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SORO, Siofougowary Mariam, and N’guettia René YAO. "Effet de l’apport au sol de déchets issus de l’égrenage du coton graine sur l’humidité du sol et la production en coton graine au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire." Journal of Applied Biosciences 150 (June 30, 2020): 15477–87.

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Objectif : Pour tenter de réduire les effets de ces changements climatiques sur les productions, un apport au sol avant les mises en place des cultures de 12 t/ha de déchets de coton graine ou de compost associé à la moitié de la dose d’engrais minéral recommandée (200 kg/ha de NPK + 50 kg/ha d’urée) a permis d’améliorer l’humidité du sol sans aucun effet sur l’eau utile du sol. L’apport de déchets de coton graine ou de compost a permis aussi d’améliorer le nombre de capsules par plante, le nombre de capsules mûres récoltées, la qualité sanitaire des capsules mûres et surtout le rendement en coton graine. Conclusion : L’apport de 12 tonnes/ha de déchets de coton graine associés à de l’engrais chimique à la dose de 100 kg/ha de NPK et 25 kg/ha d’urée constituent un niveau optimum d’utilisation des déchets de coton graine en coton culture. Mots clés : Déchets de Coton graine, Humidité du sol, Rendement du cotonnier, Côte d’Ivoire. Effect of ginned cotton-seed waste application to the ground on soil moisture and cotton yield in northern Côte d'Ivoire ABSTRACT Objective: In an attempt to reduce the effects of climate change on production, an application to the ground prior to the establishment of 12 t/ha of ginned seed cotton waste associated with half of the recommended mineral fertilizer dose (200 kg/ha of NPK + 50 kg/ha of urea) improved soil moisture without any effect on the soil available water capacity. The supply of seed cotton waste or compost has also improved the number of capsules/plant, the number of mature capsules harvested, the sanitary quality of mature capsules and, above all, the yield in seed cotton. Conclusion: The supply of 12 tons/ha of seed cotton waste associated with chemical fertilizer at the dose of 100 kg/ha of NPK and 25 kg/ha of urea constitutes an optimum level of use of cotton seed waste in cotton farming. Keywords: Seed Cotton Waste, Soil Moisture, Cotton Yield, Ivory Coast.
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Kakwi, D. G., S. Awolumate, B. S. Audu, D. O. Oshinbajo, F. A. Oyedapo, M. Y. Mohammed, and K. M. Ositimehin. "Some aspects of histology of liver and intestine of Cyprinus carpio fingerlings fed raw and processed Mucuna pruriens diets." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 48, no. 3 (March 6, 2021): 50–62.

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Mucuna contains anti-nutritional factors, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory factors and L- dopa, a potentially neurotoxic agent. These anti-nutrients are endogenous toxic substances that are part of the normal feedstuff and affect its nutritional quality. The concentrations of these anti-nutritional factors can be reduced or completely eliminated if the seeds are properly processed. The impact of anti-nutritional factors and other toxic compounds in mucuna on fish have not been documented. Investigations on the dietary effects of raw and processed Mucuna pruriens seed diets on the histopatology of the liver and intestine of C. carpio fingerlings were carried out. The raw and the processed mucuna seed meals in two replacement levels of 20% and 50% as substitution of soybean meal in treatment diets were labelled Raw, MCD1 (20%) and MCD2 (50%), respectively, while a reference diet with no mucuna served as the control diet (CD). The diets were fed to C. carpio fingerlings (average weight, 15.40g) for 56 days. Water quality in the culture of C. carpio was was measured using standard procedure. Histopathological changes in the liver and intestine sections of fish were observed consistently and variable in the treatment groups. Water quality parameters were measured for the period of evaluation. Significant difference was not observed for all the water quality parameters measured. The water temperature varied between 22.90°C to 22.96oC similar to the room temperature. The pH ranged between 7.02 and 7.07 while dissolved oxygen ranged from 6.24 to 6.34 ppm. The liver of the fish fed raw mucuna diets showed vacoulation and severe necrosis of hepatocytes in the liver parenchyma and periportal areas. The histological analysis of the intestine of C. carpio fingerlings fed raw Mucuna diet also showed severe atrophy in the musculature of the intestinal villi of the fish which was mild in the fish fed MCD1 and control diets. The MCD1 was considered the most appropriate for dietary inclusion of Mucuna pruriens seeds in the feeding of C. carpio fingerlings. Mucuna contient des facteurs antinutrit nutritionnels, des anticoagulants, des facteurs anti- inflammatoires et de la L-dopa, un agent potentiellement neurotoxique. Ces antinutriments sont des substances toxiques endogènes qui font partie de l'aliment normal et affectent sa qualité nutritionnelle. Les concentrations de ces facteurs anti-nutritionnels peuvent être réduites ou complètement éliminées si les graines sont correctement traitées. L'impact des facteurs anti-nutritionnels et d'autres composés toxiques dans la mucuna sur les poissons n'a pas été documenté. Des études sur les effets diététiques des régimes crus et transformés de graine de Pruriens de Mucuna sur l'histopatologie du foie et de l'intestin des a ongles de C. carpio ont été effectuées. Les repas crus et transformés de graine de mucuna dans deux niveaux de remplacement de 20% et 50% comme remplacement de la farine de soja dans les régimes de traitement ont été étiquetés crus, MCD1 (20%) et MCD2 (50%), respectivement, tandis qu'un régime de référence sans mucuna a servi de régime de contrôle (CD). Les régimes ont été donnés aux acolings C. carpio (poids moyen, 15.40 g) pendant 56 jours. La qualité de l'eau dans la culture de C. carpiowas a été mesurée à l'aide d'une procédure standard. Des changements histopathologiques dans les sections hépatiques et intestinales des poissons ont été observés uniformément et variables dans les groupes de traitement. Des paramètres de qualité de l'eau ont été mesurés pour la période d'évaluation. Aucune différence significative n'a été observée pour tous les paramètres de qualité de l'eau mesurés. La température de l'eau variait entre 22.90 °C et 22.96 °C, semblable à la température ambiante. Le pH se situe entre 7.02 et 7.07 tandis que l'oxygène dissous varie de 6.24 à 6.34 ppm. Le foie des poissons alimentés régimes crus de mucuna a montré la vacoulation et la nécrose grave des hépatocytes dans le parenchyme de foie et les secteurs periportal. L'analyse histologique de l'intestin des ails de C. carpio alimentés au régime cru de Mucuna a également montré l'atrophie grave dans la musculature des villosités intestinales du poisson qui était douce dans les poissons alimentés MCD1 et les régimes de contrôle. Le MCD1 a été considéré comme le plus approprié pour l'inclusion diététique des graines pruriens de Mucuna dans l'alimentation des acolings de C. carpio.
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CHILLIARD, Y., A. FERLAY, and M. DOREAU. "Contrôle de la qualité nutritionnelle des matières grasses du lait par l’alimentation des vaches laitières : acides gras trans, polyinsaturés, acide linoléique conjugué." INRAE Productions Animales 14, no. 5 (December 17, 2001): 323–35.

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Après un rappel des voies métaboliques et des flux de nutriments qui concourent à la lipogenèse mammaire, cet article est consacré aux principaux effets de l’alimentation sur la composition en acides gras (AG) du lait de ruminant, en particulier les AG polyinsaturés, les AG monoinsaturés trans et l’acide linoléique conjugué (CLA). Les principaux facteurs alimentaires étudiés sont la nature des fourrages (dont l’herbe pâturée), le suif, protégé ou non, et la supplémentation des rations avec des huiles végétales ou marines (poisson ou algues), protégées ou non. La supplémentation en suif augmente la sécrétion d’acide oléique. La teneur du lait en C18:2 est comprise entre 2 et 3 % avec les rations non supplémentées en lipides, elle n’est augmentée que de 1,5 point lors d’un apport de graines ou d’huiles riches en C18:2, en raison d’une hydrogénation ruminale poussée. Les rations à base d’herbe (riches en C18:3) augmentent légèrement (0,5 à 1 point) la proportion de C18:3 dans le lait par rapport aux rations à base d’ensilage de maïs. La graine de lin permet un accroissement d’environ 0,3 point. La teneur en C20:5 (EPA) et en C22:6 (DHA) est accrue jusqu’à 0,5 % des AG totaux par l’addition d’huiles marines à la ration. Le taux butyreux du lait peut être fortement diminué par les régimes pauvres en fibres et riches en céréales et/ou par l’administration d’huiles marines ou végétales riches en AG insaturés. Les C18:1 trans, notamment les C18:1 trans 11 et trans 10, mais aussi le trans 10, cis 12 CLA, pourraient jouer un rôle dans cette diminution en inhibant la lipogenèse mammaire. Les régimes alimentaires augmentant les proportions des CLA et des C18:1 trans dans le lait sont ceux qui apportent des précurseurs lipidiques pour la formation de ces AG, ou qui modifient l’activité microbienne associée à l’hydrogénation ruminale des AG polyinsaturés ou l’activité de la désaturase mammaire. L’influence de l’alimentation sur les différents isomères du C18:1 et du CLA du lait a été peu étudiée.
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ELLIES-OURY, M. P., Y. DURAND, A. E. DELAVIGNE, B. PICARD, D. MICOL, and R. DUMONT. "Objectivation de la notion de grain de viande et perspectives d’utilisation pour évaluer la tendreté des viandes de bovins Charolais." INRAE Productions Animales 27, no. 5 (December 12, 2014): 347–58.

