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Mattioli, Kara R. "Towards Experimental Confirmation of Quarkonia Melting in Quark–Gluon Plasma: A Review of Recent Measurements of Quarkonia Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions." Symmetry 16, no. 2 (February 13, 2024): 225.

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The dissociation, or “melting”, of heavy quarkonia states due to color charge screening is a predicted signature of quark–gluon plasma (QGP) formation, with a quarkonium state predicted to dissociate when the temperature of the medium is higher than the binding energy of the quarkonium state. A conclusive experimental observation of quarkonium melting coupled with a detailed theoretical understanding of the melting mechanism would enable the use of quarkonia states as temperature probes of the QGP, a long-sought goal in the field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. However, the interpretation of quarkonia suppression measurements in heavy-ion collisions is complicated by numerous other cold nuclear matter effects that also result in the dissociation of bound quarkonia states. A comprehensive understanding of these cold nuclear matter effects is therefore needed in order to correctly interpret quarkonia production measurements in heavy-ion collisions and to observe the melting of quarkonium states experimentally. In this review, recent measurements of quarkonia production in pA and AA collisions and their state-of-the-art theoretical interpretations will be discussed, as well as the future measurements needed to further the knowledge of cold nuclear matter effects and realize a measurement of quarkonia melting in heavy-ion collisions.
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Fionda, F. "Quarkonium Production Measurements with the ALICE Detector at the LHC." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 64, no. 7 (September 17, 2019): 566.

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In (ultra-)relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the strongly interactingmatter is predicted to undergo a phase transition into a plasma of deconfinedquarks and gluons (QGP) and quarkonia probe different aspects of this medium.However, the medium modification of quarkonium production includes also the contribution of cold nuclear matter effects (CNM), such as shadowing or nuclear break-up in addition to QGP effects. Proton--nucleus collisions, where no QGP is expected, are used to measure cold nuclear matter effects on quarkonium production. Vacuum production of quarkonia is modelled in proton--proton (pp) collisions, which are used as reference for both heavy-ion and proton--nucleus collisions. Besides serving as reference, results in pp collisions represent a benchmark test of QCD based models in both perturbative and non-perturbative regimes. The ALICE detector has unique capabilities at the LHC for measuring quarkonia down to zero transverse momentum. Measurements are carried out at both central and forward rapidity, in the dielectron and dimuon decay channel, respectively. In this contribution the latest quarkonium measurements for various energies and colliding systems, performed by the ALICE Collaboration during the LHC Run-2 period, will be discussed.
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SHEN, XIAOYAN. "HEAVY FLAVOR, QUARKONIUM PRODUCTION AND DECAY." International Journal of Modern Physics A 21, no. 08n09 (April 10, 2006): 1710–23.

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Recent experimental results on quarkonium physics are reviewed. In particular, the new observed particles since last one or two years, such as X(1835), X(3872), X(3940), Y(3940) and Y(4260) are discussed, the latest data on double charmonium production, heavy hadron spectroscopy and quarkonia decays are presented.
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Castellanos, Javier Castillo. "Hidden heavy flavour production in heavy-ion collisions." EPJ Web of Conferences 171 (2018): 04002.

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An overview of recent experimental results on quarkonium production in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies is presented. Their implications in the theoretical understanding of the production of quarkonia is discussed.
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Celiberto, Francesco Giovanni. "Vector Quarkonia at the LHC with Jethad: A High-Energy Viewpoint." Universe 9, no. 7 (July 7, 2023): 324.

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In this review, we discuss and extend the study of the inclusive production of vector quarkonia, J/ψ and Υ, emitted with large transverse momenta and rapidities at the LHC. We adopt the novel ZCW19+ determination of fragmentation functions to depict the quarkonium production mechanism at the next-to-leading level of perturbative QCD. This approach is based on the nonrelativistic QCD formalism well adapted to describe the formation of a quarkonium state from the collinear fragmentation of a gluon or a constituent heavy quark at the lowest energy scale. We rely upon the NLL/NLO+ hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization for differential cross-sections, where the collinear formalism is enhanced by the BFKL resummation of next-to-leading energy logarithms arising in the t-channel. We employ the method to analyze the behavior of the rapidity distributions for double-inclusive vector quarkonium and inclusive vector quarkonium plus jet emissions. We discover that the natural stability of the high-energy series, previously seen in observables sensitive to the emission of hadrons with heavy flavor detected in the rapidity acceptance of LHC barrel calorimeters, becomes even more manifest when these particles are tagged in forward regions covered by endcaps. Our findings present the important message that vector quarkonia at the LHC via hybrid factorization offer a unique chance to perform precision studies of high-energy QCD, as well as an intriguing opportunity to shed light on the quarkonium production puzzle.
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Nejad, S. Mohammad Moosavi, and Mahdi Delpasand. "Spin-dependent fragmentation functions of gluon splitting into heavy quarkonia considering three different scenarios." International Journal of Modern Physics A 30, no. 32 (November 17, 2015): 1550179.

