Academic literature on the topic 'Rabindranath'

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Journal articles on the topic "Rabindranath"


GHOSH, RANJAN. "RABINDRANATH AND RABINDRANATH TAGORE: HOME, WORLD, HISTORY." History and Theory 54, no. 4 (December 2015): 125–48.

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BROWN, KELVIN. "RABINDRANATH TAGORE." Science and Culture 87, no. 5-6 (July 6, 2021): 162.

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Jha, Narmadeshwar. "Rabindranath Tagore." Prospects 24, no. 3-4 (September 1994): 603–19.

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Dżugaj, Blanka Katarzyna. "Ukoronowanie życzeń i „prawda prawdziwa”. Postać Ćitrangady w dziełach Rabindranatha Tagore’a i Rituparno Ghosha." Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture New Series, no. 14 (2/2021) (November 18, 2021): 35–52.

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Celem artykułu jest przyjrzenie się reinterpretacjom klasycznej opowieści o księżniczce Ćitrangadzie w kulturze bengalskiej na przykładzie dzieł Rabindranatha Tagore’a oraz Rituparno Ghosha. Zgodnie z przekazem eposu Mahabharata Ćitrangada była bierną kobietą pozwalającą, by to ojciec decydował o jej cielesności. Nieco inaczej jej historię przedstawia Rabindranath Tagore w dramacie tanecznym z 1892 roku. Jego Ćitrangada staje się kobietą świadomie kształtującą swoją płeć biologiczną i wykraczającą poza sztywne ramy kobiecości sformułowane przez tradycje hinduizmu. Jeszcze dalej w reinterpretacji tej opowieści posunął się reżyser Rituparno Ghosh. Przenosząc historię księżniczki z pałacu do sali operacyjnej, Ghosh wpisał się nie tylko w dyskurs feministyczny, ale też w narrację dotyczącą transpłciowości i miejsca przedstawicieli tzw. trzeciej płci we współczesnym społeczeństwie indyjskim. Reinterpretacje historii Ćitrangady to rezultat zastępowania narracji tworzonej z perspektywy mężczyzn wywodzących się z klas uprzywilejowanych społecznie głosem tzw. Innych: kobiet i osób nieheteronormatywnych. The Crowning Wish and the Truth of Thruth. The Figure of Chitrangada in the Works of Rabindranath Tagore and Rituparno Ghosh. The aim of this article is to look at the reinterpretations of the classic tale of Princess Chitrangada in Bengali culture, based on the works of Rabindranath Tagore and Rituparno Ghosh. According to Mahabharata Chitrangada was a passive woman, who allowed her father to decide about her body. Rabindranath Tagore, in the dance drama from 1892, presents her story in a different manner. His Chitrangada becomes a woman consciously shaping her biological sex and going beyond the rigid framework of femininity formulated by the traditions of Hinduism. Director Rituparno Ghosh went even further in reinterpretation of this story. By moving the story of the princess from the palace to the operating room, Ghosh entered not only into the feminist discourse, but also into the narrative of transgenderism and the place of representatives of the so-called the third sex in modern Indian society. Reinterpretations of the Chitrangada history are the result of replacing the narrative created from the perspective of men from socially privileged classes with the voice of the so-called Others: women and non-heteronormative people.
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Dżugaj, Blanka Katarzyna. "Ukoronowanie życzeń i „prawda prawdziwa”. Postać Ćitrangady w dziełach Rabindranatha Tagore’a i Rituparno Ghosha." Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture New Series, no. 14 (2/2021) (November 18, 2021): 35–52.