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L'évaluation du « grain de viande » est une appréciation subjective, utilisée par certains chevillards et bouchers pour sélectionner et orienter les carcasses, un grain extrêmement fin étant synonyme de qualité. Pour évaluer la pertinence de cette notion quatre études ont permis i) d’objectiver la notion de grain de viande par une approche ethnologique, ii) de formaliser ce savoir-faire dans une grille de notation en vif et en carcasse, iii) d’évaluer les propriétés physicochimiques des quatre muscles utilisés par les experts pour juger une carcasse, et iv) d’évaluer l’existence d’un lien entre l’évaluation du grain de viande et la qualité sensorielle des viandes. Les seize indicateurs consignés dans la grille établie sur la carcasse sont répétables et facilement utilisables en abattoir. Sur le muscle longissimus thoracis, les grains fins ont été caractérisés par des teneurs en lipides intramusculaires significativement plus faibles que les grains grossiers, conduisant à des notes d’intensité de flaveur également significativement plus faibles, mais sans répercussions sur les notes de jutosité. Il n’est pas apparu de différence significative de tendreté entre les muscles à grains fins et grossiers. Au niveau physicochimique, le grain fin a été associé à des muscles nécessitant une moindre force de cisaillement sur la viande cuite et présentant une moindre teneur en collagène, sans différence sur sa solubilité, laissant supposer un effet favorable sur les propriétés sensorielles. Les écarts sont cependant très dépendants du muscle étudié et méritent d’être confirmés à plus grande échelle.
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Kone, Hervé Cédessia Kéassemon, Nicaise Tetchi Akedrin, Vama Etienne Tia, Fatou Bayoko, and Lacina Fanlégué Coulibaly. "Qualités morpho-physiologiques et évaluation du comportement germinatif des graines du théier des savanes (Lippia multiflora Moldenke)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 6 (October 6, 2020): 1988–98.

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La domestication de Lippia multiflora, plantes aux multiples vertus en pharmacopée et médecine est un enjeu de taille en Côte d’Ivoire. Cependant, l’insuffisance de semences, due au faible taux de germination des graines, limite l’extension de sa culture. La présente étude avait pour objectif l’extraction, la purification et la caractérisation morpho-physiologique des graines de Lippia multiflora Moldenke (Verbenaceae). Il s’agissait plus spécifiquement de déterminer la pureté spécifique, le nombre de graines par unité de masse, le diamètre moyen et le taux d’humidité ; le taux de germination des graines de L. multiflora. Aussi, il s’est agi d’étudier l’impact du milieu sur le pouvoir germinatif des graines et de faire un suivi post-germination des plants en milieu réel. Après extraction des graines, des mesures physiques et des tests de germination ont permis de déterminer les caractéristiques morpho-physiologiques de celles-ci. L’étude a montré que le lot de graine étudié a une pureté spécifique de 70%, les graines ont un diamètre moyen de 0,34± 0.1 mm, une teneur en eau de 14±5.4 % et un taux de germination de 42,25%. Les tests de germination après un séjour prolongé dans divers milieux, révèlent qu’un milieu réfrigéré (7° C) confère une plus longue viabilité aux graines. Le suivi post-germination au champ montre une évolution régulière de la hauteur des plants, passant en moyenne de 2,58 cm à 8,8 cm au bout de 3 mois. Sur la même période, le nombre moyen de feuille varie de 4,03 à 21.Mots clés : Lippia multiflora, graine, caractérisation, germination, suivi post-germination. English Title: Morpho-physiological qualities and evaluation of the germination behavior of seeds of the savannah tea tree (Lippia multiflora Moldenke)The domestication of Lippia multiflora, plants with multiple virtues in pharmacopoeia and medicine is a major challenge in Côte d'Ivoire. However, the lack of seed, due to the low germination rate, limits the extension of its cultivation. The purpose of this study was the extraction, purification and morpho-physiological characterization of the seeds of Lippia multiflora Moldenke (Verbenaceae). More specifically, it involved determining the specific purity, the number of seeds per unit mass, the average diameter and the humidity rate; the germination rate of L. multiflora seeds. Also, it was a question of studying the impact of the environment on the germination power of seeds and of making a post-germination follow-up of the plants in real environment. After the seeds extraction, physical measurements and germination tests were carried out to determine the morpho-physiological characteristics. Results showed that the seed lot studied has a specific purity of 70%, an average diameter of 0.34 0.1 mm, a water content of 14 5.4% and a germination rate of 42.25%. Germination tests after a prolonged stay in various environments reveal that a refrigerated area (7 °C) confers a longer viability to the seeds. Post-germination monitoring in the field shows a steady increase in plant height from an average of 2.58 cm to 8.8 cm after 3 months. Over the same period, the average number of sheets varies from 4.03 to 21.Keywords: Lippia multiflora, seed, characterization, germination, post-germination monitoring.
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Ramadhani, Siti Hasdiyanti, Ni Luh Sri Suryaningsih, and Yosefina Mangera. "Analysis of Grain Yield and Quality of Rice Aromatic Inpago Unsoed 1." AGRICOLA 8, no. 1 (September 24, 2019): 1–6.

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The purpose of the study was to determine the quality of the grainand rice are planted, the ricevarieties Inpago Unsoed 1. The research method use dis data collection, namely primary data andsecondary data. Primary data is used for observed in this research about grain moisturecontent,density of grain, foreign bodies, empty grains, grain crackedor broken, after the percentage ofgrain milled head of rice, broken rice, graing roats, grain limestone, yolk broken and milled rice yield.The results showed that during the observation the quality of grain varieties Inpago Unsoed 1 hasmilled at about 13,33% moisture content, grain density of 0,57g/ml, and grain weight is 27,60g/1000grain. The percentage point for the determination quality of head point is 73,49%, broken grainsabout 13,92%, and 12,34% graing roats. The quality of rice milled varieties inpago Unsoed 1 includelow. The lower of rice quality is due to the low of head rice percentage, while the percentage ofbroken grain sand high graing roats. Rice milled yield about 51,23%
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Mariam, COULIBALY DIAKITE, PARKOUDA Charles, COMPAORE Sidbewendé Clarisse, and SAVADOGO Aly. "Technologies traditionnelles de transformation des graines de néré (Parkia biglobosa Jacq. R.Br.) en Afrique de l’Ouest : revue des principaux produits dérivés et contraintes de production." Journal of Applied Biosciences 152 (August 31, 2020): 15698–708.