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Heavy quarkonium production is a powerful implement to study the strong interaction dynamics and QCD theory. Fragmentation is the dominant production mechanism for heavy quarkonia with large transverse momentum. With the large heavy quark mass, the relative motion of the heavy quark pair inside a heavy quarkonium is effectively nonrelativistic and it is also well known that their fragmentation functions can be calculated in the perturbative QCD framework. Here, we analytically calculate the process-independent fragmentation functions for a gluon to split into the spin-singlet and spin-triplet [Formula: see text]-wave heavy quarkonia using three different scenarios. We will show that the fragmentation probability of the gluon into the spin-triplet bound-state is the biggest one.
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Zhao, Jiaxing. "Recent theoretical developments in quarkonia production in relativistic heavy ion collisions." EPJ Web of Conferences 316 (2025): 01013.

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Quarkonia are golden probes of heavy ion collisions that have attracted much attention from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. This paper will review recent theoretical studies on quarkonium thermal properties, with a particular focus on the heavy quark finite-temperature potential obtained by Lattice QCD and other approaches. Moreover, it will examine the advancements in the real-time evolution of quarkonia in heavy ion collisions.
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Massacrier, Laure. "Measurements of quarkonia production." EPJ Web of Conferences 316 (2025): 01014.

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Quarkonium production in high-energy hadronic collisions is a useful tool to investigate fundamental aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics, from the proton and nucleus structure to deconfinement and the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). In these proceedings, emphasis is made on few recent quarkonium results from the RHIC and LHC colliders in proton-proton (pp), proton-nucleus (p-A) and nucleus-nucleus (A-A) collisions. In addition, results for some key observables are compiled to discuss the state-of-the-art in quarkonium production, with a focus on quarkonium hadroproduction.
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McKibben Lofnes, Ingrid. "Quarkonia as probes of the QGP and of the initial stages of the heavy-ion collision with ALICE." EPJ Web of Conferences 259 (2022): 12004.

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Studies of quarkonium production in heavy-ion collisions can be used for probing QGP properties. The suppression and regeneration of bound quarkonium states is sensitive to the medium properties. Modifications of the quarkonium polarization in Pb–Pb collisions with respect to pp collisions may give further insight into the suppression and regeneration mechanisms in the QGP. Quarkonia are also sensitive to the initial stages of heavy-ion collisions, and measurements in photonuclear collisions may help constrain the nuclear gluon-distribution at low Bjorken-x. In this work, recent quarkonium measurements performed by ALICE in Pb–Pb collisions at √SNN = 5.02 TeV will be discussed. Preliminary measurements of the inclusive J/ψ RAA measured at both forward and central rapidity will be presented. The J/ψ polarization measured for the first time in Pb–Pb collisions, as well as preliminary measurements of the coherent J/ψ photoproduction cross section, will be discussed.
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Manca, G. "Quarkonia production at LHCb." International Journal of Modern Physics A 29, no. 11n12 (April 25, 2014): 1430014.

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Cheung, Kingman, Wai-Yee Keung, and Tzu Chiang Yuan. "Quarkonium Production at Z0 and in ϒ(1S) Decay." International Journal of Modern Physics A 12, no. 22 (September 10, 1997): 3931–40.

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The conventional color-singlet model was challenged by the recent data on quarkonium production. Discrepancies in production rates were observed at the Tevatron, at LEP, and in fixed-target experiments. The newly advocated color-octet mechanism provides a plausible solution to the anomalous quarkonium production observed at the Tevatron. The color-octet mechanism should also affect other quarkonium production channels. In this paper we will summarize the studies of quarkonium production in Z0 and ϒ decays.
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Rothkopf, Alexander. "Quarkonium Production in the QGP." Universe 5, no. 5 (May 16, 2019): 117.

