Academic literature on the topic 'Quasiparticules'
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Journal articles on the topic "Quasiparticules"
Houzet, Manuel, Julia Meyer, and Pascal Simon. "Le spectre de Majorana." Reflets de la physique, no. 61 (March 2019): 4–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Quasiparticules"
Gueron, S. "QUASIPARTICULES DANS UN CONDUCTEUR DIFFUSIF:INTERACTION ET APPARIEMENT." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 1997.
Full textLa deuxième partie est consacrée à l'effet de proximité, c'est-à-dire la pénétration dans un métal non supraconducteur (normal, N) de l'ordre supraconducteur (S), caractérisé par l'appariement entre quasiparticules. L'ordre induit modifie la densité d'états du métal N, que nous avons mesurée en fonction de la distance au contact NS. A une distance de 100 nm, la densité d'états au niveau de Fermi est diminuée de moitié. La modification de la densité d'états subsiste jusqu'à une distance de l'ordre du micron.
De même, le courant à travers une interface NS pour des tensions inférieures au gap du S (courant d'Andreev) dépend de l'appariement induit dans le métal N. Ce courant, dû au passage cohérent de deux électrons du métal N dans le S, est amplifié par le confinement des trajectoires électroniques près de l'interface. Pour démontrer la nature interférentielle de cette amplification, nous avons fabriqué un « NS-QUID », constitué par une fourche supraconductrice fermée par un fil normal. La figure d'interférence est constituée par le courant, qui est modulé par un champ magnétique appliqué perpendiculairement à l'échantillon.
Guéron, Sophie. "Quasiparticules dans un conducteur diffusif : interactions et appariement." Paris 6, 1997.
Full textZHOU, CHING. "Correlations magnetiques et proprietes des quasiparticules dans un systeme des electrons correles." Paris 11, 1994.
Full textBRINKMANN, DIRK. "Dynamique ultra-rapide de quasiparticules electroniques dans des gaz de porteurs bidimensionnels." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1999.
Full textLebègue, Sébastien. "Etudes des corrélations électroniques dans les matériaux par la méthode GW." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003.
Full textDubois, Léa. "Dynamique hors d'équilibre d'un gaz de Bosons unidimensionnel étudiée via la mesure spatialement résolue de la distribution des quasiparticules." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textThis manuscript describes theoretical and experimental studies on characterizing one dimensionnal (1D) bose gas. To produce such a system, a Rubidium gas est trapped in a very transversally confining magnetic potential produced by an atom chip. Contrary to thermodynamic systems reaching an equilibrium described by several macroscopic parameters (pressure, temperature), this system relaxes towards a more complex state described by a function called the rapidity distribution. This function can be accessed experimentally : the rapidity distribution corresponds to the asymptotic atomic velocity distribution after a 1D expansion of the atoms. This quantity can also be extracted by studying the 1D expansion with the Generalized Hydrodynamic, an emerging theory with a lot of interest recently, specially conceived for studying these systems.A first study detailed in this manuscript consisted in characterizing 1D expansion of the gas. The evolution of the density profile and the evolution of phase fluctuations were analyzed and found to be compatible with theoretical predictions. A second project involved adding a spatial selection tool to produce non-equilibrium situations and to locally probe the rapidity distribution of the system. These measurements were performed on initial equilibrium and out of equilibrium situations. They are well understood with the predictions of Generalized Hydrodynamics
René, De Cotret Samuel. "Évolution des quasiparticules nodales du cuprate supraconducteur YBa[indice inférieur 2]Cu[indice inférieur 3]O[indice inférieur y] en conductivité thermique." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013.
