Academic literature on the topic 'Radiation de Hawking acoustique'

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Journal articles on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


Spindel, Renaud. "Hawking radiation." Scholarpedia 6, no. 12 (2011): 6958.

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Carusotto, Iacopo, and Roberto Balbinot. "Acoustic Hawking radiation." Nature Physics 12, no. 10 (August 15, 2016): 897–98.

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Sakalli, I., and A. Ovgun. "Uninformed Hawking radiation." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 110, no. 1 (April 1, 2015): 10008.

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Sakalli, Izzet, Mustafa Halilsoy, and Hale Pasaoglu. "Fading Hawking radiation." Astrophysics and Space Science 340, no. 1 (February 29, 2012): 155–60.

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Irani, Ardeshir. "Cherenkov Radiation and Hawking Radiation." Open Journal of Philosophy 14, no. 03 (2024): 623–27.

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Hotta, M., and M. Yoshimura. "Wormhole and Hawking Radiation." Progress of Theoretical Physics 91, no. 1 (January 1, 1994): 181–86.

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Blau, Stephen K. "Hawking radiation from fluids." Physics Today 67, no. 12 (December 2014): 23.

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Kiefer, Claus. "Hawking radiation from decoherence." Classical and Quantum Gravity 18, no. 22 (November 2, 2001): L151—L154.

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Parikh, Maulik K., and Frank Wilczek. "Hawking Radiation As Tunneling." Physical Review Letters 85, no. 24 (December 11, 2000): 5042–45.

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Hajicek, Petr. "Origin of Hawking radiation." Physical Review D 36, no. 4 (August 15, 1987): 1065–79.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


Larré, Pierre-Élie. "Fluctuations quantiques et effets non-linéaires dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein : des ondes de choc dispersives au rayonnement de Hawking acoustique." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.

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Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de l'analogue du rayonnement de Hawking dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein. Le premier chapitre présente de nouvelles configurations d'intérêt expérimental permettant de réaliser l'équivalent acoustique d'un trou noir gravitationnel dans l'écoulement d'un condensat atomique unidimensionnel. Nous donnons dans chaque cas une description analytique du profil de l'écoulement, des fluctuations quantiques associées et du spectre du rayonnement de Hawking. L'analyse des corrélations à deux corps de la densité dans l'espace des positions et des impulsions met en évidence l'émergence de signaux révélant l'effet Hawking dans nos systèmes. En démontrant une règle de somme vérifiée par la matrice densité à deux corps connexe, on montre que les corrélations à longue portée de la densité doivent être associées aux modifications diagonales de la matrice densité à deux corps lorsque l'écoulement du condensat présente un horizon acoustique. Motivés par des études expérimentales récentes de profils d'onde générés dans des condensats de polaritons en microcavité semi-conductrice, nous analysons dans un second chapitre les caractéristiques superfluides et dissipatives de l'écoulement autour d'un obstacle localisé d'un condensat de polaritons unidimensionnel obtenu par pompage incohérent. Nous examinons la réponse du condensat dans la limite des faibles perturbations et au moyen de la théorie de Whitham dans le régime non-linéaire. On identifie un régime dépendant du temps séparant deux types d'écoulement stationnaire et dissipatif : un principalement visqueux à faible vitesse et un autre caractérisé par un rayonnement de Cherenkov d'ondes de densité à grande vitesse. Nous présentons enfin des effets de polarisation obtenus en incluant le spin des polaritons dans la description du condensat et montrons dans le troisième chapitre que des effets similaires en présence d'un horizon acoustique pourraient être utilisés pour démontrer expérimentalement le rayonnement de Hawking dans les condensats de polaritons.
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Ciliberto, Giorgio. "Non-locality and Back-reaction in Acoustic Black Holes and Non-linearity in Quantum Fluid Dynamics." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Cette thèse porte essentiellement sur les corrélations quantiques et les fluctuations non-lineaires dans les fluides quantiques. Elle se concentre spéficiquement sur les fluctuations quantiques collectives, à savoir les ondes sonores, dans le flux stationnaire d'un quasi- condensat 1D de Bose-Einstein qui présente un horizon acoustique, c'est-à-dire une transition du flux d'un régime subsonique à un régime supersonique. Les phénomènes quantiques générés par la présence de l'horizon sont étudiés. La thèse présente également un bref excursus sur les turbulences dans un fluide quantique bidimensionnel.Nous étudions la non-séparabilité quantique, la non-localité et la rétro-action du rayonnement acoustique de Hawking émis par un trou noir analogue. L'intrication et les corrélations non locales au sein du système tri- partite de quasi-particules émises par l'horizon acoustique sont d'abord étudiées. Les équations de rétro-action qui régissent l'effet de ce rayonnement acoustique sur le fond inhomogène sont dérivées et des solutions stationnaires sont considérées. Enfin, une théorie phénoménologique basée sur des contraintes topologiques pour la création et l'annihilation de vortex est appliquée efficacement aux don- nées expérimentales, permettant ainsi de rendre compte des phases de croissance et de décroissance des turbulences
This thesis is mainly about quantum correlations and non-linear fluctuations in quantum fluids. It focuses especially on collective quantum fluctuations, i.e. sound waves, in the stationary flow of a 1D Bose-Einstein quasi- condensate which exhibits an acoustic horizon, i.e. a transition from subsonic to supersonic flow. Quantum phenomena generated by the presence of the horizon are investigated. The thesis also presents a brief excursus on two- dimensional turbulence in a quantum fluid.We study quantum non-separability, non- locality and back-reaction of the acoustic Hawking radiation emitted by an analog black hole. The entanglement and nonlocal correlations within the tripartite system of quasi-particles emitted from the acoustic horizon are first investigated. Back-reaction equations govern- ing the effect of such acoustic radiation on the inhomogeneous background are derived and stationary solutions are considered. Finally, a phenomenological theory based on topological constraints for vortex creation and annihilation is effectively applied to experimental data, thus accounting for the growth and decay of turbulence
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Isoard, Mathieu. "Theoretical study of quantum correlations and nonlinear fluctuations in quantum gases." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020.