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Celem artykułu jest przyjrzenie się reinterpretacjom klasycznej opowieści o księżniczce Ćitrangadzie w kulturze bengalskiej na przykładzie dzieł Rabindranatha Tagore’a oraz Rituparno Ghosha. Zgodnie z przekazem eposu Mahabharata Ćitrangada była bierną kobietą pozwalającą, by to ojciec decydował o jej cielesności. Nieco inaczej jej historię przedstawia Rabindranath Tagore w dramacie tanecznym z 1892 roku. Jego Ćitrangada staje się kobietą świadomie kształtującą swoją płeć biologiczną i wykraczającą poza sztywne ramy kobiecości sformułowane przez tradycje hinduizmu. Jeszcze dalej w reinterpretacji tej opowieści posunął się reżyser Rituparno Ghosh. Przenosząc historię księżniczki z pałacu do sali operacyjnej, Ghosh wpisał się nie tylko w dyskurs feministyczny, ale też w narrację dotyczącą transpłciowości i miejsca przedstawicieli tzw. trzeciej płci we współczesnym społeczeństwie indyjskim. Reinterpretacje historii Ćitrangady to rezultat zastępowania narracji tworzonej z perspektywy mężczyzn wywodzących się z klas uprzywilejowanych społecznie głosem tzw. Innych: kobiet i osób nieheteronormatywnych. The Crowning Wish and the Truth of Thruth. The Figure of Chitrangada in the Works of Rabindranath Tagore and Rituparno Ghosh. The aim of this article is to look at the reinterpretations of the classic tale of Princess Chitrangada in Bengali culture, based on the works of Rabindranath Tagore and Rituparno Ghosh. According to Mahabharata Chitrangada was a passive woman, who allowed her father to decide about her body. Rabindranath Tagore, in the dance drama from 1892, presents her story in a different manner. His Chitrangada becomes a woman consciously shaping her biological sex and going beyond the rigid framework of femininity formulated by the traditions of Hinduism. Director Rituparno Ghosh went even further in reinterpretation of this story. By moving the story of the princess from the palace to the operating room, Ghosh entered not only into the feminist discourse, but also into the narrative of transgenderism and the place of representatives of the so-called the third sex in modern Indian society. Reinterpretations of the Chitrangada history are the result of replacing the narrative created from the perspective of men from socially privileged classes with the voice of the so-called Others: women and non-heteronormative people.
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MANDAL, SUDHENDU. "RABINDRANATH AND SCIENCE." Science and Culture 87, no. 5-6 (July 6, 2021): 151.

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Rajani, Leena M., and Dipti Mehta. "Playthings by Rabindranath Tagore." Global Journal For Research Analysis 3, no. 2 (June 15, 2012): 92–93.

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Marzuki, Marzuki, and Siti Khanifah. "Pendidikan ideal perspektif Tagore dan Ki Hajar Dewantara dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik." Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan 13, no. 2 (December 31, 2016): 172–81.

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The research aims to study the thought of Rabindranath Tagore and Ki Hajar Dewantara with the ideal education related in formation of students character. This research is a literature review using content analysis approach. Sources of data in the form of primary data and secondary data on thought of two leaders in education. Data were analyzed qualitatively with the inductive approach. The results showed that 1) Rabindranath Tagore saw education based on freedom and love. Learning approach undertaken by Rabindranath Tagore in the education system is experiential learning; 2) Ki Hajar Dewantara developed a Among system in education which is an effort to advance the development of morality (inner strength), mind (intellect), and physical students; and 3) there is a link between thought of Rabindranath Tagore and thought of Ki Hajar Dewantara on looking at the education and development of ideal education system.
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Ray, Mohit K. "Humanism of Rabindranath Tagore." Interlitteraria 16, no. 1 (December 31, 2011): 76–84.

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Fraser, Bashabi. "Rabindranath Tagore's Global Vision." Literature Compass 12, no. 5 (May 2015): 161–72.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Rabindranath"


Collins, Michael. "Rabindranath Tagore and the west, 1912-1941." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2009.

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Dutta, Ashrukana. "Rabindranath o tatwabodhini patrika রবীন্দ্রনাথ ও তত্ত্ববোধনী পত্রিকা." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2011.

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Ghosh, Goutam Kumar. "The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: in the light of Buddhism." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2014.

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Dhar, Suranjita Nina. "Rabindranath Tagore's thoughts on education from a socio-political perspective." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1996.

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Banerjee-Dalgalian, Gita. ""Le Laurier-sang" de Rabindranath Tagore : problématique d'une traduction théâtrale." Paris 4, 1987.