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We report on recent theory progress in understanding the production of heavy quarkonium in heavy-ion collisions based on the in-medium heavy-quark potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations. On the one hand, the proper in-medium potential allows us to study the spectral properties of heavy quarkonium in thermal equilibrium, from which we estimate the ψ ′ to J / ψ ratio in heavy-ion collisions. On the other hand, the potential provides a central ingredient in the description of the real-time evolution of heavy-quarkonium formulated in the open-quantum-systems framework.
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Robinett, R. W. "Production of scalar-quarkonium int-quarkonium radiative decays." Physical Review D 31, no. 11 (June 1, 1985): 3008–9.

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Lee, Kyle, Jian-Wei Qiu, George Sterman, and Kazuhiro Watanabe. "Subleading power corrections to heavy quarkonium production in QCD factorization approach." EPJ Web of Conferences 274 (2022): 04005.

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We report the current understanding of heavy quarkonium production at high transverse momentum (pT) in hadronic collisions in terms of QCD factorization. In this presentation, we highlight the role of subleading power corrections to heavy quarkonium production, which are essential to describe the pT spectrum of quarkonium at a relatively lower pT. We also introduce prescription to match QCD factorization to fixed-order NRQCD factorization calculations for quarkonium production at low pT.
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KANG, ZHONG-BO. "DOUBLE PARTON FRAGMENTATION FUNCTION AND ITS EVOLUTION IN QUARKONIUM PRODUCTION." International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 25 (January 2014): 1460040.

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We summarize the results of a recent study on a new perturbative QCD factorization formalism for the production of heavy quarkonia of large transverse momentum pT at collider energies. Such a new factorization formalism includes both the leading power (LP) and next-to-leading power (NLP) contributions to the cross section in the [Formula: see text] expansion for heavy quark mass mQ. For the NLP contribution, the so-called double parton fragmentation functions are involved, whose evolution equations have been derived. We estimate fragmentation functions in the non-relativistic QCD formalism, and found that their contribution reproduce the bulk of the large enhancement found in explicit NLO calculations in the color singlet model. Heavy quarkonia produced from NLP channels prefer longitudinal polarization, in contrast to the single parton fragmentation function. This might shed some light on the heavy quarkonium polarization puzzle.
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Sadek Finot, Rita. "Quarkonium production and elliptic flow in small systems measured with ALICE." EPJ Web of Conferences 276 (2023): 02010.

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Abstract. Quarkonium production in hadronic collisions provides a unique testing ground for understanding quantum chromodynamics (QCD) since it involves both perturbative and non-perturbative regimes of this theory. A variety of experimental observables, such as the production cross-section, polarization, particle correlations, serve as insights into the phenomenology of the quarkonium production and help constrain the theoretical models. Measurements of quarkonia as a function of multiplicity probe multiple parton interactions (MPI), i.e., several parton-parton interactions occurring in a single hadron-hadron collision. Finally, measurements of the azimuthal correlation structure of emitted particles in high multiplicity pp collisions can probe the existence of collective behaviour in small systems. The ALICE detector can reconstruct inclusive quarkonia over a broad kinematical range, spanning from mid-rapidity up to forward rapidity, and down to zero transverse momentum. In addition, at midrapidity, the non-prompt charmonium contribution can be separated from the prompt contribution. In these proceedings, we present new results on the inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production cross sections measured by ALICE in pp collisions at different collision energies. The self-normalized ψ(2S)-to-J/ψ yield ratio measurement is investigated as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in pp collisions at √S = 13. TeV. Finally, the first measurement of the J/ψ elliptic flow (v2) in high multiplicity pp collisions at √S = 13. TeV is presented. Results will be compared to theoretical models.
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Price, Darren D. "Quarkonium production at ATLAS." EPJ Web of Conferences 28 (2012): 12025.

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Pepe Altarelli, Monica. "Quarkonium Production at LHCb." EPJ Web of Conferences 60 (2013): 15005.

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Barger, V., and A. D. Martin. "Quarkonium production atpp¯colliders." Physical Review D 31, no. 5 (March 1, 1985): 1051–54.

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Rudaz, Serge. "Cosmic Production of Quarkonium?" Physical Review Letters 56, no. 20 (May 19, 1986): 2128–31.

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Kang, Zhong-Bo, Jian-Wei Qiu, and George Sterman. "Factorization and Quarkonium Production." Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 214, no. 1 (May 2011): 39–43.