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Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude des phénomènes non-linéaires dans deux fluides quantiques qui partagent de nombreuses similitudes : les condensats de Bose-Einstein et les “fluides de lumière”. Dans une première partie, nous étudions les analogues soniques des trous noirs. Il est possible de créer une configuration stationnaire d’un condensat de Bose-Einstein en écoulement d’une région subsonique vers une région supersonique. Ce fluide transsonique joue alors le rôle d’un trou noir puisque les ondes sonores ne peuvent s’échapper de la région supersonique. En outre, en quantifiant le champ sonore, il est possible de montrer qu’un rayonnement de Hawking analogue émerge des fluctuations quantiques du vide. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que la prise en compte des “modes zéros” – omis jusqu’alors dans le contexte de la gravité analogue – est essentielle pour obtenir une description précise du processus de Hawking, menant alors à un excellent accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Enfin, nous étudions l’intrication entre les différentes excitations quantiques et montrons que notre système crée de l’intrication tripartite. Dans un second temps, nous étudions la propagation des fluides non-linéaires grâce à une approche hydrodynamique et à des méthodes mathématiques développées par Riemann et Whitham. Nous étudions la structure oscillante et la dynamique des ondes de chocs dispersives qui se forment à la suite d’un déferlement. Notre approche permet de trouver des expressions analytiques simples qui décrivent les propriétés asymptotiques du choc. Cela donne accès à des paramètres d’intérêt expérimental, comme le temps de déferlement, la vitesse de l’onde de choc ou encore le contraste de ses franges
This thesis is dedicated to the study of nonlinear-driven phenomena in two quantum gases which bear important similarities: Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atomic vapors and “fluids of light”. In a first part, we study sonic analogues of black holes. In a Bose-Einstein condensate, it is possible to implement a stationary configuration with a current flowing from a subsonic region to a supersonic one. This mimics a black hole, since sonic excitations cannot escape the supersonic region. Besides, quantizing the phonon field leads to a sonic analogue of Hawking radiation. In this thesis, we show that a correct account of “zero modes” – overlooked so far in the context of analogue gravity – is essential for an accurate description of the Hawking process, and results in a excellent comparison with recent experimental data. In addition, we characterize the entanglement shared among quantum excitations and show that they exhibit tripartite entanglement. In a second part, we investigate the short and long time propagation of nonlinear fluids within a hydrodynamic framework and by means of mathematical methods developed by Riemann and Whitham. In particular, we study the oscillating structure and the dynamics of dispersive shock waves which arise after a wave breaking event. We obtain a weak shock theory, from which we can extract a quantitative description of experimentally relevant parameters, such as the wave breaking time, the velocity of the solitonic edge of the shock or the contrast of its fringes
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Papapietro, Luca. "Gravitational collapse and Hawking radiation." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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This thesis is organized as follows: In chapter 1 the theory of a massless scalar field in curved spacetime is introduced. Furthermore the Bogolubov transformation are discussed. In chapter 2 the Hawking effect is derived with the necessary approximations. Then it is briefly mentioned the problem of the information loss paradox In chapter 3 the contribution of the Hawking radiation to the bi-dimensional stress energy tensor is analyzed. In chapter 4 a generic model of gravitational collapse is analyzed with emphasis on the quantum effects. Then we restrict to the case of the collapse of a thin shell, and the accuracy of the Unruh state approximation is examined. In chapter 5 the proposals that the emission of pre-Hawking radiation could prevent the formation of an event horizon for a collapsing object are analyzed. In chapter 6 the arguments which aim to disprove the possibility that pre-Hawking radiation could prevent the formation of a black hole are discussed. Then is questioned the existence of pre-Hawking radiation.
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Rahmati, Shohreh. "Vacuum polarization and Hawking radiation." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, c2012, 2012.