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Le sujet de cette thèse est le traitement des problèmes de traduction du bengali en français d'une œuvre dramatique de Tagore, et de sa réception en pays européen. Ce traitement tient compte de la distance des civilisations et des différences linguistiques qui peuvent séparer une œuvre littéraire bengalie d'un public français. Il s'oriente, en outre, sur les exigences scéniques de l'œuvre ainsi que d'après les traits pertinents de de la pensée de Tagore. La première partie de ce travail apporte des solutions concrètes aux problèmes de traduction rencontres dans "Le Laurier-sang" (Roktokorobi) la deuxième partie situe Tagore dans la continuité du théâtre indien et fait l'étude de la composition du "Laurier-sang" en relation avec les traditions théâtrales, classiques et populaires. La symbolique de la pièce est élucidée notamment à la lumière de deux courts textes de l'auteur, traduits également dans la première partie. Enfin elle fait l'exégèse des chants de la pièce définissant leur rôle et leur sens symbolique. La troisième partie fait l'analyse et le commentaire d'une sélection représentative des problèmes résolus dans la première partie selon la classification suivante : problèmes relatifs aux faits de civilisation, problèmes à dominante linguistique, problèmes relatifs à une intention particulière de l'auteur. Dans la conclusion sont apportés des éléments de réflexion sur l'actualité de cette pièce écrite en 1923 à la suite d'un voyage de l'auteur en Europe et sur les champs de bataille de la Première guerre, ainsi qu'aux Etats-Unis des années vingt. Ce fait est décisif pour interpretation du "Laurier-sang"
The present thesis treats the problems of translation from Bengali into French with reference to the translation of a Tagore play and its reception in European countries. This treatment takes into account the cultural distance and the linguistic differences separating a Bengali literary work from the French public. It is also directed by the criteria of scenic necessities as well as by some fundamental currents of Tagore’s thought and poetry. "Le laurier-sang", French translation of the play "Roktokorobi" is the first part in which the problems have found real solutions. The second part situates Tagore in the continuity of the Indian theatrical traditions, classical as well as popular. The symbolic dimension of this play is elucidated mainly in the light of two short texts of the author, also translated in the first part. The second part contains also an interpretation of the seven songs of the play, defining their role and their symbolic significance. The third part analyses and comments a representative selection of translation-problems resolved in the first part. This analysis is accompanied by the following classification: problems related to cultural facts and phenomena, problems of mainly linguistic character, problems related to a particular intention of the author. The conclusion brings some elements of reflexion on the visionary character of this play written in 1923 following Tagore’s visit to European countries, to the battlefields of the first war and to the United States in 1920-21. His impressions of this voyage played a decisive role in the conception of this play and are of importance in its interpretation
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Banerjee-Dalgalian, Gita. "Le "Laurier-sang" de Rabindranath Tagore problématique d'une traduction théâtrale /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.

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Sarkar, (. Sengupta) Shipra. "Bangla uponyase mrittu : Bankimchandra o Rabindranath বাংলা উপন্যাসে মৃত্যু : বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র ও রবীন্দ্রনাথ." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2006.

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Rudra, Shikha. "Rabindranath o narimuktir bhabna : srejane o manane রবীন্দ্রনাথ ও নারীমুক্তির ভাবনা সৃজনে ও মননে." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2000.

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Samaddar, Shekhar Kumar. "Rabindranather nataker mancha-yogyotar mullayan : projojanar bibartaner nirikhe (1881-Sampratik Kaal) রবীন্দ্রনাথের নাটকের মঞ্চযোগ্যতার মূল্যায়ন: প্রযোজনার বিবর্তনের নিরিখে (১৮৮১-সাম্প্রতিক কাল )." Thesis, University of North Bengal, 1996.

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Houghteling, James L. "Rabindranath Tagore, John Dewey, and the Unity of Mind and Culture." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014.

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What role does education play in a democratic society? How can the right sort of education help foster a free, responsible, and caring citizenry? How can education begin to reconcile and incorporate intellectually complicated and seemingly opposite ideas and theories, such as idealism and pragmatism, localism and globalism, thought and action? In my thesis, I aim to reveal, and perhaps begin to answer, these larger ideas pertaining to the role of education in society. Moreover, I address these questions through the lens of Rabindranath Tagore and John Dewey, two thinkers and practitioners at the turn of the twentieth century who sought to use education to find solutions to problems facing their respective local communities, but also the global community.
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Books on the topic "Rabindranath"


Sengupta, Subodh Chandra. Rabindranath. Calcutta: Mukherjee, 1986.

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Lago, Mary, and Ronald Warwick, eds. Rabindranath Tagore. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.

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Bhattacharya, Kumkum. Rabindranath Tagore. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Basu, Nitai. Rangapriya Rabindranath. Calcutta: Jagaddhatri, 1986.