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Abraham, K. J. "Quarkonium production at hera." Physics Letters B 240, no. 1-2 (April 1990): 224–26.

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Schuler, Gerhard A., and Ramona Vogt. "Systematics of quarkonium production." Physics Letters B 387, no. 1 (October 1996): 181–86.

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Murphy, C. R. "Quarkonium Production at DØ." International Journal of Modern Physics A 12, no. 22 (September 10, 1997): 3877–86.

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We present results on inclusive J/ψ production in the central and forward regions and ϒ production in the central region using dimuon data collected with the DØ detector during the 1992-1995 Tevatron collider run. Using muon impact parameters we have estimated the fraction of J/ψ mesons coming from B meson decays and inferred the inclusive b production cross section. We have also obtained the fraction of J/ψ events resulting from radiative decays of χc states. We discuss the implications of our measurements for quarkonium production processes.
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Bickley, Abigail. "Quarkonium Production in PHENIX." Nuclear Physics A 783, no. 1-4 (February 2007): 285–92.

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Thews, R. L. "Quarkonium Production via Recombination." Nuclear Physics A 783, no. 1-4 (February 2007): 301–8.

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Chen, An-Ping, Yan-Qing Ma, and Hong Zhang. "A Short Theoretical Review of Charmonium Production." Advances in High Energy Physics 2022 (March 7, 2022): 1–16.

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In this paper, we review the current status of the phenomenological study of quarkonium production in high-energy collisions. After a brief introduction of several important models and effective field theories for quarkonium production, we discuss the comparisons between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements.
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Krätschmer, Ilse. "Quarkonium production measurements and searches for exotic quarkonia at CMS." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 556 (November 26, 2014): 012012.

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Paul, Biswarup. "Recent ALICE results on quarkonium production in nuclear collisions." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2586, no. 1 (September 1, 2023): 012007.

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Abstract Quarkonium production has long been regarded as a potential probe of deconfinement in nucleus-nucleus collisions. Recently, the production of J/ψ via regeneration within the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) or at the phase boundary has been identified as an important ingredient for the interpretation of quarkonium production results from lead-lead collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Quarkonium polarization could also be used to investigate the properties of the hot and dense medium created at LHC energies, as well as the initial stages of the heavy-ion collision. In this contribution, the latest ALICE quarkonium results are presented and discussed. These include, among others, the nuclear modification of (prompt, non-prompt and inclusive) J/ψ, the ψ(2S) production, and the J/ψ polarization, all measured in lead-lead collisions at the LHC. The results are compared with available theoretical model calculations.
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Chung, Hee Sok. "Quarkonium production and polarization: where do we stand?" EPJ Web of Conferences 274 (2022): 01011.

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We review the current status of heavy quarkonium production phenomenology based on nonrelativistic effective field theories, focusing on spintriplet S -wave states such as J/ψ, ψ(2S ), and ϒ. We present some representative examples for heavy quarkonium production mechanisms proposed in the literature, which vary significantly depending on the choice of data employed in analyses. We then discuss the rôle of polarization in discriminating between the different possible scenarios for quarkonium production. Other observables that may be useful in pinpointing the production mechanism are also introduced, such as the ηc production, associated production of J/ψ plus a gauge boson, and J/ψ production at the Electron-Ion Collider.
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Choudhury, Subikash. "Quarkonia as probes of initial and final states in small systems with ALICE." EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 09007.

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The multiple parton−parton interactions (MPIs) are an important element to describe the observed collective flow and strangeness enhancement in high multiplicity pp and p−Pb collisions, the so-called small systems. At LHC energy, MPIs affect both soft and hard scales of the event. Since quarkonium production involves both, it can be an excellent tool to understand the role of MPIs in small systems. Study of multiplicity dependent quarkonium production provides an indirect probe of MPIs in hadronic collisions. Also, relative production of excited-to-ground quarkonium states as a function of multiplicity are sensitive to final state effects. Cross section measurements of different quarkonium states are also important to understand their production mechanisms. In these proceedings, first preliminary results of ψ(2S)-over-J/ψ cross section measurements at mid and forward rapidity (y) from Run 2 and Run 3 pp collisions at √S and 13.6 TeV, respectively will be presented. Preliminary results on ϒ(nS) states (n = 1,2) cross sections and final multiplicity dependent measurements of excited-to-ground states quarkonium yields, at forward y, in pp collisions at √S TeV will be shown. In addition, few performance plots from Run 3 in the quarkonium sector will be presented and discussed.
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Ståhl Leiton, Andre Govinda. "Experimental overview: Quarkonium production in relativistic particle collisions." EPJ Web of Conferences 296 (2024): 01030.