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Quantum gravity is one of the interesting fields in contemporary physics which is still in progress. The purpose of quantum gravity is to present a quantum description for spacetime at 10 33cm or find the `quanta' of gravitational interaction.. At present, the most viable theory to describe gravitational interaction is general relativity which is a classical theory. Semi-classical quantum gravity or quantum field theory in curved spacetime is an approximation to a full quantum theory of gravity. This approximation considers gravity as a classical field and matter fields are quantized. One interesting phenomena in semi-classical quantum gravity is Hawking radiation. Hawking radiation was derived by Stephen Hawking as a thermal emission of particles from the black hole horizon. In this thesis we obtain the spectrum of Hawking radiation using a new method. Vacuum is defined as the possible lowest energy state which is filled with pairs of virtual particle-antiparticle. Vacuum polarization is a consequence of pair creation in the presence of an external field such as an electromagnetic or gravitational field. Vacuum polarization in the vicinity of a black hole horizon can be interpreted as the cause of the emission from black holes known as Hawking radiation. In this thesis we try to obtain the Hawking spectrum using this approach. We re-examine vacuum polarization of a scalar field in a quasi-local volume that includes the horizon. We study the interaction of a scalar field with the background gravitational field of the black hole in the desired quasi-local region. The quasi-local volume is a hollow cylinder enclosed by two membranes, one inside the horizon and one outside the horizon. The net rate of particle emission can be obtained as the difference of the vacuum polarization from the outer boundary and inner boundary of the cylinder. Thus we found a new method to derive Hawking emission which is unitary and well defined in quantum field theory.
ix, 109 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm
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Robertson, Scott James. "Hawking radiation in dispersive media." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2011.