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Les graines de néré (Parkia biglobosa) sont transformées traditionnellement en Afrique de l’Ouest en des condiments fermentés sous différentes appellations : soumbala au Burkina Faso, nététu au Sénégal, soumbara en Guinée Conakry, dawadawa et iru au Nigéria, afitin, iru et sonru au Bénin. Ces produits sont caractérisés par la variabilité de leur qualité et des contraintes liées à leur production. La présente revue a pour objectif d’analyser les technologies traditionnelles utilisées pour la production de ces condiments fermentés à base de graines de néré et de faire ressortir les contraintes/difficultés de production de ces condiments. Les données ont été collectées à travers les documents physiques consultés (thèses et mémoires) et à partir des articles scientifiques et d’autres documents trouvés en ligne. Il en résulte que les technologies de production traditionnelle des condiments à base de graine de néré en Afrique de l’Ouest, incluent principalement selon les zones et les ethnies, une première cuisson des graines allant de 12-48 h, un décorticage manuel des graines cuites, une seconde cuisson des graines décortiquées et lavées variant de 1-4 h et enfin, une fermentation des cotylédons cuits allant de 24-120 h. Ces technologies ont également en commun, des contraintes majeures de pénibilités du processus de cuisson, du décorticage/lavage, de la consommation importante d’énergie, d’eau et de temps. Les données de cette revue ouvrent ainsi de nouvelles pistes de recherche pour l’amélioration des procédés traditionnels de transformation des graines de néré. Mots clés : Graines de néré, condiment, soumbala, procédé, pénibilité. Coulibaly Diakite et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2020 Technologies traditionnelles de transformation des graines de néré (Parkia biglobosa Jacq. R.Br.) en Afrique de l’Ouest : revue des principaux produits dérivés et contraintes de production 15699 Traditional technologies for processing African locust bean seeds (Parkia biglobosa Jacq. R.Br.) in West Africa: review on the main derivatives and production constraints. ABSTRACT African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) seeds are traditionally transformed in West Africa into fermented condiments under different names: soumbala in Burkina Faso, netetu in Senegal, soumbara in Guinea Conakry, dawadawa and iru in Nigeria, afitin, iru and sonru in Benin. These products are characterized by the variability of their quality and the constraints linked to their production. The objective of this study is to analyze the traditional technologies used for the production of these fermented condiments and to highlight the constraints/difficulties associated to their production. The data were collected through the physical documents consulted (theses and dissertations) and from scientific articles and other documents found online. It appear that the traditional technologies used to produce P. biglobosa seeds based-condiments in West Africa, mainly include, according to the zones and ethnic groups, a first cooking of the seeds ranging from 12-48 h, a manual dehulling of the cooked seeds, a second cooking of the dehulled and washed seeds varying from 1-4 h and finally, a fermentation of the cooked cotyledons ranging from 24-120 h. These technologies have in common the major constraints of hardness of the process of cooking and dehulling/washing, significant consumption of energy, water and time. Data from this review opens research perspectives for the improvement of the traditional processing of P. biglobosa seeds. Keywords: P. biglobosa seeds, condiment, soumbala, process.
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Papageorgiou, Marina. "Mi-graine ?" Revue française de psychosomatique 34, no. 2 (2008): 113.

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Pradnya Paramitha, Ni Made Ayu Susanthi. "Meningkatkan Mutu Nilai Kemanusiaan Pada Anak-Anak Melalui Satua Men Tiwas Teken Men Sugih (Sebuah Kajian Semiotika)." Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu 6, no. 1 (March 10, 2020): 108.

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<p><em>There is one way to form a child’s character is with a tale or a story where in Balinese life we called satua or masatua. Satua is a part of lisan literary once as a work of grain Graine literature, unattached to the temple and rhythm as well. Although satua is as one of the local obscension wisdom of the ancestral legacy and has been there for a long time, but this is still relevant to be used as one of the tools in developing way of life, personality, characteristics and a wisdom for people in Bali and of course based on the rule as a Balinese in the community. One of the best example of the satua called “Men Tiwas Teken Men Sugih” or the life between the poor and the rich. By using semiotic Peirce approach, and through the way of life from the poor family in the character, this article would emphasise a moral message regarding the behavior of the decreators. By this means that we can take an example to educate the young children what is the meaning of life and also to increase the quality of humanity to child</em></p>
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Hofstein, Francis. "Graine de violence." Sud/Nord 27, no. 1 (2017): 75.

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Antonia Casanova, Maria. "Graine de lecteurs." Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres, no. 02 (June 1, 1994): 87–93.

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Merrien, André, Mohammed Krouti, and José Diaz. "Usage du proche infrarouge pour la détermination de la qualité des graines oléagineuses." Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides 17, no. 2 (March 2010): 71–74.

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Colas, Fabienne, and Mohammed S. Lamhamedi. "Floraison précoce et production de graines par des clones somatiques d’épinette noire (Picea mariana) : intégration potentielle dans le programme d’amélioration génétique et l’aménagement des vergers à graines." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40, no. 7 (July 2010): 1421–33.

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Afin d’évaluer la possibilité d’intégrer des clones somatiques d’épinette noire ( Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.) dans le programme d’amélioration génétique de cette espèce, nous avons vérifié la qualité de leur floraison précoce et leur capacité à produire des cônes et des graines de qualité. Des clones d’épinette noire produits par embryogénèse somatique ont fleuri dès l’âge de 4 ans. Sur les arbres âgés de 6 ans, des pollinisations supplémentaires ont été réalisées avec du pollen provenant d’un verger à graines de première génération. Les graines obtenues ont ensuite été caractérisées (dimensions, masse, germination en milieu artificiel), et des plants ont été produits en pépinière. Les résultats montrent que les clones somatiques d’épinette noire produisent des fleurs femelles normales, dont la durée de réceptivité et la position dans la cime sont comparables à celles des fleurs produites par des semenciers issus de semis cultivés dans des vergers à graines. Il en est de même pour les graines, qui présentent des caractéristiques tout à fait comparables à celles des graines produites dans des vergers à graines, ainsi que pour les plants issus de ces graines. Nos résultats montrent clairement qu’il est avantageux, aussi bien en terme de précocité de la floraison que de gains génétiques accrus, d’intégrer des clones somatiques d’élite dans un programme d’amélioration génétique et de les utiliser comme semenciers dans des vergers à graines et pour des croisements dirigés.
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Soura, Hervé B., Simplice L. Gnancadja-Andre, Martine Zandjanakou-Tachin, Christophe Gandonou, and Farid A. K. Baba-Moussa. "Etude de l’effet de Cercospora oryzae Miyake sur la qualite des grains du riz et le developpement de la ternissure." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 2 (May 11, 2020): 440–51.

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La cercosporiose due à Cercospora oryzae est un champignon pouvant causer des pertes allant jusqu'à 60%. Elle est de plus en plus fréquente en Afrique de l'Ouest. Les premières prospections réalisées au sud du Bénin ont indiqué que Cercospora oryzae a une contribution large puisqu’elle a affectée 85% des champs de riz des trois zones agroécologiques du sud Bénin. Cette étude vise principalement à contribuer à la connaissance détaillée des effets de Cercospora oryzae sur les grains afin d’optimiser la conservation, la commercialisation et la production. Elle a consistée a : i) évaluer les effets de Cercospora oryzae sur le pouvoir germinatif des grains, ii) évaluer les effets de Cercospora oryzae sur le développement de la ternissure. L’étude a combiné des outils physiologiques et phytiatriques. Au terme des travaux, les variétés testées ont enregistré une bonne teneur en eau pour un minimum de 6%, ainsi qu’un bon taux de germination. A la fin de l’étude nous avons pu constater que Cerocpora oryzae entrainait une baisse du pouvoir germinatif des grains, une altération de la graine blanche et une décoloration de l’enveloppe. Ces résultats constituent une étape d’un travail de recherche approfondi sur la caractérisation (agronomique et génétique) de Cercospora oryzae afin de proposer des méthodes de luttes. Mots clés : Pouvoir germinatif, décoloration, altération, Cercospora oryzae, riz. English Title: Study of the effect of Cercospora oryzae Miyake on the quality of rice grains and the development of tarnishSigatoka caused by Cercospora oryzae is a fungus that can cause losses up to 60%. It is more and more frequent in West Africa. The first surveys carried out in the south of Benin indicated that Cercospora oryzae has a large contribution since affected 85% of the rice fields of the three agroecological zones of southern Benin. The main objective of this study is to contribute to detailed knowledge of the effects of Cercospora oryzae on grains in order to optimize conservation, marketing and production. It consisted in: i) evaluating the effects of Cercospora oryzae on the germination power of the grains, ii) evaluating the effects of Cercospora oryzae on the development of tarnish. The study combined physiological and phytiatric tools. At the end of the work, the varieties tested recorded a good water content for a minimum of 6%, as well as a good germination rate. At the end of the study we could see that Cerocpora oryzae did not cause a drop in the germinative power of the grains but rather resulted in an alteration of the white seed and a discoloration of the envelope. These results constitute a stage of an in-depth research work on the characterization (agronomic and genetic) of Cercospora oryzae in order to propose methods of struggle.Keywords: Germination, discoloration, deterioration, Cercospora oryzae, rice.
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Legube, B., R. Desjardins, and M. Doré. "Le Traitement des Eaux de Consommation : La Nécessité d'une Recherche en Chimie de l'Eau." Revue des sciences de l'eau 11 (April 12, 2005): 87–101.