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Roy, Kshitis. Rabindranath Tagore. New Delhi: National Gallery of Modern Art, 1988.

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Indian Council of Philosophical Research., ed. Rabindranath Tagore. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers co-published with Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2002.

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Kabir, Humayun. Rabindranath Tagore. Delhi: Pankaj Publications International, 1987.

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Chattopadhyay, Durdapada. Ajana Rabindranath. Kol: APP, 2004.

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Maity, Sisir Kumar. Pujya Rabindranath. Calcutta: Dey's, 1987.

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1861-1941, Tagore Rabindranath, ed. Rabindranath Tagore. New Delhi: Library of Congress Office, 2005.

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Book chapters on the topic "Rabindranath"


Kämpchen, Martin. "Tagore, Rabindranath." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Kämpchen, Martin. "Rabindranath Tagore." In Kindler Kompakt: Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts, 57–58. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.

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Chakraborti, Tridib. "Rabindranath Tagore." In Reappraising Modern Indian Thought, 19–54. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Jelnikar, Ana. "Tagore, Rabindranath." In Encyclopedia of Global Justice, 1051–55. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Nimbalkar, Namita. "Tagore, Rabindranath." In Hinduism and Tribal Religions, 1–3. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2021.

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Nimbalkar, Namita. "Tagore, Rabindranath." In Hinduism and Tribal Religions, 1599–600. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2022.

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Chakrabarty, Bidyut. "Rabindranath Tagore." In Rabindranath Tagore's Ideational Universe, 88–118. London: Routledge India, 2023.

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Chakrabarty, Bidyut. "Rabindranath Tagore." In Rabindranath Tagore's Ideational Universe, 23–51. London: Routledge India, 2023.

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Chakrabarty, Bidyut, and Rajendra K. Pandey. "Rabindranath Tagore." In Modern Indian Political Thought, 58–74. London: Routledge India, 2023.

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Lago, Mary, and Ronald Warwick. "Introduction." In Rabindranath Tagore, 1–3. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.

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Conference papers on the topic "Rabindranath"


Chaudhuri, B. B., Ankita Saraf, Alka Kumari, Samarjeet Borah, and Alisha Goyal. "Separation of text from non-text doodles of poet Rabindranath Tagore's manuscripts." In 2012 National Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (NCCCS). IEEE, 2012.

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Martynov, Dmitry. "LIU RENHANG AND HERBERT G. WELLS." In 9th International Conference ISSUES OF FAR EASTERN LITERATURES. St. Petersburg State University, 2021.

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Liu Renhang (1885–1938) was known as a Shanghai publicist and propagandist of Buddhism, vegetarianism and non-violence. Having been educated in Japan, he could not establish relations with Zhang Xun and Yan Xishan. He made a long journey to India and Indochina, talked with Rabindranath Tagore. In the 1920s and 1930s, Liu Renhang published over 30 books, mostly translated from Japanese and English. He published translations of L. N. Tolstoy’s short stories, books on hydrotherapy and yoga, and founded the Institute for the Cultivation of Joy in Shanghai (乐天 修养 馆). The main work of his life was Dongfang Datong Xuean in 6 juan, the creation of which was carried out in 1918–1924. The treatise was fully published in Shanghai in 1926, and was reprinted in 1991 and 2014. Its main content was to consider the classical ideals of Xiaokang and Datong, and the possibility of combining ideals with the realities of the modern world. Liu Renhang believed that the ideal of Datong Confucius and Kang Yuwei is fully compatible with Buddhist teachings. During the fifth session of the Central Election Commission of the Kuomintang of the fourth convocation (1934), he tried to announce at the meeting a petition on the introduction of the principle of Great Unity in international relations. In 1938, he created the utopian commune Datong in his native village, and tried to interest Zhou Enlai and Dong Biu with his theories. In the Dongfang Datong Xuean treatise, Liu Renhang introduced the “history of the future”, which was influenced by H. G. Wells’ globalist and Fabian ideas. Liu Renhang directly referred to his novel The War in the Air in conclusion to his own treatise. Like Wells, Liu looked with pessimism on the prospects of modern mankind, and called for the emergence of a “modern Genghis Khan”, who would ruin the world, on the ashes of which the sprout of a new Great Unity would rise.
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