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Hawking radiation, despite its presence in theoretical physics for over thirty years, remains elusive and undetected. It also suffers, in its original context of gravitational black holes, from conceptual difficulties. Of particular note is the trans-Planckian problem, which is concerned with the apparent origin of the radiation in absurdly high frequencies. In order to gain better theoretical understanding and, it is hoped, experimental verification of Hawking radiation, much study is being devoted to systems which model the spacetime geometry of black holes, and which, by analogy, are also thought to emit Hawking radiation. These analogue systems typically exhibit dispersion, which regularizes the wave behaviour at the horizon but does not lend itself well to analytic treatment, thus rendering Hawking’s prediction less secure. A general analytic method for dealing with Hawking radiation in dispersive systems has proved difficult to find. This thesis presents new numerical and analytic results for Hawking emission spectra in dispersive systems. It examines two black-hole analogue systems: it begins by introducing the well-known acoustic model, presenting some original results in that context; then, through analogy with the acoustic model, goes on to develop the lesser-known fibre-optical model. The following original results are presented in the context of both of these models: • an analytic expression for the low-frequency temperature is found for a hyperbolic tangent background profile, valid in the entire parameter space; it is well-known that the spectrum is approximately thermal at low frequencies, but a universally valid expression for the corresponding temperature is an original development; • an analytic expression for the spectrum, valid over almost the entire frequency range, when the velocity profile parameters lie in the regime where the low-frequency temperature is given by the Hawking prediction; previous work has focused on the low-frequency thermal spectrum and the characterization of the deviations from thermality, rather than a single analytic expression; and • a new unexplored regime where no group-velocity horizon exists is examined; the Hawking spectra are found to be non-zero here, but also highly non-thermal, and are found, in the limit of small deviations, to vary with the square of the maximum deviation; the analytic expression for the case with a horizon is found to carry over to this new regime, with appropriate modifications. Furthermore, the thesis examines the results of a classical frequency-shifting experiment in the context of fibre-optical horizons. The theory of this process is presented for both a constant-velocity and a constantly-decelerating pulse, the latter case taking account of the Raman effect. The resulting spectra are at least qualititively explained, but there is a discrepancy between theory and experiment that has not yet been accounted for.
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Gray, Sean. "Hawking Radiation and the Information Paradox." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teoretisk fysik, 2016.

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Saida, Hiromi. "Hawking radiation in an expanding universe." Kyoto University, 2002.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 松田 哲, 助教授 阪上 雅昭, 助教授 早田 次郎
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Mostoslavsky, Michael. "Hawking radiation photosphere around microscopic black holes." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Abel, Paul Gordon. "A quantum Langevin approach to Hawking radiation." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2013.

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An investigation of Hawking radiation and a method for calculating particle creation in Schwarzschild spacetime using a quantum Langevin approach is presented in this thesis. In particular we shall show that an oscillator confined to a free-fall trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime radiates as a result of such motions, and this radiation can be interpreted as Hawking radiation. In chapter 1 we present a literature review of the underlying concept: the Unruh effect. We also present some introductory material pertinent to the calculations. Chapter 2 is concerned with the case of a thin collapsing shell to form a black hole in Schwarzschild anti-de Sitter spacetime. We determine the temperature of the black hole to be T[subscript H] = h(r[subscript h])/4π = κ/2π where h(r[subscript h]) is the factorization of the conformal factor, r is the radial coordinate with the location of the horizon situated atr = r[subscript h], and κ the surface gravity. We also calculate the stress tensor at early and late spacetimes which allows us to calculate the renormalized stress-tensor {T[subscript μν]} which satisfies the semi-classical Einstien field equations. In chapter 3 we examine the case of a harmonic oscillator in 2D Schwarzschild spacetime and we show that the choice of trajectory is responsible for making the oscillator radiate. In chapter 4 we derive a quantum Langevin equation for the oscillator in the Heisenberg picture. By solving this equation using the Wigner-Weiskopff approximation we show that, in the case of an oscillator confined to a free fall trajectory in Schwarzschild spacetime, the oscillator radiates with respect to the Boulware vacuum. In agreement with Hawking[1] we obtain a temperature of the black hole as T = 1/8πM[subscript B]. In chapter 5 we present our conclusions and recommendations for further work.
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Books on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


Andie, Roman. Hawking Radiation 3. Lighthouse Books for Translation and Publishing, 2017.

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Andie, Roman. Hawking Radiation 4. Lighthouse Books for Translation and Publishing, 2017.

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Andie, Roman. Hawking Radiation 5. by Lighthouse Books for Translation and Publishing, 2017.