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L'objectif principal de cet article est de montrer que les travaux de recherche en chimie de l'eau sont absolument nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes régissant la qualité des eaux de consommation produites et distribuées, ainsi qu'au développement de technologies innovantes dans le domaine du traitement de ces eaux. Pour l'atteindre, il a été choisi de présenter trois exemples des recherches menées à l'Université de Poitiers et à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal : deux exemples de recherche fondamentale, sur les matières organiques naturelles et sur les mécanismes d'oxydation par les radicaux hydroxyle et un exemple de la recherche d'application, sur l'évolution de la qualité de l'eau lors de son traitement biologique par ozonation couplée à la filtration sur charbon actif en grains.
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Storlie, E., E. N. Yang, Y. C. Zou, D. S. Chen, J. Sheppard, D. Martin, S. Huang, D. Mares, and M. W. Sutherland. "Effect of the puroindoline locus and environment on Chinese fresh noodle texture." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57, no. 5 (2006): 537.

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Grain produced from doubled-haploid (DH) wheat lines, developed from a hard- and a soft-grained wheat cultivar, were bulked according to Pinb (puroindoline b) genotypes for an assessment of Chinese fresh noodle texture by a trained taste panel. Each DH line was designated as ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ grained, based on a PCR amplification of the wildtype, soft allele, or the mutant, hard allele. Theoretically, the soft and hard grain bulks represented respective Pinb alleles and an independent assortment of unlinked alleles from the parents, Sunco and Chuanyu 12. Grains from the parents and DH lines were grown at 2 locations in Queensland, Australia, and one in Sichuan, China. The grains were milled and processed for a taste panel evaluation in Chengdu, Sichuan. Results suggest the Pinb alleles had a significant effect on noodle softness and explained 30% of the variation; the ‘soft’ Pinb allele conferred a softer noodle texture. Location had a significant effect on noodle smoothness; wheat grain grown at Biloela, Queensland, produced a smoother noodle texture than grain grown in Sichuan. The effect of location confirms the importance of environment as a variable for this quality character. This investigation exemplifies the utility of Pinb markers for specifically altering Chinese Fresh Noodle texture.
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Umurzakova, Shokhsanam, and Zilolaxon To’lanova. "THE QUALITY OF WHEAT GRAINS AND THE PROCESS THAT AFFECTS THEIR STORAGE." American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations 02, no. 05 (May 1, 2022): 9–18.

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In this article, the quality of wheat grains and the factors influencing the process of their storage, ie, the yield of grains is reduced due to cochlear disease, and a sharp deterioration in product quality and objective and correct physical, technological and biochemical properties of grain. The form of production of quality flour as a result of the assessment, its uniqueness, the correct organization and implementation of technological processes of cleaning, preparation and grinding of grain. The purpose of our research is to study the status and modernization of the project of JSC "Ferganadonmahsulotlari", the modernization of advanced production and existing grain cleaning technologies, the physical and chemical properties of local varieties of wheat. One of the main directions in improving the technology of flour production is the creation of an enterprise where grain is efficiently cleaned, moistened and well prepared for grinding, while consuming less electricity.
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Vaishnavi, V. "Rice Grain Quality Detection." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VI (June 10, 2021): 262–67.

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The quality of grain is of great importance for human beings as it directly impacts human health. Hence there is a great need to measure the quality of grain and identifying non-quality elements. Analysing the grain samples manually is a more time-consuming and complicated process, and having more chances of errors with the subjectivity of human perception. To achieve uniform standard quality and precision, machine vision-based techniques are evolved. Rice quality is nothing but a combination of physical and chemical characteristics. So, to get the physical characteristics of the rice grains, image processing techniques are applied. Grain size and shape are some physical characteristics. The obtained all physical features grades the rice grains using canny edge detection.
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Komatsu, Takafumi. "Effects of Grain Size on the Groove Depths in Microlaser Cutting of Austenitic Stainless Steel SUS304." International Journal of Automation Technology 9, no. 6 (November 5, 2015): 636–45.

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Over the last decade, developments of fine grained materials and investigations of the effects of grain size on mechanical processing at the micro scale have been reported. There are several papers and reports on the function improvements achieved due to enhanced edge quality. However, it is difficult to identify the studies about the effects of grain size on the processed surface in laser processing because ultrafine grain materials were not supplied in the market. In this study, the effect of grain size on the depth of groove by laser processing is investigated. Microgrooves are produced using a picosecond laser machine. The grooves are observed with a non-contact 3D measuring machine, and the depth and surface conditions are determined. There are obvious differences on the depth between the different grain sizes. Specimens were cut to allow the observation of the phase transformation of grains in the cross section using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD). There are several obstacles when producing deeper grooves. As a result, smaller grained stainless steels are suitable for producing microparts by microlaser cutting.
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Gulukun, E. Z., M. M. Ari, and S. E. Alu. "Proximate composition and antinutritional factors of differently processed kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 47, no. 5 (December 31, 2020): 169–75.

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Kidney bean is an important source of high quality protein, as well as other nutritious substances. The higher the content of these nutritious substances in a given kidney bean, the higher it's quality. Proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors of raw and processed kidney bean seed were investigated with a view to finding alternative and cheaper source of protein. The study was conducted at plateau state college of agriculture livestock farm, Garkawa to investigate the proximate composition and anti – nutritional factors of differently processed kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds. The Processing methods investigated were raw, cooked, soaked, fermented and sprouted in (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) respectively. The results obtained indicates that Ether Extract (EE), Ash, Moisture contents and calculated Metabolizable Energy (ME) showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the processed and the raw sample. However, there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the crude protein (CP) and crude fibre (CF) contents for both raw and processed samples. Fermented kidney bean seeds had the highest CP level of 25.00%, compared to sprouted, raw, soaked and cooked with CP % of 22.94, 20.70, 20.31 and 20.13%, respectively. The fermented kidney bean seeds had the highest CF of 10.55% while others did not differ with value of the raw. Anti – nutrients composition showed that fermented seeds had significant reduction in the levels of oxalate, saponin, tannin, cyanide, and trypsin inhibitor, compared to the raw sample. These results suggest that fermentation of kidney bean seeds enhances its usage as proteins source in animal feed due to its increased protein content and reduction in some anti – nutritional factors. Le haricot rouge est une source importante de protéines de haute qualité, ainsi que d'autres substances nutritives. Plus la teneur en ces substances nutritives d'un haricot est élevée, plus sa qualité est élevée. La composition immédiate et les facteurs anti-nutritionnels des grains de haricots rouges crus et transformés ont été étudiés en vue de trouver une autre source de protein qui seramoins chère. L 'étude a été menée à la ferme d'élevage de College d'Agriculture, dans l'etat de Plateau, à Garkawa, au Nigeria, pour étudier la composition immédiate et les facteurs anti - nutritionnels des graines de haricot rouge (Phaseolusvulgaris) traitées différemment. Les méthodes de traitement étudiées étaient crues, cuites, trempées, fermentées et germées en (T1, T2, T3, T4 et T5) respectivement. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que l'extrait d'éther (EE), les cendres, les teneurs en humidité et l'énergie métabolisable (EM) calculée n'ont montré aucune différence significative (P> 0.05) entre l'échantillon traité et l'échantillon brut. Cependant, il y avait des differences significatives (P <0.05) dans les teneurs en protéines brutes (PB) et en fibres brutes (FB) pour les échantillons bruts et traités. Les graines de haricots rouges fermentés avaient le niveau de PB le plus élevé de 25.00%, comparativement aux graines germées, crues, trempées et cuites avec des PB% de 22.94, 20.70, 20.31 et 20.13%, respectivement. Les graines de haricots rouges fermentés avaient le FB le plus élevé de 10.55% tandis que d'autres ne différaient pas avec la valeur de la matière première. La composition anti - nutriments a montré que les graines fermentées avaient une réduction significative des niveaux d 'oxalate, de saponine, de tanin, de cyanure et d'inhibiteur de trypsine, par rapport à l 'échantillon brut. Ces résultats suggèrent que la fermentation des graines de haricots rouges améliore son utilisation comme source de protéines dans l'alimentation animale en raison de sa teneur accrue en protéines et de la réduction de certains facteurs antinutritionnels.
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Dubreucq, Bertrand, Philippe Grappin, Martine Miquel, Helen North, Christine Rochat, and Marc Jullien. "NORD : IMPACTS DES BIOTECHNOLOGIES RECHERCHES Approches moléculaires de la qualité et du développement des graines." Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides 8, no. 5 (September 2001): 487–95.

