Academic literature on the topic 'Quality of Service в SDN'
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Journal articles on the topic "Quality of Service в SDN"
Lozano-Rizk, Jose Eleno, Raul Rivera-Rodriguez, Juan Iván Nieto-Hipólito, Salvador Villarreal-Reyes, Alejandro Galaviz-Mosqueda, and Mabel Vazquez-Briseno. "Quality of Service in Software Defined Networks for Scientific Applications: Opportunities and Challenges." Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS 33, no. 1 (2021): 111–22.
Full textPerepelkin, D. A., and V. T. Nguyen. "RESEARCH OF LOAD BALANCING PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKS BASED ON GENETIC ALGORITHM." Vestnik of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University 77 (2021): 43–57.
Full textRozaq, Abdur, and I. Made Suartana. "Manajemen Quality of Service pada Jaringan Software Defined Network Menggunakan Opendaylight Controller." Journal of Informatics and Computer Science (JINACS) 3, no. 02 (August 23, 2021): 89–94.
Full textM, Divya. "Improving Quality of Service through SDN for Mobile Networks." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6, no. 3 (March 31, 2018): 2299–307.
Full textPaulson, Eberechukwu Numan, Kamaludin Mohamad Yusof, Muhammad Nadzir Bin Marsono, Umar Suleiman Dauda, and Fapohunda Kofoworola. "Quality of Service Evaluation of Software Defined Internet of Things Network." ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering 20, no. 1 (April 30, 2021): 65–75.
Full textBIN ZAKI, NUR EMRAN. "IMPACT OF SERVICE QUALITY OF LAND TRANSPORTATION ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT JOHOR PORT LOGISTICS." Journal of Public Value and Administration Insights 1, no. 1 (November 13, 2018): 7–13.
Full textSuheri, Suheri, Zulfan Saam, and Caska Caska. "PROGRAM PENJAMINAN MUTU SEKOLAH (STUDI KASUS SDN 36 DAN SDIT AL FITYAH KOTA PEKANBARU)." Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Penelitian Kualitatif 3, no. 2 (September 14, 2019): 63.
Full textMerayo, Noemí, David de Pintos, Juan C. Aguado, Ignacio de Miguel, Ramón J. Durán, Patricia Fernández, Rubén M. Lorenzo, and Evaristo J. Abril. "An Experimental OpenFlow Proposal over Legacy GPONs to Allow Real-Time Service Reconfiguration Policies." Applied Sciences 11, no. 3 (January 20, 2021): 903.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Quality of Service в SDN"
Кузнєцов, Ярослав Іванович. "Спосіб балансування навантаження в масштабних програмноконфігурованих мережах." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020.
Full textCurrent work consists of receipt, three sections and one application. Total amount of work: 69 pages of the main text, 41 illustrations, 6 tables. By preparation a literature from 38 different sources was used. Topic Relevance. The increasing popularity acquires streaming services, the number of network services and subscribers of network grows that need ensuring quality of service. Traditional networks come nearer to the limit of efficiency. An alternative to traditional networks is the centralized architecture of SDN. The idea of SDN technology is not new, however active implementation of technology falls only on the last 15 years. The problem of balancing of traffic is one of important tasks at the organization of network that includes in itself routing and ensuring quality of service. Use of new technology demands development of new algorithms and protocols, or adaptation traditional, the problem of balancing of traffic is relevant. Research goal. The research goal of the master's thesis is development of a method that will allow to route traffic on optimal ways, avoiding a high delay and ensuring more uniform loading of network by balancing of traffic, with use of opportunities of software defined networks. For achievement of the goal of a research it is put and solved the following tasks: • Research of structure and the principles of construction software defined networks; • Researches of methods scaling software defined networks; • Researches of methods of ensuring quality of service in classical and software defined networks; • Researches of methods of routing in software defined networks; • Researches of methods of solving problems of multicriterial optimization; • Development of a method of balancing of traffic in software defined networks; • Development of the program module on the basis of the developed method; • Illustration of work of model and the analysis of the received results. Object of research – Process of search of an optimal way between nodes in software defined networks. Subject of research – Methods of routing and determination of optimality of a route in software defined networks. Methods of research. For achievement of the tasks set in the master's thesis, it is used methods of the theory of graphs, modeling methods, methods of the solution of tasks of the multicriteria organization. The conducted research gives the chance of use of the developed model in SDN networks as an application of the controller and to carry out emulation of network functioning for forecasting of traffic and load of components of network. Scientific contribution. The master research is independently done work in which it is reflected personal author's approach and personally received theoretical and applied results relating to the solution of a problem of routing and control of traffic in SDN networks. A formulation of the purpose and tasks the research was conducted together with the research supervisor. Practical value of obtained results. The received results can be used in future researches on the directions: • to improvement of methods of routing; • the analysis and forecasting of traffic in SDN; • balancing of loading in SDN networks.