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Andie, Roman. Hawking Radiation 1. Lighthouse Books for Translation and Publishing, 2017.

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Faccio, Daniele, Francesco D. Belgiorno, and Sergio L. Cacciatori. Hawking Radiation: From Astrophysical Black Holes to Analogous Systems in Lab. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2018.

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Lyamshev, Leonid M. Radiation Acoustics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.

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Lyamshev, Leonid M. Radiation Acoustics. CRC, 2004.

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Lyamshev, Leonid M. Radiation Acoustics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2003.

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Lyamshev, Leonid M. Radiation Acoustics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2004.

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Radiation acoustics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003.

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Book chapters on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


Lüst, Dieter, and Ward Vleeshouwers. "Hawking and Unruh Radiation." In SpringerBriefs in Physics, 51–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Pavón, Diego. "The entropy of Hawking radiation." In The Physics of Phase Space Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Geometric Quantization, and Wigner Function, 435–37. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.

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Ong, Yen Chin. "Why Hawking Radiation Cannot Be Decoded." In Evolution of Black Holes in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime and the Firewall Controversy, 121–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.

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Iyer, B. R. "Black-Hole Thermodynamics and Hawking Radiation." In Gravitation, Gauge Theories and the Early Universe, 43–49. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Calmet, Xavier, Bernard Carr, and Elizabeth Winstanley. "Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Evaporation." In SpringerBriefs in Physics, 27–50. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Kanti, Panagiota, and Elizabeth Winstanley. "Hawking Radiation from Higher-Dimensional Black Holes." In Fundamental Theories of Physics, 229–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Herdeiro, Carlos, Marco O. P. Sampaio, and Mengjie Wang. "Hawking Radiation for a Proca Field: Numerical Strategy." In Progress in Mathematical Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, 283–87. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Manoukian, E. B. "Entropy, Thermodynamics of a BH and Hawking Radiation." In 100 Years of Fundamental Theoretical Physics in the Palm of Your Hand, 425–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Boos, Jens. "Black Holes, Generalized Polyakov Action, and Hawking Radiation." In Springer Theses, 159–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Hangleiter, Dominik, Jacques Carolan, and Karim P. Y. Thébault. "Emulation of Hawking Radiation in Dispersive Optical Media." In Analogue Quantum Simulation, 63–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Conference papers on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


DASGUPTA, ARUNDHATI. "ENTROPIC ORIGIN OF HAWKING RADIATION." In Proceedings of the MG12 Meeting on General Relativity. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2012.

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PARIKH, MAULIK K. "Energy Conservation and Hawking Radiation." In Proceedings of the MG10 Meeting held at Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF). World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.

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VARADARAJAN, M. "QUANTUM GRAVITY AND HAWKING RADIATION." In Proceedings of the 12th Regional Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2007.

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Bonora, Loriano, Maro Cvitan, Silvio Pallua, and Ivica Smolic. "Hawking radiation and W-infinity algebra." In 5th International School on Field Theory and Gravitation. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2009.

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PAGE, DON N. "HAWKING RADIATION AND BLACK HOLE THERMODYNAMICS." In Proceedings of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2008.

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Wajiha, J., and B. Rimsha. "Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling phenomenon." In Proceedings of the MG15 Meeting on General Relativity. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2022.

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Cvitan, Maro, and Ivica Smolic. "Hawking radiation, anomalies and W-infinity algebra." In Black Holes in General Relativity and String Theory. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2009.

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Kim, Sang Pyo. "Schwinger Effect, Hawking Radiation and Unruh Effect." In Second LeCosPA International Symposium: Everything about Gravity. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Radiation de Hawking acoustique"


Melnikov, Kirill. A Canonical Hamiltonian Derivation of Hawking Radiation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2001.

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Weinstein, Marvin. Black Holes, Hawking Radiation and the Information Paradox. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2002.

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Weinstein, Marvin. Moving Mirrors, Black Holes, Hawking Radiation and All That. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2001.

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Melnikov, Kirill. On unitary evolution of a massless scalar field in a Schwarzschild background: Hawking radiation and the information paradox. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2002.

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