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Servais, P., G. Billen, and P. Bouillot. "Activité biologique dans un filtre à charbon actif en grains." Revue des sciences de l'eau 4, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 483–98.

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Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude, réalisée en usine de production d'eau potable, de la filtration biologique sur charbon actif en grains (CAG) utilisée en seconde filtration à la suite d'une étape d'ozonation. Les buts de cette étude étaient d'étudier la cinétique de colonisation bactérienne des filtres à CAG, d'analyser la qualité de l'eau en sortie de filtres durant la phase de colonisation biologique et de comparer le fonctionnement à l'équilibre biologique de deux filtres à temps de contact « eau-CAG » différents. Les résultats des mesures de biomasse bactérienne fixée, effectuées par une méthode de respiration potentielle de glucose, montrent qu'un volume d'eau filtrée de 30 - 50 103 m3/m2 de filtre est nécessaire pour coloniser le CAG. A ce moment, le biomasse fixée est d'environ 7 µgC/mf de CAG. La comparaison de la qualité de l'eau, en terme de carbone organique dissous biodégradable (CODB), entre l'entrée et la sortie du filtre étudié montre que durant la colonisation le processus de biodégradation, lié à l'installation d'une biomasse bactérienne suffisante, prend donc progressivement le pas sur le processus d'adsorption dominant au départ, mais qui diminue rapidement. La comparaison de filtres, fonctionnant dans des conditions différentes de hauteur de CAG et de vitesse de filtration, montre l'importance du paramètre temps de contact sur l'efficacité de la filtration biologique sur CAG. De ce point de vue, des temps de contact de 10 à 15 minutes offrent une bonne efficacité de la filtration avec un abattement de CODB pouvant dépasser 80 %.
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LESSIRE, M., B. LECLERCQ, and L. CONAN. "Variabilité de la valeur énergétique de la graine de soja traitée pour les volailles." INRAE Productions Animales 1, no. 4 (October 12, 1988): 265–70.

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L’utilisation de la graine entière de soja chez les volailles ne peut pas être envisagée sans destruction des facteurs antitrypsiques. Pour ce faire, de nombreux traitements thermomécaniques sont utilisables ; ils ont également l’avantage d’améliorer la digestibilité des lipides de la graine. Tous les traitements technologiques comparés ici (extrusion, jet sploding, toastage, micro-ondisation et granulation) améliorent la valeur énergétique de la graine (+ 3 à + 19 %) ; un des plus efficaces est l’extrusion. L’utilisation métabolique des graines extrudées semble indépendante de l’âge de l’oiseau. A l’inverse, aux doses d’incorporation supérieures à celles pratiquées dans l’industrie (< 10 %), la valeur nutritionnelle des graines de soja extrudées décroît.
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Ferradous, Abderrahim, and Mohamed Hafidi. "Production de plants d’arganier (Argania spinosa) au Maroc : choix du conteneur et du substrat." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 334 (January 2, 2018): 37.

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Dans le but d’obtenir des plants d’arganier (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) de bonne qualité en pépinière, huit types de conteneurs et trois substrats hors-sol (compost de branches broyées d’Acacia cyanophylla, compost de déchets d’extraction de graines de Tetraclinis articulata, tourbe commerciale) mélangés avec du terreau forestier dans des proportions différentes ont été testés. L’analyse physico-chimique des substrats a montré que les deux composts produits localement sont les mieux indiqués pour la production de plants d’arganier de bonne qualité. Ces substrats peuvent représenter une alternative aux substrats à base de tourbe, importés et coûteux. Le compost de branches d’Acacia cyanophylla peut être produit de manière satisfaisante pour répondre aux besoins des pépinières forestières locales. L’évolution des paramètres morphologiques et l’analyse effectuée sur les plants après un séjour de sept mois en pépinière ont montré que le conteneur de 400 ml est satisfaisant pour produire des plants d’arganier d’une qualité proche de celle obtenue avec les sachets en polyéthylène de 800 ml. Ces résultats constituent une première étape pour maîtriser les techniques de production de plants dans des conteneurs hors sol, pour l’arganier ou d’autres espèces autochtones marocaines. Il conviendrait d’étudier d’autres aspects de la production de plants dans les pépinières marocaines, telles l’irrigation, la fertilisation ou la mycorhization. Des essais de plantation sont envisagés pour confirmer les résultats de cette étude.
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Kouakou, N’Goran David Vincent, Kouadio Frédéric Koffi, Cho Euphrasie Monique Angbo-Kouakou, Gningnini Alain Koné, Gouha Firmin Kouassi, Kouakou Ernest Amoikon, and Maryline Kouba. "Enrichissement en acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 du jaune d’œuf de cailles (Coturnix coturnix japonica) par les graines d’euphorbe (Euphorbia heterophylla)." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 70, no. 3 (March 15, 2018): 99.

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L’alimentation des cailles (Coturnix coturnix japonica) dans les fermes ivoiriennes est basée principalement sur les aliments commerciaux de poules pondeuses. Cependant, cette pratique pourrait nuire à la qualité nutritionnelle des œufs. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact de cet aliment (régime témoin) ou de sa supplémentation avec 5 % de graines d’euphorbe (Euphorbia heterophylla) (régime R5) sur le profil en acides gras des jaunes d’œufs de 30 cailles de 172 ± 2 g durant 15 jours. Les résultats ont montré que le régime R5 ne modifiait pas les teneurs en acides gras saturés, en acides gras mono-insaturés et en acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-6 (AGPI n-6) (p > 0,05). Cependant, il a induit une amélioration de la teneur en acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 (AGPI n-3) (p < 0,05) qui était cinq fois plus élevée que celle du régime témoin. Les proportions des acides gras C18:3 n-3, C20:5 n-3 et C22:6 n-3 des jaunes d’œufs issus de R5 ont été multipliées respectivement par 17, 11 et 3. Par ailleurs, le rapport AGPI n-6 / AGPI n-3 était inférieur à 4. Ainsi, l’incorporation de 5 % de graines d’euphorbe dans l’aliment commercial de poules pondeuses a permis d’améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle des œufs de cailles.
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de Wenden, Catherine Wihtol. "Gouvernance mondiale, une graine d'espoir ?" Projet 335, no. 4 (2013): 40.

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Rokujo, Hiroki. "GRAINE balloon experiment in 2015." EPJ Web of Conferences 145 (2017): 06002.

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Rokujo, Hiroki. "GRAINE balloon experiment in 2015." EPJ Web of Conferences 145 (2017): 06002.

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Piquemal, Laurent. "La graine et le fruit." Les formations de l'Abes, no. 61 (January 1, 2011): 4–5.

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Likhayo, Paddy, Anani Y. Bruce, Tadele Tefera, and Jones Mueke. "Maize Grain Stored in Hermetic Bags: Effect of Moisture and Pest Infestation on Grain Quality." Journal of Food Quality 2018 (November 4, 2018): 1–9.