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Quarkonium provides a golden probe of the formation of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Its production in heavy-ion collisions can be affected by an interplay of different phenomena such as medium-induced dissociation and heavy-quark (re)combination in the QGP, and cold nuclear matter effects due to the presence of the nucleus. The measurement of quarkonium states in different collision systems and beam energies allows to gain further insights on these effects and probe the properties of the QGP. In these proceedings, an overview of the main experimental quarkonium measurements in proton-proton, protonnucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions is presented, giving emphasis on the most recent results from the Large Hadron Collider and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider experiments shown at the 2023 Quark Matter conference.
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Lyubushkina, Tatiana. "ATLAS results on quarkonia and heavy flavor production." International Journal of Modern Physics A 35, no. 34n35 (December 4, 2020): 2044003.

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The associated production a vector boson with [Formula: see text] is a key observable for understanding of the quarkonium production mechanisms, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components. Measurements from the ATLAS detector at LHC on quarkonium production, including associated production of a [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are presented. A study of the hidden-charm states [Formula: see text] is also provided.
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Hoyer, Paul, and Stéphane Peigné. "Rescattering effects in quarkonium production." Physical Review D 57, no. 3 (February 1, 1998): 1864–77.

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Arnaldi, R. "Experimental overview on quarkonium production." Nuclear Physics A 956 (December 2016): 128–35.

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Ma, Rongrong. "Quarkonium production in nuclear collisions." Nuclear Physics A 982 (February 2019): 120–26.

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Rothkopf, Alexander. "Quarkonium production and suppression: Theory." Nuclear Physics A 1005 (January 2021): 121922.

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Tang, Zebo. "Quarkonium production: An experimental overview." Nuclear Physics A 1005 (January 2021): 121942.

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Cacciari, Matteo. "Phenomenology of heavy quarkonium production." Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 71, no. 1-3 (March 1999): 431–40.

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Hoyer, Paul. "The dynamics of quarkonium production." Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 75, no. 3 (April 1999): 153–60.

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GAVAI, R., D. KHARZEEV, H. SATZ, G. A. SCHULER, K. SRIDHAR, and R. VOGT. "QUARKONIUM PRODUCTION IN HADRONIC COLLISIONS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 10, no. 20n21 (August 20, 1995): 3043–70.

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We summarize the theoretical description of charmonium and bottonium production in hadronic collisions and compare it to the available data from hadron-nucleon interactions. With the parameters of the theory established by these data, we obtain predictions for quarkonium production at RHIC and LHC energies.
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Signori, Andrea. "Gluon TMDs in Quarkonium Production." Few-Body Systems 57, no. 8 (April 22, 2016): 651–55.

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Fleming, Sean. "Electromagnetic production of quarkonium inZ0decay." Physical Review D 48, no. 5 (September 1, 1993): R1914—R1916.

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Conesa del Valle, Zaida. "Multiplicity Dependence of Quarkonium Production." Universe 10, no. 2 (January 29, 2024): 59.

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Recent measurements on heavy-flavour production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity at the LHC are discussed. Focus is given to quarkonium results in small (pp or pPb) collision systems. The measurements of relative yields, i.e., the ratio of the particle yields in given multiplicity intervals to the multiplicity integrated yield are presented and compared to model calculations from Monte Carlo event generators as well as to models considering effects at play in the initial and/or final state of the collision. The absolute inclusive J/ψ yield as a function of the absolute charged-particle multiplicity is evaluated; a smooth behaviour of the absolute yield is observed across collision systems, from pp to pPb and PbPb collisions. Analogous measurements of the excited-to-ground state quarkonium ratios as a function of charged-particle multiplicity are also reviewed. Finally, the study of exotic particle production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity is introduced as a complementary tool to investigate the nature of the χc1(3872) hadron.
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Escobedo, Miguel Ángel, and Tuomas Lappi. "The dipole picture and the non-relativistic expansion." EPJ Web of Conferences 258 (2022): 04006.