Full textOngaro, Francesco. "Enhancing quality of service in software-defined networks." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014.
Full textMouawad, Nadia. "SDN based Mobility Management and Quality of Service Provisioning for 5G Vehicular Networks." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020.
Full textVehicle to everything (V2X), including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I), is the umbrella for the vehicular communication system, where active road safety, infotainment and traffic management messages are transmitted over high-bandwidth, low-latency, high-reliability links, paving the way to fully autonomous driving. The ultimate objective of next generation V2X communication systems is enabling accident-free cooperative driving that uses the available roadway efficiently. To achieve this goal, the communication system will need to enable a diverse set of use cases, each with a specific set of requirements.The main use case categories requirements analysis, specifically the critical realtime applications, points out the need for an efficient V2X system design that could fulfill the network performance. The Fifth Generation (5G) technology, with its provisioned QoS features in terms of high capacity and low latency, is advocated as a prominent solution to cope with the firm requirements imposed by V2X applications.In this multifaceted vehicular 5G ecosystem, diverse communication technologies are envisioned, spanning from IEEE 802.11p, LTE, LTE-V to vehicular visible light communications. Therefore, the heterogeneity of radio access technologies will raise a concern regarding the seamless mobility management and the quality of service guarantee.This thesis provides a novel mobility management scheme devised for 5G vehicular networks based on the emerging Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology.SDN provides network programmability that strives to achieve an efficient network resource allocation and mobility management.Our research work tackles three objectives. At a first stage, we design a software defined vehicular network topology. On the top of this topology, we implement twoSDN applications, namely Network Selection Application and Mobility Management Application. The proposed architecture is enhanced by a controller placement solution that aims at reducing communication latency. Moreover, a special concern is devoted to design a SDN road active safety application that controls speed traps placement. The proposed application aims at reducing accidents rate which is a main purpose of future Intelligent Transportation System.The second objective of this thesis tackles the mobility management problem. This is achieved by implementing SDN mobility related applications on the top of the adopted network topology. The first application is dedicated to solve the network selection problem; it aims at mapping running V2X sessions to the corresponding technology. The second application is conceived to solve the handover procedure; this is achieved using packets duplication and introducing an efficient routing algorithm.The third thesis objective is focused on QoS provisioning for V2X communications
Morin, Cédric. "Algorithms for implementing network services with a guaranteed quality of service in an SDN-NFV environment." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2020.
Full textNetwork traffic keep growing and newneeds are emerging today with strong requirements in terms of resources and quality of service. To face them 5G relies on control plane centralization and abstraction of resources based on SDN and NFV which allow network services deployment automation, resources utilization optimization and cost reductions. SDN centralizes the network control plane and manages link resources while NFV virtualizes node resources and turns network functions into VNFs. In this thesis we analyze some of the difficulties raised by the establishment of a network service in this context and we propose solutions to solve them. We first tackle the setup of a connectivity service with guaranteed quality of service. To avoid a massive flow of monitoring information to the controller and a delay in the enforcement of the policy we transfer the policy’s execution to the data plane. Then our goal is to add network functions to our services. We design a placement algorithm that spare resources where they are scarce to save them for services that need them to place a maximum of services. We develop a topology abstraction technique to allow other tenants to expose and sell their resources without disclosing the details of their infrastructures. Finally, to help the network operator to buy the resources required to instantiate its network services at a minimal cost we propose an algorithm that optimizes resource reservations based on cloud operators’ commercial offers and network operator’s traffic predictions
Кацюк, В. Г. "Напрями удосконалення якості послуг в ресторанному закладі (на прикладі кафе «Прованс»)." Thesis, Одеський національний економічний університет, 2021. http://local.lib/diploma/Katsyuk.pdf.
Full textУ роботі розглядаються теоретико-методичні основи якості продукції та послуг, що надаються підприємствами ресторанного господарства, визначені особливості та види послуг харчування в закладах ресторанного господарства, визначені показники оцінювання якості послуг та сучасні методи їх оцінювання. Проаналізовані основні показники виробничої діяльності кафе-бару «Прованс» і його фінансово-господарського стану. Представлені результати комплексного аналізу якості продукції та організації обслуговування в підприємстві, виявлені резерви їх підвищення. За результатами аналізу запропонований комплекс заходів щодо підвищення якості послуг, що надаються в кафе-барі «Прованс», зокрема підвищення кваліфікації персоналу шляхом організації навчання для виробничого та обслуговуючого персоналу офіціантів і кухарів, розроблені плани навчання для кожної посади та визначений очікуваний ефект впровадження заходу. У роботі розглядаються теоретико-методичні основи якості продукції та послуг, що надаються підприємствами ресторанного господарства, визначені особливості та види послуг харчування в закладах ресторанного господарства, визначені показники оцінювання якості послуг та сучасні методи їх оцінювання. Проаналізовані основні показники виробничої діяльності кафе-бару «Прованс» і його фінансово-господарського стану. Представлені результати комплексного аналізу якості продукції та організації обслуговування в підприємстві, виявлені резерви їх підвищення. За результатами аналізу запропонований комплекс заходів щодо підвищення якості послуг, що надаються в кафе-барі «Прованс», зокрема підвищення кваліфікації персоналу шляхом організації навчання для виробничого та обслуговуючого персоналу офіціантів і кухарів, розроблені плани навчання для кожної посади та визначений очікуваний ефект впровадження заходу.