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Maize (Zea mays) is an important staple food crop produced by the majority of smallholder farmers that provides household food security through direct consumption and income generation. However, postharvest grain losses caused by insect pests during storage pose a major constraint to household food security. Hermetic storage technology is an alternative method that minimises postharvest losses by depleting oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide levels within the storage container through metabolic respiration of the grains, insects, and microorganism. Maize grain was stored for 180 days in hermetic bags or open-weave polypropylene bags to compare quality preservation when subject to initial grain moisture contents of 12, 14, 16, and 18 percent and infestation by Sitophilus zeamais. The moisture content of grain in hermetic bags remained unchanged while in polypropylene bags decreased. Dry grains (12% moisture content) stored well in hermetic bags and suffered 1.2% weight loss while for equivalent grains in polypropylene bags the weight loss was 35.8%. Moist grains (18% moisture content) recorded the lowest insect density (7 adults/kg grain) in hermetic bags while polypropylene bags had the highest (1273 adults/kg grain). Hermetic and polypropylene bags recorded the lowest (0–4 adults/kg grain) and highest (16–41 adults/kg grain) Prostephanus truncatus population, respectively. Discoloured grains were 4, 6, and 12 times more in grains at 14, 16, and 18 than 12 percent moisture content in hermetic bags. Grains at 18% moisture content recorded significantly lower oxygen (10.2%) and higher carbon dioxide (18.9%) levels. Holes made by P. truncatus in the hermetic bags were observed. In conclusion, storage of moist grains (14–18% moisture content) in hermetic bags may pose health risk due to grain discolouration caused by fungal growth that produces mycotoxins if the grains enter the food chain. The study was on only one site which was hot and dry and further investigation under cool, hot, and humid conditions is required.
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Yegushova, Elena Anatolyevna. "On the Quality of Bare-Grained Oats and Influence of its Cultivation Technology Elements on the Yie." Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications 14, no. 4 (December 25, 2021): 1754–59.

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The research was carried out with the aim to establish the formation regularity of both yield and its elements, as well as to formulate technological and quality indicators of bare-grained oats under the influence of different sowing periods. The studies were carried out in the conditions of the northern forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region (Russia) on the territory belonging to the Kemerovo Research Institute of Agriculture, a branch of the SFNCA RAS in 2018-2019. The soil of the site is leached chernozem, heavy loamy in granulometric composition, of medium thickness. The object of research was the mid-season variety of bare-grained oats Bare-grained. The predecessor is pure steam. Sowing was carried out in three periods: early – on May 4 (when the soil was physically ripe, subsequent ones with an interval of 8-10 days, depending on the prevailing weather conditions), medium - on May 12 and 14, late - on May 20 and 24. Against the background of each sowing period, the seeding rates of 4.0 were studied; 4.5; 5.0; 5.5; 6.0 million crops/ha. It has been established that the optimal sowing time for obtaining high quantitative indicators (yield, number of grains, grain size) of bare-grained oats in the northern forest-steppe of the Kemerovo region is an early period (first decade of May); while a later period (third decade of May) is more promising for such high-quality indicators as protein content, fat in grain, essential and nonessential amino acids, etc. The optimal seeding rate for bare-grained oats at early sowing period is 4.0-4.5 million/ha. At a later period, it is advisable to increase the seeding rate to 5.0-5.5 million/ha.
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Iswahyudi, Iswahyudi, Sustiyana Sustiyana, and Lia Kristiana. "Evaluasi Mutu Gabah Pamekasan Madura Jawa Timur." Daun: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Kehutanan 5, no. 2 (December 16, 2018): 83–88.

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Pamekasan Regency is one of the rice-producing areas in Madura. The problem which is the main subject of this research is how the quality of farmer grain quality in Pamekasan Regency. The study aimed to analyze the quality of Pamekasan Regency grain. This type of research is descriptive - quantitative, namely the type of research that combines quantitative and qualitative research. The analysis states that Pamekasan grain has a quantitative percentage of an empty grain of 0.9%, 3.2% green/lime grains, 18.6% yellow/damaged grains, and 0.3% red grains. It also fulfills the requirements for grain quality qualitative consisting of four characters, namely: 1) free of pests and diseases, 2) free of foul odors, acids and other odors, 3) free of chemicals and residual fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides, and 4) unhusked rice so that it has met the requirements of SNI quality grade grain quality standards II.
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Sonawane, Vijay, Nikhil Gaikwad, Hrushikesh Mandekar, Kishore Baradkar, and Chetan Gunjal. "Rice Quality Analysis and Classification Using Image Processing Techniques." International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 10, no. 6 (June 30, 2021): 79–82.

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More than half the world's people consume rice every day and fulfills over 21% calorific requirement of world population. It is considered the whole grain which is rich in fiber and it contains 80 percent with protein, phosphorus, and potassium. There are hundreds of different varieties of rice and each rice grain has a unique shape, texture, and flavor that make it just right for certain dishes. The quality of rice between various types has different standards. Therefore, you must select the best quality rice because rice with best quality is not only good for consumption but also good for health. Analyzing grain sample manually is a tedious task and also time consuming. The paper presents the solution to analysis and grading of rice grains using image processing techniques. Image reduction, image enhancement, and image increment, object recognition in spatial domain is applied on grain by grain of different samples of rice to determine its size, color and quality as whole to grade the grain of rice. We find the endpoints of each grains and after we measure the length and breadth of rice grains.
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Abduraximov, U. A., Sh I. Mamatojiyev, and M. M. Usarkulova. "THE FACTORS OF PRODUCTION OF HIGH-QUALITY GRAIN PRODUCTS FROM GRAIN." American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations 02, no. 05 (May 1, 2022): 46–50.

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Knowledge of the laws of events in the grain heap allows you to take the necessary science-based measures to ensure the quantity and quality of grain. The complexity of organizing the storage of kata batches of grain and grain products is due to their physiological and physicochemical properties. Grain is a living organism in which various life processes take place; the intensity of these processes depends on external environmental conditions. If the external environment has a positive effect on the metabolism of grain cells, it will inevitably lead to a decrease in quantity, deteriorating the quality of grain.
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Hogan, J. P., and P. C. Flinn. "An assessment by in vivo methods of grain quality for ruminants." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50, no. 5 (1999): 843.

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For the purpose of this review, grain quality refers to the efficiency with which a grain supports growth in cattle fed diets which contain grain as a major component. Grains are fed as concentrated sources of energy. Their quality depends on the energy content of the grain, the amount eaten, and the efficiency, both of extraction of nutrients from the diet and of conversion of nutrients to weight gain. This paper briefly describes the fermentative and digestive processes involved in releasing energy from grain and in ensuring an adequate supply of other essential nutrients to the animal. Methods are then described for measuring net energy storage, nutrient release in various sections of the tract, and storage of energy and protein both directly and indirectly in studies of growth. It is recommended that in vivo assessment of the energy content of grains for ruminants be conducted in stages. Digestibility in the whole tract should be used to rank a range of grains, then comparisons made between grains using growth studies. Discrepancies arising from these assessments should then be investigated using more detailed measurements, particularly starch digestion in the stomach and intestines.
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Belokurova, Elena, Ilona Pankina, Anna Sevastyanova, Irina Asfondyarova, and Nina Katkova. "The influence of barley weed impurities on the microbiological quality indicators." E3S Web of Conferences 161 (2020): 01072.

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Currently, malting barley is one of the most important crops that form the basis of the food business in the Russian Federation. Malting barley is imported to Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. While storing and transporting grain, its microbiological quality indicators play a very important role. Grain seeded with various microorganisms quickly loses its functional and technological properties, which negatively affects the quality of beer produced from it. According to the results of the studies, it was found that the contamination of barley with microorganisms is greatly influenced by various impurities that enter the grain mass during harvest. As well as various impurities in the grain mass of malting barley, the grains of other plants wheat, rye and oats were found in some samples in quantity of about 4%. There were also a lot of beaten barley grains, in some samples more than 2%. The moisture content of the grain mass also affects the seeding by microorganisms. Impurities had a higher humidity than grain, purified from impurities. To reduce the microbial contamination of brewing barley grains, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and refine the grain mass immediately after harvesting.
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Kučerová, J. "The effect of sites and years on the technological quality of winter wheat grain." Plant, Soil and Environment 51, No. 3 (November 19, 2011): 101–9.