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We study exclusive quarkonium production in the dipole picture at next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy, using the non-relativistic expansion for the quarkonium wavefunction. The quarkonium light cone wave functions needed in the dipole picture have typically been available only at tree level, either in phenomenological models or in the nonrelativistic limit. Here, we discuss the compatibility of the dipole approach and the non-relativistic expansion and compute NLO relativistic corrections to the quarkonium light-cone wave function in light-cone gauge.
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Kurepin, A. B., and N. S. Topilskaya. "Quarkonium Production and Proposal of the New Experiments on Fixed Target at the LHC." Advances in High Energy Physics 2015 (2015): 1–13.

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The brief review of the experimental data on quarkonium productions measured at the CERN SPS, at the Brookhaven Collider RHIC, and at the LHC is presented. The dissociation of quarkonium resonances produced in heavy ion collisions was suggested as a possible signal of the Quark-Gluon Plasma formation. At the CERN SPS, the anomalous suppression of theJ/ψproduction was observed in central Pb-Pb collisions by the NA50 collaboration. However, the effects ofJ/ψsuppression on cold nuclear matter, feed-down production from higher charmonium states, and regeneration processes should be taken into account. If proton and ion beams at the LHC will be used with fixed targets, the energy interval between the SPS energy and the nominal RHIC energy (200 GeV) could be investigated. The high statistics data on quarkonium productions at these energies will give the possibility of clarifying the mechanism of charmonium productions to investigate the importance of the recombination process, since the probability of recombination decreases with decreasing the energy of collisions.
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Berezhnoy, A. V., V. V. Kiselev, and A. K. Likhoded. "Hadronic production ofS- andP-wave states of $$\bar b$$ -quarkonium-quarkonium." Zeitschrift für Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei 356, no. 1 (December 1996): 79–87.

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Song, Taesoo, Joerg Aichelin, Jiaxing Zhao, Pol B. Gossiaux, and Elena Bratkovskaya. "Quarkonium production in pp and heavy-ion collisions." EPJ Web of Conferences 316 (2025): 04008.

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Campus Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany Abstract. We describe quarkonium production in pp and heavy-ion collisions by using the Remler’s formalism where quarkonium density operator is applied to all possible combination of heavy quark and heavy antiquark pairs. In pp collisions heavy (anti)quark momentum is provided by the PYTHIA event generator after rescaling pT and rapidity to imitate the FONLL calculations. Then spatial separation between heavy quark and heavy antiquark is introduced based on the uncertainty principle. In heavy-ion collisions quarkonium wavefunction changes with temperature assuming heavy quark potential equals the free energy of heavy quark pair in heat bath. The density operator is updated whenever heavy quark or heavy antiquark scatters in quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Our results are consistent with the experimental data on bottomonia from ALICE and CMS Collaborations assuming that the interaction rate of bottom (anti)quark in bottomonium is suppressed to 10 % that of unbound bottom (anti)quark. We also find that off-diagonal recombination of bottomonium from two different initial pairs barely happens even in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV.
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Schäfer, Wolfgang. "Production of quarkonium pairs in high-energy proton-proton collisions." EPJ Web of Conferences 199 (2019): 01021.

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Recently there has been much interest in the pair production of quarkonia (charmonia, bottomonia). There are two main motivations behind these studies: first, these processes may help to differentiate between different proposed production mechanisms via color-octet and color-singlet QQ̄ -pair production. Second, the production of quarkonium pairs is expected to receive an important contribution from double parton scattering (DPS) processes. There remain a number of open problems, especially with the CMS and ATLAS data. In the kinematics of these experiments, the leading order of $O\left( {\alpha _S^4} \right)$ is clearly not sufficient. The double parton scattering (DPS) contribution was claimed to be large or even dominant in some corners of the phase space, when the rapidity distance Δy between two J/ψ mesons is large. However the effective cross sections σeff found from empirical analyses are about a factor 2.5 smaller than the usually accepted σeff = 15 mb. Here we discuss, which single-parton-scattering mechanisms can mimic the behavior of DPS induced production. Here especially the production of χ-pairs is important.
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Liu, Yunpeng, Kai Zhou, and Pengfei Zhuang. "Quarkonia in high energy nuclear collisions." International Journal of Modern Physics E 24, no. 11 (November 2015): 1530015.

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We first review the cold and hot nuclear matter effects on quarkonium production in high energy collisions, then discuss three kinds of models to describe the quarkonium suppression and regeneration: the sequential dissociation, the statistical production and the transport approach, and finally make comparisons between the models and the experimental data from heavy ion collisions at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies.
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