The paper considers the theoretical and methodological foundations of product and service quality provided by restaurant enterprises, identifies features and types of food services in restaurants, identifies indicators for assessing the quality of services and modern methods of their evaluation. The main indicators of production activity of the cafe-bar "Provence" and its financial and economic condition are analyzed. The results of the complex analysis of product quality and service organization in the enterprise are presented, the reserves of its increase are revealed. Based on the results of the analysis, a set of measures to improve the quality of services provided in the cafe-bar "Provence", including staff training by organizing training for production and service staff of waiters and cooks, developed training plans for each position and identified the expected effect of the event.
Toufga, Soufian. "Vers des réseaux véhiculaires (VANET) programmables grâce à la technologie SDN (software defined network)." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020.
Full textThe vehicular network concept, which initially focused on vehicle-to-vehicle communication, is opening up to other types of communications involving vehicles and infrastructure (network), cloud or pedestrians, etc. to meet the needs of the wide variety of new applications envisaged in the framework of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The multitude of network access technologies, the very high mobility of vehicles and their high density in urban areas, and the predominance of wireless communications make it a heterogeneous network, with very dynamic characteristics, some of which are difficult to predict, and subject to scalability problems. Given these issues, one direction, considered by the scientific community, is to apply the SDN (Software Defined Network) paradigm to vehicular networks as a means of, on the one hand, enabling the hybridization and unification of control of different network access technologies and, on the other hand, taking advantage of the centralized view of the network and contextual data from the cloud to develop new control algorithms that can potentially rely on the prediction/estimation of the network state and thus anticipate certain control decisions. Therefore, this thesis is part of this framework. Its contributions aim at developing the concept of SDVN (Software Defined Vehicular Network). Four contributions are developed. The first one specifies the architecture of a hybrid SDN vehicular network capable of meeting the challenges described above. This architecture is complemented by an SDN controller placement solution. We propose a dynamic approach capable of adjusting the optimal placement of controllers according to network topology changes due to road traffic fluctuations. This work also covers the problem of global network vision that an SDN controller can build up, which is a prerequisite and the cornerstone of any network control function. To this problem, we propose amendments and extensions to the "de facto" topology discovery service designed for wired networks to adapt it to the vehicular context. As a complement to the discovery service, we also propose a topology estimation service based on Machine Learning techniques to provide network control functions with a potential vision of the future state of the network and thus open them to proactive and intelligent network control
Гонтар, Д. А. "Будівництво станції технічного обслуговування в м. Чернігів." Thesis, Чернігів, 2021.
Full textМетою кваліфікаційної роботи магістра є розробка та проектування сучасної станції технічного обслуговування, що відповідає міжнародним стандартам якості. Дипломний проект складається з змісту, анотації вступу, п’яти розділів, висновків, списку використаної літератури та додатків. У першому розділі викладено основні вимоги до проекту та архітектурно-будівельні рішення. У другому розділі наведені основні розрахунки. У третьому розділі детально описана технологія виробництва та основні потреби у ресурсах і механізмах. У четвертому розділі наведені основні техніко-економічні показники та кошторисна документація. У п’ятому розділі описано особливості охорони праці на СТО та детальна інструкція при виконанні будівельно-монтажних робіт.
The purpose of the master's qualification work is to develop and design a modern maintenance station that meets international quality standards. The diploma project consists of a table of contents, annotation of the introduction, five chapters, conclusions, a list of references and appendices. The first section sets out the basic requirements for the project and architectural and construction solutions. The second section presents the basic calculations. The third section describes in detail the production technology and basic needs for resources and mechanisms. The fourth section presents the main technical and economic indicators and cost documentation. The fifth section describes the features of labor protection at the service station and detailed instructions for construction and installation work.
Плесовских, И. Н., and I. N. Plesovskikh. "Совершенствование системы управления качеством государственных услуг в сфере социальной политики : магистерская диссертация." Master's thesis, б. и, 2020.