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The results of three-year trials (1999 to 2001) conducted with six winter wheat varieties in which was investigated the effect of sites, years and varieties on the final grain yield and technological quality showed statistically significant differences (LSD, 95%) among sites in grain yield and these parameters of quality: test volume mass, wet gluten content, sedimentation test, protein content, falling number and flour water absorption capacity. As to the quality, the Žatec site showed itself as generally most suitable, and the Jaroměřice site as the least suitable one. Climate conditions showed a statistically significant effect (LSD, 95%) on grain yield and all quality parameters, beside the percentage of complete grains and swelling capacity of gluten and falling number, which were insignificant. The most favourable weather conditions, a lot of precipitation and high temperature in the course of ripening from three years were proved in the year 2000. Among the varieties were statistically significant differences (LSD, 95%) in grain yield and these parameters of quality: test volume mass, thousand grain weight, ash content, percentage of complete grains, sedimentation test, protein content, reologic properties of dough and baking tests. From the six varieties the best profits were shown from variety Sulamit (loaf volume 595 ml/100 g of flour), the worst was Semper (loaf volume 543 ml/100 g of flour) and Vlasta (loaf volume 532 ml/100 g of flour). The best grain yield was in 2001 (average of sites 8.84 t/ha) and the variety Semper had the highest grain yield of 9.17 t/ha, that is higher at 13.41% compared with Sulamit (7.94 t/ha).
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Křen, Jan, Martin Houšť, Ludvík Tvarůžek, and Zdeněk Jergl. "The effect of stand structure on the grain quality of spring barley." Plant, Soil and Environment 65, No. 4 (April 23, 2019): 205–10.

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The results of 81 different crop management practices in spring barley grown in small-plot field trials on fertile soils in central Moravia were assessed during 2014–2016 with the aim to achieve the highest gross margin (GM – calculated as the difference between revenues and direct costs). GM was most affected by protein content in the grain below 12% corresponding to malting quality. Analyses identified greater determination level of non-linear relationships between stand structure elements and the content of nitrogen substances in the grain. This indicates that the probability of obtaining high quality malting barley is increased when a high level of sinks (number of grains/m<sup>2</sup>) corresponding to availability of sources, mainly water, is formed by optimal plant density (300–400/m<sup>2</sup>) and balanced combination of both structural elements of crop stand, i.e. – number of spikes per plant (2–4) and number of grains per spike (18–26). In case that the high level of sinks will be formed predominantly by one element, the risk of higher protein content in grain increases. This constitutes the requirement of early sowing and uniform, synchronized tillering and efficient use of nitrogen fertilizers.
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Suchowilska, Elżbieta, Marian Wiwart, Rudolf Krska, and Wolfgang Kandler. "Do Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum spelta L. Hybrids Constitute a Promising Source Material for Quality Breeding ofNew Wheat Varieties?" Agronomy 10, no. 1 (December 27, 2019): 43.

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The aim of this two-year study was to determine whether the contents of macronutrients and macro and microelements in wheat grain can be increased by crossbreeding Triticum aestivum and T. spelta. The experimental material comprised the grains of F6 and F7 hybrids and their parental forms. The element content of grain was determined by ICP-SFMS. Hybrid grains had significantly higher ash contents than bread wheat grain (1.90% and 1.93% versus 1.62%). Crude protein content was lowest in bread wheat grain (11.75%) and highest in spelt grain (14.67%). Hybrid grains had significantly higher protein contents (12.97% and13.19%) than bread wheat grain. In both years of the study, the concentrations of P, S, Mg and Ca were highest in spelt grain, whereas their content in hybrids was lower than in spelt grain, but higher than in bread wheat grain. The concentrations of desirable microelements were highest in spelt grain, and the micronutrient profile of hybrid grains was more similar to bread wheat than spelt. Therefore, the hybrids can constitute promising source material for quality breeding in wheat.
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Stankevych, G., and A. Borta. "RESEARCH OF QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GLUTEN OF WHEAT GRAINS DAMAGED BY THE WHEAT BUG." Grain Products and Mixed Fodder’s 19, no. 3 (November 14, 2019): 7–12.

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Favorable weather and climate conditions for growing grain are also favorable for the livelihoods and reproduction of pests of grain stocks, and especially for wheat bug (Eurygaster integriceps Put.). Grain damaged by this pest loses its genetically incorporated properties, negative changes occur in the quantity and quality of gluten. Due to the ingestion of bug’s saliva with its special enzymes into the grain, the baking properties of the flour from such grain deteriorate – the dough becomes liquid, sticky, it loses elasticity. Thus, the issue of further effective use of grain damaged by the shield bugis very urgent. This requires information on the dependence of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of gluten on the content of grains damaged by the wheat bug. The aim of the study was to establish patterns of change in the quantity and quality of gluten depending on the content of grains damaged by the wheat bug, which will increase the efficiency of the formation of batches for further use in the food industry. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were solved: during the grain harvesting periods of 2015–2018, at the enterprises of the industry, wheat samples were taken with the content damaged by the wheat bug in the range of 0.5...5.0 %, the quantity and quality were determined in them gluten, trends in the quantity and quality of gluten have been established depending on the content of damaged grains and their comparison with published data. The object of the study was the gluten complex of wheat, with various contents of grains damaged by the wheat bug. The subject of research was the quantity and quality of gluten in samples of soft wheat of grades 2–3 of the 2015– 2018 crop samples with various grains damaged by a wheat bug selected at enterprises in the Odessa region. Based on the results of determining the quantity and quality of gluten in samples of the 2015–2018 crop and the available literature data on the quantity and quality of gluten in grain 2005– 2007, a crop with the content of grain damaged by the wheat bug was shown to be 5.0 %, that between the amount of gluten and the content in the grain mass of the grains damaged by the wheat bug, there are no regularities.Existing fluctuations in the amount of gluten are reliably associated with different origins of grain samples grown under different agrotechnological conditions, different protein contents, varietal characteristics of grain and other factors. The regularities of changes in the quality of gluten depending on the content of grain damaged by a wheat bug have been established – with an increase in the content of damaged grains, according to a linear law, the gluten quality index determined on the VDK device also increases. It was also established that the intensity of changes in the quality of gluten significantly depends on the content of grains damaged by the wheat bug; there was a slight increase in the quality index of gluten with the content of damaged grains up to 2.0 %, and its rapid growth with the content of damaged grains from 2.0 % to 5,0 % It is shown that in the studied wheat samples with the content of grains damaged by the wheat bug up to 2.5...2.7 %, the VDK indicator belongs to the 2nd group of gluten quality – satisfactory weak and wheat belongs to 1–3 grades in this indicator. With a further increase in the content of grains damaged the wheat bug, the index of VDK increases and gluten passes to the 3rd group – unsatisfactory weak, and the batch of wheat belongs to the 4th class.
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Shimoyanagi, Rikako, Mitsuru Abo, and Fumitaka Shiotsu. "Higher Temperatures during Grain Filling Affect Grain Chalkiness and Rice Nutrient Contents." Agronomy 11, no. 7 (July 2, 2021): 1360.

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High temperature effects attributable to climate change can affect rice quality. The chalky area of rice grains is often used to evaluate of rice grain starch quality, but the overall effect of high temperatures on grain chalkiness and overall nutrient quality has not been fully clarified. Thus, in this study, we assessed high temperature effects on grain weight, chalkiness, and nutrient contents. Rice grains were classified into four groups on the basis of the chalky area in scanned grain images: P (0%), S (0–15%), M (15–40%), and L (≥40%). Then, the amylose, protein and mineral nutrient concentrations were assessed in each chalkiness classification. High temperatures during grain filling markedly decreased the grain weight and the amylose content of milled rice but increased the chalky area of the grains as well as protein content and the concentrations of most minerals. There were significant negative correlations between mineral contents and both grain weights and amylose contents of milled rice. These results indicate that increases in grain chalky areas due to high temperatures during grain filling also increase grain mineral contents.
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BROWNE, R. A., E. M. WHITE, and J. I. BURKE. "Responses of developmental yield formation processes in oats to variety, nitrogen, seed rate and plant growth regulator and their relationship to quality." Journal of Agricultural Science 144, no. 6 (November 2, 2006): 533–45.