Full textDespres, Julien. "Correlation spreading in quantum lattice models with variable-range interactions." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textIn this thesis, we have investigated the spreading of quantum correlations in isolated lattice models with short- or long-range interactions driven far from equilibrium via sudden global quenches. A main motivation for this research topic was to shed new light on the conflicting results in the literature concerning the scaling law of the correlation edge, its lack of universality and the incompleteness of the existing physical pictures to fully characterize the propagation of quantum correlations. To do so, we have presented a general theoretical approach relying on a quasiparticle theory. The latter has permitted to unveil a generic expression for the equal-time connected correlation functions valid both for short-range and long-range interacting particle and spin lattice models on a hypercubic lattice. Relying on stationary phase arguments, we have shown that its causality cone displays a universal twofold structure consisting of a correlation edge and a series of local extrema defining the outer and inner structure of the space-time correlations. For short-range interactions, the motion of each structure is ballistic and the associated spreading velocities are related to the group and phase velocites of the quasiparticle dispersion relation of the post-quench Hamiltonian. For long-range interactions of the form 1/|R|^α, the correlation spreading is substantially different due to a possible divergence of group velocity when tuning the power-law exponent α. For a divergent group velocity, extit{ie.} the quasi-local regime, we have presented evidence of a universal algebraic structure for the causality cone. While, the correlation edge motion has been found to be always slower than ballistic, the local extrema propagate faster than ballistically and ballistically for gapless and gapped quantum systems respectively. For the local regime implying a well-defined group velocity, we have recovered similar scaling laws and spreading velocities than the short-range case for the causality cone of correlations. The previous theoretical predictions have been verified numerically using tensor network techniques within the case study of the short-range Bose-Hubbard chain and the long-range s=1/2 XY and transverse Ising chains
Jalabert, Thomas. "Modulation de la supraconductivité hors équilibre avec un STM." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textQuasiparticles dynamics often governs the ultimate performances of superconducting devices. Out-of-equilibrium superconductivity has therefore attracted a long-standing interest. In order to probe the microscopic mechanisms at play, injection of quasiparticles with the help of a tunnel junction has already been employed at the mesoscopic scale, thanks to the outstanding progress in modern nanotechnology. However, lithographed tunnel junctions lack spatial resolution and do not allow to vary the bias voltage and the tunneling current independently. In order to overcome these two limitations the novelty of this PhD work is to use a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) working at very low temperature (50 mK) to tune the critical current of superconducting nanowires as a function of the tip position and the tunneling set-point.In thin niobium nanowires capped with gold, we measured a drastic reduction of the critical current by injecting a tunnelling current of quasiparticles that is six orders of magnitude lower. We interpret this observation as a local increase of the electronic temperature. We also suggest that the same mechanism is at play in superconducting Field Effect Transistors (SuFETs). The critical current depends strongly on the injection position along the nanowire, the injection rate and the energy of the quasiparticles. At large energies compared to the superconducting gap, the reduction of the critical current is controlled by the injected power. Our measurements show that the diffusion of heat by quasiparticles and phonons explains the injection power and position dependencies, and allow to probe the electron-phonon coupling in our samples. By contrast, when reducing the energy at constant injection rate, the critical current sharply decreases close to the gap energy, signalling the breakdown of the quasi-equilibrium model. We explain this behaviour as a non Fermi Dirac out of equilibrium energy distribution of the quasiparticles, and this allows to estimate the relaxation rate of the quasiparticles. We also probed the spectral properties of current carrying nanowires, and induced magnetic vortices to create spatial variations in the density of states. We thus evidenced the effect of quasiparticle trapping by vortices at the nanometer scale, which is of particular interest since until now the only experiments that allow investigating the dynamics of an inhomogeneous superconducting system necessarily probed a macroscopic volume of the superconductor, rendering explanation of the measurements in terms of the inhomogeneity difficult.Therefore, this experimental work opens a new perspective to investigate the competition between diffusion, relaxation and recombination of quasiparticles in strongly disordered superconductors with various applications such as in photon detection and superconducting electronics
Borges, Gomes Lima Yuri. "Μοdélisatiοn atοmistique de la transfοrmatiοn de phase austénite-ferrite dans les aciers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textThis thesis applies the Quasiparticle Approach (QA) to investigate the atomic scale mechanisms driving the phase transformation from FCC to BCC structures in iron. Initially, the study focuses on pure iron, providing detailed results into the nature and role of dislocations, at the FCC-BCC interface. It was shown that the FCC-BCC interface is semi-coherent and stepped, with two sets of transformations dislocations at the interface. The QA framework reveals how each orientation relationship (OR) influences the interface characteristics. Although the ORs displayed different interface structures, all were ultimately found to follow the same atomic transformation path, driven by the glide of transformation dislocations at the interface. It was concluded that the complete FCC to BCC phase transformation involves the action of the Kurdjumov-Sachs (KS) transformation mechanism in two variants along the two sets of dislocations, with the Kurdjumov-Sachs-Nishiyama (KSN) mechanism emerging as the average of the two KS mechanisms. This detailed description served as a basis for the study of Fe-C systems, where carbon segregation at the interface was observed. Moreover, it was shown that the carbon concentration profiles were consistent with local equilibrium conditions at the interface
Book chapters on the topic "Quasiparticules"
"Chapitre 3 États excités et quasiparticules." In Supraconductivité, 47–68. EDP Sciences, 2023.
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