Full textThe thesis is devoted to the quality management in the field of public services in the social sector. In the course of the study the author reflected on the notion and meaning of the quality management system in the public sector, specified the notion and essence of public services, distinguished public services from social services, elaborated on the legal framework of the quality management in this area. Also the work contains the notion of features of the quality assessment system an research of the customers’ attitude to public services in the social sphere. The thesis includes the project aimed at improvement of the public services’ quality in the social sector and recommendations for the perfection of the quality management of public services.
Гриценко, Олена Іванівна, Елена Ивановна Гриценко, and Olena Ivanivna Hrytsenko. "Характерні риси покращання якості обслуговування сільського населення в підприємствами споживчої кооперації." Thesis, Герда, 2012.
Full textInvestigated the characteristics of improving service quality rural of consumer cooperation enterprises.
Book chapters on the topic "Quality of Service в SDN"
Al-Haddad, Ronak, and Erika Sanchez Velazquez. "A Survey of Quality of Service (QoS) Protocols and Software-Defined Networks (SDN)." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 527–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textMakolkina, Maria, Ammar Muthanna, and Steve Manariyo. "Quality of Experience Estimation for Video Service Delivery Based on SDN Core Network." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 683–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textLai, Chin-Feng, Wei-Ting Chen, Chian-Hao Chen, Chia-Yun Kuo, and Ying-Hsun Lai. "A Quality of Experience Aware Adaptive Streaming Service for SDN Supported 5G Mobile Networks." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 283–96. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textAkinola, Ayotuyi T., Matthew O. Adigun, and Pragasen Mudali. "Incorporating Stability Estimation into Quality of Service Routing in an SDN-Based Data Centre Network." In Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 406–16. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textQafzezi, Ermioni, Kevin Bylykbashi, Phudit Ampririt, Makoto Ikeda, Keita Matsuo, and Leonard Barolli. "A Fuzzy-Based System for Assessment of Quality of Service Communication Links in SDN-VANETs." In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 120–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textDumka, Ankur. "Quality of Service in SDN Technology." In Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing, 195–216. IGI Global, 2018.
Full textNafi, Nazmus S., Khandakar Ahmed, and Mark A. Gregory. "Modelling Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network Architectures for Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Networks." In Sustainable Infrastructure, 45–64. IGI Global, 2020.
Full textOdarchenko, Roman. "Software-Defined Networking in Aviation." In Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering, 147–75. IGI Global, 2019.
Full textOdarchenko, Roman. "Software-Defined Networking in Aviation." In Research Anthology on Reliability and Safety in Aviation Systems, Spacecraft, and Air Transport, 367–96. IGI Global, 2021.
Full textMohammadi, Reza, and Reza Javidan. "An Intelligent Traffic Engineering Method Over Software Defined Networks for Video Surveillance Systems Based on Artificial Bee Colony." In Censorship, Surveillance, and Privacy, 360–77. IGI Global, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Quality of Service в SDN"
Zhao, Laiping, Jingyu Hua, Xin Ge, and Sheng Zhong. "Traffic engineering in hierarchical SDN control plane." In 2015 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textKoumaras, Harilaos, Michail-Alexandros Kourtis, Christos Sakkas, George Xilouris, and Stavros Kolometsos. "In-service Video Quality assessment based on SDN/NFV techniques." In 2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT). IEEE, 2016.
Full textZhou, Haifeng, Chunming Wu, Wen Gao, Ming Jiang, Tingting Pan, Min Huang, and Le Wang. "Improving QoS in SDN with lossless multi-domain reconfigurations." In 2015 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textHuang, Xi, Simeng Bian, Ziyu Shao, and Hong Xu. "Predictive switch-controller association and control devolution for SDN systems." In IWQoS '19: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.
Full textDurner, Raphael, Andreas Blenk, and Wolfgang Kellerer. "Performance study of dynamic QoS management for OpenFlow-enabled SDN switches." In 2015 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textHuang, Nanyang, Qing Li, Dong Lin, Xiaowen Lit, Gengbiao Shen, and Yong Jiang. "Software-Defined Label Switching: Scalable Per-Flow Control in SDN." In 2018 IEEE/ACM 26th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2018.
Full textSieber, Christian, Andreas Blenk, David Hock, Marc Scheib, Thomas Hohn, Stefan Kohler, and Wolfgang Kellerer. "Network configuration with quality of service abstractions for SDN and legacy networks." In 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). IEEE, 2015.
Full textLiotou, Eirini, Georgia Tseliou, Konstantinos Samdanis, Dimitris Tsolkas, Ferran Adelantado, and Christos Verikoukis. "An SDN QoE-service for dynamically enhancing the performance of OTT applications." In 2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). IEEE, 2015.
Full textLu, Xiaoyuan, and Yanwei Xu. "SFabric: A scalable SDN based large layer 2 data center network fabric." In 2015 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textSiyuan Huang, Jin Zhao, and Xin Wang. "HybridFlow: A lightweight control plane for hybrid SDN in enterprise networks." In 2016 IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS). IEEE, 2016.
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