption, photodissociation, and photoionization
Nicolin, Jean-Pierre. "Evaluation des echanges thermiques par rayonnement dans un local soumis a un incendie." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066555.
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