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Outcomes of developmental yield formation processes in oats, namely number of panicles/m2, number of grains/panicle, mean grain weight and incidences of aborted and tertiary grains, were measured in a series of experiments in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in 1997/98 and 1998/99. Seed rate (200 and 300 seeds/m2), nitrogen (0–200 kg/ha) and plant growth regulator (chlormequat chloride) treatments were applied to the spring oat varieties Aberglen and Barra in one spring- and two autumn-sown experiments, and to the winter varieties Gerald and Image in one autumn-sown experiment. Large variation in number of panicles/m2 and grains/panicle was observed between the experiments and varieties and in response to seed rate, with number of grains/panicle generally being inversely related to number of panicles/m2. At the higher rates of nitrogen rate both number of panicles/m2 and grains per panicle increased. Mean grain weights were relatively constant and were largely determined by variety. Chlormequat chloride had relatively little effect on the yield components, the most consistent being small reductions in mean grain weight.Tertiary grains occurred rarely in the varieties and agronomic treatments used in the programme but were more frequent at higher rates of nitrogen in most of the experiments. Numbers of aborted grains were usually higher where grain numbers were higher although the effects of variety, seed rate and nitrogen on aborted grains were not consistent. Structure of the grain population, i.e. the relative proportions of primary and secondary grain, was stable despite the large differences in number of panicles/m2, spikelet numbers and mean grain weight.The greater yield and growth enhancing effects of nitrogen compared with seed rate and plant growth regulator were apparent in responses by developmental processes active later in the life cycle, namely production of tertiary grains and grain filling.Wide variation in number of panicles/m2 (c. 200–450) and number of grains/panicle (c. 55–145) produced in the crops grown under a very full expression of agro-ecological conditions in this programme was accompanied by small variation in mean grain weight (c. 38–47 mg/primary grain and c. 22–29 mg/secondary grain) and in numbers of tertiary (<2/panicle) and aborted grains (<10/panicle). Plasticity of development throughout the life cycle, manifested both as the established yield components and in numbers of tertiary and aborted grains, was largely effective in ensuring stability of mean grain weight and quality in oats.
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Kumar, Amod, Shiv Kumar, Sarvendra Singh, Janeshwar Prasad, A. S. Jeena, and M. C. Upreti. "Studies on character association among quality traits and yield components in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)." Journal of Applied and Natural Science 12, no. 3 (July 23, 2020): 292–98.

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Rice is most important food crop of India and grown in different regions with differential consumer preferences for grain size, shape, aroma and cooking qualities. Therefore, crop improvement in rice not only focused on yield but also to enhance quality. Hence the present investigation was carried out with an objective of assessing the character association among twenty-two morphological and quality characters of thirty basmati rice (Oryza sativa L) genotypes. Correlation analysis revealed that Seed yield was significantly and positively associated with days to maturity (0.330**), number of tillers per plant (0.434**), number of grains per panicle (0.358**), grain weight per panicle (0.410**), and flag leaf length (0.258*). The days to maturity exhibited a significant positive correlation with plant height, panicle length, grain weight per plant, kernel length before cooking, kernel length after cooking and L: B ratio. Tiller per plant reflected the positive and significant association with a number of grains per panicle, grain weight per panicle and grain weight per plant. Flag leaf length showed a significant positive correlation with a number of grains per panicle and grain weight per plant, while Grains per panicle was positively and significantly associated with grain weight per panicle, grain weight per plant and kernel breadth before cooking. Grain weight per panicle exhibited a significant positive association with grain yield per plant (0.410**), kernel breadth before cooking (0.381**), 100 grain weight (0.240*) and 100 kernel weight (0.210*). These characters could be utilized to form a selection index for improvement of the basmati rice.
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Ikromovich, Mamatojiev Sharip, Mirzaeva Mutabar Azamovna, Xadyatullaeva Nafisa Abdusamadovna, and Shokirova Gavharxon Nazirg’ulomovna. "Quality Storage Of Grain - A Guarantee Of Production Of Quality Products." American Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture Research 3, no. 05 (May 30, 2021): 5–8.

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The complexity of organizing the storage of large batches of grain and grain products is due to their physiological and physicochemical properties. Grain is a living organism in which various life processes take place; the intensity of these processes depends on the external environmental conditions. If the external environment has a positive effect on the metabolism of grain cells, it will inevitably worsen the quality of grain and lead to a decrease in quantity. Without a well-organized and timely cleaning, it is impossible to ensure reliable storage of grain varieties and even their effective use in the national economy.
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Akila, A., and P. Shalini. "Food grain storage management system." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 2.31 (May 29, 2018): 170.

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Food grain Wastage cripples a country’s economy to a great extent. Food grain wastage is also associated with wastage of water, manpower during agricultural activities and electricity power used in food processing industries. It even causes deforestation. Adequate measures have to be taken to properly store the food grains so that they remain edible. The proposed storage management system uses the sensors to measure the levels of humidity, temperature and ammonia gas which will help us monitor quality of the food grains. The main idea is to identify the quality of the food grains using the sensors such as Temperature, Humidity and Ammonia Gas. The Quality of the food grain is measured using the factors like Humidity, Temperature and Ammonia gas sensors and sent through Wireless Communication to the server and the server makes the decision and alarms about the quality of the food grain to the maintenance people. Food grain Wastage cripples a country’s economy to a great extent. Food grain wastage is also associated with wastage of water, manpower during agricultural activities and electricity power used in food processing industries. It even causes deforestation. Adequate measures have to be taken to properly store the food grains so that they remain edible. The proposed storage management system uses the sensors to measure the levels of humidity, temperature and ammonia gas which will help us monitor quality of the food grains. The standard of identifying the food quality could be improved by using more sensors and can be implemented in the Food Storage Industry.
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Lombard, Jacques, Jacky Bouju, Jean-Loup Amselle, Elikia M'Bokolo, and Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. "Graine de l'homme, enfant du mil." Revue Française de Sociologie 27, no. 1 (January 1986): 149.

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Deluze, C., and P. Beaumont. "Allergie alimentaire à la graine d’amarante." Revue Française d'Allergologie 57, no. 4 (June 2017): 337–40.

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LECLERCQ, B., M. LESSIRE, G. GUY, J. M. HALLOUIS, and L. CONAN. "Utilisation de la graine de colza en aviculture. Revue bibliographique et résultats de deux essais." INRAE Productions Animales 2, no. 2 (May 10, 1989): 129–36.

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La graine de colza peut être introduite dans les aliments destinés aux volailles à un taux d’incorporation maximum de 10 %. Il est toutefois indispensable de lui faire subir un traitement mécanique et/ou thermique qui en modifie l’intégrité physique de façon à la rendre parfaitement digestible. Parmi ces traitements technologiques figurent : le broyage, la granulation de l’aliment composé ou l’extrusion en mélange avec une autre matière première. Ils augmentent tous la digestibilité des lipides et la valeur énergétique de la graine. Au cours de deux expériences on a évalué la valeur nutritionnelle d’un mélange de colza et de blé chez la poule pondeuse et d’un mélange de colza et de pois chez le poulet de chair. Les résultats sont présentés et confirment la possibilité d’incorporer jusqu’à 10 % de graine de colza dans les aliments destinés aux volailles. En formulation le colza entre en compétition beaucoup plus avec les céréales ou les sources d’énergie (manioc, matières grasses) qu’avec les sources de protéines (tourteau de soja).
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KAYSI, Y., and J. P. MELCION. "Traitements technologiques des protéagineux pour le monogastrique : exemples d’application à la graine de féverole." INRAE Productions Animales 5, no. 1 (February 28, 1992): 3–17.

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D’une manière générale, les traitements mécaniques, hydrothermiques et thermiques sont utilisables pour éliminer les composants indésirables des protéagineux et/ou accroître l’accessibilité de certains nutriments. La morphologie de la graine, la localisation des composants et leur sensibilité aux facteurs physico-chimiques conditionnent les traitements à appliquer. Dans le cas de la féverole, les tanins, contenus dans les téguments, peuvent être éliminés par décorticage, les facteurs antitrypsiques et les lectines contenus dans l’amande peuvent être inactivés par la chaleur. De plus, le broyage, mais aussi les traitements thermiques et hydrothermiques (toastage, floconnage, infranisation, extrusion, agglomération) sont capables de modifier profondément l’accessibilité et les propriétés des composants majeurs de la graine (amidon, protéines). La composition de la graine peut être modifiée par la turboséparation. L’efficacité nutritionnelle et industrielle des traitements technologiques est liée aux valeurs des paramètres de commande des procédés. Des procédés, de principe différent, peuvent générer des résultats similaires ; à l’opposé, des résultats très différents peuvent être obtenus à l’aide d’une même technique.
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Vaz Patto, Maria Carlota. "Grain legume protein quality: a hot subject." Arbor 192, no. 779 (June 30, 2016): a314.

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